Seats and Saddles : Bits and Bitting, Draught And
Seats and Saddles MAJOR DWYER §l.-<^'^ I I. JOHNA.SEAVERNS Hi ''if--' ^^^?h TUFTS UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIII 3 9090 014 550 434 .ft' mm ^m ?4'-.':^^^ a-p-/ Veterinary MediCMfif yu^KitterFamiiv Librai^ of Tufts Unixyersity 200 West^oro Road ^_ 01536^ North Grafton, MA ::: p- : SEATS AND SADDLES BITS AND BITTING DRAUGHT AND HARNESS AND THE PREVENTION AND CURE OF RESTIVENESS IN HORSES BY FRANCIS DWYER MAJOR OF HUSSA.RS IN THE IMPERIAL AUSTRIAN SERVICE Yis consili expers mole rnit sua," —Horace, CarvUn, Lib. III. Ode vi. THE THIRD IMPROVED AND ENLARGED EDITION LONDON W. B. WHITTINGHAM & CO., 91, GRACECHURCH STREET. All Eiglits reserved. 01SC \-irR HIS SERENE HIGHNESS FlUNCIS PAUL CHAKLES LOUIS ALEXANDEE, DUKE OF TECK, THIS BOOK IS BY PERJIISSTON DEDICATED, IN GRATEFUL A C K X Vv^ L E D G M E N T OF MANY KINDNESSES SHO^VN TO HIS SERENE HIGHNESS's MOST OBEDIENT SERVANT, THE A U T H R. ; PREFACE TO THIRD EDITION. The second edition of this book having been ex- hausted for some time, and the public still con- tmuing to ask for copies, a third edition lias been prepared. In Part I., chapter II., some additional remarks are offered on the subject of the crupper for cavalry saddles. In Part II., chapter I., the author enters a protest against the notion of his having ever advocated any one shape or size of bit as being universally applicable. In Part III., chapter III, Fehrmann's Horse-saver (Fferde Shconer) is described, and its use explained. There are also some remarks on brakes, on the disadvan- age of depending on the crupper in draught, for mares or horses inclined to kick; on long breechings, and on the uses and abuses of the bearing-rein the latter arising from its being employed to make a display, the former being however very real, if properly understood and carried out.
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