T 11 MHO THE HAWAIIAN STAIli MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1899. ' THE MM YOUNG CO,, LTD, IPG IBM E Floor Cannon Cigarettes ARRIVING. LINOLEUMS AND Importers Saturday, October 2S. and Stmr. Klnau, Freeman, from Lahalua, Hllo anil way ports, October 28; 201 Commission Merchants sheep, 33 head cattle, 1 horse, 50 hogs, 470 bags spuds, 33 bags corn, 111 pkgs. sundries. Hall Stmr. Mokolll, Sachs, from Kaana-pal- l, October 28. LINOLEUMS, CAUPETS New and Superior Brand full Lino of Amoricnn and Europonn Am. schr. R. W. Rnrtlett, Nlelson, AND FIBRE MATTING. from Aberdeen, October 10: 095,000 feet lumber. DRY GOODS Schr. Mol Wahlne, from Hawaii. Rr. S. S. Aorangl, Hay, from Vie to-rl- o, Best Value for 5c. October 21: passengers and mer- Rugs chandise. HARDWARE GROCERIES Sunday, October 29. CENTER, SOFA AND Stmr. AV. G. Hall, Thompson, from Holder for each Cigarette Nawlllwlll, October 28: 1S2 bags rice, 40 STAIR. NOTIONS bdls. hides, Stmr. James Makee, Tullet, from Ka-pa- a, As well as all kinds of Conoral Merchandise October 28: 270 bags rice. Stmr. Claudlne, Cameron, from Kn-hul- For sale all October 29: 40 head cattle, SO Portierres, at Retailers. Limited Supply at Wholesale by .. SOL1J AGBXTS FOR .. hogs, 1 horse, 199 sacks taro, 252 sacks potatoes, 1S9 sacks corn, 157 pkgs. sun- CURTAINS, TABLE Tho Lancaster Flro and Life Insuranco Co., of Manchostor, England dries. COVERS, TABLE DAM- Tho Batolso Insuranco Co., of Basol, Swltzorland Schr. Luka, from Hawaii. Sip. Volnnte, from Moloknl, ASK AND NAPKINS, Tho Union Cas Englno Co , of San Francisco Monday, October 30. ETC., ETC. HYMAN BROS. The Domestic Sowing Machines Br. S. S. Doric, Smith, from China and Tho Hand Sowing Machine "New Pacific" and othor agencies Japan. DEPARTING. Lnrgcst Stock. Best Tallies. Saturday, October 28. Russ. stmr. D.atny Vostok, Erlckson, PROTECT YOUR FAMILY and PROPERTY for San Francisco. Great Yarietr. White Snow. Br. slip. Antlope, Murray, for Puget as Sound In ballast. NAME OF COMPANY ASSETS Br. S. S. Aorangl, Hay, for Brisbane and Sydney. -- AT- Germania Life Insuranco Co. of New York. .$25,211,910 15 Am. schr. Endeavor, McAUep, for Greenwich Fire Insurance Co. of Now York. 1,373,318 29 Puget Sound In ballast. Sunday, October 29. PORT COSTA FLODR. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society G, 553,403 85 Am. bktn. Irmgard, Schmidt, for San JORDAN, Canton Marine Insurance Co 2,500,000 00 Francisco: 404 bags, 44.S44 lbs. sugar, E. W. 4i value $1,394.91, 110 tons ballast, 50 cs. Pacific Surety Co 295,000 00 gin, 40 empty bbls. Monday, October 30. - Stmr. .tokolli, Sachs, for Kalaupapn, FORT No. 10 STREET TviYIEVJSIISrG- AVnilau way ports, 3 p. GEAR INSURANCE DEPARTMENT & CO. and in. Stmr. Kllauea Hou, Mosher, for Kau-nakak- Wasliiuiton Mercantile Co., Ltd. Merclinnt St. bide .lutld UnlMIng EMMETT MAY, Mnnngcr 3 p. in. Stmr. Ke An Hou, Mosher, for Laha-in- a and Kaanapall, 4 p. m. Stmr. James Makee, Tullet, for Ka-pa- a, 4 p. m. CIGARS AND som agents Tuesday, October 31. MANILA TOBACCO Canadian-Australia- n