
The classification of early land -revisited*

Harlan P. Banks

Banks HP 1992. The c1assificalion of early land plams-revisiled. Palaeohotanist 41 36·50

Three suprageneric calegories applied 10 early land plams-Rhyniophylina, Zoslerophyllophytina, Trimerophytina-proposed by Banks in 1968 are reviewed and found 10 have slill some usefulness. Addilions 10 each are noted, some delelions are made, and some early planls lhal display fealures of more lhan one calegory are Sel aside as Aberram Genera. Key-words-Early land-plams, Rhyniophytina, Zoslerophyllophytina, Trimerophytina, Evolulion. Harlan P Banks, Section of Biology, Cornell~ University, Ithaca, New York-5908, U.S.A. 14853.

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FIRST, may I express my gratitude to the Sahni, to survey briefly the fate of that Palaeobotanical Sociery for the honour it has done reclassification. Several caveats are necessary. I recall me in awarding its International Medal for 1988-89. discussing an intractable problem with the late great May I offer the Sociery sincere thanks for their James M. Schopf. His advice could help many consideration. aspiring young workers-"Survey what you have and Secondly, may I join in celebrating the work and write up that which you understand. The rest will the influence of Professor Birbal Sahni. The one time gradually fall into line." That is precisely what I did I met him was at a meeting where he was displaying in 1968. enthusiastically an angiosperm flower embedded in I sought major trends among the so-called a translucent matrix that he had collected recently. Psilophytales that anyone could see and left aside all All of us were captivated by his infectious the peripheral genera that for one reason or another personaliry and concer'n for palaeobotany. As a did not fit. Perhaps they lacked fertile parts or young man, I spent considerable time seeking conducting cells or details of branching. Perhaps copies of his publications through book dealers. they were only short-lived geologically. Perhaps they Without question, he made a profound impact on illustrated aberrant body plans in which world palaeobotany. characteristics had been assembled evolutionarily in Almost a quarter century ago I suggested a unexpected ways producing organisms that were reclassification of some taxa (Banks, 1968) new to our biases. They were no more than dead­ particularly because Psilophytales had become a end variations related to no other organisms. catchall group for obviously unrelated organisms Edwards and Edwards (1986) expressed my thinking and for indeterminable fragmentary fossils. That was precisely when they wrote (p. 216) "We find it at the lOath anniversary of the founding of Peabody neither necessary nor desirable to fit every Museum, Yale Universiry. It seems appropriate at into a lineage." If we can see characteristics so another lOath anniversary, of the birth of Birbal Essays In Evolu,Jonary Plan! Biology Ed/lors : B. S, Venkal.achala, David L Dllcher & Hari K. Maheshwari "Reprinted from GeophYlOlogy, voL 21, 1992. Publisher: Birbal Sahni Insrirute of PalaeobOlany, lucknow BANKS-CLASSIFICATION OF EARLY LAND PLANTS 37 assembled as to produce plants that illustrate major anisotomously, pseudomonopodially or trends or lineages leading to subsequent younger adventitiously, bore terminal sporangia on main axes floras, then we certainly can visualize the possibility or on laterals of limited growth, and probably had of so assembling characteristics as to produce centrarch strands. ephemeral organisms outside the major trends. Such Edwards and Edwards (1986) excluded plants a scenario might parallel that in the with overtopping and pseudomonopodial branching Burgess shale where animals thought to be from (p. 202) and suggested (p. 203) that arthropods proved to be constructed on body plans the change from dichotomous to pseudomonopodial different enough to constitute new phyla. But of all branching was a major change in development. I am the variations only four survived the Cambrian and convinced that this change in the activity at the apex persisted as the four lineages now seen in of the stem is sufficiently important to distinguish Arthropoda. Similarly, none of the- most aberrant with predominantly dichotomous plants of the early flora appear to have survived branching from other groups. Hence, I prefer to omit Devonian time. JUSt as examples of such plants, I from Rhyniophytina plants with obvious think of Germanophyton, Enigmophyton, pseudomonopodial growth. For example, Edwards Pia typhyllum, Barrandeina, and DUisbergia. and Edwards (1986) suggested that Cooksonia I see no reason now to depart from Schopfs pertonii and C. hemisphaerica in Ananiev and advice nor to change my approach from a search for Stepanov (1969) be excluded from Cooksonia major trends. So this talk is but a quick overview of because they branch pseudomonopodially. They changes since 1968 and my revision thereof (Banks, would erect a new for the two plants. I agree 1975 ). but would go one step farther and exclude them Many papers are omitted for lack of time or from Rhyniophytina, restricting the latter to simple space and my own unfamiliarity with the organisms. dichotomous branching. I emphasize suprageneric categories and minimize Edwards and Edwards (1986) also pointed to generic descriptions of early land plants. The the number of genera of rhyniophytes for which citations will lead one to full descriptions of genera, neither true tracheids nor intact vascular strands species, and the dynamic aspects of the early flora. have been found in fertile specimens. Though The latter include the physiological requirements of wi IIing to consider these plants as members of the move to land, the life history strategies involved, Rhyniophytina, they suggested grouping them the ecological conditions under which the informally under the heading "rhyniophytoid", a transmigrants had to sUlvive, the evidence for life on term apparently coined by Pratt et at. (1978). The land as early as time, the stories told by group so designated includes genera that clearly microfossils (, bits of cuticle, elongate tubes), look like rhyniophytes and even a genus, Cooksonia, the phytogeography of Siluro·Devonian time all of that has come to be regarded as the oldest vascular which are being developed rapidly. Papers such as plant. Gray (1984), Selden and Edwards (1989), Edwards Table 1 is a comparison of my (1975) (1982, 1986), Edwards and Fanning (1985), assignments to Rhyniophytina, those of Edwards and Raymond, Parker and Barrett (1985), Raymond Edwards (1986) and my present thinking. Comments (1987) and references therein will quickly introduce on the listing follow. a reader to some of these significant and intriguing gwynne-vaughanii (Text-figure lA) as approaches to early land plant evolution. revised by David Edwards (1980) still is a relatively Simple, dichotomizing despite Edwards' RHYNIOPHYTINA demonstration of the abscission of its sporangia, its adventitious branching, and the resulting tendency I proposed (1968) this subdivision of toward overtopping. Tracheophyta for plants with naked axes bearing Uskiella spargens Shute and Edwards (1989) fusiform or globose sporangia and with centrarch branches isotomously and bears terminal, elliptical xylem strands. sporangia with complex walls, has no dehiscence, Dianne Edwards and collaborators, using a and has a conducting system of tracheids. This multifaceted approach, have greatly expanded our recent addition (Text-figure IB) to the rhyniophytes knowledge of the earliest land plants. She and David becomes the most typical proven member of the Edwards (1986) summarized the taxonomic group if nearly all others fall into the rhyniophytoid conclusions and their paper is basic to my review. category. They broadened the concept of Rhyniophytina to I omit Hostinella and Aphyllopteris because they include naked axes that branch isotomously, are form genera for vegetative dichotomizing or 38 THE PALAEOBOTANIST

