r VOLUME in. ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL fl. 1869. NUMBER tt. A Plaint .—We am no! prana to | method of issuing hoods for railroad ADVERTISEMENTS. BUSINESS CARDS. John 8ttrk to. Esekisl Nile*. Dis­ " ' "TWf— . She Clinton £udfprodetit. continued without costs. •. v. wayf. M evn. cbawfobb oo Hi plain, aa a genera! thing, nor to | aid. They moat ha for ommo not leas PubUsbed every Wednesday, at Henry £nokey w. Wm. F. A Jas. K NEW QOODt BROWN k CRAWFORD, make known to tbo great public our j than $100 nor more than $1,000 aud TTORNBYtf AT LAW.—Will UMl to nay CiT. JOHNS, MICHIGAN. ■ | Petteya. Judgment for plaintiff for Mope of their pro- t nr •' < private grievances ; but when aggrava ­ mast not boar morn than 10 por oont ggyg 15 j, end oonveysnctng, m. win GEO. m. OOHBIT. tion reaches e oertain degree, itieneoes- interest. John M. Rom me ek al. os. Monet IhijMNMylaftuM. I , BY tbs dotrnee hi criminal ««•«. Ofloe eary to seek relief in eome manner; end Section 5 provides that these bonds Lomborgor. J udgment for plaintiff for . Hoard d lwt drug ito», Ithaca, Mteh wo cheese to cry aloud uoto tbe read ­ shall bo deposited with tho Steto Treat- 8451.64. NabaeHtvtlon, Ml 50 Par Year, Base in trrrot the railenail nnmntnt G«ylord WatOOn 01. LOTOMO O- Tilt- MLJONIITS’ DISPENSARY, ers of tbe J ndepsndbnt . The case is >nr, ID tro«t for th. railroad company. /adment for ptelntiffSr «108.84. po« ni inmaopATBiu trkatmkrt IN ADVANCE. f mi Otsttam .of the Xyr, Ear, Throat. Lunge thualy: W e hsve a house and two lots, all Seetion 8 fixe* the method of regie- j),Tid Purayth vt. Mery L. Baker, H mt\ pp| all Acute m6 Chronic functional ds Advertisements inserted at reasonable raise. gamfesnents Oftfce human system. Ofoeein Blekele JOB PRINTING our owq—it belongs to ys, in feet 1 It taring tho bonds, and of disposing of Judgment for plaintiff for $184.91. BImAl 9L JfiMi M|||| 1 • Of every description promptly and neatly ase- them for the benefit of the company,! Jaoob 8. Farrand ot. al. ot. Edwin ■WAUenlists«Mt tbo sick, In tbo village jar ■tried ,r is pleasantly located, too; end we have promptly responded to 42; tf no desire to leave it, but wo propooe to which is dons on tho presentation of a ^u<*8 0iea * ^or THORNTON'S FINE ART GALLERY. certificate from tbe Goremor of the * ' National Bank ee. B. W. plOTWUPHN loitfo and amall. and tn feet jCnal pattm. sell it to tho first mao who will buy.— BALE iA rnrrwsmuw varietyi mm iui / wiuf platerspwpiv made at the above Gai- Stats that the company has eompliad Boynton. Judgment for plaintiff for r — . *. .M.ii Particular attention ta The oaae is timely: Josiah Up too— anrjasab deelrod colored la eU, Wiitm.—A girl to do botwa work, wo call him that, because it is bis name with tho law. 1186.60. tnMrtriMNHMklak.«. Head of Clntcn Avenue, Pei JET III 1*1I* W. Tnoanvon, ArttoL in g family of two. Apply immediately —a clever man and worthy citisan, has Sections 7 and 8 provide that, in Wm- R. Sheldon, plaintiff in error at this offiod. been and gone' and oreoted a nuisance earn the tom or city Mb to pay the d«frnd.ntin error. AND 1. J, LIDDELL *. D., . ^ *_v, , uertiorarL Judgment m court below Id AN ANDBUROKON, «t. Johns,lfleh. —we mean a barn, but it amount* to tho bond| or coupons, the county authori- reversed with costs. In C So tee Hail bulMiae, <p stairs. Beal- Gaiidbm 8bkd $.—You who with to nor ef Oakland and Hignam strode. All receive an abundant barveat form the thing—right in our 11 moonshine tiee shall impose and oollect thereon Hiram Granger et. al. vs. James H. ealH ’traroroptly attended to. Atoo, an^tfer the sufficient to oaooel the debt, tho bonds Hathaway. Continued upon applies Lite insurance Company ef New Torb. flftf seed* you put iu the grouud. buy right between onr domioile and town, ud ooopons being mode - • rnlid tad iioD. 00 **" “•.. DENTISTRY. Viek’a $eed$. For aale at Gorbit’a and on a location where a house woulc HTTHB BEST. *TI8 CHEAPEST IN THE do well enough, but a barn is intol legal charge opon the taxable property | gi^dir. Non eoit. S «i Am hsretoforo, the subscriber will con- Hardware, Walker street west. natasandv the imtdental work at a Ibtr price. of the town or city issuing the same?' ----- Ofllee prescribing and ----- — i aro --------- erable. We plead with him, begged o “ James Carrier v*. Frederick Brain* . Offloc and rsaidew ExiuBiriOB ov A frican Curiosities . him not to do so, offered him a libera Section 9 declares that no