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welcome CONTENTS W elcome to Sweet & Maxwell’s Academic Catalogue 2011 – 2012. Inside you will New titles for 2011 at a glance 02 find details of our new texts for 2011 as well as details of over 150 titles. Key services from Sweet & Maxwell Sweet & Maxwell have over 200 years of experience in professional legal publishing 04 and we only publish law titles. Our unique specialisation in the legal field means that Publishing with Sweet & Maxwell 07 we offer you unparalleled knowledge and experience with products tailored directly T itles to match your teaching to meet your course requirements. requirements 08 W e offer you a wide range of texts in both the core and optional subjects in the Administrative & Constitutional Law 10 following series: The Fundamentals, Understanding Law, Textbooks, Cases & Materials and Text & Materials, as well as many classic titles such as Hanbury Banking & Finance Law 11 & Martin: Modern Equity. Business & Company Law 13 We also publish a range of stand-alone titles. In addition to our new editions C ommercial & Consumer Law 15 for this year, Daniel Greenberg’s Laying Down the Law offers an exciting new insider’s account of the people, processes and problems that shape Acts Construction & Arbitration Law 19 of Parliament. Contract Law 19 To browse our full catalogue, visit sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 23

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sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 1 New titles for 2011 at a glance

C ommercial & Consumer Law T rEITEL on the Law of Contract Cm om eRCIAL Law TEXTBOOK 13th Edition 8th Edition Edwin Peel – Fellow, Keble College, Oxford Paul Dobson – formerly Visiting Professor, Anglia Ruskin University; and Paperback • 978-1-847-03921-7 • £36.95 • September 2011 Page 21 Rob Stokes – Lecturer in Law, and Programme Director for Law and Business University of Liverpool em ployment law Paperback • 978-0-414-04611-5 • £29.95 • July 2011 Page 15 D iSCRImination Law H oLIDAy Law: The Law Relating to Travel 2nd Edition and Tourism M ichael Connolly – Lecturer in Law, University of Surrey 5th Edition Paperback • 978-0-414-04606-1 • £29.95 • April 2011 Page 28 David Grant – Visiting Professor of Travel Law, Leeds Metropolitan University; and Stephen Mason – Senior Partner, Stephen Mason Solicitors, Leeds Em m pLOy ent Law Paperback • 978-0-414-04612-2 • £39.95 • September 2011 Page 16 8th Edition Sh c miTTHOFF’s Export Trade: The Law Gwyneth Pitt – Professor of Law, Kingston University and Practice of International Trade Paperback • 978-0-414-04617-7 • £28.95 • June 2011 Page 26 12th Edition

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2 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students New titles for 2011 at a glance

E quity & Trusts T ort Etqui y & Trusts TEXTBOOK T oRT 3rd Edition 18th Edition M ichael Haley – Professor of Property Law, Keele University; and Paula Giliker – Professor in Law, University of Bristol; and Silas Beckwith – Lara McMurtry – Lecturer in Law, Keele University Senior Lecturer in Law, London Metropolitan University Paperback • 978-0-414-04616-0 • £28.95 • July 2011 Page 34 Paperback • 978-0-414-04608-5 • £27.95 • June 2011 Page 51

E uropean Law W ills, Tax & Probate Eu rOPEAn Union law Wlsil , Administration and Taxation Law and Practice 3rd Edition 10th Edition Koen Lenaerts – Professor of European Law, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Judge of the Court of of the European Communities; Piet Van Nuffel – John Barlow – Formerly Reader and Deputy Director of Academic Studies, Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities and The College of Law; Professor Lesley King – Private Client Practice Head, Professor, College of Europe (Natolin); Editor: Robert Bray – Principal Administrator The College of Law; and Anthony King – Head of HR Development, Clifford in the Secretariat of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Chance LLP Paperback • 978-1-847-03743-5 • £39.95 • April 2011 Page 35 Paperback • 978-0-414-04595-8 • £38.95 • March 2011 Page 54

I nternational Law L egal Skills, Reference and Revision In tERnational Economic Law Lwaying Do n the Law 3rd Edition 1st Edition

Asif H. Qureshi – Professor of International Economic Law, University Daniel Greenberg - Parliamentary Counsel 1991 – 2010 of Manchester; and Andreas R. Ziegler – Professor of Law, University of Paperback • 978-0-414-04693-1 • £16.95 • May 2011 Page 55 Lausanne (Switzerland)

Paperback • 978-0-414-04615-3 • £38.95 • August 2011 Page 45 Mooting and Advocacy Skills 2nd Edition mediaw La Dan Hill – Associate Professor, Head of Practice (Dispute Resolution), Lwa and the Media The College of Law; and David Pope – Director of Advocacy, Denton Wilde Sapte LLP 2nd Edition Paperback • 978-0-414-04486-9 • £19.95 • January 2011 Page 56 Duncan Bloy – Professor of Law, School of Journalism, Cardiff University; and Sara Hadwin – Co-ordinator of the MA in International Journalism, School of Journalism, Cardiff University Su cCESSFul Legal Writing Paperback • 978-0-414-04610-8 • £19.95 • July 2011 Page 47 2nd Edition

Edwina Higgins – Senior Learning and Teaching Fellow, Manchester medcal Law Metropolitan University; and Laura Tatham – Associate Head and Senior Lecturer, University of Salford M EDICAL LAW AND ETHICS Paperback • 978-0-414-04184-4 • £19.95 • July 2011 Page 57 3rd Edition Shaun D Pattinson – Reader in Law, Durham University Paperback • 978-0-414-04860-7 • £29.95 • June 2011 Page 48

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6th Edition 1st Edition Astoundingly clear on the underlying principles. I wish that this book ‘‘The presentation is clear… had been published during problems are exposed ‘‘the time of my Graduate and discussed at depth. Diploma in Law...

Lex Magazine The structure of the book ’’ is perfect, and contains sections on Constitutional Law, Administrative Paul Craig – Professor of , St John’s College, University of Oxford Law and Human • offers a stimulating approach which helps students gain a thorough Rights Law. understanding of this conceptually difficult area of law Customer Review, Amazon.co.uk • Places administrative law clearly within its historical, political and social framework ’’ Elizabeth Giussani – Senior Lecturer in Constitutional and Administrative • Provides a detailed analysis of administrative policies and judicial Law, BPP Law School decisions • Provides a clear and accessible examination of the key areas of • examines difficult and controversial questions raised and suggests constitutional and administrative law and human rights, essential solutions for those studying law at degree or graduate diploma level • offers invaluable comparisons with other jurisdictions including the USA • Covers the general principles of the constitution and institutional • covers all the main topics common to the majority of undergraduate framework for governmental power law programmes • Recognises the importance and growth of judicial review and human • includes two new chapters on judicial review of fact and on judicial rights within the UK constitution review and equality • Identifies and discusses all the key recent developments in • covers the impact of the Human Rights Act 1998 and the plethora constitutional law of case law the Act has generated • examines key case law including: Ghaidan, A v Home Secretary, Carson, Contents include Hooper, and Nadarajah Part One: Fundamentals of Constitutional Law • Part Two: Institutions • discusses key legislation including: Constitutional Reform Act 2005, of the UK Constitution • Part Three: Administrative Law • Part Four: Inquiries Act 2005, Government of Wales Act 2006 and Tribunals, Human Rights Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 Paperback • 978-1-847-03219-5 • £26.95 • July 2008 Contents include Part One: The Administrative System • Part Two: Judicial Review • Part Three: Remedies

Paperback • 978-1-847-03283-6 • £37.95 • August 2008

10 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students Banking & finance law the law of finance Lwa and Practice of International Finance

1st Edition University Edition

… distils complex and confusing information ‘‘brilliantly in a way which aids memory…

Phillip Taylor MBE, Barrister-at-Law, Richmond Green Chambers’’

Alastair Hudson – Professor of Equity & Law, Queen Mary University Philip Wood – Solicitor of the ; Special Global Counsel, of London Allen & Overy LLP; Visiting Professor at Oxford University, Yorke • Provides the first comprehensive account of the whole of the law of Distinguished Visiting Fellow at Cambridge University, Visiting Fellow at finance in one volume the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Queen Mary, University of London • enables understanding by going through the principles of the law first and then moving on to look at how, through a range of modern financial • Presents the only all-encompassing guide to the law relating to techniques, the law is applied in practice international finance, based on the author’s university courses • analyses the key principles of the EU financial services directives, the • covers the three principal approaches – the policies of the law, the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 and the FSA Handbook legal rules and also the practical transactions – so that students are presented with doctrine, data and deals, each of which throws light • explains the key concepts of the law of contracts, property, on the other duties and tort, as they apply to finance, which are the building blocks of the law of finance; and also explains practical issues such as the use • gives students a panoramic view of international finance which not only of master agreements and techniques for taking security has practitioner-based deals but also elucidates the law on a global basis without being tied to any single jurisdiction • examines the core principles of private international law as they relate to global financial markets • includes reference to nearly all of the world’s 320 jurisdictions – the first time the topic has been dealt with on such a worldwide • analyses the key areas of financial practice one-by one: customer comparative basis banking; lending and bonds; foreign exchange; securities markets; derivatives and collateralisation; securitisation; takeovers; private equity; • written by an acknowledged leading expert who offers a unique stock-lending; mortgages; collective investment and other communal perspective based on practical experiences and academic insights investment entities • analyses the effect of the global financial crisis 2007/08 on the law Contents include of finance, with analysis of likely future litigation Introduction to financial law • Jurisdictions of the world • Principles of world insolvency law • Bank term loans and syndicated credits • • Provides extra course support via podcasts on the author’s website International issues and capital markets • Trusts in financial (www.alastairhudson.com), together with updates, course materials transactions • Set-off and netting • Payment and securities clearing and online links systems • Security interests and title finance • Special financings: projects, • Presents an original and comprehensive conceptualisation of the law acquisitions, real property, ships, aircraft • Securitisations • Derivatives • of finance as a coherent field Regulation of international finance •C onflict of laws and international • the author is an award-winning law teacher with experience of working finance •C onclusion in financial markets Paperback • 978-1-847-03255-3 • £42 • January 2008 Contents include Section One: Principles of the Law of Finance • Part One: An ordering of the law of finance • PartT wo: Substantive legal concepts in the law of finance • PartT hree: Compliance with regulatory norms in finance • Part Four: Contract • Part Five: Property • Part Six: Wrongs Section Two: Modern Financial Techniques in Legal Context • Part Seven: Domestic Banking • Part Eight: Lending • Part Nine: Stakeholding • Part Ten: Refinancing • artP Eleven: Proprietary finance • PartT welve: Collective investment entities

Paperback • 978-0-421-94730-6• £41.95 • May 2009

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Hw Co tHE ity of London Works Goode on Legal Problems – An IntRODuction to its Financial Markets of Credit and Security

7th Edition University Edition

A gem of a guide book ‘‘Independent Schools Careers Bulletin William Clarke has written’’ a number of guides to the work of ‘‘the . None is better than this. The Banker ’’

William M Clarke – Former Financial Editor of The Times Edited by Louise Gullifer • Acts as a straightforward introduction for anyone who comes into contact with the City’s financial markets and institutions, either as • Presents an advanced text exploring a range of conceptual problems part of their studies, professional training or as a general reader arising from fixed and floating security • Uses diagrams, maps and illustrations to explain what goes on in the • continues to explore the fundamental concepts of common law and financial and other markets of theC ity of London, elucidating how they equity as they affect typical secured transactions work and are regulated • reflects new ideas and addresses the legal implications of changes in • Places a stronger emphasis on the activities of hedge funds and private the organisation of the securities market equity firms than in previous editions – reflecting the fact that they • covers key concepts of credit and security from mortgages to structured dominate the headlines on a daily basis financial products offered to large scale investors • Continues to examine how US incursions have changed the ownership • examines the different forms that credit and security can take of the main operators in the City, especially the merchant banks • discusses relevant developments including changes to the insolvency • Examines how the City has enhanced its position in the world after the rules; the Spectrum decision; The ; the Consumer introduction of the Euro and looks at the clear lead that London has now Credit Act 2006; the Leyland DAF decision established over New York • takes account of new case law and other key legislative developments • Includes a glossary of technical terms in current use in the City in this country and elsewhere, as well as international conventions and • This is a vital purchase for all students and anyone who works in the City European Community Directives of London, foreign banks or institutions • written in a clear and direct style, with a unique exploration of basic concepts, it is recommended for insolvency and commercial law courses Contents include and essential reading for specialised Masters’ commercial law courses What the City does • Banking • Insurance • The Stock Exchange • The • the work is also an essential reference guide for practitioners Capital Market • The Gilt-edged Market • The Money Market • Foreign Exchange • The Euro and the City • Euro-currencies • The Gold Market • Commodity Markets • Derivatives, Futures, Options… • Shipping • What Contents include the City is • How the City is controlled • Where to learn more about the Part One: The Nature and Forms of Consensual Security • Part Two: City • Glossary Attachment and Perfection of a Security Interest: General Considerations • Part Three: Attachment, Perfection and Effects of Fixed Security in Non- Documentary Receivables • Part Four: The • Part Five: Paperback • 978-1-847-03305-5 • £17.95 • April 2008 Fixed and Floating Charges: Some Problems of Priority • Part Six: Security Interests in Corporate Investment Securities • Part Seven: Set-Off, Netting and Abatement • Part Eight: Some Aspects of Suretyship Law

Paperback • 978-0-414-04214-8 • £36.95 • September 2009

12 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students Business & company law

English for contract BIRDS’ MODERN INSURANCE LAW and company law

3rd Edition 8th Edition

… contains a lot of For the student, the useful exercises, a helpful academic passed the baton ‘‘glossary and some handy ‘‘of teaching insurance law, “headnotes” of cases… and the busy adviser called a good addition to any on to advise on insurance ESP library. law, this bookcan be securely Customer Review, Amazon.co.uk recommended. ’’ Insurance Law and Practice’’ M arcella Chartrand and Catherine Millar – both lecturers in English John Birds – Professor of Commercial Law, The University of Manchester for Specific Purposes, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid; and • P resents a concise yet analytical explanation of the fundamental Edward Wiltshire – Solicitor principles of insurance law, written in an accessible and straightforward • Provides non-native English speakers with the English language manner skills necessary to carry out their legal studies and professional • covers everything from the history of insurance and regulation through activities effectively to the various forms of insurance such as life, and liability • Focuses on the legal language required in the two major areas • analyses the increasingly complex legal rules affecting contracts of of contract law and company law which are central to international insurance business law • Provides a more distinct treatment of consumer insurance law as • draws on examples from English, American and European opposed to commercial insurance law legal materials • includes recent case law on, in particular, increase of risk, breaches of • incorporates user-friendly exercises such as crosswords, blankfilling condition and waiver, and motor insurance and MIB liability and reading comprehension and discussion texts to enable students to practise their English language skills • includes the Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Bill 2009 • contains a high level of specific legal content and practical materials, • considers the Law Commissions’ recommendations for reform of including cases, legislation, legal writings and examples to enable consumer insurance disclosure and representation and their continuing students to familiarise themselves with the documents they will come review of the law into contact with • reflects the latest conduct of business rules made by the Financial • takes into account developments in the law, including those changes Services Authority brought about by the Company Act 2006 • Provides exercises for both classroom and self-study options, with Contents include the inclusion of an answer key, glossary of legal terms and summary Introduction: the nature and definition of insurance and insurance law • of cases The regulation of insurance • Insurable interest • Insurance of third • comes with a concise teacher’s guide to give guidance on how the book parties’ interests • Formalities and formation of the insurance contract • can be used Repudiations of policies and liability – utmost good faith – , non-disclosure and misrepresentation • Utmost good faith on the part of the insurer • Warranties and conditions • Premiums • Assignment • Contents include Intermediaries • Construction and : risks covered and risks Introduction • English for contracts • The birth of a contract • The life of a excepted • Claims under the policy • Payment under the policy – the contract • The death of a contract • English for company law • The birth of measurement of loss • Reinstatement • Subrogation • Contribution and a company • The life of a company • The death of a company double insurance • • Liability insurance • Motor vehicle insurance • Employers’ liability and other compulsory insurances Paperback • 978-1-847-03446-5 • £21.95 • July 2009 Paperback • 978-1-847-03916-3 • £29.95 • June 2010

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8th Edition NEW Student Edition

Professor Sir Roy Goode – Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Oxford and Emeritus Fellow, St. John’s College, Oxford • explores the framework and fundamental principles of corporate insolvency law, a knowledge of which is essential to an understanding of this complex field • combines conceptual clarity with a rigorous analysis of the many difficult problems confronting the practitioner • is a substantial revision and expansion of a work used extensively and regularly cited by all courts from the / Supreme Court downwards • Provides a comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of key features of increasingly complex insolvency legislation and a mass of case law • contains a detailed treatment of the EU Insolvency Regulation and Stephen Girvin – Professor of Maritime Law, National University of of the Cross-Border Insolvency Regulations which incorporate the Singapore; Specialist Editors: Dr Sandra Frisby – Norton Rose Lecturer in UNCITRAL Model Law Corporate Finance Law, University of Nottingham; and Alastair Hudson – Barrister, Professor of Equity & Law, Queen Mary, University of London Contents include • P resents a comprehensive and detailed account of company law to help The History and Framework of Corporate Insolvency Law • The readers develop a full understanding of what can, at times, be a complex Foundations of Corporate Insolvency Law • The Principles of Corporate subject Insolvency Law • The Concept of Corporate Insolvency • The Winding- • adopts a writing style that is topical, succinct and easy to read but with Up Process: An outline • Winding-Up: Assets Available for Distribution • enough detail for the reader to gain a thorough understanding of the The Anti-Deprivation Rule • The Proof, Valuation and Ranking of Claims essential topics in Winding-Up • Set-Off and Netting • Administrative Receivership • • specialist Editors ensure that each chapter is as comprehensive and Administration • Restructurings and Arrangements • The Avoidance of up-to-date as can be Transactions on Winding-Up or Administration • Improper Trading and the Duties and Liabilities and Directors • The European Insolvency Regime • • Provides essential guidance for students studying law as well as those International Insolvency following courses with a company law module • acts as a key source of information for newly qualified practitioners, Paperback • 978-0-414-04787-7 • £40 • August 2011 company directors, and administrators and accountants dealing with small companies N ew for the 18th Edition • considers the latest legislative and case law developments including full coverage of the changes brought about by the Companies Act 2006 • contains a new chapter addressing the European Company • includes excerpts and references to contemporary writing on the subject to provide a fresh and wider view of the area • incorporates cross-referencing and paragraph numbering to make locating information quick and simple

Contents include Nature of Registered Companies • Memorandum of Association • Articles of Association • Promoters • Corporate Transactions • Public Offers of Shares • Allotment and Commencement of Business • Share Capital • The Acquisition and Redemption by a Company of its own Shares • Financial Assistance by a Company for the Purchase of its own Shares • Membership • Shares • General Meetings • Directors • The Secretary • Majority Rule and Minority Protection • Corporate Governance • Insider Dealing • Accounts • Auditors • Dividends • Debentures • Corporate Insolvency • Receivers and Administrative Receivers • The Administration Procedure • Winding up by the Court • Voluntary winding up • Contributors and Creditors: completion of the winding up • Mergers and Divisions • Take-overs • Cross-Border Mergers and Migration – The European Company

