
Numerical Relativity of Compact Binaries in the 21st Century

Matthew D. Duez1 and Yosef Zlochower2 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99164, USA 2Center for Computational Relativity and Gravitation and School of Mathematical Sciences, Rochester Institute of Technology, 85 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, New York 14623, USA We review the dramatic progress in the simulations of compact objects and compact-object bina- ries that has taken place in the first two decades of the twenty-first century. This includes simulations of the inspirals and violent mergers of binaries containing black holes and neutron , as well as simulations of black-hole formation through failed supernovae and high-mass neutron mergers. Modeling such events requires numerical integration of the field equations of in three spatial dimensions, coupled, in the case of neutron-star containing binaries, with increasingly sophisticated treatment of fluids, electromagnetic fields, and neutrino radiation. How- ever, it was not until 2005 that accurate long-term evolutions of binaries containing black holes were even possible [1–3]. Since then, there has been an explosion of new results and insights into the physics of strongly-gravitating system. Particular emphasis has been placed on understanding the and electromagnetic signatures from these extreme events. And with the recent dramatic discoveries of gravitational waves from merging black holes by the Laser Interferometric Gravitational Wave Observatory and Virgo, and the subsequent discovery of both electromagnetic and gravitational wave signals from a merging neutron star–neutron star binary, numerical relativity became an indispensable tool for the new field of multimessenger astronomy.

I. INTRODUCTION can be stated in terms of the dimensionless compaction GM 2 . Strong-gravity objects have high compaction C ≡ Rc With the discovery of gravitational waves from merg- (order unity being the standard of “high”). Black holes ing –black hole binaries by the Laser Inter- ( 1) and neutron stars ( 0.1) are compact ob- jectsC ∼ by this definition. WhiteC dwarfs∼ ( 10−4) are a ferometric Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) in C ∼ 2015 [4–6], the subsequent observations of other black marginal case–relativity plays a large role in their stabil- hole mergers by LIGO [7, 8] and later by LIGO and ity condition but not their equilibrium structure–and are Virgo [9], and the simultaneous observation of gravita- usually also classified as compact. tional waves and electromagnetic spectra from the merger Formulating the integration of the Einstein equations of a neutron star–neutron star binary by LIGO, Virgo, so that evolutions are stable and the coordinates evolve and a large team of astronomers in 2017 [10–12], the new sensibly turned out to be a difficult task. There was field of gravitational wave and multimessenger astronomy some worry that numerical relativity might not be ready was born. when the advanced gravitational wave detectors needed Fundamental to this new science is the ability to in- it. Finally, in 2005 [1–3], the first stable black hole–black fer the dynamics of the sources based on the observed hole binary merger simulations were carried out. There signals, something that can only be accomplished using followed a race to produce accurate waveforms for gravi- detailed theoretical predictions based on numerical simu- tational wave observation efforts, which were already un- lations of the nonlinear Einstein field equations of general derway. relativity both in vacuum and coupled to the equations In this review, we describe how numerical relativity has of magnetohydrodynamics. Indeed, the body of tech- come to be a robust tool for studying strong-gravity sys- niques that emerged based on efforts to solve this system, tems. We also review some of the major accomplishments arXiv:1808.06011v2 [gr-qc] 13 Sep 2018 known as numerical relativity, was designed largely with of numerical relativity to date. To provide an appropri- such gravitational wave source modeling in mind, but it ate scope, we focus on applications to compact binaries has also been turned to other astrophysical phenomena and black hole formation, processes where general rela- involving strongly-curved, dynamical . tivity is essential and whose astrophysical importance is Only rather exotic phenomena involve sufficiently clear. strong spacetime curvature to require numerical relativ- The article is organized as follows. In the rest of the ity. Newtonian gravity clearly works quite well for main introduction, we provide background on general relativ- sequence stars, planets, and the like. As is well-known, ity, black holes, and relativistic stars. In Section II, we relativity becomes important when speeds approach the cover methods for evolving the Einstein field equations speed of light c, so a reasonable guess would be to ex- and coupled matter sources. Particular attention is given pect important general relativistic effects as the escape to the historical “breakthrough” discoveries that enabled velocity approaches c. Then an object of mass M and stable evolutions of multiple-black-hole . The radius R will require relativistic treatment if R is close next sections review simulation results, covering the pe- 2 to the gravitational radius rG 2GM/c , the radius of a riod before the breakthroughs and after. Section III is nonspinning black hole of mass≡ M. The same condition devoted to black hole–black hole binary mergers. The 2 following three sections describe simulations of phenom- where yµ is some new set of coordinates and ena with matter, especially neutron stars. Finally, in  α   β  Section VII, we return to our original motivation and ∂x ∂x gµν = ηαβ. (4) consider what has been learned by the confrontation of ∂yµ ∂yν numerical relativity predictions with actual LIGO-Virgo observations. Here, we will not make a distinction between the com- ponents of a tensor and a tensor itself. For our purposes a tensor L of type (p, q) is a set of p q functions, denoted × A. The field equations of general relativity by

α1α2···αp Lβ β ···β , (5) The theory of introduced the notion 1 2 q of spacetime. In that theory, spacetime is a geometrically which, under a change of coordinates from some coordi- flat 4-dimensional manifold. General relativity extends nate system x to another y, transform as this notion to non-flat manifolds. In general relativity,  α1   α2   αp  the Newtonian notion of a gravitational force is replaced 0α1α2···αp ∂y ∂y ∂y L β β ···β (y) = by geodesic motion in a curved spacetime. Unless acted 1 2 q ∂xµ1 ∂xµ2 ··· ∂xµp on by other (non-gravitational) forces, objects whose size  ν1   ν2   νq  ∂x ∂x ∂x µ1µ2···µp is much smaller than the local spacetime radius of cur- Lν1ν2···νq (x). (6) × ∂yβ1 ∂yβ2 ··· ∂yβq vature travel along geodesics. Throughout this paper, we will use geometric units. In Thus the metric gµν is a tensor. Associated to gµν is its µν µσ µ these units, the speed of light, c, and Newton’s constant matrix inverse g (i.e., g gσν = δν , where δ indicates G, are taken to be 1. A consequence of this is that dis- the usual Kronecker delta function). tances, time intervals, masses, and energy all have the The metric, gµν , in special relativity is intrinsically flat. same units. By convention, the unit of each of these is By this, we mean any of several equivalent statements: denoted by an arbitrary mass M.1 there is a coordinate transformation such that the new In the section below, we will provide an extremely brief metric is everywhere identical to ηµν , as discussed above, overview of the field equations of general relativity. For parallel geodesics will remain parallel, and the intrinsic a comprehensive overview, we suggests consulting [13] curvature of the metric, as measured by the Riemann for a very accessible introduction to general relativity, curvature tensor, vanishes everywhere. We briefly de- and [14], [15], and [16] for a more advanced treatment. scribe how geodesics and the Riemann curvature tensor The material below was synthesized from these refer- are calculated. ences. A geodesic is the generalization of a straight line in The of a spacetime can be entirely described Euclidean space. In Cartesian coordinates, the tangent by a line element ds2. In Minkowski spacetime, in Carte- vector to a straight line is a constant. This can be ex- sian coordinates, the line element takes the form pressed as d ds2 = dt2 + dx2 + dy2 + dz2. (1) tµ = xµ(λ), (7) − dλ 2 d Note that ds is not necessarily positive. For timelike tµ(λ) = 0, (8) paths, the proper time along the path is given by the dλ integral of dτ = √ ds2. Equation (1) can be written as ν µ − where t is the tangent vector to the line and x (λ) are 2 µ ν the Cartesian coordinates of each point of the line. Equa- ds = ηµν dx dx , (2) tion (8) can be re-written as where xµ = (t, x, y, z) and the components of the sym- ∂tµ tν = 0. (9) metric tensor ηµν are given by diag( 1, 1, 1, 1). Here we ∂xν used two standard conventions, the timelike− coordinate is listed first and repeated Greek indices are summed over. However, even in flat space, this equation does not hold By convention, the index of the timelike coordinate is true in arbitrary coordinates. To fix this, we replace the ν 0, while the spatial coordinates have indices 1, 2, 3. In ordinary derivative ∂/∂x with the covariant derivative arbitrary coordinates, the line element becomes ν . The equation for a geodesic in arbitrary coordinates, as∇ well as flat and non-flat metrics, is 2 µ ν ds = gµν dy dy , (3) d xµ(λ) = tµ(λ), (10) dλ µ ν t µt = 0. (11) ∇ 1 For example, solar mass intervals of distance and time are about Finally, α, the covariant derivative associated with the 1.5 km and 5 × 10−6s, respectively. ∇ metric gµν , is defined by its action on arbitrary tensors 3

µ1µ2··· Lµ1µ2···, which is given by merger of two black holes, is a vacuum problem. That

µ1µ2··· µ1µ2··· is, Tµν = 0. Numerical relativity is also used to study αL = ∂αL ∇ ν1ν2··· ν1ν2··· phenomena involving matter flows in strongly-curved dy- µ1 βµ2··· µ2 µ1β··· +Γ αβL + Γ αβL + namical spacetimes. Two problems where such relativis- ν1ν2··· ν1ν2··· ··· β µ1µ2··· β µ1µ2··· tic effects should be particularly important are compact Γ αν L Γ αν L ,(12) − 1 βν2··· − 2 µ1β··· − · · · object mergers involving neutron stars and the formation where of black holes by stellar collapse. Matter and energy constitute the stress-energy tensor σ 1 σα Γ µρ = g (∂µgαρ + ∂ρgαµ ∂αgµρ) , (13) Tµν that is the source term in Einstein equations. In 2 − general, Tµν will be a sum of stress tensors for the gas, α 2 and ∂α is shorthand for ∂/∂x . The components electromagnetic, and neutrino fields. The energy and mo- σ of Γ µρ are collectively known as the Christoffel sym- mentum conservation equations bols. Unlike the metric and the tensors constructed µν µT = 0 (18) from the Christoffel symbols below, the components of ∇ the Christoffel symbols do not transform according to provide evolution equations for the matter. Eq. (6). In the non-vacuum systems we will consider, the The Riemann curvature tensor is constructed from the particles–including nucleons, nuclei, , positrons, metric and has the following form 3 and photons, but not necessarily neutrinos–form a nearly σ σ σ α σ α σ perfect fluid, meaning the mean free path is very small Rµνρ = ∂ν Γ µρ ∂µΓ νρ+Γ µρΓ αν Γ νρΓ αµ. (14) − − compared to the system’s scale, making the collection a The Riemann curvature tensor can be further split into fluid, and viscosity and heat transport are small enough a trace-free part, known as the Weyl tensor Cµνρσ, and to be ignored. This fluid will have a stress tensor the Ricci tensor gas Tµν = (ρ0 + u + P )uµuν + P gµν , (19) ρ Rµν = Rµρν (15) where ρ0, u, P , and uµ are the rest mass density, internal Finally, the Einstein tensor Gµν , is given by energy, pressure, and 4-velocity. (Note ρ0 must be distin- guished from the total energy density ρ = ρ0 + u.) The 1 αβ Gµν = Rµν gµν g Rαβ. (16) 4-velocity has only three independent components, with − 2 the Lorentz factor W αut given by the normalization condition u u = 1: ≡ Regardless of coordinates, the Riemann curvature ten- · − sor is identically zero in special relativity. General rela- 2 ij tivity extends the notion of spacetime to include non-flat W = 1 + γ uiuj (20) metrics, where Equations (18) and (19) must be supplemented by the rest mass conservation equation Gµν = 8πTµν , (17) µ µ(ρ0u ) = 0 (21) and Tµν is the stress energy tensor, a measure of the ∇ total energy and momentum flux from matter and non- gravitational interactions and radiation. Because the and also an equation of state (EoS) Einstein equations do not constrain the components of P = P (ρ0,T,Xi) (22) Cµνρσ, even in vacuum there can be non-trivial curva- ture. Note that Eq. (17) is the standard covariant form u = u(ρ0,T,Xi) , (23) of the Einstein equations. where T is the temperature and Xi are composition vari- ables. For a detailed exposition of relativistic hydrodynam- B. Evolution of matter sources ics, including its numerical treatment, see the book by Rezzolla and Zanotti [17]. In general relativity, the curvature of spacetime pos- sess its own dynamics, and indeed one of the most im- portant phenomena treated by numerical relativity, the C. Black holes

Perhaps one of the most interesting predictions of gen- eral relativity is the existence of black holes. Black holes 2 Readers familiar with differential geometry will notice that in Eq. 13 we are limiting ourselves to coordinate (holonomic) bases, are regions in spacetime where the curvature is suffi- which are sufficient for numerical relativity. ciently strong that light, and therefore any physical sig- 3 σ Note that while the components of Rµνρ transform according nal, cannot escape. Astrophysically, black holes form σ to Eq. (6), the components of Γ µρ do not. as stellar objects collapse. Despite all the microphysics 4 that goes into the dynamics of stellar objects, once equi- D. Relativistic stars librated, a black hole can be completely described by two 4 parameters: its mass and spin . In geometric units the Much astrophysical thinking is guided by idealized magnitude of the spin angular momentum S is bounded 2 equilibria, such as the spherically symmetric star and the by the mass m, where S < m . Typically one defines a thin accretion disk, and this remains true in the study of specific spin a, where a = S/m and a dimensionless spin 2 compact object systems. Neutron stars are extremely χ, where χ = S/m . compact objects, containing a little over a solar mass (rG 4km) within a radius of 10 km, and so must be If the black hole is non-spinning, it is known as a ≈ ∼ Schwarzschild black hole [18, 19], and if S is non-zero, studied using general relativity; they will be our primary it is known as a Kerr black hole [20]. In both cases the type of relativistic star. black hole spacetimes are named after their discoverers. For spherical neutron stars of an assumed barotropic equation of state P = P (ρ0), the Tolman–Oppenheimer– A black hole has no material surface, of course, but Volkoff (TOV) [22, 23] equations of hydrostatic equilib- there is a boundary separating the region from which it rium yield a sequence of equilibria, one for each central is impossible ever to escape (the black hole interior) to density ρc. At a critical central density ρcrit, the mass event max the outside universe. This boundary is called the reaches a maximum value M TOV = M(ρcrit), and horizon . The is a null surface, i.e. one only the configurations on the ascending (dM/dρc > 0) must move at the speed of light to stay on it. In order side, which generally turns out to be ρc < ρcrit, are sta- to determine if a true event horizon exists, one needs to ble. A star on the unstable side will either collapse to know the entire future of the spacetime (otherwise there a black hole or undergo large radial oscillations about is always the possibility that an observer can escape the the lower density configuration of the same mass. (See supposed black hole at a later time). In practice, nu- Fig. 1.) merical relativists find event horizons by evolving a clus- max Can neutron stars exist with M > M TOV? If ter of null geodesics or a null surface in time the neutron star is spinning, this provides some addi- starting at the very end of their simulations. (For a re- tional support against gravity. Codes exist for generating view, see [21].) We will see that some methods of numer- the resulting 2D (axisymmetric) equilibria (e.g. [25, 26]). ically handling black hole interiors (excision methods) The matter is usually be taken to be a perfect fluid require some knowledge of the horizon location during with purely azimuthal flows [ur = uθ = 0, uφ = utΩ], the simulation. For these purposes, numerical relativists and a rotation law for Ω must be specified. Rotation use the . Apparent horizons are two- might be uniform (Ω =constant) or differential (Ω varies dimensional surfaces that may exist at each time in a through the star). Viscosity (or similar angular momen- numerical simulation. They are defined to be surfaces tum transport mechanisms) will tend to produce uniform from which outward-pointing null rays do not expand. rotation, but differentially rotating equilibria can persist This very unusual situation can only occur in the vicin- on timescales shorter than that of viscosity. ity of a black hole, but finding such surfaces only requires Rotation in equilibrium stars is constrained, though, information about the metric and extrinsic curvature at by the mass-shedding limit, at which fluid on the equa- a given time. For a stationary black hole, the apparent tor is in geodesic (“Keplerian”) orbit. Faster rotation horizon will coincide with the event horizon; in a dynam- at the equator would centrifugally eject mass. This re- ical spacetime, it will be inside the event horizon. stricts the degree of possible uniform rotation particu- Black holes can form binaries, as demonstrated by larly severely, so that the maximum mass only increases LIGO’s recent detection of gravitational waves [4, 5]. In by around 20%, the most massive configurations being such a case, the black holes are not truly in equilibrium, found close to (but not exactly on) the mass-shedding max but each can still be described reasonably well as Kerr limit [25, 27]. Stars with masses between M TOV and or Schwarzschild black holes, at least when the binary this higher limit are called supramassive. A sufficient components are well separated. Such a binary can then condition for instability of uniformly rotating stars (on be described by several intrinsic parameters, such as the the secular timescale on which uniform rotation is main- mass ratio of the two black holes, the spin magnitudes tained) can be determined via locating the turning point and orientations of the two black holes, and the orbital in the constant angular momentum sequence [28], similar eccentricity. to TOV sequences. (The actual instability onset occurs slightly on the “stable” side [29].) The point of onset of dynamical instability can be determined by numerical simulations. Stars with mass above the supramassive limit are called hypermassive. Such equilibria can exist with the help of 4 More correctly, an equilibrated black hole is completely described differential rotation, providing rotational support while by its mass, spin, and charge. However, astrophysical black holes evading the mass-shedding limit by keeping the rota- are expected to have effectively zero charge because accretion tion rate sub-Keplerian near the equator. Numerical rel- from the interstellar medium should rapidly discharge them. ativity confirms [30] that such stars can persist stably 5

1.2 played a large role in the interpretation of neutron star– 1.9 neutron star binary merger simulations. When two neu- 1 tron stars merge, the resulting object will either collapse 1.7 to a black hole or settle to a dynamical equilibrium state −1 0 in roughly a dynamical timescale 10 ms. An equi- 0.8 M ∼ 1.5 librium remnant could be described as a type of rela- tivistic star. If two 1.4 M neutron stars merge, this

c,0 remnant could easily have a mass in excess of M max . ρ 1.3 TOV

/ 0.6

c 0 0.004 0.008

ρ However, the remnant will also be spinning rapidly and ρc differentially, and it will have acquired a great deal of 0.4 heat from the merger shock. Thus, normal, supramas- sive, and hypermassive remnants are all possible, de- pending on the stars’ masses and the unknown value of 0.2 max M TOV. However, while differentially rotating stars are in equilibrium on a dynamical timescale, they evolve 0 on the secular timescale of effects that transport angular 0 1 2 3 4 momentum ( 10 ms). Similarly, the equilibrium will be t (ms) adjusted by loss∼ of thermal support on the neutrino cool- ing timescale ( sec). Except in the unlikely event that FIG. 1: The evolution of an unstable non-rotating star it sheds enough∼ mass to drop below the supramassive in numerical relativity. The inset shows the TOV limit, a hypermassive remnant will ultimately collapse equilibrium sequence. For each central density, there is on one of these timescales. Thus, the main outline of the a unique equilibrium, and the inset plots the baryonic post-merger evolution seems to depend on one parame- mass M0 against the central density ρc. Equilibria to ter, the mass of the binary, and one EoS-related number, the left of the turning point (solid curve) are stable, to the neutron star maximum mass. the right (dashed) are unstable. A star on the unstable branch (open circle) will (under tiny perturbations) migrate to lower density and oscillate about the stable E. Posing the problem: recasting the field equilibrium of the given mass (asterisk). This evolution equations as an initial value problem is shown in the main plot. It illustrates the type of experiments that can be done in numerical relativity. Returning to the Einstein equations themselves, sim- The initial state would probably not occur in any ilar to how the 4-vector Aµ in electromagnetism is not astrophysically realistic scenario. For the evolution, unique due to gauge freedom, the metric that satisfies various pieces of physics can be turned on or off to Eq. (17) (and any relevant boundary conditions) is not study their effect. The solid line shows a simulation unique. In general relativity, the gauge freedom comes in that allows shock heating, while the dotted line shows a the form of the freedom to choose coordinates arbitrar- simulation where this has been artificially turned off, ily. In order to get a unique solution, we need to impose forcing the star to evolve adiabatically. Reproduced gauge conditions. Many, but not all, formulations of the with permission from [24]. Einstein equations for numerical simulations use what is known as a 3+1 decomposition [35] (see also recent texts on numerical relativity [36–38]). In a 3+1 decomposition, for multiple dynamical timescales, as we discuss in Sec- the coordinates are constructed by using a family of non- 5 tion IV B. intersecting, spatial hypersurfaces The basic setup is One might also look to thermal support–hot nuclear illustrated in Fig. 2. The spacetime is split into spatial hypersurfaces labeled by a coordinate t. On each spatial matter–to increase the maximum mass, effectively chang- i ing the equation of state to give more pressure support. slice, coordinates x are specified (we use the convention that Latin indices take on the values 1, 2, or 3 of the Effects of thermal support have been studied for uni- i formly rotating neutron stars by Goussard et al. [31] and spacelike dimensions) . A point labeled x0 on one spatial for uniformly and differentially rotating neutron stars by slice and another with the same label on a different slice may be skewed with respect to the unit normal direction Kaplan et al. [32]. The latter suggest an approximate µ turning point method for assessing stability which has n (which must be timelike). Here, the two points are been numerically confirmed by Weih et al. [33] and used by Bauswein and Stergioulas to explain some numerical relativity findings on the threshold mass for prompt col- 5 In ordinary Euclidean geometry, a surface can be obtained by lapse of a neutron star–neutron star binary merger rem- considering the level sets of some function of space f(x, y, z) (i.e., nant to a black hole [34]. the points where f(x, y, z) = const). A hypersurface is the gen- The distinctions introduced above between normal, eralization of this to higher dimensions. A spatial hypersurface supramassive, and hypermassive neutron stars have is one where all possible curves on the hypersurface are spacelike. 6

