Historical Landscape of an Island Town: Ternate, North Maluku
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Paramita:Paramita: Historical Historical Studies Studies Journal, Journal, 27 (2),27(2), 2017: 2017 127 -140 ISSN: 0854-0039, E-ISSN: 2407-5825 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15294/paramita.v27i2.11157 HISTORICAL LANDSCAPE OF AN ISLAND TOWN: TERNATE, NORTH MALUKU Basri Amin Research Institute for School & Society (RISS) State University of Gorontalo ABSTRACT ABSTRAK Maluku is not only well known for the hun- Maluku bukan hanya terkenal karena sebaran dreds spreading islands, but also for its long ratusan pulaunya, tapi juga karena dinamika historical records. It is usually to say that the sejarahnya yang panjang. Bahkan bisa formation of national consciousness of Indo- dikatakan bahwa pembentukan kesadaran na- nesia actually began since colonialism period, sional Indonesia dimulai sejak periode koloni- which all started with the presence of Western alisme, hal mana itu bermula dari kehadiran occupation in Maluku. This article will discuss bangsa Barat di kepulauan Maluku. Artikel ini how the historical background of Maluku ar- akan menjelaskan bagaimana latar sejarah chipelago leave a socio-cultural impact that is kolonial Maluku yang panjang itu terbukti still continues until today. The historical expe- menyisahkan dampak sosial budaya yang rience and socio-political dynamics of Ternate masih terus berlangsung hingga saat ini. Pen- are the prominent case chosen in this article to galaman sejarah dan dinamika sosial politik describe that a small (island) town can stimu- masyarakat pulau Ternate adalah kasus yang late such a large historical contestation. dipilih dalam artikel ini untuk menunjukkan bahwa sebuah kota pulau kecil bisa menam- Keywords: Ternate; North Maluku; island pung (pertarungan) sejarah yang demikian history, social landscape besar. Kata Kunci: Ternate; Maluku Utara; sejarah pulau; lanskap sosial Author correspondence Email: [email protected] 127 Available online at http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/paramita Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 27(2), 2017 INTRODUCTION kings" (Jaziratul' Mulk). This refers to the There is a great structure of literature four main kingdoms of the region namely: which deals with the colonial past as well Ternate, Tidore, Bacan and Jailolo (Atjo, as regional issues concerning the Maluku 2009; Andaya, 1993). islands and their relationship with the rest Recent publications confirm the so- of the Southeast Asian region. The world cio-political groupings in North Maluku history of “spice Island” between the 17th which has a particular structure of domi- and the 19th centuries in Indonesia is con- nation. North Maluku consists of 20 sub- nected with the position and contribution ethnic groups categorized into four main of North Maluku, particularly Ternate, clusters: ethnic Makean (60%), Sanana Tidore and Halmahera Island. The coloni- and Sula (15%), Tobelo and Galela (15%); al power and economic interests of that Ternate and Tidore (10%) (Nurhasim, period significantly contributed to tensions 2005: 139). For a comparison, the book by between local kingdoms in North Maluku, Suryadinata, Arifin and Ananta, Indone- particularly between Ternate and Tidore sia's Population: Ethnicity and Religion in a (Fraassen, 1987; Andaya, 1993; Leirissa, Changing Political Landscape (2003: 7-9) 2000; Amal, 2002-2010; Cribb & Cahin, present a limited number of ethnic groups 2004; Djaafar, 2006; Widjojo, 2009; in North Maluku which are: Sula, Hasyim, 2016). Makian, Galela, Halmahera, Loloda and The North Maluku archipelago has Morotai. Two popular groups such as Ter- at least 353 islands, both large and small nate and Tidore were not mentioned, even (Andili, 1980: 3-15). Culturally, as Andili though data had been drawn from the noted, the North Maluku society is divi- 2000’s population census. ded into three cultural groups (by region): Administratively, since 2002/2003, Firstly, the cultural region that includes the North Maluku province has hosted of the island of Ternate, North Halmahera and towns of Ternate and Tidore, and the dis- the islands of Sula; Secondly, Tidore cultur- tricts of North Halmahera, Central Hal- al region, consisting of Tidore island and mahera, South Halmahera, East Halma- Central and East Halmahera; thirdly, the hera, West Halmahera District and Sula region of Bacan including Bacan and Obi. Islands (Bujang, 2005: 72-73). Geograph- Furthermore, according to Andili (1980), ically, territorial boundaries of the districts North Maluku society is made up of 25 and the cities reformed the old boundaries ethnic groups. In terms of language, alt- of traditional kingdoms that existed sever- hough many local languages prevail in the al centuries ago in this region. region, people generally speak or can un- derstand either the language of Tidore, TERNATE TOWN: “A HISTORY IN Ternate or Bacan. However, in daily inter- MOVING” action and public association, the Ternate was named as a town, perhaps for language of Ternate-Malay is used as semi- the first time, by British naturalist, Alfred official language. Wallace, on 8th of January 