Barristers ' Clerks the Law's Middlemetr John A
JOHN A. FLOOD Barristers ' clerks The law's middlemetr John A. Flood BARRISTERS' CLERKS THE LAW'S MIDDLEMEN Manchester University Press Copyright @John Anthony Flood 1983 Published by Manchester University Press Oxford Road. Manchester M13 9PL, UK 51 Washington Street, Dover, N.H. 03820, USA British Library cataloguing in publication data Flood. John A. Barristers' clerks. 1. Legal assistant-England I. Title 340 KD654 ISBN 0-7190-0928-6 Library of Congress utaloging in publication data Flood, John A. Barristers' clerks. Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1.Legal assistants-Great Britain. I. Title KD463.F58 1983 347.42'016 8S912 ISBN 0-7190-0928-6 344.2071 6 Printed in Great Britain by Redwood Burn Ltd, Trowbridge, Wiltshire CONTENTS Acknowledgements page vii Chapter 1 Background to the research 1 2 Career patterns and contingencies 15 3 The clerk and his barrister 34 4 Sources of work and relations with solicitors 65 5 Scheduling court cases 85 6 The social world of barristers' clerks The Barristers' Clerks' ~ssociation Conclusion Biography of a research project Solicitors' responses to requests for payment of counsel's fees BCA examination papers Bibliography Index ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In producing this book, and the thesis from which it derives, I have incurred many debts. I would like to thank those who generously helped: William L. Twining, Anthony Bradley, Barbara Harrell-Bond, Luke C. Harris, John P. Heinz, Spencer L. Kimball, Geoffrey Wilson and David Farrier. I am also grateful to the Barristers' Clerks' Association for permission to reproduce their examination papers; and to its officers, past and present, for their assistance and permission to reproduce from their papers: they are Sydney G.
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