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95 Ina Course THE AHOY The Journal of the Indian Naval Academy An Imprint of Print Express 44/1469A, Asoka Road Kaloor, Cochin - 682 017 [email protected] First Published by the Indian Naval Academy All rights reserved Artwork, Layout and Image Processing - Arun Kumar P N, Predeep Thomas Printed at Print Express, Kaloor, Cochin Print Order Number Commissioning Parchment K\LVEHLQJDQ2IÀFHULQWKH$UPHG)RUFHV W FRQVLGHUHG D VROHPQ UHVSRQVLELOLW\ DQG QRW PHUHO\ D MRE RQH PLJKW ZRQGHU +HUH ZH WHOO\RXDOOZK\ $QLQGLYLGXDODIWHUWKHFRPSOHWLRQRIKLV WUDLQLQJ UHFHLYHV WKH 3UHVLGHQW·V &RPPLVVLRQ 1RRQHOHVVHUWKDQWKH6XSUHPH&RPPDQGHURI WKH$UPHG)RUFHVRIWKH8QLRQRI,QGLDVLJQVWKH &RPPLVVLRQLQJ &HUWLÀFDWH ZKLFK HQFRPSDVVHV WKHJLVWRIZKDWLWLVWREHDQ2IÀFHUDQGEHDU $UPV RQ EHKDOI RI WKH 8QLRQ RI ,QGLD 7KH 3UHVLGHQW¶UHSRVHVVSHFLDOWUXVWDQGFRQÀGHQFH· LQ HDFK DQG HYHU\ 2IÀFHU·V ¶ÀGHOLW\ FRXUDJH DQG JRRG FRQGXFW· 7KHVH DUH VROHPQ ZRUGV )LGHOLW\ PHDQV IDLWKIXOQHVV ² DQG WKH TXDOLW\ RI EHLQJ WUXVWZRUWK\ &RXUDJH HQFRPSDVVHV ERWKWKHSK\VLFDODQGPRUDOGLPHQVLRQWRGR ZKDW LV ULJKW DQG UHVLVW WKH KDUG WXJ RI WKH ¶HDVLHU ZURQJ· DQG *RRG &RQGXFW YDJXH DQG DOOHQFRPSDVVLQJWKRXJKLWPD\VRXQGOLWHUDOO\ PHDQVWRFRQGXFWRQHVHOILQDPDQQHUEHÀWWLQJ WKH 8QLIRUP DQG WKH VROHPQ WUXVW ZKLFK KDV EHHQUHSRVHGRQWKHLQGLYLGXDO ,QHIIHFWDOOWKUHHDUHLQWHUOLQNHG:KHQDQ LQGLYLGXDOFDUHIXOO\DQGGLOLJHQWO\GLVFKDUJHVKLV GXWLHVLVHWKLFDOO\DQGSURIHVVLRQDOO\FRPSHWHQW FDQ EH WUXVWHG ² DQG DQ DPDOJDPDWLRQ RI WKH WZR²ÀGHOLW\DQGFRXUDJH²JLYHVULVHWR*RRG &RQGXFW ,W LV HYHU\ 2IÀFHU·V UHVSRQVLELOLW\ WR OLYH XSWRWKHVHWHQHWV7KHODVWOLQHLVVRYHU\WHOOLQJ LQWKLVUHJDUG,WUHDGV¶,GRKHUHE\FKDUJHDQG FRPPDQG WKH RIÀFHUV DQG PHQ VXERUGLQDWH WR \RXWRFRQGXFWWKHPVHOYHVZLWKDOOWKHUHVSHFW DQGREHGLHQFHWR\RXDVWKHLUVXSHULRURIÀFHU·² WKHUHE\SXWWLQJWRZRUGVZKDWLVDWWKHKHDUWRI (WKLFDO0LOLWDU\/HDGHUVKLS²WR/HDGE\2QH·V 3HUVRQDO([DPSOH 2DWKRI$OOHJLDQFH KH3URIHVVLRQRI$UPVLVQRWDMRE,WLVDQREOHFDOOLQJ7KHWUDLQHHVRQFRPSOHWLQJWKHLUWUDLQLQJWDNHWKH2DWKRI 7 $OOHJLDQFH,IWKH&RPPLVVLRQLQJ3DUFKPHQWJUDQWVDQ2IÀFHUWKHPRUDODQGOHJDOVDQFWLW\WRH[HUFLVHWKHDXWKRULW\ YHVWHGXSRQKLPKHUE\WKH6XSUHPH&RPPDQGHURUD6XSHULRU2IÀFHUWKHQWKH2DWKRI$OOHJLDQFHGHOLQHDWHVWKHOLPLWV DQGVFRSHRIWKDWDXWKRULW\$WWKHKHDUWRIWKH2DWKOLHVWKHFRQFHSWRIXQOLPLWHGOLDELOLW\WKDWLVLQFXPEHQWXSRQWKH 2IÀFHULQWKHGLVFKDUJHRIKLVGXWLHVIRULWLVWREHXQGHUVWRRGWKDWWKH0LOLWDU\3URIHVVLRQFDQEHTXLWHFKDOOHQJLQJDQG WKHH[SHFWDWLRQVIURPDQ2IÀFHUHYHUFRPSHOOLQJ $Q2IÀFHULVWUDLQHGWRWDNHGHFLVLRQVLQLPPHQVHO\VWUHVVIXOVLWXDWLRQVEXWKHVKHPXVWDOVREHWUDLQHGWRQRW EHEUXWDOZKLOHKHVKHPXVWEHDGHSWLQUHDFWLQJLQFRPEDWVLWXDWLRQVDOPRVWDXWRPDWLFDOO\OHVWKHVLWDWLRQEHIDWDO RUKDUPIXOWRWKHPLVVLRQEXWWKH\PXVWDOVREHDEOHWRGHOLEHUDWHUHDVRQDQGGHFLGHLIDFRPPDQGLVXQODZIXOZKLOH WKH\PXVWEHLPSDUWLDOWKH\PXVWDOVRNQRZULJKWIURPZURQJDQGWREHÀUPO\FRPPLWWHGWRWKHHWKLFDOSXUVXLWRIWKHLU PLVVLRQ 7KH2DWKRI$OOHJLDQFHWKHQEULQJVWRIRUHDQGDPDOJDPDWHVWKHIXQGDPHQWDOH[SHFWDWLRQVIURPDQ2IÀFHU²D GHHSVHQVHRIGXW\XQTXHVWLRQLQJOR\DOW\WR6XSUHPH&RPPDQGHUDQGWRWKH6XSHULRU2IÀFHUKRQHVW\DQGPRUDOFRXUDJH DQGDVHQVHRIKRQRXULQRQH·VFDOOLQJ²WRDOORIWKHVHDQGPRUHGRHVHDFKDQGHYHU\2IÀFHU¶VROHPQO\DIÀUP·WRXSKROG HYHQXQWRWKHSHULORIKLVKHUOLIH 6 THE AHOY - AUTUMN TERM 2018 INDIAN NAVAL ACADEMY INA PRAYER Oh God, help me through this day, in work