The Guardian, April 21, 1999

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The Guardian, April 21, 1999 Wright State University CORE Scholar The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities 4-21-1999 The Guardian, April 21, 1999 Wright State University Student Body Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Mass Communication Commons Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1999). The Guardian, April 21, 1999. : Wright State University. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Sexual As^ Awareness - the male view p. 3 A CSPA Gold Medal Newspaper Issue No 24 Vol. 34 • Wednesday. April 21,1999 Would it kill us to be nice? SAAW aims to "Stop the Violence!" p.5 By CYNTHIA FITZGERALD line hung with approximately For The Guardian 100 shirts will be displayed on Cusack the Quad on May 6 from 10 Wright State's Fifth Annual a.m. to 4 p.m. In case of rain, shines in Sexual Assault Awareness the display will be moved to "Pushing Week will begin Monday. May the Atrium. Also, the last work- 3. The entire week will be filled shop for women who wish to Tin" with activities to promote make a T-shirt will be on May 4 star awareness and healing. "Stop 7 from 7 p.m. to 9p.m. in 025 the Violence - Violence Ef- Milieu Hall. review fects Everyone" is this year's The CP committee is also theme, and the goal of this week organizing the Take Back the p.9 is for everyone, male and fe- Night March which involves male. to realize they can be women walking throughout affected by the violence of WSU's campus at night. The sexual assault. Victims of march will begin on the Quad Record sexual assault are not just those at 8:00 p.m. on May 6. Posters "**hon Breakers at attacked, but also their moth- and signs will be made before ers, fathers, brothers, sisters, that at the Forest Lane Com- WSU munity Center beginning at Members of Student Life, from left to right, Jill Simon, friends and loved ones. Tracy Wiedemann and Amy Sues support SAAW.. The week long event begins 6:00 p.m. with "Barbie meets the Termi- The activities for this year's awareness, the SAAW is meant 2111, Center for Psychological nator." The Wright State Stu- SAAW arc a result of a cam- to provide information and sup- Services (937) 775-3407. dent Life is sponsoring this pus-wide effort. Many WSU port relating to sexual assault. Women's Center (937) 775- special presentation by Joseph organizations, including Pub- This is a year-round concern of 4524. and Greene County Vic- Weinberg on May 6 at 8 p.m. lic Safety, Resident Services, WSU's Coalition Against tim Witness (937) 376-5087. in 109 Oelman Hall. Weinberg the Women's Center, Women's Sexual Assault. CASA is an The Student Life Office ex- takes a serious, yet unorthodox Studies, and the Greek com- organization of groups that pro- pects this year's event to be an look at sexual assault, along munity. have worked together. vides sexual assault education enjoyable learning experience with sexuality from both the "This event is a good time and prevention to the WSU for the entire campus. male and female perspective. to make students aware of the community. The organization "It also allows us to have Other activities will include abu,'dance of resources avail- not only coordinates SAA dialogue on and challenge ex- the national display. The able to them." said Amy Sues, week, but also develops the isting societal attitudes for a Clothesline Project, which Assistant Director of Student Sexual Assault Policy for the healthier campus community." bears witness to violence Life. campus and presents various said Sues. against women. This clothes- Along with promoting educational urograms includ- For more information con- Tennis teams ing national and state speak- cerning the CP or TBTNM. call ers. Jenn Dunn at (937) 775-5569. also Nutter summer repairs There are several CASA Any question about SAAW or breaking groups available to anyone in Weinberg's presentation can be Nutter Center takes a time-out due to a leaky roofnee d of support or information, directed to the Student Life Of- like Student Life (937) 775- fice at (937) 775-5543. records, By KATHERINE L. "A lot of this is stili up in the air. 5543. Public Safety (937) 775- others on GUTWEIN Wc don't really have any specifics Assistant News Editor yet since the bids for project arc not their way in. When those comc back, which Wright State University'sErvin should be in the next couple weeks, FAST FACT J. Nutter Center will be closing for we'll have an idea of when things Sexual Assault Awareness Week several weeks over the summer for will get underway and about how " 84% gkftlf sexual assaults ara e committed by much needed roofing repairs. long it will take," said Sichl. "The roof has been leaking for The Nutter Center will see the an attuantanse of the victim some time, but in order to do re- repair get in the way of conducting * 5?