Table I-Taxa Included In RhyoJopbytlna by Banks (1975), Edwards and Edwards (1986), and the present paper (for some omitted genera see Table 2)

Banks 1975 Edwa,rds and Edwards 1986· This paper

Rhyniophytina Rhyniophytina Rhyniophytina Rhyniaceae Rhyniaceae Rhyniaceae Rhynia Rhynia gwynne·vaughanii Rhynia gwynne'vaughanii Kidston & Lang 1917 Horneophylon Taeniocrada (T. decheniana) Uskiel/a spargens Shute & Edwards 1989 Cooksonia (pro parle) Sleganolheca Hoslinel/a (pro parle) Rhyniophytoids Salopel/a APhyl/opleris (pro parle) Cooksonia Lang 1937 DUloilea Eogaspesiea Daber 1%0 Eogaspesiea Rhyniophytoids Sleganolheca Edwards 1970 Eogaspesiea Sa/opel/a Edward~& Richardson 1974 Questionable Rhyniophytina Cooksonia Eorhynia Ishchenko, 1975 Taeniocrada Sleganolheca Hedeia Cookson 1935 Hicklingia Sa/opel/alEorhynia Yarravia Lang & Cookson 1935 NOlhia HedeialYarravia Fanning, Edwards & Richardson 1990 Yarravia Duloilea pu/chra Heg 1930 Hedeia Questionable Rhyniophytina Duloilea Horneophylon

Excluded Genera NOlhia Rhynia major (Ag/aophylOn) Hicklingia pseudomonopodial axes that might be derived from from unattached, presumed . a wide range of plants, not necessarily rhyniophytes. Steganotheca Edwards 1970a (Text-figure 1F)­ Taeniocrada and Renalia are discussed below. This plant consists of several times dichotomized axes terminated by elongated sporangia with Rhyniophytoids tapering bases and truncated apices. The central, coalified strand yielded no tracheids. Cooksonia Lang 1937, if it proves to be vascular, Salopella Edwards & Richardson 1974 (Text· would be the oldest vascular land plant and also the figure 1)). Simplest when rhyniophytes are restricted to Eorhynia Ishchenko 1975- These two plants dichotOmously branching axes with terminal short, may be congeneric (Edwards & Edwards, 1986). broad or fusiform sporaniga (Text·figure 1C, D). They are preserved as compressions and are Edwards, Fanning and Richardson (1986) characterized by elongate, fusiform sporangia borne demonstrated its stOmata and sterome. Other details terminally on dichotOmizing axes. If petrified, they appeared in Edwards and Fanning (1985) and would probably belong to Rhynia. Edwards (1990). Edwards, Feehan and Smith (1983) Caia langii Fanning, Edwards & Richardson described some of the earliest cooksonias. Fanning, 1990 (Text·figure lI)-Axes dichotomize and bear Richardson and Edwards (1988) discussed various elongate sporangia with parallel sides and rounded kinds of spores extracted from Cooksonia. Cenainly apices. Sporangia bear spinous appendages and Cooksonia is the most studied of the early land occasionally branch. To date, is the plants and one can only hope that the search for its only early plant to show repeatedly branched vascular structure will ultimately be successful. sporangia and it is likely that all sporangia of that Dutoitea pulchra H4>eg 1930 is poorly known genus were branched (EI Saadawy & Lacey, 1979b). but does seem to have a dichotomized axis Hedeia Cookson 1935 (Text·figure 1G) and termina~edby Cooksonia·like sporangia. The axis Yarravia Lang & Cookson 1935 (Text·figure 1H)­ apparently has tiny projections, unlike most other Hueber (1983) considers Yarravia to be a rhyniophytes. preservational form of Hedeia. In Hedeia the Eogaspesiea Daber 1960 (Text·figure 1E) is dichotomizing axes terminate in elongate sporangia based on clusters of slender axes terminated by borne in corymb·like fashion. Possibly the crushing ellipsoidal sporangia. Tracheids were reponed only of some of these sporangia could produce the BANKS-CLASSIFICATION OF EARLY LAND PLANTS 39 Yr c


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Text-figure 2A-J-Aberrant Plants. A. Aglaophyton from David Edwards, 1986; B. Horneophyton from Eggert, 1974; C. Taeniocrada decheniana from Krause! & Weyland, 1930; D. Renalia hueberii from Gensel, 1976; E, F, J. from EI Saadawy & Lacey, 1979; G. Seven sketches of Hicklingia from Edwards, 1976: H. Hsua from Li, 1982; I. Stachyophyton from Geng, 1983.