Paperback • 978-1-847-03919-4 • £33.95 • June 2010

14 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students

Paperback --- 978-0-414-04787-7 --- £40 ---- August 2011 C ommercial & Business & company law consumer law

Gower and Davies’ Principles Commercial Law of Modern Company Law – Textbook Series

8th Edition NEW 8th Edition

A highly respected and … a fine balance between explaining academically stimulating book... the essentials without “bogging-down” the ‘‘very readable and easy to get into ‘‘reader in technical detail: this is a wonderful ... a must purchase for anybody achievement.

interested in company law! Student Law Journal Student Law Journal ’’ ’’

Paul L Davies QC (Hon), FBA – Cassel Professor of Commercial Law, Paul Dobson – Visiting Professor, Law, Anglia Ruskin University; and London School of Economics and Political Science Rob Stokes – Lecturer in Law, University of Liverpool • Presents the leading text available on company law, providing clarity • Concentrates on topics common to the majority of undergraduate law on what is an increasingly complex subject courses namely sale of goods, consumer credit and agency • Covers all key areas of company law by way of a detailed, in-depth • Focuses on domestic commercial law but also includes coverage of cross analysis border purchases and the increasing practice of electronic and internet • Incorporates and discusses the fundamental changes brought about shopping by the Companies Act 2006 • Includes topical and relevant practical examples to help draw out key • Deals with the transposition of the EU Directives adopted under the principles Financial Services Action Plan • Uses introductions to parts to link the law into its wider context • Discusses key case law such as Bhullar v Bhullar on corporate • Covers all important case law and legislative developments including opportunity, Item Software v Fassihi on conflict of duty, Re Spectrum Plus the Consumer Credit (EU Directive) Regulations 2010, and the on charges over book debts, Clark v Cutland on unfair prejudice, and Cancellation of Contracts made in a Consumer’s Home or Place of Work Chaston v SWP Group on financial assistance etc. Regulations 2008 • Provides essential guidance for law students and acts as a key reference • Contains references to further reading and web-based sources at the guide for practitioners end of each chapter to enable students to expand their knowledge

Contents include Introduction • Separate Legal Personality and Limited Liability • Corporate Contents include Governance – The Board and Shareholders • Corporate Governance – Part One: Sale of Goods • Part Two: Consumer Credit • Part Three: The Law Majority and Minority Shareholders • Accounts and Audits • Equity Finance • of Agency Debt Finance

Paperback • 978-0-414-04611-5 • £29.95 • July 2011 Paperback • 978-0-421-94900-3 • £35 • May 2008

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 15 C ommercial & consumer law

Holiday law: the law relating RIDLEY’S LAW OF THE CARRIAGE to travel and tourism OF GOODS BY LAND, SEA AND AIR

NEW 5th Edition 8th Edition

… an informed, comprehensive and entertaining Between the covers is a guided tour of the relevant law, whether you just mine of information clearly and ‘‘want to see the main points of interest or want to ‘‘accurately set out… a valuable know all the fine print. tool for non-specialist and

The Times specialist alike. ’’ The Law Society’s Gazette Darren Grant –Vantage Insurance Visiting Professor of Travel Law, Leeds ’’ Metropolitan University; and Stephen Mason – Senior Partner,Travlaw LLP, Leeds • Begins with a brief overview of the English legal system in order to provide a general background into which to fit the specific rules relating to package holidays Brian Harris - Senior Lecturer in Law, Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University • Covers the nature of the contractual relationship between tour operator • Addresses the relevant common law principles and the requirements of and client, the legal status of travel agents, the criminal liabilities of tour statutory regulation both under English Law and throughout the EEA operators and the effects of insolvency pursuant to the EU common transport policy • Looks at air law, how to sue a foreign defendant, and the legal position • looks at carriage of goods by land considering domestic carriage by of self made packages and Internet sales each of road, rail and inland waterway, the application of standard • Includes a wealth of new case law including the dramatic impact of CAA contractual terms such as RHA and FTA conditions and international v Travel Republic, Evans v Kosmar, Gouldbourn v Balkan, Milner v Cunard, carriage pursuant to the CMR and CIM conventions Wallentin-Hermann v Alitalia,and Sturgeon v Condor • deals with carriage of goods by sea under charterparties, bill lading and • Examines the scope of the Package Travel, Package Holidays and other transport documents and statutory regulation arising pursuant to Package Tours Regulations 1992 the Hague Visby Rules and discusses the application of other discrete • Covers all other key developments including EC Regulation 261/2004 international regimes arising under the Hague Rules, the Hamburg on Denied Boarding, Long Delays and Cancellation, the Montreal and Rules and the more recently promulgated Rotterdam rules Athens Conventions and the OFT guidelines on unfair terms in holiday • covers the carriage of goods by air under the air carriage rules arising contracts; and contains key materials including the Council Directive pursuant to the Montreal Convention Regime and the various Warsaw on Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours; the Package Convention Regimes Travel, the Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992; and • discusses issues relating to the performance of the carriage of goods the ABTA Code of Conduct • covers carriage of goods pursuant to electronic documentation both generally and pursuant to the various international regimes Contents include The package travel regulations • Offer and acceptance • Contents of the • addresses multi-modal carriage under contractual terms (such as contract • Liability • Exclusion of liability • Misrepresentation • Privity of BIFA conditions and the UNCTAD/ICC Rules for Multimodal Transport contract • Frustration of contract and force • Majeure • Remedies • The Documents) and the various international regimes Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 • Criminal • discusses the statutory regulation applicable to the performance offences under the package • Travel regulations • Defences • Travel agents of contractual obligations for the carriage of goods Insolvency and security • Practical litigation • Air and sea travel • Accidents • describes the most critical contractual issues surrounding carriage abroad of goods law

Paperback • 978-0-414-04612-2 • c. £39.95 • September 2011 Contents include Contracts for the Carriage of Goods • Contracts for the Carriage of Goods by Land • Contracts for the Carriage of Goods by Sea • Contracts for the Carriage of Goods by Air • Undertaking Contracts of Carriage

Paperback • 978-0-414-04502-6 • £49.50 • September 2010

16 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students C ommercial & consumer law

Schmitthoff’s Export Trade: SOUTHAMPTON ON SHIPPING The Law and Practice of International Trade NEW 2nd Edition NEW 12th Edition

Institute of Maritime Law … Schmitthoff will be welcomed all over the • suitable for practitioners and for those new to the area who need globe by those who are involved a sound knowledgeable introduction to the field of maritime law. • covers the key areas of maritime law in a concise and accessible style ‘‘in international trade. • showcases the expertise of the various members of the Institute of New Law Journal Maritime Law ’’ New to this Edition • covers all developments since the first edition Carole Murray – Barrister, No. 5 Chambers, London; David Holloway – • includes a new chapter on ship sale, finance and registration Barrister, No. 5 Chambers, London; and Daren Timson-Hunt – Barrister, • expanded marine insurance chapter, with the subject covered Cabinet Office Legal Adviser in greater depth • Has been the leading text in the field of international trade law for almost 50 years Contents include • Provides a concise account of the law and practice of international trade The Conflict of Laws • Ship Sale, Finance and Registration • International • Examines the sale of goods, finance and transportation of exports, Trade and Shipping Documents • Charterparties • Bills of Lading and insurance, customs law and long-term contracts Cargo Claims • Carriage of Passengers • The Liabilities of the Ship • Public International Law Aspects of Shipping Regulation • International • Includes a new chapter on the World Trade Organisation, expanded Regulations for Ship Operators, their Verification and Enforcement • coverage of international commercial dispute resolution including Marine Pollution from Shipping Activities • Marine Insurance • Procedures developments in arbitration law and practice, and an expanded chapter for Enforcement • The Application of the EU Competition Rules to the on European Union and United Kingdom competition law Maritime Sector • Discusses case law and legislative developments plus updated to take account of UCP 600, as well as coverage of the EU Judgments Paperback • 978-0-414-04876-8 • £46.95 • July 2011 Regulation, and the electronic commerce and electronic data interchange

Contents include International Sale of Goods • Finance of Exports • Transportation of Exports • Insurance of Goods in Transit • International Commercial Dispute Resolution • Construction and Long Term Contracts • Customs Law • Marketing Organisations Abroad • Market Information • Standardisation, Unification, E-Commerce and EDI

Paperback • 978-0-414-04607-8 • £46.95 • September 2011

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 17 C ommercial & consumer law

W oODROFFE and Lowe’s Lwa of International Trade Consumer Law and Practice CROSS-BORDER COMMERCIAL TRANSACTIONS 8th Edition

4th Edition Between the covers is a mine of information clearly and Chuah has again ‘‘accurately set out… a valuable successfully managed to tool for non-specialist and ‘‘explain and simplify this specialist alike. complex system of the practice The Law Society’s Gazette of international trade law… ’’ South African Mercantile Law Journal ’’

Geoffrey Woodroffe MA (Cantab) – Solicitor, formerly Professor and Director of the Centre for Consumer and Commercial Law Research, Jason Chuah – Professor of International Commercial Law, University Brunel University; and Robert Lowe – Solicitor of Westminster • Presents a concise but comprehensive guide to consumer law • Presents a comprehensive and up to date treatment of all key aspects of private international trade law • Focuses on the types of problems most likely to arise or be encountered in real life and uses examples to explain how the law • demonstrates to the reader how international trade law operates in its deals with such situations political, economic and business contexts • centred on domestic law including legislation transposing EU Directives • Provides a clear and concise explanation of the theoretical framework, which underpins the law against the background of modern trade • includes key cases including the Supreme Court decision OFT v Abbey documentation and export practice National • incorporates example contractual clauses, forms and diagrams to • covers the latest developments including changes to consumer demonstrate how the law works in practice protection resulting from the Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 • offers an important treatise of the subject, examining legal complexities • includes the latest EU Consumer Credit Directive in cases and materials • explains all the OFT Approved codes of practice • sets out summaries of the more significant cases and, where relevant, • Provides a selection of County Court precedents supplied by a District cases from the Commonwealth and other countries are discussed Judge which highlight the practical applications of this book • includes increased coverage of the Vienna Convention on International • Popular text for both undergraduate and Legal Practice students as Sales, and the International Air, Road and Rail Carriage regimes well as being used by specialist and non-specialist practitioners and • discusses legal developments, including, the Rome I and Rome II non-lawyers requiring information in this field Regulations, the final draftUNICTRAL Transport Convention, insurance law reform, URR725 and the UCP 600 Contents include • Provides detailed footnotes to guide further and more detailed research The consumer and the • The consumer and the criminal law • into key topics Administrative control • Special protection in credit transactions • Appendices • discusses latest case law: Scottish & Newcastle International; Premium Nafta; Lesotho Highlands Development Authority; The Front Comor; Freeport plc; Datec Electronics; The Achilleas; MSC Amsterdam; Stemson; Paperback • 978-0-414-04240-7 • £30.95 • July 2010 Dadourian; Shamil Bank; The Golden Victory, and many others

ALSO AVAILABLE Contents include Cases and Materials on International Trade Law Introduction and Context • International Sale of Goods • Terms under the • Remedies in International Sales • Vienna • Paul Todd • Paperback • 978-0-421-82710-3 • £41.95 • December 2002 Convention on the International Sale of Goods • Bills of Lading • Carriage of Goods by Sea – the common law • Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1971 • Carriage of Goods by Air, Road and Rail • Marine Insurance for Cargo • Payment and Finance for International Trade • Civil and Commercial Jurisdiction • Choice of Law for Contractual and Non-Contractual Obligations • Recognising and Enforcing Foreign Awards • Alternative Dispute Resolution

Paperback • 978-1-847-03344-4 • £32.95 • May 2009

18 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students C onstruction & Arbitration Law C ontract law

Construction Law Contract Law – Textbook Series

10th Edition NEW 2nd Edition

Robert Duxbury – formerly Principal Lecturer, Academic Division, … admirable coverage of Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University the material so that a student • Sets out a clear framework and seeks to explain the intricacies of the law of contract as clearly as possible, without sacrificing the detail that ‘‘would get good value and a good is required for a proper understanding of the subject grounding in the area. • Concentrates on topics common to the majority of undergraduate law courses The Law Teacher • Goes through the life of a contract from formation through to discharge and remedies as well as dealing with the contents of the contract and ’’ vitiating factors • Focuses on UK common law but covers relevant EU law and makes comparisons with other common law jurisdictions • Includes topical and relevant practical examples to help draw out key principles

John Uff CBE – Emeritus Professor of Engineering Law, Kings College; QC, • Contains a glossary of key terms at the beginning of the book Keating Chambers • Includes references to further reading from relevant literature at the end • Provides comprehensive explanations of key topics and issues of each chapter to enable students to expand their knowledge in a clear, concise tone suitable for both the undergraduate and • Breaks down difficult concepts in a way students find easy to understand professional reader • guides the reader through the world of construction contracts, litigation, Contents include planning and environmental law Introduction to the law of contract • Offer and acceptance • Certainly • covers public and EU law, statutes, safety and building regulations and • Consideration and estoppel • Formalities and capacity • • supplements the commentary with extensive quotations from the Contractual terms • Exclusion and limitation clauses • Privity of relevant statutes and leading cases, as well as extracts from the contract • Discharge by performance, breach and agreement • standard forms of contract Frustration • Misrepresentation • Mistake • Duress and undue influence •I llegality • Contracts in restraint of trade • Remedies one: • extensively updated to reflect the fast pace of change in this field of law, for • Remedies two: equitable remedies, both new statutes and regulations and in new case law and limitation of actions • includes updated contract forms from FIDIC and NECC • Provides the JCT and ICE forms of contract Paperback • 978-0-414-04603-0 • £26.95 • June 2011 • includes a Glossary of Legal Terms

Contents include Construction Law and the Legal System • Dispute Resolution – Litigation, Adjudication and ADR • Dispute Resolution – Arbitration • Parties and Status • The • Contract: General Principles • Special Contracts • Documents • Construction Contracts • Vicarious Performance and Insolvency • Standard Forms of Contract • The Standard Building Contract • The ICE Conditions of Contract • Law of Tort • Land, Planning and Environment Law • Construction Statutes and Safety

Paperback • 978-1-847-03767-1 • £28.95 • June 2009

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 19 C ontract law

Understanding Contract Law Smith & Thomas: – Understanding Law Series A Casebook on Contract

5th Edition 12th Edition

… an invaluable book for … a portable library

anyone who wants to understand Lex Magazine ‘‘not just what the law is, but also ‘‘ ’’ how it came about, how it has A very sound standard evolved and how it will continue for all others and the extracts ‘‘cannot be faulted... the to evolve. book is readable and easy Customer Review, Amazon.co.uk ’’ on the eye. The Law Teacher John N Adams – Professor Emeritus, University of Sheffield andA djunct ’’ Professor University of Notre Dame; and Roger Brownsword – Professor of Law, King’s College London, University of London and Honorary Professor Roger Brownsword – Professor of Law, King’s College London, in Law, University of Sheffield University of London and Honorary Professor in Law, University of Sheffield • Presents a succinct but intellectually challenging overview of • the leading casebook on the law of contract for over 40 years, providing contract law all the material necessary for an in-depth study of the area • Goes beyond traditional “black letter” exposition to provide a real • uses substantial case extracts combined with authoritative explanation understanding of the subject to provide readers with an understanding of the principles of contract law • Offers a unique analysis of contract doctrine – the authors’ terminology of “market-individualism” and “consumer-welfarism” has been • discusses both historical and contemporary cases to illustrate the key widely adopted elements of contract law • Explains how the contract rule-book emerged, and how the rule-book • contains all relevant material including key statutory material and law doctrines and particular judicial decisions reflect a range of underlying commission reports tensions (relating to the general ideologies of adjudication and the N ew for the 12th Edition particular ideologies of contract) • includes a new introductory chapter which frames the subject and offers • Examines how the institution of contract is undergoing major changes answers to a range of frequently asked questions at the beginning of the twenty-first century • discusses the principles of European Contract Law to address all aspects • Includes all key case law and statutory developments encountered on undergraduate courses • Sets a distinctive manifesto for legal education that is in line with the • includes a new chapter on interpretation ACLEC emphasis on “understanding” (rather than passive role learning) as the key to the initial stage of legal education • includes questions at the end of cases to enable students to test their knowledge • Written by the same expert author team as the popular Understanding Law

Contents include Contents include The Formation of a Contract • Third Party Claims and Liabilities • Part One: Groundwork • Understanding contract: first steps •T he rule-book Obligations arising from the Contract and its Formation • Remedies • in historical perspective • Contractual disputes • Part Two: The judges Exclusion of Liability and Unfair Terms • Excusing Circumstances • and the rule-book • Agreement • The conditions of enforceability • The Vitiating Factors concept of risk • Remedies • The ideologies of contract • Part Three: The rule-book and the transformation of contract • Contract transformed • Understanding contract as a social phenomenon • Epilogue • Bibliography Paperback • 978-1-847-03417-5 • £31.95 • July 2009

Paperback • 978-1-847-03116-7 • £18.95 • April 2007 Ideal companion for: Treitel on the Law of Contract

20 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students C ontract law

Treitel on the Law Contract Law – of Contract The Fundamentals

NEW 13th Edition NEW 2nd Edition

The detailed analysis of contractual intricacies … an excellent overview of this complex area is impressive, and the author guides the reader with of law. Its diagrams and flow-charts are worth ‘‘practical examples to illustrate his reasoning. ‘‘the price alone! New Law Journal ’’ Student Law Journal ’’ Edwin Peel – Fellow, Keble College, Oxford Ryan Murray – Principal Lecturer in Law, Programme Leader LLB (Hons) • Follows the classic structure for the teaching of contract, going through Full Time, Sandwich, Flexible and Distance Learning, Nottingham Law formation; contents; vitiating factors; capacity and parties; performance; School breach; termination; and remedies • sets out a clear framework and explains the intricacies of the law as • Examines, and offers resolutions to, controversial and problematic points clearly as possible without sacrificing the detail that is required for a of law proper understanding • Offers an improved layout with mini-contents list at the beginning of • Includes full coverage of all topics likely to be studied on contract law each chapter, paragraph numbering and clearer wording of headings courses at undergraduate level, on Diploma in Law (CPE) programmes, and sub-headings and ILEX level 6 • Takes account of more than 300 new cases including The Achilleas • Uses charts, grids and diagrams to enable students to grasp complex (remoteness), Chartbrook Ltd v Persimmon Homes Ltd (interpretation), legal principles with ease OFT v Abbey National Plc (unfair terms), Attorney General of Belize v Belize • Facilitates learning with clear language and bite-size chunks of text Telecom Ltd (implied terms), Cobbe v Yeoman’s Row Management Ltd • Makes use of headings and sub-headings to lead students through the (proprietary estoppel), Collier v Wright (promissory estoppel) work with ease • Covers all key legislative developments since the last edition published • Assumes no prior knowledge of the subject – allowing the book to be including those resulting from the Bribery Act 2010 and the bringing into used for those new to the subject and for distance learning courses force of provisions of the Companies Act 2006 • Includes extensive use of case citations throughout the work Contents include • Contains a detailed index, for fast access to each chapter’s contents Introduction to Contract Law • Offer and Acceptance • Certainty • Consideration and Estoppel • Privity of Contract • Terms • Exclusion Contents include Clauses and Unfair Terms • Misrepresentation • Mistake • Duress and Agreement • Consideration • Contractual intention • Form • The Undue Influence • Frustration • Damages • Other Remedies contents of a contract • Exemption clauses and unfair terms • Mistake • Misrepresentation • Duress, undue influence and unconscionable Paperback • 978-0-414-048171 • £24.95 • April 2011 bargains • Illegality • Capacity • Plurality of parties • Third parties • Assignment • Agency • Performance and breach • Termination for breach • Frustration Damages • Specific remedies •

