

A Plaint .—We am no! prana to | method of issuing hoods for railroad ADVERTISEMENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. John 8ttrk to. Esekisl Nile*. Dis­ " ' "TWf— . She Clinton £udfprodetit. continued without costs. •. v. wayf. M evn. cbawfobb oo Hi plain, aa a genera! thing, nor to | aid. They moat ha for ommo not leas PubUsbed every Wednesday, at Henry £nokey w. Wm. F. A Jas. K NEW QOODt BROWN k CRAWFORD, make known to tbo great public our j than $100 nor more than $1,000 aud TTORNBYtf AT LAW.—Will UMl to nay CiT. JOHNS, MICHIGAN. . . ■ | Petteya. Judgment for plaintiff for Mope of their pro- t nr •' < private grievances ; but when aggrava ­ mast not boar morn than 10 por oont ggyg 15 j, end oonveysnctng, m. win GEO. m. OOHBIT. tion reaches e oertain degree, itieneoes- interest. John M. Rom me ek al. os. Monet IhijMNMylaftuM. I , BY tbs dotrnee hi criminal ««•«. Ofloe eary to seek relief in eome manner; end Section 5 provides that these bonds Lomborgor. J udgment for plaintiff for . Hoard d lwt drug ito», Ithaca, Mteh wo cheese to cry aloud uoto tbe read ­ shall bo deposited with tho Steto Treat- 8451.64. NabaeHtvtlon, Ml 50 Par Year, Base in trrrot the railenail nnmntnt G«ylord WatOOn 01. LOTOMO O- Tilt- MLJONIITS’ DISPENSARY, ers of tbe J ndepsndbnt . The case is >nr, ID tro«t for th. railroad company. /adment for ptelntiffSr «108.84. po« ni inmaopATBiu trkatmkrt IN ADVANCE. f mi Otsttam .of the Xyr, Ear, Throat. Lunge thualy: W e hsve a house and two lots, all Seetion 8 fixe* the method of regie- j),Tid Purayth vt. Mery L. Baker, H mt\ pp| all Acute m6 Chronic functional ds Advertisements inserted at reasonable raise. gamfesnents Oftfce human system. Ofoeein Blekele JOB PRINTING our owq—it belongs to ys, in feet 1 It taring tho bonds, and of disposing of Judgment for plaintiff for $184.91. BImAl 9L JfiMi M|||| 1 • Of every description promptly and neatly ase- them for the benefit of the company,! Jaoob 8. Farrand ot. al. ot. Edwin ■WAUenlists«Mt tbo sick, In tbo village jar ■tried ,r is pleasantly located, too; end we have promptly responded to 42; tf no desire to leave it, but wo propooe to which is dons on tho presentation of a ^u<*8 0iea * ^or THORNTON'S FINE ART GALLERY. certificate from tbe Goremor of the * ' National Bank ee. B. W. plOTWUPHN loitfo and amall. and tn feet jCnal pattm. sell it to tho first mao who will buy.— BALE iA rnrrwsmuw varietyi mm iui / wiuf platerspwpiv made at the above Gai- Stats that the company has eompliad Boynton. Judgment for plaintiff for r — . *. .M.ii Particular attention ta The oaae is timely: Josiah Up too— anrjasab deelrod colored la eU, Wiitm.—A girl to do botwa work, wo call him that, because it is bis name with tho law. 1186.60. tnMrtriMNHMklak.«. Head of Clntcn Avenue, Pei JET III 1*1I* W. Tnoanvon, ArttoL in g family of two. Apply immediately —a clever man and worthy citisan, has Sections 7 and 8 provide that, in Wm- R. Sheldon, plaintiff in error at this offiod. been and gone' and oreoted a nuisance earn the tom or city Mb to pay the d«frnd.ntin error. AND 1. J, LIDDELL *. D., . . ^ *_v, , uertiorarL Judgment m court below Id AN ANDBUROKON, «t. Johns,lfleh. —we mean a barn, but it amount* to tho bond| or coupons, the county authori- reversed with costs. In C So tee Hail bulMiae,

*r shop to was obstinate. The best men iu town , over Jacob Brown ’s stove, (Hicks'new Meek) “ The Wild Man of the Foreet,” to­ Wwhere ho will aMond to Bna^. Bel*CuUlng a»| attempted to show him the unreason­ on that part of the line within the mn- Wm. MoGreger w. Wm. Smith et. Disastno BhiwinHr ~~ Dyeing. Rooms fitted gether with a hundred other nature uslasswuaat and comfortable manner. able folly of outraging public decency nicipality voting the bonds; and where al. J udgment for plaintiff for $211.62. ^B?WCrSaJioary«th,llW. l*jrl curioaitiea. Admiaaion 25 cento. and hia neighbor's feelings, but Josiah voted by a municipality on one side of F*ters vt. Geo. A. Webb. As AT . ARSTEY HOUSE, was deaf to their arguments and advioe the line of the rood, only whon the roed , J"J,trU1- *»**•»<»>» for nOQT of Clinton Ave^ HL John* Mich. n. w Whbw!—D uring tbe hot eeason r Walton, Proprietor. Tble taaNew Mouse, and And so the matter rests. We bavy no I. completed through the .djotn.ng Sylvcter Juoo ». I«.o K. Rice, ______the which is coming on, when the inner has hemifitted up wHh special reference to redress, no way to right our wrongs.— town; and when voted by a municipal- Judgment for plaintiff for $1,124.73. wants of Sm pOhOe. Stage ollee far lthaoa, Alma man needs refreshment, n call at Day asd flfe. Loom . But we can at least “ express our send ity more than six miles from tho road, Daniel R. Btrant et. al. vs. Chat. W. A. TEACHOUT’S. ton’e, Walker street west, for invigorat only when as mooh as twenty miles of 9*ds* Tried and hfld bJ oowrt for con k MEW HOOP SKIRT FACTORY. ments” and we propose to do so here­ 8t. JenM, April SI, ISOS. M. L W. THORNTON baa lately opened a ing drinks and delicious ice cream the railroad are completed from that 81 ®r* tlon* IK UbMiiu metory. where she msnufiectore the after in this regard as often as once MUntyTSbnSd IWnt Apron Hoop Skirt. Headwhich will renew the wilted frame. 4 ...... John A. Potter et. al. vs. James S. JOB of Ottnteu Avenue, Wet* side. ______2* :1y week. If we can ’t move that confound­ terminne neereet the municipality Toting 8b, w. Judgment for plaintiff for PaopgaaiONAL. —Dr. T. Cole, Phy­ bartow a cook , ed barn, we can at least move the pub­ the bonds. $176.33. Spring 8tyles fi TTORNEYS and OounaeUore at l.*w and 8oll- sician and Surgeon, wiafiee to atate to lic sympathies in our behalf. And we're Ssotion 10 extends tbe provisions of Philo Doty v*. William H. Moote.— A ettere la Chancery. Ale-sOolleeUng Agents, at* OF weetnhalla, Clinton County, Michigan- the public that he haa recently located going to do it. Yon bet.” the set to incorporate villages, and pro- for plaintiff $420.41. IBABTOW. [oSSl mutant cook . in 8t. Johns, and will attend to al Tide, that when eoch . r.lUge hu voted MooU. jud.me^ for pl>iotiff >162.0i. DRESS GOODS, G. W. TOPPING, 0. D., Lansing & Mackinac Railroad .— professional calls, day or night. Office aid, it shall not be liable for taxes for Mary H. iVade vs. Geo. Herindeen. Go to PHYSIC An important meeting in the interest of 4 reside over Well’a news depot the same object voted thereafter by the Appeal. Plaintiff non suited, fP-xil-antarainiCUm* attention given to surgical caeee. tidy I tbe proposed road from Lansing through A. TEACHOUT’S. township in which such village is situ- Alexander Acre et. al. Plaintiff in St Johns, April XL ISOS. Srif "MISCELLANEOUS. A uction Sai .b.—Messrs. H. k C. P. DeWitt, St. Johns, Ithaca, Alma, St, ated. | error v*. James Criffin. Defendant in |lOR A CABD. Lyon, four milea eaat of Maple Rapids, Louis, and otherfplaces, to ultimately RRP error. Judgment in court below re- Circuit Court .—-The April term of I versed with costs. Ransom Plumstead have sold, their farm with the view of reach tbe Straits of Mackinac, was held the Circuit Court closed on Saturday w. Austin Hamilton et. al. Judgment Spring Styles Michigan JExch ange. moving to Missouri, and will, on Satur in this village on the 15th instant. — Dbtsoit , February It, IS! last, Judge Lovell presiding. The fol- ^or for $119.42. OF This Hotel so long and favorably known to the day, 24th ioat., offer for aale at auction Delegates from all the counties on the traveling public, m being thoroughly lepalred and owing are the whole of the cases dis-1 chancery cases . put ta perfect order forbuslnees, and will continue their stock, implements, grain etc.— line, as well as others interested in pro­ HATS Sc 0-A.BS, to be kept la all Its appointment# aea Fir* Claes pgtad 0f. Pollv Ring rs. Dolls Bnrt et. al. — Hones. But to meet thewishes of our Mends and Here is a chance for some bargains. posed connections further south, were The People ». Wm. W. Hoynee— Fi"* “ “ecrf •«•!»•* Go to notroM, oar chargee will be reduced to fl M ptr > wm ------day, and the proprietors solicit the patronage ofalTt in attendance, and the best of feeling A. TEACHOUT’S. who wish to And a quiet and pleasant home while Episcopal Social .—The projected ^;r.Tui.V•nd-0tmc‘d prevailed. The meeting was presided to tbe State Prison for ons year. T . « n T u t\ BL Johns, April XI, 180S. Srif * A F. LYON. Proprietors. Episcopal Social will be held at the mi n i n 0-i iT * il John M. Csitow vs. John Doremus. over by Judge Boidcn, of Ohio, and The People«. Benj. S.l.bee^ Appe.1 Porclosure Decree. SELL YOLlt residence of Rev. S. S. Chapin, on T° KAT MARKET. Mr. Paldi, of this village, was secretary. from justice s court. Entered into M Wednesday evening, 28th inst. We B. F. Kneeland vs. Joshua Brown.— Resolutions declaring the views of the recognixonoe in the eon. of $200 for, lDjnllctioD. ArgnC(1 la>t u,ra . per. ECC8 A BUTTER, hope all who feel au interest in the appearance at the next term of oourt. . i . T . .. 6 . , people were passed, speeches were made, He People re. Well. Aldrich. In. I»J»»ct.0D grootod. Goto Thos. Anotey wellfare and prosperity of the society committees on subscriptions and cor­ feraotion for doing doty .. o*eer p^“ will be present, and make this occasion A. TEACHOUT’S. Takes this method of informing tbs piublie that respondence were appointed, and the without proper authority. Plead guiI- • ® 8t. Johns, April 21, IMS. . Rtf he b proposed to furnish Hotels, Board inug.bouses one of the moat beneficial of the season. ty, and lined $6. and private fomlUee with meeting adjourned to April 21st, at 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BUY Luther Rumsey v*. Amos Snyder.— T° Salt and Fresh Heats, Spring no longer “ lingers iu tho lap o'clock p. m., at whioh time the formal Appeal from justice’s coart, to recover GREAT Cut In shape to suit marchaeer*. I will pay the high of Winter,” but is now engaged in organisation of the company will be unpaid money. Judgement for plain ­ GOODS CHEAPER est asarfcet price for F \owls . The fact that 1 give ► making a magnificent drees for Mother effected. We hope to see a large at ­ tiff for $107.65. Than at any other plaee, go to lawn WnigMta tendance again. The proposed road L. 8. Conn rs. J. H. Nelson. As­ REVOLUTION IN TRADE! Earth in whioh the old-younglady will sumpsit. Judgment for the plaintiff A. TEACHOUT’S. Bhonld be remembered In timer like the present. — will be one of the most important in 8t. Johns, April XI, ISOS. Rsiasmtir the place opposite the SC Johns House. soon present herself in all the glory of for $148.69 and costs. atf •L Johns, April X», IMS. 90:0 tho latest Spring fashions. Her mes­ the oountry, and by proper effort it can Jacob Folk r«. Estate of S. B. Day- SPRING TRADE. ^ #5,00 GREENBACK sengers, the robin and the blue bird, >e built. It will be built. ton. Appeal from the decision of the commissioner appointed to adjust claims op nu met as it rasa to ast book agbkt * arrived some days ago, and are now BOOTS & SHOES A Goon Commencement .—Mr. Li against the estate. J udgment rendered AGENTS WANTED FOR “ Singing on Mtvblgan shore, As gaily ana brightly as ever before. ” B. Mattison, Walker street west, who, ‘or defendant without costs. Mrs. COLE k Miss HOLCOMB MATHEW HALE SMITH’S Row Book, Myron Green rt. 8. D. Cheney.— wo might say, hAS just opened his Agri­ At lees prices than ever before I * fiusklae A Shadew la New l erk.” ! Ejectment. Argued and submitted. Died .