

• • • basis and derivation

UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agriculture Handbook No. 74 {^^^■■¡■■■^■■■B 887524


. . . basis and derivation


Annabel L. Merrill

Bernice K. Watt

Human Research Branch



Agriculture Handbook No. 74—March 1955 ^^B^HB

For sale by the Superintendenf of Documents, U. S. Government Printins Office, Washinston 25, D. C. - Price 55 cents CONTENTS Page Page Introduction 1 Part III. Derivation of current factors _ _ _ - 24 Part I. Sources of energy- 1 Physiological fuel values of foods of animal - 2 origin 26 Determination of fat content 2 Physiological fuel values of plant products 26 of combustion 2 Products of 27 2 Products of grain other than wheat 31 Determination of carbohydrate content 2 36 3 Nuts 36 4 Vegetables 37 Determination of protein content 4 Fruits 40 Heat of combustion 4 Miscellaneous foods 40 Determined versus calculated gross energy values Part IV. Application of calorie factors _- 43 of foods Comparison of calculated and determined avail- Other sources of energy able for diets 44 Organic acids 6 General factors and more specific factors for 7 calculating calories in individual foods 48 Part II. Digestibility and available energy of foods._ 8 Application of general factors to national food supplies 48 Definition of terms _. 8 51 Digestibility of fat, carbohydrate, and protein 8 Conclusions Literature cited 51 Availability of energy from digested 9 Appendix. Tabular summary of experiments on Fat 9 digestibihty of foods of plant origin by Carbohydrate 10 subjects 58 Protein 10 Apparent digestibility and available energy 58 Alcohol 18 Composition and heat of combustion of foods— 100 Text Tables 1. Average determined of combustion of 12. Effects on energy of replacing and oils and assumed factors for fat of portions of dietary carbohydrate and fat by different groups of food materials alcohol 22 2. Average determined heats of combustion of 13. Data used for calculating energy values of foods different and assumed factors or food groups by the 25 for carbohydrates of different groups of food 14. Energy values of wheat flours calculated by use materials of factors for protein, fat, and 3. Factors for calculating protein from nitrogen carbohydrate. 28 content of food 4. Average determined heats of combustion of 15. Apparent digestibility and physiological fuel proteids and nonproteids and calculated heat value of wheat flours 29 of combustion of protein 16. Coefficients of apparent digestibility for grain 5. Comparison of calculated heats of combustion products 32 with results of direct determinations 17. Comparison of determined and calculated gross 6. Fresh fruits classified as to content. energy values of potatoes 38 7. Factors for heats of combustion and fuel values of nutrients in different groups of food mate- 18. Summary of steps for checking available rials and in mixed 10 energy values calculated by factors from 8. Summary of data showing calorie-nitrogen ratio table 13 44 of urine based on early studies of energy 19. Comparison of determined and calculated metabolism and digestibility 12 available energy values of various types of 9. Daily food intake in the experiments from which diets 46 Atwater originally obtained the calorie- nitrogen ratio of 7.9 for urine 16 20. Factors for digestibility, heats of combustion, 10. Daily intake in the experiments from and physiological fuel values of nutrients in which Atwater originally obtained the calorie- food groups as used in present-day mixed nitrogen ratio of 7.9 for urine 17 diets 49 11 Comparison of data for available energy 21. Comparison of energy values for different obtained by direct determination only and dietary patterns calculated with specific and in part by calculation 19 with general calorie factors 50 Appendix Tables 22. Use of digestibility data to determine coeffi- 23. Apparent digestibility, etc.—Continued cients of apparent digestibility and available Vegetables, vegetable products 94 energy 59 Fruits 98 23. Apparent digestibility and available energy of Miscellaneous foods of plant origin for human subjects.- 60 24. Composition and heat of combustion of food Grains, grain products 60 items used in experiments on human digest- Legumes and nuts 87 ibility (table 23) 100 Energy value of íoods

. . . basis and derivation INTRODUCTION Accurate evaluation of the energy value of foods tions and misuse when apphed to individual foods is essential for dealing with problems of normal and diJSFerent tjipes of diets {114, 115)} nutrition, undernutrition, or . The classic The Food and Agriculture Organization, faced investigations of Professor W. 0. Atwater and his with the -urgency of assessing energy values of food associates at the Storrs (Conn.) Agricultural Ex- supplies in various countries and population groups, periment Station some 50 years ago provided the convened an ad hoc committee of experts in 1947 basis used in this country for measuring the energy to study the problems involved and to make values of food. The general calorie factors 4, 9, 4 recommendations. While endorsing the Atwater developed from that gained widespread method as one that in the light of present knowl- acceptance, and until recently they were used for edge is suitable if properly used, the committee calculating the calories shown in official food com- pointed out the limitations of the use of general position tables. Properly applied, these general factors and the need for more specific calorie factors provide a satisfactory measure of available factors {65) when dealing with individual foods. energy in average diets and food supplies in this These developments have pointed to the need country. Following Atwater's period little atten- for summarizing the kinds of information Atwater tion was given to methods of calculating food used, the steps followed in his procedure for deter- energy and to the details of Atwater's procedure. mining fuel values of food, and the need for revising However, in recent years attention has again calorie data for foods to take account of additional turned to the important problems of determining research accumulating since his time. This pub- and meeting man^s energy needs. In attempts to lication has been prepared to provide more back- alleviate food shortages experienced duiing and ground information on data than that following World War II consideration was given given in current textbooks and food tables and to first to meeting energy needs in stricken areas. show the basic data drawn upon in deriving the Maynard; who represented this government in revised calorie factors now used in tables of food various interallied food-planning groups, pointed composition in this country. Except for a few out the necessity of understanding the bases of recent revisions, factors derived as shown in this the different methods for estimating energy values publication have been used in U. S. Department of in use in Canada, the United Kingdom, and in Agriculture Handbooks No. 8 {185) and No. 34 this coimtry. On several occasions he called at- {100) and in various other sources, including food tention to the correct application of the general tables published by the lood and Agriculture calorie factors 4, 9, 4 and pointed out their limita- Organization {36), PART I. SOURCES OF FOOD ENERGY The chief food sources of energy to the human . Thus protein is incompletely oxidized in body are fat, carbohydrate, and protein. Fats the body, whereas it can be completely oxidizedfin and carbohydrates contain carbon and hydrogen the . The heat released by oxidation which can be oxidized to their end products, CO2 of food in the bomb calorimeter is its heat of and H2O, both in the bomb calorimeter and in the combustion and is a measure of its gross energy body. In addition, protein contains nitrogen. value. This nitrogen together with some carbon and Rubner {147), as early as 1885, realized that hydrogen leaves the body chiefly in the form of each of these broad groups of energy-yielding components of foods consisted of substances of ^ The authors express appreciation to Mildred Adams more or less unlike composition and that the heat for her review of the manuscript and her invaluable sug- values for pure protein, neutral fat, and pure gestions; to William Kunerth for his generous help in translating numerous articles from German; and to Blanche C. Spears for her collaboration in various phases of the 2 Italic figures in parentheses refer to Literature Cited, study. p. 51.