Paperback • 978-1-847-03921-7 • £36.95 • September 2011 Ideal companion for: Understanding Contract Law

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 21 C ontract law

Contract Law: D aVIES on Contract Cases and Materials

1st Edition 10th Edition

... an excellent introduction to the principles ‘‘of contract law. The Law Teacher ’’

Geoffrey Samuel – Professor of Law, University of Kent, Visiting Professor, Robert Upex – Barrister; Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Surrey; Sorbonne University, and also at University of Montesquieu and Geoffrey Bennett, Barrister; Professor of Law and Director, – Bordeaux IV University of Notre Dame, London Law Programme; with contribution • Presents the essential cases and materials in contract law, along with by Jason Chuah, Professor of Law, University of Westminster commentary from the author, putting the cases in context and linking • Presents the ideal introduction to the principles of contract law the materials together • Breaks the subject down into component parts and provides a short • Supplies everything covered on a modular course, but without students and simple explanation of each key area needing to wade through lots of material they are unlikely to need • Opens each chapter with a mini-contents list and brief statement • Includes regular comparisons with “European” contract law enabling of the chapters purpose students to appreciate a variety of approaches to contract • Covers the latest legislative and case law developments • Presents the source materials in a “student friendly” format – the facts of cases are concise and the extracts of judgments relatively short with only the paragraphs directly relevant to the decision being included Contents include Making the agreement • What is within the agreement • Defects in the • Uses clear heading structures and page layout to ease navigation and agreement • Who is within the agreement • Ending the agreement save time whilst studying • Focuses on problem solving in contract in order to encourage students Paperback • 978-1-847-03447-2 • £21.95 • June 2008 to tackle tutorials and exams with confidence

Contents include General Introduction • Contract: General Provisions • Formation of Contracts • Obstacles to Formation and Vitiating Factors • Interpretation of Contracts • Effects of a Contract • Non-performance of a Contract • Discharge of a Contract • Remedies • Status and Future of Contract

Paperback • 978-1-847-03216-4 • £28.95 • August 2007

22 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students criminal Law

Criminal Law understanding criminal law – Textbook Series – understanding law series

4th Edition 4th Edition

… well-structured and clearly written. A welcome addition to ‘‘any criminal law reading list, this text will form part of the core recommended reading for undergraduate students. The Criminal Lawyer ’’

Alan Reed – Professor of Criminal Law and Private International Law, C MV Clarkson – Professor of Law, University of Leicester University of Sunderland; and Ben Fitzpatrick – Senior Lecturer, University • Provides a broad perspective and general understanding of the legal of York; Consultant Editor: Peter Seago – formerly Head of Law, Leeds principles on which criminal law is based making this ideal pre-course University and/or additional reading for the new law undergraduate • Provides students with a clear and detailed account of criminal law, • Examines the purpose of criminal law and its rules explaining the principles and how the law operates in practice • Offers a detailed understanding of the rationale of the various offences • Focuses on topics common to the majority of law courses including and explores their relationship , offences against the person, and offences against property • Evaluates and offers criticism of the substantive criminal law and, where • sets out the conceptual basis of criminal liability necessary, suggests how it should be developed • includes hypothetical examples throughout to help clarify concepts • Incorporates all significant developments in criminal law since the last and points of law edition published including the Criminal Justice Act 2003 and • examines future law reforms to show how the law may develop the Sexual Offences Act 2003 N ew for the 4th Edition • takes account of key legislative developments including those brought Contents include about by the Fraud Act 2006, Corporate and Corporate Introduction • Constructing Criminal Liability • Major • Function of Homicide Act 2007, and Serious Act 2007 Criminal Law in Society • explores significantC ourt of Appeal decisions in relation to the Sexual Offences Act 2003 and , notably Bree, Devonald, Singh (Jheeta), Paperback • 978-0-421-90090-5 • £18.95 • May 2005 R v EB and Heard Ideal companion for: Criminal Law: Text and Materials • analyses all other key cases including, amongst others, Rahman on ; Kennedy (No.2) on drug administration and unlawful act manslaughter; Wilson, Rashford, and Wood on full and partial defences; and Carey, Dhaliwal and Rafferty on causation • discusses the radical proposals of the Law Commission on homicide, complicity, and , and intoxication

Contents include Introduction • and : The Elements of an Offence • • Parties to Criminal Offences • General Defences • The Inchoate Offences • Offences Against the Person • Offences Against Property I • Offences Against Property II • Offences Against Property III

Paperback • 978-1-847-03740-4 • £26.95 • August 2009

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 23 criminal Law


7th Edition 10th Edition

Well structured and readily accessible… superbly explains ‘‘the key principles together with the theoretical background. Student Law Journal’’

C MV Clarkson – Professor of Law, University of Leicester; M ichael J Allen – Commissioner, Criminal Cases Review Commission, HM Keating – Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Sussex; and previously Professor of Law, Newcastle University; and SR Cunningham – Lecturer in Law, University of Leicester Simon Cooper – Senior Lecturer in Law, Salford Law School • Examines the main principles and rules of criminal law and explores • Presents an extensive collection of cases, statutory provisions, recently the theoretical bases upon which they are founded in an easily published articles and comments designed to define, explain and digestible text illustrate the main principles of criminal law • combines the best features of a standard “textbook” with those of a • Places the emphasis on the cases and materials, using text for “cases and materials” book to provide guidance and direction on the law, introductory and explanatory purposes whilst presenting a substantial amount of key primary material selected • uses notes and questions to assist and stimulate students to think from a diversity of sources critically about the subject and to promote further study • includes extracts from cases and academic articles, carefully edited to • incorporates a wealth of important key case law including Kennedy make them accessible to students (No 2) on causation; Saik on the mens rea for conspiracy; Rahman on • draws on non-legal contextual material to provide a social context to joint enterprise; Heard on intoxication; Bree on intoxicated consent and the law rather than a mere analysis of the rules Jheeta on deception and consent, in the Sexual Offences Act 2003 • includes analysis of leading case decisions including Kennedy (No 2) • includes coverage of the latest statutory developments including (2008) (manslaughter); Rahman (2008) (joint unlawful enterprise); changes brought about by the Fraud Act 2006; R v G (2009) (rape of child under 13); Evans (2009) (omissions). and Corporate Homicide Act 2007; Criminal Justice and Immigration Act • covers all key developments including Corporate Manslaughter and 2008; and the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 Corporate Homicide Act 2007; Serious Crimes Act 2007 (encouraging and assisting crime); Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 (self- Contents include defence); Coroners and Justice Act 2009 (abolishing provocation and Actus Reus • Mens Rea • Mental incapacity • Defences • Degrees of introducing loss of control). responsibility • Inchoate offences • Homicide • Non-fatal offences against the person • and • Fraud • • Handling • Contents include and kindred offences • Criminal Damages Crime and punishment • The general principles of criminal liability • General defences • Inchoate offences • Participation in crime • Non-fatal Paperback • 978-1-847-03920-0 • £31.95 • May 2010 offences against the person • Homicide • Offences against property

Paperback • 978-1-847-03918-7 • £33.95 • June 2010 Ideal companion for: Understanding Criminal Law

24 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students criminal Law


2nd Edition 2nd Edition

... a very well crafted book … a must for anyone covering all major areas of interested in a career as a ‘‘criminal law – offences and ‘‘practising lawyer or for a student defences. studying a criminal justice module. An extremely important Customer review, Amazon.co.uk ’’ and valuable addition to a student’s personal library. Student Law Journal ’’

Christina McAlhone – Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Northumbria; Steve Uglow – Professor of Criminal Justice, University of Kent; and Rebecca Huxley-Binns – Senior Lecturer in Law, Nottingham Law Dr Deborah Cheney – Senior Lecturer, University of Kent; School; Principal Examiner for Criminal Law, Institute of Legal Executives; Lisa Dickson – Lecturer, University of Kent; and and Law Teacher of the Year 2010 Dr Katherine Doolin – Lecturer, University of Birmingham • introduces students to the principles of criminal law by using clear text • Demonstrates the wider, socio-legal context of criminal law by combined with charts, grids and diagrams explaining all parts of the criminal justice system • sets out a clear framework and explains the intricacies of the law as • Provides detailed coverage of the institutions, procedures and decision- clearly as possible without sacrificing the detail that is required for a making processes which make up the criminal justice system proper understanding • Offers an overview of the police, the prosecution and court processes, • includes full coverage of all topics likely to be studied on Criminal Law and the prison system courses at undergraduate level, on Diploma in Law (CPE) programmes, • Analyses proposals for the reorganisation of the criminal courts, and ILEX level 6 changes in sentencing policy and reform of the youth justice system • contains analysis of the key Law Commission’s proposals for reform • Considers the formal framework of rules and procedures where relevant • opens each chapter with a bulleted outline of the main concepts and Contents include ideas to be covered in that chapter and closes each chapter with a A system for criminal justice • The police – organisation and control • summary to recap the main points The police – crime and investigation • The investigation of crime • The • Provides a question along with answer and answer tips at the end of prosecution process • Courts and trials • Preparing for a trial • Evidence, each chapter witnesses and the course of a trial • Issues in sentencing • The prison • uses charts, grids and diagrams to enable students to grasp complex system of England and Wales • Youth Justice legal principles with ease • Follows a new and improved layout with more pedagogical features Paperback • 978-0-421-73840-9 • £27.95 • November 2002 than before, such as ‘Over to You’ boxes to truly engage students and get them thinking more critically about the subject • assumes no prior knowledge of the subject – allowing the book to be used for those new to the subject and for distance learning courses

Contents include Introduction • Actus Reus • Mens Rea • Fatal offences against the person • ALSO AVAILABLE Non-fatal offences against the person • Sexual offences • Offences against property I • Offences against property II • Offences against property III • International Criminal Law and Human Rights Inchoate offences • Participation in criminal offences • Defences I – • Claire de Than and Edwin Shorts • Paperback • 978-0-421-72250-7 • £32.95 • defences which negate the offence • Defences II – defences which justify December 2003 or excuse the offence

Paperback • 978-0-414-04241-4 • £22.95 • June 2010

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 25 criminal Law Employment law

Criminal Law and Practice Employment Law

1st Edition NEW 8th Edition

I can highly recommend Gwyneth Pitt – Professor of Law, Kingston University this book to get you through • Provides a succinct account of employment law and industrial relations law ‘‘the basics of the criminal • set in the context of experience in the workplace as well as within justice system and all it entails, the wider social and political framework • draws references from the British courts, the European Court of Justice as well as the basic elements and the European Court of Human Rights to law. • written in a straightforward and engaging style, making it easy for students to understand the topic and grasp difficult concepts Customer Review, Amazon.co.uk ’’ • covers the latest legislative and case law developments Contents include Introduction • Equality law • Employment status • The contract of Stephen Forster – Previously Lecturer at Warrington College and Fellow, employment • Collective bargaining • Statutory employment protection Lancaster University rights • Pay • Discipline and dismissal • Redundancy and transfer of • Presents a clearly written practical guide to the essentials of criminal law undertakings • Freedom of association • Trade Unions and their members • • Covers both law and procedure making it an invaluable guide for Industrial action I • Industrial action II • Health and safety at work students studying the LPC or BVC, ILEX or those new to practice • Summarises the main principles and provides a succinct step-by-step Paperback • 978-0-414-04617-7 • £28.95 • July 2011 explanation of the most important points in criminal procedure • Provides everything needed in a concise volume without sacrificing the detail that is required for a proper understanding of the subject • Uses headings and sub-headings and breaks the text down into bite size chunks to aid use and understanding of information

Contents include Part One: Criminal Law • Part Two: Criminal Procedure • Part Three: Criminal Evidence

Paperback • 978-1-847-03449-6 • £28.95 • July 2008

26 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students Employment law

Employment Law Employment Law – Textbook Series and Practice

2nd Edition 1st Edition

This is a well-written and balanced text. It allows the ‘‘reader to quickly understand the basics so they can be applied to practical situations. Student Law Journal’’

Andrew C Bell – Lecturer, Nottingham Law School, Nottingham John Sprack – Part-time Chairman, Employment Tribunals Trent University • Presents a clearly written practical guide to the essentials of • Provides students with a clear and detailed account of employment employment law law, explaining the principles and how the law operates in practice • Provides invaluable guidance for both students studying the LPC • Adopts a contextual approach, with analysis and discussion and or BVC and those new to practice sufficient depth of coverage to serve as a main course text for degree • Gives crisp analysis and up-to-date commentary on basic principles, level and post-graduate law courses, and law content of HRM and case law and legislation Business courses • Serves as a solid basis for advice and representation in the fields of • Includes diagrams to help students grasp subjects such as unfair dismissal, discrimination and contractual rights employment status, the contract of employment, unfair dismissal, and industrial action • Provides a clear commentary on the procedure of the employment tribunals • Incorporates legislative and case law developments, including developments in employment status, statutory grievance procedures, • Includes tables, flow-charts and examples to aid understanding and discrimination, health and safety, dismissal and industrial action clarify complex points of law • Contains essential appendices such as the Tribunal Claim and Response Contents include Form, the ACAS Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance Introduction • Employment Status • The Contract of Employment • Procedures and the Employment Tribunal (Constitution and Rules) Equal Pay • Discrimination • Other Statutory Issues • Health and Safety • Regulations 2004 (in part) Termination of Employment • Wrongful Dismissal and other Common Law Claims • Unfair Dismissal • Redundancy • Transfer of Undertakings • Contents include Restraints of Trade • Trade Unions • Trade Unions and their Members • Overview • Definitions of “Employee” and “Worker” • The Individual Industrial Action Contract of Employment • Restrictive Covenants and Confidentiality • Statutory Regulation of Wages and Hours • Discrimination and Equal Paperback • 978-0-421-82890-2 • £24.95 • August 2006 Pay • Remedies for Discrimination and Equal Pay • Family Friendly Rights • Unfair Dismissal • Remedies for Unfair Dismissal • Redundancy • Transfers of Undertakings • Employment Tribunal Practice and Procedure • and Compromise

Paperback • 978-1-847-03218-8 • £28.95 • June 2007

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 27 Employment law

Discrimination Law Discrimination Law: Theory and Context – Text and Materials NEW 2nd Edition 1st Edition

... an excellent book that comprehensively fills ... the key issues of a gap in the market. I will be recommending it as discrimination law are ‘‘the core text to my law and business students who ‘‘covered in excellent detail. study discrimination law in depth, and I anticipate Student Law Journal that colleagues in other institutions who teach ’’ similar courses will follow suit Times Higher Education Supplement ’’

M ichael Connolly – Lecturer in Law, University of Surrey N icholas Bamforth – Fellow in Law, The Queen’s College, Oxford; M aleiha • Covers the UK and EU, with comparisons to the US, Canada Malik – Lecturer in Law, King’s College, London; and and Australia Colm O’Cinneide – Senior Lecturer in Law, University College London. With an introduction by Sir Geoffrey Bindman • Analyses the different theories and definitions of who should be protected and what is classed as discrimination • Provides a comprehensive and in-depth account of contemporary discrimination law in England and Wales, providing a critical overview • Goes through the different grounds for discrimination including race, of the subject along with analysis of the law sex, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, religion or belief, age and disability • Addresses the subject from a human rights and EU law perspective, providing analysis of the way in which EU and domestic discrimination • Explains the application of discrimination law in practice law has been influenced by constitutional and human rights standards • Covers the many different forms of discrimination including direct and • Explores the different theories and social debates surrounding the role indirect discrimination, dual discrimination, harassment, victimisation of discrimination law and disability discrimination • Utilises the popular text and materials approach to provide an accessible • Looks at its application to employment law, and the public sector and stimulating collection of statutes, cases, extracts from academic equality duty books and articles, policy papers and government publications • Discusses positive action • Includes international material, as well as comparisons with other • Discusses the remedies available and ways of enforcing them jurisdictions such as the US, Canada, South Africa and Australia • Refers to all relevant legislation and regulations including the Human • Provides detailed discussion of developments in disability and age Rights Act 1998 and European Convention on Human Rights discrimination including the Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 • Includes coverage of all key case law including cases arising from the • Contains all other relevant legislation such as the Civil Partnership ECJ and ECtH Act 2004 • Includes analysis of key cases such as the decision of the House of Lords Contents include in ex parte Carson (2005), Shabina Begum (2006); The US Supreme Theories of anti-discrimination legislation • The sources of discrimination Court decision in Lawrence v Texas on sexual orientation and the Canadian Supreme Court decision in Multani v Commission on religion law • Protected characteristics • Direct discrimination • Harassment • Indirect discrimination • Victimisation • Discrimination in employment • • Gives an analysis of the Discrimination Law Review 2007 which offers The law of equal pay • Public sector equality duty • Disability recommendations about future law reform discrimination • Enforcement of discrimination legislation • Postive action Contents include Paperback • 978-0-414-04606-1 • £29.95 • April 2011 Part A: The Nature of Discrimination Law • Part B: Central Concepts in Discrimination Law • Part C: Prohibited Grounds within Discrimination Law • Part D: Remedies, Enforcement and Social Policy

Paperback • 978-0-421-55440-5 • £36.95 • March 2008

28 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students English Legal System & Legal MethoD

MANCHESTER AND SALTER English Legal System ON Exploring the Law – The Fundamentals