(1986) has since demonstrated that its cemrarch terminal sporangia. However, apparently all of its strand was nOt composed of tracheids but rather of sporangia are up to five times lobed, and its cells more like the hydroids in some , It must columellae are similarly branched (E1 Saadawy & be removed from a list of early vascular plants but it Lacey, 1979b; Eggert, 1974). The sporogenous cavity does not fit any other currently recognized category. is continuous throughout. One other genus, Caia Aberrant it is, at least until we reach a better (Fanning, Edwards & Richardson, 1990), has been understanding of its conducting cells. reponed to have some lobed sporangia. The Horneophyton (Text-figure 2B)-lnis genus is a repeated branching of the columellate with centrarchy, dichotomy and sets Horneophyton aside from rhyniophyres where BANKS-CLASSIFICATION OF EARLY LAND PLANTS 4 l

single, terminal sporangia are the rule. Its corm·like resembles a spike. Nothia is an ideal example of an and peculiar sporangia combine to aberrant plant with its rhyniophyre-like dichotomies establish Horneophyton as a second aberrant . and centrarch strand, its -like "spike" of Taeniocrada decheniana (Text-figure 2C) as lateral, reniform sporangia that dehisce by a reconstructed by Krausel and Weyland (1930) transverse slit and its conducting elemems that are branches dichotomously in the vegetative region but not found in vascular plants. The arrangement of its fertile branches divide laterally (pseudomono­ sporangia in Nothia is so variable that El Saadawy podially) to produce somewhat paniculate clusters and Lacey (1979a) think of it as a "morphologically of elongate, terminal sporangia one side of which is unstable condition from which, theoretically, some fused to the stalk to which it is attached. I exclude of the more constant arrangements characteristic of this plant from Rhyniophyrina because its fertile other groups of Tracheophyta could be derived" and branching pattern is more complex, its sporangia further, "this might be an indication that the process tend to be clustered, and each is fused laterally to its of evolution or development of a whorled stalk. Tracheids are known but maturation of its arrangement from a spiral one was still proceeding". vascular strand is not. I agree fully and suggest that this continuing process Renalia hueberii Gensel 1976 (Text-figure has produced still another aberrant plant that will fit 2D)-R. hueberii produces main axes that branch no rigid classification. pseudomonopodially. The laterals branch Hicklingia Kidston & Lang 1923 (Text-figure dichotomously and terminate in sporangia that are 2G)-Edward's (1976) re·examination of the round to reniform_ Sporangia dehisce distally along a specimen of Hicklingia and two additional fertile specialized suture into two equal valves. Its specimens has demonstrated that its globose to tracheids are known but not its vascular strand. hemispherical sporangia are borne laterally on short Renalia stands apart from rhyniophyres in its stalks. They are aggregated into loose spikes. It is advanced, pseudomonopodial branching pattern and instructive to compare the "spikes" of Nothia, clustered sporangia that recall trimerophyres. But Hicklingia and the next species, recurvata. I the morphology of its sporangia parallels that of have ;;0 intent to suggest that these three genera are . In my opinion, it represents one more related but do emphasize that all three evolved a evolutionary pattern that neither fits one taxonomic comparable mode of bearing sporangia even if it category nor presages another. Gensel (1976) evolved from different origins. The anatomy of remarked that "intermediates such as R. huebel'ii are Hicklingia is completely unknown, hence we can difficult to fit into the concept of 'rhyniophyres' or not even be sure that it is a vascular plant. Edwards, 'zosterophylls' as presently established". EI Saadawy on the basis of its spikes of sporangia that dehisce and- Lacey (1979a) made similar comments about into two valves, assigned the genus tentatively to the Nothia, suggesting that the "two genera should zosterophylls. Its naked, dichotomizing axes are perhaps be classified under yet further consistent with rhyniophyres. Until its anatomy is subdivisions". Their comments reinforce my feeling known, I retain Hicklingia among those early genera that they are better grouped with other unusual that I call aberrant forms. forms as Aberrant Plants and that we are nor yet Huia Geng 1985-Stems of Huia branch ready for additional subdivisions. pseudomonopodially and dichotomously and bear Nothia aphylla Lyon ex Het>eg 1976 (Text-figure terminal spikes of ovate sporangia whose stalks are 2E, F, J)-The main axis of Nothia is more or less recurved adaxially and arranged spirally. Its xylem rhyniophyte-like. It dichotomizes and is strand is centrarch and composed of scalariform characterized by a centrarch conducting strand tracheids. In terms of the size of its axis, Huia looks composed of elongate cells with no thickening nor robust. Its stems are up to 1.4 cm in diameter. The pitting. These cells can not be called tracheids hence stems of Hsua and Taeniocrada are closely similar the plant is not a vascular plant. This is the same in size but the other so·called aberrant plants range problem we saw in Aglaophyton. Neither plant can from 1.0 mm to, at most, 6.0 mm in diameter. Huia now be regarded as vascular. Sporangia of Nothia are resembl-es Nothia and Hicklingia in the spike-like borne laterally on short, adaxially recurved stalks arrangement of its sporangia. This character also that are supplied by traces branched from the main suggests affiliation with zosterophylls but the axis. Traces end in the base of the stalk. Sporangia centrarch xylem strand recalls rhyniophyres. The that terminate the stalks are more or less reniform more robust axes that branch pseudomonopodially and dehisce by a transverse (distal) slit. Sporangia relate to trimerophytes or, at least, deny a may be borne singly and spirally, in pairs, in whorls, connection to rhyniophyres. Obviously, Huia does or in terminal clusters. A fertile axis, as a result, not fit our present classification. It does, however, 42 THE PALAEOBOTANIST