—At the county Infirmary near cultural Warehouse, sold and delivered RK pleased to announce to their friends and nu­ A work roplete with Anecdotes and Inotdeals of Hiram Granger and Onrin F. Sabin merous caatemera the fact thatthey hare re­ this village, on the 19th instant, Mr. Aceived their Life In the Great ISetrapallii on Saturday last, nine of the celebrat ­ vs. James H. Hathaway, John R. Hale natsa a MIRROR OF NEW YORK, reflecting the — Moss, aged 68 years. He has O ** SECRETS OF THE GREAT CITY. ed “ Dodge” and “ Excelsior” Plows. and Luther Ramsey. Assumpsit.— H. D. MoCABE & COn SPRING STOCK OF One Agent sold 80 In one day, another sold and de ­ >eeo an inmate of the Infirmary about Cannot our foundry supply tbe demand, Continued on usual terms. livered «! lo If days, another 80* Ip 7 days No (Successor! 1C. F. Feequelle,) book over published that sells so rapidly. l our years, and leaves a wife there, and or are these plows superior? Mr. Wm. Shepard vt. Alinon Brown.— IP Y«M Irish to know how Fortunes are made and Assumpsit. Judgement for plaintiff MILLINERY COOD81 IL lost In a day ; bow Shrewd Men are ruined la son somewhere in the couutry, to Mattison, also, keeps a quantity of AT THE IF Wall Street; how “Countrymen ” are swin- for $322.51 and costs. ■I died by Sharpen; how Ministers and Mer- mourn his departure. This makes the Cultivators, Harrows, Scrapers Ac., ’they deem It uiroeceeaary to eaamerai* the great i are Blackmailed ; bow Dance Ha Me sod Con ­ Aaron Sickels vt. M. B. Kelley, Jas. variety of mode kept by them, for every one Is tain Managed; how Gambling Ileuses third death at the Infirmary within which are very strongly built and neat- F. Kelley and George Johnson. As­ aware of what la usually kept In a m are conducted ; hew Stock Companies _i Sod how the Bobbies Buret, *fc road this live months—all of old age. y finished. Give him a call. * sam psit. Judgement for plaintiff for FIRST-CUSS ESTABLISHMENT. It tells yon about tbe mysteries of New $514.17. All that la neceaeary la thekind Invitation to York, and contains spicy IWe sketches of Its noted “OLD IEID HHIBL” mllUoneirse, merchants, Ac. A large Octavo Vol ­ How few books would be written if A ll Ready .—A h will be seen from Charles McDonald vt. R. W. Boyn­ Oall and Examine. ume, 780 pages, Finely Illustrated. The Unrest eommisrion given. Our 8* page otreular and a $6410 authors were deprived of the power to our advertising columns, Mr. A. Tea- ton. Appeal. Judgement for plain ­ Greenback sent free on application. For full par- tiff for $6.50. They are also prepared to do fancy and imagine. How little talk, tlooters end terms address the sole puhtfshers, chout, is, as usual, on hand with hia H. C. Halsey and Daniel Smith vs. Ilave recently mode large additlope to the former om large stock of J. AMU k CO., Hartford, C . if people obly related their own ideas, new spring goods, a little in advance of Wm. Armour and Robert Burasingham. Cloak A Dress Making U7:16w] In the meet fukkmable style. low little goesip, if meddlers were bis neighbors. Punctuality is a great Appeal. No cause of action. BOOTS Jin SHOES, MCALCO MARIE DESIGNS obliged to prove their tales. How lit­ item in the mercantile business. It in Conrad Ling and E. 8. Chandler v*. Reeeae apposite tbe SL Johns House. AT Ira F. PearaaiL Assumpsit. Judge­ And are now able to offer to the public, the SL Johns, April XlsL 1SSS. Ittf THtBNTONtg GiUBRT. tle would thousands be respected, if we natural, as the warm, pleasant days are ment for plaiotifffor $172.85 and costs. AKB NOTICE.-Whereas, my wife Ana 0. ooked into their hearts instead of coining on for people to went something Anderson Stout vt. W. H. Moote.— Chapman has left my bed and hoard without NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LARGEST k BEST STOCK JustT cause or provoca tio n. I do hereby forbid all per­ raraes. How little care, if we analysed new, and merchants, like sugar makers, As* urn pa it. Judgement for plaintiff sons harboring or trusting her on my acoount, as I ROLLERH. no burdens but our own. How short for $276 and costs. shall pay no debts ef her contracting after the date should be ready for the “ first run.”— OF f ef thianotioe. A. 0- CHAPMAN. based the right of this county and am and fleeting a lifetime, if we looked into Mr. Teacbont, from hia long experience, David . Peach vt. Samuel Reed.— Bhepardavflle, April 14th, 1S8S. XS-wS* ng.. Judgement for plaiotifffor $580.12 and eternity.—Jf. Quad. understands well the wants of the people BOOTS SC SHOES #TICM«—SomeeeAlve,capable, rolUhl***". tkeoekts Patent Plaster Sower costa N can assure the egeory at 0L Johns foromef the Land Holler Combined. in this locality. bbst Baevas* Ltre UneriN OomPAWtam b^ad- New A rrival # in Millinery Goods . Wm. R. Sheldon vt. Christian Dake. FOR dressing, wKb rafoaenro, -W.” earn #4 Onrrijr No. i ___ I offer to theformers of Clinton county an Certiorari. Judgement rendered with Detroit, Mich. ***" the vary bast Land Hollar In ase. The —We would ifttite especial attention Tun General Railroad Law .— costs. Gents1 Ladlon’ * 10,000 WANTS I . Plaster Sower to ihe new advertisement of Mrs. Cole The following are the provisions of tbe John Stark vt. Eseklel Nilea Tree WW sew evenly any quantity ftross86u»600 pounds A Mbs Holcomb, in another column. general law passed by the 8tate Legis­ pass on the ease. Discontinued by Childrens' Wear I pursers. They are mauufociured with or without Cash for Maple Blocks. the Waster Hewer attached, as desired. They are of They have just received their new spring lature, whioh provides the method and oonaent. ’ * • i la . ? John Englis and Thomas Dixon vt. Inr brought late Central Michigan* whioh will he We wlU pay the following prices In Cssfc fol* •took, embracing all of tfie latest and limitations of votes of aid to railroads C. sold at Maple Blocks of thesi see designated, the same M tWO 8 ECTION«, C. B. Allen. Attachment. Jodgr- be delivered at our shop on Clinton Avenue, SL moot fashionable styles of the season.— by townships and cities: met for plaintiff for $2,600. Johns' A are well manuteetured. Fames desiring Retl- LESS PRICES, These ladiea are well versed in every The first section provide* that the Josiah Ha«nh and Selimon Fuller vs. 19 tfoeA Ots* ero Wtll da well to call and examine this one. WfofhSi 44 l app sad the tallowing teetlaoetikds from formers branch of their profession, anu use ex- total indebtedness of tbe corporation Moses LcmbergCr. Attachment. Judg­ Si « * (« IS , epantf, where they hero been In nee for the Than the same class at font* hare been told stuee ss w jTw.painb . quisite teste ip Ranging the beaotifnl incurred for railroads shall not exoeed ment for plaintiff for $176.47 and ooat. the breaking out Of tbe great rebellion. ST ** £ I, April, 186$. -! Ephraim E. Mosher vt. Lorenfo E. Ww4 I the unde vslRTWd, Farmers ef fenta ooonty and.grneefal'flowers, of which they have 10 per cent, of the assessed valuation of Iflshlsaa having used and witnessed the operation Worden, Continued on usnal terms. pRESIl FISH DEPOT. of ** Babooekfo Patent Plaster and Seed Sowet; dad a nioe stock to select from. They buy the property, and only two per cent, Lynds 8, Conn vs. Jnmsn-Hi Nelsrin. We have Slippers for breakfast, dinner and ball; BnUro Combined, ” onJMdMaMiwIy pronounce It one onhfe greets* Labor-Saving Mrohlnee PI the Age their goods in small quantities, and for shall be due in any one year. Jndgment for pUtfntfr for $148.89. Bhoea w> etand In, ait in and walk In } FLMIS OeYKISt and It Is Mi rim Patentee drotgned or otehns ferTt.- Galtert to dance In, flirt In Ubd talk In ; cash, and nae grant care not to purcha Section 2 provides that supervisors V. B. Cutler and.C- M, Slippers In which to do nothing at all la I Late ef Grand Ha*iV*w, lias opened a market just be­ gPIth It the twiner sen roll, piaster and seed from Continued ou application of defendant. low the SL8L Johns House, where atm be found at aU glgea ftSt tWvhty-flve acres per day, la the wnt any thing im.t that which is adapted to shall call elections on the question of ‘ Roots tot winter, spring, summer and foil. times, weatherpermitting, •ghet atsMr, and we heartily reevaunend It to The People ss. Miles Shepard. Fatal iSsfenSge^monlty of this ami other gUtro.- their trade —this enables them to take Dcsfo Sns Shoes you most have, you ail say, Mmd Hou. Brastes Yeomana: B. voting aid to tny railroad, on Ike pe* Pretense* Found guflfy »nd fined $100 , And the plaee to Buy them Is et Freefo risk, fes ♦ H*fo tassoss Tin. H. H. Orocl OoihMn.rtaiUi, advantage of any new styles or declines tition of thirty tax paying electors, and Myron Green «I S. D. Cbeaney.r- D. H. McCABE a CO.’S. in their,line of goods, and through their prescribes the methods of giving notion Ejeotment. s Tried and held by court The Fish kepi at this pfoes are taken var Our etoek of 8TOGA BOOTS is unusually Michigan aud shipped here Sail by Kxproea. John K. M"** 1**^ i n r WET,. flbtwwdnesi and fair dealings their cue of such elections. for consideration. full and complete. 8t. Johns. 1WW Platt 8. Titus vs. Miles Shepard. — tear W> keep aao rieittlyoo heed a seed atockof tomers are benefited. They pay per GEO. W. BARKER, Section 8 regulates the order of the Settled. FINDINGS. SPAULDING A CRANSON, UBT1CB OF THK PKACR-—Collections care ticnlar attention to the cutting and ■rtr strict and careful attention la given to CUS­ TTORNEYS and Ca-nOees at tawja fully attended to, tn*l remittance, promptly election. Wm. Bestey vt. Mile* Shepard. — TOM WORK. ton Ut Chancery, 9t. Johns, Clinton Co. J de. Omrt -Clinton Hall, front mom, H. -tohn., A ffrlnf making of cloaks and diet-on. 0 Section 4 determines the form and Sittled. St. Johns. April 21, o. t. spivtpivs. i a a. ouAwem biped has a pat* citffes to levy taxes f$r th* aid Message by the President to Congress. tiMors. i fellow rise GENERAL NEWS 81 To these; correspond- m While I •Affix ‘ pld baby can beat it WftahlBfftM Hews. _ rejoices in tttk to < “ ten-per-cent ” Geo. 8. Bangs, of Ann||, N v* which O to session {g #egy bqfrjf, ORd t|R| it and ninety chiU 7] appointed Special Agent oiviis >V W WLML inlate so much The A telegram from Stf Louis on thB tTt^ desire, as . , _ . , 1 Department for the States of Illinois, has decided thatail money, whether bor- interest, to avoid entering upoft the gene ­ ^The Stand itowtodillway of Ganadl You can ’t take it Iowa, Migaint MIiiiimu H sui Minhig sn , mwsd r>r not, sqve deposits paying tax aslttys it is reported that the Crow Indians ral business of legislation, there ie one lost $1,000,000 by snow interruptions in with you when ie, and if yon could and Geo. aArmjjSraM.has >een trans­ such, used to banking,"should entefTBW have burned treaty made Jufththe ^if^t whiofr fff Aj peply the wel­ February. it toould mdC * ferred to WMhingMVth «b special ser­ the estimate of capital taxable under the Government and .will go on .the wUf path; fare of the country, that T deem It my --Bieretadt, tEeT’aftiSt, 'Atf r trooWer A Chicago Judg e has gdicnKu Ml... , and a telegrim from Hektg |fonfai*,ef some affection of the eyes, and is under opinion that no respectable couple in tnar vice of tlir rnrtn tlM ITnjpsitimiit nf Ihil immte______.. the care of an oculist at JParis. city need be divorced <$miretyr tortheiri United State*- /-*, [ Among tne nomlfflfttonfl sent to the the lBhr reports that they were .making opin io n that rt ie deatsable to restore Urn wishes, provided they really * JOvw wm* warlike preparations. On the 6th ten In- a / tk. fVtrnlninn nf flaw. The Senate, 4n execute itftion, 6n the ^Senate on the 15th Weft thefollowing ; States which were engaged in the rebellion sda for the month endtog_March 81, ^^jumcrbcllcr than any one eiee Baxter, of Ml djapij drove off tome horses and cattle to their relations