bonds shall ard. Jury trial. No cause of aotion. I. K. CORBIN, M. D J. L. Swan, i« exhibiting in the bull Bernard Stronse et. al. vt. Moses prioe if he wouldn’t do it, but Joeiah be delivered to tbe company until itIT . _ % „ 4 . Cfesafav than Ever, REHOYAL. ding first noth of the SL Joboa House ehellhoT. completed . firet-cluo roed I ' Jud* m*nt for PUln,rfr E WATTS has removed h«« bar>*r shop to was obstinate. The best men iu town , over Jacob Brown ’s stove, (Hicks'new Meek) “ The Wild Man of the Foreet,” to­ Wwhere ho will aMond to Bna^. Bel*CuUlng a»| attempted to show him the unreason­ on that part of the line within the mn- Wm. MoGreger w. Wm. Smith et. Disastno BhiwinHr ~~ Dyeing. Rooms fitted gether with a hundred other nature uslasswuaat and comfortable manner. able folly of outraging public decency nicipality voting the bonds; and where al. J udgment for plaintiff for $211.62. ^B?WCrSaJioary«th,llW. l*jrl curioaitiea. Admiaaion 25 cento. and hia neighbor's feelings, but Josiah voted by a municipality on one side of F*ters vt. Geo. A. Webb. As AT . ARSTEY HOUSE, was deaf to their arguments and advioe the line of the rood, only whon the roed , J"J,trU1- *»**•»<»>» for nOQT of Clinton Ave^ HL John* Mich. n. w Whbw!—D uring tbe hot eeason r Walton, Proprietor. Tble taaNew Mouse, and And so the matter rests. We bavy no I. completed through the .djotn.ng Sylvcter Juoo ». I«.o K. Rice, ____________ _ the which is coming on, when the inner has hemifitted up wHh special reference to redress, no way to right our wrongs.— town; and when voted by a municipal- Judgment for plaintiff for $1,124.73. wants of Sm pOhOe. Stage ollee far lthaoa, Alma man needs refreshment, n call at Day asd flfe. Loom . But we can at least “ express our send ity more than six miles from tho road, Daniel R. Btrant et. al. vs. Chat. W. A. TEACHOUT’S. ton’e, Walker street west, for invigorat only when as mooh as twenty miles of 9*ds* Tried and hfld bJ oowrt for con k MEW HOOP SKIRT FACTORY. ments” and we propose to do so here­ 8t. JenM, April SI, ISOS. M. L W. THORNTON baa lately opened a ing drinks and delicious ice cream the railroad are completed from that 81 ®r* tlon* IK UbMiiu metory. where she msnufiectore the after in this regard as often as once MUntyTSbnSd IWnt Apron Hoop Skirt. Headwhich will renew the wilted frame. 4 ...... John A. Potter et. al. vs. James S. JOB of Ottnteu Avenue, Wet* side. ______ 2* :1y week. If we can ’t move that confound­ terminne neereet the municipality Toting 8b, w. Judgment for plaintiff for PaopgaaiONAL. —Dr. T. Cole, Phy­ bartow a cook , ed barn, we can at least move the pub­ the bonds. $176.33. Spring 8tyles fi TTORNEYS and OounaeUore at l.*w and 8oll- sician and Surgeon, wiafiee to atate to lic sympathies in our behalf. And we're Ssotion 10 extends tbe provisions of Philo Doty v*. William H. Moote.— A ettere la Chancery. Ale-sOolleeUng Agents, at* OF weetnhalla, Clinton County, Michigan- the public that he haa recently located going to do it. Yon bet.” the set to incorporate villages, and pro- for plaintiff $420.41. IBABTOW. [oSSl mutant cook . in 8t. Johns, and will attend to al Tide, that when eoch . r.lUge hu voted MooU. jud.me^ for pl>iotiff >162.0i. DRESS GOODS, G. W. TOPPING, 0. D., Lansing & Mackinac Railroad .— professional calls, day or night. Office aid, it shall not be liable for taxes for Mary H. iVade vs. Geo. Herindeen. Go to PHYSIC An important meeting in the interest of 4 reside over Well’a news depot the same object voted thereafter by the Appeal. Plaintiff non suited, fP-xil-antarainiCUm* attention given to surgical caeee. tidy I tbe proposed road from Lansing through A. TEACHOUT’S. township in which such village is situ- Alexander Acre et. al. Plaintiff in St Johns, April XL ISOS. Srif "MISCELLANEOUS. A uction Sai .b.—Messrs. H. k C. P. DeWitt, St. Johns, Ithaca, Alma, St, ated. | error v*. James Criffin. Defendant in |lOR A CABD. Lyon, four milea eaat of Maple Rapids, Louis, and otherfplaces, to ultimately RRP error. Judgment in court below re- Circuit Court .—-The April term of I versed with costs. Ransom Plumstead have sold, their farm with the view of reach tbe Straits of Mackinac, was held the Circuit Court closed on Saturday w. Austin Hamilton et. al. Judgment Spring Styles Michigan JExch ange. moving to Missouri, and will, on Satur in this village on the 15th instant. — Dbtsoit , February It, IS! last, Judge Lovell presiding.
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