illustrate still another combination of characters except for the more complex branching of its fertile assembled by the ongoing evolutionary process that branches producing a paniculate appearance. we have been reviewing. Renalia hueberii-pseudomonopodial Hsua (Li & Cai) Li 1982 (Text·figure 2H)-Axes branching and groups of sporangia terminating of Hsua (Li, 1982) branch pseudomonopodially. dichotomizing laterals suggest trimerophytes but Laterals divide dichotomously. Some lateral sporangial morphology suggests zosterophylls. branches divide isotomously up to 4 times and all Nothia-not a vascular plant, no tracheids. Its tips bear single, round to reniform sporangia that axis is rhyniophyte-like and its conducting strand is dehisce distally into two valves. Other laterals centrarch though non·vascular. Its sporangia are branch several times and terminate in tips that may variously arranged on spikes and recall be recurved or even circinate. Short, several times zosterophylls. dichotomized, branches are considered to be ­ Hicklingia-Axes recall rhyniophytes. No like in nature. A centrarch protostele is composed of anatomy known. Sporangia borne laterally in spikes tracheids. Hsua might be regarded as a highly recall zosterophylls. advanced rhyniophyte except that its branching is Huia-like Nothia and Hicklingia sporangia much more complex than the dichotomous appear to be arranged in spikes as in zosterophylls branching of rhyniophytes and, although its but the illustrations seem to be less zosterophylloid sporangia are single and terminal, the branching axis than the other two genera. Centrarch xylem recalls that bears them produces a sizeable group of up to both rhyniophytes and trimerophytes but 16. Both characteristics suggest a simple pseudomonopodial branching of the robust axes trimerophyte. However, the round to reniform tavours trimerophytes. sporangia that dehisce distally are not characteristic Hsi,a-pseudomonopodial branching of robust of trimerophytes. Hence, Hsua is retained as an axes, centrarch xylem strands, and freely aberrant form. dichotomizing laterals terminated by sporangia Stachyophyton Geng 1983 (Text·figure 2I)-This suggest trimerophytes. Round to reniform sporangia Siegenian plant combines characteristics of several recall zosterophylls. subdivisions. Its profuse' pseudomonopodial Stachyophyton-pseudomonopodial axes with branching followed by dichotomous laterals dichotomizing laterals suggest trimerophytes. suggests trimerophytes. Its fertile branches, called Strobili recall zosterophylls. Forked sporophylls with strobili by Geng, recall zosterophylls in general adaxial sporangia recall but absence of aspect. But on the strobilus, forked sporophylls are any other microphylls denies that relationship. No attached helically and bear adaxially elliptic to anatomy is known. pyriform sporangia with longitudinal dehiscence. Anatomy is unknown. Sporophylls and sporangia ZOSTEROPHYLLOPHYTINA suggest lycopods but the absence of leaves (microphylls) on main or lateral gxes denies that I proposed this subdivision (Banks, 1968) for relationship. Geng suggested a possible relationship plants with lateral sporangia that were globose to to Krithodeophyton and Enigmophyton two plants reniform in shape and that dehisced along the distal whose phylogenetiC position is unknown. I agree margin. The xylem strand, where known, was with Geng that the position of Stachyophyton is elliptical in transverse section and its maturation was uncertain. But I see Stachyophyton as a exarch. In 1968, there were only six genera included demonstration that microphylls could evolve and in and some of these were still unpublished or close association with sporangia as well. It provides required name changes. By 1975, two of the name one more demonstration of evolution in action and, changes and two completely new taxa had been like other aberrant forms, it took another direction published, yielding six good genera, four of which from the main stream. had preserved anatomical structure. Table 3 lists the taxa known in 1975 and the sixteen genera that are Table 2-Aberrant plants that combine features of major now included in the subdivision. suprageneric groups In various ways that defy classi­ Plants assignable to Zosterophyllophytina are fication both abundant and highly \>ariable yet they fit Aglaophyton-rhyniophyte except for its non­ uneqUivocally into the subdivision. Gensel and tracheidal conducting cells. Andrews (1984) provided a derailed descriptive HorneophylOn-a rhyniophyte except for its survey of the zosterophylls that I shall not repeat repeatedly dichotomized, columellate sporangia. here. Reconstructions included here (Text-figures Taeniocrada decheniana-a rhyniophyte 3A·G, 4A·K) provide a partial understanding of the BANKS-CLASSIFICATION OF EARLY lAND PLANTS 43

Table 3-Zosterophyllophytina as proposed in Banks fundamental differences in the activiry of the apical (1975) and as it stands at the time of writing this paper meristem. The terminate group (Table 3) may have modified from Nlklas and Banks (1990) arisen as a sertes of dichotomies in which one axis Banks 1975 Present Paper of each pair produced a sporangium. At the last dichotomy both apices were converted into Zosterophyllo Zosterophyllophytina sporangia, effectively halting further growth. In such phytina Zosterophyllaceae Zosterophyllaceae a fertile axis each sporangium was a converted apical Terminate Non-terminate, bilateral meristem and each sporangiaI stalk was homologous Zosterophyllum Heard 1927 with an axis. El Saadawy and Lacey (1979a) Penhallow 1892 (see Edwards, 1970b) postulated precisely this hypothesis to explain the 10 species sporangial axes of Nothia where sporangia were Gosslingia Crenaticaulis Banks & Davis 1969 borne spirally, in opposite pairs, in whorls, in Crenaticaulis Rebuchia Hueber Hueber 1971 mixtures of whorled and spiral, in terminal groups, 1970 or occasionally in fused pairs. They started with a Sawdonia Gumuia Hao 1989Bathurstia Hueber 1972 dichotomously branched axis and hypothesized that Rebuchia Serrulacaulis Hueber & by "unequal branching, overtopping, three­ Banks 1979 Bathurstia Margophyton Zakharova dimensional branching, condensation and fusion" 1981 all the varied sporangial positions in Nothia could Konioria Zdebska 1982 be derived. Nothia is mentioned here to demonst­ Oricilla Gensel 1982 rate plasticiry in the morphology of some early land Edwards & plants not as a taxon in a phylogenetic series leading Kenrick 1986 Anisophyton Remy, to zosterophylls. Nothia is, rather, one of several Schultka & Hass 1986 aberrrant genera whose suite of characters is unique Thrinkophyton Kenrick & and therefore fits no currently recognized higher Edwards 1988 category. Discalis Hao 1989 The second group of zosterophylls is the Deheubarthia Edwards, Kenrick & Carluccio nonterminate category (Table 3). Niklas and Banks 1989 (1990) speculated that these genera had apical meristems theoretically capable of continuous plants in the group and two recent papers give some growth and of cutting off lateral initials. Some of the additional details of the genera. Edwards, Kenrick intials produced enations, others produced and Carluccio (1989) provide in tabular form a sporangia. These sporangia were not converted valuable comparison of the many genera on the apical meristems and the sporangial stalks were not basis of a broad spectrum of characteristics. 111e homologous to axes thus differing markedly from paper also includes a useful section on the the terminate forms. The significant point is that the taphonomy and mineralogy of cellularly preserved nonterminate genera evolved the ability to cut off axes. It is essential reading for an understanding of lateral meristems. This was an important many aspects of the subdivision. morphological change yet it may have been a A second paper (Niklas & Banks, 1990) relatively simple developmental innovation. It seems examined the literature on zosterophylls to review that genetic changes at the growing apex of early variabiliry in the group and to see what light they land plants have been underplayed and deserve could shed on the origin of Lycophytina. Two rypes more emphasis. of development were recognized. In one, the fertile The enations in nonterminate genera were shoot was terminated by a sporangium (Terminate, usually bilaterally arranged but could be radially Text-figure 3A-G). In the other, fertile shoots were arranged as in Sawdonia (Text-figure 4C, Table 4). not terminated by a sporangium (Nonterminate, Similarly, sporangia were usually bilaterally arranged Text-figure 4A-K). Terminate axes usually bore but could be radially arranged, as we interpret them sporangia radially. Nonterminate axes had bilaterally in Discalis (Text-figure 4J; Table 4). Sporangia in the arranged sporangia. Nonterminate axes had enations terminate group were usually radially arranged but and often circinate apices. Terminate axes had could be bilateral as in Rehuchia (Text-figure 3E; neither. Enations were borne either radially or Table 4). Niklas and Banks (1990) hypothesi zed that bilaterally and their morphology varied from spines ancestral zosterophylls could produce both to various forms and arrangements of teeth. terminate and nonterminate axes (Table 4). Niklas and Banks (1990) suggested that the two Subsequent developmental changes evolved the two conditions of the apex (terminate or not) reflected major groups, those with fertile axes capable of 44 THE PALAEOBOTANIST