NEW 4th Edition NEW 2nd Edition

It admirably fills several large holes in the Boylan-Kemp’s delightful book provides a clear literature. and reasoned explanation of the historical evolution ‘‘Glanville Williams ‘‘of the English legal system, including clear worked ’’ examples of the key skills of finding reported cases and reporting their ratio decidendi. This book richly deserves to become a classic in its field. Solicitors Journal ’’ ‘‘Penny Darbyshire’’ Colin Manchester – Professor of Law, University of Warwick; and Jo Boylan-Kemp – Principal Lecturer in Law, Nottingham Trent University David Salter – Reader in Law, University of Warwick • Focuses on what is the law, sources of law, how the law is used, the civil • Provides an initial overview of the principles of statutory interpretation and criminal court systems, ADR, legal personnel, the judiciary, juries, and precedent, with extensive cross-referencing to their detailed funding, sentencing, and appeals consideration in case studies • Explains the intricacies of this area of the law in a simple and • Uses case studies throughout to extract the principles of statutory straightforward language, but without losing any of the detail or interpretation and precedent from substantive law necessary evaluation required for students to progress well in their degree level courses • Examines the influence of the EU and the Human Rights Act 1998 on principles of statutory interpretation • Uses charts and grids to enable students to grasp complex legal principles with ease • Provides students with guidance on further reading at the end of case study chapters • Provides diagrams in order to enhance retention of information • Facilitates learning with clear language and bite-size chunks of text Contents include • Enables students to self test so that they are confident in their Introduction • Part One: Principles • Precedent and statutory interpretation: knowledge before moving onto the next chapter Formulation of legal rules • Statutory interpretation • EU • Human Rights • • Assumes no prior knowledge of the subject – allowing the book to be Part Two: Selected Case Studies • Contract • Tort • Human Rights • Crime • used by those new to the subject and for distance learning courses Medical Ethics • Evidence • Discrimination • Part Three: the Evolution of Law in Selected Fields • Psychiatric Injury • Marital Rape • • Includes a section on how to find, read and analyse legislation and Appropriation in Theft cases so that students can put their knowledge into practice

Paperback • 978-0-414-04185-1 • £24.95 • April 2011 Contents include Introduction • What is the law? • How the law is used • How to find the law and use it • The civil systems • Legal personnel • Judiciary • Magistrates • Juries • Funding • Sentencing • Appeals

Paperback • 978-0-414-04604-7 • £24.95 • June 2011

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 29 English Legal System & Legal MethoD

Darbyshire on the Smith, Bailey & Gunn English Legal System on The Modern English Legal System NEW 10th Edition 5th Edition Darbyshire somehow takes the stuffiness out of the profession… she combines humour… with the … an extremely ‘‘cold hard facts… This book is an excellent starting useful resource. ground for beginners and a good way of revisiting ‘‘The Law Teacher the principles. ’’ Customer Review, Amazon.co.uk’’

Dr Penny Darbyshire – Reader in Law, Kingston University • Provides students with an engaging, thought-provoking and highly readable introduction to the contemporary legal system of England and Wales Stephen Bailey – Professor of Public Law, University of Nottingham; • Explains both new and old laws derived from the ELS, guiding students Jane Ching – Reader, Nottingham Law School; and through a text which discusses legal principals, historical context and N ick Taylor – Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Leeds practice procedure • Provides a lucid and wide-ranging account of the English legal system • Considers the various functions and powers of individuals and and is widely regarded as the leading work on this subject institutions within the ELS • Covers the institutions, personnel and procedures, and the handling of • Takes into account all new legislation case law and statutes • Includes analysis of the latest case law developments, especially in • Details key legislative developments, including changes resulting from criminal procedure and human rights the Constitutional Reform Act 2005, the Criminal Justice Act 2003, the Courts Act 2003, the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005, • Discusses other key developments such as the judicial diversity project the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, the Criminal Defence Service Act 2006, • Comes with free online updates, providing news of the latest changes the Police and Justice Act 2006, the Tribunals, Court and Enforcement and additional material Act 2007, the Legal Services Bill 2007 and the Solicitor’s Code of Conduct 2007 • Contains a list of further reading at the end of each chapter so that students can undertake further study • Analyses key case law including landmark cases such as A v Secretary of State, Leeds City Council v Price, and R (Jackson) v Attorney General • An essential introductory text for undergraduate students of law, those studying law at A2 or AS Levels, as well as students on • Covers other important developments such as the impact of the non-vocational courses accession of a large number of countries joining the EU, the further consolidation of the Woolf Reforms, the growth in significance ofADR , the Law Society’s Training Framework Review, and continued pressures Contents include on publicly funded legal services Part One: Sources • Part Two: Institutions • Part Three: Procedures • Part Four: Professionals in the Law • Part Five: Laypeople in the Law • Part Six: • Accompanied by sample court forms, tables of essential statistics and Access to Justice flow charts illustrating the court structures

Paperback • 978-0-414-04602-3 • £26.95 • September 2011 Contents include Part One: Courts, Personnel and Sources of Law • Part Two: Solving Legal Problems • Part Three: Pre-Trial Procedure • Part Four: The Hearing

Paperback • 978-0-421-90910-6 • £37.95 • September 2007 Ideal companion for: Understanding Law

30 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students English Legal System & Legal MethoD

LEGAL METHODS AND SYSTEMS: Understanding Law TEXT AND MATERIALS – Understanding Law Series

4th Edition 4th Edition

Wide-ranging and thought provoking without being ‘‘beyond the range of first-year students. Lex Magazine’’

Carl F Stychin – Professor of Law, University of Reading; and John N Adams – Professor Emeritus, University of Sheffield andA djunct Linda Mulcahy – Professor of Law, London School of Economics Professor, University of Notre Dame; and Roger Brownsword – Professor of • Provides a mini library and integrated teaching tool for legal method, Law, King’s College London, University of London and Honorary Professor English legal system and Introduction to Law courses in Law, University of Sheffield • Presents a contextual overview of the English legal system • introduces students to a range of different ways of thinking about the study of law including doctrinal, socio-legal and critical perspectives • Provides the groundwork for a critical understanding of legal institutions, processes and materials • Provides a wealth of materials and commentary, along with a series of focused questions suitable for tutorials and essays • Places the study of law within the broader framework of inquiry focusing on the evaluation and explanation of legal decision making at all levels • discusses the implications of the opening of the new Supreme Court and reflects on the success of theW oolf reforms of the civil litigation system • Sets a distinctive manifesto for legal education that is in line with the ACLEC emphasis on “understanding” (rather than passive role learning) • includes examples and a questions and problems section to help as the key to the initial stage of legal education students grasp the subject • incorporates high-level diagrams and mind maps in order to enhance retention of legal principles and procedures Contents include What is law? • The idea of understanding • Legal institutions • Judge-made • includes other user-friendly features such as “key concepts” boxes, law – statutory interpretation • Judge-made law – case law development • suggested further reading and web sources Legal process – the criminal justice system • Legal process – the civil justice system • Legal process – The system of administrative justice • The Contents include legal profession and legal services • Conclusion – climbing the mountain Part One: Key ideas • Part Two: The lawmakers • Part Three: Interpreting statutes • Part Four: Interpreting cases • Part Five: People, systems and Paperback • 978-0-421-96060-2 • £18.95 • August 2006 methods Ideal companion for: Smith, Bailey & Gunn on the Modern English Legal System Paperback • 978-0-414-04183-7 • £28.95 • August 2010

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 31 English Legal System & Legal MethoD Environmental law

The Elements of Understanding Environmental Law – Understanding Law Series

4th Edition 1st Edition

RW Lee – Reader on Roman Law at the Inns of Court • Demonstrates how Roman law is the foundation of all European M ark Stallworthy – Professor of Environmental Law and Co-Director, legal systems Centre for Environmental and Energy Law and Policy, Swansea University • Comprises a title-by-title translation of the Institutes of Justinian • Presents a straightforward, lucid overview of environmental law together with a detailed exposition of each topic • Goes beyond traditional “black letter” exposition to offer a wider contextual understanding of the subject Contents include • Discusses the key issues concerning human society and the environment The law of persons • The law of property • The law of succession • and looks at continuing challenges for environmental law and The law of obligations • The law of actions environmental lawyers • Examines the substantive law, addressing both public law and Paperback • 978-0-421-01780-1 • £30 • January 1986 private law approaches, and in particular the nature and problems of environmental regulation • Looks at the ‘bigger issues’ of universal concern including those of securing sustainability, and related questions of justice • Includes relevant key case law and statutory developments

Contents include Introduction: The Task of Understanding Environmental Law • Society’s Responses to Environmental Threats • Representing the Environment • Legal Regulation and the Environment • Environmental Regulation: Applications, Alternatives, and Challenges • Law and Environmental Risk • Law and a Sustainable Future • Conclusions

Paperback • 978-1-847-03030-6 • £19.95 • May 2008

ALSO AVAILABLE Environmental Law, Textbook Series • 2nd Edition • J Thornton and Silas Beckwith • Paperback • 978-0-421-77990-7 • £28.95 • October 2004

32 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students equity & TrustS

Parker and Mellows: Hanbury & Martin: The Modern Law of Trusts Modern Equity

9th Edition 18th Edition

… this book helps a lot A highly readable and for someone who has a basic comprehensive textbook. ‘‘knowledge of the subject. I strongly ‘‘Lex Magazine recommend it for ’’ deeper reading. It beats reading 5 or 6 easier texts. Customer Review, Amazon.co.uk ’’

AJ Oakley – Barrister, Lincoln’s Inn; Sometime Fellow of Trinity Hall, Dr Jill E Martin – Barrister, Lincoln’s Inn Cambridge • Presents a leading title on equity & trusts law, unparalleled in breadth • sets out the underlying principles which govern this area of law of scope and wealth of detail • Uses a practical framework to explore the administration of trusts • gives an overview of significant cases to provide students with the facts they need and a clear explanation of difficult points • Incorporates all key legislation and case law • Provides a critical commentary with full reference to materials from • Covers the many changes that have taken place since publication of the legal journals previous edition, including the many changes in the areas of charities, taxation of trusts, and • covers more than any other equity textbook, featuring other aspects of equity, in particular equitable remedies, and doctrines such as estoppel • Gives a greater understanding of how trusts operate, making it an and undue influence, not usually covered essential aid for both students and practitioners • discusses fundamental changes brought about by the Charities Act 2006, 2006 and Companies Act 2006 Contents include Introduction • The Classification ofT rusts • The Essential Ingredients • examines key case law such as , Barlow Clowes v of a Trust • The Formal Requirements for the Creation of a Trust • The Eurotrust PC, Douglas v Hello, and Yeoman’s Row Management Ltd Constitution of a Trust • Discretions and Powers • Legality of a Trust • v Cobbe Protective Trusts • Implied or Resulting Trusts • Constructive Trusts • • Provides coverage of the latest reports, such as the Law Commission’s Charitable Trusts • Trusts • The Appointment, Retirement and Report on Exemption Clauses Removal of • The Administration of Trusts • The Taxation of a Trust Apportionments • Income from the Trust Fund • Applications of Trust Capital • The Position of a under aT rust • Trustees’ Contents include Remuneration and Benefits • Variation ofT rusts • Breach of Trust • Part One: Introduction • Part Two: Trusts and Powers • Part Three: Trusts in the Conflict of Laws • Exporting Trusts Trustees • Part Four: Miscellaneous Equitable Remedies and Doctrines

Paperback • 978-0-421-94590-6 • £33.95 • September 2008 Paperback • 978-1-847-03512-7 • £33.95 • March 2009 Ideal companion for: Hayton & Marshall: Commentary and Cases on the Law of Trusts and Equitable Remedies

ALSO AVAILABLE The Law of Trusts • 4th Edition • David J Hayton • Paperback • 978-0-421-85760-5 • £19.95 • September 2003 Parry and Kerridge: The Law of Succession • 12th Edition • Roger Kerridge • Paperback • 978-0-421-95930-9 • £33.95 • March 2009

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 33 equity & TrustS


NEW 3rd Edition 13th Edition … great, easy to read… If like me, you’re A combined textbook not a great note taker this book will be of and casebook… ‘‘definite help. ‘‘which leads students deeper into than Customer Review, Amazon.co.uk’’ any other textbook. M ichael Haley – Professor of Property Law, Keele University; and Lex Magazine Lara McMurtry – Lecturer in Law, Keele University ’’ • Presents a detailed account of the law of trusts and equity placing the subject in its modern context • takes account of the latest legislative and case law developments • combines in depth commentary with critical analysis to give more than just a guide to the law Charles Mitchell – Fellow and Tutor in Law, Jesus College, Oxford, and Professor of Law, University of Oxford • mirrors the structure of a traditional trusts and equity course for ease of • Offers a thorough and perceptive treatment of modern use during studies • uniquely combines textbook and casebook in one compact volume • contains practical illustrations to show how the law operates • uses questions and problems to promote analysis and discussion • gives examples to aid understanding of the more complex and technical areas • investigates the “grey” areas often favoured by examiners • contains a glossary of key terms at the back of the work • illuminates the nature of the English trust concept with comparative references to foreign jurisdictions • offers a short guide to further reading at the end of each chapter • illustrates text with excerpts from cases, statutes, and Charity Commission publications Contents include An introduction to Equity and Trusts • The • Constitution • includes new extracts from the Charities Act 2006 and the Perpetuities of Trusts • Formalities and the Perpetuity Rules • Mutual Wills and Secret and Accumulations Act 2009, and from Sieff v Fox (2005); Barlow Clowes Trusts • Non-charitable Purpose Trusts • Charitable Trusts • Cy-pres • International Ltd v Eurotrust International Ltd (2006); Stack v Dowden Resulting Trusts • Constructive Trusts • Trusts of the Family Home • The (2007); Breakspear v Ackland (2009); Chartbrook Ltd v Persimmon Homes Appointment, Retirement and Removal of Trustees • The Duties of a Ltd (2009); Hanchett-Stamford v Att.-Gen. (2009) HMRC v Trustees of the Trustee • Trustee’s Powers • Variation of Trusts • Setting Trusts Aside • Peter Clay (2009); Re Walters (deceased) (2009); and Breach of Trust • Wyndham v Egremont (2009) • revised structure increases accessibility of discussion Paperback • 978-0-414-04616-0 • £28.95 • July 2011 • new text design and format makes the work more user-friendly and enables students to better distinguish cases from commentary

Contents include Introduction • Constitution of Trusts • Formal Requirements • The Three Certainties • The Beneficiary Principle • Charitable Trusts • Variation and Termination of Trusts • Appointment, Retirement, Removal and Payment of Trustees • Duties of Trustees • Control of Trustee Powers • Personal Compensatory Liability of Trustees for Breach of Trust • Personal Compensatory Liability of Third Parties Involved in a Breach of Trust • Proprietary Claims following a Breach of Trust • Resulting Trusts • Constructive Trusts • Trusts and the Conflict of Laws • Equitable Remedies

Paperback • 978-1-847-03730-5 • £34.95 • May 2010 Ideal companion for: Hanbury & Martin: Modern Equity

34 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students European law


10th Edition NEW 3rd Edition

For a book... to stand … great, easy to read… If like me, you’re out it must be very good. For not a great note taker this book will be of ‘‘such a book to have reached ‘‘definite help. eight editions from its first Customer Review, Amazon.co.uk publication in 1972 makes it ’’ even more special. Koen Lenaerts – Judge of the Court of Justice of the European Union and Professor of European Law, Leuven University; Piet Van Nuffel – Member Legal Executive Journal of the Legal Service of the European Commission, Professor of European ’’ Law at Leuven University and Visiting Professor at the College of Europe (Natolin); Editors: Robert Bray – Principal Administrator in the Secretariat of the Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament; and Nathan Dr PSRF Mathijsen – Advocat; Professor of Law, University of Brussels; Cambien – Research Fellow at the Institute for European Law, Former Director-General with the Commission of the European Leuven University Communities • Provides a rigorously structured analysis of the institutional structure of • the perfect first-stop introduction toE U Law the EU, its jurisdiction, its legal instruments and the main substantive principles underlying EU law • Offers a comprehensive overview of the European Union’s institutions and their functions • Develops a detailed overview of EU substantive law and of the effect the various sources of EU law have within the legal order of every • Fully up-to-date with the changes brought about by the ratification of the Member State Lisbon Treaty • Outlines the main elements of the Lisbon Treaty • Covers all other key case law and legislative developments • Includes references to case law and legislative developments as well as • Analyses the substantive law of the European Community, from to academic literature in the major European languages competition and agriculture to, among others, environment, culture, health protection and consumer protection • Covers significant developments in the EU, including the many changes brought by the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty • Keeps the text simple and uncluttered by keeping references to treaty provisions or Community Acts to the extended footnotes at the end of • Contains examples, diagrams and tables to help readers grasp complex each chapter processes and retain information

Contents include Contents include Part One: The Union, the Communities, the Community Acts and Part One: The European Union – Different Paths Towards Integration • Community law • Part Two: The institutions and bodies and the financing Part Two: Jurisdiction of the European Union • Part Three: The Actors of of activities • Part Three: Internal market • Part Four: Other Community the European Union • Part Four: The Decision-Making Process within the policies • Part Five: Policies of the Community and the Member States • European Union • Part Five: Sources of the Law of the European Union • Part Six: The Union in the world Part Six: The External Relations of the European Union

Paperback • 978-1-847-03744-2 • £31.95 • May 2010 Hardback • 978-1-847-03743-5 • £125 • April 2011 Paperback • 978-1-847-03743-5 • £39.95 • April 2011

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 35 European law

Understanding EU Law Wytt a & Dashwood’s – Understanding Law Series European Union Law

2nd Edition 5th Edition

Erika Szyszczak – Jean Monnet Professor of European Law and Anthony Arnull – Professor of European Law, University of Birmingham; Professor of European Competition & Labour Law, University of Leicester; Alan Dashwood – Professor of European Law, Sidney Sussex College, and Dr Adam Cygan – Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Leicester University of Cambridge; Professor Michael Dougan – Professor of • offers a succinct but intellectually challenging overview of EU law European Law and Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law, University of Liverpool; M alcolm Ross – Professor of European Law, University of Sussex; • covers the material in an accessible and stimulating way that helps Dr Eleanor Spaventa – Reader in Law, University of Durham; and students to grasp the essential themes, issues, and underlying principles Derrick Wyatt QC – Professor of Law, St Edmund Hall, University • aims to promote a better understanding of EU law, by placing the citizen of Oxford at the centre of discussions and examining the position that he or she • Presents detailed commentary and analysis of the European Union and occupies within the modern EU its substantive law • considers the impact of EU law on individuals, their working lives and • covers the constitutional structure of the EU, examining the functioning their position in the political process of the institutions, the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, and • Provides a clear introduction and thorough understanding of the way the nature of the European legal order the EU has developed and the current challenges it faces • Provides detailed coverage of the free movement of goods, persons and services, competition law, and state aids Contents include • includes boxed summaries at the start of each chapter summarising Institutional, Economic and Political Integration in the European Union • the key points The Court of Justice and Fundamental Principles of Community Law • • Provides a list of further reading at the end of each chapter Economic Integration Through Governance • Integration Through the Liberalisation of Markets: Four Fundamental Economic Freedoms • • includes new chapters on the Constitutional Treaty, Corporate Competition Law and Policy • The Application of the Competition Rules Establishment, Cross Border Investment and Company Law to Private Undertakings • The Application of the Competition Rules to Harmonisation, Citizenship, Fundamental Rights, and the Charter Economic Activities of the State • The European Union and its Relations of Fundamental Rights with the Outside World • Future Directions for European Integration • covers key case law from The European Courts

Paperback • 978-1-847-03279-9 • £18.95 • June 2008 Contents include Historical Introduction • The Constitutional Order • Constitutional Principles • Jurisdiction of the Community Courts • The Fundamental Rights of Union Citizens • Competition Policy