to the Government a»d morning of the 1 soosewM: Henry $992,60$ j t —The remains, of twp I ras; Charles B. Be Long. fifpm a ranch near Fort Ellis. A party of tbo country, at as early ,a period as .eghumed to dlggtfig I nation of J. M. Ashley as Governor of Japan ; H. *. Barron, of the people of those States shall be found -*-A movement the Prices Montana, by one majority. The adjourn ­ or of the Treasury: citizens and soldiers pursued mid over* Imperial of Francs was recently discov ­ Maw. They were to a sitting postgr^ Attorney for Idaho: —------took the Indiana seventy-five miles from willing to become < peaeefol and orderly and probably Baii1INW#Mlte*#«»P$wo ment of the Senate killed fifty-three nom­ Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Utahi oommuniUes, and to adopt and mainUin ered to PArteand frustrated. ^ - , br threehundred years. - . inations which were pending and unacted Fort Ellis. A desperate fight ensued, to such constitutions and lawa as will effect­ —The French Government has refused —The snow to Tucker man ’s ravine in ! SULMBhftSSSU&mwh|qh nine Indians were killed, and one ually secure the cirll and to allow toihs printed a ^lithograph re pa­ upon. at m the White MonraaVteb bought to be at ’ escaped. The cattle 'were recaptured. A tenting Maximilian's execution. least one thousand feet deep, and hopes j The new Eight Hour bill did not get —Prince Napoleon Is getting very bald. through Congress. It declared the pur­ soldier named Oorbhy was killed ; two S,aXP -mu* are entertained of a magnificent snow which had been vtodieeted His oldest eon bean a striking resem­ arch three in the heats ofsumfher. pose of the former law to be that eight at HsVodadl ; M. M. Delaho, of Colorado,^ &n- soldiers and one citizen were wounded. lltbed by, Hz military mower, must un ­ blance to hftn and So ths great Emperor, r hours’ work should have ten hours’ pay,, , The town of Hancock, Lake Superior, doubted hr be aaeerted Tor, the absolute —Dr. Strausberg, the James Fisk. Jr., * -The Uniew FaUfio toACfeMftMactfe ^f2w*or of late real Revenue —James H. Reed, protection for if! its tfttttme In tbefon en- railroads have abandoned the proposition and it was passed without discussion in was, on the morning of the llth inst, the of Russia, who in 1860 was comparatively for a grand excursion from the Missouri \ Fourth District, Illinois. ioene of a terrible conflagration, by which joyment poor, is now worth, over the House, on the 10th, and taken over to Collector of Internal Revenue —Bdftftrf Jnsee*, lathe ol river to San Francisco during the present ^PoetmaStoft-Sle^S M.HeWiett, Cedar Retdda, the greater part of tile place was reduced —Tbe Queen of Hanover is summer, over their respective roads. the Senate, where an unsuccessful effort ment;*b______. niac on the subject of spiritualism, and was made to get it up for action. Among Iowa ; B. R. Be bee. Decatur. Mich ; W. H. Mer­ to a pile of smouldering ashes. One hun­ belMous State are ready to enter to good declares that God appears to herwvery —The beer-drinkers of Louisville are*-* the bills which failed was a1eB4h^ #db rill, Buchanan, Mich.: T. H CaUam. Constantine, dred and teU stores and dwellings were faith, upon the accomplishment of this unpleasantly excited over the discovery Mich.; T. iTIogifc, Botee OUy* Idaho. / object, in entire conformity with the Friday. continuing the educational branch of the burped, rendering two hundred families —The Austrian Government has order - For*!,* - constitutional authority of Congress, it ia Freed men ’s Bureau. houseless, and destroying property to the certainly desirable that all causes of irri­ ed half a million breech-loading guns of an duced to give the beer a flavor. < . J Commissioner Delano has decided that The propeller Thames, from New York value of half a million, on which the in­ tation should be rckoted as promptly is American pattern, to be delivered within —At no moment of difficulty does 'A any dealer who con^t^pjpg into smok­ for Galveston, was burped on the Gth inst, surance was about $100,000. A- Relief possible, that. a more perfect union may twenty months. husband, knowing his own utter helpless- V ing tobacco, by cutting or otherwise, will about fifteen miles off Hatteras. The pas­ Committee appointed at Houghton, Mich, be established, and the country restored —An English court has decided that ness, draw so cloSely to his wife's side for v be regarded as a manufacturer, and must sengers and crew, except six of the latter, to inquire into .the necessities of those to peace and prosperity. public gateways must be three fees two comfort and assistance, as when be Hants The convention of the people of Vir­ inches wide, in order that “She stoutest a button sewed on bii shirt-collar. * / pay the tax and give bonds as such. who put to sea to an open boat and are who were sufferers by the fire, report of Hek Majesty’s subjects” may get ginia, which met in Richmond on Tues­ —A man, hearing of another who was j The United States Supreme Court on supposed to be lost, arrived at Norfolk on that they did not find a sigle 1 case of day, Dec. 3, 1867, framed a constitution through the 9th. a hundred years old, said contemptuously, the 12th«dbfcided lhat Texas can sue and actual necessity, ad “ nearly every family for that State, which waa adopted by the T-In the year 1868 the population of “Pshaw! what a fuss about nothing! ;; be sued as a State, and that it is not held On the arrival of the steamer Eagle at burnt out saved the greater portion of convention on the 17th of April, 1868, Great Britain stood as follows i England, Why if my grandfather was alive, he for debts contracted in the name of the Havana, on the 9th, from New York, five their effects, and beyond the inconvenience and I desire respectfully to call the atten 21,500,000; Scotland; 8,125,000; and Ire­ would now be a hundred anft.'fifty years State, during the war, by rebel officials. Cubans who had taken passage to Ha­ of finding another shelter, have expe­ tion of Oongreaa to the propriety of pro ­ land, 5,500,000, making a total of 80,869,- old. ” viding, by law* lor the holding of an 845, —The first time little Billy 8. noticed i) The Chief Justice delivered the opinion, vana were .arrested and taken to Moro rienced no Injury.” election in that State at some time dnring Castle. On the night of the 9th, there —A wild elephant'Tuts been doing sad the thunder, he said, “ Mother, they are * and three Judges dissented. The Court The Indianh Legislature effected an or ­ the months of May and June next, under havoc on the mountainous part of the scouring up in heaven.” His mother Said. also ruled that itlfatfnk JWaJdidflfti to the were further disturbances oh the streets ganization the 12th. Mr. Stanton, the the direction of the Mihtaiy Commander western coast Of Madraa. No lesathfn “How do yon know* my child?” .He McArdle case. of Havana and several persons were Speaker of ike last regular session, re­ of the District, at which thequestion of ten person# have fallen victims to hU rage replied, “ I hear ’em moving the chairs - - The following were among the nomina ­ killed. The night following the city was signed, and George A. Buskirk was elected the adoption of that constitution shall within a short space of time. be submitted to the citizens of the State •—Every railroad train to Sweden is —There is something exquisite to ottr .7 tions sent to the Senate on the 12th. perfectly qpiet. to fill the vacancy., A resolution was and if this should seem desirable, J. Lothrop Motley, Minister to .England ; Leo- The report was current to Havana on adopted, ‘That the consideration of the provided with an efficient medical staff countryman ’s reply to the European trav- old Markbrest, of Ohio, Minister Resident at would recommend that a separate vote and complete pharmacy, so that in case of eler, when he asked him whether he had <• Solivla; Jas. R. Partridare, of Maryland, Minister the 10th }h*t the: Spanish trodps, while ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment be taken upon such parts as may be accident no time is lost to administering just crossed the Alps: “ Wal, now yon call . to Nicaragua; Wm. A. Pile, of Missouri, Minister convoying a supply of provisions from. thought expedient, Ana that at the same to Venezuela ; J Russell Jones, of Illinois, Min­ T’opoeed to the Constitution of the United to the wants of the wounded. my attention to the feet, I guess I aid pass ister to Belginm; Jno. 8. Carlisle, of West Vir- Sante Cruz to Puerto Principe, were dh States be postponed fill Tuesday, the llth time, and under the same author­ ity, there shall be an election for the ‘ —Toro young ladies, on an average, risen ’ ground a spell ago. ” glna, Mini^amBMphireHn-t^R^ClaiL qTLoa. feated. day of May next. ” commit suicide in Paris every day in con ­ isiana. M officers provided under such constitution, VAX.UXBU Mxmciirn. —We no meaiQaj •< Liberia : nt^T>r cjuioy jEinWTffr netioem • Charles Dickens was baPquetted in The Mechanics’ Institute of San Fran and that the constitution, or such parts sequence of disappointed love, and one preparation ever offered to i public has been to the Argentine Republic;. S. A. Ilurlburt, of Liverpool on the 11th. About 700 persons thereof as shall have been adopted by the man in consequence of pecuniary embar­ more thoroughly tested tl PERRY DAVIS* Illinois, Minister Resident to Bogota; Silas A. cisco is making arrangements for the rassments. Less suicides are committed PAIN KILLER. Thousands oi persons, were Hudson (eolored), of Iowa, Minister Resi­ sat with him at the table. In responding celebration of the completion of the people, be submitted to Congress on the they called on to de so, would cheetearfully testify dent at -Guatemala; E. D. Bassett (colored), first Monday of December next, for its on Mondays than on the other days of that they Nets need it for yartoue ilia, with th*. ot Pennsylvania, Minister Resident and ,to a sentiment* Anthony Trollope inti­ Pacific railroad. the week. moat satisfactory success. If is wtthm ottr own . Consul General to Hayti ; Andrew G. Curtin, of mated that the appointment of Mr consideration, so thatif the same is then knowledge, that an immense amount of sufiferiag > * Penn-lvania, Minister to Russia; John G. Jay, oi Hon. Schuyler Colfax, accompanied by approved, the necessary steps will have —A bungling druggist recently pre­ has been relieved by It. Its proprietors. Meeant [f New York, Minister•ter tq Austria: L. P. Evans, Dickens as Minister to Washington would his wife, returned to his home at South been taken for the restoration of Virginia pared the wrong kind of medicine for the Perry Daria A Son, save no pains or expense to United Slates Man _ be beneficial to both countries. sick King of Bavaria, who came near dy ­ order to satiety the public. Being strictly honor ­ nesse; Peter It. CassesShMawPiob: Bend, Ind., on the evening of the 14th. to Us proper relations to the Union. able men. they observe the utmost uniformity La Eastern District of Connccticnt; Orange jacons News was received fct Madrid, on the A St. Louis dispatch, of the 15th, an­ I am led to make thia recommendation ing of the effects of the poisonous sub­ the manufacture of their celebrated Pain Killer. and James K. Kennedy. Associate Justices of the stance that was administered to him in The materials of which it la composed^ arc care­ Supreme Court of Washington Territory; James 11th, from the frontier, that a band of from the confident hope and belief that nounces the burning of the steamer Ante­ the people of that State are now ready to place of the medicine which the doctor