1 carbohydrate might not be applicable to foods. mutton, and fat have been found to have He also recognized that methods of determining heats of combustion of 9.50 or 9.51 calories per how much of each is present in a food were not ; butterfat, 9.27; and the fats from several entirely satisfactory. Innumerable improvements common plant sources, about 9.3. Lower figures in methods and techniques for separating and for heats of combustion have been found for total determining the fractions making up these three ether extract, indicating that the extractable main sources of energy in food have been made in matter other than the glycerides has a lower heat the intervening years, but many of the limitations value than the glycerides alone. of determining and dealing with the main sources Atwater {17) applied the heat of combustion of energy in food that were pointed out in 1890 factors determined for triglycérides to crude fat by an ad hoc Committee of the Association of on the assumption that the error resulting from Official Agricultural Chemists {5) still remain. the use of the higher heat of combustion factors In the following sections the terms as they are would in some measure offset the error resulting used today in tables of food composition are from the incomplete extraction of fat in the deter- discussed so that their meaning and limitations mination of the fat content of the food. The will be better understood. table containing the data which Atwater as- sembled from the literature and from his own Fat work and the heat values he considered best suited to apply to the fat content (ether extract) Determination of fat content has been reproduced here as table 1. The fat content of foods usually is determined by one of three general methods: (1) simple ex- TABLE 1.—Average determined heats oj combustion traction with a solvent, (2) acid hydrolysis with of fats and oils as assumed factors for fat of dif- extraction, and (3) saponification with extraction. ferent groups of food materials The fat content reported for foods in American tables of composition refers as a rule to the weight Heat of combustion per gram of crude fat and is obtained by simple extraction Kind of material Assumed or with a solvent, usually ether. Included with the Determined calculated fatty acids and the true fats (triglycérides) thus extracted are other materials having similar Calories Calories Beeffat._ .__ _.. ___ __ 9.50 solubility, such as the sterols, and and "ether extract" __ _ 9.24 some other pigments. Special precautions are Mutton fat 9. 51 necessary to insure complete extraction; carbo- Mutton, ''ether extract". 9.32 hydrate-containing foods, particularly those high Pork fat. .______. 9.50 in starch, present additional problems {61, 66, 105, Pork, ''ether extract". __ _ _ 9. 13 9.59 Cottolene. 9.32 A method based on acid hydrolysis before ex- Butterfat- _. 9.27 traction gives, in addition to substances listed Wheat oil 9.36 above, fats which are in combination or which for Wheat, "ether extract" _ 9.07 oil-_ 9. 32 other reasons are not removed by the usual fat Rye, "ether extract"- _ 9.20 solvents. Egg and yeast have been showQ to oil 9.28 contain appreciable amounts of fat not extracted , "ether extract" 8.93 without preliminary hydrolysis (75). , "ether extract" .- 9.07 oil (except cocoanut) _ _ 9. 49 The third procedure used in determining the oil _ _ 9. 47 fat content of a food, saponification, is usually Cocoanut oil 9.07 followed by extraction and titration of the fatty Fat of , fish, eggs, etc__ _ . 9 50 acids. The data obtained by this method are Fat of dairy products- _ _- 9 25 Fat of cereals- ___ _ 9 30 translated into terms of total fat on the assump- Fat of vegetables and fruits __ tion that all the fatty acids are present as 9. 30 triglycérides. NOTE.—This table appears as table 7 in The Avail- The determination of fat in foods is fraught ability and Fuel Value of Food Materials (17). with complications. Particular care is necessary to avoid oxidation of fat during sample prepara- tion aod analysis, loss of volatile fatty acids, and Carbohydrate the possible formation of esters of fatty acids with alcohol. Determination of carbohydrate content Heat of combustion The difference between 100 and the sum of the crude protein and fat, moisture, and ash is caUed The heat of combustion of the ether extract ''total carbohydrate'' or ''carbohydrate by dif- from a food depends on the particular fatty acids ference,'' a practice used by Atwater in his food making up the triglycérides and on the compo- tables and contiaued in this country. In addition nents and proportions of the other ether-extract- to the true carbohydrates, this "difference" frac- able materials present. The triglycérides of beef. tion may include such compounds as organic acids. Foods of animal origin, except the milk prod- he considered that the carbohydrate'portion of the ucts, contain little carbohydrate. Foods of plant latter consisted mainly of starch. origin, on the other hand, have a variety of car- In many vegetables the carbohydrate is largely bohydrates. The principal ones are starch, sug- starch and with more or less . ars, and cellulose, but appreciable amounts of Atwater suggested the same calorie factor for pentosans, dextrins, gums, and other carbohy- vegetables that he had used for cereals and for drates also may be present. It has been general- legumes, 4.2 calories per gram. He thought that ly assumed that the starches, at least when vegetables had a higher proportion of pentosans cooked, and the monosaccharides and disaccha- than the cereals and that the higher heat of com- rides are well used by the body. Much less is bustion of pentosans as compared with polyhexoses known about the utilization of cellulose, pento- might offset the lower heat value of the . sans, and other of the more complex carbohy- In fruits a large proportion of the carbohydrate drates. is present as sugar, especially monosaccharides, ^^Carbohydrate by difference'' has been shown but some starch, cellulose, and pentosans also are to be generally satisfactory for estimating energy present. Combining the lower heat of combustion values of foods (17). However, for certaia pur- of the sugars with the higher value for starch, poses, such as dietary planning for the diabetic, Atwater considered that 4.0 calories per gram was carbohydrate values are needed which exclude the probably not far from a correct figure for carbo- fractions that are not potential formers. hydrate in fruits. For these purposes nitrogen-free extract, '^carbo- The main carbohydrate of animal source is mük hydrate by difference" minus fiber, may be calcu- sugar. Atwater found that figures on record for lated. As the digestibility of fiber may be very its heat of combustion were not in agreement and low, nitrogen-free extract is considered a much he used 3.9 calories per gram. Muscle and closer estimate of the sum of potential glucose fish contain traces of , which in ordinary formers than the ''carbohydrate by difference.'' analyses is not taken into account. , other ''Nitrogen-free extract," sometimes abbreviated to shellfish, and , however, may contain an ap- NFE or Nifext, has been used for classifying fruits preciable amount of glycogen, which has a heat of and vegetables into different carbohydrate groups combustion of 4.2 calories per gram. Since the (2,37). amounts of these foods contained in ordinary diets Another approach has been the determination of were small, Atwater used 3.9 calories per gram of the sum of the sugars, starches, and dextrins carbohydrate in all foods of animal origin for gen- measured as total reducing sugars but exclusive of eral dietary calculations. pentoses and hemicelluloses. In such cases it is The table prepared by Atwater summarizing fairly common to report total reducing sugars ex- data on heats of combustion to apply to carbohy- pressed as glucose based on analyses in which cop- drate is reproduced here as table 2. per was used. For routine determinations, this TABLE 2.—Average determined heats of combustion procedure is not entirely satisfactory since the ex- of different carbohydrates and assumed factors for tent of the reduction of the copper reagent differs for the various sugars, and mixtures of sugars may carbohydrates of different groups of food materials be present. In addition the determination may Heat of combustion per gram be complicated by the presence of noncarbohy- Kind of material Assumed or drate reducing substances. Improvements have Determined calculated been made in procedures involving the use of cop- per reagents, and progress is also being made in Calories Calories the development of totally different methods which Pentoses ^ 3. 72 to 4. 38 may some day provide the specific information Dextrose 3. 75 needed. For example, differential , Lévulose 3. 76 Cane sugar 3.96 Chromatographie separation, and differential spec- Milk sugar 3. 86 trographic analysis give promise of quantitative Cellulose 4.20 determinations for specific carbohydrates. Starch 4.20 Dextrin 4. 11 Glycogen 4. 19 Heat of combustion Carbohydrates of animal Atwater assumed that 97 percent of the carbo- foods, meats, dairy prod- ucts, etc 3.90 hydrate in flours and meals was composed of starch Carbohydrates of cereals 4.20 with a small amount of fiber, about 2 percent Carbohydrates of legumes 4.20 Sugars 3.95 dextrin, and 1 percent sugar. As the heats of 4.20 combustion of dextrin, 4.11, and of , 3.96, Starches Carbohydrates of vegetables. 4.20 are not greatly different from that for starch, 4.2, Carbohydrates of fruits 4.00 he considered 4.2 calories per gram the suitable factor to use for carbohydrate in cereal foods. He 1 Apparently includes not only the simple pentoses but also applied this figure to the carbohydrate content also the pentosans. of foods consisting largely of starch, such as corn- NOTE.—This table appears as table 8 in The AvailabiUty starch and tapioca, and to dried legumes because and Fuel Value of Food Materials {17). derived by applying the appropriate factor to the Protein total nitrogen present. This procedure mvolves Determination oí protein content the assumption that all of the nitrogen present is in the form of protein, which is not wholly valid It is customary in this country to calculate the because in this procedure counted with the true protein content of a product from the nitrogen protein may be other nitrogenous compounds, present by applying a factor considered suitable such as nitrates, nitrites, purine bases, cholme, for converting nitrogen to the protein in the and free amino acids. particular food. The factors used are based on the nitrogen content of the predominating pro- Heat of combustion tein present in various foods. As a great many The heat of combustion of the nitrogenous commonly occurring contain approximate- portion of food depends on the kinds of protein ly 16 percent nitrogen, 6.25 is the factor often used present and on the proportion of protein and non- for general purposes. In the course of extensive protein nitrogenous material—the latter usually investigations, however, Jones (76) found rather having lower heat of combustion than the former. wide variation in the nitrogen content of different Atwater's procedure for obtaining a figure for kinds of protein, for example, 13.4 percent for an the heat of combustion for the total nitrogenous alcohol-alkali-soluble protein preparation from portion of a food may be illustrated by his figures and 19.3 for amandin in . He for cereal grains having 17.5 percent nitrogen in therefore prepared special factors for converting their proteins. The protein would therefore be nitrogen to protein in those foods for which he computed by multiplying the nitrogen by the considered there was sufficient information to justi- factor 5.7. He assumed, from analyses of Teller fy their derivation. Table 3 lists these factors (4), Snyder (163), and Wiley (183), that not less along with others obtained from him through than 96 percent of the nitrogen of the seeds of personal communication. cereals was in the form of protein and not over 4 percent as nonprotein material. One gram of TABLE 3.—Factors ior calculating protein from cereal nitrogen, then, would be equivalent to nitrogen content of food ^ 5.47 of protein (0.96 gm. N X 5.7) and, using asparagin (21.2 percent N) as a model of Food Factor Food Factor the nonprotein nitrogenous fraction, 0.19 grams of asparagin (0.04 gm. N X 4.7). Animal origin: Plant origin—Con. Applying to the protein portion the heat of Eees 6. 