ALSO AVAILABLE Paperback • 978-0-421-92560-1 • £33.95 • September 2006 German Legal System Ideal companion for: Understanding EU Law • Dr Anke Freckmann and Dr Thomas Wiegerich • Paperback • 978-0-421-57100-6 • £31.95 • March 1999 European Community Law • James Hanlon • Paperback • 978-0-421-79850-2 • £21.95 • September 2003

36 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students European law

European Competition Tohe Ec nomics of EC Law and Economics: Competition Law: Concepts, A Comparative Perspective Application and Measurement

2nd Edition University Edition

It is undoubtedly the most comprehensive and enjoyable ‘‘read in the world of “economic foundations of competition law Journal of Business Law ’’

Dr Roger Van den Bergh – Professor of Law and Economics, Simon Bishop – Founding Partner, of RBB Economics and Rotterdam Institute of Law and Economics; and Dr Peter D Camesasca – M ike Walker – Vice President, Charles River Associates Partner at Howrey LLP, Assistant Professor, Rotterdam Institute of Law •  Examines the economic theory and analysis as it is applied to EC and Economics competition law • Provides essential guidance to the economic analysis of European • discusses the basics economic principles underpinning competition law competition law including market power, market definition and effective competition • includes manifold comparisons with US antitrust law • looks at the economic techniques used by the Commission in applying • Presents the information in an easy to use layout with worked case its guidelines examples, graphs and bullet pointed summaries • examines the way in which economic theory relates to Article 81 (TFEU • contains comprehensive coverage of merger control with detailed 101), Article 82 (TFEU 102) and merger control examination of the new regulation and accompanying policy documents • discusses the economic concepts and analytical techniques in a clear • details all new legislative developments regarding EC competition and accessible way, with case studies and examples to illustrate the law, such as Modernization of Article 81 and Merger Control, Article application of those concepts and techniques 82, Regulation 2790/1999 (verticals), Regulation 4056/86 (liner • discusses intellectual property right and licensing and the legal conferences), Regulation 1400/2002 (cars), liberal professions, etc challenges these present for cases, eg. Magill • covers all significant case law from Grundig/Consten and Chiquita to • demonstrates the use of economics in Commission decisions and Court Microsoft, Lysine, Volvo/Scania and Michelin II judgments through dynamic discussion of the key cases

Contents include Contents include Introduction • Goals of competition law • Economic approaches • Part One: Concepts • Effective competition • The assessment of market Market power • Horizontal agreements • Vertical restraints • Abuses power • The relevant market • Part Two: Application • Article 81 • Article 82 • of a dominant position • Enforcement • Mergers • Harmonization The Economics of Horizontal Mergers • The Economics of Non-horizontal of competition laws Mergers • Part Three: Measurement • Introduction to empirical analysis • Price tests • Using elasticities (critical loss and diversion ratios) • Bidding Paperback • 978-0-421-96580-5 • £42.95 • August 2006 studies • Shock analysis • Price concentration analysis • Merger simulation • Shipment and transport cost tests • Damages estimation • Econometric annex

Paperback • 978-0-421-93190-9 • £41.95 • June 2010

ALSO AVAILABLE Spanish Law and Legal System • 2nd Edition • Elena Merino-Bianco • Paperback • 978-0-421-90230-5 • £31.95 • May 2006

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 37 Evidence

DENNIS: THE LAW OF EVIDENCE Evidence – The Fundamentals

4th Edition 2nd Edition

It really does explain I am confident that this the intricacies of trials and book will enable students to ‘‘procedures that exceed our ‘‘grasp the law of evidence and basic knowledge from the its practical impact on the first year. Surprisingly easy preparation and presentation to understand which is a of the client’s case more huge relief! clearly. Customer Review,’’ Amazon.co.uk Solicitors Journal’’ Ian Dennis – Professor of English Law, University College London Phil Huxley – Formerly Principal Lecturer at Nottingham Law School, • Analyses the law of evidence, while placing the subject within its Nottingham Trent University theoretical context • Introduces students to the principles of the law of evidence by using • Presents the information in a logical structure following on from the clear text combined with charts, grids and diagrams introduction of the basic concepts through to the exclusionary rules of • Seeks to explain not merely the rules and principles but also their the law of evidence provenance and continued utility • offers an integrated approach to evidence which includes essential • Includes full coverage of all topics likely to be studied on law of evidence doctrinal analysis courses at undergraduate level and ILEX level 6 • takes account of evidence theory, psychological research on information • Opens each chapter with a bulleted outline of the main concepts and processing and retrieval, socio-legal work on police investigations, and ideas to be covered in that chapter and closes each chapter with a jury research projects summary to recap the main points • Provides a question along with answer and answer tips at the end of Contents include each chapter Part One: Understanding evidence: The foundations of law • Part Two: • Uses charts, grids and diagrams to enable students to grasp complex Obtaining evidence: Pre-trial procedures and the regulation of access • legal principles with ease Part Three: adducing evidence: Trial procedures and the principles of proof • Part Four: Using evidence: The scope and limits of exclusionary rules • Follows a new and improved layout with more pedagogical features than before, such as ‘Over to You’ boxes to truly engage students and get them thinking more critically about the subject Paperback • 978-1-847-03856-2 • £31.95 • July 2010 • Assumes no prior knowledge of the subject – allowing the book to be used for those new to the subject and for distance learning courses

Contents include Introduction • Burden of proof • Examination of witnesses • Competence & compellability • Hearsay • Opinion • Confessions • Evidence improperly obtained • Silence • Evidence of character • Corroboration, suspect and other fallible evidence

Paperback • ISBN TBC • £26.95 • June 2010

38 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students Evidence Family law

Evidence: CRETNEY AND PROBERT’S Text and Materials FAMILY LAW – Textbook Series

2nd Edition 7th Edition

It impressively combines I have no doubt that the key cases, materials students, social workers and ‘‘and commentary in one ‘‘those setting out in any family handy-sized volume. law discipline would do well Student Law Journal to read it. ’’ New Law Journal’’

Steve Uglow – Professor of Criminal Justice, Kent Law School, Rebecca Probert – Associate Professor, University of Warwick University of Kent • cuts through the black letter law to provide students with guidance on • Provides students with essential guidance on what is a conceptually all the major themes and principles of family law, covering both formal difficult topic and informal relationships • Draws together essential cases, statutes and practical readings on civil • sets issues in their social and historical context showing students how and criminal evidence, linked by an extensive interpretative commentary the law has developed and ensuring they have an understanding of the • Provides a firm grounding in the rules of evidence and the relationship socio-legal dimension between evidence and procedure, placing that relationship, wherever • discusses how the law works in practice possible, in the broader context of the criminal and civil justice systems • mirrors the structure of a traditional family law course for ease of use • Explores the connection between the rules of evidence and the nature during studies of the common law adversarial trial with its stress on oral testimony, day in court and the examination of witnesses • uses cases, references and explanatory narrative to support the text • Incorporates the many legislative developments that have occurred since • covers key legislative developments including those resulting from the the last edition published including the fundamental changes resulting Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007, the Child Maintenance and from the Criminal Justice Act 2003 Other Payments Act 2008, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008, and the Children and Young Persons Act 2008 • Covers all recent case decisions, including key appellate and European decisions • considers the latest case law including Re G [2006] UKHL 43, Charman v Charman (No 4) [2007] EWCA Civ 503, Stack v Dowden [2007] UKHL 17, Kehoe v UK [2008] 2 FLR 1014, Re B (Care Proceedings: Standard of Contents include Proof) [2008] UKHL 35 The adversarial, the logical and the legal • Trial procedure – the judge • examines other key developments including The Law Commission’s and the jury • The burden and standard of proof • Police investigation and recommendations on cohabitation law reform, and The Public Law interviews: judicial oversight and judicial discretion • Documentary and Outline real evidence • Disclosure • Immunities from testifying: public interest immunity • Immunities from testifying: legal professional privileges and confidential information •T he testimony of witnesses: their reliability, Contents include competence and compellability • The need for supportive evidence • Introduction – The family and the law • Part One: Formal relationships Examination-in-chief • The hostile witness and cross-examination • – entry and exit • Part Two: Families – formal and informal • Part Three: Vulnerable witnesses • Character evidence under the Criminal Justice Act Children, the family and the law 2003 • The rule against hearsay – its scope and rationale • Common law exceptions to hearsay under the Criminal Justice Act 2003 • Statutory Paperback • 978-1-847-03553-0 • £26.95 • July 2009 exceptions to hearsay in criminal proceedings: The Criminal Justice Act 2003 • Statutory exceptions to hearsay in civil proceedings: Civil Evidence Act 1995 • Opinions and the evidence of experts • Matters not requiring full proof

Paperback • 978-0-421-92510-6 • £32.95 • August 2006

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 39 Family law

Cretney’s Principles Understanding Family Law of Family Law – Understanding Law Series

8th Edition 1st Edition

Judith Masson – Professor of Socio-Legal Studies, University of Bristol; M ichael Freeman – Barrister, Professor of English Law, University College Rebecca Bailey-Harris – Barrister, Professor Emeritus, University of Bristol; London and Rebecca Probert – Associate Professor, University of Warwick • Presents a succinct but intellectually challenging overview of family law, • Has been the leading textbook on family law for over 30 years, enabling readers to grasp the essential themes and issues providing a stimulating exposition of legal principles combined with • Approaches the subject in a number of ways – historically, an authoritative discussion of policy and practice issues and relevant comparatively, philosophically and ethically – to give readers a good empirical research rounded and critical knowledge on which to build • Covers all main areas of family law including formal and informal • Examines the concept of rights, responsibilities, welfare, protection, relationships, as well as child law and financial and property matters consent and parentage • Continues to be not just an explanation of the law as it stands, but an • Covers a huge range of issues such as reproduction, gay marriage, account of its historical background, an analysis of the factors underlying children’s rights, violence and abuse, equality issues, father’s its development and a prompt to encourage discussion of the law’s concerns, the elderly, freedom and consent, and the impact on the effectiveness in a contemporary society medically assisted • Discusses key policy developments including the Law Commission’s • Looks at the current legal system and the different methods for work on cohabitation law reform; Civil Partnerships; Welfare to Work; reaching a resolution including mediation and other forms of ADR Care Matters; and the Public Law Outline • Examines the impact of cultural pluralism, and the importance • New edition updated with the latest legislative developments including of feminism, religion and secularism those resulting from: Civil Partnership Act 2004, Gender Recognition Act 2004, Domestic Violence, Crimes and Victims Act 2004, Children Act • Considers the role social services, paediatrics and the police play 2004 and the Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007 • Covers all key legislation and case law, including the ECHR and the • Examines the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill; the Child UN Convention on the Rights of The Child Maintenance and Other Payments Bill and the Children and Young Persons Bill and the impact these will have on family law once enacted Contents include • Includes coverage of all significant case law including Ghaidan v Godin- Marriage and other Relationships • Domestic Violence, Divorce and Mendoza, Miller v Miller, McFarlane v McFarlane, Charman v Charman, its Economic Consequences • Parent-Child Relationships • Parental Oxley v Hiscock, Stack v Dowden, Re G, and Wilkinson v Kitzinger Responsibility • Child Abuse • Adoption

Contents include Paperback • 978-0-421-90170-4 • £19.95 • October 2007 Introduction: The family and the law • Part One: Formal relationships • Ideal companion for: Cretney’s Principles of Family Law Part Two: Family property • Part Three: Family breakdown • Part Four: Child support obligations • Part Five: Children and family law

Paperback • 978-0-421-96010-7 • £35 • August 2008

40 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students Human rights Intellectual Property

International Criminal Law Cases and Materials on and Human Rights Intellectual Property

1st Edition 5th Edition

... another excellent edition from the world-renowned author ‘‘and academic William Cornish. This book contains all the major cases along with extracts from statutes… a must for any student studying IP law. Student Law Journal ’’ Claire de Than – Senior Lecturer in Law, City University; and Edwin Shorts – Barrister-at-law and Senior Lecturer in Law, London Metropolitan University • Provides a thorough and in-depth analysis of the complex and … contains all the cases they (students) need in challenging relationship between international criminal law and international human rights a clear and well ordered format. I would recommend • Uses a wide variety of sources to explain the law and the role and ‘‘any firm with an intellectual property section of its operation of the future international court library to include this book on its shelves. • Analyses and interprets the various challenges confronting the court and assesses its future role in public international law New Law Journal • Gives a separate chapter to each international crime – including genocide, war crimes, torture, crimes against humanity William Cornish – Formerly Herchel Smith Professor of Intellectual’’ • Includes a chapter on terrorism as an international crime Property Law, University of Cambridge • Addresses the boundaries of, and relationship between, international • Presents readers with the leading and illustrative IP decisions from the criminal law and human rights; for example human rights violations of UK courts, the European Patent Office and the European Court of Justice women as international crime, and the uneasy position of human rights • Provides case commentary from the author, putting the cases in context in extradition and immigration law • Contains the most extensive and up-to-date collection of the major statutory materials in IP law, drawn from the UK, EU and Paperback • 978-0-421-72250-7 • £32.95 • December 2003 international conventions • Includes comprehensive tables including a table of European Legislation and a table of International Treaties and Conventions • Written by William Cornish, one of the most highly respected academic voices on intellectual property law

Contents include Patents for inventions • Confidential information • Copyright • Industrial designs • Trade marks and names • EEC law and intellectual property • Enforcement procedures

Paperback • 978-0-421-91780-4 • £36.95 • June 2006

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 41 Intellectual Property

J aCOB & Alexander: A CORNISH AND LLEWELYN Guidebook to Intellectual INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Property Patents, Trade PATENTS, COPYRIGHT, TRADE Marks, Copyright and Designs MARKS AND ALLIED RIGHTS

5th Edition 7th Edition

The book is essential for all serious students of the field. ‘‘EIPR ’’

Lord Justice Jacob – Judge of the Chancery Division of the High Court; William Cornish – Formerly Herchel Smith Professor of Intellectual Daniel Alexander; and Lindsay Lane both of 8 New Square Property Law, University of Cambridge; David Llewelyn – Partner, White • Explains the basic principles of intellectual property in an approachable & Case, London; Professor, King’s College London; External Director, and straightforward manner IP Academy Singapore; and Dr Tanya Aplin, Senior Lecturer in Law, King’s College London • Covers all the core areas of patents, trade marks, registered designs and copyright • Provides authoritative coverage of the whole spectrum of IP law as it applies to the UK • Designed for both law students and those who need an accessible introduction to intellectual property law • goes through the main types of IP chapter by chapter, making it easy for the reader to find what they are looking for • The fifth edition incorporates a section on theI nternet, and a section on international aspects of intellectual property • explains what the different types are and the common grounds they share • Details developments in patent, trade mark and copyright law, developments in database rights and new European design rights, • includes chapters on IP rights under EU law, IP and personal privacy, and developments in rights of privacy IP and digital technology, IP and biotechnology • enables understanding of the text with supporting cases, references and explanatory narrative putting everything in to context Contents include Patents and how to get them • Important inventions • Crown rights • draws on legislation from UK, EU and international sources and security • Different degrees of protections • What registered marks • includes coverage of key legislative and case law developments are for • How to register a mark in trade mark law • Certification and collective trademarks • Passing-off • Slander of goods • The criminal law • • contains tables including European Legislation and International Copyright • Infringement • Design right • Confidence • Moral rights • Free Treaties, Conventions and Agreements movement and competition in the EU • International aspects of IP • IP and the Internet • Future developments and further reading Contents include Part One: Common Ground • Part Two: Patents • Part Three: Confidence Paperback • 978-0-421-79980-6 • £18.95 • November 2004 and Personal Privacy • Part Four: Copyright and Designs • Part Five: Trade Marks and Names • Part Six: The European Dimension and New Technologies

Hardback • 978-1-847-03922-4 • £110 • July 2010 Paperback • 978-1-847-03923-1 • £38.95 • July 2010

42 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students International law

MorrisT : he Conflict of Laws International Law

7th Edition 6th Edition

David McClean – Emeritus Professor of Law, University of Sheffield and Rebecca MM Wallace – Professor of International Human Rights Law, Kisch Beevers – Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Sheffield Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Immigration Judge and non • the leading textbook on the conflict of laws, covering all branches of practising Barrister (member of Lincoln’s Inn); and Dr Olga Martin-Ortega private international law – Senior Research Fellow, Centre on Human Rights in Conflict, University of East London • explains the fundamental principles of the subject and how the law works in practice • Presents a user-friendly and accessible exposition of the key concepts of International law • encourages critical thinking by getting students to think about the issues which concern the working of the conflict of laws as a whole, • describes the substantive procedural principles – critical to an its theoretical basis and methodology understanding of the International legal process • uses clear and straightforward language to enable students to • incorporates discussion and analysis of both UK and US material understand this complex subject including examples of US cases and sources • takes into account all recent developments including the Rome I and • Provides detailed discussion of human rights issues Rome II Regulations on contractual and non-contractual obligations • Provides in-depth coverage of issues relating to the use of force and • examines recent case law from the European and English courts the global war on terror • includes guidance on how to research International law, including conducting research on the internet Contents include Introduction to the Conflict of Laws • Personal Connecting Factors • • key text for both law students and non-law students following courses Exclusion of Foreign Law • Jurisdiction: Principles and European Rules • in subject areas such as International Politics, International Relations Jurisdiction: the Traditional English Rules • Sovereign and Diplomatic and Human Rights Immunity • Foreign Judgments • Foreign Arbitral Awards • Marriage • Matrimonial Causes • Children: guardianship and care • Children: Contents include legitimacy, legitimation and adoption • Contracts • Torts • Property • Introduction • Sources • International Law & Municipal Law • International Matrimonial Property • Succession and the Administration of Estates • Personality • Territory • Jurisdiction • The Law of the Sea • State Trusts • The Conduct of International Litigation • Technical Problems • Responsibility • Human Rights • The Law of Treaties • The Use of Force • Theories and Methods Arbitration and Judicial Settlement of International Disputes • Conclusion

Paperback • 978-1-847-03421-2 • £31.95 • March 2009 Paperback • 978-1-847-03631-5 • £24.95 • June 2009 Ideal companion for: Cases and Materials on International Law

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 43 International law

CASES AND MATERIALS ON Bowett’s Law of International INTERNATIONAL LAW Institutions

7th Edition 6th Edition

... a must for any student who does not want to ‘‘spend literally days in a law library trying to find these materials. Student Law Journal’’

It is just a comprehensive text. It has all the Philippe Sands QC – Barrister; Professor of Law and Director of the Centre on International Courts and Tribunals, University College London and materials needed to illustrate how the subject works. Pierre Klein – Professor of International Law and Director of the Centre of International Law, Universite Libre de Bruxelles ‘‘Lex Journal • Provides an introductory overview of the law of international institutions, covering the major organisations and explaining their role and ’’ governing law David Harris – Emeritus Professor in Residence and Co-Director Human • covers all the major global, regional and judicial institutions such as the Rights Law Centre, School of Law, Nottingham University UN, the IMF, the WTO, the ICJ, the International Tribunal for the Law of • Draws together in one volume an exhaustive selection of cases, Sea, the ICC and the ICTs as well as the EU and Council of Europe materials and background Information on public International law • includes coverage of International organisations that regulate aspects • supplements cases and materials with authoritative commentary and of development such as: environmental, administrative, judicial, trade, expert analysis economic or criminal • Provides broad and comprehensive treatment of the subject making • split into three parts, part one describes the global institutions and then it a sound basis for any Public International Law course the regional institutions, part two addresses the various functions of international organisations and part three considers the four sets of • incorporates all major developments in the subject, including the common institutional problems expansion of human rights issues in International law • Provides insights into the essential issues concerning international • revised layout ensures clarity and ease of use institutional law • includes extensive cross-referencing and a detailed index to facilitate • analyses the common problems faced by international institutions and easy access examines their potential solutions