fully selected —non* but th* beat quality being / G. Adnm% United States Attorney forth ojUonth- Car lists, 600 strong, attacked the town of need. By these means thehigh reputation which ern Distnct of Mississippi ; William G. Whtppre, lope on the Upper Missouri, twenty miles co operate with the national Government had prescribed for him. the Pain Killer haa long since acquired fa at all Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas. Seo De Urgelln, Pyrenees, but were re­ above YankUfr. Two passengers were in bringing it into such relations to the —In Hindostan, when a piece of land times triumphantly sustained. In view of these * Assessors of Internal Revenue—Bdward Baker, Union as It ought, as soon as possible, to facta, we are by no means surprised to learn teat Eight District, Illinois; EdgarH. Snow, Wyom­ pulsed with heavy loss and fled to the lost. Is in controversy, two holes are dug in Messrs. Davis A Son ’a seise are constantly and ing Territory; Theodore J. Major, Nebraska. mountains. establish and maintain, and to give to all the disputed spot, in which the plaintiff ’s rapidly Increasing. While we congratulate par Collectors of Internal Revenue- Enoch Emery, The South. its people those equal rights under the and defendant ’s lawyers put their legs, friends generally that so valuable a preparation' ‘ f Fifth District, Illinois; Thomas Harlan, Wyom­ The election in Hungary and Croatia laws which are asserted in the Declara­ as the Pun Killer Is plaoed within their reach, we ing: B. B Gale. Sixth District,Michigan; Samuel h&ye resulted largely in favor of the libe­ The business portion, and many private and remain therefuntll one of them ie tired. must he permitted to rejoice at tee walUaenlfifi L. Watson, Montana. tion of Independence, in the words of one The client whose lawyer first becomes success of Its liberal and 9uterprising proprietors. Surveyor of Customs—W. T. Miller, Alton, HI. ral party. residences of Madison, Ga., were de ­ of the most illustrious of hersons.1 wearied loses the suit. —Providence General Advertiser. ' Postmasters—Jacob N. Webber, Kilbourne City, stroyed by fire on the night of the 8th. Wls.; James Shanwjur. Kenpaba, WU-* Dgpkjl S. Havana advices on the 12th state that I desire, also, to ask theconsideration of —The publisher of the Paris Figaro Parker, Kankakee, III.; John R. CaMeron, Otta ­ the insurgents were increasing to numbers The loss is heavy. Congress to the question whether there ia Woman and her Needs. wa. III.; Josiah H. Fuller, Faribault, Minn.; R. having asserted that the circulation of W. II. Brent, Muscatine, Iowa; Francis Foster, in the neighborhood of Santiago de Cuba The steamship Gen. Grant was burned not just ground for believing that the that journal was upward of fifty thou­ Sobject by tee law eg;nature to aaur^pbjeifsh Kansas Ci»jr. Ma.; II. S. Gibbons, St. Johns, at New Orleans, on the 9th. During the Constitution framed by a Convention of sand, and the feet being demonstrated by afflictions from which man la exempt, w&nlan' lm Mich.; Wii. TrStyvieiiiU, MRJfci L. H. Jonea, and it was supposed they were going to the people of Mississippi, for that State, Paxton. III.; J. K. Whitrach, Jersevvilie, Ill.; Clncio Villas. The report that Cespedee progress of the fire, her captain became and once rejected, might not be again sub­ another publisher that it was less than peculiarly entitled to tee best efforts of medical Cyrus Hall, Shelbyville, lit; J. H. Curran, forty thousand, a challenge resulted, and science In herbehalf. For a majority of tha all-,, Delaware, Ohio; Henry Stevenson, Greenville, was captured proves to have no founda ­ so much affected by the loss that he sev­ mitted to the people of that State, in like a number of duels grew out of the af- Ohio; U. K. Htrngham, Philadelphia. Pa. tion. eral times attempted to commit suicide manner, and without a probability of the feir. meats to which her sex ia exclusively liable, BOB' : The Senate, on the 13th, after debate, Later news from Japan states that the by precipitating himself into the burning same result. U. S. Grant . TETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS are wazmly re­ Washington, D. C., April 7, 1869. —An influential London company has rejected the Alabama treaty—53 fbr re­ civil war was again furiously raging. vessel. Only a portion of her cargo was the right of way across Honduras, and commended on the authority of wives, mother#, * jection, to 1 (McCrfefery) a&afnst. - * r ■The insurgents had a fleet commanded on board. The Virginity Mississippi And Texas designs constructing a railroad there, with and nnrsee, who have tested their genial tooie and „ The following were among the nomina ­ by the fonqer Admiral of the Tycoon. Ex-President Johnson spoke at Nash­ B1U. lines of English steamers in both the At­ regulating properties, and "know whereof they tions sent tqH irSenat* p» the 13th.: _ Earthquakes had taken place, but no lives ville, Tenn., on the llth. lantic and Pacific, and parties Interested speak;" and also with the sanction of able physi­ hope by such arrangement to be able to cians, who have administered the preparation Thos. II. Nelson, of Indiana, Minister to Mex­ were lost. The steamer Quickstep ran into the The following is the full text of the act ico; Horace Unblee, of Wisconsin, to Switzer­ authorizing the submission of the Consti ­ compete with onr Pacific roads in the their female patients, in obstinate cases of fnnre'* land ; Chas. N. Riotte, of Texas, to Costa Rica ; The Paris Press* of the 14th says the steamer Ollie Sullivan, on the night of the carrying trade of all but the lighter com ­ tional derangement, with the happiest results. Henry S. Sandfofd, of Connecticut. to Spain ; rejection of the Alabama Claims treaty by tutions of Virginia, Mississippi and Texas Wm. A Pile, dl Mirfsoan, td Brazil. C. B. Banfield, 10th, at Diamond Island, cutting her down. to a vote of the people, as approved and modities. Almost all fenu^e complaints of f apeftek charac­ Solicitor of the Treasury. the United States Senate will belhe cause ter, are complicated with rnentri gloom and d* Postmasters— Barnaul Booth. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; She sunk to the hurricane deck. One signed by the President : —During the recent execution of Dor- B« it Enacted. Ac, That the President ofthe ney, who was convicted of murder at spondency, and the gentle and lasting exhilarat­ Daniel N. Gross, Napervillo. Ill.; Cbas. O. Cole, of great prejudice to the United States in woman and two children were drowned. ing effects of this wholesome medicated stimu­ Rochester, Minn.; Edward Russel), Ddveufcort, United States, at anch time as he may deem best Charlottetown, Prince Edward ’s Island, Iowa. Europe. Severe frosts in the interior of Georgia for the public interest, may submit the constitu ­ lant adapts admirably for cases of this complex ■ Assessors The second session of the Canadian tion which waa framed by the convention which the rope broke twice. The third time he nature. Aa a remedy for the hysteria and mental * Wells, Sixth and in the neighborhood of Montgomery, met in Richmond, Vk., on Tuesday, the 8d day of was hauled up by the Sheriff and assist­ Parliament was opened on the 15tb, by December, 1867, to the registered voters of said hall ocinations which sometimes mark both the District of UtahJtah; Vincent H. Gregg. FiTth DTs- Ala., on the morning of the 14th,seriously ants. He had previously spoken for earlier and later crisis In the life of woman, it trlct, Indiana; George C. Beebe, for Kansas ; W. the Governor General. State, registered at the date of said eabmiaeion, R. Tapp, Thirteenth District, Ohio. damaged thecotton and fruit crops. The for ratification or rejection, and he may also sub­ three quarters of an hour with great feel­ has no equal in the repertory ofthe healing art, Col lectors of Interval Revenue—Norman Board- The agent of the Cuban revolutionists replanting of the former will be neces­ mit to a separate vote such provisions of said ing and composure. The horrible scene and as a means of relieving thenames and other ^ man. Second Dtriridf. Ibwa; Samuel Magill, constitution as he may deem beat—such vote to was witnessed by 2,000 persona in New York issued an address to the be taken either upon each of the Mid provisions unpleasant feelings which precede maternity, It Seventh District, Indiana. sary. —An English lady advertised for a ser­ is equally efflcaclonS. Nursing moflMra also find Col'eorer* of Customs-Samuel Hooker, Mil­ people of the United States, in which he alone, o: In connection with the other portions of waukee, Wis.; W. W. Johnson, Montana and Ex-President Johnson spoke to about said constitution, sa the President may direct. vant, and the first letter received was to it an admirable InrigoranL It Is highly Mtlsfao- Idaho. says that Cespedes has an army of 42,000 5,000 persons in Memphis, on the 15th. Sxr. 9. That at the same election the voters of this effect: “ Mrs. C. D. presents her com­ tory that a preparation which embraee* in Its re­ Surveyors of Customs—Joseph R. Winchell, said State may vote to elect member* of the Gen­ medial range eomany of the complaints common Hannibal, Mo.; Philip Uornbrook, Evansville, men, and the territory under his govern: eral Assembly of Mid State, and all the officers of pliments to A. B., and will thank her, ind. ment comprises nearly tvfo-thirde of ike. Congressional. Mid State provided for by the said Constltetion, when she hasobtained a suitable servant, to both sexes, should prove so eminently benefi­ Geo. Smith, United States Marshal for the Th the Senate, on the 9th, the House and members of OongNM; and the offloer com ­ to forward the other letters to the inclosed cial to the wetkhr one. * »• » ■' y Western DiatrfcJLQfrictof MissouriMissouri. Island, in which slavery has been abol ­ manding the District of Virginia shall cause the. Registers o>r Land Office—John DohnJdson, ished. A Havana telegram of the 15th bill to submit the Constitutions of Virginia, Mis- lists or registered voters of acid State to be re­ address, Mrs. O. D. being in want of a ser­ Scranton, Moi.; Addison MucTdellTDelroU; 8yi- aissipl and Texaa to t vote of the people waa vised, enlarged, and corrected, prior to snch elec­ vant. ” If Mrs. C. D. is not a Yankee girl Monbx Made at H ome .—Recipes, vantn* Dodd. CouncilCouncii BluA's,Bluils, Iowa;Iowa; A. W. Daw- says the captured American brig Mary taken up, and an ameidmant agreed to —SO to 90 tion, according to law; and for that purpose he she ought to be one by brevet. baaed on feCtentiftc and chemical principles, for icy. Port------Dodge,go, Iowa.Iowa. —providing that those States shall ratify the Fif- may appoint each registers as he may deem neces­ making tWe tare kinds of writing ink, of varioiif r Receivers of Public Moneys—N, J, Wallace, Lowell had been declared a legal prize sary; and said elections shall be held, and a re- —A monocycle has been seen in Paris tee nth Constitntional amendment before being tarn thereof made, in the manner provided by colors, and a fine indelible marking ink,' Sent to Vermillion, Dakota; C.