Approximate Analysis of Queueing Network Models

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Approximate Analysis of Queueing Network Models Approximate analysis of queueing network models Citation for published version (APA): van Doremalen, J. B. M. (1986). Approximate analysis of queueing network models. Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven. DOI: 10.6100/IR243227 Document status and date: Published: 01/01/1986 Document Version: Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers) Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. 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Download date: 27. Sep. 2021 approximate analysis of queueing network models j.b.m. van doremalen approximate analysis of queueing network models approximate analysis of queueing network models PROEFSCHRIFT TER VERKRIJGING VAN DE GRAAD VAN DOCTOR IN DE TECHNISCHE WETENSCHAPPEN AAN DE TECHNISCHE HOGESCHOOL EINDHOVEN, OP GEZAG VAN DE RECTOR MAGNIF1CUS, PROF. DR. F. N. HOOGE, VOOR EEN COMMISSIE AANGEWEZEN DOOR HET COLLEGE VAN DEKANEN IN HET OPENBAAR TE VERDEDIGEN OP VRIJDAG 14 MAART 1986 TE 16.00 UUR. DOOR JOHANNES BERNARDUS MARIA VAN DOREMALEN GEBOREN TE HEDEL Druk: Dissertatiedrukkerij Wibro, Helmond. Dit proefschrift is goedgekeurd door de promotoren Prof.dr. J. Wessels en Prof.dr. J. Wijngaard CONTENTS 1. Introduetion and summary 1 l.I. Queueing network roodels I 1.2. The analysis of queueing network roodels 1.3. Separable queueing network roodels 2 1.4. Approxiroate analysls of queueing network roodels 4 1.5. Airo of the roonograph 6 1.6. Suroroary 7 2. The approximate analysis of queueing network roodels 9 2.1. Introduetion 9 2.2. Decoroposition and aggregation 9 2.3. Two separable queueing network roodels 11 2.4. Separable queueing network roodels 14 2.5. Mean Value Analysis 18 3. Mixed open and closed multichain queueing network models 21 3.1. Introduetion 21 3.2. A class of separable queueing network roodels 22 3.3. The MVA approach 28 3.4. The MVA algorithro 43 4. Qosed mu1tichain queueing network models 51 4.1. Introduetion 51 4.2. Model and roean value analysis algorithro 52 4.3. Rerooval of the reenrsion 53 4.4. Decomposition of the demand structure 59 4.5. Aggregation of the demand structure 64 4.6. Numerical results 67 5. Queueing network models with two phase servers 78 5.1. Introduetion 78 5.2. Model, mean value analysis and parametrie analysis 79 5.3. An iterative aggregation-disaggregation metbod 83 5.4. Mean value analysis extensions 86 5.5. An iterative approximation method 89 5.6. Numerical examples 94 6. Priority queueing network models 98 6.1. Introduetion 98 6.2. The basic closed multichain queueing network model 100 6.3. A mean value analysis of M/G/1//PR-queues 101 6.4. A service completion time approximation 104 6.5. Closed multichain queueing network approximations 106 6.6. The CP-terminal system with preemptive resume prioritiffi 109 6.7. Numerical results and conclusions 117 Heferences 124 Samenvatting 132 Curriculum vitae 134 1. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY 1.1. Queueing network models. Networks of queues are used in many areas tomodeland analyse real-life systems, as for instanee in computer performance analysis, design of communication networks, produc­ tion planning in manufacturing enterprises and planning of transportation systems. The use of such roodels is justified by a common characteristic of such systems: they can be viewed as a collection of interoonnected resources providing service to a group of users. The resources have a fmlte capacity and, consequently, waiting lines of jobs may be formed. Especially for the performance evaluation and the design of information processing sys­ tems queueing network roodels have proved to be a reliable and accurate tooi for analysis, cf. Kleinrock [1975:1] and [1975:2), Ferrari [1978], Kobayashi [1978], Gelenbe and Mitrani [1980], Sauer and Chandy [1981], Lavenberg [1983] Lazowska, Zahorjan, Graham and Sevdk [1984) and Heidelberger and Lavenberg [1985]. Mathematica! roodels provide an efficient tooi ,for the evaluation of large and complex queueing network systems. The development of an adequate model assumes a thorough study of the essential features of the system and as such provides a clear and profound insight in the operation of the system. The mathematica! analysis of the model may lead to the development of an efficient tooi for the evaluation of the system for different parameter sets and as such yields the possibility of parametrization. The analysis of mathematica! roodels yields thus an attractive basis for the design, con­ trol and performance improvement of queueing network systems. 