25 Legumes—Con. Gelatin 5.55 —Con. combustion of the principal proteins in the cereals, Meat 6.25 5.71 about 5.9 calories per gram according to Atwater's Milk. - 6.38 Velvetbeans_ 6. 25 data, and to the nonprotein portion, the heat of Plant origin: 5. 46 combustion of asparagin, 3.45 calories per gram, Grains and cereals: Nuts: Barley 5.83 Almonds 5. 18 the total heat of combustion for the nitrogen- Corn (maize) __ 6.25 Brazil 5.46 containing compounds in cereals was calculated 5.83 Butternuts 5. 30 as follows: Oats 5.83 5. 30 5. 95 5. 30 5.47 gm. protein X 5.9 cal./gm. = 32.27 calories Rye 5.83 5. 30 .19 gm. asparagin X 3.45 caL/gm. = .655 calories Sorghums b. 25 5. 30 Wheat: 5. 30 5.66 gm. nitrogenous compounds = 32.9 calories Whole kernel- 5.83 5.30 1.0 gm. nitrogenous portion=5.8 calories Bran 6.31 Pine nuts 5. 30 Embryo 5.80 5.30 For the heat of combustion of the nitrogenous Endosperm. _ 5. 70 5.30 portion of meat, Atwater felt the most satisfactory Legumes: Seeds: procedure was to use the value for the fat-free Beans: Cantaloup 5. 30 muscle tissue including the nonprotein extractives, Adzuki 6.25 Cottonseed 6.30 Castor 5.30 Flaxseed 5.30 as quantitative data on creatin and other non- Jack 6.25 Hempseed 5.30 protein compounds were lacking. The heat of Lima 6.25 5.30 combustion for fat-free muscle meat was about Mung 6.25 5. 30 5.65 calories. He used this same factor for the Navy 6.25 Sunflower 5.30 protein of milk. He estimated the heat of com- bustion for the nitrogenous portion of egg to be 1 Adapted from table 5 of U. S. Department of Agricul- 5.75 calories per gram, based on data for proteins ture Circular 183, revised edition, February 1941 (76) and from unpublished data obtained by personal communica- in the white and , assuming that very little tion with the author. For groups of foods not included nonprotein nitrogen is present. here, the conventional factor 6.25 should be used until Table 4 is a reproduction of one prepared by more is known regarding their proteins. Atwater showing average determined heat of com- bustion of '^proteids" and ^^nonproteids'^ and The figures commonly reported in American calculated heat of combustion of "protein.'' At- tables of composition for protein actually repre- used the term "proteid" to cover the true sent crude protein, since as a rule the figures are proteins, and the term "protein" to cover both the nonprotein compounds, the extractives, amides, food can be shown by using potatoes as an ex- etc., and the true proteins. If Atwater's heat of ample—a food known to contain a considerable combustion values for protein (as defined by him) portion of nonprotein nitrogen. If 60 percent of is applied to protein as currently determined, that nitrogen is attributed to protein and 40 is, total N times a factor, some error will result percent to asparagin, the heat of combustion of the because the heat of combustion of the true proteins nitrogenous matter equivalent to 1 gram of nitro- is usually higher than that of other nitrogenous gen should be 28.2 calories and the heat of com- compounds. It has become the custom in this bustion per gram of nitrogenous compounds, 5.01 country, however, to apply heat of combustion calories, as shown by the calculations below: factors to total nitrogen treated as protein without weighting the composition data according to the 0.6 gm. NX6.25 = 3.75 gm. protein proportion of the different nitrogen-containing 0.4 gm. NX4.7=^1.88 gm. asparagin compounds present. This has been done because 1.0 gm. N=5.63 gm. nitrogenous compounds of the limited information available on the parti- 3.75 gm. proteinX5.8 cal./gm.=21.75 calories tion of nitrogen in foods between true protein and other forms. Although this procedure may re- 1.88 gm. asparaginX3.45 cal./gm.^6.49 calories sult in an appreciable error in the calorie value of 5.63 gm. nitrogenous compounds=28.24 calories the protein of a food, the error in the total energy value is generally small, as most foods having a 1.0 gm. nitrogenous compounds=5.02 calories large proportion of their nitrogen as nonprotein jf however, all of the nitrogen is assumed to be lutrogen (mostly vegetables and fruits) contam p^^^^-^^^ (^ 25 gm. protein) and to this is appUed relatively small amounts of total mtrogen. ^^^^ f^^^^^. 5 Q2 calories (corrected as shown above .rn A A j • 7 I r r ' fo^ thc lowcr hcat of combustion for the nonpro- TABLE 4..--Average determined heats of combustión ^^;^^ portion), an energy value of 31.4 calories per ofproteids and nonproteids and calculated heat of ^^^^ nitrogen results \l X 6 25 X 5.02) This combustion of protein ^^3^1^ -g ^bout 11 percent higher than that ob- tained in the first calculation because the content Heat of combustion per gram ^^ protcln is Overestimated. If no correction is Kind of material A.um d r made for the presence of nonprotein nitrogenous Determined cScSated"^ compouuds and if the higher heat of combustion of potato protein, 5.8 calories per gram, is applied, Calories Calories an energy value equivalent to 36.25 calories per Beef, fat-free muscle 5. 65 Beef, fat-free muscle, extract- gram of nitrogen would result (1 X 6.25 X 5.8). ives removed 5.73 This result is nearly 30 percent higher than the Teal, fat-free muscle 5. 65 first calculation because there has been overesti- Mutton, fat-free muscle 5. 60 mation in both the content of protein and the heat Protein of meat ^' ^^ of combustion of the nonprotein fraction. This F]gg albumin 5.71 Egg, protein of yolk 5.84 [lllllllll illustration shows that we should have data on Yitellin 5. 76 the actual partition products, but until we do, it Protein of egg S- 75 seems best to continue the rather arbitrary pro- Milk casein 5. 63 to 5. 86 cedure shown here as the second calculation, Milk protein 5. 67 Protein of dairy products 5.'65 namely, to apply a weighted calorie factor to total Gliadin 5.92 nitrogen treated as protein. -Glutenin 5.88 ■Gluten of wheat 5. 95 Legumin 5.79 Determined versus calculated gross Plant fibrin 5.89 Protein of cereals (96% pro- energy values or roods teids) 5.80 Protein of legumes (96% pro- Gross energy may be determined directly by teids) ^' ^^ burning a sample of food, or it may be calculated Protein of vegetables (60% proteids) 5 00 by applying previously determined heats of com- Protein of fruits (70% pro- bustion to composition data on the energy-yielding teids) 5- 20 components of food and obtaining the sum. Gelatin 5.27 In view, however, of the diversity within the Greatin, as type of non-pro- teids of animal foods 4. 27 fractions of the so-called protein, fat, and total Asparagin, as type of non- carbohydrate components of food pointed out m proteids of vegetable foods.. 3. 45 preceding paragraphs, and in view of the assump- tions made in deriving heat of combustion values Note.-This table appears as table 6 in The Availability to apply to each fraction, Atwater recognized the and Fuel Value of Food Materials (17). importance of checking the gross energy values calculated for foods. He compared results ior The effect of method of calculation on estimated calculated and determined gross heats of combus- energy values for the nitrogenous compounds in a tion for 276 samples mcludmg foods ot animal origin as well as a variety of plant products. He We have compiled gross calorie data for a found that when he applied the heats of com- number of samples of wheat and flours produceü bustion he had worked out for protein (actually in this country. For 15 samples of wheat or whme- nitrogenous compounds), fat (as ether extract), reported in the literature {164^ P^y and carbohydrate (usually determined by differ- 168,183,194, 195) differences between determined ence) to amounts present, the results were in good and calculated gross heats varied from 0.1 percent agreement with those obtained by bomb calo- to 1.9 percent and averaged only 0.6 percent. J^or rimeter. Although in a few cases discrepancies 16 additional samples of wheat flour of varymg were as much as 5 or 6 percent, agreement was degrees of refinement the average difference very much closer in most cases and justified the between gross calories obtained the two ways was use of the calculated values. slightly higher, 1.3 percent. The table in which Atwater summarized these comparisons has been reproduced here as table 5. Other sources of energy Possibly the difficulties in getting satisfactory composition data for dried samples of high original Two other sources of energy—organic acids and water content was responsible for the larger discrepancies observed between the calculated alcohol—are noted below since in some circum- and determined gross heats of combustion for stauces one or both may be important. fruits and vegetables. Differences might be expected for milk likewise and may have been Organic acids observed for individual samples, but the averages Occurrence of organic acids.—Organic acids for the 37 samples are in excellent agreement. are widely distributed in foods but for the most With the improved techniques in moisture deter- part in small concentrations. Among the various minations now available, we would expect even acids that have been identified are: Malic, citric, better agreement between the gross heats obtained isocitric, ascorbic, oxalic, lactic, succinic, acetic, by calculation and the determined values. quinic, tartaric, benzoic, glyoxalic, sahcylic, aconi- tic, and malonic. As explained earlier, figures for TABLE 5.—Comparison oj calculated heats oj the total carbohydrate content of a food, that is, combustion with results oj direct determinations ''carbohydrate by difference,'' include organic acids. In a very few foods the acids are suflEi- Average heat of Calcu- ciently abundant that they should be determined Number combustion per lated of gram of water- results separately for estimations of energy values of anal- free substance in per- Kind of food material yses in- centages those foods, inasmuch as they are distinctly differ- cluded of those ent chemically from carbohydrates and their heats in Deter- Calcu- deter- average mined lated mined of combustion are lower than for carbohydrates generally. Total free acid is commonly deter- Calories Calories Percent mined by titration against standard alkali and Beef 55 6507 6619 101. 7 expressed as the predominant acid in the food. Beef, canned 7 6197 6268 101.2 Mutton 10 7146 7316 102. 4 To the extent that the organic acids may be Pork 10 7835 7944 101. 4 present in bound form the total acid value may be Poultry 5 6310 6508 103. 1 underestimated, but this error is ordinarily con- Fish 3 6317 6427 101. 8 sidered of little importance. Eggs 10 7103 7160 100.8 20 8832 8918 101.0 Fruits contain organic acids in more significant Milk 37 5437 5413 99. 6 amounts than other food groups. In table 6 a Breakfast foods 3 4367 4360 99.8 number of fruits have been classified according to Bread, crackers, etc 36 4536 4513 99. 5 Corn (maize) meal and corn the total free organic acid content as reported in preparations 7 4580 4624 101.0 the literature. Citric and malic acids predomi- Rye preparations 6 4353 4343 99.8 nate in all fruits listed except and . Barley preparations 2 4352 4365 100.3 Tartaric acid accounts for most of the total in Rice 5 4390 4474 101. 9 () 2 4834 4811 99.5 these two fruits. Other organic acids have been Oatmeal, cooked 6 4488 4480 99. 8 found present in small amounts in fruits. Of the Wheat, pastry 8 4579 4605 100. 6 fruits listed in table 6 only 7 have been re- Legumes, fresh 8 4367 4361 99. 9 ported to contain more than 2 percent organic Legumes, cooked 5 4312 4343 100.7 Vegetables, fresh 10 4195 4051 96. 6 acid; 15 contain from 1 to 2 percent; and more than Vegetables, cooked 3 4057 4277 105.4 35 contain less than 1 percent. However, in pro- Vegetables, canned 2 4264 4102 96.2 portion to the total solids, the organic acids may Fruits, fresh 12 4389 4123 93.9 provide an appreciable percentage of the total Fruits, canned 4 4078 4056 99.5 Average 276 samples 100.3 energy value of some fruits. For juice, it would amount to over half, but for , only about a twentieth. jQ-ote.—This table appears as table 9 in The Availability and Fuel Value of Food Materials {17). Figures for heat Less information is available on the acid con- of combustion are in terms of small or gram calories rather stituents of vegetables, but the amounts in most than large or calories customarily used for foods. vegetables tend to be less than 0.5 percent. TABLE 6.—Fresh fruits classified as to organic acid content ^

