ENERGY SAFETY NETS INDONESIA CASE STUDY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Energy Safety Nets: Indonesia Case Study Marlistya Citraningrum, Melina Gabriella), J-PAL was researched and written by partners at the De- SEA (Poppy Widyasari), Kemenko PMK (Aghniya partment of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Halim, Juliyanto), Ministry of Social Affairs (Atin P), Business Universitas Indonesia (https://www.feb. Ministry of Social Affairs - Direktorat Jenderal Per- in Depok. lindungan dan Jaminan Sosial (Nurpujiyanto), Co- The lead researcher was Teguh Dartanto (teguh. ordinating Ministry for Human Development and
[email protected]), with support from a team that Cultural Affairs (Nur Budi Handayani), LPEM (C. included Qisha Quarina, Rus’an Nasrudin, Fajar N. Hanum Siregar), Indonesian Institute of Sciences - Putra and Khaira Abdillah. P2E LIPI (Maxensius Tri Sambodo, Felix Wisnu Han- doyo), Pertamina (Gunawan Wibisono, R Choernia- We acknowledge with gratitude the financial di Tomo, Witdoyo Warsito, Zibali), PGN (Houstina support provided by the Wallace Global Fund. Dewi A, Saphan Sopian), PWYP Indonesia (Andri Prasetyo), The SMERU Research Institute (Asep The research team acknowledges the contributions Suryahadi, Widjajanti Isdijoso), TNP2K - National to this work of the following workshop attendees Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction and key interviewees: Bappenas - Ministry of Na- (Ruddy Gobel), Universitas Indonesia – Department tional Development Planning (Vivi Yulaswati), BKF of Economics (Adi Permana, Ambarsari Dwi Cahya- - Fiscal Policy Agency, Ministry of Finance (M. Y. Ni- ni, Aslamia Anwar, Canyon Keanu, Faizal R. Moeis, kho), BPPT - Agency for the Assessment and Appli- Fandy Rahardi, Rinayanti, Rini Budiastuti), Universi- cation of Technology (Agus Sugiyono), CERAH tas Indonesia - Faculty of Economics and Business (Adhityani Putri), Dewan Energi Nasional - National (Dr.