°/i of al se&ial^f^iWs " a date pairs we will have to close the business, but Sichl docs not think it * Almost ha|f onha jrotfrts of i rape facility.The NutterCenterroofhas will be to a large degree. tolchgrolTg^the atfack. "Ft will have an impact on our a perforated deck and work would of girls cause debris, mainly dust, to fall business, but wc can't say how * By the^rrt^ffey enter coj^| inside." said John Sichl, director of much right now. We arc targeting and 18% of boys have e*4»«€ incest or the Nutter Center. this for a time when things arc other sexual assault. The project is anticipated to usually pretty slow so our schedule Most rape happens to women between the lake six to nine weeks and should should noi be greatly cffccied. of 15 and 25. begin in August. said Sichl. I mi eUAHOtAM WHWSfl* f. APHIl 28. 1939 More efficient notices from Dunbar Library WSU Sit 'Us, staff and faculty will receive notices through e-mail By Becky Ledirtv technology gives us the opportu- tion about library accounts arc For The Guardia: nity to expand the e-mail notice accessible from the "View Your Wright Slate studci., 'ac- service," said Sue Weldon, head Own Record" link found Campus Crime uity can now receive inlon. .lion of Information Delivery Services. through "Library Services/ about library borrowing status Hvcn people with off-campus Help" option on the LIBNET through their e-mail accounts. The e-mail accounts can benefit from web page (http:www. LARCENY/THEFT LIQUOR OFFENSES libraries now distribute notices this. The CaTS Help Desk in the Apr. 19: A Dayton resident Apr.21: A Forest Lane about overdue materials, recalls and basement of the library can pro- For more information, con- reported theft of a vehicle from resident was issued a citation the availability of materials for vide information on forwarding e- tact Dunbar Library Circula- Lot 4. for underage consumption and pick-up to students', faculties' and mail from i WSU account to their tion at 775-2525 or Fordham Apr. 19: A Fairborn resident having an open container. staffs' campus e-mail accounts. e-mail address. Library Circulation at 775- reported theft of a vehicle from Apr.23: Two Dayton resi- Materials can also IK- renewed The most up-to-date informa- 2003. Lot 4. dents were cited for having through this option. Apr.20: A Fairborn resident open containers in Lot 2. Notices for fines, bills and reported a theft in the Student Apr.23: A Fairborn resi- Ohiol.INK pick-up will still be Union. dent was issued a citation for delivered toevcryone's local mail- Apr.21: Two WSU employ- underage consumption and ing addresses, but making this in- ees reported theft in the Stu- having an open container. formation available through e- dent Union. OFFENSE OF THE PUB- matl will increase the delivery efti- Apr.22: A Fairborn resident LIC PEACE reported theft of personal prop- Apr.23: A Sycamore Hall "The biggest positive impact erty from a vehicle in Lot 12. resident reported telephone here is that students were not Apr.23: A theft was re- harassment. aware that the library was us ported from University Hall. ing campus mailboxes. Thi: Campus Calendar Wednesday, April 28 •Camp-out for • Noon Prayer, sponsored by • Delta Zeta meeting at 4 of the Student Union Dining • Applications are now Homelessness Awareness be- Campus Crusade for Christ, at p.m. in W156C Student Union. Room. available for Student Gov- ginning at midnight on the noon in 279 Millett Hall. • Delta Tau Delta meeting • Wright Outdoors meet- ernment cabinet positions for Quad. Beforehand there will be • Student Government meet- at 6:30 p.m. in E157 Student ing at 7 p.m. in VV025 Stu- the 1999-2000 sciiool year. an informal program held at 9 ing at 5 p.m. in E157 Student Union. dent Union. Anyone interested can pick p.m. in the first floor Pine Hall Union. • Beta Theta Pi meeting at 7 • "Tuesday Night Thing," up an application packet in lounge. Any questions can be • "God's Economy," a Bible p.m in W025 Student Union. sponsored by Baptist Colle- the SG office in W024 Stu- addressed to Meg at 775-6739 study sponsored by Life and • Beta Phi Omega meeting giate Ministries, at 7 p.m.
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