Contents include N ew for the 6th Edition Introduction • The Sources of International Law • International Law and • examines the growing role of the United Nations and its associated Municipal Law • Personality • Territory • State Jurisdiction • The Law of the bodies as well as the workings and increasing influence of the major Sea • State Responsibility • Human Rights • The Law of Treaties • The Use European institutions of Force by States • Arbitration and Judicial Settlement of Disputes • looks at the emergence of new international adjudicatory bodies • discusses important regional and topical developments Paperback • 978-1-847-03278-2 • £36.95 • April 2010 Ideal companion for: International Law Contents include General Introduction • Part One: Overview of existing International Institutions • The United Nations • UN Specialised Agencies • Other autonomous organisations • Regional Institutions: Introduction • European Organisations • The Americas and Caribbean • Asia • The Middle East • Africa • Part Two: The function of International Organisations • “Legislative” or normative function • “Executive” and administrative functions • Judicial and quasi-judicial function • Part Three: Common Institutional Problems • Law governing the activities of International Organisations • Legal personality • Membership and representation of members • Financial aspects

Paperback • 978-0-421-96490-7 • £31.95 • May 2009

44 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students Jurisprudence International law & Legal Theory

International Economic Law Lloyd’s Introduction to Jurisprudence

3rd Edition 8th Edition

Asif H Qureshi – Professor of International Economic Law, University Very comprehensive of Manchester; and Andreas R Ziegler – Professor of Law, University of Lausanne (Switzerland) with useful explanation • Examines key problems of international economic relations in the ‘‘and commentary. framework of public international law Lex Magazine • Focuses on international monetary law, international trade law, international law relating to factor movement (labour movement and ’’ international investment), international fiscal law and international development law • Combines all the key cases and materials on International economic law with in-depth commentary to provide readers with everything they need in one place • Sets the subject in context with an introductory focus on the foundations of international economic law M ichael Freeman – Barrister, Professor of English Law, University • Describes the workings and influence of the IMF, WTO and the College London World Bank • The leading textbook on jurisprudence in the English-speaking world, • Includes references to international agreements and the jurisprudence covering the whole field of jurisprudence of international courts, in particular the WTO • Combines an authoritative text with extracts from a huge variety of authors, extracting the works of more than a hundred jurists Contents include • Gives critical insight into the texts with detailed and well-documented Part One: Foundations of international economic law • Part Two: introductory sections International monetary law • Part Three: International trade law • Part Four: International law relating to factor movement • Part Five: • Examines the contributions made to legal theory by leading jurists from International development law the Ancient Greeks to the postmodernists • Covers , Raz, Habermas, Unger, Coleman, Perry, Kramer, Nelken Paperback • 978-0-414-04615-3 • c. £38.95 • August 2011 and Iris Marion Young • Contains substantial new writing including a new chapter on Dworkin’s interpretivism, as well as new sections on the theory of human rights, on Bourdieu’s legal thought, on Nussbaum’s ‘frontiers of justice’, on global justice, and on Murphy’s natural law • Places emphasis on Hart, particularly the “Postscript” and the commentary this has provoked • Jurists extracted for the first time in this edition areM ark Murphy, Gustav Radbruch, William Edmundson, Kent Greenawalt, Scott Hershovitz, Gerald Postema and Jeremy Waldron

Contents include The nature of jurisprudence • Meaning of the law • Natural law • Bentham, Austin and classical positivism • Pure theory of law • Modern trends in analytical jurisprudence • Theories of Justice • Sociological jurisprudence and the sociology of law • American realism • The Scandinavian realists • Historical and anthropological jurisprudence • Marxist theories of law and state • Critical legal studies • Feminist jurisprudence • Postmodernist jurisprudence • Critical race theory • Theories of adjudication

Paperback • 978-0-421-90790-4 • £37.95 • October 2008

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 45 Jurisprudence & Legal Theory

Jurisprudence: Theory Central Issues in and Context Jurisprudence

5th Edition 3rd Edition

For an overview of ... concise and clear... jurisprudence that is insightful a most useful introduction ‘‘as well as clear, critical but ‘‘to this difficult subject. also generous in its Solicitors Journal assessments, one can’t do ’’ better than this book. Robert W Gordon, Yale Law School’’

Professor Bix has a genius for writing about Dr Nigel E Simmonds – Reader in Jurisprudence, University of Cambridge, and Director of Studies in Law, Corpus Christi College the most difficult and frequently arcane aspects of • Presents a clear introduction to the major theories and arguments in jurisprudence, using commentary to provide additional coherence ‘‘legal theory with a remarkable lightness of touch, to the themes examined an assurance, an authoritativeness, and a degree • Gives students the knowledge to enable them to read the original writers with a real understanding of how the theories relate to each of accessibility which no other writer in this area other, and how these theories cluster around certain fundamental issues can match. • Benefits from the author’s ability to make the subject accessible, but without over-simplification Adam Tomkins, John Millar Professor of Public Law, University of Glasgow • Analyses and comments on the writing of the foremost legal theorists ’’ and current topical issues Brian Bix – Frederick W Thomas Professor of Law and Philosophy, • Includes recommendations for further reading, to encourage the University of Minnesota, USA reader to expand on individual sections of the text and develop a deep understanding of jurisprudence • explains the often complex and difficult ideas in legal philosophy clearly and concisely without over-simplification • introduces students to the fundamental themes in legal philosophy Contents include Part One: Justice • Utilitarianism • Rawls • Nozick • Finnis on objective • analyses and comments on the writing of the foremost legal theorists goods • Part Two: Law • Hart • Dworkin • Fuller • Part Three: Rights • • takes into account the most recent scholarly work The analysis of rights • includes substantial “further reading” at the end of each chapter to encourage the reader to expand on individual sections of the text Paperback • 978-1-847-03008-5 • £22.95 • June 2008

Contents include Part A: Legal Theory: Problems and Possibilities • Part B: Individual Theories About the Nature of Law • Part C: Themes and Principles • Part D: Modern Perspectives on Legal Theory ALSO AVAILABLE Paperback • 978-1-847-03445-8 • £22.95 • February 2009 Asking the Law Question • 3rd Edition • Margaret Davies • Lawbook Co • Paperback • 978-0-455-22291-2 • £49 • April 2008

46 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students media law

Lwa and the Media Media Law

NEW 2nd Edition 5th Edition

Because it is written by two experienced authors, A sound and reflective the text is both informative and practical. treatment of legal issues ‘‘Student Law Journal ‘‘surrounding the media. ’’ The Law Teacher Duncan Bloy – Professor of Law, School of Journalism, Cardiff University; and Sara Hadwin – Director of the MA in International Journalism, School ’’ of Journalism, Cardiff University • Acts as an invaluable text for those studying media studies, journalism, a media module of a law course, as well as for trainee and practising journalists • Applies the legal analysis of key case studies to reporting situations. This is useful to students trying to learn the law and essential for journalists who need to be able to work without contravening the law Peter Carey – Consultant Solicitor and Head of Data Protection Team, • Covers all key topics including freedom of expression, , Charles Russell LLP and Visiting Professor at the College of Law; along contempt, privacy and confidentiality, investigative journalism, sources, with N ick Armstrong – Partner, Charles Russell LLP; Duncan Lamont – regulation, public interest, the legal system, copyright and Partner, Charles Russell LLP; and James Quartermaine – Solicitor, Charles reporting restrictions Russell LLP • Discusses all key case law and relevant legislation, including the Human • Provides a succinct and lucid introduction to all areas of the law Rights Act 1998, and how it impacts on media law relating to print, broadcast and electronic media • Contains chapter summaries to aid student revision • written in a clear style making it equally accessible to law and media students • Provides website addresses where full case reports can be found • covers case law and legislative developments

Contents include: • goes through the key issues and explains the complex principles Defamation • Privacy • Contempt • Freedom of expression • Investigative of media law journalism and sources • Copyright and image rights • Reporting crime • • clarifies complex issues using diagrams, flow charts, bulleted lists Children • Challenging restrictions • Media regulation and tables • Points students to extended study with a detailed glossary and a list Paperback • 978-0-414-04610-8 • £19.95 • July 2011 of website addresses • contains extracts from the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights, the Press Complaints Commission’s Code of Practice and the Independent Television Commission’s programme code N ew for the Fifth Edition • incorporates more academic criticism and analysis to get students to engage and think about the subject, along with reference to further reading at the end of each chapter • contains more real-life cases and scenarios to show how the law is applied in practice • includes coverage of all the different media platforms including radio, satellite, multi-channel, cable and the internet, looking at each one and providing guidance on licensing standards, competition, broadcast rights and mergers

Contents include: Introduction to the Law • Reputation • Copyright and Related Rights • Privacy and Confidential Information • Obscenity and Indecency • Racial Hatred and Blasphemy • Contempt • Reporting Current Affairs • The Internet • Television • Glossary • Appendices

Paperback • 978-0-414-04213-1 • £26.95 • June 2010

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 47 Medical law

Medical Law and Ethics Health Care Law: Text and Materials

NEW 3rd Edition 2nd Edition

Pattinson has successfully woven a tapestry For lecturers and students of often complex legal and ethical discourses into in the field of medical law, ‘‘a manageable text. ‘‘this book is very highly Legal Studies, Vol 7 No. 1 recommended as an imaginative ’’ and reliable resource. ... those looking to expose students to the rich Elisabeth Mumford – material on medical ethics and its impact on medical Child and Family Law Quarterly’’ ‘‘law should consider it a welcome addition… Medical Law Review, Vol 14 No. 3 Professor Jean McHale – Chair of Law, University of Leicester; and M arie ’’ Fox – Professor of Law, Keele University Dr Shaun D Pattinson – Reader in Law, University of Durham • Provides students with a firm understanding of health care law and • covers the major topics of medical law and ethics, combining detailed the complex legal, social and ethical issues involved legal exposition and analysis with moral theory and philosophy • Utilises the popular text and materials approach to provide an • considers the wider contextual pressures facing the law such as accessible and stimulating collection of cases, statutes, reports and the impact of patient consumerism, and the changing perceptions reform proposals of medicine • Examines in detail the major legal, professional and technological • chapters can be read individually to provide detailed overviews of developments in the area including: specific topics or together, as part of the whole, for a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Ethical scenarios are used throughout – The ongoing implications of the Human Rights Act 1998 to highlight and clarify the main points – The changing structure of the NHS • examines the impact of increasingly direct (international and domestic) – Changes resulting from the Mental Capacity Act 2005 recognition of human rights – The Human Tissue Act 2004 • details all recent legislative developments – Details of the draft Mental Health Bill • examines further developments in relation to clinical , – Details of the review of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act professional regulation, patient complaints, and organ transplantation – The increasing impact of the European Union on domestic health law • includes reference to international instruments and the laws of other jurisdictions enabling students to compare with domestic law – Case decisions including HL, HL, R ( Burke) v GMC CA.a and Evans v Amicus Health Care, CA Contents include Introduction • Regulation and Patient Grievances • Consent and Patient Contents include Information • Reproductive Medicine • Research, Experimentation and Rights to health and health care • Health care ethics • Professional Genetics • Transplantation • The End of Life • Conclusion accountability I • Professional accountability II • Capacity • Consent • Children • Confidentiality and access to records • Mental health • Clinical research • Reproductive choice I: assisted conception • Reproductive choice Paperback • 978-0-414-04860-7 • £29.95 • June 2011 II: abortion • Reproductive choice III • End of life • Legal regulation of the use of human material

Paperback • 978-0-421-71010-8 • £35.95 • December 2006

48 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students Property & land law

Megarry & Wade: Land Law: Text & Materials The Law of Real Property

7th Edition 4th Edition

This book is one of the best land law texts that I have ‘‘come across to date… If you are looking for a text and materials book then this is the one to buy. Customer Review,’’ Amazon.co.uk

Charles Harpum – Barrister and Bencher of Lincoln’s Inn; Emeritus Fellow N igel P Gravells – Barrister of Middle Temple and Professor of English of Downing College, Cambridge; and Law Commissioner for England Law, University of Nottingham and Wales 1994 – 2001; Stuart Bridge – Fellow of Queens’ College, • Acts as a one-stop shop providing comprehensive coverage of all major Cambridge; Lecturer in Law, University of Cambridge; Barrister of the legislative developments, prominent cases and pertinent materials Middle Temple; Recorder; and Law Commissioner for England and Wales combined with a strong supporting narrative 2001 – 2008; and M artin Dixon – Fellow of Queens’ College, Cambridge; and Reader in the Law of Real Property, University of Cambridge • explains and critically analyses each important legal issue with a discussion of possible defects in the law and proposals for reform to help • Provides comprehensive and authoritative coverage of all aspects readers develop an understanding of the materials of the contemporary law of real property • addresses the need for original source materials in the study of land law • Uniquely used extensively in the study of land law as well as in the profession; covering every element of the law a student is likely to • uses a content and structure which reflects most undergraduate land encounter and acting as a point of reference for practitioners law courses, making it ideal for the busy student wishing to gain a detailed understanding of land law • Details the development of land law in a historical context and sets out clearly the legal framework for real property N ew for the 4th Edition • Addresses specific areas of law chapter-by-chapter in order to provide • refers to more than a hundred new articles and casenotes in the major a thorough knowledge of the subject whilst at the same time ensuring academic journals ease of navigation • includes extracts or reference to hundreds of new cases, including the • Includes extensive case referencing in order to give a practical grounding following leading cases from the House of Lords: London Diocesan of the law and its application Fund v Avonbridge Property Co Ltd (2005); Kay v Lambeth (2006); Stack v Dowden (2007); Moncrieff v Jamieson (2007); Yeoman’s Row • Covers all key legislative developments including the Land Registration Management Ltd v Cobbe (2008); (2009); and Doherty Act 2002, the Land Registration Rules 2003, and the Commonhold and v Brimingham City Council (2009) Leasehold Reform Act 2002 • discusses in detail the recommendations in the Law Commission Report on Termination of Tenancies for Tenant Default (2006) and the Contents include proposals in the Law Commission Consultation Paper on Easements and Introduction • Tenures • Estates • Law & Equity • Registration of Title Covenants (2008) Unregistered Conveyancing: Titles & Incumbrance • Perpetuities & • covers recent legislative development with reference to the Civil Accumulations • Trusts of Land • Co-ownership • Trusts & Powers • Partnerships Act 2004, the Housing Act 2004, the Consumer Credit Act Wills & Intestacy • Contracts of Sale • Proprietary Estoppel • Leases & 2006, the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 and the Housing Tenancies • Leasehold Covenants • Covenants • Licences • and Regeneration Act 2008 Incorporeal Hereditaments • Mortgages • Disabilities • Adverse Possession & Limitation Contents include Introductory topics • Title conveyancing • Registration of title • Hardback • 978-0-421-84100-0 • £186 • June 2008 Trusts of land leases • Licences and proprietary estoppel • Easements • Paperback • 978-0-421-96410-5 • £38 • September 2008 Covenants affecting freehold land • Mortgages of land

Paperback • 978-0-421-96360-3 • £34.95 • June 2010

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 49 Property & land law

Lwand La Understanding Property Law – Textbook Series – Understanding Law Series

4th Edition 4th Edition

I tried several textbooks before finally settling for this ‘‘one, finding it easily superior to the others… I would highly recommend this book to any undergraduate students who will be taking land law. Customer Review, Amazon.co.uk ’’ Dr Nicola Jackson – Lecturer in Law, De Montfort Law School; WT Murphy – Professor of Law, London School of Economics and Political John Stevens – Honorary Senior Research Fellow, School of Law, Science; Simon Roberts – Professor of Law, London School of Economics University of Birmingham, formerly Deputy Head of School and Senior and Political Science; and Tatiana Flessas – Lecturer in Law, London Lecturer; and Robert Pearce – formerly Professor of Law and Vice School of Economics and Political Science Chancellor, University of Wales, Lampeter • Offers a broad perspective on the principles of land law • Provides a clear and concise explanation of the vast range of topics • Uses accessible language to highlight the variety of legal problems covered in the majority of land law courses which legislation strives to address • Introduces the reader to substantive areas of land law • Provides an examination of how the practices of the past have shaped • Explains basic principles and concepts in full in order that students the development and form of modern land law fully grasp the subject • Stresses the role of lawyers in the transactions – such as sale, gift and • Deals with the complex issues which can arise in relation to priorities inheritance – in which their clients become involved between competing interests • Analyses the practical aspect to lawyers work, providing a necessary • Applies basic principles in greater detail in a contextual and complement to the emphasis on legislation and adjudication found practical manner in most textbooks • Updated with the latest legislative and case law developments • Extensively revised and updated to incorporate legislative developments including the Land Registration Act 2002 Contents include • Ideal for the new law undergraduate and CPE students Part One: Introductory • Orientation • What is Land? • Historic Foundations of Land Law • Unregistered Land • Registered Land: Contents include The Framework of Contemporary Land Law • Alterations to the Land The idea of property • The study of property law • Ownership and title • Register: Rectification and Indemnity • Property Between Interests The fragmentation of title to land • Equity • Tenancies • Leases and in Registered Land • Part Two: The Ownership of Land • Freehold mortgages • Land use and land obligations • Transfer and the circulation Ownership of Land • Leasehold Ownership • Leasehold Covenants • of things • The mechanics of land transfer • The 1925 reforms • Beyond Equitable Ownership of Land • Co-Ownership of Land • The Statutory 1925: moving towards the e-age? Framework Governing Trusts of Land • Successive Ownership and Limited Interests in Land • Part Three: Subsidiary Interests in Land • Easements and Profits Á Prendre • Covenants Affecting Freehold Land • Mortgages • Paperback • 978-0-421-82930-5 • £18.95 • September 2004 Estate Contracts • Estoppel Equities • Licences and Occupational Rights