βi dt xi tive), or by prepending a superscript 3 surrounded by 0 t = t + dt (3) 0 parentheses (e.g., Rij). Using the surface normal nµ, we can define a spatial dt

µ tensor Kij known as the extrinsic curvature, by project- = const

αn ing the tensor ( µnν + ν nµ)/2 onto the slice. The x ∇ ∇ i t = t0 resulting tensor is related to the time derivative of γij by x0 ∂tγij = 2αKij +Diβj +Djβi, where Di is the covariant − derivative associated with γij. Finally, with these choices, the ten Einstein equations become six evolution equations for γij and four constraint equations. This is analogous to the way the Maxwell FIG. 2: The standard 3+1 coordinate system. Here ~ ~ each point on a given spatial slice is specified with a equations split into evolution equations for E and B and ~ ~ spatial coordinate xi. The points labeled with the same two constraint equations for divE and divB. value of xi on two different hypersurfaces are connected The resulting field equations, usually known as the by a curve (denoted by x = const) that is offset from Arnowitt-Deser-Misner [35] (ADM) equations, but are the curve normal to the spatial slices (these would be actually a reformulation of the standard ADM equations vertical lines in the plot).The shift vector βi measures by York [39], are given by (see, e.g., [36–38]) how skewed the curves of constant xi are from the ∂tγij = 2αKij + Diβj + Djβi, (24) − curves normal to the spatial surfaces and the lapse (3) k ∂tKij = DiDjα + α( Rij 2KikK ) function α measures how far in proper time one slice is − − j from another for observers traveling along the normal 1 8πα(Sij γij(S ρ)) directions. In general relativity, there is complete − − 2 − freedom in specifying both α and βi as functions of k k k +β DkKij + KikDjβ + KkjDiβ , (25) both space and time. (3) 2 ij 16πρ = R + K KijK , (26) i ij −ij 8πS = Dj(K γ K), (27) i − shifted with respect to each other by a spatial vector β . (3) (3) where Rij and R are the Ricci curvature tensor and If a particle moves from spatial slice t0 to t0 + dt along the normal, it will experience a proper time interval of Ricci scalar associated with γij and the source terms are α dt, where α is known as the lapse function. The lapse given by i µν function and shift vector β are freely specifiable as a ρ = nµnν T , (28) functions of both the spatial and time coordinates. The i ij µ S = γ n Tµj, (29) choice of lapse function determines how far neighboring − spatial hypersurfaces are from each other. Sij = Tij, (30) ij On each t = const hypersurface, there is an induced S = γ Sij. (31) metric γij. The induced metric is simply the spatial com- ponents of the spacetime metric γij = gij. On the other Equations (24) and (25) form the evolution equations, hand, the 4-dimensional metric can be specified by pro- while Eqs. (26) and (27) are the Hamiltonian and mo- viding the lapse function, shift vector, and spatial metric. mentum constraint equations, respectively. In Eqs. (24)- The 4-metric has the form (31) Latin indices are raised and lowered with the spatial i i ij metric γij, i.e., βj = γijβ and β = γ βj. The tensor ij  g00 β1 β2 β3  γ is the matrix inverse of γij. Greek indices are raised µν β1 γ11 γ12 γ13 and lowered with the full metric gµν and its inverse g . gµν =   ,  β2 γ21 γ22 γ23  β3 γ31 γ32 γ33 II. NUMERICAL RELATIVITY FORMALISMS 2 i j j where g00 = α + γijβ β and βi = γijβ . AND TECHNIQUES While the surface− normal has components nµ = 1 2 3 (1, β , β , β )/α and nµ = α µt. There are two major classes of techniques used for nu- − − − − ∇ ij The 3-metric γij and its matrix inverse γ can be used merical simulations of the Einstein equations. These are to define a covariant derivative, Christoffel symbols, Rie- finite-difference methods, typically coupled to adaptive mann tensor, and Ricci tensor. The formulas for these mesh refinement techniques, and pseudospectral meth- are nearly identical to those presented in Sec. I A, with ods. To understand how these methods work, we will the exception that indices only take on the values 1, 2, consider some toy problems. Most of the finite difference and 3. We will distinguish these 3-dimensional tensor codes are based on modifications to the ADM system (and tensor-like objects) from their 4-dimensional coun- (see Sec. II C). These equations are in a form with mixed terparts by either using different symbols (e.g., using the second and first derivatives. Basically, the system is such symbol Di to indicate the 3-dimensional covariant deriva- that only first time derivatives occur, but first and second 7 spatial derivatives occur. (Of course, auxiliary evolution variables can be introduced so that the system only has first spatial derivatives, but at the cost of introducing additional constraints.) A good toy problem to illustrate how such equations are evolved is thus

i 2 ∂tΠ β ∂iΠ = Φ, − i −∇ ∂tΦ β ∂iΦ = Π, (32) − where the spatial coordinates will be denoted by x, y, z. We will explore numerical techniques for solving Eq. (32) in the next section.

FIG. 3: Schematic of how mesh refinement works in one A. Finite differencing dimension. Shown are the values of a function at discrete points along the x axis. A coarse grid (black) To solve Eq. (32), we consider a discrete grid labeled covers the entire domain and progressively finer grids with 3 integer indices (i, j, k), where the values of x, y, ( and red) cover the parts of the domain where the and z at a point (i, j, k) are given by (x0 + i dx, y0 + function varies rapidly. j dy, z0 + k dz). Furthermore, we denote the values of a function f(x, y, z) on this grid by fi,j,k. We then approxi- mate spatial derivatives using these points. For example, state-of-the art technique for overcoming this inefficiency is the use of adaptive meshes [47–51]. In an adaptive 2 2 2 ∂xf(x, y, z) = (fi+1,j,k + fi−1,j,k 2fi,j,k) /dx + (dx ), mesh code, a coarse grid covers the entire computational − O (33) domain, with increasingly finer grids placed in location 2 is an approximation to ∂xf using a three point stencil. where high resolution is required (see Fig. 3). By using more points in the stencil, this derivative can be Evolutions also involve a discretization in time, and made more accurate in the sense that the error will scale the smaller the timestep dt, the more steps are needed with higher powers of dx. Modern numerical relativity to cover a given time interval, and the more expensive codes tend to use sixth-order to eighth-order finite dif- the simulation. Explicit time integration methods are ferencing [40–42]. With these approximations, Eq. (32) subject to the Courant-FriedrichsLewy stability condi- becomes tion [52], which limits dt on a mesh to be less than around X i,j,k i,j,k h/vs, where vs is the maximum signal speed, which for ∂tΠi,j,k = (Cl,m,nΠl,m,n + Dl,m,nΦl,m,n), (34) spacetime evolution is the speed of light. The effect on l,m,n dt is a price to be paid for smaller h. X i,j,k i,j,k ∂tΦi,j,k = (El,m,nΠl,m,n + Fl,m,nΦl,m,n), (35) l,m,n B. Pseudospectral methods where the coefficients C,D,E,F and the values of (l, m, n) in the sums are determined by the finite differ- The other major techniques used in black-hole simu- ence stencil used. Thus, the partial differential equation lations fall under the category of pseudospectral meth- (32) becomes a set of coupled ordinary differential equa- ods [53–57]. In spectral methods the evolved fields are tions for Πi,j,k and Φi,j,k. These equations are then typi- expressed in terms of a finite sum of basis functions. cally solved using standard Runge-Kutta techniques [43]. An example of this would be to describe a field on a A major drawback of the above technique is that it sphere in terms of an expansion in spherical harmonics. is extremely computationally wasteful. For convenience These methods have the advantage that if the fields are here, we will assume that dx = dy = dz = h. The smooth6 then the error in truncating the expansion con- smaller the grid spacing h the smaller the error, but the verges to zero exponentially with the number of basis maximum value of h one could use and still have an ac- functions used in the expansion. In pseudospectral meth- ceptably accurate solution generally varies quite strongly ods, values of functions are stored at special gridpoints, over space (e.g., many points are needed to resolve black the colocation points, corresponding to Gaussian quadra- holes, but few needed far away). Furthermore, the re- ture points of the basis functions [58]. Codes can then gions where high resolution (i.e., small values of h) are transform between spectral and colocation-point repre- needed tend to be quite small. Thus, if one used a uni- sentations via Gaussian quadrature. This is especially form grid capable of resolving the entire space, essen- tially all the calculation time would be spent evolving the overresolved regions. This problem can be amelio- rated to some extend by choosing special coordinates [44– 6 more precisely the fields are smooth on the real axis and can be 46] that concentrate gridpoints in certain regions. The analytically continued into the complex plane 8 useful for computing products and other pointwise op- initial and boundary data. Ill-posed systems can have erations which are much simpler using gridpoints. In solutions that grow without bound even for very small pseudospectral form, spectral methods can be thought of evolution times. as a particular limit of finite differencing, the limit that To understand how reformulation of the basic evolu- uses the entire domain as its stencil so as to make the tion equations can make or destroy well-posedness, con- highest-order derivative operator [59]. The order of this sider a simple vector wave equation operator will then increase with the number of coloca- ! tion points, giving the method faster convergence than ∂E~ a fixed polynomial order. The payoff is that differenti- = ~ B,~ ∂t ∇ × ations and interpolations become more expensive much ! more quickly than fixed-stencil finite difference methods ∂B~ as resolution is increased. Also, exponential convergence = ~ E,~ (36) ∂t −∇ × is lost for functions that are only smooth to finite order. Perhaps the best known numerical relativity code that subject to Spectral Einstein uses pseudospectral techniques is the E = ~ E~ = 0, Code [53–55], or SpEC, used by the SXS (simulating ex- C ∇ · 7 B = ~ B~ = 0. (37) treme spacetimes) collaboration. C ∇ · The choice of finite difference versus spectral methods affects which method of handling black holes is easier to This system is well posed in the sense that the solu- ~ ~ implement. A black hole interior presents a major chal- tion (E(t), B(t)) depends continuously in the initial data. Any constraint violation (failure of E or B to be zero) lenge to any numerical technique because of the curvature C C singularity it harbors (see, e.g., Wald [60] for a discus- will be preserved (not grow or decrease) by the evolution sion on the inevitability of forming curvature singulari- system. ties). Fortunately, the singularity is concealed behind an This system can be transformed into two separate iden- event horizon. The region inside the horizon cannot af- tical second-order equations for E~ and B~ of the form fect the exterior solution, so numerical simulations need ! not evolve it accurately. They only need to keep it from ∂2A~ + ~ ~ A~ = 0. (38) causing the simulation to crash. One way to do this is to ∂t2 ∇ × ∇ × simply not evolve a region inside the horizon, i.e., to ex- cise this region. Spectral methods can do this naturally, because even near the inner edge of the grid, no points This latter system is not quite equivalent to the original are needed from the other side of the excision bound- system in that constraint violations now grow linearly in time. A better system is obtained by noting that ~ ~ ary to take derivatives. A boundary condition physically   ∇×∇× should not be needed (because no information flows out A~ = 2A~ + ~ ~ A~ . Using this, and the assumption of a region where all characteristic speeds go inward), −∇ ∇ ∇ · that ~ A~ = 0 we get and none is required. The other method, the puncture ∇ · method, described in detail below, involves allowing sin- ~ gularities in the computational domain. In the appropri- A = 0, (39) ate gauge, these singularities are sufficiently benign that finite difference methods can handle them. It would be where more difficult to evolve a puncture stably with a spectral ∂2 code [57]. = 2. (40)  ∂t2 − ∇

C. Making the problem well posed If we solve Eq. (39) with a small divergence, the norm of the divergence will remain bounded. More generally, if the constraint equations (37) are satisfied, then any As will be discussed later, the ADM equations by solution to Eq. (39) is also a solution to themselves proved to be unstable for many strong-field problems, including black-hole mergers. With all the dif-   ficulties encountered trying to implement the ADM equa- A~ + κ ~ A~ . (41)  ∇ ∇ · tions in the 1990s, emphasis changed to developing new 3+1 systems and analyzing their well-posedness [61–74]. If κ is chosen larger than one, small violations of the Informally speaking, a hyperbolic system of equations is ~ A~ = 0 constraint can blow up arbitrarily quickly. well posed if the solution depends continuously on the Thus,∇ · with seemingly inconsequential changes, we can turn a system from one with a minor blowup in the con- straints to either one with a catastrophic blowup in the constraints, or no blowup at all. However, with the addi- 7 https://www.black-holes.org/ tion of an auxiliary field, we can do even better. Consider 9 the system [75] changes, in conjunction with a particular choice of gauge ! conditions, namely the use of certain Bona-Masso [76] ∂E~ type lapse conditions (known as 1+log slicing) and Γ- = ~ B~ + ~ ψE, ∂t ∇ × ∇ driver shift conditions [95] led to the first genuinely sta- ! ble, fully nonlinear implementations of the Einstein equa- ∂B~ tions for systems without , at least for non- = ~ E~ + ~ ψB, ∂t −∇ × ∇ black-hole spacetimes. The factoring out of the confor-   mal factor φ proved to be particularly advantageous for ∂ψE = ~ E~ ψE, collisions of black holes [96, 97]. However, the state of the ∂t −∇ · − art for black-hole evolutions in the early 2000s only al-   ∂ψB lowed for head-on collisions and grazing collisions [96, 97], = ~ B~ ψB. (42) ∂t −∇ · − where the black holes merge well before completing one orbit. The NOKBSSN system also proved to be stable us- For this system, the constraints satisfy ing higher-order finite-differencing methods [45] for head-   on collisions, as well. ∂ E A key technique used in many of these early evolutions  E C = 0, C − ∂t was the fixed-puncture formalism [98, 99]. In this formal-   ∂ B ism, a two-sheeted Einstein-Rosen bridge associated with B C = 0. (43) C − ∂t a single black hole is mapped into a single sheet with a singularity at the center. As shown in Fig. 4, the stan- Solutions to Eqs. (43) decay exponentially in time. Thus dard Schwarzschild spacetime can be recast as a puncture if numerical effects introduce constraint violations, these by taking a spatial slice that passes through the bifurca- will be damped away. The main message here is that even tion sphere8. On either side of the sphere, the slice ex- for a physically motivated evolution system, the addition tends infinitely far. Next we introduce a coordinate , or removal of terms nominally equal to zero can make the which is related to the usual Schwarzschild coordinateRr difference between a solvable and an insolvable system. by Furthermore, for a constrained system, like the equations  2 of electromagnetism and general relativity, enlarging the M r = 1 + . (44) system of equations by adding new fields can suppress R 2 unphysical constraint violations. R The standard ADM formulation is now known to be The spatial metric then takes in the form ill-posed in the nonlinear regime [69, 70]. On the other 2 4 2 2 2 ds = ψ d + dΩ  , (45) hand, many well-posed formulations have been proposed R R but turned out not to be an immediate panacea for unsta- where ψ = 1 + M/(2 ). Here = 0 and = both ble black hole simulations. Some of the most influential of correspond to r = andR the metricR is singularR at∞ = 0. these formations are the Bona-Masso family [76–79], the This singularity is∞ not the curvature blow-up singularityR NOKBSSN family [80–82], Z4 family [83–90], the Kidder- at the center of the black hole, that singularity is in the Scheel-Teukolsky family [91] [92], and the generalized- future of this slice, rather the singularity is entirely gauge harmonic family [74, 93, 94]. and results from us stuffing an entire asymptotically flat One of the key improvements in numerical simulations universe into the sphere = M/2. This singularity is prior to the breakthroughs of 2005 was the introduction further only present in theR NOKBSSN function φ, the of the so-called NOKBSSN formulation of the Einstein components of NOKBSSN conformal metricγ ˜ij are non- equations in 3+1. This system, which is named after its singular. In the fixed puncture approach, there are sin- developers Nakamura, Oohara, Kojima, Shibata, Baum- gularities of this type associated with each black hole and garte, and Shapiro [80–82], modifies the standard ADM the gauge conditions are chosen so that these singulari- equations in several crucial ways. Firstly, the spatial met- ties do not move. Each of these singularities is called a φ ric γij is split into an overall conformal factor e and a “puncture”. 4φ conformal metricγ ˜ij, where e γ˜ij = γij and the de- Keeping the puncture fixed has several advantages. terminant ofγ ˜ij is unity. This conformal metric has its First, the singularity in the conformal factor can be han- (3) ˜k corresponding Christoffel symbols Γ ij and Ricci ten- dled analytically. Second, by keeping the black holes (3) ij (3) ˜k sor R˜ij. Second, the three combinationsγ ˜ Γ ij = fixed in coordinate space, one can use the much sim- (3) k ij pler fixed excision techniques. Using these techniques, Γ˜ (k = 1, 2, 3), as well as the K = γ Kij are pro- moted to evolved variables. Third, the remaining evolved extrinsic curvature variables are trace-free conformal ex- −4φ trinsic curvature variables A˜ij = e [Kij (1/3)Kγij]. 8 − In the extended Schwarzschild spacetime, also called the Kruskal Finally, the momentum constraint equations are used to extension, there is both a black hole and a white hole. The modify the evolution equations for (3)Γ˜k, which intro- bifurcation sphere is the point where the two horizons meet(see duces a constraint damping quality to the system. These Fig. 4) 10


r=1M Region I r=2M r=2M

r=10M r=5M Reg. III to r=infinity to r=infinity r=5M

r=2M r=10M Region III Region I r=2Mr=1M

r=0 timelike


FIG. 4: (Left) A spacetime diagram of a Schwarzschild black hole with the (θ, φ) angular coordinates suppressed. Each point represents a sphere of radius 4πr2. Note that there are two curves corresponding to each value of r. Radially ingoing and outgoing light rays travel along 45◦ lines in this diagram. The event horizon(s) correspond to the r = 2M diagonal curves. FIG. 5: A reproduction of the waveform shown in The dotted line represents a spatial slice with a Figure 3 of Ref. [1] courtesy of the author. This was two-sheeted topology. (Right) The spatial surface from the first fully nonlinear numerical simulation of corresponding to the dotted line shown with one spatial the last orbit, merger, and ringdown of a black dimension (z) suppressed. Points on the dotted line hole–black hole binary. It was generated by Pretorius correspond to circles here. The horizons correspond to using the Generalized Harmonic Coordinate approach. the thick circle and the r = 5M and r = 10M curves The curves show the waveforms as calculated at various each map to one circle inside the horizon and one radii and translated in time. outside. The central point maps to the r = of Region III. ∞ veloped for the Z4 system by Gundlach et al. [89]. The key development there was that the general relativistic Br¨ugmann,Tichy, and Jansen [100] and later Diener et action can be extended to include terms that vanish when al. [101] were able to evolve a quasicircular binary for the constraints are satisfied, but act to damp these con- roughly one orbit. However, they were still not able to straint violations when they are nonzero. When applied get the merger waveform using these techniques. to the generalized harmonic system used by Pretorius, One approach that was able to get the merger wave- the constraint violations for a black hole–black hole bi- form from these early simulations was the Lazarus nary remained bounded and Pretorius was thus able to method [44, 102–106], which used the numerical simu- perform the first successful evolution of an orbiting bi- lation to generate initial data for a subsequent pertur- nary [1]. Pretorius presented his initial results at the bative evolution of the radiative scalar ψ4. (Measures Banff International Research Station Workshop on Nu- of gravitational radiation, including ψ4, are described in merical Relativity in April 2005 9. Section III B 4.) The key to the success of the Lazarus The actual system Pretorius evolved was the Einstein approach was that when two black holes are close enough, equations coupled to a scalar field. The initial data con- even though they have not merged yet, the exterior space- sisted of two scalar boosted stars with supercritical den- time can be well described by black hole perturbation sities. The stars collapsed into two black holes that then theory (i.e., the close-limit approximation [107]). A sub- orbited and merged. Figure 5 is a reproduction of Figure sequent evolution of ψ4 on a carefully chosen black-hole 3 in of Pretorius’ paper [1]. It shows the very first merger background is then used to evolve the gravitational radi- waveform from an orbiting black hole–black hole binary ation to infinity. ever published. Just four months after Pretorius submitted his ground- breaking paper, a new breakthrough was announced that D. Breakthroughs in numerical relativity became known as the Moving Punctures Approach [2, 3]. This new method was developed independently by the Perhaps one of the most significant breakthroughs groups then at the University of Texas at Brownsville in numerical relativity occurred when Pretorius, who had previously developed an adaptive-mesh-refinement (AMR) code based on the generalized harmonic sys- 9 tem [94], included constraint damping techniques [61] de- http://bh0.physics.ubc.ca/BIRS05/ 11