Mai Stmr. Klnau, Freeman, for Kaunaka-kai- , Corner Fort and Queen Streets Roja Hllo and way ports, 1 p. m. Stmr. Claudlne, Cameron, for Lahal-n- a, Kahulul and way ports, 5 p. m. Stmr. AV. G. Hall, Thompson, for Na- wlllwlll, Koloa, Eleele and Hanapall, 5 STEAMSHIP COMPANY p. m. Stmr. MIkahala, Pederson, for Maka-wel- l, Waimea and Kekaha, 5 p. m. THE "OJVIOTOR" line, running In CANADIAN S. S. Australia, Houdlette, for San Steamers of the above connection with the Francisco, 4 p .m. Corner of Nuuanu and Merchant PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY between Vancouver, B. C, and Sydney, S. S. Gaelic, Finch, for Yokohama. Streets, Honolulu, II. I. B. W., calling B. Honolulu, (Q.), are S. S. Doric, Smith, for San V. and at Victoria, C, and Brisbane, Francisco. A Lot of French G. B. D. Pipes. Dne at Honolulu on or aliout the dates below stated, viz: PASSENGERS. ArrlVed. A Big Invoice of Mexican Cigars rom Vancouver nnd Victoria, II. C, From Sydney nnd lirisbune, for Vic- Per stair. Klnau, from Lahalna, Octo- Also a Choice Line of Teas. ber Kanauke, J. AV. Catlicart, tor Brisbane mid Sydney: torln nnd Vancouver, B. C: Dr. H. L. Hayes and wife, Mrs. A. J. V V V V V Smithies, 2 children and maid, E. R. Hendry, J. AV. Mason, Mrs. J. Gibb and son, Peck, Mrs. A. Slaven, Gus Fro-boes- e, UIOWEUA NOV. 25 WARRIMOO NOV. 22 Miss M. Maby, Mrs. Geo. Patter- WARRIMOO DEC. 23 AORANGI DEC. 20 son, Miss H. Meemano, Geo. Brand, Sam'l Parker, Jr.,T. R. Robinson E. A. Fraser, C. J. McConnaha, W. Thomp- S. Kojima. son, Miss M. Wight, G. P. Wilder and wife, E. Morton, wife and child, I. M. IMPORTER OF. Stack and SO deck passengers. The magnificent new service the "Imperial Limited" Is now running dally Per stmr. W. G. Hall, from Nawlll- wlll, October 28. H. P. Baldwin, W. O. Japanese Provisions. Smith, Miss implies. AND Alice Cooke, Masters P. IB BETWEEN VANCOUVER MONTREAL Cooke, Allen Bishop and Philip Rice, T. General Merchandise, Blackstadt, Au Chong, C. M. Cooke and Making the run 100 hours without change. The finest Railway service In wife, W. M. Alexander, Miss K. Fair-chil- d, AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES. the world. Mrs. ('. H. Bishop, Miss Mary ISSi Rice, Mrs. M. Allau, Miss A. Kanoho, Al Hay, W. H. Rice, W. T. Schmidt, No. 9 Hotel Street, Honolulu. Through Issued andEu-ro- p. tickets from Honolulu to Canada, United States W. H. Babbitt, J. L. Buchanan, E. J. G. Telephone 574. P. O. Box 90 Bryant, C. White, P. Lovell and wife, Shlng Sang, 55 deck passengers. For Freight an-- l Passage and all general Information, apply to Per stmr. Claudlne, from Hawaii and Maui, October 29. B. D. Baldwin, W. THEO. H. & CO., H. Hooks, Miss Mist, Mrs. W. O. Smith, DAVIES Ltd., Gen'l Agts. Miss Danielsen, G. Sehuman, C. B. Gray, H. M. Tlbbey, F. W. Beardslee, D. Quill, AV. S. Dole. Rev. O. H. Gullck, toe mm John Connan, P. N. Kahokuoluna, H. Howell. C. A. Doyle. Mis. Lillian Den- Is in full swing, and wo are prepared you re- Pacific Mail Steamship Co. ny nnd 3 chlk'ivn. Ah Young, L. A". to outfit