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Text-figure 3A-G- Terminate Zosterophyllophytina. A, Zosterophyllum myretonianum five sketches from Edwards, 1975, one from Edwards, 1990. 8, Z fertile from Edwards, 1990; C. Z rhenanum and 0, Z australianum both from Edwards, 1975; E. Rebuchia from Hueber, 1972; F. Zosterophyllum deciduum from Gerrienne, 1988; G. Gumuia Hao, 1990. continuing growth (nonterminate) and those that Discalis. Those lycopods that are closest to this ceased growth at some point (terminate). They category of zosterophyll are , further speculated that within each of these two and Drepanophycus spinaeformis. groups some fertile axes were radially and others The other three categories appear to be evolutionary were bilaterally symmetrical. Of the resulting four deadends. Note that this hypothesis holds that one categories, only one appears to be similar to a group of zosterophylls illustrates characteristics that potential ancestral , the nonterminate, one might expect in an ancestral lycophyte. It dbes radially symmetrical group that is represented by not state that lycophytes arose from zosterophylls BANKS-CLASSIFICATION OF EARLY LAND PLANTS 45 C'i "':.~: \:1,:~

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Text-figure 4A-K-Nomerminare Zosrerophyllophytina. A. Gosslingia from Edwards. 1970; B. Crenalicaulis and C. Sawdonia both from Gensel, Andrews & Forbes. 1975. D. Serrulacaulis from Hueber & Banks, 1979; E. Konioria from Zdebska, 1982; F. Aniso· phyron from Remy, Schulrka & Hass, 1986; G. Tbrinkopbyron from Kenrick & Edwards, 1988; H. Oricilla from Gensel, 1982; I,). Discalis from Hao. 1989; K. Debeubarrbia from Edwards, Kenrick & Carluccio, 1989. 46 TIlE PALAEOBOTANIST

Table 4-Four patterns among zosterophylls hypothesized TRIMEROPHYTINA by Nlklas and Banks (1990). This Table Is much slmpllfied from that paper When I proposed this subdivision in 1968 few Terminate Nonterminate data were available (Table 5). Hueber and Banks Radial Bilateral Radial Bilateral (1967) had just selected a neotype for princeps (Text-figure 5A) but Hueber's revision of Zosterophyllum Rebueh/a Enations and Enations and spp. sporangia sporangia the species was only in press (Hueber, 1968). Hence radially bilaterally only Dawsonites, Halle's name for paired terminal arranged arranged, sporangia borne on naked, dichotomizing axes, and Disca/is e.g., Serru/a· Trimerophyton (Text-figure 5£), Hopping's (1956) cau/is name for certain specimens of Dawson's Psilophyton Enations radial, robustius, were clearly indicative of a new group of sporangia plants. From that small beginning, the group was bilateral, expanded (Banks, 1975) particularly by the addition e.g., of (Text-figure 5 I) by Kasper and Andrews Sawdon/a (1972). Hostinella, a form genus for dichotomizing Early Forms Symmetry in transition Zosterophyllum I/anoveranum Table S-Trlmerophytlna as proposed by Banks (1968), Z. myretonianum revised by Banks (1975) and as visualized In the present paper. 'Specles for which anatomy Isknown

