. \ PAGE TWENTY THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1969 Daily Net Press ^ A . - ' i iWanrliPiitfr lEtti^mns Ifpralii For The Week Ended The Weather 2ime 28, U W the use of trainees at that Fair, continued warm and school. humid tonight and tomorrow. Town Gets $8^769 Grant Low tonilght about 6S. High to Other budget reductions made Yarnott'Kehl Dohkin Chides Democrats 15,459 necessary by the lower grant morrow in the 80s. For Teacher Aides Plan ManeheUer— A City o f Vittage Charm are: $3,000 to $1,600 for admin Oh Case Mt. Study Issue 'Manciiester''has beei;.^ granted At that time, the assumption istration; $1,600 to $600 for Miss Evannle Elizab^rth Kehl /'V teachers’ released time to work VOL. NO. 239 TWENTY-TWO PAGES HIANCHEOTER,' CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1969 (Cteastfled AdrertUiig on Page 11) $8,769 by the State Deipartmerit was that a grant of $26,000-36,- and Rudolph Martin Yamott, Manchester’s Republican ICE TEN CENTS with trainees; $875 to $263 for tion " is exactly for that, a of Education under the Educa 000 would be forthcoming. Be bo^ of Bolton, were united in town chairman today oha'rged fusibility study, and for noth cause of the reduced grant. clerical help; and $1,130 to $146 tion Professions Development m&riage Saturday, May 31, at ing else.” Cone said several changes have fqr supplies and equipment. that Democratic Statd Rep. N. St. Maurice’s Chtu*ch, Bolton. On Tuesday, Boggini, who Act to work with Manchester had to be made In plans. In Cone said MCC would probab Charles Boggini and the legis was on record for spending the CJommunlty College in training stead of the 10 aides originally ly conduct a threer-week orienta The bride is the daughter of lature’s State Development Wrong Sentence teacher aides to cope with the tion period for trainees, who Mr.
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