1.2. The analysis of queueing network models Standard tools in the study of roodels of queueing network systems are simulation and mathematica! analysis. Insome instances "hybrid methods" have to be advocated. It is typical for simulation that it may be used to analyse mathematica! roodels at virtu­ ally every level of detail. Essentially, it provides a tooi for the analysis of transJentor time-dependent behaviour by the construction of sample paths of the underlying stochas­ tic process. In practice, the use of simulation iS restricted as the evaluation of large and complex roodels by simulation takes large amounts of computation time and demands vast storage rEquirements. Furthermore, the statistica! interpretation of the numerical results is a difficult and quite of ten underestimated problem. In Bratley ,Fox and Schrage [1983] an overview is given of the technica! aspects of simulation. The simulation of queueing network roodels for instanee has been treated in Markowitz [1983], Sauer and Chandy [1981] and Kobayashi[1978). Typical for analytica! techniques is that these may yield efficient algorithmic procedures for the oomputation of important system characteristics. They, essentially, provide a tooi for the analysis of the equilibrium behaviour. The major problem is that only for a -2- relatively small class of queuelog network roodels exact and efficient evaluation tech­ niques are known. Both simulation and analytica! techniques have their restrictions. For large and complex queueing network models neither of the two techniques provides an efficacious tool. For such roodels the development of approximation methods seems to be a natura! way-out. In this monograph we concentrate on the development of analytica} approximation methods. 1t is our alm to show the lines of argument which may lead to the development of intuitive, accurate and efficient approximation methods. Some more or less well­ established problems from the area of queueing network analysis illustrate the general ideas. 1.3. SeparabJe queueing network models Stochastic roodels and particularly Markov processes are a widely used tooi for the analysis of queueing network systems. Though it is, in principle, possible to study the transtent behaviour of such models, in practical situations one concentrates on the analysis of the limiting behaViour. Under eertaio ergodiclty conditions the equilibrium and limiting distribution of a Markov process may be obtained as the unique, strictly positlve and normalizoo solution of a set of linear equations relating the equilibrium or limiting probabilities. If a queueing network model apart from these ergodicity conditions satisfies so-called separability conditions, the solution of this set of equations attain an attractive product form. Such models are therefore called separable or product form queueing network models. This line of research started in Jackson [1957] in which it has been proved that the equili­ brium distribution of a particular type of network models has a product form. Extension of Jackson's results has shown that in a larger class of networks the set of equilibrium equations has a product form solution. Noteworthy papers in this line are Gordon and Newell [1967] and Baskett, Chandy, Muntzand Palacios [1975]. The latter paper has set a standard for the class of product form or separable queueing network models: the BCMP network models. Further extensions have been studled for example in Lam [1977], Kelly [1976] and [1979]. Hordijk and Van Dijk [1981] and [1984] and Lazar and Rober­ tazzi [1984]. It seems that the boundaries of the class of separable queueing networks have been reached and that it is quite unlikely that substantial extensions are to be found any more. Apart from the fact that for separable queueing network roodels analytica! expresslons for the equilibrium probabi1ities have been obtained, it has been shown that important system characteristics may be evaluated in a relatively simple and efficient way. Queueing network roodels can be divided in open, closed and mixed open and closed net­ works.
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