(UTB) and NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Figure 6 shows reproductions from the breakthrough and first demonstrated publicly in the Numerical Rel- papers using the moving punctures approach. The wave- ativity 2005: Compact Binaries workshop at NASA forms, with various analyses, and the horizons are shown. GSFC 10. Notably, the moving punctures approach al- Soon after the announcement of the moving punctures lowed groups worldwide to evolve black hole–black hole breakthrough, simulations were reported where the bi- binaries. It is based on an extension of the standard nary completed more than one full orbit [111] and then NOKBSSN system, with several important changes. (1) multiple orbits [112]. The latter, in particular, compared The singular conformal factor is replaced by a non- the merger waveforms from simulations starting at var- singular function χ = e−4φ (although evolutions with φ ious separations and found that the merger waveform itself are also used [3]) which is evolved fully numerically. was insensitive to initial conditions. This was followed (2) The gauge conditions explicitly allow the punctures shortly afterwards by the discovery of the orbital hangup to move. Previously, the shift condition was chosen so effect [113] for spinning binaries. This effect either de- that the punctures could not move. (3) The standard lays or accelerate the merger depending on whether the 1+log lapse condition spins of the two black holes are (partially) aligned or counteraligned with the orbital angular momentum, and ∂tα = 2αK, (46) − proved to be important for parameters estimation of would require K to be singular at the puncture in order LIGO sources [5]. Some of the important discoveries that for the lapse to change from a zero value when the punc- proceeded from these simulations will be described below ture is on a given point to a non-zero value when the in Sec. III. puncture has passed. This singular behavior is removed by changing the lapse condition to an advection equation E. Methods for evolving the fluid equations ∂tα β~ ~ α = 2αK. (47) − · ∇ − Finally, within the evolution equations for Γ˜i there is a 1. Conservative formulation singular term on the puncture location proportional to the lapse. By choosing an initial lapse that is identi- Many of the early numerical relativity hydrodynamic cally zero on the puncture, this singularity is also re- simulations used a formulation introduced by Wilson in moved. With these changes, the gauge naturally evolves 1972 [114]. In Wilson’s scheme, the evolution variables such that the black holes orbit each other and inspiral in are coordinate space. The pathologies seen with the fixed- puncture approach vanished with these new dynamic (ρ? = W √γρ0,E = ρ?, Si = ρ?hui) , (48) punctures. Furthermore, because the moving punctures approach was similar to existing codes, groups around the a variable for rest-mass density, internal energy density, world were able to rapidly develop their own versions. and momentum density, respectively. Often, there are These include the BAM code [50] developed at Jena, numerical advantages to evolving entropy rather than in- the Maya-Kranc code developed at Penn State [108], ternal energy, so some codes (e.g. [115, 116]) specializing as well as the original codes, LazEv developed at The to Gamma-law EoS evolved a variable e = W γ(ρ )Γ. University of Texas at Brownsville, and Hahndol, de- ? √ 0 The equations can be finite differenced in a conservative veloped at GSFC. More recently, the publicly available form: fluxes are calculated at cell interfaces; the same EinsteinToolkit [42, 109] code included an open-source flux added to one grid cell is removed from its neighbor, implementation, known as McLachlan. LazEv, Maya- and no truncation error accrues to the total rest mass. Kranc, and McLachlan all used the Cactus Computa- However, the variables evolved (in particular E) are not tional Toolkit [110], originally developed at the Albert those that are physically conserved, so an explicit arti- Einstein Intsitute in Golm, Germany. ficial viscosity must be added to correctly account for There were several significant differences between Pre- shocks. torius’ techniques and the Moving Punctures approach. Unlike in the Moving Punctures approach, the system Shock handling is accommodated more naturally if one Pretorius developed used excision to handle the black evolves the physically conserved variables, meaning that hole singularities, compactified the computational do- one should evolve the total energy density rather than main to include spatial infinity, and of course, used the internal energy density. The resulting equations can be generalized harmonic system with constraint damping. solved using established high-resolution shock capturing This system was sufficiently unlike the other techniques methods. This is the path followed in what has come to used by numerical relativists at the time that it was only be called the Valencia formulation [24, 117, 118], which slowly adopted. all current numerical relativity hydrodynamics codes es- sentially follow. The evolution equations take conserva- tive form

10 https://astrogravs.gsfc.nasa.gov/conf/numrel2005/ ∂tU + F = S (49) ∇ · 12

1.5 0.005 M/15 (real) 0.003 M/21 (real) M/27 (real) 0.001

0.5 −0.001 M/15 (imag) M/21 (imag) −0.003 M/27 (imag) y/M −0.005 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.0001 −0.5 5e−05


−5e−05 M/15 M/21 ψ4 −ψ4 M/21 M/27 (ψ4 −ψ4 )*(4.48) −0.0001 −1.5 0 20 40 60 80 100 −1.5 −0.5 0.5 1.5 t/M x/M

M/24, r =20M EX 2 M/24, rEX=40M M/32 0.02 Lazarus (T=10M) 1.5 1

0.5 4

Ψ 0 r 0


-0.02 -1


-2 20 40 60 80 100 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 t/M FIG. 6: A reproduction of the waveform, black-hole trajectories, and horizons calculated in the Moving Punctures breakthrough papers [2, 3] courtesy of the authors. The top panels are from [2], while the lower ones are from [3]. The two papers were published in the same volume of Physical Review Letters. The top-left panels show the real and imaginary parts of the (` = 2, m = 2) mode of the waveform at various resolutions, as well as a convergence study. The top-right panel shows the individual horizons, first common horizon, and puncture trajectory. The bottom-left panel shows a comparison of waveforms at different extraction radii and resolution with the prediction of the Lazarus approach. The bottom right panel also shows the individual horizons, first common horizon, and puncture trajectory. where the conservative variables U are 2. Excision and punctures in the presence of matter

If the black hole interior is removed via excision, mat- U = (ρ? = W √γρ0,Xiρ?, (50) ter must be able to flow into the black hole and “dis- 2 00 0 τ = √γα T ρ?,Si = √γαT i) (51) appear” in a stable way. For problems involving col- − lapse to a black hole, one must maintain accuracy in- side the collapsing object until an apparent horizon is Conservative shock-capturing hydrodynamics codes in located, after which a region inside this horizon can be et al. numerical relativity have achieved at best 3rd-order con- excised. Scheel [120] did this in 1D for spherical et al. vergence [119]. collisionless matter. Next, Brandt [121] introduced a code for evolving nonvacuum black hole spacetimes us- After computing U at a new timestep, it remains to ing an isometry inner boundary condition at the appar- recover the original (“primitive”) variables such as ρ0 and ent horizon. Techniques for matter excision using horizon ui. It turns out to be sufficient to recover W and T , but penetrating coordinates were introduced roughly simul- this will involve some sort of root-finding process. taneously by Duez et al. [122] and Baiotti et al. [123]. 13

Optimal methods for one-sided differencing of the fluid rium, in which case there is only one composition vari- equations near the excision boundary are investigated by able, the proton fraction or lepton number frac- Hawke et al. [124], although these initial simulations were tion Ye = np/(np + nn). This variable evolves due to less sensitive to this than to the gauge choices needed to charged-current weak nuclear interactions, which do not keep the coordinates horizon penetrating. Excision is still always have time to equilibrate. Thus, for our equation the method used for simulations in the generalized har- of state, we are left with functions of three variables, e.g. monic formulation (e.g. SpEC). A particularly elegant P (ρ, T, Ye). Unfortunately, they are unknown functions grid structure for hydrodynamic excision is provided by for densities much above nuclear saturation, so numerical the cubed-sphere arrangement [125]. relativity simulations of neutron stars must explore the In NOKBSSN, it is much simpler to use moving punc- range of equations of state consistent with known nuclear ture gauges and avoid explicit excision. One might worry and astrophysical constraints. For the problem most rel- that material inflow into the puncture would cause nu- evant for gravitational waves, compact binary inspirals, merical problems, but fortunately this turns out not to the situation simplifies. The nuclear matter is very de- be the case. Numerical experiments showed that punc- generate and in beta equilibrium, so the EoS is effectively ture simulations can handle stellar collapse to a black one-dimensional: P = P (ρ0). hole [126] and spherical accretion into a black hole [127] These 1D EoS are conveniently parameterized as with no code changes except a small extra dissipation in piecewise-polytropes, for which the density is divided the metric evolution (in [126]) and a means of resetting into intervals, and each interval has its own polytrope fluid variables near the puncture where conservative to law. For example, in the i-th interval, covering the den- Γi primitive variable recovery fails (in [127]). Shortly af- sity range ρi−1 < ρ0 < ρi, the pressure is P = κiρ0 . ter this realization, Shibata and Uryu carried out the The polytropic indices Γi and transition densities ρi are first NOKBSSN black hole- simula- free parameters. Γ0 and κ0 covers the low-density range tions [128]. where the pressure, dominated by relativistic electrons, is known. The other κi are set by requiring P to be continuous at ρi. Fortunately, only a few free param- 3. More physics: equations of state, neutrinos, magnetic eters needed to adequately cover the range of plausible fields EoS [129]. At of inspiral, tidal disruption breaks beta equilibrium, as the matter decompresses faster than Information about the properties of the matter enters charged weak interactions can adjust Y . Also, the oc- through the equation of state. An extremely simple but e currence of shocks heats the matter so that it is no longer nevertheless useful equation of state is the polytropic law degenerate. A number of studies add a Gamma-law ther- P = κρΓ = (Γ 1)ρ , where κ and Γ are constants. 0 0 mal piece to the pressure to allow shocks to heat the gas. Higher Γ means− stiffer EoS. A notable feature of this Any cold EoS can by thus augmented as follows: EoS is that it is barotropic; there is no explicit tem- perature dependence, meaning the matter must be de-  = cold(ρ0) + th (52) generate or the temperature must itself be a function of P = Pcold(ρ0) + (Γth 1)ρth (53) density (as, for example, in an isentropic gas). In many − cases, we may wish to allow an initially polytropic gas to where now th comes from the energy density evolution. pick up added thermal pressure and internal energy via The thermal Gamma law may not capture important shock heating. In this case, one uses the more general parts of the true 3D EoS. This has been tested in the Gamma-law EoS P = (Γ 1)ρ0, where  is now given context of neutron star–neutron star binary mergers by − not by the polytropic law but by the energy density evo- Bauswein et al. [130]. They find that the thermal Gamma lution equation. For adiabatic evolution, the polytropic law approximation can alter the post-merger gravita- law should be maintained. One gets a surprising amount tional wave frequency by 2–8%, post-merger torus mass of mileage out of this simple EoS family. Nonrelativistic by 30%, and delay time to collapse to a black hole by ideal degenerate Fermi gases have Γ = 5/3; relativistic up to a factor of 2. In addition, only 3D EoS provide ideal degenerate Fermi gases have Γ = 4/3; stars with the physical temperature information needed for neutrino both radiation and gas pressure with a constant fraction calculations. of the total from each have Γ = 4/3. Neutron stars are The evolution of the lepton number and Ye are given not polytropes, but much of the early numerical relativ- by weak nuclear processes such as electron and positron ity work involving neutron stars modeled them as Γ = 2 capture, which emit neutrinos that travel some distance, polytropes. as well as the reverse absorption processes. Also, neu- Ultimately, an accurate treatment of dense matter trino cooling is the dominant source of cooling in most is needed. For a general astrophysical gas, there may simulations with neutron stars, and neutrino absorption be many composition variables Xi, each in need of its above the neutrinosphere can be an important driver own evolution equation. However, when dealing with of winds. Newtonian simulations, especially in the su- high densities and temperatures above MeV, the mat- pernova context, have long concerned themselves with ter can be assumed to be in nuclear statistical∼ equilib- these effects, and around 2010 they began to be incor- 14 porated into numerical relativity simulations. At first, sistivity [147], so by allowing sufficiently general Ohm’s neutrino emission effects were approximated by local sink laws, Palenzuela’s code can both handle resistivity in- terms for the energy and lepton number (“neutrino leak- side stars and impose the force-free limit outside. Also, age”) [131–135]. Effective emission rates differ in opti- Paschalidis et al. [153] have adjusted their MHD code to cally thick and optically thin regions; the neutrino op- extend to the force-free limit, showing that MHD and i tical depth can be computed by an inexpensive iter- force-free (B ,Sk) evolution just differ in the primitive ative procedure [135, 136]. The current state-of-the- variable recovery. These codes have been used to study art for numerical relativity is neutrino transport in an magnetosphere interaction in the late inspiral of neutron energy-integrated moment closure approximation [137– star–neutron star [154–156] and black hole–neutron star 140], which is impressive progress in so short a time but binaries [157], which has been suggested as a mechanism still far from a full solution to the 6D Boltzmann equa- to create precurser signals to short duration gamma ray tion. bursts. A final major piece of realistic matter numerical rela- tivity simulations is the electromagnetic field evolution. Neutron star interiors have plenty of free charges and III. BLACK HOLE–BLACK HOLE BINARY very high electrical conductivity, so the magnetohydro- SIMULATIONS dynamic (MHD) approximation is valid in most regions. Thus, we must add the Maxwell stress tensor for the elec- There have been several recent reviews of the history EM tromagnetic field T µν to the total stress tensor Tµν , of numerical relativity [36, 37, 158–161]. Here we will and so magnetic terms appear in τ and Si. The evolu- briefly cover some of the major highlights. tion of the magnetic field Bi is given by the induction equation–in words, that magnetic field lines are attached to (“frozen into”) fluid elements. The electric field is set A. Early efforts by the MHD condition that the electric field in the con- j j k ducting fluid rest frame vanish: αEi = ijk(v +β )B . − Attempts at numerical simulations of black hole–black At all times, the magnetic field should satisfy the con- hole binaries date back to the 1960s with the pioneering straint B = 0. In practice, magnetic monopoles are ∇ · work of Hahn and Lindquist [162], who were able to simu- avoided by constrained transport (staggering magnetic late two initially stationary black holes for a short time. and electric variables so that the change of B ex- ∇ · Later, with faster computers and improved algorithms, actly vanishes [141]), by evolving a vector potential [142] Smarr et al. were [163–165] able to simulate head-on (which, with appropriate staggering, is equivalent to con- collisions through merger. It was not until 1993 that strained transport [143, 144]), or by divergence cleaning computers were powerful enough to calculate accurate (extending Maxwell’s equations so that monopoles damp waveforms from such mergers [166]. and propagate off the grid [75, 145, 146]). In the 1990s the National Science Foundation of the An interesting limit of the MHD equations occurs in United States supported a large collaboration, the Binary magnetospheres, where the Maxwell piece of Tµν dom- Black Hole Grand Challenge Alliance, with the goal of inates, so that τ and Si become essentially the elec- advancing numerical relativity to the point where evolu- tromagnetic energy density and Poynting flux, respec- tions of orbiting black holes became feasible. There were tively. Magnetospheres differ from vacuum electromag- several important developments enabled by the grand netism because enough free charges remain to prevent challenge. These include the full 3D evolutions of boosted electric potential differences along field lines (E B = 0). single black holes using excision [167], perturbative tech- These conditions are expected to obtain in the· region niques to extract gravitational waveforms from numer- around neutron stars and the polar jet region around ical simulations [168], stable evolutions of single black- accreting black holes. Specialized codes have been devel- hole spacetimes using characteristic techniques [169], and oped to evolve the relativistic force-free equations, evolv- the development of toolsets for parallel simulations. The ing either the electric and magnetic fields [147–149] or the alliance [170], and independently Br¨ugmann[171], were magnetic field and Poynting flux [150]. Lehner et al. [151] able to evolve grazing collisions of black hole–black hole introduce a scheme for evolving the full MHD equations binaries in 3D. However, these simulations crashed after in high-density regions and the force-free equations in a short evolution time (. 50M). low-density regions. This scheme was successfully used As mentioned above, the Lazarus approach [44, 102– to study the collapse of magnetized neutron stars, but 106], could be used to extend these simulations and gen- for future applications a single set of equations able to erate waveforms from closely separated binaries. handle both fluid and field-dominated regimes was desir- These grazing collisions were performed using the able. This was done by Palenzuela [152] in the context ADM system of equations evolved as a standard Cauchy of a resistive MHD code. Resistivity and the force-free problem. Using characteristic evolution techniques, the limit might sound like different issues, but in fact the in- PITT Null code [169, 172, 173] (developed at the Univer- hibition of flow by charged particles across field lines in sity of Pittsburgh) could evolve highly distorted space- a magnetosphere can be modeled as an anisotropic re- times for arbitrary lengths of time. For these long evolu- 15 tions, the PITT code used a coordinate system based on outgoing null (i.e., lightlike) geodesics. In a two black- hole spacetime, these geodesics would form caustics in the vicinity of the two black holes, making the associated coordinate system singular. Thus the PITT code could not evolve the interior of a black hole–black hole binary. However, this code has since proven to be very useful for evolving the exterior region in which gravitational waves propagate away from the central system. An inte- rior Cauchy evolution an exterior characteristic evolution can be combined to produce highly-accurate waveforms in a technique known as Cauchy-Characteristic extrac- tion [173–179].