and play to keep myself Physically strong, mentally alert and morally straight. Reinforce my quest for knowledge, integrity and leadership. Help me uphold the honour and dignity of the Academy and the officer corps. Kindle in me the loyalty to the principles of the academy that places all issues above Personal considerations and eschew any compromise with vice and injustice. Guide me to live my life to the fullest in realization of my true self; to always measure up to the high ideals of my chosen profession of arms. Inspire in me to triumph as a considerate victor in every game of life, be it mere sports or life’s higher struggles and help me sight opportunities even in the failure. Give me the physical strength for those who need protection, strength of character to lead the men I have the honour and privilege to command, to be concerned for those who have led their faith in me. Let me know no fear when truth and right are in peril. Imbibe in me the courage to suppress all seeds of cowardice and fear in my heart. The courage to face and overcome my own doubts and prejudices; the fortitude to defend the right and shun the wrong. Grant me the courage for honest dealing and clean thinking to spurn hypocrisy and all pretense. And above all the courage to preserve the honour and dignity of my country against external aggression and internal disorder, even to the peril of my life. THE AHOY - AUTUMN TERM 2018 INDIAN NAVAL ACADEMY 7 THE HONOUR CODE As a cadet of the Indian Naval Academy, I Īŏðŏą¹ð·ŏ·ÕÏ¥êðċĬŏ¹Ïð¥³æ¹ðċŏÏ¡ŏæ¥êã¥ðŏ²Õæ others with the highest standards of moral and ethical values. ĪŏÕŏÏÕðŏɹ¥Ĭŏ·¥ðĬŏêð¥ÉŏÕæŏêÉÏ¡¥æŏÏÕæŏ tolerate those who do. ĪŏÕŏÏÕðŏ¥Ï³³¥ŏ¹ÏŏÏċŏð¹Ą¹ðċŏð·ðŏą¹ÉÉŏ unfairly improve my results or dishonestly improve or hurt the results of others in all aspects of training including academic work. ĪŏÎŏÕõÏ¡ŏðÕŏæ¥ãÕæðŏÏċŏ楷ŏð·ðŏÕÎ¥êŏ to my attention. ĪŏÕŏÏÕðŏÕõÏð¥ÏÏ¥ŏċŏ¹Ïð¹ÕÏŏÏċŏ·ÕÏÕõæŏ violation; if were to, I become a party to such violation and find myself as guilty as the original violator. Īŏ/Ą¥ŏêąÕæÏŏðÕŏ¡Õŏð·¥ŏŌ[¹³·ðŏd·¹Ï³ōĬŏ always, and live with Honour, Courage and Commitment. 12 24 Commandant’s Message My Favourite Naval Hero A Spring of Scaling - Bridging Remaining Gaps - 14 From Dep Com’s Desk A Decisive Term - Charting a New Course - - 16 25 Principal’s Review Midshipmen Stripe Shipping Striving for Excellence Through All Round Development - - 27 18 My Parting Words to Juniors Before Passing Out Chief Editor’s Note - No one can step in the same river twice 28 - - 20 Training to Transform Our Salute to Kerala 28 - INA Rides to Glory The Spectre of Natural Disasters: Kerala and the Great Deluge 33 - What Kind Of An Officer I Aspire To Be ? - 35 - Expectations Of A Cadet From His Instructors Index 22 36 - Camp Varuna & Samudramanthan Remembering Our Heroes Ode to a legend... 