you in anything may Aiona. H. Meek, ('hook Ken. T. Rich- quire in the way of Full Dress Goods. ards, Brother Bertram, J. W. Young, Jleie you have a partial list of the George Barker, K. R. G. Wallace, G. many things you will want for the op- Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co Frobnlse, 53 deck passengers. ening night: A full dress suit, either Tuxedo or skirt coat, a full dress vest, Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work Booked. white or black, a full dress shirt, a full Per S. S. Gaelic, for A'okohama, Octo- tie, a dress pair of gloves, dress full BLOCK. 75-- 79 and Toyo Kisen Kaisha. ber 31: Lee Chu, wife and four children, ?et of full dress studs and cuff buttons, DIMOND KING STREET. A'. Ah Tul, Alfred Karnauke, Miss and a crash hat. AA'ells, Miss FJayton, AV. II. Cummlngs, All these things may be had at either Steamers of the above Compaines will call at Honolulu and leave this Tom Cummlngs, Mrs. F. Y. Dunleaby, of our two stores, and at prices Master Dunleaby, S. that Port on or about the dates mentioned below: . H. F. Mills. will astonish you. Our dress suits are Per S. S. Doric, for San Francisco, from the BEST manufacturer In the GOODS. FOR JAPAN and CHINA. FOR SAN FRANCISCO. October 31: J. C. Quinn, R. B. AVilllams states, and rofiulro no altering; they ORIENTAL and wife, J. A. AVilder and wife, Mr. lit when vou put them on and that Is XEW IMPORTATION OF and Mrs. H . A'oss and daughter, more than a tailor-mad- e suit will do. Peachy, S. Robinson, AV. M. GAELIC OCT. 31 DORIC . OCT. 31 Alexander, AVith the coming of the S. S. Austra- Silk Goods, in the piece, Now J. B. Castle, Mrs. Dr. F. H. Humphris, lia also' came our delayed of Porcelain Cups and Saucers 10 stock HONG KONG MARU Nov. 8 NIPPON MARU Nov. Mrs. A. F. Newmann, J. M. Butter-wort- h, Straw and Hats, which we will Silk. K. Dredge, Felt Handkerchiefs, Tea and Dinner Sets, RIO DE JANEIRO NOV. 17 F. Miss M. L. Patter- have on show today; also a magnificent son, C. F. Grlmwood and wife, Dr. line of Neckwear,, the largest single Silk Shaivls, Carved Ivory, Kattan Chairs, Henry Hayes and wife. Importation of neckwear ever made In Decorated Flower Pots, Per S. S. Australia for San Francisco, this town for a retail store. Carved Sandalwood Boxes. October 31. E. A. Fraser, E. AValton, D. AVe can't begin to mention the styles; Goods in Mullen, J. Hardy, E. Felt, M. de Roco, you can have anything In the way of These are the Handsomest all Honolulu. F. McQuarrie, Oscar Norlleet, Miss B. scarfs that are worn, In a variety of de- Foltz, Miss M. Marshall. H. G. Lons- signs, and silks that will astonish you, dale, Mrs. Lonsdale, J. AVilllams, E. M. 3c Bell, Mr. Roberts, wife and child, Mr. WITSTO WO CHAN CO. For general information apply to Medcroft, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford, the Wo aiO-Qi- a UVuixxtixax Misses Sheridan, Mrs. AV. H. H. Hamil- make SHIRTS to Order. Street. ton, Mrs. C. H. Bishop, Master Bishop, Captain Peterson and wife, W.
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