Court History
COMri History (ISSN is published three times year in March, July, and November by the Court Historical Society Blackwell Publishers, Inc., with offices at 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA, and 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 IJF, UK. Call US 1-800-835-6770 or fax: (7811 388-8232 c-mail: other at Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA, or 108 free in the US 1-800-835-6770, fax: 781-388-8232, or email: --~= ....... Sultlscription Rates for Volume 26, 200 I Institutions, The Americas $85.00, UK/Resr of World £65.00; Single Issues: Institutions: The Americas $34.00, UK/Rest ofVvorld £26.00. Checks in US dollars must be drawn on a US bank. Checks In must be drawn on UK bank. Checks should be made to Blackwell Publishers. individual orders may be paid by personal check. Canadian residents please add 7% GST. Electronic Access Abstract ,rm'm""",n for this ublish- Back Issues Back issues of the current and previous three volumes are available from the Malden oHice at the current single-issue rate. Microfonn The Journal is available on microfilm. For microfilm service, address to Universiry Microfilms Library SerVIces, Ann Arbor, MY 48106, USA. The mailed class in North and by IMEX to rest of the world. All reserved by the CouC[ Historical or transmission of this work in any form or by any means that by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Law is unlawful without prior in writing of the Publisher, or in accordance with the terms of licenses issued by the Copytight Clearance Center and other authorized by the to administer Please note, however, that all institutions with a paid to this journal purposes free such copies are not resold, For educational pho requests that do not from an institution WIth paid subscription, contact the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive.
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