Paperback • 978-0-421-96070-1 • £28.95 • August 2008

50 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students Ttor

Winfield & Jolowicz on Tort Tort – Textbook Series

18th Edition NEW 4th Edition

Balanced and accessible. I am in my first year of an LLB course and this Of the major texts, it offers book is amazing! Tort is complex a lot of the time ‘‘the most even coverage ‘‘and this book breaks it down into manageable of the main parts of the sections. I actually enjoy reading this book which syllabus. says a lot! Lex Magazine’’ Customer Review,’’ Amazon.co.uk Paula Giliker – Professor of Law, University of Bristol; and Silas Beckwith – Senior Lecturer in Law, London Metropolitan University • Presents all of the major concepts in the law of torts and clearly illustrates how they work in practice by reference to the major cases in this field and the main statutory provisions WVH Rogers – Barrister, and Senior Fellow, University of Nottingham • Goes through all the main areas of tort including: negligence, causation • the leading textbook on tort available providing students with the and remoteness, employers’ liability, occupiers’ liability, liability for definitive and all embracing guidance they need to achieve top marks defective products, nuisance and the rule in Rylands v Fletcher, trespass, • centred firmly on English law but covers significant developments in , defamation and privacy, defences, and remedies Commonwealth countries, and where appropriate European systems • Breaks case law down so that students are presented with the most of tort law salient points, enabling them to consider the law in a factual context. • covers all key areas of tort law so students don’t have to refer to a This guide also serves as an aide mémoire number of different textbooks • Considers the impact of the Human Rights Act 1998 and all other key • includes extensive use of case citations legislation on the law of torts • covers developments including those in causation; liability of public • Evaluates recent reports by the Law Commission and recent authorities; human rights and tort law; the development of privacy and case decisions the “Reynolds defence”; and the recasting of the economic torts • Its clarity and comprehensive coverage makes it essential reading for • analyses key case law including Barker v Corus; Jameel v Wall St Journal; those studying law at degree or graduate diploma level Mitchell v Glasgow CC; OBG v Allan; and Rothwell v Chemical & Insulating Co Contents include The nature of tortious liability • Negligence: the • Negligence: Contents include economic loss • Negligence: psychiatric illness • Negligence: breach Nature and Functions of the Law of Tort • The Structure of Tort Law: of duty • Causation and remoteness • Employers’ liability • Occupiers’ History and Influences • General Characteristics of Tortious Liability • liability • Strict liability statutes • Nuisance and the rules in Rylands Trespass to the Person and Related Matters • Negligence: Duty and v Fletcher • Trespass • Economic Torts • Defamation • Defences to Breach • Negligence: Causation, Remoteness (Scope of Liability) and defamation • Privacy • General defences and extinction of liability • Contributory Negligence • Breach of Statutory Duty and Misfeasance in Remedies a Public Office • Employers’ Liability • Liability for Land and Structures • Liability for Defective Products • Liability for Statements • Defamation and Paperback • 978-0-414-04608-5 • £27.95 • June 2011 Privacy • Trespass to Land • Nuisance • Strict Liability: Rule in Rylands v Fletcher • Animals • Interference with Goods • Interference with Contract or Business • Abuse of Legal Procedure • Vicarious Liability • Joint and Several Tortfeasors • Remedies • Death in Relation to Tort • Capacity • Defences • Extinction of Liability in Tort

Paperback • 978-1-847-03793-0 • £34.95 • July 2010 Ideal companion for: Understanding Tort Law

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 51 Ttor

Ttor : Cases and Materials Weir: A Casebook on Tort

2nd Edition 10th Edition

The extracts are well This is certainly selected meaning the a casebook that a ‘‘reader’s understanding ‘‘student should consider is focused. purchasing. A definite

Student Law Journal recommendation. ’’ Lex Magazine ’’

Geoffrey Samuel – Professor of Law, University of Kent, Visiting Professor, Tony Weir – Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge Sorbonne University, and also at University of Montesquieu • The leading sourcebook on tort law – Bordeaux IV • Offers a comprehensive selection of all the key cases, statutes • Presents the essential cases and materials in tort, along with and European legislation commentary from the author, putting the cases in context and linking the materials together • Uses a perceptive and stimulating commentary to link materials • Supplies everything covered on a modular course, but without students • Illustrates and explains the significance of judicial decisions, while needing to wade through lots of material they are unlikely to need guiding the reader through the difficult statutory material • Includes regular comparisons with “European” tort law enabling • Aids understanding with questions at the end of the extracts to help students to appreciate a variety of approaches promote analysis of the materials • Presents the source materials in a “student friendly” format – the facts of cases are concise and the extracts of judgments relatively short with Contents include only the paragraphs directly relevant to the decision being included Negligence • Vicarious liability • Trespass • Law between neighbours • • Uses clear heading structures and page layout to ease navigation and Animals • Torts to chattels • Defamation • Deception and other wrongful save time whilst studying conduct • Damages • Focuses on problem solving in tort in order to encourage students to tackle tutorials and exams with confidence Paperback • 978-0-421-87880-8 • £32.95 • June 2004

Contents include Definition and Scope of the Law of Tort • Purpose and Policy of Tort • Liability for Individual Acts (1): Harm Intentionally Caused • Liability for Individual Acts (2): Harm Negligently Caused • Liability for Things (1): Moveable Things • Liability for Things (2): Immovable Things • Liability for People • Liability for Words • Liability for Public Bodies • Causation and General Defences • Remedies

Paperback • 978-1-847-03448-9 • £28.95 • August 2008

52 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students Ttor Wills, tax & Probate

Understanding Tort Law D aVIES: Principles of Tax Law – Understanding Law Series

3rd Edition 6th Edition

This text provides excellent value for money. It explains the ‘‘basic principles of tax law well and it is a vital resource for any struggling student. Student Law Journal ’’

Carol Harlow – Emeritus Professor of Law, London School of Economics Geoffrey Morse – Professor of Corporate and Tax Law, University of • Provides a broad perspective and general understanding of the legal Birmingham; and David Williams – Social Security and Child Support principles on which tort law is based Commissioner, Deputy Special Commissioner of Income Tax and VAT • Offers a detailed and authoritative commentary to aid understanding and Duties Tribunal Chairman • Cuts through the jargon surrounding tax law to provide the most • Highlights the variety of legal problems that legislation strives to accessible student text currently available on tax law address and explains why tort law has developed in its current form • Focuses on explaining the various principles underlying the five major • Ideal as pre-course reading for both new law undergraduates and taxes – income tax, corporation tax, , CPE students and VAT – and how they work in practice • Focuses on the modern context of tort law rather than giving • Discusses major pieces of legislation and relevant case law to show historical perspective readers how the UK tax system works both in principle and practice • Incorporates a chapter on the effect of the Human Rights Act 1998 • Offers an insight into how tax law has developed and is applied • Includes online supplements, enabling the authors to update the book Contents include with the latest legislative and case law developments An introduction to theories of tort law • Accident compensation and its future • The rise and rise of negligence • Issues in economic loss • The sixth edition takes into account all major changes both by decisions of the UK and EC courts and by legislation up to the Finance Act 2008, including the total rewrite of income tax law completed by the Income Paperback • 978-0-421-87840-2 • £18.95 • March 2005 Tax Act 2007 and the full consolidation of EC VAT law in effect from 2007 Ideal companion for: Winfield & Jolowicz on Tort Contents include Introduction • Taxation of Income • Taxation of Capital Gains • Inheritance Tax • Value Added Tax

Paperback • 978-47-03325-3 • £32.95 • August 2008

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 53 Wills, tax & Probate

Parry and Kerridge: Wills, Administration and The Law of Succession Taxation Law and Practice

12th Edition NEW 10th Edition

This is a serious book the I am a professional Will Writer and whenever leading work on the English I am stuck I can turn to my good old Barlow, ‘‘Law of Succession since ‘‘King and King for the answer. It has yet to be the 1930s. beaten. Trust Law International’’ Customer Review,’’ Amazon.co.uk John Barlow – Formerly Reader and Deputy Director of Academic Studies, The College of Law; Professor Lesley King – Private Client Practice Head, The College of Law; and Anthony King – Head of HR Development, Clifford Chance LLP • Applies a practical approach to a subject which forms a large part of the Roger Kerridge – Solicitor and Professor of Law, University of Bristol work of many solicitors • Has been the leading textbook on the law of succession for over 70 years, • Provides invaluable guidance for both students studying the LPC or BVC providing the detail required for a full understanding of the subject and those new to practice • covers both wills and intestacy as well as probate and the • Deals comprehensively with tax considerations, the substantive law and administration of estates also covers drafting, probate practice and procedure • acts as an essential text for students and is a highly useful point of • Uses precedents, examples of frequently used forms and worked reference for practitioners examples to present a clear, practical picture of the operation of the law • incorporates all key legislative developments including those brought • Deals fully with the changes to CGT introduced in 2010/11 including the about by the Civil Partnership Act 2004, the Mental Capacity Act 2005, introduction of the 28% rate payable by personal representatives and the Family Provision (Intestate Succession) Order 2009 and trustees • covers key case law including Sherrington v Sherrington, Channon v • Covers the implications of the 50% rate of income tax payable by Perkins, Sharp v Adam, Kostic v Chaplin, Re Loxston, Re Rowinska, Franks many trusts v Sinclair, Supple v Pender, Carvel Foundation v Carvel, P v G, Cunliffe v Fielden, and Banks v NatWest Bank • Includes a wealth of key case law, for example recent decisions on statutory and mutual wills. Contents include Introduction • The Transfer of Property on Death • Intestacy • Formalities • Contents include The Making of Wills • Promises to Leave Property by Will , Secret Trusts Introduction • Is there a valid will? • Intestacy • Inheritance tax • Capital and Mutual Wills • Revocation, Alteration, Revival and Confirmation of gains tax • Income tax • Taxation of trusts and settlements • Grants • Wills • Provision for the Deceased’s Family and Dependants • The Contents Probate jurisdiction • Obtaining the grant (non-contentious cases) • of a Will • The Construction of Wills • SpecificR ules of Construction • The Powers and duties of personal representatives • Practical considerations Date from which a Will Speaks • Satisfaction • Failure of Gift by Will or of during administration • Duties of solicitors • Protection of personal Interest on Intestacy • Duty of Care • Tax • Executors and Administrators • representatives • The payment of debts • Legacies and devises • Grants of Probate and Letters of Administration • The Making and Construction of wills • Completing the administration • Post-mortem Revocation of Grants • Collection, Realisation and Management of the alterations • The Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents) Act Estate • Payment of Expenses and Debts • Incidence of General Legacies • 1975 • Disposing of property otherwise than by will • Planning and Income and Interest • Distribution of the Estate • Remedies drafting a will

Paperback • 978-0-421-95930-9 • £33.95 • April 2009 Paperback • 978-0-414-04595-8 • c. £38.95 •March 2011

54 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students Legal skills, reference & revision


NEW 1st Edition

Daniel Greenberg – Parliamentary Counsel 1991 – 2010 • Presents a lively account of how Acts of Parliament are drafted and made law, structured around three main themes – people, processes and problems • Goes beyond standard textbook accounts to give an insider perspective on how the system actually works in practice • Written in a lively, polemical style by a “thought leader” in the area, highlighting current problems and suggesting innovative ideas for reform • Will appeal to undergraduate and postgraduate students of law, policy and politics, those involved in the preparation and practice of legislation, Anthony Bradney – Professor of Law, Keele University; Fiona Cownie – or any reader with an interest in British Government Professor of Law, Keele University; Judith Masson – Professor of Socio- Legal Studies, University of Bristol; Alan C Neal – Professor of Law, Contents University of Warwick; and David Newell – Director, The Newspaper Section 1: Introduction • Section 2: People • Section 3: Process and Society Procedure • Section 4: Problems • Section 5: Final • An excellent introduction to the common law system ideal for all students of law from A Level to degree level Paperback • 978-0-414-04693-1 • £16.95 • May 2011 • takes a practical approach to demonstrate how to find, read and analyse a variety of legal materials – cases, statutes, articles and textbooks – both online and in print • uses exercises to help students negotiate their way around complex legal materials and grasp the skills required • incorporates a full account of vital legal resources available via the web • can be used as an integrated legal skills and legal method introductory guide, laying the foundation for successful study of the law N ew for the Sixth Edition • incorporates new chapters on legal precedent and statutory interpretation along with a more sophisticated introduction to legal method and theory • includes additional coverage of how to use online sources such as Westlaw UK • gives additional guidance on what it means to study law, such as independent learning and time-management • contains an expanded section on writing assignments to help students develop their essay and problem question writing skills • offers tips and advice on written and oral presentation skills • includes new exercises for every chapter • Incorporates colour to make the book even more user friendly

Contents include Sources of the Law • Divisions of Law • Law and its Social Context • Finding Cases and Statutes • Reading Cases & Statutes • Legal Reasoning in Judgements • Statutory Interpretation • Reading Research Materials • Studying at University

Paperback • 978-0-414-04180-6 • £19.95 • March 2010

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 55 Legal skills, reference & revision

Knowles and Thomas: Mooting and Advocacy Skills Effective Legal Research – Legal Skills Series – Legal Skills Series

NEW 2nd Edition 2nd Edition This is an excellent book for anyone who is … an extremely considering participating in a Mooting Competition useful addition to any ‘‘or contest, or wishes to learn about the skills needed ‘‘undergraduate’s or for mooting.

postgraduate’s learning Dr. Peter Jepson, Head of Department of Laws, Strodes College support toolkit. The book ’’ is an absolutely essential David Pope – Barrister and Director of Advocacy, SNR Denton; and Dan Hill – Solicitor, Head of Dispute Resolution and Associate purchase for any University Professor, The College of Law Law Library and it should be • Presents practical guidance on mooting both for those participating in and those organising moots recommended widely • Covers all aspects of mooting from legal research and drafting to students. skeleton arguments to moot court advocacy and organising mooting competitions Legal Information Management • Describes the key skills of mooting step-by-step, using worked examples ’’ and an illustrative moot problem John Knowles – Law Librarian, Queen’s University Belfast • Contains material, including a number of precedents and templates, • Provides a practical guide to researching or tracing legal information that will assist not only mooters, but also newly-qualified solicitors and effectively barristers who are starting to appear in court • Presents the information in a step-by-step format, leading students • Highlights common pitfalls and explains how to avoid them through the world of legal research from using a law library to searching online Contents include • explains how to research EU and ECHR materials Introduction • Moot problems • Legal research • Skeleton arguements • • incorporates examples of Law Reports, Acts, Halsbury’s, Current Law, Speaking notes • Authorities and bundles • Practice • Preliminaries • Hansard and European materials from the Official Journal, Eur-Lex Etiquette • Oral submissions • Judicial interventions • Delivery • Organising and the European Court of Justice moots • Selecting and writing moot problems • Original moot problems • includes detailed coverage of online sources of UK official publications • contains shaded tip boxes highlighting important points to remember Paperback • 978-0-414-04486-9 • £19.95 • January 2011 • includes web shots from key online sources including Westlaw UK, LexisNexis Professional, BAILII, Europa and TSO • incorporates colour to make the book even more user friendly • appendices include Abbreviations list of Reports, Series and Journals, Summary of Sources for English Law, Online Sources of Scots and Northern Ireland Law

Contents include Making the most of a law library • Using online sources of law • Law reports • Legislation • Journals • UK official publications • How to find information on a subject • European Union law • Appendices ALSO AVAILABLE Paperback • 978-1-847-03818-0 • £19.95 • April 2009 Client Care for Lawyers • Professor Avrom Sherr • Paperback • 978-0-421-57470-0 • £19.95 • December 1998 Effective Advocacy • Noel Shaw • Paperback • 978-0-421-56650-7 • £18.95 • April 1996 Scalia and Garner’s Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges • Antonin Scalia and Bryan A Garner • West • 978-0-314-18471-9 • £20 • May 2008

56 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students Legal skills, reference & revision

Successful Legal Writing The Devil’s Advocate – Legal Skills Series

NEW 2nd Edition 2nd Edition

Edwina Higgins – Senior Learning and Teaching Fellow, Manchester Metropolitan University; and Laura Tatham – Associate Head and Senior Quite simply [this] is the Lecturer, University of Salford best book of its kind. Indeed • Uses worked examples and exercises to guide students through the legal writing process ‘‘it is the only book of its kind… • Focuses on improving writing skills in both assignments and exams Buy this book. Study it. • offers guidance on how to write a case note, how to write a critical review and how to prepare and draft a dissertation You won’t regret it. • Presents the information in a step-by-step format, leading students Professor AR Forrest, University through the world of legal writing from understanding good and bad of Sheffield, in Science & Justice writing to assessing their own strengths and weaknesses ’’ • details at the start of each chapter the key learning points and rounds each chapter off with a brief summary of what’s been learnt • contains shaded tip boxes highlighting important points to remember Make The Devil’s Advocate your absolute • uses diagrams and flowcharts to help students assimilate and retain he information BIBLE – take it everywhere with you and dip into • Provides questions and reflective exercises to help students assess their ‘‘it frequently! progress and identify their learning needs • supplies answers to frequently asked questions throughout the work Customer Review • demonstrates how lecturers mark papers and exams to give students ’’ an idea of what level they should be aiming for Iain Morley QC – Barrister, 23 Essex Street, currently Senior Trial Counsel • new edition includes colour and a new text design to make it more at Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STC) in the Hague accessible and readable • Presents the leading book on advocacy, bridging the gap between reading about advocacy and how you actually do it Contents include • written in a no-nonsense and engaging style to bring a fresh approach Introduction • The process of writing • Identifying your purpose • Sources • to studying advocacy Different strategies to tackle different types of question • Critical • explains the art of persuasiveness, how to make convincing speeches, evaluation and constructing an argument • Writing in good English • and effective cross examination Structure • Finishing your work • Utilising feedback • describes well-established techniques and exercises used in court for constantly improving questioning and witness control Paperback • 978-0-414-04184-4 • £19.95 • July 2011 • offers punchy advice and insightful comments on all of the necessary skills and processes involved in advocating • uses examples throughout to illustrate key points and aids knowledge retention • includes a new chapter on the International Criminal Tribunals which require an additional set of advocacy skills due to the dynamics thrown up, such as the need for simultaneous translations

Contents include This Book • Learning Advocacy • Truth • Winning • Tribunal Psychology • Persuasiveness • Case Preparation • Addressing the Judge • The Opening Speech • Witnesses • Questions • Examination in Chief • Cross- Examination • Re-examination • Improving Questioning • The Closing Speech • Mitigation • The Court of Appeal • Advocacy in international criminal tribunals • Improving Advocacy • The Overall Advocate

Paperback • 978-1-847-03768-8 • £16.95 • April 2009

sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students 57 Legal skills, reference & revision


1st Edition … an invaluable compass for any budding pupil and ‘‘its publication could not be timelier. Counsel ’’

Georgina Wolfe – Barrister, 5 Essex Court; and Alexander Robson – Barrister, Littleton Chambers Charlotte Harrison – Senior Lecturer, University of Portsmouth • Presents the first definitive guide to obtaining a pupillage at the Bar of England and Wales • Presents the first definitive guide to securing a training contract and becoming a solicitor in England and Wales • takes the reader through each step of the route to pupillage from legal education through to the application process itself • takes the reader through the academic stage of training, looking at the pros and cons of the various variables such as a law degree versus a law • covers key developments including changes to the Bar course conversion and discusses the vocational – LPC – part of training (now the BPTC) and the launch of the Pupillage Portal – the new application process • goes through the application process itself discussing what firms are looking for, how to target applications, and the options available • draws on the authors’ own personal experiences – between them they if unsuccessful have attended over forty pupillage interviews and are now members of their respective pupillage committees • draws on the authors’ own experience of qualifying as a solicitor as well as her insight gained from being a Careers Development Co-ordinator • Brings together advice and pearls of wisdom from over 50 contributors – from recently qualified barristers through to senior barristers and • Brings together advice and pearls of wisdom from a host of contributors judges – on everything such as the challenges and risks of becoming – from LLB law students, trainees and recently qualified solicitors, a barrister, what impresses them at an interview, and how to make the through to senior partners – on everything such as first steps into law, most of the BPTC how to make the most of your studies, and how to impress at interviews • goes through the academic stage of training, looking at the pros • includes contributions from specialist recruitment consultants offering and cons of the various variables such as a law degree verses a law advice on everything from how to write effective CVs and covering letters conversion through to how to prepare for interviews and assessment days • details the extra-curricular activities that students should undertake • details the extra-curricular activities that readers should undertake in order to enhance their prospects in order to enhance their prospects including legal and non-legal experiences as well as discussing vacation schemes and pro-bono work • discusses the vocational – BPTC – part of training, looking in depth at the four Inns • looks at the various firms and practice areas to demonstrate the different opportunities available and to help readers choose which • gives advise on how to choose which pupillage to accept if more than area to specialise in one offer is received • offers guidance on converting from being a solicitor to a barrister Contents include Part One: A Career as a Solicitor • Part Two: First Steps • Part Three: Contents include Training • Part Four: Gaining Experience and Boosting your CV • Part Five: Part One: A Career at the Bar • Part Two: First Steps to the Bar • Part Areas of Practice • Part Six: Securing a Training Contract Three: Training • Part Four: Gaining Experience and Developing your Talents • Part Five: Choosing your Practice • Part Six: Getting Pupillage • Paperback • 978-1-847-03956-9 • £14.95 • June 2010 Appendices

Paperback • 978-0-414-04236-0 • £16.95 • February 2010

58 sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/lecturers-students Legal skills, reference And revision

Glanville Williams: Osborn’s concise Learning the Law Law dictionary

14th Edition 11th Edition

Essential reading for anyone embarking on the study of law ‘‘or on a course that includes an element of law.

