
Sofia Born: May 14, 1971 (uncredited role as baptism baby Michael Francis Rizzi 1972)

In 2003, she received the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for the comedy- drama Lost in Translation, and became the third woman to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Director. The Beguiled 2017 La Traviata 2015 A Very Murray (TV Special) 2013 The 2010 Somewhere 2006 2005 Lost in Translation 2003 1998

Lance Acord Director of Photography Buffalo ’66 (Vincent Gallo 1998) Being ( 1999) Adaptation (Spike Jonze 2002) Lost in Translation Where the Wild Things Are (Spike Jonze 2009) Spike Jonze (m. 1999–2003) https://www.thedailybeast.com/sofia-coppola-discusses-lost-in-translation-on-its-10th- anniversary

Soft focus or shallow focus photography shoots with a specific lens that concentrates the depth of field so objects targeted by the camera appear in sharp, clear focus, while everything else remains out of focus. Soft focus photography is used to isolate certain images for inspection, granting a heightened interest in those objects in sharp focus. A meaningful distance or isolation can be indicated among two or more characters and/or objects when sharing a frame but only one is in focus at a time.

unbalanced spatial relationship the mise en scene

in focus and balanced

deep focus and fully integrated into cityscape out of focus-the power of love cannot not be captured

spatial relationship internal framing

Charlotte in between out of focus “couple” Kelly () & John () the first look lens flare/palimpsest focus


opening image held for 2 minutes—WHY? John Kacere not enough of an answer

Buzzfeed’s Marlow Stern: The opening shot of Scarlett lying on the bed in underwear is one of the film’s great images. What inspired that shot? Sofia: There’s a painter called John Kacere who does paintings of girls in different underwear, so it’s taken from one of his paintings. When I started the movie, I had a reference book of different images that came to mind with the movie.



following the credits this final, unexplained still