3 percent and over 3 2 to 3 percent 1 to 2 percent 0.5 to 1 percent Less than 0.6 percent

Lemons (C). (C). (M). (summer) (M). Apples (fall) (M). Limes (C). Currents, red, black, Carissa or natal Blackberries (C). Apples (winter) (M). Tamarind (T). and white (C). (C). (C). (M). (C). , sour (M). Cherries, sweet (M). (C). Grandillas, purple, or , all (C). Crab apples (M). Feijoa (C). (C). Groundcherries (in- Grapes, pulp or juice, Figs (C). cluding poha and American type, all (C). cape-) (C). (T). Limes, sweet (C). (C). Grapes, European type, Muskmelons (C). Loganberries (C). all (T). (C). (C). (C). , all (C). Nectarines (M). Mamey or Mammee , Japanese Oranges (C). (C). or Kaki (M). Plums, excluding (C). Persimmons, native (M). Mulberries, black, (M). (C), white, and red (M). Prickly pears (M). , red and Peaches, all (M). Roseapples (C). black (C). (C). Sapodilla or sapota (C). (C). Plantains (M). Sapote or Marmalade , other Prunes (M). (C). Mandarin type (M). Sugar apples or oranges (C). sweetsop (C). (M).

1 Total free acid expressed in terms of the predominating acid as malic (M), anhydrous citric (C), or tartaric (T) in the edible portion of fruit. 2 and limes, 6 percent; tamarind, ripe, 13 percent.

Hartman and Hillig (63) ^ reporting results from available, the heats of combustion or gross calorie analyses of organic acids in a large number of food values per gram of acid calculated from gram- products, included a table of 29 vegetables which molecular weight data are as foUows: showed a total malic and content (free Calories and combined) ranging from 0.1 to 0.8 percent. Acid: per gram Only for lima beans, , white potatoes Acetic 3. 488 (Idaho), and tomatoes were the values above 0.5 Citric 2. 471 Lactic 3. 620 percent. Malic 2. 388 In certain types of processing by fermentation the total acidity of the product is increased several Organic acids contribute a very small portion fold over the original content of the food. Cab- of the total daily calorie intake, but in a few bage, for example, contains only a fraction of a foods they are present in amounts that should not percent of acid as malic and citric, while sauer- be overlooked as potential sources of energy. lo-aut has around 1.5 percent . Simi- The gross energy value of organic acids in 100 larly apples contain less than 1 percent acid grams of a few foods has been estimated as follows : expressed as malic, but made from apples Food: Calories averages about 4.5 percent acetic acid. Lemons, limes 15 Some of the acid constituents of food are Currants, gooseberries 6 Fruits, 1-2 percent group (see table 6) 2.5 to 5 available to the body as a source of calories; Apple vinegar 16 others are known to be unavailable or of doubtful 5 availability. Oxalic acid is probably excreted in the form of its insoluble calcium salt; tartaric Alcohol acid is thought to be either excreted unchanged or destroyed by micro-organisms. Little is known Alcohol, with a gross energy value of 7.07 about the availability of such acids as glyoxalic, calories per gram, is another source of energy malonic, and aconitic, but since they occur in which may be important in the diet of sonie insignificant amounts they would make a negligible individuals or some population groups. It is contribution to the total energy value of the foods discussed in connection with the availability of in which they are found. energy from the various sources (p. 18) since the Heat of combustion.—For the several acids availability of its fuel value is the point of un- found in appreciable amounts and considered certainty.