38 - Camp Rookie & Barracuda 42 - Teatime Chat 10 10 THE AHOY - AUTUMN TERM 2018 INDIAN NAVAL ACADEMY 10 Out Door Training 78 - The Admiral’s Cup Sailing 92 46 - Inter Squadron Drill Competition Regatta 2018 80 - Delegates from Britannia Royal Azimuth Naval College When Sea Warriors Stormed the Stage 82 - Delegates of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) - 48 - Inter Squadron Games 84 - Casting Off From Tabs to Stripes 60 - Inter Squadron Debate Competition 95 Outdoor Training Display - 96 Antim Pag - The Final Step - Inter Squadron Declamation, Public Speaking and Quiz 86 - INA Ball Nothing Like A Pair 76 - Independence Day 105 ACC Speak - 108 Rogues Gallery 110 - Midshipmen 95 INAC 123 - Achiever Squadron 125 - Braveheart Squadron INA Shining - 128 - Cheetah Squadron - 131 - Daredevil Squadron 88 133 - Eagle Squadron 78 Convocation Ceremony 136 - Fighter Squadron Friendship Beyond Horizon - 154 Hindi Section - 156 Master Chief Speaketh THE AHOY - AUTUMN TERM 2018 INDIAN NAVAL ACADEMY 11 A Spring of Scaling Bridging Remaining Gaps t gives me great pleasure to pen this message for the Ahoy magazine of Autumn Term 18. I have now Ispent two terms here at the academy and I have been impressed and heartened by what I have seen. The INA is today an institution we all can be proud of and this is clearly reflected in the eyes of the trainees passing out, when they take their parents and guardians around the academy. The INA is the single point of entry for all young men and women aspiring to join the Indian Navy as officers. The transformation wrought by the Academy is profound. In four years, potential officer candidates are transformed from boys to confident young men with a strong foundation of quality engineering education; who are physically fit, mentally alert, robust, resilient and fully imbued in the Navy’s core values of Duty, Honour and Courage: In short, promising officer material, who with further training would be capable of assuming junior leadership roles, and man the technology-intensive platforms of the Indian Navy. The transformation of the NOC trainees is no less momentous, especially considering the shorter time they spend here. Theirs is a steeper learning curve and they should be proud of the fact that they have coped successfully with the concentrated dose imparted by the academy. Only when you look back will you realise how significant this transformation has been. While the flag ship course of the INA is the 4 year Indian Naval Academy Course with emphasis on the B Tech program, all other officer entry programs are brought together here, each with its specific requirement and desired end state. There is therefore, considerable variance in the type of training imparted to different courses but all have the singular aim of making each and every trainee a good officer, capable and fit for purpose. To enable you to put in perspective all that you have done at the Academy, I will highlight certain key aspects about the Indian Navy. It is a very potent force, counted one amongst the large and powerful navies of the world. Our force structure is centred on the Carrier Battle Group, which gives us immense combat potential, flexibility and sustainability. We have inducted new capabilities in recent years that have changed the way we operate at sea. Our primary role in peace time is to deter conflict; we deter because we are well equipped, well trained and have the resolve to wage and win wars. In recent years the Indian Navy has committed itself to be the net security provider in the Indian Ocean Region
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