Banks 1968 Banks 1975 Banks, this paper although it is abundantly clear that the two groups Trimerophytina Tr/merophytina Trimerophytina have more in common than either one has to any Tr/merophyton Trimerophyton Tr/merophyton robust/us Hopping 1956 other group. Of course, these ancestral·like forms Dawson/tes Pertiea Psi/ophyton krt:IUse/ii Obrhel still lacked microphylls. However, because apical 1959 meristems capable of cutting off lateral meristems Dawsonites 'P princeps (Dawson) had evolved and the lateral meristems were potential Hueber 1968 sporangia or enations, it is possible to visualize the Hostinella 'P. forbesii (Andrews, Kasper & Mencher) Gensel 1979 evolution of lateral meristems with greater Psi/odendr/on P. dapsi/e Kasper, Andrews & biochemical potential developing into microphylls. Forbes 1974 This would simply be a third category of lateral Psi/ophytites P. microspinosum Kasper, meristems. Such a development has now been seen Andrews & Forbes 1974 in the strobili of Stachyophyton (Text·figure 2 I), a 'P. dawsonii Banks, Leclercq & Hueber 1975 I the Aberrant plant include among Genera. 'P. char/entos Gensel 1979 Additional evidence for this degree of versatility at 'P. crenu/atum Doran 1980 the apex of early zosterophylls is prOVided by the 'p con/eu/um Trant & Gensel branches that are produced in axillary or subaxillary 1985 positions on the stem. Once called axillary P. szafert Zdebska 1986 Host/nella (in part) tubercles, these are seen, for example, in branches Dawson/tes Gosslingia, Crenaticaulis, Anisophyton, Pert/ca quadrtfarta Kasper & Thrinkophyton, Deheubarthia. It seems abundantly Andrews 1972 clear that developmental changes in apical P. varia Granoff, Gensel & meristems were frequent and that plasticity Andrews 1976 characterized morphology in the early land plants. p da/housii Doran, Gensel & Andrews 1978 In summary, without going into all the details Likely Trimerophytina and reciting the caveats reqUired in the Niklas and 'Yun/a dichotoma Hao & Banks (1990) theorizing, it is reasonable to Beck 1991 postulate that small developmental changes in the Perhaps advanced beyond Trimerophytina apical meristem resulted in the evolution of a wide Oocampsa catheta Andrews, variety of zosterophylls from some unknown Gensel & Kasper 1975 ancestor and that Lycophyrina required relatively few 'Cothanophyton zimmermanii additional changes to be evolved from an ancestor Remy & Hass 1981 that shared many features with terminate, radially Tursuidea panicu/ata Schweitzer 1987 symmetrical zosterophylls. BANKS-CLASSIfICATION Of EARLY LAND PLANTS 47

B c


..~~ ~ . ~J;~~

'".~.,..t . :11 'IIr.t ~i-~~ \[!/=~ ~\r~jJ:: Jl'~~ , H Text-figure SA-J- Trimerophytina. A. Psi/opbylOn princeps from Hueber, 1968; B. P. jorbesii from Gensel, 1979; C. P. dapsi/e and D. P. microspinosum bOth from Andrews el aI., 1977; E. Trimeropbylon from Hopping, 1956; F. Psi/opbylon dawsol1ii from Banks, Leclercq & Hueber, 1975; G. P. charienlos from Gensel, 1979; H. P. crenu/alum from Doran, 1980; I. Perlica quadrijaria, [he dark circles are clusters of sporangia, from Andrews el aI., 1977; J. Perlica da/housii from Doran el aI., 1978. axes, was added because Banks (1967) found a are more complex than anylhing yet described for specimen with a vascular strand like that observed in lfimerophyles and Remy and Hass (1986) exclude il a specimen of Dawsonites, a form genus. The from lhal group. No fertile branches are known. particular specimen proved laler lO be a piece of However, on lhe basis of undescribed, cellulariy Psilophyton dawsonii. Two Olher form genera, preserved axes thal I have collected at Psi/opbyton Psi/odendrion and Psi/opbytites were added as well. localilies, I suggesl lhal we may find lrimerophyle Because bOlh are slerile axes never associaled with analOmy lO be more complex lhan presenlly known. masses of lerminal sporangia nor Wilh analOmy, lhey The original characterization of trimerophyles should probably be removed. In the pasl decade and included planls with pseudomonopodial main axes a half a number of new species of Psi/opbyton (Table bearing dicholOmizing or tricholOmizing lalerals 5; Tex(.figure 5B-D, F-H), lWOnew species of Pertica some of which were terminated by paired, fusiform (Text·figure 5J) and, perhaps, a new genus, , sporangia. Sporangia were clustered into groups of have been added. Andrews, Gensel and Kasper 16 lO 256 where the number depended on lhe (1975) consider lhal lhe lalerals of lheir genus number of dichOlomies. The vascular strand was a Oocampsa (Table 5) branch in more complex large, round lO elliplic, centrarch prOloslele. Plants fashion lhan do lalerals of lfimerophyles hence thal added lO lhe group have modified lhe descriplion Oocampsa had evolved beyond lrimerophyles and only slighdy. For example, main axes of Psilopbyton foreshadowed . I suspecl lhal dapsile (Text-figure 5C) were mostly dichOlomous lO Schweitzer's (1987) Tursuidea (Table 5) may be weakly pseudomonopodial. In contraSl P. similarly more advanced lhan trimerophyles. The crenulatum (Text-figure 5H) was shown by Doran ridged xylem slrands of Gotbanopbyton (Table 5) (1980) lO have a complex branching pattern that 48 THE PALAEOBOTANIST