‘L. C. Cass, Jackson, by the Spanish courts. The acting represented in Comrress; a motion was also sucoessJelly moving about the avenue of any address for 80* Dent*. This 4a oAhlnUBAf. *' Mich.; J. L. Moser, Ironton, Mo. adopted striking ont the sixth section authoriz­ the acts of Congress, commonly called the Re­ the Champs Elvsees, ridden by its inven ­ Pension Agents—A. Kaychen, Detroit, Mich.; Consol General had sent the United States ing the Commanding General to suspend, nutll construction acta. „ . „ Address W. L. A bbott , assistant editor Cgaozi' S. (iooriell, Des Moines, Iowa;- William Jayne, steamer Penobscot to Key West with the action of the Legislature all lawa that he may Sno 3. That the President of the United States tor, a certain Mr. Courbet. The stogie clk , Dodgerille, Wisconsin. i li.i SpringOeld. III. ; J. S. Martin, Centfalia, III. deem oppressive, and an additional section Was may, in like manner, anbmlt the constitution of wheel of which it consists ia held in equi­ E. S. Parker, Commissioner of Indian Affairs: dispatches informing the government of adopted declaring tfcofc , the proceedings of Texas to the voters of Mid State, at snch time, librium, when in motion, with Its rider THE MARKETS. Edwin Kiagec.^uf Wijifionain.JEuxvttfor General the fhets. any of the said States shall not be deemed and in snch manner, as ha may direct —either the of Idaho u UUfe»E£*U Mlf'bvdl J&nrybyoT final, or operate o a complete restoration, entire constitution, or separate provisions of the upon it, by the aid of a weight at each General of Wyoming; Frank Wolcott, of Ken until their action shall he approved by Congress ; same, as provided In the first section oi this act, end of the hub. It is said to work per­ tucky. Receiver of Public Moneys for Wyoming; The East. the hill then passed —44 to ft ...A proclamation to a separate vote, and at the Mme election the fectly, and to be considerably superior in BEEF CATTLE—Fair to Prime $15.i Geo. w. Martin, of Kansas. Register of lands tor by the President waa laid before the Senate cell­ voters may vote for and elect the members of the HOGS—Live...... 11. Kansas ; Watson-Stewart, Register of land Office A small torpedo thrown into the heater ing for an extra session of the Senate, beginning Legislature, and all the State officers provided speed to the bicycle. 1 • BHBBP—Live...... ;...... 6. at Humboldt, Kantas; Jos. <3. Paien. Chiefs Jus­ of a school in Brooklyn, on the 9th, creat­ on the nth, for the transaction of execntlve for in said constitution, and members or Con- COTTON—Middling ...... tice of the Supreme Court of New Mexico; Joe. business. .. .The bill to secure the Interests of ress; provided, also, that no election shall he Miscell FLOUR—Extra Western...... 5. ed a giqat panto among the children. Seve­ eld in Mid Btete of Texas for fay purpose until conrt '88535 the United State* in the Pacific Railroad was WHEAT—Spring* No9 ...... 1. ral Were bust. called np, amended and passed. It makes Ogden Sthe President so direct. —The population of New York city ia RYB-Westem...... l. General of Kansas. • -l > •/ • the junction ofthe two Pacific railroads, and Snc. 4. That the. President of the United States figured at 1,118,767. . CORN—Western Mixed, New.. Secretary. BoutwdU bwisfyed at* All the prisoners held for the ward* oj ♦^powera°tji e Union Pacific railroad to hold a may. In like manner, as may become expedient, O ATS—Western...... RogersDtrers have been discharged. The policenolle* meatinrmeeting in Boston on AprilA prllMd *td for th#tha ejelection direct either the constlttttlon, or separate pro ­ —There are but three printers in the PORK—Mesa, New...... 81. that the July interest will be paid on pre­ of Directors. •..Execntlve session. visions of the same, as provided In the first sec­ penitentiary at Joliet, Ill. LARD...... authorities say that Logan No. 2 is the tion of this act to be submitted to a separate GOLD—1.3** sentation of the coupons upon a rebate of In the House, on the 9th, the whisky, State election in the State of Mississippi, and at —Naughty boys in Manchester, N. H., CHICAGO. murderer, but the evidence is insufficient the same election voters may vote for and elect are fined $1 for playing marbles on Sun ­ BEEVES—Choioa ...... tr.se num e W* “*** 'A SZF*: ** uS3 hfe and tobacco amendments were non-concurred id, the members of the Legislators, and all the State Prime...... and a Conference Committee appointed, consist ­ officers provided for In said constitution, and day. Fair Grades is lion. Bancroft Davis, Assistant Secreta­ Both branches of the New York City ing of Messrs. Sshendk, Allison and Marshall.. members of Congress. —In the Maine State Prison, each con ­ The members elect from Connecticut were sworn Sne. 5. ThatIf either of Mid constitutions shall’ vict is given seven dollars ’' worth of STOCK CATTLE—CoAwnoh 1.}. J- 4/ifioL ifii. ry of State, waa seriously ill in Washing­ Council, on the 12th, adopted a resolution la, with the exception of Mr. Barnum, who was be ratified stench election, the Legislature ofthe Inferior...... 4.00 ton, on tha 14th. He was suffering from expressing sympathy with the Cuban pa not present. In the contested election case of State, so elected as provided In this act. shall as­ dothtsa year. * u HOGS-Llve...... to w Meyara vs. Mpflat, from Pennsylvania, the reso ­ semble at the eapltol of said Btete on the fourth —Why is a fine specimen of handwri­ a severe attack of erysipelas. triots. - -*a lutions or th* minority, declaring Moffat entitled Tuesday after tne official promulgation of pUch to the seat, ware rejected, and that ofr the major- ratification by the military officer commanding In ting like a dead pig ? Because It h done The PresJUleat had directed Che" fiecretff- The Cuban Junta held a meeting in said State. withthe pen. Nfew York on the 12th, to hear the report Sn6. 6. That before the States of Virginia, Mis ry of W^td ’ orflet Major General Rey­ alaatppt and Texas shall be admitted to a rep re —A slander suit In Kentucky hoi re­ a nolds to proceed withthe registration to of Senor Lemus, the insurgents ’ envoy to pay Mr. Momizi,suo in rtrtr, ror expenses hi pen- sentanon tto Congress, their several Legislatures, cently terminated, after having been on tfaircountry. The prooeedings were not testing Mr. Meyers' sest. .A bill was psaaad to es­ which may be hereafter lawfully organized, shall the docket eleven years. b'A Texas, pfrepAi'rftoty tq an es,rly electioxL tablish a land district In Wyoming.. A bill was ratify the Fifteenth article which has been pro ­ TheTh following were among the nomina- made pnblic, but it was understood an ex introduced knd referred, granting to the Mew posed by Congress to th* several States ee an —A man (?) in St. Paul got mad At hit pedltto&To'x theaid of the insurgents had Orleans, Mobile aUanoocat Rail re-d mnendment to 'ths Constitution of the United horse the ffther day, and actually out out Wheat—Spring, No. 1. 1.19 tionsions sent to this Senate on the 14fh: ■ Company right of it of lanai, he. ...The Staten the poor beast’s tongue^ N , r No.,S. L9ff Churls# C. Crowe,rowe, of Alabama* Governor of set sail from a Southern port. Conference CCommittee's report on the Deficiency Snc. T. That tea proceedings In say of the said LARD...... 1YH New Mexico.•xlcc Charles A. Daps, Appraiser of hill and the Conference report on the Osage In­ States shall not be deemed Anal, nor operate as 4 —The untimbreed inffeos ot the Dlaihs PpBK—Moss, New...... 90.80 Merchandise for1 the port of NewYork. Judge Marcus Morton has been con­ dian LShd T>m Were agreed to ...... The Senate complete restoration of the same, natll their sp* between the Missttnppi and the Pacific . CINCINNATI, : **>»•'» US mm United States Marshal* —George J. Laman,Die- amendments to the hill to pcoylde for submitting tion respectively shall bff approved by Congress. firmed Chief Justice of the Supreme the constitutions of Virginia, Mississippi ana - — a oo "-1 ■'---- amounts to 1,400,008 square miles. HOGS—Life...... V.v..*.*.{ g wc.of N.te« s#wr.Mf. UJraiVoF- Massachusetts, •><* Hoar re- Texaa to the people were concurred in by a strict -^A very eulogistic obituary of a tody Receivers of Public Money—G. L. GobB/rtyr ptnrty vote. .. .The Senate hill to facilitate the pay­ Good for A Shire. WHEAT—No. f Red Winter...! -ISl.U ngned. x n«o $4 i ment of honntifta to soldiers, or their heirs, was •nOBMteh* * V /'it * ’ say»: “ She was married 24 years, and in I)«*s Molnpy,l.Jnc*, Iowa;low* L_Jaa. Jaa. C.^ Broden, Grpcnleaf,~ - * all that time never once banged the door. ” CORN—Bhellpd, New...... Minne f^harpsburg,' near Piltsbnrgfi, Pa., Was amended bv a provision that attorney's fee#shall During the “shtopluter” days, a well- g^JS-No'jfi ’*:*^..,. -•*M- Reg!i!*m Vtr- be reserved by the department when the money No. i...... r.. visited by a terrible fire on the 14th. ia paid, and the bill was passed.... A bill relieving known French barb* in Washington —Looking to others for standard happi­ mlllioPonSwtCAg ’ Zu-B. I*. PMntlM, ness j* a aura way to be miserable. Oar BARLEY' —...... Spring ... . 1.75 $y,nL; 1,500 barrels refined, 7,500 barrels distilled a large number of persons from political disabili ­ issued certain fipneuny-blt notes, which; LARD... r.:T...... 18 Thaddoae Foute. Jr., Grand Rapldi ties was passed —97 to 47... /The Senate bill In re­ business ia with our own hearts and our ,|ni , lation to taeCenttal Pacific Railroadswm passed. purported on the nee to he redeemable in PORK -Mees...... 80 AO Pont mart*r»—Jaifiea Ferrler, ' rrfdnTllle, and 20,000 barrels crude petroleum were specie at sight, when presented to sumff own motives. ST. LOUIS. Ind.; D. W. Boyles, New Albany, Ind J. J. Ha- zelrlsr, Gp*iMt>urg, Ind.; Mrs. burned, inflicting a loss of about $200,000. In the Senate, tm .Wilcox, ,Eddjvllle, Iow>; A. m! agreed tq... .nw,.Tha reaolutlonresolution tovo pay theuu Senators One day while occupied in lathering down, SHEEP—Goad toCholo*.... 4.00 Whitcly,. Adrian, Michi . ; T. D. Rickf rj. Salem, fied the Fifteenth Constitutional Amend­ from the reconstructed States warn— tha* torn - Pegget says it’s true—ebatfi him twice aa Ori gon; Perfy Hawes a customer, he was accosted by a boy, who much as any other spot, FLOURr—XX...... A00 / ..""vi, Beda U*. Mo. ; Michael ment by a vote of 17 to 15. mencettent of ths Fortieth Congress*, WHEAT—Spring* Mm 1.07, Peugatt, Quinecj. Ill ; Anthony Sanepenr, Leba- and whh discussed till the hoar of adj oorament merely held out to him two of hie own —A race at Peoria, between a veloci- CORN—Shelled, New...... „.SS non, HI, i C. B.P. The authorities of New. York city, on arrived^ wiaiTthe President declared the Senate notes. ede and a pedestrian, 200 yards, the pe- OATS...... e» Davis . *tNi&&n Firt the 14th, seized the carcasses of two cows adjourne d . r*1 “Vat you rant —chf” inquired mon ­ EYE...... **i . ;i.fe Scott, K.m.; A Stales, Jacksonville, Ii] _Anson Sestriau to have 80 yards start, resulted in BARLBY-Bpftaff...... ■ iiS which had been dressed for beef after dy ­ In the HouM, on the llth, a.resolution sieur. n r was offered and afoptpd —98 tends ring sym­ a defeat of the bicycle. PORK—Mew, Mew...,...... 90.50 HNS 8,7,m ~ ing of disease in an up town stable. The “ Master save I’m to get a •hillin’ for LARD...... 1? Custom receipts fbr the week ending pathy to tha Cnbpn patriots, atfd promising sup­ there notes, sir.” —Punch defines the difference between MILWAUKEE. April 48*- $5,121,399. butcher who sold the meat was arrestefi. port to the President whoneVsr—a republican “A sheeling! . par’dieu! can not your a pitch-fork and a tuning fork : One Ii FLOUE-ipriaff Extra...... $5| ▲ building to Newark, N. J., fell on the government having beau established-he may 6t mas tare read ? Does he know rat de note used to make hoy with; the other to WHEAT-Bprtag No. 1...... X The Supreme Court adjourned on the “ TKt&SUSdmStw&SSSrtSS? make “A” with. No. S...... 15tb,**ufltil 0O«f)b«#. WM 15th, burying two men in the ruins. One Ths bill Iff relation te a site ter tea erection ofai aS say: ‘payable ven presented in somasome of CORN—New...... • pot fere,______xan five dollars. ’ Go yon back to —A thief in San Francisco pawns suih OATI-NaA...... given in the legal tender case. was instantly killed and the other wobM of his plunder as po sse—re a »w*,»**> VI* * 1*.