B. Post-breakthrough results FIG. 7: A reproduction of Fig 2. of Ref. [182] courtesy With the breakthroughs of 2005, there was rapid of the authors. The results of the first large-scale progress in our understanding of the physics of black numerical relativity study. Shown are the measured hole–black hole binaries. recoils for over 30 binary simulations, the estimated errors (the region between dotted curves), a fit (red curve), and various older approximations for recoils. 1. Recoils The horizontal axis is the symmetric mass ratio defined 2 as η = m1m2/(m1 + m2) . One of the most remarkable results that came from these simulations is that the merger remnant can recoil at thousands of kilometers per second. Determining just how fast the remnant can recoil took several years and Soon after, other groups showed that the maximum required many hundreds of individual simulations. recoil for spinning binaries, where the spins are aligned Perhaps the most straightforward way to conceptual- and antialigned with the angular momentum, is much ize why the emitted power due to an inspiral can have larger. In Ref. [183] and [184], it was shown that the (instantaneously) a preferred direction is to consider the maximum recoil for an equal mass, spinning binary with case of unequal-mass black holes. The asymmetry of the one black hole spin aligned with the orbital angular mo- mentum and other antialigned is 475 km s−1. A still system leads to a small excess of radiation along the di- −∼1 rection of the linear momentum of the smaller black hole. larger recoil of Vmax 525 km s for a mass ratio of q 0.62 was found in∼ [185] when they extended the anal- For perfectly circular orbits, this effect would average out ≈ to zero over an orbit, but since the binary will also be ysis of aligned/counteraligned spin binaries to unequal inspiraling, the cancellation will not be exact and a net masses. recoil will be generated. The net recoil only becomes The recoils induced by unequal masses and significant during the fast plunge phase. aligned/counteraligned spins is always in the or- Initial measurements of the recoil concentrated on an- bital plane of the binary (which, by , does not alyzing individual configurations [180], or several con- precess). Ref. [186] performed a set of simulations that figurations, but at very close separations [181]. The showed that the out-of-plane recoil, which is induced study of recoils started in earnest with Gonzalez et by spins lying in the orbital plane, can be much larger. al. [182]. Theirs was the first to do what was previ- These superkicks [186–190] were found to be up to −1 ously unheard of, a large number of relatively long-term 4000 km s when the spins were exactly in the orbital accurate simulations. In the case of [182], they per- plane. formed over 30 individual simulations and determined The superkick configuration is quite interesting, not that the recoil very nearly obeys the simple formula only because of the large recoil, but also because of the di- V = 16 Aη2√1 4η(1 + Bη), where A = 750km s−1 and rection of the recoil. Figure 8 shows the basic setup. The B = 0.93, η =−q/(1 + q)2 is the symmetric mass ratio, spins are anti-aligned with each other and in the in the or- − and q = m1/m2 is the usual mass ratio. Based on the bital plane. Such a system will not precess and the orbital formula provided by Gonzalez et al., the maximum recoil angular momentum will always point in the z direction. generated by unequal mass binaries is 175 11km s−1. As Furthermore, the system has π-rotation symmetry about we will see, this contribution to the recoil± can be vastly the z-axis. This means the recoil cannot lie in the orbital swamped by contributions due to the spins of the black plane. What actually happens in this case is the binary holes themselves. Figure 7 shows the results of their bobs up and down long the orbital axis at ever increasing study. speeds until it merges. This bobbing is controlled by the 16

V km s 3000

2000H  L


Φ -150 -100 -50 50 100 150 -1000



FIG. 10: (Left) The measured recoil for an equal-mass, FIG. 8: A sketch of the superkick configuration. Spins superkick configuration [190] with spins χ = 0.9 and are entirely in the plane and anti-aligned. various azimuthal orientations. Note that very large and very small recoils are both possible. (Right) The radiated power dP per unit solid angle for a 0.5 dΩ configuration studied in [192]. Note the large excess of power directed upwards, which leads to a downward kick. 0.3

5000 0.1 χ=0.91 (Nonlinear) χ=0.707 (Nonlinear) χ=1 (Nonlinear) 4000

z/M χ=0.707 (Linear) −0.1 3000

−0.3 2000 Maximum Recoil

−0.5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 t/M

0 FIG. 9: The bobbing of a binary studied in [191]. The 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 coordinate distance of the binary from the original θ/π orbital plane is shown for three azimuthal variations of the hangup-kick configuration. FIG. 11: The measured maximum recoil for equal-mass binaries in a hangup-kick configuration as a function of the polar orientation of the spins [193, 194]. orientation of the spins, as shown in Fig. 9. The net effect is quite unexpected. The magnitude and direction of the recoil depends sinusoidally on the azimuthal orientation in galaxies with a bulge can range in mass from un- of the spins (see Fig. 10). Originally, it was thought der a million to tens of billions of solar masses, roughly that these in-plane spins maximized the recoil, however, 93% [195–197] of galactic mergers are expected to pro- it was later found out in [191, 193, 194] that, due to the duce∼ merges with mass ratios in hangup and other nonlinear-in-spin effects [113], having the range 1/10 < q < 1. If the falloff of the recoil with partially miss-aligned spins actually leads to a substan- mass ratio is steep, then even a 10:1 binary may have a tially larger recoil (up to 5000 km s−1). The basic setup negligible recoil. Based on post-Newtonian theory, the of this hangup-kick configuration is very similar to the group formerly at UTB, now at the Rochester Institute superkick, with the exception that the out-of-plane com- of Technology (RIT), argued that this dependence should ponents of the spins are aligned. For small spins, the vary as q2 [186, 198]. This was first put to the test recoil depends sinusoidally on the polar orientation (i.e., in [199], where the authors found the recoils fall faster V sin θ). However, for larger spins, the recoil is sub- than q2, at least in certain symmetric configurations. A stantially∝ larger for smaller angles, as shown in Fig. 11. follow-up series of papers by the RIT group [200, 201] modeled the spin and mass ratio dependence for more Of critical importance for modeling the superkick is generic configurations and found a leading q2 dependence the dependence on mass ratio. It is perhaps surprising on the recoil for these more generic configurations. that even though the central supermassive black holes Modeling the recoil for generic configurations is com- 17 plicated by the need to perform hundreds of simulations. the process of generating empirical models for the rem- Even for a fixed mass ratio and zero eccentricity, the re- nant masses, spins, and recoils from such mergers were coil depends on six spin degrees of freedom. In order to first performed in Refs. [198, 209–212]. In addition, these tackle this problem, the dimensionality of the free param- types of binaries have been studied for their use in wave- eters needs to be reduced. The basic procedure developed form modeling with examples in the SXS [213, 214], Geor- by the RIT group in a series of papers [191, 200, 201] gia Tech [215, 216] and RIT [217, 218] catalogs. More starts with a family of simulations related by a rotation recently, because of the apparent lack of observed highly- of the azimuthal direction of the spins at the initial sepa- recoiling AGN, the RIT group began a systematic study ration (the spins of both black holes are rotated the same of the spin and mass ratio dependence of the recoil for amount). This leads to a 1-parameter family of config- aligned/counter aligned binaries in [185, 219]. urations with (typically) a nearly sinusoidal dependence of the recoil. The amplitude of this sinusoidal depen- dence is then measured as a function of the polar spin 2. Modeling the remnant properties orientations. This procedure works well when the az- imuthal spins are antialigned, but is of unknown utility One of the important tasks required in order to make for completely generic configurations. Another method the wealth of information from numerical simulations used there was to consider the subspace where only one useful for astrophysics was to model the radiated energy- of the black holes is spinning (either the smaller or larger momentum and the corresponding final mass, spin, and one). This again reduces the dimensionality of the prob- recoil of the remnant black hole from black hole–black lem. Even so, the number of individual simulations re- hole binary mergers in terms of the initial parameters of quired to generate the latest models for the recoil was the binary. Developing these models required thousands 200. of computationally expensive simulations. The discovery that merging black holes can recoil at In developing these models, two different techniques thousands of km s−1 sparked many searches for recoil- were initially used, but current models now combine as- ing supermassive black holes. These searches are ongo- pects of both. The first technique used post-Newtonian ing. For example, QSO 3C 186 was recently proposed theory [182, 184, 186, 188, 189, 198–200, 207, 210], or as a candidate recoiling black hole with recoil of order other physical arguments [212, 220, 221] to determine 2000 km s−1 [202]. An active galactic nucleus (AGN) is the functional form and free parameters of an approx- thought to be a candidate for a recoiling supermassive imate model for the relevant quantity, and the other black hole if there is a red/blue shift between broad line used ad-hoc expansions [113, 209, 211, 222]. The work and narrow line emissions. Gas tightly bound to the cen- of [209, 211] pioneered the technique of using symmetry tral black hole would have much higher velocity disper- arguments to limit the degrees of freedom in the mod- sion (which is a function of the kinetic energy of the gas) els. Their construction only assumed that the remnant than gas further out. If a binary merges and the rem- can be described by the spin vectors of each black hole nant recoils, gas close to the remnant will remain bound and the mass ratio. The model then must obey the fol- and recoil with the remnant, while gas further out is left lowing two symmetries. If F (~χ1, ~χ2, q) is a formula for behind. This then would lead to two different redshifts the remnant, mass, spin vector, or recoil, then F must for gas that remains bound to the central black hole and obey F (~χ1, ~χ2, q) = F (~χ2, ~χ1, 1/q), i.e., the physical out- the rest. To date, no source has been definitively shown come of a merger cannot depend on the labels (1, 2) of to be a recoiling remnant black hole. For a recent history the two black holes. Second, if F must transform ap- of these searches, see [203]. propriately under parity. One, however, need not use If large recoils are common, then why are there not the variables (~χ1, ~χ2, q). Inspired by post-Newtonian more candidates? Since only gas-rich mergers lead to lu- expressions, the RIT group has made extensive use of minous signals that can be detected electromagnetically, the variables (∆~ , S,~ δM) as well the variables η and it may well be that a recoiling AGN cannot be luminous. S~0 [185, 190, 191, 193, 194, 200, 201, 219, 223–225]. These Newtonian and post-Newtonian simulations appear to in- are defined as dicate that accretion will tend to align or counteralign ~ 2 the black hole spins with the orbital angular momen- S1 = m1 ~χ1, (54) ~ 2 tum [204–206]. Depending on the degree of alignment, S2 = m2 ~χ2, (55) this may essentially suppress the superkick style recoils. 2 S~ = (S~ + S~ )/m , (56) There has therefore been a resurgence of interest in mod- 1 2 eling recoils for spin-aligned systems. ∆ = (S~2/m2 S~1/m1)/m, (57) − The modeling of recoils from binaries with spins δm = (m1 m2)/m, (58) − aligned and counteraligned with the orbital angular mo- S~0 = S~ + (1/2)δm∆~ . (59) mentum began soon after the breakthroughs in numeri- cal relativity. The first such simulations were performed Any expansion in terms of one set of variables can be in [183] and [184], with the first systematic studies of reexpressed in terms of an other. However, since the goal the recoil from such binaries in [207] and [208]. And is to model the remnant with accuracy, one wants to use 18

variables that minimize the number of free parameters required to fit the known data. State of the art models for remnant properties now combine results from simulations of many different groups (see Refs. [185, 201, 219, 226–229]) with the goal of reducing systematic biases (which may arise from dif- ferent groups concentrating on different regions of pa- rameters space).

3. Numerical relativity at the extremes

State of the art numerical relativity codes now rou- tinely evolve binaries with mass ratios as small as q . 1/10 [216, 230–234], moderately-to-highly precessing sys- tems [186, 191, 200, 201, 235–243], and binaries with moderate spins. However, much smaller mass ratios, and FIG. 12: The merger of a 100:1 mass ratio binary [232]. spins close to 1 are still quite challenging. Prior to the The smaller black hole is a factor of nearly 4 times work of [244] it was not even possible to construct ini- smaller than might be expected by a mass ratio of 1:100. tial data for binaries with spins larger than 0.93 [245]. This limitation was due to the use of conformally∼ flat initial data.11 Conformal flatness of the spatial metric is superposition of two Kerr black holes [256, 257], but this a convenient assumption because the Einstein constraint time in a puncture gauge. 12 The main differences be- system take on particularly simple forms. Indeed, us- tween the two approaches is how easily the latter can ing the puncture approach, the momentum constraints be incorporated into moving-punctures code. They com- can be solved exactly using the Bowen-York ansatz [246]. pared their results to the SXS results for both spins of There were several attempts to generate data for highly- χ = 0.95 [256] and χ = 0.99 [258], and found very good spinning black hole–black hole binaries, while still pre- agreement. serving conformal flatness [247, 248], but these intro- The other type of extreme simulation concerns small duced negligible improvements. Lovelace et al. [244] were mass ratios. Because current numerical relativity codes able to overcome these limitations by choosing the ini- use explicit algorithms to evolve the spacetime, the tial data to be a superposition of conformally Kerr black Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy condition, which determines holes in the Kerr-Schild gauge. Using these new data, how large a timestep can be relative to the spatial dis- they were soon able to evolve binaries with spins as large cretization, severely limits the run speed when one of the 0.97 [249], and later spins as high as 0.994 [250]. black holes is much smaller than the other. Basically, While spins of 0.92 may seem reasonably close to 1, the number of timesteps required near the smaller black the scale is misleading. The amount of rotational en- hole is set by the size of that black hole, not by its dy- ergy in a black hole with spin 0.9 is only 52% of the namics. This, coupled to the fact that the inspiral for a maximum. Furthermore, particle limit and perturba- small-mass-ratio binary is much slower than for a simi- tive calculations show even more extreme differences be- lar mass one, means that such simulations are extraor- tween spins of 1 and spins only slightly smaller. For dinarily expensive. To date, the smallest quasi-circular example, Yang et al. [251] studied an analog to turbu- inspiral evolved so far had q = 1/100 [232, 233]. lence in black-hole . For spins close One promising method to overcome these limitations is to 1, there is an inverse energy cascade from higher az- to use semi-implicit techniques [259, 260], but these have imuthal (m) modes to lower ones for ` modes that obey not yet been shown to work for small-mass-ratio binaries.  = 1 χ `−2. This give hints that a more informative . extreme measure| − of| the spin is actually 1/. Similarly, analysis of Finally, in Ref. [261] another was explored: Kerr geodesic [252, 253] and particle-limit calculations of that of binaries at far separations. There the authors recoils [254, 255] indicate that the dynamics of nearly- used fully nonlinear numerical relativity to model sev- extremal-spin black holes cannot be elucidated with any eral orbits of binaries separated at D = 20M, D = 50M, degree of certainty using lower spin simulations. and D = 100M and compared the orbital dynamics to Recently, the group at RIT also introduced their ver- sion of highly-spinning initial data, also based on the

12 Recall that initial data in a puncture gauge is constructed by mapping the two infinitely large spacelike hypersurfaces of an Einstein-Rosen bridge into a single spacelike hypersurface with 11 Initial data are said to be conformally flat if the spatial metric a singular point. Initial data for a binary would then have two associated with the data is proportional to the flat space metric. such singular points. 19

0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 1.91 1.92 1.93 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 0.1


−0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 time (seconds)

FIG. 13: The waveform (real and imaginary components of the (2,2) mode of the rescaled strain) from a precessing binary with total mass 20M [240, 264]. To obtain the physical strain, the values plotted need to be rescaled by a factor of 9.7 10−16/D, where D is the distance to the binary× in units of kiloparsecs.

post-Newtonian and Newtonian predictions. Very good FIG. 14: These plots show the signals of gravitational agreement between post-Newtonian and numerical rela- waves detected by the twin LIGO observatories at tivity predictions for the orbital frequency was found for Livingston, Louisiana, and Hanford, Washington. The the D 50M cases. The longest simulations to merger ≥ signals came from two merging black holes with masses published to date was in Ref. [262], where a binary was 30 and 35 times the mass of our sun, respectively, lying evolved for 175 orbits. For reference, an equal-mass bi- 1.3 billion light-years away. The top two plots show nary at a separation of D = 100M will complete over data received at Livingston and Hanford, along with the 2000 orbits before merging and requires about 8.2 106M × predicted shapes for the waveform. These predicted of evolution time. (If the mass of each black hole in the waveforms show what the waveform from two merging binary is 30M , then the merger from D = 100M would black holes with these masses should look like according take about 40 minutes.) to the equations of ’s general theory of relativity, along with the instrument’s ever-present noise. Time is plotted on the X-axis and strain on the 4. Waveform modeling Y-axis. Strain represents the fractional amount by which distances are distorted. As the plots reveal, the One of the major goals of numerical relativity is to LIGO data very closely match Einstein’s predictions. produce accurate waveforms for gravitational wave data The final plot compares data from both detectors. The analysis. The actual process of obtaining the waveform Hanford data have been inverted for comparison, due to from a numerical simulation can be involved. See [263] the differences in orientation of the detectors at the two for a review of modern techniques for extracting the grav- sites. The data were also shifted to correct for the itational waveform from a numerical simulation. travel time of the gravitational-wave signals between In Fig. 13, we show an example waveform from a recent Livingston and Hanford (the signal first reached black hole–black hole binary simulation [240, 264]. In or- Livingston, and then, traveling at the speed of light, der to use physical units, we consider a binary that has a reached Hanford seven thousandths of a second later). total mass of 20M . The plot shows the waveform from As the plot demonstrates, both detectors witnessed the the last 48 orbits for an equal-mass binary in a precess- same event, confirming the detection. (Courtesy ing configuration. There are two distinct phases of the Caltech/MIT/LIGO Laboratory) waveform. The longest phase is due to the slow inspiral and eventual plunge. In the figure, this corresponds to the start of the waveform until about 1.92s. Small os- to precession of the orbital plane. The overall ramp up cillations in the amplitude are apparent. These are due of both the amplitude and frequency is due to the inspi- 20

ral and its associated increase in the orbital frequency. In Chu et al. [234] the authors compared their extrapo- Following a brief transition between 1.915s and 1.925s, lations of the Regge-Wheeler-Zerilli perturbations to the the waveform changes to a damped sinusoid. This phase News calculation. They found that errors due to both is due to the rapid equilibration of the now single black gauge effects and extraction at finite radii lead to mis- hole. matches of a 5 10−4. It is interesting to note that Remarkably, on September 14, 2015 the twin LIGO this mismatch∼ may× be geometrical in nature and arising observatories detected the gravitational waveform from from the difficulty in defining gravitational radiation at the inspiral and merger of two black holes [4, 5]. The a finite distance from the source. resulting waveform is shown in Fig. 14. The other main technique for extracting radiation in- In this section we will review the history of fully non- volves the calculation of the Weyl scalar ψ4. Calcu- linear numerical simulations of black hole mergers to lations of ψ4 have the advantage that there is a sim- generate and verify the waveforms. The current genera- ple, well defined procedure for calculating the Newman- tion of numerical relativity codes calculate the gravita- Penrose scalars ψ4 in a class of tetrads where ψ4 repre- tional waveform of a merger simulations by calculating sents the outgoing radiation (and ψ0 the ingoing radia- the Regge-Wheler-Zerilli perturbations (which can be re- tion). This class of tetrads, known as quasi-Kinnersley lated to the strain h), the Bondi News function N, or tetrads [106, 271–273] is unique up to an overall phase Weyl scalar ψ4 (as well as combinations of the above). factor and normalization. With the exception of the calculation of N using Cauchy- Since there are no analytically known waveforms from Characteristic extraction [175, 176, 179, 265, 266], the the mergers of black holes, in order to test the cor- waveform is calculated at a series of finite radii and ex- rectness of numerically derived waveforms one needs to trapolated to r = along an outgoing null (lightlike) both carefully audit the codes and compare results gen- paths using some form∞ of either polynomial extrapola- erated from different code bases. The first such com- tion, or perturbative expansion [267]. In a suitable gauge, parison [274] was performed early on with waveforms ¯˙ ¨ generated by the inspiral of an equal-mass, low-spin bi- ψ4 = N = h, where an overbar denotes complex conju- 14 gation and a dot represents a time derivative. Note that nary obtained using the LazEv code [2, 45] developed gravitational wave detectors measure h directly, while the at Brownsville and Rochester Institute of Technology, the emitted power is directly related to N. The points at Hahndol code [49, 275, 276] developed at NASA-GSFC, r = along outgoing null rays are collectively known and Pretorius’ original code [1, 94]. For that test, each as future∞ null infinity. While these points are formally group evolved similar binaries, but at slightly different outside the spacetime, they are quite useful for defining initial configurations. The results from this first com- gravitational radiation. parison are shown in Fig. 15. Later on, as more groups For an isolated source13, the Bondi News function N developed their own codes, more large-scale comparisons is directly related to the radiated power-per unit solid were performed. For the Samurai [277] project, compar- angle in the gravitational radiation by isons were made between the SpEC [278, 279] code de- veloped by the SXS collaboration, the Hahndol code, the dP  1 MayaKranc code [280] developed at Penn State / Geor- = NN¯ . (60) dΩ 4π gia Tech, the CCATI code [207] developed at the Albert Einstein Institute, and the BAM code [40, 50] developed N itself is defined on future null infinity, and the only at the University of Jena. One of the major differences gauge freedom in N is associated with the supertransla- between the Samurai project and [274] was the use of tion freedom N(τ, xA) N(τ + σ(xA), xA + τωA(XA)), simulated LIGO noise data to determine if the differ- where τ is an affine parameter→ (a generalization of proper ences between the waveforms generated by the various time along lightlike curves), xA denotes angular coordi- codes is, in practice, detectable. nates, and σ(xA) and ωA are constant functions of angle. Such comparisons took on more urgency with the de- However, as standard Cauchy codes cannot include tection of gravitational waves in 2015 [4, 5]. In the pro- future null infinity (but see [268–270] for an approach cess of verifying that detection two groups, the SXS col- which may allow evolutions that include future null in- laboration and the group at RIT, generated waveforms as finity), calculations of N involve a matching procedure, part of their work for the LIGO scientific collaboration. where data from a Cauchy code is used as boundary data Despite the two codes sharing no common routines, and for a characteristic evolution. This matching requires using different initial data generation techniques, differ- the specification of unknown data from the edge of the ent evolutions techniques, and different waveform extrac- Cauchy domain to null infinity. This induces spurious tion techniques, the dominant (` = 2, m = 2) modes pro- radiation [179], which can be controlled by moving the duced by the two codes agreed to better than 99.9% [281]. matching procedure to farther radii.