foreshadowed the branching in , rhyniophytoids which one hopes will ultimately be especially Psalixochlaena cylindrica. Trant and shown to be vascular. For the present, Rhyniophytina Gensel (1985) expressed similar feelings about their stand as an early group of land plants with no species P. coniculum. Doran, Gensel and Andrews obvious ancestors nor clear cut descendants (1978) suggested that variation in branching in although one presumes they had the potential to trimerophytes indicates evolution toward evolve in the direction of trimerophytes. aneurophytes by way of Oocampsa and also toward Zosterophylloph)'tina has been expanded certain ferns. Andrews, Gensel and Kasper (1975) remarkably. Ten new genera have been added and discussed and elaborated similar points. All these several new species have been described under i'l.::portS reinforce the original suggestion (Banks, Zosterophyllum. The additions have confirmed the 1968) that trimerophytes "seem a natural outgrowth major features of the group-lateral sporangia with of Rhyniophytina and Simultaneously foreshadow distal dehiscence and, wherever known, exarch the more complex branching pattern found among vascular strands. Niklas 'and Banks (1990) have , Coenopteridopsida, and identified four basic patterns in the group. They are Progymnospermopsida". Stewart (1983, chapter 12, those with terminate fertile axes accompanied by pp. 192-193) and Holmes (1989) derive all, or either radial or bilateral symmetry and those with several, major groups of ferns from Trimerophytina. nonterminate fertile axes accompanied by either Hao and Beck (1991) place Yunia tentatively in radial or bilateral symmetry. The authors Trimerophytina because of its dichotOmous hypothesized that those forms that were branching, its centrarch protostele, its scalariform nonterminate with radial symmetry most resembled tracheids with pit-like perforations in the wall ancestral lycopods, or that they demonstrated the between the bars, and the associated fertile axes that potential for shoot apices to evolve in the direction may bear paired terminal sporangia. The sporangia of lycopods. The aberrant genus Stachyophyton are elliptiC rather than fusiform and the center of the further demonstrated the ability of apices to produce xylem strand has considerable parenchyma around microphylls, at least in the form of sporophylls. the protoxylem. If Yunia remains in Trimerophytina, Remy, Schultka and Hass (1986) described branches it broadens the concept a little more and permits of Anisophyton that originated near the major Hao and Beck (1991) to comment on the use of branchings and called them angular organs. They are branching patterns and stelar morphology to relate comparable to, but more complex than, the axillary trimerophytes to Carboniferous ferns. tubercles found, for example, in Gosslingia Psilophyton appears to be the least complex (Edwards, 1970b) and Crenaticaulis (Banks & Davis, genus with P. dapsile as the simplest and possibly P. 1969). They suggested that the type of branching crenulatum as the most complex species. Members could be used as an additional means of of the genus may reach a meter and a half in height. distinguishing among various zosterophylls. Pertica is perhaps the most complex genus and Trimerophytina has modified the some of its members may reach two meters or more been by in height. addition of new species of Psilophyton some of which have the characteristic large (in comparison SUMMARY to Rhynia gwynne-lJaughanii) centrarch xylem strand and masses of terminal sporangia that dehisce A review of three subdivisions (or phyla) of longitudinally. Axes branched much more profusely early land plants since they were proposed in 1968 than Rhyniophytina, pseudomonopodially on the reveals some deletions, numerous additions, and main axes and dichotomously on the laterals. New various modifications. David Edwards' (1986) finds, such as Yunia, may broaden the scope of the demonstration that Rhynia major had no typical group. Other new forms such as Oocampsa, tracheids was a major change in Rhyniophytina and Tursuidea and Gothanophyton will ultimately led to the establishment of a group here called further broaden the group or form the nucleus of Aberrant Genera. His redescription (1986) of R. intermediate forms between trimerophytes and ferns gwynne-lJaughanii was a striking modification but or other higher forms. left Rhyniophytina with one genus possessing Finally, one encounters those forms that do not vascul:n tissue. To this Shute and Edwards (1989) fit readily into the three subdivisions but that have added Uskiella. The continued failure to demonst­ combined the characteristics of more than one rate vascular tissue in any other rhyniophytes led subdivision. These forms that, for me, demonstrate Edwards and Edwards (1986, Table 1) to set up an the rapid evolutionary changes that were in progress informal group amongst presumed rhyniophytes, the in Siluro-Devonian time, 1 have here referred to as BANKS-CLASSIFICATION OF EARLY lAND PlANTS 49

Aberrant Genera. Only continued search will WS & Scotese CR (editors)-Palaeozolc palaeogeograpby and determine their ultimate fate. biogeography, Geo/. Soc. Mem. no. 12 : 233·242. Edwards Dianne & Edwards DS 1986. A reconsideration of the Rhyniophytina Banks. In Spicer RA & Thomas BA (editors)­ REFERENCES Systematic and taxonomic approaches in palaeobotany, :\naniev AR & Stepanov SA 1969. The first finding of the Systematics Association Special Vol. 31 :,199·220. Psilop'hyton flora in Lower Devonian Salairsky Ridge (Wes.tern Oxford University Press, Oxford. Siberia). Trans!. in Ithaca. Tomsk State Unlv Pub/. 203 : 13· Edwards Dianne & Fanning U 1985. Evolution and environment in 28. the Late · Early Devoniah : the rise of . Andrews HN 1961. Studies In . John Wiley & Sons. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond 8309 : 147·165. New York. Edwards Dianne, Fanning U & Richardson JB 1986. Stomata and Andrews HN, Gensel PG & Kasper AE 1975 A new fossil plant of sterome in early land plants. 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Edwards Dianne 1970a. Fenile Rhyniophytina from the Lower Gensel PG & Andrews HN 1984. Plant lije In the Devonian. Devonian of Britain. Palaeontology 13 : 451·461. Praeger, New York. Edwards Dianne 1970b. Further observations on the Lower Gensel PG, Andrews HN & Forbes WH 1975. A new species of Devonian plant, Gosslingla breconensis Heard. Phil. Trans. Sawdonla with notes on the origin of microphylls and lateral R. Soc. Lond 8258 : 225·243. sporangia. Bot. Gaz 136 : 50·62. Edwards Dianne 1976. The systematic position of Hicklingia Gerrienne P 1988. Early Devonian plant remains from Marchin edwardlt Kidston & Lang. New Phytol. 76 : 173·181. (North of Dinant Synclinorium, Belgium) I. Zosterophyllum Edwards Dianne 1982. Fragmentary non·vascular plant micro· declduum sp. nov. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 55 : 317· 335. fossils from the Late Silurian of Wales. Bot. I Linn. Soc. Granoff JA, Gensel PG & Andrews HN 1976. A new species of Lond 84 : 223·256. Pertlca from the Devonian of eastern Canada. Palaeonto· Edwards Dianne 1986. Dispersed cuticles of putative non·vascular graphica 8155 : 119·128. plants from the Lower Devonian of Britain. Bol. I Linn. Soc. Gray J 1984. Ordovician·Silurian land plants: the interdependence Lond 93 : 259·275. of ecology and evolution. Special Pap. in Palaeontology 32 : Edwards Dianne 1990. Constraints on Silurian and Early Devonian 281·295 phytogeographic analysis based on megafossils. In McKerrow Hao, Shou·Gang 1989a. A new zosterophyll from the Lower 50 THE PALAEOBOTANIST