*.* i'J? many mtirr- t/V Vta*4 If they could aea how It up to the d< It's a fine KILLKB— forttTO be rich. Are the dress Hncinnati it tell to keep It la tbe bouse read, The bai i axe hung with plnlr(lt auMa imet. KILLKB Ruth?” almost certain core for “Quite.” ; doubt, been more auaeassmin c And vtMt ctr the floor; aad how Itnug Girl Says f* I Won't ” at the aae than any other knoVn remedy grander l am droat Perhaps Ruth Mu A m^ cheek was a Altar, __eminent___ end and aklUftal sklUftal Pbyalclan*.------InJ trifle pinker than usq^l, as Miss Trevor d China, where thta droedflai dlaearo t* With rfFrodh tare my raven hair ia decked by my eea preralent, the Pain Killer ia eonslderea rustled loftily into the room : but other­ A pe&HUr indcle£v occurred a short Urea aa well aa hr European resident* In tabro or flaahltog gems, and wise, there was no ahqflp jrf difference in V looks __ time since in the yicinity of Hackney, a sure remedy. __ jj a braid s " her manner or dem IN KILLKB-. LORING ightily. Murray.” scene pi Maunfhetnrod by tha* 1 placed it myrolf la e chine tim ; I awake—It rived treat advents* ___ . not there. “This is very strap e said rigidly; “ What-not the, General Sir William venerabita gentleman lea ms bride up ( i”«.» ... “ nay, it is quite un ble. I thought Murray ?”•»•* »* * aisle, and the ceremony #f coupling them “JOHN H PALCONKB.” . Bat the eix o'clock bett la rtnging Cor the men to you were a visitor at (MRAIM BOLD BT ALL DRUQQtFIB. go to work ; ley Place.” “ I think there is but one General Sir begaar All went quietly enough till tbe The cQMaaaefef having a game of play (that Bob ­ “I was.” William Murray,” said Ruth, smiling at clergyman- came to the sentence, “ Will by la aneb a Turk); ‘“Anddid Kate Wi now- her lover ’s astonishment, * you take thia pan for ypur wedded hus­ IN THESE HARD TIMES And 1 make my lather's coffee, aad I waab the atepa “Who I was? Pe band ?” when she in a load and solemn Ton cannot afford - to. .pay .. three . . or_ fourt profits on ar- of the door — “Hallo ’’ejaculated Charles, stopping tlcleeclea of necessary-uae,neceeeary- use, whefawhen by aendlncsen a Clnb to What ahalll **y to Lord Walter whea we aroetln Maria tossed her short and staring down into the blue eves; manner exolakntd, “ I won ’t.” She rose the blue boudoir I “ Upon —my—wo: ia is really too “ and are yon the heiress that half the in an exdted manner, darted out of the Chambort' Journal. gratuitous an insult other guests. world is gossiping about ?” church, jumped into a'carriage awaiting Kate Wardley shall kpow my opl inTon of “ I believe so, Charles.” her outsyde,.in which waa floated the Mol Great One Dollar Sale r DRY GOODS LtNVNS, PARASOLS. ALBUM8. iiOYE and ©ress-Making . her conduct. ” ClwrtasJTrrdrefc neve® .«*<&* aqotbf?; of her choice; off they wedf to another B Ruth had grown pals ini then red ; and church, not a thousand m^lpfl away, were 081 ------word until the marriage ceremony re­ arried there and then, and are now liv- “ Do you really love me, Charley?” the next moment a scent ^ laughing dim ­ quired his voice, and hardly knew whether their Immense stoek for “Do I really liveand "breathe? Now, ples broke out around Jtfil mouth. he was awake or dreaming, when his wife g in happy wedlock. .The event cre­ ONI DOLLAR EACH. Ruth, whet is the use of asking suck an It was dreadful to aflmft a dressmaker introduced him to a tall, white-haired old Sated quite a sensation in the neighborhood. into the circle of her Aristocratic friends ; ------— 4 ro- ‘ * ■— absurd question as that, when you know gentleman wjtio had given her *sway, as i>»1 cltlea of iht« Poultry and inJCnrepe, who_r>nrcha*e Northwestern Fire Bxtlngahher Co., perfectly well that I don ’t belong to my­ and it was unheard-of audacity in the “Uncle WilUaflfl.’” ; , v / Growing Potatoes —Best W FOR CASH, DIRKCT PROM THk MANDFAC l UR- dressmaker to venture teftlun the charmed KR8. all ihe good* used by us, thus savins the con ­ lM WASHINGTON BTn CHICAGO. self tt all I’m all a slave—a miserable “ Youngnita. ” said the General* “my sumer tbe profits made by the Import-r or Commis ­ The Board of Underwriters and the Fire Commie limits. Jr niece tells me that she married you under To grow podatoee to the best advantage sion Merchant, tbe Wholesale and Retail Dealer,each Stoners of Chicago here recommended their general abject captive, in tbe chain of your sweet —. w~ of whom dena-d a >a»#n nmflr than taken by o*. We Introduction U. P. Harris, Late Fire Marshal or the eyes and gentle words;.and what’s more, “ Will you allow me to try on your dress, false pretensions ; dp you regret the tran­ is to grow themafter the English system. can give MOM GOODS FOR ONI DOLLAR city, has placed them on sale in ble warehousehouse of fire-fire­ saction? ” They have their rows about two and a than the Retal MercheoV for twice wr*three times men's materials, 10 wells SC. as the beet thing of the I haven’t the least desire for a grain of Miss Trevor? ” -v.r. that «naa < »ur goods are deaerbedvn printed check*, kind in nse. John V. Parwell * Co, the I my lost freedom. ” Maria stood haughtily sflent in the mid ­ “ Not a bit of ft,” said Charles, heartily; half feet apart, and tho seed dropped ten which will be ro«t In Clube for Ten Cents each, to Goode Jabber* la the West, bare solicitedyarysr. to twelve inches in the row. . This p*y postage, printing, Ac If the artlole named on lege of selling them to their customers,, ’us foe beet “ Nonsense, Charley.” dle of the room, while Ruth mounted on “ I don ’t care whether she’s a dressmaker the check is not wanted, von can exchange Bom a means of protection against fire. Bfet Ruth Murray said “Nonsense ” in a a stool to bring her nearer to Miss Tre­ or heiress, so loDg as she is my own little ives uniformity of size, the object aimed lt*t comprising Three Hundred and Fifty Use­ vor ’s height, put in pins here and there, Ruth.” , t; for this uniformity, avoiding the two ful Articles, among which are— OFFICE OF tone that very clearly meant “The very extremes c Ladt *»’ Bilk Pauasols , La Dire* rrra teutra best of sense;” and Mr. Charles Trevor and laid folds, and basted refractory seams. “|t wss herown caprice,” said the vet­ I eiof large and Small tubers, is pro- Tockxd Sxikt *. Sll«xk Platxo Pits Hottlsd Cas - dhctlVe of quaaallty, a fine, tender grain, re- toes , and a large ve-lety of n*efnl articles, not oneof North-Western Fertilizing Co., took advantage of the coquettish sylla­ u Sheis pretty,” thought Maria, as the eran. latching. “The fact is, Ruth was whicn can be bought In any other way fbr nearly bles accordingly. sunlight glanced athwart .Ruth’s golden so Afraid of becoming the victim to some moved from the coarse and the watery. double the money. Cor. Lake At haBtMo Sts., Chicago, IU. hair, and showed the exqmsitely fine tex­ devouring fortune-hunter----- ” This course will secure potatoes o^p Reference wilt be given. If required, Bom themost This company having itbe control of an amount of They were sitting in tbe library of tbe reliable Wholesale Merchants of Boston and New BONKS. BLOOD and MEAT, are prepared to fine old country house, with a bright ire ture of her rose-leaf skm.-“No pearl pow ­ “ That she turned dressmaker in self-de ­ more uniform .size,. and yet the same, or York, ss to our standing and the strictly honorable offar td ArrlculturUt* a few hundred tons of the more in quantity. There are no hollow character of onr bnstneas. MANURES mentioned below- f ■ blazing pa the hearth; and the bay-win­ der there! I wonder If there was any fense,” said Ruth, finishing her uncle ’s foff>w1hg ^mn^Slors Wllevery town,town to whom the dow, curtained with warm, crimsoh folds, truth in the report tbit' Charles fancied sentence for him. “ Kate Wardley and ones, few small ones; they command a fbefafd tW~ Tbe standard of each article Is ouabajttbbd . better price in market, and are equally just revealed a glimpse of clear, orange her. The idea of our brother flirting with Hiss Mackenzie, who had once been For a Club of SB and Three Dollar* —21 “* w < 'isfcii. good or better to feed. This is the praq- yards Br Ivory balanced-handle Knives and Forks 1 ladles ’ or ______fastest selling articles In the wide her jacket, “ I’do believe that you love to make appearances their tool. J ^ Greeley came late to the poultry show, gents ’ Sliver Huntlnr-case Watch. 1 Bartlett hand world.'READ J200per THIS mouth and ententes. Address me; but I’m afraid that your sentiments "Mamma, what do you think?” ex- as tatoes if we wish to'lraftfc ponaMfi Sewing Machine. Splendid Family Bible, cTsta NFORD, 138 State St., C^lcego, Ill. usual. The attendance was small, and We ean have them; they are a sure atedl engravings. With record *nd photograph pages. will undergo an alteration when yon know daimed Maria, breathless and angered ; looked all the smaller from, the vsstnpaife 35 yards go'id hemp Carpeting, good colors. 1 pair early rose potato drop,* now that the disease is overcome ; good Marse lira Qntlts. 1 good six barrel Revolver. that—that—" “that Ruth Murray, whom we met at the show was held in. The venerable edi ­ 1 elegant For Muff and Cape. 1 single barrel Shot Wardley Place—the pretty blonde I told tor of the Tribune yra* not in good tern- and as the potato will admit of early plant­ Gnn. 1 sUyer-nlaUd engraved six-battle Revolving NE ». EARLY ROSE •f That what?” you of —•” t /, i i »•*>*. .* ing —earlier than anything- almost that is Castor, cnMlaea-liottle* 1 very fine Violin and Bow, •O n>8»„rKA&Y fiAKLT KUoN, ICT1I Dj “ I ought to have told you before, ” fal­ er, and he had a certain querufousness in In case. 1 very fine all-wool Lens Shawl. %X yards mall, post-paid, IS. Best Spring “ What of her ?” asked Mrs. Trevor, as is tone that he does not usually reveal in >ut out, the crop may tnus be made a doable-width Be«ver Cloth, for overcoat. Or eight Wheat In tne world ; the earliest tered Ruth, coloring vividly, and seeming arge crop. , articles from Fxchange List to shrink away from the rnddy shine of Maria stopped for breath, and Charles Epublic, reserving his chief disagreeable ­ IF* For a more extended list of Commissions, see and most productive Corn ; won- { But, Circular. We also give Agents additional Commis ­ derful yVeJdlsg Oeta-whlte and looked quickly up, with a deep flash on ness for the editorial room and his inti­ black-weighing 4ft pounds to* the fire, “ only -----” sions, In proportion to theamount of money returned the bushel; spring Barley , Grass “ Told me what, darling ? ” his cheek. mate friends. for goods. This extra commission Is not offered by Seeds; Fowls: Eggs; Hogs; the “ She’s nothing but a dressmaker. ” His voice was pitched to a higher treble any other honse. We are the only mv who pay their great Feed CutttfT Send for the “ That I am only a dressmaker. ” agents for s*upmd for goods after they have obtained EXPERIMENTAL FARM JOURN.AL moot valuable “ Nonsense, Maria ( you surely must be than common, and the various Birds there subscribers n> their vinos. “You a dressmaker! and visiting at soil which favors it. So is sod, well rot ­ fV Be sure to send all money by Regis ­ Magaotne imrued in UUt country—onlyly_f 1.56 per year. Wardley Place ?