1858. Wallace The North Maluku archipelago con- writes: sists of several island groups: the island of Morotai, Halmahera, Ternate, Tidore, The town of Ternate is concealed from Moti, Makean, Bacan, Obi and the island view till we enter the two islands, when of Sula. Previously, this group of islands it is discovered stretching along the was known as the "Moluccas" and was shore at the very base of the mountain. Its situation is fine, and there are grand synonymous with the clove-producing views on every side. Close opposite in archipelago, which refers to the islands of the rugged promontory and beautiful Ternate, Tidore, Moti, Makean and volcanic cone of Tidore; to the east is Bacan. Historians refered them as the the long mountainous coast of Gilolo, "original Moluccas", and Arabic mer- terminated towards the north by a chants called them "the islands of group of three lofty volcanic peaks, 128 Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 27(2), 2017 while immediately behind the town luccan islands. Unfortunately, since the rises the huge mountain, sloping easily decline of the spice trading during the 17th at first and covered with thick groves of century and into the period of post- fruit trees, but soon becoming steeper, colonial Indonesia, Ternate still represent- and furrowed with deep gullies. Almost ed a good example of a “periphery” region to the summit, whence issue perpetually faint wreath of smoke, it is clothed with in the Indonesian history (Hanna & Alwi, vegetation, and look calm and beauti- 1990). Additionally, it is fairly to say that ful, although beneath are hidden fires for more than three centuries (1650s- which occasionally burst forth in lava- 1960s), Ternate was a stagnant island streams, but more frequently make their (Kiem, 1993: 61). existence known by the earthquake Historically, the process of becom- which have many times devastated the ing an urbanized town was very much t o w n ” ( The Malay Archipelago , connected to the national development 1869/1962: 234) policies of Indonesia since the early 1970s. Prior to this period, Ternate had a specific Wallace’s impression on Ternate was a spatial practice on territories and commu- fascinating one because it combined a fea- nity groupings, called gam or Soa, on four ture of nature, Island landscape, and so- locations (Tubo, Tobana, Tobanga, and cial life of Ternate. Wallace was also giv- Toboleu) within the Island of Ternate ing us an early indication of town space (Fraassen, 1987; Atjo, 2009: 15,26). The (market, suburbs, and beach) as well as soa, as a concept of physical place and socio-cultural plurality of Ternate by de- community boundary, is now closely re- scribing the race markers in Ternate in the lated to the concept of neighbourhood 1840s, which are: Ternate Malays, the (kampong) in contemporary understand- Orang Sirani (Christians) and the Dutch ing. community. At that period, Ternate had Ternate is one of the oldest island Chinese and Arab inhabitants who were towns in Indonesia. This was agreed by born on Ternate Island formed merchant historians during a seminar on History of communities (Wallace, 1869 (1962): 234- Ternate, (2003). Dutch sources were used 239). as the primary historical information. A Ternate is a typical old town in the special committee of 16 experts was then Archipelago. Its spatial divisions are large- formed to determine the date of birth of ly influenced by colonial policy. This was Ternate. This committee was coordinated an exemplary place in which the local by Professor Leirissa, a historian from the condition of the town co-existed with the University of Indonesia (UI). The commit- colonial knowledge and interest in the tee concluded that as a city, Ternate had past. In North Maluku archipelago, Ter- existed since 1250. That year was chosen nate has an important role, as a “center on by arguing that since 1250 Ternate already the periphery” in spice trading during the had a capital city called Sampalu. Decem- colonial period of the sixteenth century. ber 29th was chosen based on historical But since the Dutch authorities changed record when Sultan Babullah expelled the their cloves trading centre to the Ambon Portuguese power on the island of Ternate Island in central Maluku, Ternate and (29 December 1575). faced a serious stagnation, economically The size of Ternate Island is 105.73 and politically, during the post- km2, and Ternate is a volcanic island independence period and even after formed by the existence of Mt. Gamalama Soeharto’s New Order regime (1965-1998). (1,715M) where its foothills in the north However, it is clear to be acknowledged part of the Island produce cloves, vegeta- that prior to the 1999 communal conflict bles and other useful local plants. There in North Maluku region there was a long are beautiful beaches and popular spots history of inter-island rivalry as well as for daily gatherings in downtown Ga- regional expansions among north Ma- malama. A crowded beach can be seen at 129 Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 27(2), 2017 Bastiong areas in the south, and the beauti- a status that had very little autonomy in ful shores can be found at Sulamada and terms of budget and decision making.