Devonian (Siegenian) of Yunnan, China. Rev. Palaeobot. cular land pleg OA 1930. A psilophyte in South Africa. Det Kongelige Remy W & Hass H 1986. Cothanopbyton zimmermannii nov. gen., Norske Videnskabers Selskab Forhandl. 3 : 92-94. nov. spec., eine pflanze mit komplexem stelarkorper aus dem Heg OA 1967. pp. 193 : 433, In Boureau (Editor)-Traile de . Argumenta palaeobot. 7 : 9-69. Pa(eobotanique, II. Masson et Cie. Paris. Remy W, Schultka ST & Hass H 1986. Anisopbyton gothanii nov. Holmes JC 1989. Anomalous branching patterns in some fossil gen., nov. spec. und hinweise zur stratigraphie der sudlichen Filicales : implications in the evolution of the megaphyll wilbringhauser Scholle. Argumenta palaeobot. 7 : 79·107. and the lateral branch, habit and growth pattern. Plant Schweitzer HJ 1987. Tursuidea paniculata nov. gen. et spec. Syst. Evol. 165: 137-158. (Trimerophytales) aus dem Unterdevon der Eifel. Bonner Hopping CA 1956. On a specimen of "Psilopbyton robustius" Palaobotanische Mitteilungen 12 : 1-28. Dawson from the Lower Devonian of Canada. Proc. R. Soc. Selden PA & Edwards D 1989. Colonization of the land. In Allen Edinb. B 66 : 10-28_ KC & Briggs DEG (editors) Evolution and the fossil record Hueber FM 1968. Psilopbyton: the genus and the concept. Irl : 122-159. Belhaven, London. Oswald, D. H. (Editor)-International Symp. on the Sh ute CH & Edwards D 1989. Anew rhyniopsid with novel sporan­ Devonian system 2: 815-822. Alberta Soc. Petrol. Geol. gium organization from the Lower Devonian of South Wales. Calgary, Canada. Bot. I Linn. Soc. Lond. 100: 111-137. Hueber FM 1971a. Sawdonia ornata: a new name for Psilopbyton Stewart WN 1983. Paleobotany and the evolution of plants. Cam­ princeps var. ornatum. Taxon 20 : 641-642. bridge Universiry Press. Hueber FM 1971b. Early Devonian land plants from Bathurst Trant CA & Gensel PG 1985. Branching in Psilopbyton : a new Island, district of Franklin. Ceol. Surv. Canada, Paper (71· species from the Lower Devonian of New Brunswick, Canada. 28: 1-17. Am. I Bot. 72 (8) : 1256·1273. Hueber FM 1972. Rebuchia ovata: its vegetative morphology and Zahkarova TV 1981. On the systematic position of the species classification with the Zosterophyllophytina_ Rev. Palaeobot. "Psilophyton" goldschmidtii from the Lower Devonian Palynol. 14: 113-127. of Eurasia. Paleontol. I 15 : 109-118. Hueber FM 1983. A new species of Baragwanathia from the Zdebska Danuta 1982. A new zosterophyll from the Lower Sextant Formation (Emsian), Nonhern Ontario, Canada. Bot. Devonian of Poland. Palaeontology 25 (2) : 247·263. I Linn. Soc. Lond. 86 (1, 2) : 57-79. Zdebska D 1986. Psilopbyion szaferi sp. nov. from the Lower Hueber FM & Banks HP 1967. Psilopbyton princeps: the search Devonian- of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Acta Socie­ for organic connection. Taxon 16 (2) : 81-85. tatis Botanicorum Poloniae 55 (3) : 315·324. Hueber FM & Banks HP 1979. Serrulacaulis furcatus gen_ et sp. nov., a new zosterophyll from the lower Upper Devonian of ADDENDUM New York State. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 28 : 169-189. Ishchenko TA 1969. The Cooksonia palaeoflora in the Skal'skii horizon of Podolia and its stratigraphical significance. Ceol. Two reports appearing while this paper was in I 29: 101-109 (in Russian). press bear directly on the thesis presented in the Kasper AE & Andrews HN 1972. Pertica, a new genus of Devonian paper. I have treated Cooksonia as a rhyniophyroid plants from nonhern Maine. Am. I Bot_ 59 : 897-911. included in Rhyniophyrina, but excluded from Kasper AE, Andrews HN & Forbes WH 1974. New fenile species of Psilopbyton from the Devonian of Maine. Am. I Bot. 61 : Rhyniaceae pending the demonstration of tracheids 339-359. in its fertile axes. Edwards, Davies and Axe in Nature Kenrick P & Edwards D 1988. A new zosterophyll from a recently 357: 683-685 have now published that demonstration discovered exposure of the Lower Devonian Senni beds in and Cooksonia on my Table 1 must be moved back Dyfed, Wales. Bot. I Linn. Soc_ Lond. 98: 97-115. to its place as the first of the genera in Rhyniaceae Kriiusel R & Weyland H 1930. Die Flora des deutschen Unter­ devons. Abh. Preuss. Ceol. La ndesanst. , N.F. 131 : 1-92. where it has long been thought to belong. Addi­ Lang WH 1937. On the plant remains from the Downtonian of tional evidence that Aberrant Plants were a frequent England and Wales. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. 8227 : 245­ component of early land floras is provided by a new 291. plant, Adoketopbyton subverticillatum (Li & Cai) Li & Lang WH & Cookson I 193). On a flora, including vascular land Edwards, published in Paleontology 35(2) : 257-272, plants, associated with Monograptus, in rocks of Silurian 1992. This plant, from Yunnan Province, (:hina has age, from Victoria, Australia. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. 8224 : 421-449. fructifications that suggest zosterophylls but its Li CS 1982. HsUa robusta, a new land plant from the Lower sporangia are borne adaxially on bracts thus Devonian of Yunnan, China. Acta pbytotaxon. sin. 20 (3) : recalling lycopods. Vegetative axes, however, lack 331-342., microphylls or other outgrowth. Hence the plant fits Niklas KJ & Banks HP 1990. A re·evaluation of the Zosterophyllo­ phytina with comments on the origin of lycopods. Am. I no rigid classification and must be added to the Bot. 77 : 274-283. growing list of enigmatic Aberrant Plants listed on Pratt LM, Phillips TL & Dennison JM 1978. Evidence of non-vas· Table 2.

t!.~r. \J '.' I'I'.~R Ac.( ~-~I ~!1.