14 The binary evolved by Pretorius had a very small dimensionless spin of 0.02, while the binaries evolved by the LazEv and Hanhdol 13 more precisely, for an asymptotically flat spacetime codes were nonspinning. 21

0.04 based on an expansion of the waveform in Fourier space. GSFC (R1) UTB (s00) The amplitude and phase of the waveform are expanded Pretorius (d16) as algebraic functions of frequency. The coefficients in 0.02 these expressions are then modeled as functions of the binary’s parameters by fitting to existing waveforms. f

M Yet another method for modeling the waveform from 4 0 ψ r a binary, when the two black holes are still far apart, is 0.004 based on a series expansion in the black-hole separation 0.002 -0.02 and velocity, known as the post-Newtonian expansion. 0 For a review of post-Newtonian theory, see [321]. -0.002 -0.004 Since post-Newtonian theory is expected to be ac- -250 -200 -150 -100 -0.04 curate when the binary separation is large, and be- -100 -50 0 50 t/Mf come increasingly more inaccurate during the inspiral, a natural question is to determine where the post- FIG. 15: The first comparison of numerical relativity Newtonian waveforms differ substantially from the nu- waveforms produced by different codes and different merical ones. The first direct comparisons of the wave- groups. The figure is a reproduction of Fig. 1 of form predictions from numerical relativity and post- Ref. [274] and shows a comparison of waveforms Newtonian theory were performed by Buonanno, Cook, generated by the groups at NASA GSFC, UT and Pretorius [322], shortly thereafter by the NASA- Brownsville and RIT, and Frans Pretorius. Note that GSFC group [320, 323], with the group at Jena follow- the initial binary configuration used by Pretorius was a ing soon after that [285, 286, 324]. These early compar- corotating configuration, which has a moderate spin, isons were between post-Newtonian and numerical rel- while the other two configurations were nonspinning. ativity predictions of the waveforms for non-precessing Hence the waveform amplitude and frequency are not systems. The first comparison of precessing waveforms expected to be identical to the other two waveforms. was done in Ref. [236]. All of these comparisons were for relatively short waveforms and in a regime where post-Newtonian theory is not particularly accurate. The One of the main goals of waveform modeling is to infer longest comparison to date between post-Newtonian and the properties of the source based on the observed wave- numerical relativity waveforms was a 175 orbit evolution forms. One of the first systematic studies of how sensitive performed in Ref. [262]. Other studies of much more the waveform is to the parameters of the binaries in the separated binaries (where the evolutions were not taken no-precessing case was performed in [282], where they to merger) showed good agreement in the dynamics be- studies the effects of spins on waveform detectability. tween post-Newtonian and numerical relativity for sev- eral orbits with separations of 100M and 50M for an equal-mass, nonspinning binary [261]. 5. Semi-analytic waveform models While current post-Newtonian waveforms are not par- ticularly accurate during the late-inspiral phase, there Because fully nonlinear numerical simulations of black are models inspired by post-Newtonian theory that re- hole mergers are computationally expensive, many semi- produce numerical waveforms with greater accuracy. The analytic and empirical approaches have been developed Effective One Body formalism [325–329] recasts the prob- in order to model the waveform of black hole merg- lem of the evolution of the binary as an effective field ers using information from previously modeled simu- theory for a single particle. This formalism contains free lations [214, 227, 229, 231, 234, 236, 238, 239, 249, parameters which can be modeled using numerical rel- 262, 277–279, 281, 283–317]. As demonstrated in [318], ativity simulations. The resulting formalism EOB-NR the systematic errors associated with waveforms models can reproduce gravitational waveforms, at least for non- used by the LIGO Scientific Collaboration led to negli- precessing binaries, with great accuracy. Furthermore, gible errors in the inferred parameters of the source of these waveforms are produced at a fraction of the cost GW150914. of the original numerical simulations [290, 292, 304, 330– One conceptually straightforward method for con- 336]. structing a waveform model would be to interpolate known numerical waveforms as a function of the source parameters. The actual details of how this interpolation IV. RELATIVISTIC STARS AND DISKS is performed is quite sophisticated and requires first rep- resenting waveforms in a reduced basis. The resulting A. Black hole–black hole binaries with accretion models [243, 311, 317, 319] have been shown to be accu- rate, at least under the conditions tested [243]. Astronomers expect that the environment of super- Another class of models, usually referred to as phe- massive black hole–black hole binary mergers will often nomenological models [283, 288, 293, 310, 312, 320], are be gas-rich; therefore, there is hope for an electromag- 22

netic counterpart to the (low-frequency) gravitational wave signal. In a thin accretion disk around a single black hole, angular momentum flows outward (an effect of MHD turbulence), causing gas to slowly spiral inward, re- leasing energy radiatively as it falls deeper into the grav- itational potential. (Thus, the more compact the object, the more efficiently accretion onto it can release energy.) A black hole–black hole binary near merger might be ac- companied by gas orbiting the binary itself, forming a “circumbinary disk”. Early 1D studies of circumbinary disks predicted that gravitational torques from the binary (a) −11.0 M8 hrs (b) −3.0 M8 hrs would clear out a region of radius about twice the orbital separation (for binaries with mass ratio around unity), suggesting that accretion onto the black holes would be mostly frustrated. As the binary inspirals, eventually the inspiral timescale becomes smaller than the disk’s viscous timescale 15, presumably causing the disk to de- couple from the binary, its inner edge unable to keep up with the shrinking binary. Newtonian 2D (vertically summed) [337, 338] and 3D [339–341] simulations confirm the evacuation of the region around the binary, but find that gas is efficiently carried in narrow accretion streams (c) 4.6 M8 hrs (d) 6.8 M8 hrs from the inner disk to the black holes. Meanwhile, per- FIG. 16: Electromagnetic energy flux at different times turbations to the disk caused by the merger itself, with in the force-free magnetosphere surrounding a black the associated mass loss and kick of the central system hole–black hole binary merger. The collimated part is due to gravitational waves, have been investigated by ar- formed by two tubes orbiting around each other tificially reducing the mass and adding linear momentum following the motion of the black holes. A strong to the central object around an equilibrium disk [342– isotropic emission occurs at the time of merger, followed 346]. All of this suggests that high luminosity can be by a single collimated tube as described by the maintained after decoupling and through merger. Blandford-Znajek scenario. Reproduced with Numerical relativity studies of fluids near black hole– permission from [353]. black hole binaries began shortly after the moving punc- ture revolution. It is not clear that this had to be the case. Some of the most advanced recent works con- sider disks around inspiraling binaries without dynami- hole binary merger on nearby magnetic field lines (pre- cally evolved spacetimes. For example, Noble et al. [347] sumed to be anchored to a circumbinary disk outside the used a 2.5 post-Newtonian-order approximation to the bi- computational domain). An interesting finding of these nary spacetime further than 10M from the binary com- simulations, shown in Figure 16, is the appearance of bined with a 3.5 post-Newtonian approximation to the dual jets by a sort of binary system generalization of the binary orbital evolution, while Gold et al. [348] simply Blandford-Znajek process; in this case energy is extracted rotated their conformal thin sandwich initial data. Nev- from the orbital motion of the binary, rather than the ertheless, the first numerical relativity treatments did in- spin energy of a black hole (the latter being the classic clude spacetime evolutions through merger. These early Blandford-Znajek effect). (It should be noted, though, studies by Bode et al. [349–351] and Farris et al. [352] that while multiple studies confirm the presence of dual considered binaries immersed in low-angular momentum jets, they also show that the emission is predominantly gas (advection-dominated / Bondi-like inflow) and cal- quadrupolar [354, 355].) culated electromagnetic luminosity from bremsstrahlung et al. and synchrotron emission. Newtonian MHD simulations by Shi [356] found Clearly, magnetic field effects might have important that magnetohydrodynamic disks (as opposed to pre- effects on these inflows. Prior to MHD simulations, vious disks with alpha viscosity) accrete more rapidly Palenzuela et al. [353] and Moesta et al. [354] performed and experience stronger tidal torques. Soon afterward, force-free simulations of the effect of a black hole–black numerical relativity MHD simulations were carried out for the low-angular momentum plasma case by Giaco- mazzo et al. [357] and for the circumbinary disk case by Farris et al. [358]. Using numerical relativity MHD and 15 The viscous timescale is the timescale on which angular momen- a post-Newtonian black hole–black hole binary metric, tum transport moves gas inward. The name comes from the Noble et al. [347] showed that neither binary torques nor common practice of modeling this transport process with a vis- decoupling reduce the overall accretion rate by a large cosity. factor. Gold et al. [348, 359] have carried out numerical 23 relativity MHD simulations varying the binary mass ra- consider whether they are dynamically stable, and if not tio between 1:1 and 1:10, confirming that magnetic fields whether the instabilities are of a kind to destroy the equi- boost accretion rate, increase shock heating, and produce librium on a dynamical timescale or if they just intro- dual jets merging into a single jet at large distances. Af- duce some small-scale ”churning” with effects on a secu- ter decoupling but prior to merger, the jets coalesce into lar timescale. Stability concerns the behavior of initially a single jet. The merger leads to a one-time boost in the small perturbations. Numerical error provides perturba- jet’s magnetic field strength and outflow velocity, which tions on its own, but it is resolution-dependent, so stabil- the authors hope can provide a signature of black hole– ity studies often seed perturbations. A popular method black hole binary merger (as opposed to a single black for studying radial stability in stars is pressure depletion, hole disk flare). a slight reduction of pressure below the equilibrium re- Computational cost has forced nearly all simulations quirement. This can be done in a way that preserves the to date to either excise the inner region containing the constraints and respects the equation of state by simply binary or, for those cases that do track flow into the sep- holding τ and Si fixed and slightly increasing ρ? [365]. arate black holes, evolve for less than a viscous timescale. To study the stability of nonaxisymmetric modes, these To observe viscously settled accretion flows, Farris et modes can be seeded by nonaxisymmetric perturbations al. [360] performed long-term pre-decoupling 2D New- of the density. tonian evolutions resolving the inner region. They find that individual “mini-disks” form around each black hole. Because no black hole is involved (at least until after in- Bowen et al. [361] have studied these mini-disks in their stability has clearly manifested itself), numerical relativ- post-Newtonian spacetime, inserting disks around each ity could begin addressing these questions even before the hole and evolving them to an overall steady state. The breakthroughs numerical relativity in 2005 that allowed discovery of these “mini-disks” illustrates the possibility for the evolutions of orbiting black hole–black hole bina- of further surprises as future simulations incorporate long ries. Already in 2000, simulations by Shibata et al. [366] evolutions as well as radiation transport with associated showed that the dynamical instability point for uniformly thermal effects. rotating supramassive n = 1 polytropes nearly coincides with the secular instability point. Despite the rapid ro- tation, when pressure-depleted unstable stars collapse to B. Relativistic stars black holes, they leave almost no disk. A follow-up study of supramassive polytropes with various polytropic in- Numerical relativity is the main tool for studying dex n < 2 near their mass-shedding limit also found al- rapidly rotating relativistic stars, where it is used to test most no disk mass around the post-collapse Kerr black the stability of equilibrium configurations and the non- holes [367]. These simulations used singularity avoiding linear evolution driven by instabilities. Because the out- slicings and could not evolve long after horizon formation. come of these instabilities often involve black holes, rel- Subsequent studies using excision after apparent horizon ativistic stars will be a notable part of our story. For a location confirmed the no-disk result for uniformly rotat- full treatment of this topic, see the Living Review article ing stars with stiff polytropic EoS [122, 123]. Based on by Paschalidis and Stergioulas [362, 363], the book on angular momentum distribution at the maximum mass this subject by Friedman and Stergioulas [364], and also configuration, it is expected that this result carries over Chapter 14 of Baumgarte and Shapiro [36]. to realistic neutron-star EoS [368]. (In section V, we will Collapsing star simulations did not have to wait for see that the story is quite different for non-compact stars the black hole problem to be solved. Simulations up to with soft EoS.) After moving puncture gauge conditions the turn of the century could use singularity avoiding were discovered, it was possible to evolve to a final black slicings such as maximal slicing and its approximates to hole state and confirm that the metric matches the spin- follow collapse a short while past apparent horizon for- ning puncture form [369]. mation before grid stretching effects (increasing distor- tion of slices needed to keep them from intersecting the Numerical relativity provides a straightforward way singularity) destroyed the run’s accuracy. Evolutions to to test the dynamical stability of hypermassive neutron late times after collapse, and evolutions of systems like stars: just evolve for several dynamical times (perhaps black hole–neutron star binaries, which have a black hole with some initial perturbation). By this test, Baum- throughout, had to wait until general black hole space- garte et al. [30] demonstrated the stability of a model max times could be stably evolved. with mass around 1.6M TOV. It is easy to con- struct differentially rotating compact stars with spin an- gular momentum on either side of the Kerr limit, so 1. Radial stability and collapse outcome inducing their collapse by sufficient pressure depletion provides a test of cosmic censorship; unsurprisingly, it Supramassive and hypermassive stars can be cre- passes [122, 371]. The super-Kerr systems undergo a cen- ated using two-dimensional stellar equilibrium codes trifugal bounce, and the fluid forms a torus which then (cf. [363]). Knowing that these equilibria exist, we next fragments due to nonaxisymmetric instabilities. 24

FIG. 17: The evolution of a hypermassive star under the influence of a seeded magnetic field. The upper 4 panels show snapshots of the rest-mass density contours and velocity vectors on the meridional plane. The lower panels show the field lines for the poloidal magnetic field at the same times as the upper panels. The thick solid (red) curves denote the apparent horizon which appears when the central region collapses. Reproduced with permission from [370].