305774—55- PART II. DIGESTIBILITY AND AVAILABLE ENERGY OF FOODS (intake—fecal protein) less the gross energy of Définition oí terms the urine. Available energy of a food may be Meanings of some of the terms necessary in a obtained entirely from data on heat of combustion discussion of energy value of foods have changed or it may be calculated in part from analytical over a period of years. In the following para- data on nitrogen according to the foliowing|proce- graphs terms of most importance are explained dures: and attention is called to differences in past and 1. Gross energy of food— (gross energy of urine+ present connotations. feces). Digestibility was the term Atwater used for 2. Gross energy of food — (gross energy in feces+ the proportion of food material actually digested. net absorbed grams NX7.9). If there had been a way to measure the undigested 3. Gross energy of food — (gross energy in feces+ residue in the feces, digestible food would have urinary N in gramsX7.9). been computed as the difference between the total food eaten and the undigested residue. However, If the subject is in nitrogen balance, no difference as he pointed out, methods for distinguishing would be expected in the deduction for urinary between metabolic products in the feces and loss between procedures 2 and 3. A discussion>f undigested residue from the food were not suffici- the extent of the differences resulting from ^these ently accurate to permit the determination of the methods of calculation under other conditions undigested residue separately and he did not follows the section on calorie-nitrogen ratio of the compute digestibility. urine, page 18. Availability was the term Atwater used to Atwater distinguished between physical and designate the quantity or proportion of the food physiological fuel values, the latter being the actual or of the nutrients which could be used for build- benefit gained by the body from the use of fuel for ing and repair of tissue and the yielding of energy. the different purposes served. This distinction Some of the absorbed nutrients are used to form was made in recognition of the possibility that the digestive juices and returned to the tract in the energy value of a gram of fat, for example, might form of hue and other digestive secretions. Inas- be different for mechanical work from what it much as these metabolic products are not used would be if used only for maintaining body heat. for tissue building or as fuel, they are not avail- Atwater used the term fuel value as obtained by able in the sense in which Atwater employed the method 1, 2, or 3 described above to mean physical term. He computed the amounts of available fuel value, not physiological fuel value. The nutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrate) by sub- latter term, however, has since been applied to his tracting the amounts in the feces from the amounts data and to his method of obtaining fuel values in the food. Availability as Atwater used the {65, 111, 169). Likewise, in the present publica- term is the same as apparent digestibility in more tion physiological fuel value is the term used to recent years and in current usage. He calculated connote energy value of a food obtained by sub- the coefficient of availability, using nitrogen for tracting energy lost in the excreta (feces and urine) illustration, as foUows: from the total energy value of the food, no con- N in food—N in feces sideration being given to the specific functions XI00=coefficient of served in the body. N in food availability. According to present usage this would be called Digestibility of fat, carbohydrate, the coefficient of digestibility, meaning of course and protein apparent digestibility, and it corrects only for total fecal losses. On any diet some ether extractable matter, Heat of combustion data are obtained by burning nitrogenous matter, and other organic matter are samples of food in a bomb calorimeter. The heat lost in the feces and must be taken into account in of combustion is a measure of the gross energy calculating the energy value of foods. The nitrog- value of the food. enous matter present in the feces may be due in Available energy of a food takes into account part to undigested food residues, and their both fecal and urinary losses. The total available products, the residues of digestive juices, and energy of the food is its heat of combustion less mucus or particles of epithelium mechanically that of the lu-inary and fecal residues. For fat separated from the walls of the digestive tract. and carbohydrate the available energy is the gross Numerous studies have been made to determine to energy of the amounts absorbed (intake—fecal what extent the nitrogenous matter in the feces fat and carbohydrate) since each nutrient is under different kinds of dietary conditions is assumed to be completely oxidized. The incom- metabolic and to what extent it is undigested or pletely oxidized matter of the urine is assumed to unabsorbed food material. Some investigators be of protein origin and the available energy of have concluded that all the nitrogenous matter in protein is the gross energy of the absorbed protein the feces results from metabolic processes but that 8 some foods cause greater loss than others {104, 106, 147). Other workers, including Murlin and Food group Protein Fat Carbohy- coworkers {4.0,127,128) and Bricker, Mitchell, and drate Kinsman (Sl), as a preliminary step in obtaining Percent Percent Percent biological values of proteins, have estimated the Animal foods _ _ _ 97 95 98 digestibility of foods with the assumption that Cereals 85 90 98 Legumes, dried 78 90 97 part of the fecal nitrogen is metabolic in origin and Sugars and starches 98 part is from food eaten. Vegetables 83 90 95 Since this publication is concerned primarily Fruits 86 90 90 with estimation of energy value no attempt has Vegetable foods__ 84 90 Q7 been made to distinguish between metabolic and Total food Î ._ 92 95 97 undigested food nitrogen appearing in the feces, because neither is available to the body as a source 1 Weighted by consumption statistics based on a survey of energy. Actually, level of N intake may appre- of 185 dietaries. ciably affect the apparent digestibility of protein; on low levels of protein intake the fecal N may When these coeiBcients were applied to data in represent chiefly metabolic N which, when charged 93 digestion experiments on ordinary mixed dieta against a specific test food, leads to low values for very good agreement was found between calculated apparent digestibility of this food. Results re- values and the results of actual determination. ported in the literature in which digestibilities of The calculated coefficient for protein in the whole test foods were measured under conditions of diet was 93.6, and that found by actual determina- extremely low protein intake are therefore not tion, 93,3; for fat the calculated value was 94.5 satisfactory for application to a more normal level and that found by determination, 95.0; for carbo- of protein intake. Even under conditions of hydrate the calculated value was 98.1 and the higher protein intake, losses attributed to the actual value, 97.7. From this Atwater concluded protein of the test food by this method of calcula- that for average mixed diets the calculated tion may actually be due to the influence of the coefficients were close enough to the determined test food on the digestibility of the entire diet. so that the calculated could be used. But he Similar problems occur in calculating the energy pointed out that the calculated coefficients might factors for carbohydrate and fat {188, 190, 191). not be applicable under all circumstances and More information or possibly an entirely different might not apply to all foods in one class. approach is needed to relate fecal losses directly to Digestibility studies published since his time have the test food. indeed shown rather wide differences among foods Atwater assembled results of many digestion within these groups. experiments on men in which the apparent digesti- A review of the literature shows that in most of bility of a food was studied. In some experi- the experiments very simple diets have been used ments a single food was fed and in others the test in which the test foods made up a large proportion food was fed as part of a simple mixed diet. of the total diet. In experiments where the test From these findings he developed tentative co- foods were fed alone or contributed essentially all efficients of digestibility. As they had been of the nutrients tested, the supplemental action based largely on the digestibility of single foods of one food upon another cannot be observed. in very simple diets, Atwater tested these tentative Woods and Merrill {193) reported that some of coefficients by applying them to the several foods their early digestion experiments with men showed in experiments in which ordinary mixed diets milk and bread to be more completely assimilated were eaten. In these latter experiments the when fed together than when eaten separately. amount of protein, fat, and carbohydrate in the A similar conclusion was reached by Bryant {32) feces was compared with that in the total food so regarding milk and oatmeal when fed together and that the '^ availability'' measured applied to the separately to infants. Unfortunately there is not whole mixed diet and not to nutrients in individual adequate basis at this time for estimating how foods. The results found for these actual ex- significant the differences in digestibility are under periments were then compared with the calculated different conditions of diet intake. results in which the various tentative coefficients for each kind of food had been applied to the quantities of the respective foods in the diet. Availability of energy from digested Atwater reported that some adjustments in the nutrients tentative coefficients were necessary and he altered them slightly in the way he considered most Fat probable. The resulting average coefficients of Atwater illustrated his method of estimating apparent digestibility (availability as Atwater the fuel value of fat (ether extract) with the fat used the term) for the nutrients in different food of meat. The coefficient of digestibility (current groups and for nutrients in a mixed diet were as usage) had been determined to be about 95 per- follows: cent. As its heat of combustion was about 9.5 calones per gram, its fuel value was 9.0 calories every gram of nitrogen present in the urine there per gram (9.5X.95=9.02). was sufl&cient unoxidized matter to yield 7.9 calo- ries, the equivalent of approximately 1.25 calories Carbohydrate (7.9-^6.25) per gram of available (absorbed) pro- tein. The heat of combustion of a gram of ab- The fuel value of carbohydrates was determined sorbed protein (nitrogenous compounds) was in like manner. For example, cereal carbohy- therefore reduced by 1.25 calories per gram to hydrate was considered about 98 percent available allow for incomplete metabolism. In the case of (absorbed) for use in the body, and using the heat digestible meat protein, for example, the heat of of combustion of 4.2 calories per gram, the fuel combustion per gram is 5.65 calories. Of this value was 4.1 calories (4.2X.98=4.12). number, 1.25 would be deducted for the heat of combustion of the unoxidized products in the Protein urine. This figure was derived from the ratio of For protein (nitrogenous products), in addition the calorie value of the urine to the nitrogen con- to the use of the coeflScient of digestibility, it was tent of the urine on the assumption that the sub- necessary to correct for the loss of incompletely jects were in N-equilibrium and that all of the oxidized nitrogen from the body. To do this nonmetabolized part of the available N was re- Atwater determined the ratio of the nitrogen in covered in the urine. The fuel value, 4.40 calo- the urine to the heat of combustion of the urine. ries, would then be applied to each gram of protein The average of 46 determinations showed that for available as a source of fuel. TABLE 7.—Factors jor heats oj combustion andjuel values oj nutrients in different groups of food materials and in mixed diet Fuel value Nutrients Proportion Total energy furnished by Heat of com- of total per gram in Kind of food material each group bustion per nutrient available Per gram per 100 grams gram actually nutrients available Per gram total nutrients Total available nutrients

