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Conference Proceedings.Pdf Social & Economic Development & Regional Policy Adaptation of Post-Industrial Society to Global Changes Edited by Jan Slavík & Lucie Povolná Published by Faculty of Social and Ecoomic Studies Jak Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem Pasteurova 1 400 96 Czech Republic Pages: 109 ISBN: 978-80-7561-163-5 Main Organizer Faculty of Social and Economic Studies, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem With the Support of Regional Studies Association Partners of the Conference Department of Regional Development Department of Geography UJEP Institute for Economic and and Public Administration Environmental Policy Organizing Committee Dr. Jan Slavík Dr. Petr Hlaváček Dr. Michaela Jánská Mgr. Martin Dolejš Dr. Lucie Povolná Dr. Hana Suchánková Dr. Marta Žambochová Dr. Vladan Hruška Dr. Jitka Laštovková Dr. Miroslav Barták Ing. Jiří Uhman Ing. Jitka Ježková & Ing. Tereza Váňová Scientific Committee Prof. Ing. Jiřina Jílková, CSc. Prof. Ing. Josef Šíma, Ph.D. Prof. prof. zw. dr hab. Stanisław Korenik Prof. Dr. rer. Pol. Ralph Sonntag Doc. Ing. Jana Soukopová, Ph.D. Doc. Mgr. Pavel Raška, Ph.D. Doc. Ing. Pavel Kuchař, CSc. Ladies and Gentleman, I’m pleased to introduce to you the proceedings from the 18th International Scientific Conference devoted to the ‘Social and Economic Development and Regional Policy’ in the European Union, that especially focused on the vulnerable post-industrial regions in the central European countries (incl. the Ustecky region). The ideological purpose of the conference reflects the strategic document: ‘Regional challenges in the perspective of 2020’, which calls attention to substantial global based challenges within European regions. According to this strategy, the regions of the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary belong to highly vulnerable European regions that are dealing with multiple challenges (especially those of globalization and energy security matter). Therefore, looking for methods as to how to turn global changes into higher competitiveness and innovation potential, as well as better environment and higher quality of life for the Central Europe regions, these were the central focuses for conference participants. To tackle the previously mentioned challenges of post-industrial regions, the conference participants concentrated on regional policy and its effectiveness, environmental consequences of regional development, social opportunities and risks, and local economy and regional competitiveness. Special attention was devoted to young researchers and their scientific skills. Therefore one workshop was led by a GeoScape Journal editor-in-chief, and another workshop aimed at introducing experience with international scientific projects, both were an important part of the conference. We are fortunate to have been able to use the conference as an opportunity to circulate research results among young and senior researchers in the international academic environment of the Central European region. Also, to share each other’s experience regarding the specific regional problems of the post-industrial society and about its adaptation to global changes, and to search ways as to how to increase the competitive power of post-industrial society in the European environment. I’m looking forward to seeing you in June, 2020! Dr. Jan Slavík Member of the Organizing Committee, Faculty of Social and Economic Studies, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem, Czech Republic TABLE OF CONTENTS Rynio, D., Zakrzewska Półtorak, A.: Diversification of the Spatial Distribution of Entities Providing Business Services – the Case of Lower Silesia ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 Králik, J., Novák, V., Krajíček, P.: Economic performance of manufacturing industry in producing agglomerations in the Czech Republic: a case study of Jihlava and Zlin agglomeration ................................................................... 18 Poskerová, D.: Identification of defunct and endangered small technical-agricultural objects using carto-graphic documents and airborne laser scanning data for tourism .................................................................. 28 Bal-Domańska, B.: Regional determinants and the situation of youth in regional labour markets ................................. 36 Korenik, S., Miszczak, K., Rogowska, M.: Shaping Spatial Structures of Lower Silesia Region on the Background of Global Changes .............. 47 Minárik, P.: Sheepskin effect in hiring: Evidence from a pilot experiment in the Czech job market .................... 55 Hlaváček, P., Siviček, T.: Spatial distribution of investment incentives in northern part of Czechia at the level of districts: copy the spatial pattern of development and backwardness? ................................................................... 61 Bartniczak, B.: Sustainable development in the EGTC NOVUM area – an indicator-based approach ....................... 70 Štyvarová, D., Suchánková, H.: The Burnout Syndrome as a Factor Influencing the Quality of Life .................................................... 79 Sobczak, E., Głuszczuk, D.: Typology of the EU countries in terms of innovation in the context of sustainable develop-ment assessment ............................................................................................................................................ 90 Ptak, M.: Using charges and taxes to mitigate climate change: A case study from Poland ............................ 100 Social and Economic Development & Regional Policy: Adaptation of Post-Industrial Society to Global Changes 2018 DIVERSIFICATION OF THE SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION OF ENTITIES PROVIDING BUSINESS SERVICES – THE CASE OF LOWER SILESIA RYNIO, D., ZAKRZEWSKA-PÓŁTORAK, A. Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland Abstract The purpose of this paper is to present and evaluate the relationship between the location of entities providing business services (the business service firms) and investment expenditures of municipalities and enterprises, as well as enterprise development in Lower Silesian Voivodship, and to indicate the determinants of these depend- encies. Lower Silesian Voivodship is one of the leading regions in Poland in terms of socio-economic development, on the other hand it is an area characterised by significant spatial development disproportions. Apart from the areas with a high rate of growth and social and economic development, we can observe areas (some of them of post-industrial character) which are characterised by slow overcoming of development deficiencies or even over-coming stagnation. The analysis was carried out at the level of counties (LAU 1, formerly NUTS 4). During this study quantitative methods were used, including synthetic measures of development and correlation, descriptive method and graphical method. Key words: business services, investment, post-industrial economy, territory, location 1. Introduction contributing to the polarisation is also the unequal access to the business service firms. The activation of the region through the development of The approach to the analysis of the diversity of the entrepreneurship and investment expenditures of socio-economic space of the region, as well as to the municipalities and enterprises are the basis for very essence of the space, is currently changing. The maintaining the development trend over time. The regional space is identified as a territory in which relations between the factors determining the specific relations take place and the society living development and the spatial polarisation of this there identifies itself with it. The current state of development are differentiated in various regions. A knowledge, along with the ongoing research, allow good example of such inconclusive relations is Lower us to state that at the stage of rapid and Silesian Voivodship. multidimensional changes occurring in the global economy, these are endogenous factors that The purpose of this paper is to present and evaluate become the basis for social and economic the relationship between the location of entities development. Their specific combination together providing business services (the business service with the support of exogenous factors can play a firms) and investment expenditures of municipalities decisive role in shaping development. In post- and enterprises, as well as enterprise development industrial economies and societies, the priorities and in Lower Silesian Voivodship, and to indicate the the foundations of the region's development are determinants of these dependencies. The analysis, being re-established. The frequently occurring which has been conducted, included the location of polarisation of the socio-economic development of companies from the M and J Polish Classification of the region, results from the diversification of the Activities sections (PKD 2007). The classification supply of endogenous factors, incompetent use of contains the broadly understood entities providing these factors and the lack of human resources or business services: from accountancy, consulting, IT, their inadequate structure. An important element Proceedings from the 18th International Scientific Conference, 27 - 28 June 2018, Usti and Labem, Czech Republic / Copyright by Jan Evangelista Purkyne University, Czech Republic 9 Social and Economic Development & Regional Policy: Adaptation of Post-Industrial Society to Global Changes 2018 information and
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