2. Magnetohydrodynamic evolution structed from an azimuthal vector potential

 A $2(ρ ρ )n forρ > ρ A = b 0 cutoff 0 cutoff , (61) These hypermassive neutron stars, although dynami- φ −0 otherwise cally stable, are presumably driven to collapse on a secu- lar timescale by processes that transport angular momen- where $ is the cylindrical radius; Ab, n, and ρcut are tum outward, robbing the core of its rotational support. freely specifiable constants. The expectation was that, The ultimate source of angular momentum transport is for magnetorotationally unstable systems, no memory of most likely turbulence driven by the magnetorotational the seed field would long survive. Black hole-torus sim- instability. To study secular evolution from first princi- ulations give some support to this assumption for the ples requires magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations. interior of the torus but find that the appearance and Such simulations must specify an initial state for the strength of polar jets is very sensitive to seed field geom- magnetic field. One injects a small magnetic field into the etry [377]. equilibrium state, usually not chosen to be an MHD equi- Differential rotation with dΩ/dr < 0 (the usual case librium but thought of as a “seed” of the more physical for differential rotation) is unstable to the magnetoro- magnetic field that will grow through shear and turbu- tational instability (MRI) [378]. The fastest growing lence. MHD simulations suggest that the magnetic field MRI mode has size λMRI vA/Ω, where vA B/√ρ0 ∼ ∼ in a star with random initial state tends to settle to a is the Alfven speed, and growth timescale Ω−1. For ∼ helical mixture of poloidal and toroidal field [372]. Equi- realistic B fields, resolving λMRI can be a serious com- librium fields can be constructed in relativity (e.g. [373– putational challenge. Numerical relativity MHD stud- 376]), but simpler seed fields are more often used, e.g. ies sometimes avoid this problem by using - poloidal fields moving along isodensity contours con- strength seed fields. The MRI has been identified in rel- 25 ativistic disk (e.g. [379–382]) and star [383] simulations. ativity simulations of differentially rotating stars [386– The effect of the MRI is to initiate turbulence and thus 388]. on a secular timescale to dissipate energy as heat and Numerical relativity investigations also found unex- transport angular momentum outward. The MRI’s role pected unstable growth of low (but nonzero) M modes in in driving disk accretion is the subject of a vast amount strongly differentially rotating or toroidal stars at T/ W of work; the distinctive role of numerical relativity has well below the dynamical bar mode threshold [389–392].| | been to study its effect on differentially rotating neutron The instability has been seen in numerical relativity ro- stars. tating stellar core collapse simulations [393] and so may Axisymmetric simulations of magnetized hypermassive be an important gravitational wave source from a galac- neutron stars were undertaken by Duez et al. [370] using tic . As the mechanism was not at first under- a Γ = 2 EoS and initial angular velocity about three stood, the instability was called the ”low T/ W insta- times higher at the center than at the equator. These bility” or the ”one-armed spiral instability”, names| | that simulations were notable for the narrative of this article sometimes persist. We now know that it is caused by as being among the first astrophysically interesting nu- a corotation resonance [394]. The corotation radius rc merical relativity simulations to prolong evolution past of a mode is the radius where Ω(rc) = Ωp. The mode collapse using excision. [Shortly afterward, both groups has positive energy for r > rc and negative energy for in the collaboration–University of Illinois at Urbana- r < rc, and thus energy can be transferred outward at rc Chanmpaign (UIUC) and Kyoto University–switched to to strengthen the mode on both sides. The corotation in- moving punctures.] A combination of magnetic wind- stability takes many crossings to grow, so the mode must ing/braking and MRI turbulence transports angular mo- be trapped in a region containing rc. In stars, a minimum mentum outward, causing the envelope to expand and the of the vortensity can act like a trapping potential [395], core to contract. After about 102 ms, the core undergoes and this can be produced by a toroidal density struc- collapse on a dynamical timescale. The collapse leaves ture or extreme differential rotation. Subsequent numer- a massive torus surrounding the black hole, a promis- ical simulations are consistent with this model [396, 397]. ing setup for a short-duration gamma ray burst [384]. Bar mode growth from both the low-T/ W [397] and the Snapshots from this evolution are shown in Figure 17. high-T/ W [398] instabilities has also been| | simulated in The same collaboration then performed similar studies the presence| | of magnetic fields, where magnetic tension for other differentially rotating neutron star initial con- fails to suppress the instabilities for any realistic field figurations [385]. Use of a more realistic EoS produces strength. a qualitatively similar outcome, but collapse is averted (unsurprisingly) if the star is not hypermassive. A non- hypermassive star with angular momentum too high for 4. Stability of self-gravitating black hole accretion disks a uniformly rotating star settles to an equilibrium uni- formly rotating star plus torus configuration. Given the ability to evolve matter in dynamical black hole spacetimes, we can carry out a similar analysis to that of relativistic stars, this time for self-gravitating tori 3. Nonaxisymmetric mode instability around black holes. Once again we require axisymmet- ric constraint-satisfying equilibrium initial data, with a Nonaxisymmetric modes, which have the form δ central black hole introduced either by a horizon inner ei(Mφ−ωt), are interesting as gravitational wave sources.∝ boundary condition [399] or a puncture [400]. Then we Since the background equilibrium is often differentially just watch perturbations evolve. rotating, there is a clear conceptual difference between Self-gravity can lead to instabilities in black hole-torus the fluid’s rotation and the perturbation mode, which systems. Even in Newtonian physics, a disk will break rotates with constant pattern speed Ωp = ω/M every- apart if it violates the Toomre stability criterion. A po- where. In fact, rotating perfect fluid stars are gener- tential axisymmetric dynamical instability that has re- ically unstable because of gravitational waves via the ceived much attention from numerical relativists is the Chandrasekhar-Friedman-Schutz instability, although in runaway instability [401]. In this scenario, an equilib- most realistic cases this is suppressed by viscosity or rium torus filling its Roche lobe will be unstable because other effects. (See [363] and references therein.) a small amount of accretion into the black hole increases It is well-known that for rotating stars, the fundamen- the black hole’s mass, pushing the Roche lobe into the tal L = M = 2 (bar) mode becomes unstable for suffi- torus. The mass transfer into the black hole is then un- ciently high T/ W : around 0.14 for a secular instability stable and destroys the torus in a dynamical timescale. and around 0.27| for| a dynamical instability. The unstable Analysis of stationary configurations suggest that the bars grow to nonlinear amplitude and lead to the shed- disk’s self-gravity enhances the instability [402], but disks ding of high angular-momentum material. It is thus hard are stabilized by a positive radial angular momentum gra- to imagine T/ W > 0.27 stars persisting in nature. The dient in the disk and by black hole spin [403]. The first dynamical bar| mode| instability (often called the “high relativistic simulations, by Daigne and Font [404, 405], T/ W instability”) has been confirmed in numerical rel- neglected torus self-gravity, treating evolution of the met- | | 26 ric by allowing the mass and spin of the Kerr black hole to form. These very massive stars are radiation-pressure increase by accretion. These confirmed that even rather dominated and (because of convection) isentropic, lead- small angular momentum gradients prevent the instabil- ing them to also take the form of n = 3 polytropes. Like ity. However, only live-metric simulations could properly black hole spacetimes, polytrope systems can be scaled include torus self-gravity. These were first undertaken to any mass. However, this scale invariance is broken by Montero, Font, and Shibata [406], and they did not when one takes into account EoS stiffening and nuclear find a runaway stability in any of their models. However, reactions, which depend on the actual density and not simulations by Korobkin et al. [407] did demonstrate the just the dimensionless compaction. Numerical relativity existence of the instability in disks particularly prone to is needed to determine the collapse outcome: the mass it. and spin of the black hole and the properties of any ac- There are also nonaxisymmetric instabilities present companying disk. Even before these simulations could in black hole-torus systems analogous to those found in be carried to post-collapse equilibrium, it was possible rotating stars. Before they were identified in stars, coro- to guess from a trick introduced by Shapiro and Shi- tation instabilities were already known to exist in nearly- bata [416] that these collapses would be more likely to constant angular momentum disks (the Papaloizou- form massive disks. The post-collapse disk is roughly the Pringle instability [408, 409]) and in disks with vortensity matter with high enough initial angular momentum to or- maxima (the Rossby wave instability [410]). Self-gravity bit outside the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO)16 is not an essential feature of the instability, and in fact of the black hole to be formed, which can be of order 10% self-gravity tends to suppress the Papaloizou-Pringle in- of a supermassive star progenitor. stability [411]. Torus self-gravity can trigger nonaxisymmetric insta- bilities not present in nonself-gravitating disks. These A. Population I/II core collapse and collapsars instabilities have been studied systematically by 3D sim- ulations in Newtonian physics [412] and numerical rela- Stellar mass black holes are thought to originate in tivity [413]. The latter study, by Korobkin et al., consti- the core collapse of massive stars for cases where, for tutes one of the first notable applications of cubed-sphere some reason, the process of permanently expelling the multipatch technology to numerical relativity. Simula- gas around a protoneutron star fails. (The case of suc- tions show that moderate self-gravity triggers “interme- cessful supernova explosion and neutron star formation diate mode” instability [411], spontaneous elliptic defor- has been the subject of much numerical work, the discus- mations of the disk that, in fact, can be considered the sion of which would take us too far afield.) If the progen- disk analogue of the high-T/ W instability [414]. An in- itor has sufficient angular momentum, the newly formed teresting effect of self-gravity| on| the m = 1 Papaloizou- black hole may be surrounded by an accretion torus. This Pringle mode is momentum transfer between the disk is the explanation of long-duration gamma ray bursts in and black hole, leading to an outspiraling motion of the the collapsar model of Woosley and MacFadyen [417– black hole [413]. The nonlinear development of this insta- 419]. Formation of a black hole-torus system may occur bility was explored in numerical relativity by Kiuchi et in several ways. The inner iron core may originally col- al. [415], who suggest it may be a significant source of lapse to a protoneutron star, but a supernova may fail gravitational waves (e.g. from a GRB central engine or to occur (the shock stalls and does not sufficiently re- the aftermath of a supermassive star collapse). energize), so that the star eventually collapses under its accumulating mass; this is a Type I collapsar [419]. A mild explosion may occur, but enough material falls back V. BLACK HOLE FORMATION onto the star to trigger collapse–a Type II collapsar [420]. Finally, the inner core might collapse directly to a black In Section IV B, we considered the collapse of uni- hole–a Type III collapsar [421]. formly rotating compact, stiff stars, finding that they The first 1D numerical relativity stellar collapse simu- tend to collapse to Kerr black holes with no significant lations were carried out in 1966 by May and White [422] leftover material to form an accretion disk. Much more common astrophysically is the formation of black holes from non-compact stars with soft EoS around n = 3 (the marginal stability limit for Newtonian polytropes). Sce- 16 In general relativity, the effective potential associated with or- narios can be divided by the mass of the progenitor star. bits (i.e., timelike geodesics) around a black hole is similar to the 1 2 Population I and II stars with masses 10 –10 M form effective potential in Newtonian gravity, but with additional at- ∼ tractive terms proportional to 1/r3. Because of this term, there iron cores of mass M , where n = 3 comes from the dominance of relativistic∼ degenerate electrons to the pres- is a region from the black-hole horizon to about three times the Schwarzschild radius of the black hole were there are no stable sure. The first generation of stars, the metal-free Popu- circular orbit. At the boundary of this region is the innermost 2 3 lation III stars, may have had masses 10 –10 M . If stable circular orbit, or ISCO. A particle following an inspiraling metal-free gas is unable to cool and does∼ not fragment quasicircular orbit will plunge into the black hole once it crosses 5 this ISCO. into Pop III stars, & 10 M supermassive stars may 27 using the formulation of Misner and Sharp [423]: a La- flows are launched. Subsequent simulations with MHD grangian method with, however, a slicing that does not for both high-j [437] and low-j [441, 445] cases differ avoid singularities. Thus, simulations could not be con- primarily in the quick appearance of magnetically-driven tinued long after black hole formation, but this was polar jets. enough to determine that a black hole in fact forms, Clearly, numerical relativity simulations were needed rather than a neutron star. This problem can be over- which include the collapse of a realistic rotating stellar come using a retarded time coordinate, which avoids the core, self-consistent black hole formation, and evolution black hole interior [424, 425]. The same basic methods long past black hole formation to study the dynamics of have continued to be used for subsequent spherical col- the torus. With the ability to stably form and evolve lapse simulations with increasingly sophisticated micro- black holes in numerical relativity, this became possible. physics and neutrino transport [426–429], including de- The first such simulation was carried out by Sekiguchi tailed studies of the neutrino signals from failed super- and Shibata [446]. They evolved a high-entropy core novae solving the Boltzmann transport equation [430– from collapse through a second past black hole forma- 432]. One-dimensional general relativity simulations find tion using a finite temperature equation of state and that black hole formation tends to happen for high pro- neutrino leakage. A range of initial j were used; low- genitor mass (which, due to stellar winds, may be much j cores produced geometrically thin shocked disks, while lower than the zero age mass, so black hole high-j cores produce thick tori. The first 3D numerical formation is more likely for low-metallicity stars, which relativity collapse simulations were performed by Ott et suffer less mass loss). Prompt collapse may only occur al. [447]. Octant symmetry and eleven levels of adaptive for very high mass, low metallicity (perhaps only Popula- mesh refinement made it possible to follow the collapse tion III stars) [429, 433, 434]. 2D simulations are needed in 3D, but the simulation was only followed for 0.1 s to study rotating collapse. Some such simulations were after black hole formation. Core collapse is followed∼ by a carried out beginning with Nakamura [435] but lacked bounce, but the accretion shock stalls, and the protoneu- realistic initial conditions and EoS. In 2005, on the eve tron star collapses to a black hole. Several key quanti- of the numerical relativity revolution in black hole treat- ties in these simulations are plotted in Figure 18. The ment, Sekiguchi and Shibata [436] attempted greater re- dimensionless spin peaks at 0.75 for the most rapidly ro- alism using a set of two-component piecewise polytrope tating case and then rapidly decreases as lower-j mate- EoS. The paper limited itself to the criterion for prompt rial is accreted. The collapse-bounce-collapse sequence black hole formation because subsequent evolution could of events leads to a distinct gravitational wave signal. In not be followed. addition to this collapse waveform, gravitational waves may be produced by inhomogeneities in the collapsing While waiting for numerical relativity, 2D post- matter, self-gravitational instabilities in the torus, and collapse simulations were being used to study the evo- anisotropic neutrino radiation. (See [448, 449] and refer- lution of the post-black hole formation torus and the ences therein.) possible initiation of a gamma ray burst. Lacking the A difficulty for 3D collapsar simulations is the long true post-collapse configuration, these first simulations (multi-second) timescale on which rapid accretion occurs. had to insert a black hole into a collapsing flow by hand. The inclusion of MHD and neutrino transport will make For Newtonian simulations, the black hole is a Newto- modeling the hyperaccretion phase even more challeng- nian or pseudo-Newtonian point-mass addition to the ing. gravitational potential and an inner absorbing bound- ary [419, 420, 437–439]. For relativistic MHD simula- tions, a fixed Kerr metric was used [440–443]. A key in- put parameter is the initial angular momentum. To pro- B. Massive star collapse in the early universe duce a promising torus, this is usually chosen to be large enough for circular orbit well outside the nascent black Black hole formation from massive stars in the early hole’s ISCO but small enough that the disk is compact universe is interesting primarily for explaining the and can lose energy efficiently by neutrinos. However, “seeds” from which supermassive black holes grew, but Lee and Ramirez-Ruiz [444] find promising behavior even also as sources of electromagnetic and gravitational wave for somewhat lower angular momenta; shocked gas on the signals. equator forms a dwarf disk which accretes rapidly due to 1D simulations of Population III stars indicate that general relativistic effects even without magnetic fields stars with mass less than around 260M end their lives or viscosity. Follow-up simulations by Lopez-Camara et in pair-instability supernovae, while more massive stars al. [439] suggest that low-j collapsars might differ from collapse directly to black holes [421, 434]. Nakazato et high-j collapsars by the former not producing an accom- al. [450] study the effects of neutrino emission on Pop panying supernova. Hydrodynamic simulations, such as III star collapse using a relativistic Boltzmann transport the original study by MacFadyen and Woosley [419] add code. Effects of rotation are indirectly addressed by the an alpha viscosity and tend to find that the polar re- 2D Newtonian simulations of Ohkubo et al. [451], who, in gions free-fall into the black hole while inside an accretion a manner reminiscent of early collapsar simulations, in- shock a thick torus forms and viscous heating-driven out- sert a point mass by hand into the collapsing star. Rather 28

1 tation to be extremely important. As a supermassive ] 16 u75rot0 u75rot1 u75rot1.5 u75rot2 3 10 star cools and shrinks, it probably spins up to the mass- − 0.8 shedding limit, thereafter following a mass-shedding se- 1015 0.6 α quence as it cools till it hits a radial instability. Equi- [g cm

ρ librium sequences of rapidly rotating supermassive stars 0.4 Lapse in general relativity have been produced by Baumgarte 1014 αmin et al. 0.2 and Shapiro [457] for n = 3 and by Shibata [458] ρmax for 2.94 n 3. Saijo et al. [459] evolved an n = 3 Density 1013 0 supermassive≤ star≤ from it’s critical point using 3D post- 0 50 100 u75rot2150 2.5 u75rot1.5 ] Newtonian physics, finding that the collapsing star re-

⊙ u75rot1

0.8 2 mains axisymmetric (i.e. nonaxisymmetric modes do not

M u75rot0 2.0 M have time to grow even though T/ W passes the criti- / 0.6 J cal value for bar formation) and that| nearly| all the mass =

1.5 ⋆ ⋆ falls into the black hole despite its rotation. Around the

a a 0.4 same time, 2D numerical relativity simulations were car- BH Mass [ 1.0 BH Mass ried out by Shibata and Shapiro [460], tracking the col- 0.2 0 50 100 150 lapse until about 60% of the mass was inside the apparent horizon. Because they could not evolve long past black t t [ms] − bounce hole formation, the final disk mass remained uncertain, but the authors estimated from the angular momentum FIG. 18: The postbounce evolution of the center of a distribution that it should be around 10% of the star’s collapsar in 3D numerical relativity. Different models mass. correspond to different choices for the progenitor spin. The Illinois group returned to this problem in 2007 Top: Maximum density ρmax and central ADM lapse with black hole excision to determine the post-collapse function αmin as a function of postbounce time in all models. After horizon formation, the region interior to state [461]. Their simulations vindicated the earlier it is excluded from min/max finding. Bottom: angular-momentum based predictions of a massive disk black-hole mass and dimensionless spin a? as a function (several percent of the total original rest mass) and a of postbounce time. All models follow the same black hole with spin about 70% of the Kerr limit. This accretion history once a black hole forms and settles work also included magnetic fields, which do not af- down. Reproduced with permission from [447]. fect the collapse but do affect the disk evolution. In- sertion of a dynamically unimportant dipole field into the pre-collapse star leads to jet formation after collapse, with enough Poynting luminosity to potentially power an than adding rotation and viscosity, the effects of a disk ultra-long GRB detectable at high redshifts [462]. Mon- are modeled on larger scales by injecting a jet through tero et al. [463] carried out simulations with detailed the inner boundary. The jet drives an explosion, and microphysics and hydrogen and helium burning, find- nucleosynthesis outputs are calculated. ing that a metallicity of 10−3 is needed to cause ther- Supermassive stars began to be simulated in the 1970s. monuclear explosion rather than black hole formation for 5 At the time, interest was primarily driven by the prospect mass-shedding supermassive stars of mass 5 10 M . ∼ × of explaining active galactic nuclei in terms of these ob- Finally, Shibata and collaborators have included the de- jects, which do radiate at their Eddington luminosity. viation of Γ from 4/3 [464] and nuclear reactions [465], These stars are radiation-pressure dominated and pre- finding collapse outcomes similar to the Γ = 4/3 stud- sumed isentropic, so they are nearly n = 3 polytropes. ies [461]. (Gas pressure makes n slightly less than 3, but this devia- Initial data sets for the above simulations assume the tion decreases with increasing mass.) Although they are star is able to maintain uniform rotation and entropy. 5 not compact, the instability of > 10 M stars is trig- Collapse of differentially rotating supermassive stars has gered by general relativity. These earliest simulations been simulated in 2D by Montero et al. [463] and in were 1D, assuming spherical symmetry. Appenzeller and 3D by Saijo and Hawke [466]. The latter study moni- Fricke [452, 453], using post-Newtonian gravity but in- tors quasi-periodic gravitational waves coming from the cluding nuclear reactions, found prompt collapse to a post-collapse system even after the hole’s quasinormal 6 black hole if M > 10 M ; for lower masses nuclear ringing damps. When a nearly extremal black hole is burning of hydrogen explodes the star. Later simula- formed, the gravitational wave grows to fairly high am- tions found that nonzero metallicity (albeit high given plitude after collapse for reasons which remain mysteri- −2 the context: Z 10 ) catalyzes CNO burning and trig- et al. ∼ ous. Zink [467] studied the collapse of differentially gers explosion [454]. Spherically symmetric full numeri- rotating toroidal supermassive stars, finding that in this cal relativity simulations of high-mass supermassive stars case the star is subject to strong nonaxisymmetric insta- found prompt collapse to a black hole [455, 456]. bilities. These lead to the fragmentation of the star into In fact, this is another system for which we expect ro- self-gravitating, collapsing parts, in some cases leading 29 to the formation of a supermassive black hole–black hole A. –compact object binaries binary system [468]. The above all assume that supermassive stars are able Neutron star-white dwarf mergers and stellar mass to thermally relax to isentropy, which should be true if black hole–white dwarf mergers are not easily amenable they are convective. For an alternative scenario, leading to numerical relativity because of the disparity of length to a stellar mass black hole surrounded by a much more scales between the two objects. Also, white dwarfs are massive envelope, see Begelman [469, 470]. not in nuclear statistical equilibrium. Usually, isotope abundances in a white dwarf can be considered fixed, but a merger event may trigger nuclear reactions, which would then provide a new energy reservoir and must be VI. NON-VACUUM COMPACT BINARIES explicitly tracked. Because the white dwarf disruption happens on scales much larger than the neutron star or low-mass black hole, one might ask if a Newtonian white Non-vacuum compact object binaries (that is, bina- dwarf plus point mass treatment is sufficient. Such cal- ries made of two compact objects, at least one of which culations have been done in SPH [477], indicating that is not a black hole) inspiral due to gravitational radia- the disrupted white dwarf shears into an accretion disk, tion just like black hole–black hole binaries. Tidal de- a possible setup for a long-duration gamma ray burst. formation of the star(s) constitute an additional time- Paschalidis et al. [478, 479] have attempted to use varying quadrupole, subtly affecting the inspiral and as- numerical relativity to study white dwarf-neutron star sociated gravitational waveform. For most of the inspiral, mergers. To make simulations feasible, the white dwarf this small tidal effect can be adequately modeled using is replaced by a ”pseudo-white dwarf”, only ten times big- post-Newtonian theory, and to good approximation the ger than the neutron star rather than 500. The merger size and structure of the star(s) only affect the wave- outcome is a Thorne-Zytkow-like object which will cool form via their dimensionless tidal deformability param- to a hypermassive star and eventually collapse to a black eters Λ = (2/3) k (c2 R/G M)5, where k is the apsidal 2 2 hole. The authors acknowledge that simulations with constant while R and M are the star’s radius and mass, more complete microphysics are still needed. 1D disk respectively. Λ can be thought of as a measure of a star’s calculations by Metzger and collaborators [480, 481] in- response to an external tidal field. Thus, one may hope to dicate that, at least for systems with mass ratio not close use gravitational waveforms from compact neutron star to one, heating from nuclear reactions may unbind most binaries to constrain the Λ, and hence the EoS, of neu- accreting matter, and they judge it unlikely that enough tron stars [471]. An important application of numerical mass accumulates on a neutron star to trigger collapse in relativity, not discussed in this review, is to test–and if those cases. necessary improve–these models of tidal effects on wave- Intermediate mass black hole-white dwarf forms during inspiral. Interested readers are referred to For tidal dis- a sample of the papers on the topic [472–476]. ruptions, the disparity of length scales is removed and tidal disruption happens in the strong gravity regime. In Material effects become dramatic at the end of inspi- this case, we would have in mind nearly parabolic encoun- ral, which will involve a collision or, more often, a tidal ters in dwarf galaxies or globular clusters, rather than disruption. The latter happens when the tidal force on quasicircular inspiral and merger. Rosswog et al. [482] a star from its companion exceeds the star’s own self carried out Newtonian SPH simulations, including nu- gravity. This can be illustrated by a simple Newtonian clear burning, of such events, looking especially at cases order-of-magnitude calculation. Suppose the disrupting where tidal compression triggers explosive nuclear burn- star has mass M, radius R and is at a separation d from ing. Because the code was Newtonian, the black hole its companion of mass m. (In all cases we consider, this had to be approximated by a Paczynski-Wiita potential. companion will be more massive and more compact, of- The effects of black hole spin could only be studied with ten a black hole.) Then the self-gravitation and tidal 2 3 numerical relativity simulations, which were carried out accelerations are M/R and mR/d , respectively, and by Haas et al. [483], although without nuclear reaction they match when effects. Both sets of simulations predict a residual accre- tion disk and accompanying soft X-ray flare lasting about d/m (R/M)(m/M)−2/3 . (62) a year. ∼ Tidal disruption is likely marked by a sharp decrease in the gravitational wave amplitude as the binary loses its B. Black hole–neutron star binaries quadrupolar shape. The subsequent fate of the disrupted star’s mass must be determined by simulations. Most at- Because of their potential as gravitational wave sources tention has been given to the two observationally impor- and short gamma ray burst progenitors, most non- tant possibilities of gas forming an accretion disk around vacuum numerical relativity work has focused on black the remaining binary object and gas being ejected from hole–neutron star binary and neutron star–neutron star the system. binary mergers. In addition, these mergers are of in- 30 terest as possible sources of short-duration gamma ray hole was successfully modeled (using excision) by Lof- bursts, r-process nucleosynthesis, and kilonovae. (For re- fler et al [495], and soon after Shibata and Uryu carried views of multimessenger astronomy, see [484, 485].) In out binary merger simulations starting from roughly cir- this section, we review black hole–neutron star binary cular orbit (using moving punctures) [128]. Simulations merger simulations, a key application of numerical rela- by the UIUC, SXS, and LSU/BYU/LIU groups quickly tivity dynamical black hole-handling technology. For a followed [496–498]. The former two of groups used the fuller treatment, see the Living Review by Shibata and NOKBSSN formalism with moving punctures; the lat- Taniguchi [486]. ter two used the generalized harmonic formulation with explicit excision. These early simulations used simple, polytropic EoS, and in some cases improper treatment 1. Expectations before numerical relativity simulations of low-density material led to underestimates in the disk and ejecta masses. They all found complete neutron-star Black hole-neutron star binaries were historically the disruption in a single mass transfer event. When tidal last to be simulated in numerical relativity, but simple disruption occurs outside the ISCO, the neutron star de- arguments and Newtonian simulations gave some idea forms into a tidal stream, with inner material stream- what to expect. ing toward the black hole and outer material streaming If a neutron star disrupts inside the ISCO of its com- outward. Of the matter falling toward the black hole, panion black hole, no massive disk or ejecta is expected. most will fall into the black hole. Soon after flow into What’s more, the gravitational wave in these cases should the black hole commences, material with sufficient an- be nearly indistinguishable from that of a black hole– gular momentum wraps around the black hole, causing black hole binary system with the same masses. Defin- the tidal stream to crash into itself. The resulting shock heats the gas, which begins setting into an accretion disk ing dISCO = κMBH and using Eq. (62), we conclude that tidal disruption is likely for binaries with very close (tens of km) to the black hole. Of the nuclear matter expanding outward, some is bound and eventually  2/3 falls back onto the disk, while the rest (the “dynamical RNS MBH > κ (63) ejecta”) is unbound and escapes permanently. MNS MNS Using all the numerical relativity results available at That is, disruption is favored by low neutron-star com- the time, Foucart devised an analytic fit to the post- paction C MNS/RNS, low mass ratio q MBH/MNS, merger disk mass (defined as the rest mass of bound ma- and high dimensionless≡ black-hole spin χ (to≡ reduce κ). terial outside the black hole 10 ms after merger; recall What happens when the neutron star fills its Roche that matter is continuously falling onto the disk and into lobe and mass transfer begins? The question was first the horizon) as a function of C, q, and χ which confirms addressed in Newtonian simulations by Lee and Kluz- the expectation that, all else being equal, lower C, lower niak [487–489], with the black hole treated as a point q, or higher χ increases disk mass [499]. Using their own mass and the neutron star treated as a polytrope. These set of simulations, Kawaguchi et al. [500] devised a simi- simulations found that mass transfer is stable for stiff EoS lar analytic fitting formula for the mass and asymptotic but unstable for soft EoS [488, 489], a difference that car- speed of unbound ejecta. ried over to rival nuclear theory-based EoS as studied by Using numerical relativity simulations, Shibata et Janka et al. [490] and Rosswog et al. [491]. In the case of al. [501] found gravitational waves from black hole– unstable mass transfer, the neutron star is destroyed in a neutron star binary mergers to always fall into one of single mass-transfer event. Stable mass transfer, on the three categories, illustrated in Figure 19. When the neu- other hand, is episodic, yielding an unmistakably differ- tron star falls into the black hole before being disrupted, ent gravitational wave signal. Replacing the Newtonian the wave is similar to black hole–black hole binary waves. point mass with a Paczynski-Wiita potential makes mass When the neutron star disrupts well outside the ISCO, transfer less stable, so that tidal disruption happens in the waveform cuts off at this point during the inspiral, one pass even for stiff realistic EoS [492, 493]. Newto- and no merger or ringdown wave is seen. Disruption nian simulations also found massive ejection of unbound close to the ISCO gives a case with intermediate fea- matter during mergers. SPH simulations around Kerr tures: inspiral and merger waves but reduced ringdown black holes supported expectations that prograde black wave. Information about the neutron star is contained hole spin is favorable to disk formation [494]. in the gravitational wave cutoff frequency. Shibata et al. emphasize that this cutoff frequency is not identical to the gravitational wave frequency at tidal disruption, but 2. Inspiral and merger in numerical relativity: parameter rather is somewhat higher. Presumably, this is because space exploration and gravitational waves the star persists for a time as a clump of matter as it inspirals past the tidal disruption radius. The first general relativisitic simulations of black hole BH-polytrope simulations also found a strong depen- systems came soon after the moving puncture revolution. dence of the post-merger disk mass on the black-hole A head-on collision with a neutron star falling into a black spin. Etienne et al. [503] found that much more mas- 31