D F2 = (B X C) F revised ' Protein Orams Calories Calories Calories Calories Calories Meats, fish, etc 43. 0 5.65 0.97 5. 50 4.40 4. 25 4.27 Eggs 6.0 5.75 .97 5. 60 4. 50 4. 35 4.37 Dairy products 12.0 5.65 .97 5.50 4.40 4.25 4.27 Animal food 61. 0 5. 65 97 5. 50 4.40 4. 25 4.27 Cereals 31. 0 5.80 , 85 4.95 4.55 3.70 3.87 Legumes 2.0 5. 70 , 78 4. 45 4. 45 3.20 3.47 Vegetables 5.5 5.00 83 4. 15 3.75 2.90 3. 11 Fruits . 5 5. 20 85 4. 40 3.95 3. 15 3.36 Vegetable food 39.0 5. 65 85 4.80 4. 40 3. 55 3.74 Totalfood 100.0 5. 65 . 92 5. 20 4. 40 4.00 4 05 Fat

Meat and eggs 60. 0 9. 50 95 9. 00 9.50 9.00 9.03 Dairy products 32.0 9. 25 95 8. 80 9. 25 8. 80 8. 79 Animal food 92.0 9. 40 95 8.95 9. 40 8.95 8.93 Vegetable food 8.0 9.30 90 8. 35 9.30 8.35 8. 37 Totalfood loa 0 9. 40 95 8. 90 9.40 8. 90 8.93 Carbohydrates

Animal food 5.0 3.90 ,98 3.80 3.90 3.80 3.82 Cereals 55. 0 4.20 98 4. 10 4. 20 4. 10 4. 11 Legumes LO 4. 20 97 4.05 4.20 4.05 4.07 Vegetables 13. 0 4. 20 95 4.00 4.20 4. 00 3.99 Fruits 5.0 4.00 90 3. 60 4.00 3.60 3.60 Sugars 21.0 3. 95 98 3.85 3.95 3.85 3.87 Vegetable food 95. 0 4. 15 97 4. 00 4. 15 4.00 4. 03 Totalfood 100. 0 4. 15 97 4.00 4. 15 4.00 4.03

1 Values for fats and carbohydrates, same as corre- of combustion values for protein adjusted for energy loss in sponding values in column B. Values for protein, same as the urine by deduction of 1.25.) corresponding values in column B minus 1.25. 2 Values for fats and carbohydrates, same as corre- NOTE.—This table appears as table 10 in The Availa- sponding values in column D. Values for protein, same as bility and Fuel Value of Food Materials {17) with the corresponding values in column D minus 1.25. exception of column F, revised. The figures in this column 3 Proportion of total nutrients available (column C) appear in tabular form in Investigations on the Nutrition applied to heat of combustion values (column B). (Heat of Man in the United States {98, p. 18). 10 The basic data needed for computing fuel value Corrected values for column F were written in of a diet were brought together by Atwater and file copies 3 of the report and have been included Bryant in a table, reproduced here as table 7. as column F revised here in table 7. The cor- They presented two sets of factors for use in esti- rected values were also published by Langworthy mating energy values. In column E of their table and Milner in 1904 in a summary of investigations they listed the factors to apply to a gram of avail- on the nutrition of man in this country (98). This able protein, fat, and carbohydrate in each of the publication may not have had wide circulation various food groups and the average calorie factors and has seldom been cited. The revised values per gram, 4.40, 9.4, and 4.15, to apply to the total make for consistency in the use of columns E and amounts of protein, fat, and carbohydrate avail- F. It should be pointed out that the revised able in a mixed diet. The factors in column E figures for column F were unrounded in contrast to the values in columns D and E in the original were therefore to be appHed to absorbed nutrients. table. The fuel value factors listed in column F in- The calorie value per gram of urinary nitrogen.— cluded a correction for digestibihty loss and were Several questions have been raised on the advis- to be applied to grams of ingested protein, fat, and ability of applying 7.9, the calorie-nitrogen ratio carbohydrate in each of the food groups; the in urine pubhshed by Atwater (12, 17), to energy average factors rounded to 4.0, 8.9, and 4.0 calories calculations for which dietary conditions may be per gram were to be applied to the total amounts greatly different. Lusk (101) summarized data of the nutrients in mixed diets. These then were showing that the ratio was affected by the propor- the factors that they considered could be applied tion of dietary protein, fat, and carbohydrate. directly to representative data on the chemical Other questions have been raised concerning the composition of foods. effect of negative or positive nitrogen balance, and of high-fruit diets having more than the usual For some time after the publication of this work amount of organic acid. of Atwater and Bryant, apparently no consistent Unfortunately, at the present time no record is pohcy was followed with respect to the factors at hand showing the specific experiments from used to estimate energy values of foods {6, 8, 10, which Atwater derived the ratio of 7.9 calories per 18, 19, 20, 68, 89, 157, 169, 171). For a period of gram of urinary nitrogen and from it concluded time the Atwater and Bryant general factors ap- that 1.25 calories per gram of available protein peared in the literatm-e as 4, 8.9, 4; then a refer- should be subtracted for loss of incompletely ence to a further rounding of the factors to 4, 9, 4 oxidized material in the urine. was made in the 1910 revision of Farmers' Bul- As early as 1897 Atwater and Benedict in the Storrs Agricultural Experiment Station report for letin 142 (11), The 4, 9, 4 factors later came into that year (12,. p. 167), stated, '' . , . the heat of widespread usage in estimating calorie values of combustion of the water-free substance of the food and not only were applied to the total m-ine will be 1.25 calories for each gram of digested amounts of protein, fat, and carbohydrate (by (available) protein. This factor is the average difference) of a mixed diet as Atwater and Bryant found in a number of experiments in this labora- had originally intended but also were used in tory, in which the heat of combustion of the assessing the fuel value of individual foods. water-free substance of the urine was determined." Following the publication of the 1899 report, it At the time this statement was published, results was realized that for protein the number of calories probably were available from the first 16 of a series of 55 experiments on the metabolism of calculated by applying factors in column E to matter and energy in the human body conducted absorbed nutrients was not identical with the under Atwater's supervision. We found the ratio number derived by applying factors in column F of the heat of combustion of urine to urinary nitro- to total nutrients. Results obtained by the latter gen when calculated for these 16 experiments to were too low. The error resulted from the misuse average 7.9 calories, or the equivalent of 1.26 cal- of the factor 1.25 derived from a gram of protein. ories per gram of absorbed protein (7.9-^6.25= It had been applied to protein which, after diges- 1.26). tion loss was taken into account, was less than 1 The study that included the 55 metaboHsm gram. To illustrate: If a subject ingests 1.0 experiments was made at Middletown, Conn., during the years 1896-1902 under the auspices gram of protein the gross fuel value of which is of the U. S. Department of Agriculture in coopera- 5.65 calories, and if only 0.97 gram is digested, tion with the Storrs (Conn.) Agricultural Experi- the gross available calories are 0.97X5.65, or 5.48. ment Station and Wesleyan University. The Since only 0.97 gram is available from each gram subjects were normal healthy men of similar of ingested protein, only 0.97X1.25 or 1.21 cal- weight, around 65 to 79 kg. ories should be deducted. Thus for 1 gram of ingested protein, the available energy value would 3 A note on one of the marked copies on file in U. S. be 5.48—1.21, or 4.27 calories. This is the same Department of Agriculture reads, ''A copy showing cor- rections as made on slips sent to Magnus Levy in letter'^of as 0.97 (5.65-1.25). July 6, 1904."

