Dubrovnik Annals 19 (2015): pp. 7-56 7 Original paper UDC: 327(497.5 Dubrovnik)“16” 94(497.5 Dubrovnik)“16” VENICE AND DUBROVNIK DURING THE GREAT EARTHQUAKE OF 1667* LOVRO KUNČEVIĆ AND DOMAGOJ MADUNIĆ ABSTRACT: The article examines the Venetian-Ragusan relations during one of the most dramatic moments in Dubrovnik’s history―the first few weeks after the Great Earthquake of 1667. This large-scale crisis which not only destroyed the city physically, but also its socio-political order, had a profound impact on the relations between the two Adriatic republics. Starting from the assumption that the situations of crisis allow a privileged insight into the nature of historical phenomena, this text centres on the microfactography of this dramatic period. On the one hand, it reconstructs various diplomatic contacts, speculations and plans in Venice itself, among which the most intriguing was the initiative for the union between the two republics and their patriciates. On the other hand, the article traces the situation in the surroundings of Dubrovnik, where general governor Cornaro made recurrent attempts at pressuring the remaining nobility into aggregation with the Most Serene Republic. Keywords: Venice, Ragusa (Dubrovnik), earthquake, 1667, diplomacy, Caterino Cornaro, Miho Sorgo Bobali, Frano Bobali * This work has been fully supported by the Croatian Science Foundation, under the project number 5106. Lovro Kunčević, member of the Institute for Historical Sciences of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Dubrovnik. Address: Zavod za povijesne znanosti HAZU u Dubrovniku, Lapadska obala 6, 20 000 Dubrovnik, Croatia. E-mail:
[email protected] Domagoj Madunić, historian.