IL POSTINO V O L . 13 NO. 4 JANUARY 2012 :: GENNAIO 2012 $2.00 A Year In Review Un Anno Indietro Une Année en Revue IL POSTINO • OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA Page 2 IL POSTINO JANUARY 2012 IL POSTINO Letters to the Editor 865 Gladstone Avenue, Suite 101 • Ottawa, Ontario K1R 7T4 Letters to the Editor (613) 567-4532 •
[email protected] Publisher Preston Street Community Foundation a Italian Canadian Community Centre Tele –30 of the National Capital Region Inc. Italian Television Program 890 Thorndale Drive Executive Editor Ottawa, ON K1V 6Y3 Angelo Filoso Tel. 613-737-0431 / 729-9518 Managing Editor Marcus Filoso Associate Editor Luciano Pradal $ OO¶,WDOLDQ&DQDGLDQ&RPP XQLW\&HQWUH Layout & Design 'DWD GLFHPEUH Marcus Filoso Web Site Design & Hosting Oggetto: Ringraziamenti per contributo a Tele-30 Printing Winchester Print & Stationary *HQWLOH3UHVLGHQWH Special thanks to GHVLGHULDPR ULQJUD]LDU/D YLYDPHQWH SHUDYHUSDUWHFLSDWR DOOD UDFFROWD IRQGL these contributors for this issue GL7HOH Gino Bucchino, Dosi Contreneo, *UD]LHDO6XR JHQHURVR FRQWULEXWR DOVRVWHJQR GLDOWULGRQDWRULHG DOSURILWWR GHOOD Fabrizio Magnanini, Goffredo Palmerini, VHUDWD GHO RWWREUH 7HOH KD UHDOL]]DWR XQ LQWURLWR QHWWR GL XQD VRPP D FKH SHUPHWWHUj DOO¶HPLWWHQWH GL P DQWHQHUH O¶LPSHJQR DVVXQWR GL Giovanni, Domenico Cellucci, SURGXUUHGXHRUHRULJLQDOLHWUHUHSOLFKHODVHWWLPDQD 0 ROWR JUDWLSHULO6XR SUH]LRVR HFRQFUHWR DSSRJJLR / HLQYLDPR FRUGLDOLVDOXWL HGLP LJOLRULDXJXULSHUOHIHVWH Photographers for this issue Angelo Filoso, Marcus Filoso, Giovanni, ,O&RPLWDWR 5 DFFROWD)RQGL GL7HOH Submissions We welcome submissions, letters, articles, story ideas and Check out our new web page photos. All materials for editorial consideration must be double spaced, include a word count, and your full name, address and phone number.