* ’ mistaken.” not being very intelligent, failed to recog ­ tered Letter. “ But I’m nod mistaken, mflfcnma. I saw nize it as human. They evidently mis­ ted. We have bad our best, or among our 8END FOR CIRCULARS. “ Kate Wardley and I were school com­ best potatoes, in sod with a mellow sub­ panions, Charley; and she is very kind ; her this very mOvning at Miss Macken­ took it for the expression of an un Send yov address in fulh Town, County and state. si gst'frysfigi zie’s and ehe tried my dress on with her kpown animal, and greeted it stratum. Avoid, if possible, the heavy with their approval. Size 15x10. Address, OOOD- and she promised to tell nobody, lest people t clays; though with a mixture of long 8PKKD A CO.. 37 Perk Row. New York. should oe cold to me.” own hands!” cordingly. “My friendia, ” began . PARKER & CO.Y “ Stop a minute, Ruth,” said Mr. Trevor. “ Surely, my love, Kate Whrdley would G., and here a rooster poured manure we nave succeeded here. Nos, 08 and 100 Summer 8t«t Bouton. THE HOEEJltt SVJY. forth a cock-a-doodle-doo in clarion notes The potash in new land fkvors tbe po ­ “ I didn ’t ask the question because the fact never invite a young person in that social tatoes there; so does it in almost any A GENTS WANTED.— VOAlbliEtOCHARLES A.JEo DABADANA ’OS PAPER.X AAflkSbt made onto .whit’s difference in onr relations position to ---- - ’ that fairly drowned the feeble organ of the XV A new and wonderiul la- TheIS icheapest, neatest and A£st readable of New York “ But, mamma, the Ward leys are so odd, Journalist “ My friends, ” he repeated, “I sdfl. *Use sparingly of strong manures tlkeaclock, ournals.nals. Everybody like* It. Three editions. Daily , toward wne another; only, I was taken a unless the soil is quite poor. The clean­ ' squirrel*. ila i-Wbkxlt and Wbbxlt , at SO, S’J, and SI » little by surprise, as it were. A dress­ you fleve? know what freaks theyjpsy am glad to meet you (quack, quack, quack, mice, Ac., throws them away, year. ----Full reports• of markets,■— ------agriculture.It*#- Farmers-----’ want-A-whola oorpaof riacka, and kept it ings of'the stable are notso-gDddfls veg ­ and sets Itself quick as Its and Fruit Growers ’ CluiM, and a complete story In maker, are you ? Well, Ruth, I shouldn ’t guilty of. The idea of a.coniffion dress ­ etable mould. This contains the carbon name_ __Indicates. On*Cut trap anand every Weekly aad Sent-weekly stun bar.. A valuable up for flve minutes). As I waa nay ing, I terms to agent* sent by express present to every subscriber. Send for specimen, with care if yon were a crossing sweeper. I maker preemntat to aasqriajy with those to make starch of. It is .grateful to this on receiptor onedotiar. Address : love you, and that's quite enough for me.” who are so far above her. * am glad to meet you here to nlgni fruit. It makes a clean bed for it. Ltoanrara Tbat Co, H Mercer St., New Tor*. UVENGLAND. Publisher Bun. New York. “ But Charley, I am poor ana obscure. ” “ Stop a moment, Maria/’ said Charles ble, gobble, gobble, soundediir A dry soil, then, light, and mellow “ What of that ? I’m not rich, by any Trevor, advanflinf into th dred turkeys, until tha speaker throughout, kept mellow, with ashes and D'«l^i!-T'g2gy-ggJM5L?f.liyKS means ; but I am fully capable of working hav wfih vexation). Farming 0TThe To THU WOKXUfO ClCla *s.—I am now prepared to ig, as every wise, man will vegetable matter to feect ft, and preper torabhAli Olssefs with constant employment at their triGLMrrswBaaimz for both of us; and as for being poor and Musrky’ planting as to distance' and tfihe.—Rural homes,hornet, the whole of 1 he Mme, or for the spare mo- obscure, why, we’ll try and see if we can­ guests a tUess number of dro mentsi.’ Business new, light and profitable. Fifty Afenu Wanted (br the lilt Slum N*v> Yorker. ___ _ cents LOOK Mt*Mu Xrplaintr or Byra’S •* MHlf not make a name for ourselves in the tion. with u» hideous " )t as ©vsry ^ne either ______1 Physician' baa colored platea; price Small; her attest who is reach of'my as men. Great inducements are offered those who ageeUpraOU BIG. AI*o Ihr^'JWMe^AooWnv Cloee” aad other world, Bath.” i i Farmers, Use Salt* . will devote their whole time to the bustnewi and.that Per Clrculart addrees SoWi Seek Coooem. ClaU O. “Bat you are not obsenre, Charles. (qdack, quack, gobble, cock*n* • *•■ - —-vrr.w, . every person who sees this notice, may send me their doodle doo, all In cl —within reach of address and test the business for themselves, I make The Trevors stand high in thecircles of Salt is good to the fanner m vanous ways. the following unparalleled offer : To all who ar* not fashion. I know that, humble little dress ­ xnj Voice. well satUflad with tbe business 1 will seed $1 to pm maker though I am.” * ^Th« fanner (< “ What then?” armerr 1 say e former (ci "Why the world will say that you have S300BS SA LAR Y. Address U. S. Piatao Go., N.T mifld hjfrdftiU •ones ” •* ,d make myself “ Ana what care 1 for the world ’s ver­ it noisy plaoe dict, as long as I am happy in your-love ? 1 treble so A Starfo>t!I Little Rptfc, what sort of a mercenary ren so di cook cor chal 1 ar somewhat, and also atiffer—oot^ao^qon A new star has appeared In the literary circle*. egade do you take me for ? 7 love you, and shall frfonarival r< >ped bis disposed to lodfcdb it Bflnt >(l 1 ;i (• ' ,t>t. J , I’m going to marry you. ” , oom^Rath Murray aa your and gave such A and pre baa a tendency to ward off dlseas$nemut called Tub ” Illuxixatbd Wmaag Woxld .” Its crow that the Sprue# street phUosj _ Tneftf wa* a glitter suspiciousl y Hke “Chgtkm!” gasped the 'are In particular. The hero -of FWLJg&fr lUfjatratlons are- aft printed In beautiful oil colors, o-.-SYSS: Q-| tears long eyelids, sa was completely drowned in the"volhm will be improved. This la especially ^the y°“ Wil^you receive her' as A second •opr'*' from one to seven at a tingle impression. In this L^wS?-lftlSRefywroeoBdtero ,fecifc4 Axe Char: ' -rri ease where land is for removed frpuv^he per express, and now acknowledge tbe same. For the her fi da kQghter, mother?-1' Greeleyreeley made no effort to finish the sen- seed or toe presence of salt tester, and feature alone'frtx** ttxtfrfcTATVb teWfrx terfootaLS “ Efa&ssrvwsr into his an unconclonsiy con IK “Never!” i tence. ft was evident anger wasgetting where no salt IS * found nattndUy in the stands forth the fbremoat of the age. Aside from Its Red Jacket; an TEN CENT* tatrers, „ LCTPIN _ of fhsnlofllonable dissipat maneuvering/ ’ & Farmer. ■A FOR T Of Dolburn ’a and Hod in their book SO 7* will sewl you by return mell PrrroBTTBBH, Pyu, Sol* e while Ruth Murray went home to a house the young n . V i • fM [ward's assorted five Jacket Patents. 101-F and circular of our ss-res '—Four human skeletons have been dfc- tuaot The Patent MAGIC COMB ORE DOLLAR SALE. costal** no poison, will col ­ Agents can earn • ffHk Drees/or * Go •• WhUui , a lit or Grey h*lr a permonen • * « • * * • ever to be bought —__ ----- ing or Knitting MachttaK M a fAW evenings ’' work. Bam S* Black or Brow*.rown. Sent ‘by The' bright, Jfantmry sunkhioewas Item- monlsl market. I love Ruth Ifurruy, and ijsnWYWlibd. Adffros*.BR. MH8BKVK a oo . mall on receipt of fl.'Ll. Address WM. PATTON ing the crusted snow diamonds, and l shall marry her In ‘ .. . : ’ . Mye Greeley. WSTutl.hry st„ Bestro. Mm*[ rtroaurer 1U<1» uoab i^mptny, flprtagfi. wL U$m. J «

.ftEWYQBK, BOSTOK, " aip wew EmAiaomM. i Mil un.it ttiam raw

«-• » war KmatumouBR soon.

rjlBOTVN.« York Tta. tnm ----- * “lehiganatreeta: 1869 .—Om xraicaa, (rfundaye it Ayer, * Hi f

Mo'^PLuh Sail , rto Aro. ml it ftfct rmb I ft*tidi* UVA, Jk was* it optdorotood that I make it a point to Mmom out dome in Dried Patch** , pitffctkm of *|le, fit, and workmanUk# Dried Apple*, finish. Orders left a PlumsteadU store Freeh Oct Mad DRY GOODS! promptly attended to. Bhop in Plum- ahcttyt m hood, end which Which I oder at ahoetooe half last years prion. ON EXHIBITION •Uad a block, onr tbs Express office. m will he cold cheap for tlO p. AA. Kir Vww StwrlinaA, JJ. A. DkOLAlRJC, Practical Thllar. PRINTS, SHEETINGS, STftlPES Bi. Jo hns; March ^ ^ OABH OB PBODTJOB. DENIMS, COTTONADES, AT A PomtK iHSTitonow.—The entire Highest market pitee always paid. fee., fee., feo. pnUic mind, is fast becoming aw^tened fork at S*4i p.m. ConnaeU at klmira with l-bsra alec oo hand A largs assortment ot Northern Central Railway fur ilarrisbnrgh is the Talne of Life Aaaijraoc*. J. H. C ORBIT’S, Philadelphia, Haiti mere. Washington, and rissr, Cara. Meal ■■ekwhoal points south, at Great liend with Delaware, a small begittbing, and amid many diffi­ near, Ac* Laehawnnnn and Western Railroad far Scran ­ culties, it has forced its way upward to Please eall and examlae my stock and prises fa DRESS GOODS, ton, Trenton and Philadelphia, and at Hew tore peretmtm elsewhere. Remember the pu York with afternoon trains and team— far a point wheredA 1» eomipg to be fairly ft rat gt o ufa/ at the heed of Ctlntoa arenas, Walker Street, Weet. Boston and New England Cities. appreciated.^ lfo one in this day, with ft. John#, Feb. Sd, lSSR fttf Barred Molls, Ikdia Boos, Steavd Only one train East on Sunday, leaving Buffalo at 4:1# p.m., and reaching New York at nfagn. any claim to intelligence, depreciates otJce ” and Plain N ainsooks , Sarsarst Trad SAT. AM AMOA- -By He benefits, while multitudes are tusk­ N Cambric , D otted Mulls , The fhl lowing flat of >m U nion Depot#. ing haste to be possessed of them. Dr. Irish Linens , Liner ______i Mail , from Oaskirk (8w M. J. Lidell, or this village, is sgent days excepted). Stops at Salaiuanea teaua-m. A fine lot of and eonneetaat HoroelDville sad Corniag with for the Guardian Mutual Life Insar- Insurance Companies, 8freads fe N apkins , aha 80S a-m- Express Mail from BuBUa.ned ar­ Represented by rives in New York at 7 AO a.m- company, of New York. This BLEACHED MUSLINS* feo. 2:36 p. m. Liuut .mnu E^rukaa, from Salaman­ ca, [Sundays exeepted], supj at Hornelltvilie company offers special inducements to EDWARD L. SMITH, The Celebrated * led Racer9* OM p.m-.(4up>^ inferaeotieg With the tJVmm. these who desire to make provisions for These goods will be found very cheap. train from Buitalo. and arrives in New York at BT- JOHNS, MICH. 7j*a a. m. , future contingencies. Reliable, with 446 p- »• Now Y om Night Exnutn, from low rates, it has acquired a position to Dunkirk LSundays cxrepu-ii],stops at Haltmaa- Tho 014 Iinraice Crayaay • A full stock of ca, f:4* p.oi.; Oleau 7A5 p.ui. U»p|; Tarnerb command the respect of the insurance North Aierici, *A6a-m. Ibkftl. and an ires in New Tori at 12 JO p-m .eonuceting with the afternean trains world, and tbs confidence of the public. Of Philadelphia. Fine Cassimeres, Black Cloths snd Doe­ and steamer* for Boston and New England cities. Those who desire to insure should call Organised hi 1794, sines which time It has paid skins, Fancy (roods snd Ysnkeo No AXES. ftfiOp. m. Cincinnati Kxrrese. from Dunkirk. losses amounting to ever (Sundays excepted), stops at Salamanca HASP, as sbsve before coining to a final de­ tions, Gloves snd Hosiery, fists and m. and connects at Hornellsville with the II J* cision. *tf , 090,000,000. pm. train from Buffalo, arriving at New York Present Cash Capital and Surplus, over Csps, Umbrellas and Parasols, snd Silk 3:G p-m. = Boston nod New England Paseergors.with their MISCELLANEOUS. #9,995,000. Son Umbrellas, A full line ef baggage, transferred free of uhaigo ta New York U* To pleasure travelers the line of the Erie H. C. SMITH Sc CO., PitBM Fire hnrucc Covpaiy Of Hartford, Conn. A reliable Company with Cash Assets Amounting Groceries, Boots: Shoes evurehauging panorama of nat are’s beauties com- AT TBS to over luudinUouBM.