for using P rather than the transition density is because -1/6 1 f P1 is found to closely correlate with the neutron star f h (f) (ii) radius and tidal deformability, making it a good can- didate for an equation of state parameter that can be measured by gravitational wave signatures such as the cutoff frequency. These simulations have been used to calibrate analytic black hole–neutron star binary wave- form models, valid in the range 2 < q < 5, covering the (iii) full inspiral and merger [510–513]. Fisher matrix and (i) Bayesian analysis of the analytic model shows that LIGO detections can hope to significantly constrain the tidal deformability and P1, especially given dozens of realistic f detections [510, 513]. Using piecewise polytrope EoS, East et al. [514] sim- FIG. 19: A schematic figure of three types of ulated eccentric black hole–neutron star binary encoun- gravitational-wave spectra from black hole-neutron star ters. Here could finally be seen cases of episodic mass mergers. Spectrum (i) is for the case in which tidal transfer in general relativity, as well as instances of the disruption occurs far outside the ISCO, and spectrum “zoom-whirl” phenomenon observed in black hole–black (ii) is for the case in which tidal disruption does not hole binary simulations. Such events may well occur at occur. Spectrum (iii) is for the case in which tidal interesting rates in dense stellar environments such as disruption occurs and the quasinormal mode (QNM) of globular clusters [515]. If so, the richer dynamical possi- the black hole is also excited. The filled and open bilities of eccentric merger deserve more attention. circles denote ftidal, the frequency at neutron star tidal disruption, and fQNM, respectively. Reproduced with permission from [502]. 3. Post-merger in numerical relativity: neutrinos, ejecta, and MHD sive disks could be formed for neutron stars disrupted by Post-merger evolution requires finite-temperature EoS, black holes with prograde spin, which is perhaps to be which have been employed in simulations by the SXS col- expected, since such black holes have smaller ISCOs. An laboration [133, 140, 516, 517] and by Kyutoku al. [518]. extreme case–mass ratio of 3 and prograde black hole spin These simulations fail to find episodic mass transfer at 97% of the Kerr limit–was simulated by Lovelace et even for stiff EoS. It is found that, when β equilib- al. [504]; not even half of the rest mass is promptly ac- rium violation is allowed during tidal disruption (on these creted in this case. Retrograde spin, on the other hand, timescales, the lepton number advects), tidal streams are makes disruption outside the ISCO less likely and disk narrower, and ejecta velocities lower than β-equilibrium masses lower. The black hole spin orientation has been EoS would predict [517, 519]. Lepton number equilibrium varied by Foucart et al. [505, 506] and by Kawaguchi et in the post-merger disk is re-established about 10 ms af- al. [507], with the general findings that large spin mis- ter merger under the action of intense neutrino emission 53 −1 alignments remove the increase in disk mass seen in pro- (Lν 10 erg s , preferentially in electron antineu- ∼ grade spins and lead to disks initially misaligned with trinos), during which time the disk’s average Ye rises the black hole spin. With high enough prograde black- to about 0.1. (For stiff EoS, Ye might be as high as hole spin, Foucart et al. [506] were able to observe tidal 0.2 [518].) As the disk cools, the equilibrium Ye decreases disruption even in systems with mass ratios in the 5–7 and a re-neutronization is seen in the disk. range [506] where astrophysical black hole–neutron star Whether the neutrino emission is sufficient to power a binary systems are thought most likely to lie [508]. gamma-ray burst remains uncertain. Just et al. [520] sim- Most contemporary black hole–neutron star binary ulate black hole tori using an energy-dependent M1 neu- simulations use more realistic EoS. Because the mat- trino transport scheme, and find that, at least for favor- ter only heats up as the gravitational wave signal able cases, neutrino-antineutrino annihilation can power turns off, waveform studies have sensibly concentrated a relativistic outflow sufficient for a low-energy short du- on piecewise-polytropic parameter studies of EoS ef- ration GRB. (black hole–neutron star binary mergers are fects [502, 507, 509]. In a truly impressive effort, Kyutoku more promising in this regard than neutron star–neutron and collaborators carried out 134 merger simulations, star binary mergers, because the latter have more baryon varying both EoS and binary parameters [502, 509, 510]. loading from dynamical ejecta on the poles.) The equation of state was modeled as a two-piece piece- After some early false negatives, tidal ejection of un- wise polytrope, which, since the low-density EoS is bound matter was robustly identified in numerical rela- known, has two free parameters. They choose to sys- tivity black hole-neutron star mergers [506, 521, 522]. In tematically vary the high-density Γ and P1, the pressure relativistic codes, unbound matter is usually identified as 14.7 −3 at a fiducial density ρfidu = 10 g cm . The reason that with specific orbital energy e = ut 1 > 0. The − − 32 mass of dynamical ejecta for cases with tidal disruption models to the purported associated with GRB −2 −1 is often large 10 –10 M and highly asymmetric– 130603B, showing the observed near-infrared excess is concentrated on∼ one side in the orbital plane–with suffi- consistent with either a soft EoS neutron star–neutron cient momentum to impart a kick of 102km s−1 on the star binary merger or a stiff EoS black hole-neutron star remnant black hole in some cases [506, 521]. Additional merger [531]. Kawaguchi et al. [500] returned to black matter is ejected into weakly bound orbit and will fall hole-neutron star kilonovae with analytic models for the back onto the central remnant later. This fallback mate- heating and radiative diffusion but a large suite of merger rial was studied using Newtonian SPH by Rosswog [523] simulations. Lanthanide-free disk wind might create a and then in numerical relativity by Chawla et al. [498]. bluer signal [532], but in the models studied by Fer- From the distribution of fallback times, these studies pre- nandez et al., this was all obscured by the dynamical dict a late-time fallback accretion rate following a t−5/3 ejecta [528]. power law. The most dramatic, and least-understood, post-merger The possible importance of black hole-neutron star dy- processes are magnetically driven. Early simulations namical ejecta for r-process nucleosynthesis was pointed with confined poloidal fields found that the field in the out by Lattimer and Schramm in 1976 [524]. Newtonian post-merger disk quickly wound into a toroidally dom- simulation confirm that black hole–neutron star binary inated configuration, with no observable jets [498, 533] mergers produce large ejecta masses of neutron-rich ma- even when the MRI could be resolved [534]. Later sim- terial that should undergo r-process nucleosynthesis and ulations by Paschalidis et al. [535] found that jets can produce an optical/near-IR transient [525]. Indeed, so ef- more easily emerge from a field initially extending out- ficient are these mergers in producing r-process elements side the neutron star. Such magnetospheric fields might that Bauswein et al. [526], use their own ejecta predic- also trigger observable signals that preceed a GRB from tions from SPH conformally flat general relativistic sim- the merger [157, 536]. In fact, even confined seed fields ulations and the galactic abundance of r-process material may be more promising than they originally seemed. to constrain the rate of black hole-neutron star mergers. Extremely high-resolution studies (∆x 100m) by Ki- ≈ The SXS simulations confirm expectations that ejecta uchi et al. [537] find winds driven from inner disk heat- is very neutron rich, so as it decompresses it is expected ing, whose strength increases with resolution, with con- to undergo r-process nucleosynthesis and produce the vergence not yet achieved, can pin magnetic flux to the second and third r-process peaks. This is indeed what black hole with associated Blandford-Znajek jets. Post- Roberts et al. [527] find tracking nuclear reactions in merger disk evolution turns out to be a difficult, multi- the ejecta, although a weak first peak can be seeded by scale problem, and crucial properties like the rates of neutrino irradiation by the central black hole-disk sys- wind outflow, magnetic energy outflow, and neutrino an- nihilation energy deposit remain poorly constrained. For tem. Higher Ye outflow may be provided by winds from the accretion disk. Recently, Fernandez et al. [528] have the time being, the long-term evolution of the disk is be- produced models including both effects. Using outgoing ing investigated using Newtonian alpha-viscosity models ejecta and disk profiles from the SXS merger simulations (e.g. [538, 539]). as initial data, the disk was evolved to late times using 2D Newtonian hydrodynamics with an alpha viscosity to model angular momentum transport. As the disk evolves, C. Neutron star-neutron star mergers neutrino cooling decreases to the point of insignificance, and by 200 ms the disk has reached an advective state 1. Pre-breakthrough simulations (viscous∼ heating balanced by advection of hot material inward rather than by radiative cooling) with strong con- The story of neutron star–neutron star binary merger vection and mass outflow. In most cases, the dynamical simulations differs from that of other major numerical rel- ejecta dominates, but if the disk outflow and dynami- ativity problems in that many neutron star–neutron star cal ejecta should happen to have comparable masses, a binaries evolve well past merger without encountering solar-like distribution of r-process elements would follow. black hole formation, so full numerical relativity merger Radioactive decay of r-process ejection might power simulations began earlier for neutron star–neutron star a detectable signal, most likely in the near infrared, binary systems, and the ability to evolve spacetimes with called a kilonova or macronova [529]. Tanaka et al. [530] black holes had a less dramatic effect. Neutron star– use ejecta from numerical relativity black hole-neutron neutron star binary simulations have recently received star merger simulations as input to a (photon) radiation a thorough review by Baiotti and Rezzolla [540]. They transfer code to predict light curves. The simulations are also the subject of a Living Review by Faber and did not include nucleosynthesis, but assumed the solar r- Rasio [541]. Techniques for constructing initial data are process pattern. They find that black hole-neutron star described in the review by Tichy [542]. Readers can find kilonovae can often appear as bright or brighter than neu- in these sources a more detailed presentation of the large tron star-neutron star kilonovae, because the former can subject of compact neutron star–neutron star binaries. produce more ejecta, and that the former will tend to Simulations of neutron star–neutron star binary merg- be bluer than the latter. The same group applied these ers were first undertaken in Newtonian physics with 33 mostly simple polytropic equations of state. Nakamura and later numerical relativity simulations have found re- and Oohara in a series of papers performed the first neu- sults reasonably close to the earlier Newtonian studies. tron star–neutron star binary merger simulations using Neutron star–neutron star mergers in full numerical finite differencing [543–546]. SPH simulations were per- relativity were first carried out by Shibata and Uryu at formed by Rasio and Shapiro [547, 548]. Further simu- the turn of the century [115, 571, 572]. These initial lations of both types followed [549–551]. Gravitational simulations modeled the neutron stars as Γ = 2 poly- waves had to be studied in the quadrupole approxima- tropes. Their most significant discovery was that the tion, and the possibility of black hole formation could remnant does collapse to a black hole, but only if its not be addressed. However, these Newtonian simula- mass exceeds a certain threshold. Less massive systems tions showed some features that would be confirmed by form dynamically stable differentially rotating neutron numerical relativity simulations: the stars merge into a star remnants (which in some cases are hypermassive). massive remnant rotating rapidly and differentially, and Other groups added AMR [51] and high-resolution shock- for stiff EoS the remnant is subject to bar mode defor- capturing techniques [573]. Binary polytrope simulations mations, leading to a sustained post-merger gravitational with other sophisticated numerical relativity codes fol- wave signal. lowed (BAM [574], WhiskyTHC [119], SpEC [365]). All Post-Newtonian simulations were the next logical step. found similar results. As the next step in microphysi- The first such simulation was carried out using smoothed cal realism, Shibata and collaborators tried cold nuclear- particle hydrodynamics by Ayal et al. [552]. Unfor- theory based EoS (augmented with a Gamma-law ther- tunately the 1 post-Newtonian-order terms are not al- mal component to capture shock heating) [575], confirm- ways small compared to Newtonian terms, indicating ing the possibility of nonaxisymmetric post-merger struc- that truncating at this level is not a valid approximation, ture. Since then, the piecewise-polytrope parameteriza- and post-Newtonian studies sometimes resorted to arti- tion has often been used to systematically vary the cold ficially reducing the post-Newtonian terms (e.g. [553]). EoS, or even just as a cheap way to approximate a given The next advance was to the conformally flat approxi- cold EoS [576–579]. mation to general relativity. Here surprises seemed to With the introduction of moving punctures, Baiotti et arise when Wilson, Mathews, and Marronetti [554, 555] al. [573] Kiuchi et al. [580] revisited neutron star–neutron reported the neutron stars in their simulations collaps- star binary mergers with various EoS, following high- ing individually to black holes before merging. However, mass cases beyond black hole formation to measure the they used an EoS with fairly low neutron star maximum post-collapse black hole and disk properties. For the mass and were found to have an error in one of their APR EoS, equal-mass binaries with prompt black-hole −4 equations [556]. Pre-merger collapse is no longer consid- formation leave very little torus mass ( 10 M ), but −2 ∼ ered likely, but the conformal flatness approximation has about 10 M disks remain for binaries with mass ratio turned out to be a useful and reliable tool for neutron around 0.8. Rezzolla et al. [581, 582] have produced ana- star–neutron star binary modeling (e.g. [557–559]). lytic fitting formulae relating post-collapse torus mass to Parallel to efforts toward incorporating relativity were the pre-merger binary parameters. efforts to include realistic microphysics in Newtonian sim- ulations. Grid-based simulations by Ruffert et al. [560– 562] and SPH simulations by Rosswog et al. [563–565] 2. Post-merger evolution: neutrinos, ejecta, MHD began the use of finite-temperature equations of state and inclusion of neutrino effects (in a leakage approxi- Now the main challenge was not metric evolution but mation) for neutron star–neutron star binaries. These microphysics. After two neutron stars merge, ther- simulations highlighted the potential of neutron star– mal, neutrino, and magnetic effects become important. neutron star binary mergers as GRB central engines. The Numerical relativity simulations with finite-temperature study of neutron star–neutron star binary mergers with EoS and neutrino leakage were carried out by Sekiguchi et finite-temperature EoS was continued in conformally flat al. [132, 583] for the stiff Shen EoS and a hyperonic EoS. gravity by Oechslin et al. [559]. Neutrino absorption A survey of neutron star–neutron star binary mergers effects were studied in Newtonian physics using flux- with a large number of finite-temperature EoS has since limited diffusion by Dessart et al. [566] and through ray been performed (in conformally flat general relativity) by tracing and phenomenological extensions to leakage by Bauswein et al. [584]. Kastaun and Galeazzi [585] car- Perego et al. [567]. Using these very different methods, ried out a further set of mergers with finite-temperature both groups find strong neutrino-driven winds ejected EoS (LS220 and SHT) and studied the structure of from the merged remnant, winds that could play impor- the hypermassive remnants in detail. Contrary to the tant roles in generating r-process elements and kilonovae widespread presumption that hypermassive stars “cheat” and in baryon loading the environment of a potential the mass-shedding limit by having rapidly rotating cores GRB. with strong centrifugal support and more slowly rotat- Newtonian simulations were also able to investigate the ing envelopes, the authors find that their hypermas- ejecta and its potential for r-process nucleosynthesis be- sive remnants have slowly rotating (pressure-supported) fore the first numerical relativity simulations [568–570], cores and extended, quasi-Keplerian envelopes. Sim- 34 ulations of low-mass neutron star–neutron star binary mergers (i.e. with non-hypermassive remnants) by Kas- taun et al. [586] and Foucart et al. [587] show similar fea- tures. The composition of low-density regions and out- flows is strongly affected by neutrino absorption. To cap- ture these effects, numerical relativity simulations with energy-integrated M1 neutrino transport have been car- ried out by Wanajo et al. [139], Foucart et al. [587, 588], and Sekiguchi et al. [589]. A number of studies have focused particularly on the dynamical ejecta [577, 588–590], which, like black hole- neutron star ejecta, is potentially important for r-process nucleosynthesis and kilonovae, although there are two im- portant differences. Both come from the fact that dy- namical ejecta comes not only from the tidal tail, but also from the collision interface. Much of this mate- rial is polar, leading to the first major difference from black hole-neutron star ejecta: the distribution of ejecta is much more isotropic [591, 592]. It has even been sug- gested that the ejecta forms a cocoon around the central object that can collimate the GRB outflow [593]. Ad- ditional ejecta is released in the following milliseconds FIG. 20: Gravitational waveforms from a neutron as the hot remnant neutron star settles. These extra star–neutron star binary merger for two possible nuclear sources of early-time ejecta lead to a second difference equations of state. Top panel: evolution of h+ for from the black hole–neutron star binary case, namely representative binaries with the APR4 and GNH3 EoSs that ejecta can be hotter and more neutrino-processed. (dark-red and blue lines, respectively) for sources at a + − Due to n + e νe + p and νe + n p + e reactions, a polar distance of 50 Mpc. Bottom panel: spectral ⇒ ⇒ ˜ 1/2 portion of ejecta with Ye 0.3 0.4 can be created. The density 2h(f)f windowed after the merger for the ∼ − wide range of ejecta Ye can produce all three r-process two EoSs and sensitivity curves of Advanced LIGO peaks without the need for a subsequent disk wind [139]. (green line) and ET (light-blue line); the dotted lines Numerical relativity has also been used to study systems show the power in the inspiral, while the circles mark with pre-merger neutron spin [585, 594–597] and orbital the contact frequency. Reproduced with permission eccentricity [590, 596, 598, 599]. from [579]. MHD simulations of neutron star–neutron star binary mergers have struggled with the difficulty of resolving the MRI in high-density regions and, even more challeng- acteristic large-scale field structure appearing in many ing, the growth of the magnetic field in Kelvin-Helmholtz cases. For cases with black hole formation, these simu- vortices. Early studies [600–602] demonstrated the abil- lations did not observe polar magnetic jets, but Ruiz et ity of numerical relativity MHD codes to follow neutron al. [610] does see them for stronger seed fields (allowing star–neutron star binary mergers but could not resolve better MRI resolution) and longer integration times. these effects, although they could resolve the MRI in a post-collapse torus [603] and showed the possibility of jet formation from the black hole-torus system (leading per- 3. General relativistic effects: prompt collapse threshold haps to a short duration gamma ray burst). A series of and post-merger gravitational waves unprecedentedly high-resolution (as low as δx = 17.5m) by Kiuchi et al. [604, 605] succeeded in resolving these Having outlined the development of neutron star– effects well enough to demonstrate amplification of the neutron star binary merger simulations, we turn to their 3 average field by a factor of 10 , but even this is taken as findings concerning distinctly relativistic effects. The a lower limit. threshold mass Mth for prompt (i.e. on a dynami- Although this small-scale amplification cannot be ade- cal timescale) collapse after merger to a black hole is quately resolved, numerical relativity MHD studies con- found to be 30% to 70% above MTOVmax, depending tinue to study large-scale processes during merger. For on the EoS. Bauswein et al. find that Mth = (2.43 − example, a few studies investigate the difference in 3.38CTOVmax)MTOVmax to reasonable accuracy for all merger scenarios between ideal and resistive MHD [154, EoS studied, where CTOVmax is the compaction of the 156, 606]. Most recently, a series of papers beginning with TOV maximum mass configuration [584]. For neutron Endrizzi et al. [607–609] has surveyed binary properties, star–neutron star binary systems with mass below Mth, EoS, and seed field effects on magnetized neutron star– the massive (perhaps hypermassive) differentially rotat- neutron star binaries. Among their findings is a char- ing neutron star remnant is dynamically stable. 35