New Law Journal … Learning ’’the Law opens a secret garden of Knowledge... ‘‘The Daily Telegraph ’’ ATH Smith – Formerly Fellow of Gonville and Caius College, Professor of E dited by M ick Woodley – Associate Dean in Law, Northumbria University Criminal and Public Laws, University of Cambridge, Pro Vice-Chancellor at Newcastle; with contributors from Northumbria University and Dean of Law, Victoria University of Wellington, and Honorary Bencher, • For over 80 years Osborn’s has been the essential concise dictionary Middle Temple of legal terms for both students and practitioners • a must-have book for every student considering a career in the law, • offers comprehensive coverage including an extensive listing of journals, about to study for a law degree or law module of a non-law degree law reports and their abbreviations • gives an overview of the English legal system in a clear and accessible • contains over 4,700 references from the obscure to the everyday style and introduces students to the core foundation subjects and syllabus of the LLB degree • Provides speedy access to a mass of technical terms and phrases in both English and European law • corrects basic misunderstandings about the law • takes all entries beyond definitions and basic context with extensive • explains how to interpret statutes and look up points of law legal referencing to provide a solid basis for further research • introduces legal problems that students are likely to come across and • explains often complex, legal vocabulary in a way that is informative explains how best to tackle them and easy to understand • goes through legal research – paper and electronic – and how best to T he 11th edition includes: undertake it • reforms to the tribunal system and in the provision and regulation • offers students advice on study methods and exam preparation in order of legal services. that they make the most of their time • Fully revised and updated entries take into account recent legal • gives guidance on how to prepare for and take part in moots and developments including those in commercial and corporate law, in mock trials employment and social welfare law, in charity and mental health law N ew for the 14th Edition and in criminal and civil orders. • covers key developments such as the new Supreme Court, the • its traditional coverage of Latin phrases and its index to journals ratification of the Lisbon Treaty and the effects of the recession on learning to earning Paperback • ISBN: 978-1-847-03308-6 • £11.95 • February 2009 • offers expanded coverage of moots and mock trials, covering everything from presentation and oral skills through to file and case management and legal ethics. • Includes advice on time management, stress management and motivation • Provides more diagrams than ever before to help students grasp complex issues

Contents include The Divisions of Law • The European Dimension • The Mechanism of Scholarship • Methods of Study • Technical Terms • Case Law Technique • The Interpretation of Statutes • Working Out Problems • Answering Essay Questions • In the Examination Room • Moots and Mock Trials • Legal Research • From Learning to Earning • General Reading

Paperback • 978-0-414-04173-8 • £13.50 • June 2010

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opens each chapter with a short introduction to out- line the key concepts redesigned layout includes colour to draw out parts of the text and distinguish cases and legislation from the narrative

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N utCASES: Constitutional N utCASES: Evidence and Administrative Law 1st Edition 5th Edition Dr Michael Stockdale – Senior Lecturer in Law, Northumbria University; M aureen Spencer – Senior Lecturer in Law, Middlesex University; and Rebecca Mitchell – Solicitor, Principal Lecturer in Law, Northumbria John Spencer – Barrister, Honorary Visiting Lecturer, Middlesex University University; N atalie Wortley – Barrister, Senior Lecturer in Law, Northumbria University; and Adam Jackson – Barrister, Lecturer in Law, Paperback • 978-1-847-03497-7 • £10.95 • March 2009 Northumbria University N utCASES: Contract Law Paperback • 978-1-847-03060-3 • £10.95 • March 2007 NEW 6th Edition N utCASES: Family Law Anne Ruff – Visiting Senior Lecturer in Law, Middlesex University 1st Edition Paperback • 978-0-414-04601-6 • £10.95 • February 2011 Rebecca Probert – Associate Professor, University of Warwick N utCASES: Criminal Law Paperback • 978-0-421-95850-0 • £10.95 • February 2007 NEW 6th Edition N utCASES: Human Rights Dr Penny Childs – Director of Legal Studies, University of Plymouth; and 2nd Edition Paul Dobson – Visiting Professor, Anglia Ruskin University M aureen Spencer – Senior Lecturer in Law, Middlesex University; and John Paperback • 978-0-414-04618-4 • £10.95 • May 2011 Spencer – Barrister, Honorary Visiting Lecturer, Middlesex University N utCASES: Employment Law Paperback • 978-0-421-89050-3 • £10.95 • July 2005 4th Edition NU TCASES: INTERNATIONAL LAW Andrew C Bell – Lecturer in Law, Nottingham Trent University 1st Edition Paperback • 978-1-847-03951-4 • £10.95 • February 2010 Dr Elina Steinerte – Research Associate, University of Bristol; and Rebecca N utCASES: Equity and Trusts M M Wallace – Professor of International Human Rights Law, Robert Gordon University, Immigration Adjudicator and Barrister 5th Edition Paperback • 978-1-847-03017-7 • £10.95 • February 2008 Chris Chang – Director, Brunel International, Brunel University N utCASES: Land Law Paperback • 978-0-414-04182-0 • £10.95 • February 2010 5th Edition N utCASES: European Union Law Chris Chang – Director, Brunel International, Brunel University 5th Edition Paperback • 978-1-847-03820-3 • £10.95 • March 2009 Penny Kent – Principal Lecturer in Law, Middlesex University N utCASES: Medical Law Paperback • 978-1-847-03733-6 • £10.95 • May 2009 1st Edition Gwyn Tovey – Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Glamorgan Paperback • 978-1-847-03003-0 • £10.95 • April 2008 N utCASES: Tort NEW 6th Edition Vera Bermingham – Director of Studies, Kingston Law School Paperback • 978-0-414-04485-2 • £10.95 • February 2011

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· Presents the essentials of law in clear and straightforward language, explaining the basic principles · incorporates colour to help distinguish cases and legislation and aid ease of use · Breaks the text down into bite-size chunks and includes bullets where appropriate to aid navigation, assimilation and retention of information · opens each chapter with a short introduction to outline the key concepts covered and condense complex and important information · closes each chapter with a checklist to enable students to check that all the learning needs have been met · Provides a model question with answer plan at the end of each chapter to enable students to fully prepared for both exam and essay questions · includes diagrams throughout to illustrate diffi cult concepts · Places important key defi nitions and statutory provisions in boxes to help highlight the key points to remember · contains a host of useful tools including tables of cases and statutes, a list of examination tips, and a list of useful web resources

breaks the subject down into key topics and the topics down into bite size chunks diagrams are included to visually reinforce complex points

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A dministrative Law 10 English for Contract & Law and Practice of Nutshells: Intellectual Property 63 Company Law 13 International Finance 11 Birds’ Modern Insurance Law 13 Nutshells: International Law 63 English Legal System Laying Down The Law: Bowett’s Law of International – The Fundamentals 29 A Discussion of the People, Nutshells: Land Law 63 Institutions 44 Processes and Problems Environmental Law, Nutshells: Medical Law 63 Cases and Materials on Intellectual that Shape Acts of Parliment 55 Textbook Series 32 Property 41 Nutshells: Tort 63 Legal Methods and Systems: Equity and Trusts, Textbook Series 34 Cases and Materials Text and Materials 31 Osborn’s Concise Law on International Law 44 European Competition Law Dictionary 59 Lloyd’s Introduction to and Economics 37 Central Issues in Jurisprudence 46 Jurisprudence 45 Parker & Mellows: The Modern European Union Law 35 Law of Trusts 33 Charlesworth’s Company Law 13 Media Law 47 Evidence – The Fundamentals 38 Parry and Kerridge: The Law Commercial Law, Textbook Series 15 Medical Law and Ethics 48 of Succession 33, 54 Evidence: Text and Materials 39 Constitutional and Administrative Megarry & Wade: The Law Path to Pupillage, The: A Guide Law, Textbook Series 10 Exploring the Law 29 of Real Property 49 for the Aspiring Barrister 58

Construction Law 19 From Student to Solicitor: Mooting and Advocacy Skills 56 Ridley’s Law of the Carriage The Complete Guide to Securing of Goods by Land, Sea and Air 16 Contract Law: Cases and Materials 22 Morris: The Conflict ofL aws 43 a Training Contract 58 Principles of Corporate 13 Contract Law, Textbook Series 19 Nutcases: Constitutional Glanville Williams: and Administrative Law 61 Insolvency Law Contract Law – The Fundamentals 21 Learning The Law 59 Nutcases: Contract Law 61 Schmitthoff’s Export Trade: Cornish & Llewelyn Intellectual Goode on Legal Problems The Law and Practice of Property: Patents, Copyright, of Credit and Security 12 Nutcases: Criminal Law 61 International Trade 17 Trade Marks and Allied Rights 42 Gower and Davies’ Principles Nutcases: Employment Law 61 Smith & Thomas: A Casebook Cretney and Probert’s Family Law, of Modern Company Law 15 on Contract 20 Nutcases: Equity and Trusts 61 Textbook Series 38 Guide to European Union Law, A 35 Smith, Bailey & Gunn on The Nutcases: European Union Law 61 Cretney’s Principles of Family Law 40 Modern English Legal System 30 Hanbury & Martin: Modern Equity 33 Nutcases: Evidence 61 Criminal Justice 25 Southampton on Shipping 17 Hayton & Marshall: Commentary Nutcases: Family Law 61 Criminal Law and Practice 26 and Cases on the Law of Trusts Successful Legal Writing 57 and Equitable Remedies 34 Nutcases: Human Rights 61 Criminal Law: Text and Materials 24 Tort: Cases and Materials 52 Health Care Law: Nutcases: International Law 61 Criminal Law – The Fundamentals 25 Text and Materials 48 Tort, Textbook Series 51 Nutcases: Land Law 61 Criminal Law, Textbook Series 23 Holiday Law: The Law Relating Treitel on the Law of Contract 21 Nutcases: Medical Law 61 Darbyshire on the English To Travel and Tourism 16 Understanding Contract Law 20 Legal System 30 Nutcases: Tort 61 How The City of London Works 12 Understanding Criminal Law 23 Davies on Contract 22 Nutshells: Company Law 63 How To Study Law 55 Understanding Environmental Law 32 Davies: Principles of Tax Law 53 Nutshells: Constitutional International Criminal Law Understanding EU Law 36 and Administrative Law 63 Dennis: The Law of Evidence 38 and Human Rights 25, 41 Understanding Family Law 40 Nutshells: Consumer Law 63 Devil’s Advocate, The 57 International Economic Law 45 Understanding Law 31 Nutshells: Commercial Law 63 Discrimination Law 28 International Law 43 Understanding Property Law 50 Nutshells: Contract Law 63 Discrimination Law: Theory Jacob & Alexander: A Guidebook to Intellectual Property 42 Understanding Tort Law 53 and Context, Text and Materials 28 Nutshells: Criminal Law 63 Jurisprudence: Theory and Context 46 Weir: A Casebook on Tort 52 Economics of EC Competition Law 37 Nutshells: Employment Law 63 Knowles and Thomas: Wills, Administration and Elements of Roman Law, The 32 Nutshells: English Legal System 63 Effective Legal Research 56 Taxation Law and Practice 54 Elliott & Wood’s Cases Nutshells: Equity & Trusts 63 Winfield & Jolowicz on Tort 51 and Materials on Criminal Law 24 Law and the Media 47 Nutshells: European Union Law 63 Woodroffe and Lowe’s Consumer Employment Law 26 Land Law, Textbook Series 50 Nutshells: Evidence 63 Law & Practice 18 Employment Law and Practice 27 Land Law, Text and Materials 49 Nutshells: Family Law 63 Wyatt & Dashwood’s European Employment Law, Textbook Series 27 Law of Finance, The 11 Union Law 36 Nutshells: Human Rights 63 Law of International Trade 18

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­A dams, John N 20, 31 De Cruz, Peter 63 King, Lesley 54 Robson, Alexander 58 Alexander, Daniel 42 Dennis, Ian 38 Klein, Pierre 44 Rogers, WVH 51 Allen, Michael J 24 Dickson, Lisa 25 Knowles, John 56 Rose, Francis 63 Aplin, Tanya 42 Dixon, Martin 49 Lamont, Duncan 47 Ross, Malcolm 36 Armstrong, Nick 47 Dobson, Paul 15, 61, 63 Lane, Lindsay 42 Ruff, Anne 61 Arnull, Anthony 36 Doolin, Dr Katherine 25 Lee, RW 32 Salter, David 29 Bailey, SH 10, 30 Dougan, Michael 36 Lenaerts, Koen 35 Samuel, Geoffrey 22, 52 Bailey-Harris, Rebecca 40 Duxbury, Robert 19, 63 Llewelyn, David 42 Sands, Philippe 44 Bamforth, Nicolas 28 Fitzpatrick, Ben 23 Lowe, Robert 16, 18 Seago, Peter 23 Barlow, John 54 Flessas, Tatiana 50 MacIntyre, Ewan 63 Shorts, Edwin 41 Beckwith, Silas 32, 51 Forster, Stephen 26 McAlhone, Christina 25 Silberstein, Sandra 63 Beevers, Kisch 43 Fox, Marie 48 McClean, David 43 Simmonds, NE 46 Bell, Andrew C 27, 61, 63 Freeman, Michael 40, 45 McHale, Jean 48 Smith, ATH 59 Bennett, Geoffrey 22 Frisby, Sandra 14 McMurtry, Lara 34 Spaventa, Dr Eleanor 36 Bermingham, Vera 61, 63 Giliker, Dr Paula 51 Malik, Maleiha 28 Spencer, Dr Maureen 61, 63 Birds, John 13 Girvin, Stephen 14 Manchester, Colin 29 Spencer, John 61, 63 Bloy, Duncan 47 Giussani, Elizabeth 10 Martin-Ortega, Olga 42 Sprack, John 27 Boylan-Kemp, Jo 29 Gordon, Robert W 46 Martin, Dr Jill 33 Stallworthy, Mark 32 Bradney, Anthony 55 Grant, David 16 Mason, Stephen 16 Stevens, John 50 Bray, Robert 35 Gravells, Nigel P 49 Masson, Judith 40, 55 Steinerte, Elina 61 Bridge, Stuart 49 Greenberg, Daniel 55 Mathijsen, Dr PSRF 35 Stockdale, Michael 61, 63 Brownsword, Roger 20, 31 Goode, Prof Sir Roy 14 Millar, Catherine 13 Stokes, Dr Rob 15 Cambien, Nathan 35 Gullifer, Louise 12 Mitchell, Charles 34 Stychin, Carl F 31 Camesasca, Dr Peter D 37 Hadwin, Sara 47 Mitchell, Rebecca 61 Szyszczak, Erika 36 Carey, Peter 47 Haley, Michael 34, 63 Morley, Iain 57 Tatham, Laura 57 Chang, Chris 61 Harlow, Carol 53 Morse, Geoffrey 53 Timson-Hunt, Daren 17 Chartrand, Marcella 13 Harpum, Charles 49 Mowbray, Alastair 10 Tovey, Gwyn 61 Cheney, Dr Deborah 25 Harris, Brian 16 Mulcahy, Linda 31 Uff, John 19 Childs, Dr Penny 61 Harris, David 44 Murphy, WT 50 Uglow, Steve 25, 39 Ching, Jane 29 Harrison, Charlotte 58 Murray, Carole 17 Upex, Robert 22 Chuah, Jason 17, 18, 22 Higgins, Edwina 57 Murray, Ryan 21 Van den Bergh, Dr Roger 37 Clarke, William M 12 Hill, Dan 56 Neal, Alan 55 Van Hoorebeek, Mark 63 Clarkson, CMV 23, 24 Hogan, Greer 63 Newell, David 55 Van Nuffel, Piet 35 Connolly, Michael 28 Holliday, Anne 63 Oakley, AJ 33 Wallace, Rebecca MM 43, 61, 63 Cooper, Simon 24 Holloway, David 17 O’Cinneide, Colm 28 Weir, Tony 52 Cornish, William 41, 42 Hudson, Alastair 11, 14 Pattinson, Dr Shaun D 48 Williams, Dr David D 53 Cownie, Fiona 55 Huxley, Phil 38 Pearce, Robert 50 Wolfe, Georgina 58 Craig, Paul 10 Huxley-Binns, Rebecca 25 Peel, Edwin 21 Wood, Philip 11 Cunningham, SR 24 Jackson, Adam 61 Pitt, Gwyneth 26 Woodley, Mick 59 Cuthbert, Mike 63 Jackson, Nicola 50 Pope, David 56 Woodroffe, Geoffrey 18 Cygan, Dr Adam 36 Jacob, Lord Justice 42 Probert, Rebecca 39, 40, 61 Wortley, Natalie 61 Darbyshire, Penny 30, 62 Jones, Brian 10 Quartermaine, James 47 Wragg, Tony 63 Dashwood, Alan 36 Keating, HM 24 Qureshi, Asif H 45 Wyatt, Derrick 36 Davies, Paul L 15 Kent, Penny 61 Reed, Alan 23 Ziegler, Andreas R 45 De Than, Claire 41 Kerridge, Roger 31, 54 Roberts, Simon 50 King, Anthony 54

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