^fiB UIDIIIE & CBTLERT. The best ventilau-u and most luxurious sleep­ #680,000. * ing eoaehea hFi.N THE WORLD JYoBI accom­ LEATHER A FINDINGS. pany all night trains on this railway- Corner Drag Store, May always he found at this place. Bfagp upa checked through, mmd Jt'mrc ml- Eaterprtee Fire tad Marti! lasar- %emu* me low mm by any other Monte. (Comer Clinton Are. mad Walker Bt) IKC O ninit , Uk ter tickets m Erie Railway, Of ClnecinnsU, Ohio. Which can be obtained at all principal ticket Capital and Sarplns #l,lls,OO0 BOOTS fe SHOES fe CLOTHING offloea in the West and Southwest. Hare a complete and well selected stock of Secured by State Law ofOhlo JOBBING IN H. Biddle, Wm. M. Mmrr, #9,000,000. Manufactured to order and Warranted. Gen ’l Bqp’t. [«-ylj G^n ’l Pass. Ag ’t- This Is a No. 1 Company. Policies of tbs Inter- I1BAND TRUNK RAILWAY, prise are nlwsys eight drafts for their Lose rs. Thrac Express leave Detroit daily for all places Druga« Mediolnea,Palnt« It Is my purpo se to meet the Market at all times follows, by Chicago time: Ollm, Vtirnlithes, in prices, and to keep n full nod eomplete etoek of Tin, Copper&Sheet-Iron 631^ MORNING EXPRESS: »*» A M., DAY Dye Stutts, Miehlgti State, sar GOOD GOODS. ”CR 1 do not profess to sell . EXPRESS: b-*o P.M, NIGHT EXPRESS. Of Adrian. the beet goods cheaper than they eun be bought ot Trains arrive at Detroit as follows :-lftl4 A. u.; dco*, Promptly and satisfactorily done. 11:40 a . u.; i:f* r. u.: ltKfto r. a. igrlc«lt«r»l ai4 Watertewa, Jobbers and Manufacturers, bpt will “ every time,” MTfave Grand Trunk Junction 30 minute# Of Watertown, N. Y. give you g oods worth the mooey you pay for them. later than U.e aU*ve time.“Uf ___ Bt. Johns, Dee. I, IMS. Rtf TEN HOURS TH E QUICKEST ROUTE Which will be sold All reliable Stock Companies, writing only on de ­ R. PLUM8TKAD. tached property. St Johns, May IS, 1M7. nl:lf TO BUFFALO. PLANING MILL. TAILORING. And reliable couuoutious made loUedaio with the Ceabiaefi Assets Nearly $1,—»HI. Erie Ruilway llmad Guege )>oable Track Route, Cheap For Cash. BOOTS a 8 HOES. Bpring Tirade and Fashions tor and New York Central for all place* (23: mS.) BT. JOHNS EAST, SOUTH AjSl) WEST. Although we advertise Drags eboar we claim, NK W 1900. NOTE.—Ticket# at chsap rates cannot be had on and are able to maintain that our good are of the Facts for the ‘People. trains of the D. * M. K. Purchase at Grand Trunk VERY BEST QUALITY, and are MANUFACTURING COMPART, oAcee weet at the J uurtiou, or at Company ’s Office, 134 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. A Haw FI wltk m tplaadll H. SH ACKKLU Gen ’l Pnes’ng ’r Agt., Montreal “B»a*ht «f RelUbto r»rtIe*.M VIGOR UD BUCKSIUI Manufacturers and dealer* In •task el K. RKIDY, Agent O T. H . Detroit 111) * o Fm Although we have bat little experience In Drugs, Martin & Bro. A MILWAUKEE RAIL ROAD. NEW a SEASONABLE GOODS In connection with the new and powerful Uppei we have aeone l actions regard for the iuteraet of our Have the largest steak ef pat rose, and have in oar employ a practical and LUMBER, Cabin Steamships, canftoV Druggist, who proteases no Ignorance In bis J. H. INCALL “DETROIT” aud “MILWAUKEE.’’ business. Billy is at all times prepared to com Riwears. ELtTER 4k 1ATRE, Has started a blacksmith and wagmFshop at the BOOTS & SHOES UatU further notice, trains will leave Bt. Johns as pognd the meet corner of Higbam and Ottawa streets, n (Boeeeeears to Pitts A Katbe.) under: Foundry, where he will keep constantly on hand an DOORS, SASH, WINDOW FRAMES, GOING- WEST. la town. Are new prepared, with a Aim stock of CLOTHS, Mixed at fc30 a.m. for Grand Haven. Difficult Proscriptions, assortment of vehicles of all kinds, which be will to eat and make to order Mail at 3:4* p.m. for Milwaukee. 11 / i • sell cheapfor cash. BLINDS, BRACKETS, CORNICE, Accommodation at 8:*0 p. m. for Grand Rapids. r "T?v • ... V ■» • « ' Night Express* at S:M a.m fee Grand Haven. And accuracy always guaranteed. When others Martin A Bro. Gents ’ Clothing, GOING BAST. cannot compound with accuracy bring your REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS In the latent styles and la the best workmanlike Accommodation at 7:00 an. for Detroit. prescriptions to him. Promptly attended to. Shelf lag, Balastera, Newels, Etc., Mali et 11:46 p.m. for Detroit. Have the grea test variety ef Night Express at tftff p.m. for Detroit. Mr. EL8TER, late ef Aun Arbor, is an old and SLEEPING CARS ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS a full assortment of experien ced cutter. Also, Horse-shoeing B00T8 fe SHOES ST. JOHNS, MICH. Refreshments at Detroit, Owosso and Grand Ha­ sad all kinds of Pert let Fits 'WmrrmmimOL Im Every ven, and upon Company ’s Kerry Steamer eti Detreit Case. River. Comfortable hotel above depet at Graad JOBBING DONE PROMPTLY. In town. H rrrm* School Sc Blank Book«, Give them e trial, They may be found In the CONNECTIONS.-At Detroit, with Great Wee- All kinds of atom room lately oerupiipied by H um Bro n Clinton tern and Grand Trank Railways for all paints East GHvs him a eall. (*Otf. Avenue, 8k Johns, Mich. Michigan Central and Michigan Southern railroads. STATIONERY, Martin A Bro. Have the beet Msrch Slet, 1*0*. »tf At Milwaukee, With the MUvraukee A St. Paul, IARMERS’ LUNCH Milwaukee A Prairie Du Chlon, and Milwaukee A Mouldings Made to Order, Chicago Railroads, for all points Weet and North­ west. Passenger* foe G. W. Railway, ge so the Patent Medicines Ac. -AND- BOOTS fe SHOES, Company ’s Kerry Steamer at D. A M, R. R. Deck On reasonable terms. 1*4& aun., and A46 p.m. D. A M. Offices, 1868. TH08. BELL, DINING ROOM, forthe money, la town. 1* General Superintendent. WALL PAPER Caatraa Plaalag 4k Flear Breaalaf IAOKB0N,'LAltoi#G A HAG1NA W R. R. Trains run direct from Jackson te W -* •• Aim JOHN C. DAYTOITS BAKERY. Martii fe Bru. Done on short notice at low prices. Geifaf Nfarth. WINDOW HHADKH ■TATioxs. vail . mxaa. urtiM. Ball their g oad* at R. M. STEEL, President, Jackson, ...... klip m. VAO a.m. k1|t.n. ■•Ala* Tm aai Caffes, J. L. PALDI, Secretary. (amslng, M.T. 8:66 VkOO , 8X1* Untilu you can’t rest,” which will be offrrad At all hours. Owosso, ...... 128 1:46 p.m. W» VERY LOW FI0URE8, Saginaw City. Ml Ml 11:1* Cheaper thaa Before. OYSTERS Bt. Johaa, May 13, IMS. 41 rtf The Last Success, East Haginaw, 9*0 A10 114* In every style to suit customers. Picketed Feet Wenoua, arr.-lO.O* 7:10 12A0 m. Qor stock Is fall, well assorted, sod contains every MISCELLANEOUS. Accommodation train leaves Jackson II iff) a. m. andndTongne, Tonga#, roast1 “Beef, rasst “Pork and* aa their extensive trade indies tea. and arrives at Lansing lr28 p. m. thing usually /ound In a Bread, Pies, Cakes, Cheese, Sec Belnf Renth. Remember the place, STATtOBS. UffaM., MIX BO. VAIL* FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE. OYHTERB at Wholesale A Retail. [9*t 2?sj^v?a^- it'- a—- &Wf.Tm-*0^ fa/f '•S' f L 'hr » AT 40 CENTS PER CAN Gibb.’ House Block. i Saginaw City. 440 798* ■' * . • Owoseu,...... OB# lffo p. m. *ca* • d LaimingjiLT.. TM lOcfl Jf EW BOOT A SICE H«T. 8l. Jota.(M.a,Wt ttf Jackson, air.. #.10 p. mm. 1*0 12:40 p. m. Our stock of The undersigned would respectfully announce to Aeeommodstloneeommodstion train 1foavee leasing at tit p. m. the cltisens of Bt Johns and the surrounding ooun a and arrives ht Jackson at 3:66 p. m. Druggistu ’ Sundries try, that hakaa opeaada Workingmen Ahead! connects at Jaeksou with Utaffit Cent. ILR.: with night train Is oomplsis sod by far the largest in the county. Southern R.R.; with trains DOWN 80~THE PRICES, l KEk aiOwmee. H. 0. MOTH A CO. Soot Sc Shoe Shop tt Express gotng north cor sects at Jedtsoo with Bt Johns, Mooch 26, IMA 26:tf day express weet and east on V. C. IL K. end M. ff. opposite thsAnstey House, where he la prepared to HE sabaerlber wishesto Inform the Gen' st. R. train from Cleveland and Tol edfa of Bt. Johns and vtotatty, that he bee souse Kxprsae gelng south eenneets at Oweeae wRh D. FURNITURE. to the Mieu lag cash pnree for ROOnTB 1 !i AMUR. At Jackson with day express trains Plril Qaallfy neweA Beets, H OB and west-on M. C. R. X, aed with M. M. IL K. far New Work te Order. as aa Tol'-do. Furniture, FurnitureI 1 BO Maw gwing south cenwa at a at Oweeae with sight 4 »• -Til' n a* TOO train* east and west oa D. A M. & IL, sad at Jack- Cebbllng done on short notice and In n work man­ Pint qaaRtyKIp ooo < iaoucBoiOe aoa with. avanlu^iavanlag axw eas west on M. C. IL R. ta manner. €Hvn me n triaL <• «• 0 00 3 l WATBOW, A ssH Gen’l Runt. Tni.^^^u"Jte,'r. ‘hiormU ‘ JAMES HILLSON. Jackson, Jannary,try, IMA (Ml St. Johns, July 16, IMA 41:2m Mmwte ta>pai at wfll qulcklf rettovc Gmv Hair •IdeUad etfealt* tho Peoteinoo, And all other weak In proportion. to it* otcuni color tod be* a tv, BOOKS* PAPERS, fee. NATIONAL EUll I Challenge Competition in Eith«r Biook Prints from 9 to 12s ets. WbkM Re will Vo happyte wait ea). J"**' *CrW p - >. P'} I9* 'y% XW ' - End produce luxuriant growth. It it e style at wotkinamhip. ALL CALLS, ' orOF ST.st. JOHNAjoi perfectly hnnnleat, and U preferred CHteOLADNO LIBRARY ladnlk AUw^.^wreej^a^ dfapofoh. Remember ***- nlean. ’•J# •rtrr other preparation by NEWS "rOOM. CAPITAL, $60,000. Over J. W. PAiaa’a Store. CLOTH I gTc OOCKIT, those who hart g fine bead of hahr^ WM. RTAW Bt. Jehaa, Mud 0,1M*. •a well B those Who wish to re*t fdf THE BEST A ABUTMENT OF CHAS. KIPP, Vioe Preet The suhserthor beg* leave to Inform tbe Boot* Sc Shoe k. Th* beautiful gloai and ofRt Johns (hat w|d * JleWfa CABINET WORK Agmm VnUMIAN • toy. imparted to tka Hair swkaiti banfoeu, Orrgaitp rap , two If* MArn worn $ 4. , CAPS, otbl and DfllUTORS, > ' fcr old and young. buna H , wham he wiU keep 'wnsfoatly on O kas . Eim Joov Hktkb. ( LLOYD'S Wm Betla bj all Dragi 8. B. Wi U* CHOICEST WORKS * u CHAIRS ’ATnrrBRTOLtmra rouble maps depot , m cnmorvncH k . t. Of Amerieaa and Foreign authors and sathorescce, Of AfaMrftwfa aw4 Barees, Aaorlea Inr ohtW la this awkit./Alio, Thla Be# isopen for business on OUaton An- TEAS! TEAS! TEA8I TO LEND. betvsea Plntastend'a corner and the Gibbs the Ufa I ted Btfatea df Awaerlefa. We tm eelMng Teas by the poked at what they fbh^ONED o Ujijel For the exceedingly low pries ef Tfa» cte. per week. COFFINS. Colored —In 40*0 Counties. mewurabytS Chest, an* afiier Gfoearim In pra- ■vMhwvUii received, U. S. Coupon* cashed ------New York and Detroit Exchangeboiuought and JZnmT JCU Smi /Von BB fa** Cewfu I also keep an assortment ef ‘WOOD TURNING geld, and sgeaesnl Banking business traosaeted.tra B*!ow tb« Khrktt Prioe. M **#*••• ta.Mfafl* Borlia. kSegars, Tobacco,’ Pipes, la the beet poeslbt# tasnaer. BOARDING. family In the lend —they oe-mpy the spaa# ef one Mr. J. IT. Golden having pwre famed th* Maple Men, anf by means of the R« verier, either side one spMaaa# Bt fatal Bings Has, wlH ran dot ’jr. ex- Etc., at Wholerale and Retail WW I anr always to be foaad at my pest. "Mi mg MBAB BBE4.-A fl»w reapaetable beard- be thrown front, end aim nan bt ought level te the BEST JAPANTEA AT $1.20. «•#* •■edeya.fadWsen Maple JUptdsaadBt. John*, X rr. can be accommodated either with rooms er eye. County Rights and brye ilssewuta given le starting from Meed ’s Hotel aft a. arriving at Ctadtot, Ptefe €msd Pnrftfe - day board within five mlautee walk ef the peel good Ageeta. Ht. Johns In time for the eastern bound psassafatv lUmemher the place opposite the poetoftee. tralr.and depo rting Immediately after the srrival of PICKLES, 0Y8TEM, 40. ofaee,-----by applying to Apply far Circulars, Terms, end send money far J. A. WIMA. M. WADE. J. M. WILLBON, iple Maps, to J. T. LLOYD. HICKS * BEMENT. the afternoon express, res thing Maple Rapids at 7 It. Jehus. Jaaaary 1, uni lktf First Grocery bead 01 GUaten are. i:4w 2S Cortlaed Street, 2f. T. , 0t. Jakes, Spring, 1*0*. Wtf. Bt Jehaa, April M, 184*.