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«3 »^ o . Qy-^^ Oi Cq CO '5Í< lO b- ; « o d s.2-lo tí û; tí o ti.(i (D !>. CQ sL^ «D CD p ^ 7 o OOOSOi-KMC^COrílLOCOt^ iCi—ICOCOÍMCDCOCDCOCDCD «Ü ft.2W o^ o « go^ CD Oi tí j^ tí •gogtí CD ■^'ftS ^ r CD r :::^ ft^ ^ CQ tí ^03^ (M «îcDt; -p < .a "S bo's ËP"S M g-3- d° o ^ pp 00 cd PQ 14 A complete outline of the work, and the pro- closely with results obtained when the urine was cedures followed were given in considerable detail analyzed each day. This assured the investigators by Atwater and Benedict (16). Those aspects of that no significant error occurred from nitrogen the study thought to have a direct bearing on the or energy loss in the urine during storage. calorie-nitrogen ratio of the urine will be referred The heats of combustion were determined by to here. Some additional details are given in the the Kellner method. A weighed absorption block section on alcohol (p. 18). Selected data from of cellulose of known heat of combustion was the 55 experiments have been summarized in saturated with a known amount of urine, dried table 8 along with data from a later series in which at about 60° C, and burned in a bomb calorim- Benedict and Milner continued the study. eter. The results were corrected for the heat Atwater designated the first foiu* experiments of combustion of the absorption block. This latter of the series as "respiration experiments;^' for factor was an average of determinations for a these, analyses were made of food intake, drink, number of similar blocks. The method was given feces, urine, and respiratory products. No deter- in detail by Atwater and Snell, 1903 (22). minations were made of the heat given off from ^ The investigators took into account the possi- the body nor of the heat equivalents of external bility that a lag in nitrogen excretion by the work in these experiments. He called the remain- subjects would introduce some error in urinary ing experiments. Nos. 5 through 55, ''metabolism estimations in the relatively short experimental experiments.'^ They included measurements periods of 3 to 4 days. This possible error was of energy in addition to the data obtained in the reduced by having periods on the same diet run respiration experiments. Each metabolism experi- consecutively. In addition to the incompletely ment had two parts, a digestion experiment in oxidized matter lost iu the urine the perspiration which the subject lived under ordinary conditions losses should be recognized. However, as nitrogen and the metabolism experiment proper in which losses have been shown by 25 work experiments of the subject lived in a respiration chamber. Di- Atwater and Benedict (16) to be small, averaging gestibility data were available from the second only 0.29 gram per day, and as data on compa-^ part as well as from the first part of each metabo- rabie energy loss in the perspiration were lacking,, lism experiment. the data in table 8 apply to urinary losses only. The respiration calorimeter, described in detail The series was plaimed to study metabolism (1) in U. S. Department of Agriculture Bui. 63 (21), while fasting, (2) when the proportions of fat and was especially designed for this series of experi- carbohydrate of an ordinary diet were varied,, ments. It included among other equipment a and (3) when a moderate amount of alcohol bed and a stationary bicycle with an ergometer for replaced fat and carbohydrate isocalorically. In measuring external muscular work, thus providing the first 16 experiments rather simple mixed diets for the study of metabolism of matter and energy were used as shown in table 9. For these experi- under conditions of rest and strenuous activity. ments the amounts of protein, fat, and carbo- In the so-called work experiments, the activity hydrate, and the gross calories found by deter- of the subject varied but in most cases he rode mination were reported. The amounts of other the stationary bicycle for 8 hours daily. During nutrients present in the diet have been calculated the preliminary digestion period, prior to the work from tables of nutrient composition; these cal- periods within the calorimeter, the activity of culated values are shown in table 10. the subject was sometimes comparable to that In the annual report for 1899 (17) Atwater con- during the work period and sometimes was only tinued to use the same factor, 1.25 calories per his normal activity with some additional light gram of digested protein, in his calculations of exercise. This latter activity was designated as available energy, although he recognized that this ''hght'^ in table 8 to differentiate it from the deduction was not accurate for all foods. Some more strenuous activity of pedaling the stationary error is introduced when this correction, based on bicycle for 8 hours daily, referred to as a ''work'' the factor 6.25 to convert nitrogen to protein, is experiment. In the "rest" experiments the subject used with proteins or with nonproteins containing remained quiet, avoiding all muscular activity as more or less than 16 percent nitrogen. In the far as it was practical. same publication he mentioned briefly the deriva- Certain precautions were taken to minimize tion of the basic figure 7.9 calories per gram of errors in the nitrogen and energy determinations. urinary nitrogen. He stated that the figure was The urinary nitrogen was determined in 6-hour based on the average of 46 determinations. They intervals throughout the day, using the Kjeldahl were mainly from his laboratory with a few from method. A portion of each collection was reserved Chas. D. Wood of the Maine Experiment Station. as part of a composite sample for the day. Nitro- In addition to the first 16 experiments conducted gen and the heat of combustion were determined prior to the 1897 report, the next 25 of the series on a portion of this composite and the remainder may have been completed before the 1899 report was preserved by adding formalin or thymol. was prepared. Possibly these 41 experiments, This became a part of the composite sample for together with 5 unpublished from the Maine the whole period of usually 3 to 4 days. The Experiment Station, made up the 46 experiments analysis of the total composite sample checked to which Atwater referred in the 1899 report.

15 TABLE 9.—Daily food intake in the experiments from which Atwater originally obtained the calorie-nitrogen ratio of 7.9 for urine

Respiration experiments Metabolism experiments Digestion experiments Food item 43 1 2 3 41 6 6 7 8 37 39 41

Qrams Grams Qrams Qrams Grams Qrams Grams Qrams Grams Grams Grams Grams 150 Beef, fried 121 121 96 96 120 100 169 150 121 100 170 Beef, dried _ _ __ _. _ 25 25 25 25 Ham deviled ""50' ""52' Eggs _ __ 95 54 141 95 107 52 144 103 ""98" '"iôr ""iöö' 850 Milk, whole (assumed raw) 1,000 500 660 ~'65Ô" 775 850 575 850 775 850 575 Cheese 75 75 Butter. . 35 35 20 45 35 75 15 35 34 75 15 35 Bread, brown 250 Bread white 150 450 45Ö Bread, rye _ _ _ 250 228 275 "325" 150 325 316 150 328 Crackers, milk 100 100 Oatmeal 40 6 Sugar - __ """2Ó" "~'4Ö' ""46" ""20' 35 50 45 40 38 50 45 40 Beans, baked 120 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 Potatoes, boiled in skins 150 150 270 100 Apples 85 125 200 200 Peaches 140 Pears, canned _ _ _ 210 150 300 150 150 300 150 Alcohol 72. 5 72. 5

Includes experiments 4P, 4A, 4B, 4C, and 4S. (See table 8.)