The remnant is formed with a strong quadrupolar dis- and turbulent motions triggered by the MRI, also re- tortion, emitting strong–and, what’s even better, EoS- distribute angular momentum outward [370]. If the core sensitive–gravitational waves [579, 591, 611, 612]. Recall depends on rotational support, any of these might trigger that the remnant is differentially rotating, so the overall collapse to a black hole-torus system. However, simula- rotating quadrupole in the matter profile is an m = 2 tions with finite-temperature nuclear EoS tend to find density mode, not solid body rotation. In fact, the mode thermally supported hypermassive remnants, so collapse angular frequency is close to, but slightly higher than, the of hypermassive remnants may be delayed until the neu- maximum angular frequency in the star, for reasons that trino cooling timescale, which would be of order sec- remain unclear [585, 587, 607]. This lack of a corotation onds [132, 620]. Winds driven by magnetic fields [621] radius rules out the possibility of a corotation shear in- or neutrinos [567] may carry off a small amount of mass −3 −2 stability in the m = 2 mode. The ` = 2, m = 1 mode has (10 –10 M ) and some angular momentum during lower frequency and in fact does grow from the corota- that time. Remnants that are merely supramassive can tion instability [596, 613, 614]. As shown in Fig. 20, the survive beyond this time and collapse much later from post-merger gravitational wave spectra show a few dis- angular momentum loss due to spindown. tinct sharp peaks. The strongest peak, at frequency often Direct modeling of this evolution is, for the time being, called f2 in the literature, comes from the fundamental out of reach, due to the multi-scale nature of the prob- m = 2 mode described above, having a gravitational wave lem. We have seen how small-scale growth of the MRI frequency between 2–3 kHz. For a wide range of EoS, f2 and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability currently frustrate nu- is an EoS-independent function of Rmax, the radius of a merical convergence, to which we add a general observa- nonrotating neutron star of the mass MTOVmax [611], or tion that in any high Reynolds-number, turbulent system to the radius at some other fiducial mass [591, 615]. Sim- one must resolve a certain inertial range to accurately es- ulations also consistently find a weaker signal at a lower timate mean stresses. Such difficulties are not distinctly frequency f1, usually in the range 1.2–2.5 kHz, which has relativistic; it is a triumph of sorts that numerical rela- been explained in terms of oscillations in the distance tivity now stumbles against the same challenges inherent between the two cores still distinct for a short time after in turbulence and dynamo modeling that would confront merger [573], as a spiral density wave [616], or as a cou- us in Newtonian physics. pling between radial and quadrupolar modes [612]. For Several numerical relativity groups have attempted nonlinear perturbations of this sort, these interpretations to capture unresolved transport processes using subgrid may not be mutually exclusive. For a wide range of EoS, models, i.e. by evolving the fluid at large scales while f1 seems to obey a universal relation to the average com- adding contributions to Tµν meant to represent averaged paction (or alternatively, the tidal deformability Λ) of the Reynolds and Maxwell stresses from unresolved veloc- premerger neutron stars [579, 617, 618]. Measuring these ity and magnetic field fluctuations. One simple choice is frequencies would significantly constrain the neutron star to model these transport processes as a viscosity. One EoS. Unfortunately, this would only be possible for close visc then adds a viscous stress term T µν = ησµν , where mergers (< 40 Mpc) with Advanced LIGO or with a next − σµν is the shear tensor associated with the 4-velocity generation gravitational wave observatory. uα, and η(ρ, T ) sets the strength of the viscosity. From One worry about the above studies is that they ignore αβ T ;β = 0, one obtains the relativistic Navier-Stokes magnetic field-related stresses. Simulations by Palen- equations. This was done in 2004 by Duez et al. [622], zuela et al. [619] with hot EoS, neutrino cooling, and who tracked the secular evolution of a set of hypermas- MHD included find that the large-scale magnetic fields sive Γ = 2 polytropes in 2D (axisymmetry) starting from (those resolved in global merger simulations) are too an initial differential rotation with the angular velocity weak to affect the post-merger waveform during the first about three times higher at the center than at the equa- 10 ms, even when Kelvin-Helmholtz amplification is in- tor. For high mass cases, the core undergoes dynami- cluded in an approximate way via subgrid modeling. As cal collapse when it loses sufficient angular momentum, we shall shortly see, the effects of subgrid-scale MHD leaving a black hole surrounded by a massive torus. For turbulence may be a different story. certain cases, viscous heating provides enough support to avert collapse, or rather to delay it for the cooling timescale. 4. Longer term evolution of remnants: subgrid scale A disadvantage of the Navier-Stokes equations is that modeling it results in a parabolic system that violates . A decade after Duez et al.’s work, Shibata et al. [623] The subsequent evolution of the remnant depends on returned to this problem, using a version of the Israel- secular processes that drive the star from one equilib- Stewart formalism for relativistic viscosity [624], which visc rium to another. During the first tens of milliseconds, hy- introduces an evolution equation for T µν and respects drodynamic torques redistribute angular momentum out- causality. Like in the earlier study, they evolve hypermas- ward while gravitational radiation drains the star’s total sive stars in 2D. A notable finding is that, for high vis- angular momentum [591]. On longer timescales of 101– cosities (roughly α ηΩ/P > 10−2, with Ω the angular 102 ms, magnetic processes, namely magnetic winding∼ frequency and P the∼ pressure), outflows driven by vis- 36 cous heating may be a major source of expelled matter, with outflow masses comparable to that of the dynamical ejecta. Both of the above simulations use artificial initial data. Recently, Radice [625] has performed neutron star– neutron star binary merger simulations using a subgrid turbulence model very similar to a viscosity. Because the cores of neutron star–neutron star binary remnants are slowly rotating, transport effects spin up the core but spin down the inner envelope, so that collapse can be delayed or accelerated, depending on the strength of the effective viscosity. Meanwhile, Shibata and Ki- uchi [626] find that the effect of viscosity (with a reason- able α 10−2) on nonaxisymmetric deformations is dra- ∼ matic, with these and their corresponding gravitational FIG. 21: A reproduction of Fig. 1 of Ref [11] courtesy of wave signals damping on a viscous timescale of around the authors. The figure shows the localization of the 5 ms. gravitational-wave, gamma-ray, and optical signals from Subscale effects can also affect the large-scale magnetic neutron star–neutron star binary merger GW170817. field (e.g. the “alpha effect” in dynamo theory). Giaco- The left panel shows 90% credible regions in the sky mazzo et al. [627] have taken a step to incorporate these from gravitational wave and gamma ray detections. On effects in numerical relativity, adding a subgrid EMF to the right are optical images after (top) and before the induction equation. The added term is designed to (bottom) the merger. grow the magnetic field to equipartition with the turbu- lent kinetic energy (meaning at least the largest eddies should be present on the grid), as predicted by local sim- comparing the observed phase evolution of the waveform ulations of small-scale dynamo action [628]. In simula- with post-Newtonian predictions. Another test consists et al. tions with this added term, Giacomazzo find that of comparing the inferred parameters of the merged bi- the field can quickly be amplified to magnetar levels. nary based on the inspiral and merger parts of the wave- Simulations with subgrid terms depend on the relia- form separately. A difference in the inferred parameters bility of the subgrid model, an assumption that cannot would then imply that the binary did not evolve accord- easily be relaxed, but they do allow long-term evolutions ing to the predictions of general relativity. In all cases, including effects that would otherwise be inaccessible. to the precision that current detectors can measure these effects, the data were consistent with the predictions of general relativity. VII. COMPARISON TO OBSERVATIONS

A. Gravitational wave astronomy B. GW170817: The age of multimessenger astronomy begins To date, the LIGO and Virgo collaborations have an- nounced five confirmed black hole binary merger obser- On August 17, 2017, LIGO-Virgo made the first grav- vations, GW150914 [4], GW151226 [6], GW170104 [7], itational wave detection of a late-inspiral neutron star– GW170608 [8], and GW170814 [9], as well as a potential neutron star binary system, labeled GW170817 [10] The sixth, LVT151012 [629]. The observed progenitor black- identification as an neutron star–neutron star binary sys- hole masses ranged from 7M to 36M , the mass ratios tem could be made from the masses of the binary com- ranged from 0.53 to 0.83, and the final merged black hole ponents, which from the waveform were estimated to be masses ranged from 18M to 62M . in the range 1.17-1.60M , with a total mass of Mtotal = 17 There has been a wealth of new information gleaned 2.73–2.78M and mass ratio in the range 0.7–1 . As from these events. Perhaps most importantly, a ma- jor prediction of general relativity in the strong-field regime was confirmed: black holes, or at least ex- tremely compact objects much more massive than the 17 The exact allowed range of masses depends on whether one al- maximum neutron star mass, exist, form binaries, and lows the possibility of large binary component spins. If spins are merge through the emission of gravitational waves [4, 5]. assumed to be not larger than those observed Galactic binary As mentioned above, the observed merger waveforms neutron stars, the component masses are inferred to lie in the range 1.16–1.6M . Allowing for large spins, the range expands are consistent with the predictions of numerical relativ- to 1.00–1.89M [633]. The data itself does not, at the time of ity [281, 314, 630, 631]. To date, there have been several writing, exclude the possibility that one component was a black published tests of general relativity using the observed hole, but known black hole formation scenarios would not pro- waveforms [7–9, 629, 632]. One such test consists of duce black holes of such low mass. 37 with the first black hole–black hole binary detection, na- collapse and small disk led Bauswein et al [640] to set ture was unexpectedly kind, supplying an neutron star– a lower limit on the radius of a 1.6M neutron star of neutron star binary merger at a quite close luminosity 10.6 km and Radice et al. [639] to place a lower limit on distance of 40Mpc. Tidal effects were not seen in the the tidal deformability of Λ > 400, both based on nu- waveform, leading to a maximum tidal deformability of merical relativity neutron star–neutron star binary sim- Λ < 800 at 90% confidence. A short gamma ray burst, ulations with a variety of realistic EoS. GRB 170817A, was detected by the Fermi Gamma-ray Next, we may ask whether the remnant was above or Burst Monitor at a time 1.7 s after the GW170817 merger below the supramassive-hypermassive cutoff mass. (See time in a region of the sky consistent with LIGO-Virgo’s Section I D above.) Arguments have been made to the 31 deg2 localization. A bright optical/infrared/UV tran- effect that the remnant must have suffered delayed col- sient was identified about half a day later and labeled lapse, meaning that it was above this mass. First, a long- AT2017gfo, followed by X-ray and radio signals in the lived magnetar would have released energy via dipole ra- coming weeks [11]. diation at L 1050erg s−1 (B/1015G)2, which would ∼ The GRB was unusually dim (isotropic) luminosity accelerate the ejecta to v c and produce bright emis- ≈ L 1047erg s−1, perhaps due to some combination of be- sions not matching observations [641]. Second, the col- ing∼ seen off-axis and various forms of interaction between lapse to a black hole with disk may be needed to explain the jet and enveloping matter ejected during merger. the GRB. The supramassive mass limit is related to the Comparisons to numerical relativity results have mostly TOV mass limit; the former is about 20% larger than focused on the optical and infrared AT2017gfo signal, the latter. (Note, though, that thermal effects effectively which strongly resembles an anticipated kilonova signal. alter the EoS and hence the supramassive limit, an addi- Recall that, for the v 0.1c outflows expected from tional source of uncertainty.) Reasoning of this sort has neutron star–neutron star∼ binary mergers, neutron-rich been used in several papers [641] to set an upper limit Ye < 0.25 outflow will synthesize lanthanide elements, to the neutron star maximum mass in the range 2.16– have high opacity, and is expected to peak after a week 2.28M [641, 642]. in the near infrared. Less neutron-rich outflow (perhaps Finally, there may be clues in the presence of the blue made so by neutrino processing) will have lower opacity kilonova. Shibata et al. [638] compare merger simula- and is expected to peak after about a day in optical wave- tions with the stiff DD2 EoS with those of the soft SFHo lengths. AT2017gfo showed signs of both signals, an early EoS, combining 3D merger simulations with 2D viscous UV-blue signal with a near-IR tail [634], which can nat- simulations of the subsequent s of secular evolution, ∼ urally be explained if outflows of both kinds are present, with neutrino transport included in both. SFHo has a and the high opacity material doesn’t completely occult lower maximum mass and so predicts prompt collapse, the low opacity material. Kilonova models can accom- while DD2 results in a long-lived stellar remnant. Vis- modate the observed model with two components to the cosity drives ejecta from both the hypermassive remnant ejecta: a M = 0.01M , v = 0.3c lanthanide-poor ejecta (for DD2) and the disk. However, a long-lived remnant for the “blue” component and a M = 0.04M , v = 0.1c seems to be necessary to provide the neutrino irradiation lanthanide-rich ejecta for the “red” component [635–637]. needed for a high-Ye outflow component that produces These numbers can be rather directly compared to nu- the blue kilonova. Once again, the kilonova combined merical predictions. A first conclusion is that dynamical with numerical relativity constrains the EoS generally in ejecta from tidal forces and the collision shock are inad- the direction of excluding soft EoS. However, the EoS- equate. For the range of realistic EoS, the total dynami- related parameter to which the neutron star–neutron star cal ejecta mass does not exceed about 0.02M [638, 639]. binary outcome is most sensitive is the maximum mass. More ejecta can be produced by outflows from the stel- lar remnant or surrounding accretion disk. Numerical relativity has already told us something interesting: the VIII. CONCLUSION merged object must be of a kind to give such outflows. Next, numerical relativity provides another crucial The birth of gravitational wave astronomy presents a piece of information. If the remnant collapses promptly, remarkable story of long-term planning and investment, it will leave a black hole and very low-mass disk, lower with numerical relativity being only one of the fields than the remaining mass that needs to be ejected. (A built up largely in anticipation of discoveries known to warning is in order here. If the binary was very asym- be decades away. The investment of time, money, and metric, of the order q 0.7, it may be possible to get careers has now been vindicated. Although it is more massive disks even in a≈ high-mass, prompt-collapse sce- broadly useful, the majority of effort in numerical relativ- nario. The inferences below mostly assume that this was ity has been devoted where it was needed by LIGO-Virgo, not the case.) Therefore, it is surmised that the remnant to the three types of compact object binaries. For each did not promptly collapse. This means the binary’s mass, type, numerical relativity has established some definite which we know, is below the threshold mass for prompt results that are beyond the reach of Newtonian physics collapse, which is loosely connected to the neutron star or perturbation theory: the possibility of super-kicks in maximum mass. Alternatively, the need to avoid prompt black hole–black hole binary mergers and the threshold 38 mass for prompt collapse in neutron star–neutron star gravity have already been carried out. Neutron star sys- binary merger, to name just two. The study of these sys- tems are “messier”, with EoS uncertainties mixing with tems is not yet finished. Of the three system types, the gravitational uncertainties, but at least in scalar-tensor simulation of black hole–black hole binaries is the most theories, they also allow distinct signatures if the neutron mature, but here also the binary parameter space is most star undergoes spontaneous scalarization [646], so these intimidating, and the application of numerical relativity systems may be useful gravity test probes as well. to devising templates for the full 7D space is ongoing When all else is done, numerical relativity results leave work. Neutron star–neutron star and black hole–neutron us with a problem of their own, the problem of their in- star binary simulations are less accurate, and their ability terpretation. The asymptotic gravitational wave output to capture the multi-scale magnetic and neutrino effects is gauge invariant, but the dynamics of the interior is of the post-merger evolution might not even be qualita- encoded in tensor functions on grids in an evolved coor- tively adequate. dinate system. It is actually remarkable that the movies However, even where numerical relativity simulations numerical relativists produce of our mergers look so qual- of black hole–neutron star binary and neutron star– itatively reasonable, an artifact of gauges designed to neutron star binary mergers are inadequate, there is no minimize unnecessary coordinate dynamics. When one longer anything distinctively relativistic about the prob- wants to know something concrete about the strong-field lems. Newtonian simulations of neutron star–neutron region, the difficulty of disentangling coordinate effects star binary mergers are no more advanced; they face becomes acute. Even to prove that the result of a black all the same difficulties. In fact, Newtonian simulations hole–black hole binary merger settles to a Kerr spacetime of these systems are becoming less common. Since it is a surprisingly intricate affair [647]. Apparent horizons is not much more difficult, why not just work in gen- are foliation-dependent. Event horizons are not, but even eral relativity? With the advent of open-source, publicly they will be visualized on some arbitrary coordinate sys- available numerical relativity codes such as the Einstein tem. Ray tracing can be used to reconstruct what a Toolkit [42, 146], the barrier to an interested astrophysi- nearby observer would actually see from a black hole– cist doing numerical relativity work has never been lower. black hole binary merger [648]. To try to give some in- This is for the best. One could say that the goal of nu- tuition for the physics of the merger, Nichols et al. [649] merical relativity all along has been to abolish itself as have proposed plotting (gauge-dependent) field lines to a distinct subfield, to make solving the Einsteins equa- illustrate the local tidal stretches and twists. The chal- tions as routine as solving Poisson’s equation, and thus lenge of making sense of a background-independent field to dissolve into computational astrophysics. theory extends more widely in theoretical physics, but it And yet, numerical relativity will also remain as a tool confronts us in a particularly concrete form in numerical for addressing questions in gravitational physics. Numer- relativity. ical experiments are used to investigate features of black hole physics such as cosmic censorship and the generic structure of spacetime singularities [643]. Perhaps more important, as gravitational wave detections grow in num- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ber and accuracy, numerical relativity will aid in test- ing alternative theories of gravity. Ultimately, to test general relativity (and–dare we hope?–supersede it), we We thank John Baker, Andreas Bauswein, Manuela will need to compare general relativity predictions, say Campanelli, Koutarou Kyutoku, Carlos Lousto, Richard of black hole–black hole binary mergers, with more gen- O’Shaughnessy, Frans Pretorius, , and eral possibilities, to identify the signatures of new physics Masaru Shibata for careful reading of this manuscript. that cannot be reproduced in general relativity by tin- We thank the referees and the editorial board mem- kering with parameters in the vast 7D black hole–black ber for their many helpful suggestions. MD grate- hole binary parameter space. A systematic generaliza- fully acknowledge the NSF for financial support from tion of general relativity (analogous to the parameter- Grant PHY-1806207. YZ gratefully acknowledge the ized post-Newtonian formalism) does not exist, and any NSF for financial support from Grants No. PHY-1607520, generalization will expand an already prohibitive param- No. PHY-1707946, No. OAC-1811228, No. ACI-1550436, eter space. Nevertheless, exploratory simulations using No. OCI-1515969, No. AST-1516150, No. ACI-1516125, scalar-tensor [644] and Chern-Simons [645] theories of and No. AST-1028087.

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