In the 25 additional published experiments in calories and in the levels of protein, fat, and carbo- this series conducted prior to 1900, the diet was hydrate. The urinary calorie-nitrogen ratio for modified somewhat as compared with the first 16. these experiments varied from 6.44 to 10.36. Both It consisted of beef, whole or skim milk, butter, extremes were within those observed for experi- bread, cereal breakfast foods, graham crackers, ments conducted prior to 1900; the average was snaps, and sugar. The estimated nutrient 8.32, a little higher than for the preceding intake was similar to that of the preceding experi- experiments. ments except that the ascorbic acid content was Many other studies have been made in which lower, probably only between 10 and 20 milligrams data on urinary nitrogen and energy have been per day. The average calorie-nitrogen ratio for reported. To facilitate further study of this the 41 experiments, 7.88 (table 8), is not different problem, some of these are noted below. from that found for the first 16 alone, 7.86. Rubner {H8) determined the calorie-nitrogen The calorie-nitrogen ratio of the urine in these ratio in urine on a variety of mixed diets, reporting 41 experiments showed a wide variation with a an average ratio of 8.5. But a number of years range from 5.22 to 10.54. As the number of later in a paper with Thomas {151) he reported experiments under any one set of conditions was that the ratio was between 7 and 8, although he limited, it is scarcely feasible to conclude from this had found variations outside this range. Among series how different factors such as level of intake, other problems Rubner {H8) studied the influence extent of digestibility, type of diet, and degree of of level of fat, single foods, and periods of rapid activity influenced the calorie-nitrogen ratio of the growth on calorie-nitrogen ratio of the urine and urine. To the data in table 8 aheady mentioned, summarized the results as follows: we have added data selected or calculated from the rest of the 55 metabolism experiments completed Food Calories per Duration of after 1899, and data from a series of metabolism gramN experiment experiments, numbers 56-67 by Benedict and Days Milner {27), which was actually a continuation of Mother's milk^ • _ 12. 10 the earlier series of Atwater and Benedict. Bene- Cow's milk, infants 6.93 7 dict and Milner resumed the investigations of Cow's milk, adults ___ .______. 7.71 7 matter and energy in 1903. We have included Diet poor in fat _ _ _ 8. 57 2 Do ~ a 33 4 data from these studies for reference since copies Diet rich in fat _ _ 8.87 2 of the various publications in which the experi- Do __ 8.44 4 ments were reported are no longer readily available Boys' mixed diet- 6. 42 4 and they furnish much valuable basic data. Boys' mixed diet rich in fat _____ 7.50 4 Meat 7. 69 1 The diets of the experiments conducted in 1900 Potatoes 1 and later showed very wide variations in gross 7. 85

16 l>CO »-H (M T^H CO

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Tí* Ol-ltOOO"<;t^COO^-ir^CDtO ^OOOCiOlrH'^ ^00 r< "^ t^rH COCO o ci ^ co iH to CD 0 i-H co OCD OCDCOOOCiiOOrHCitOb- 1 rtl Ol l> CO CD TH Ci rHCD CD C0O2 CD ci co' 00 cica O •2 TtH O i-H> OOCQrHOTtHOr-iCvicÔCi N cq cq rH00oi rH^ wco 1 OîrH ^Ci Ci Ci Pi ci ^ co CDI> co CiOOCD

OCiCDcDCqtOOrHCiTHCi co '«^tH Ci Cl 00 rH o rH TtH Ci rH rHCiOO Ir^ co" ^ ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 "S 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ZÍ rö rö o3 o3 ^ ¿^ rf rö ^

O) 1 1X3 1 ^ (D .íií 1 T3 Ö 1 ' >-. d ' d Ö > '2 0 §^jf^c|.|5§8 ¿AiSüO¿>^5g^ 17 Eubner and Thomas {151) found the urinary of the food eaten. This is not surprising since calorie-nitrogen ratio for a subject on a diet solely less than a third of the gross calories from the of potatoes to be 9.04, 11.92, and 10.09 for the 1st, digestible protein is involved, and digestible 4th, and 6th days respectively—^ratios which were protein makes up only 10 to 25 percent of the much higher than Eubner had observed in earlier total calories in these diets. Consequently, an experiments except for the infant on mother's error introduced by the use of an average calorie milk. Sherman (l56) reported a series of metab- value per gram of either urinary nitrogen or net olism experiments on very simple diets of crackers absorbed nitrogen does not affect •greatly the and milk and in some cases butter. In one series calculated available energy of the whole diet. periods of restricted and liberal intakes were alter- For individual high-protein foods such as lean nated. Experimental periods of 3 to 5 days fol- meat and some defatted nut and products, lowed consecutively, two series for 12 days each urinary loss might be a much more significant and a third series for 20 days, to provide a better factor in determining available energy. If suitable basis for following and hiterpreting changes in the data were available not only for foods of high composition of the urine. There was no apparent nitrogen content but for all foods having some difference in the calorie-nitrogen ratios found for nonprotein nitrogen, and if data were available the periods on restricted and liberal intakes. The on the digestibility and utilization of the various range was 7.39-8.00. In general the ratio was nitrogenous compounds, a more accurate procedure somewhat lower than that found by Atwater and for calculating available energy could be developed. coworkers for subjects on mixed diets. Such data are not available and we are continuing Benedict made an extensive investigation of to use Atwater^s correction of 1.25 calories per nitrogen and energy losses in the urine under gram of available protein (nitrogen content 16 fasting conditions, reporting his results in two percent). pubhcations {25, 26), When body material is For purposes for which the calculation of urinary metabolized the calorie-nitrogen ratio appears to energy loss from nitrogen in the usual way is not be even more variable than that foimd for differ- satisfactory, attention is called to the work of ent kinds of mixed diets but the average ratio is Rubner {149) and of Benedict {25, pp. 490-492). higher. He reported ratios in the range of 8 to Benedict found less variability in the ratios of 10 for the first day of fasting, increasing with each calories to either carbon or organic matter than successive day until after several days some were in the ratio of calories to nitrogen. He found in the range of 14 to 18. closer relationship when he related the energy to Several investigations have been made in which carbon but in view of the difficulty in determining calories and nitrogen in the urine of children have carbon he suggested as a more feasible procedure, been reported, notably those of Macy {Illy 112). using the somewhat less constant calorie-organic Her studies provided data on a group of children matter ratio of the urine. The latter was largely ranging from 4 to 12 years of age over an extended proportional to the carbon content of the inline period of time. From the composition of the urine and far more readily determined. Benedict's reported the calorie-nitrogen ratio has been cal- suggestion for making the urinary energy deduc- culated for each child. The ratio does not appear tion on this basis rather than using the more to differ appreciably from that obtained by variable calorie-nitrogen ratio in estimating avail- Atwater for adults. Related problems have been able calories in foods should be given further studied by Folin {54) j Rubner {14^), Rubner and consideration. Heubner {150), and Tangl (i^O). In view of the wide variation observed for the Alcohol calorie-nitrogen ratio of the urine, the use of an average calorie value per gram of nitrogen may The perplexing subject of the energy value of be questioned. Data providing a measure of the alcohol has been investigated from time to time magnitude of the discrepancies when the avail- for more than 50 years. Investigations have able energy of the whole diet is calculated by the included such problems as the extent to which three procedures outlined on page 8 have been alcohol can spare protein for building or mainte- brought together in table 11. The experiments nance of body tissue, and the use of alcohol for selected represent the more extreme conditions on muscular activity, deposition of fat, and generation record as foUows: (1) Those in which the actual of heat for maintenance of body temperature. calorie-nitrogen ratio of the urine was considerably above or below the average; (2) those in which the Particularly controversial has been the question subject was in different states of N-balance; and of the body's use of alcohol for muscular work. (3) those in which the subjects had diets of widely The gross energy value of alcohol is 7.07 different composition with respect to proportions calories but its physiological energy value has of calories from fat, protein, and carbohydrate. been assessed variously by different groups of The data show that although the amount of investigators. Daniel, 1951 {45) suggested using energy lost in the urine is highly variable, on the about 5.0 calories per gram, since from animal whole it is small compared with the gross energy experiments and various biochemical studies it

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