
ISSNISSN 2354-91140024-9521 (online), ISSN 0024-9521 (print) IndonesianIJG Vol. 49, JournalNo.2, June of Geography 2017 (177 -Vol. 185) 49, No.2, December 2017 (177 - 185) ASSESSING THE SPATIAL-TEMPORAL LAND Imam Setyo Hartanto and Rini Rachmawati DOI:© 2017 http://dx.doi.org/10.22146/ijg.27668, Faculty of Geography UGM and website: https://jurnal.ugm.ac.id/ijg ©The 2017 Indonesian Faculty of GeographersGeography UGMAssociation and The Indonesian Geographers Association 2507–2522. http://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-014- 0623-1. Mustopa, Z. (2011). Analisis Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Alih Fungsi Lahan Pertanian Geomaritime-Based Marine and Fishery Economic Development in di Kabupaten Demak. . Islands Retrieved from http://eprints.undip.ac.id/29151/1/ Skripsi015.pdf. (in Bahasa ). Parker, D. J. (1995). Floodplain development policy Atikah Nurhayati and Agus Heri Purnomo in England and Wales. Applied Geography, 15(4), 341–363. http://doi.org/10.1016/0143- 6228(95)00016-W Received: September 2016 / Accepted: Februari 2017 / Published online: December 2017 © 2017 Faculty of Geography UGM and The Indonesian Geographers Association Pirrone, N., Trombino, G., Cinnirella, S., Algieri, a., Bendoricchio, G., & Palmeri, L. (2005). The Abstract The design of national economic development should never ignore three important aspects, namely integration, and sustainably and local contexts. Insufficient comprehension over these three aspects has caused delays of economic Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) progress in several regions like Maluku. This region is characterized with archipelagic geo-profile where marine and approach for integrated catchment-coastal zone fisheries resources are abundant but economic progress is sluggish. To catch up with the achievement shown by regions management: Preliminary application to the Po in the western part of the country, there must by effective efforts done in Maluku. This research is aimed at analyzing the catchment-Adriatic Sea coastal zone system. three aspects mentioned above as related to acceleration of marine and fisheries economic development based on the Regional Environmental Change, 5(2–3), 111–137. region’s maritime geo-profile. In line with it, primary and secondary data were applied on a SWOT Analytical Approach. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-004-0092-9. Based on the analysis, it was concluded that acceleration of marine and fisheries economic development in Maluku can be carried out through both local and national policies focused on facilitating prospective economic players in making Rachmawati, R., & Budiarti, C. V. (2016). Use of Space massive investment in the marine and fisheries sector. Among others, this should be done by improving the capacity of and the Need for Planning in the Disaster-Prone Maluku marine ports and directing them to be local economic transmiters, through more effective functions as hubs Area of Code River, , Indonesia. for ships carrying commodities and products for both national and international markets. This research found that in Indonesian Journal of Geography, 48(2), 178–190. line with it, a pre-requirement that has to be advanced by the government is detailed zoning of marine and fisheries http://doi.org/10.22146/ijg.17633. resources, which is supported by a legal umbrella. Richards, J. A., & Jia, X. (2006). Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis (4th ed.). Springer-Verlag Berlin Keywords: acceleration, economic development, marine and fisheries, geo-maritime, Maluku Heidelberg. Abstrak Rancang bangun pembangunan ekonomi nasional tidak dapat mengabaikan tiga aspek penting yaitu integrasi, Shalaby, A., & Tateishi, R. (2007). Remote sensing and keberlanjutan, dan konteks lokal. Pemahaman yang rendah pada ketiga hal ini telah menyebabkan lambatnya perkembangan GIS for mapping and monitoring land cover and ekonoi di sejumlah wilayah seperti Maluku. Wilayah ini dicirikan dengan profil gerografis kepulauan dimana sumber daya land-use changes in the Northwestern coastal kelautan dan perikanan melimpah namun perkembangan ekonomi tidak dapat berjalan cepat. Untuk mengejar tingkat zone of Egypt. Applied Geography, 27(1), 28–41. perkembangan yang terjadi di wilayah-wilayah lain, terutama di bagian barat Indonesia, dibutuhkaan upaya-upaya efektif http://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeog.2006.09.004 di Maluku. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis tiga aspek tersebut di atas dalam kaitannya dengan percepatan pembangunan ekonomi kelautan dan perikanan yang berbasis profil geografis wilayah tersebut. Data primer dan sekunder WMO-GWP. (2007). The Role of Land-Use Planning digunakan untuk melakukan analisis SWOT dalam penelitian ini. Bardasarkan analisis SWOT, disimpulkan bahwa in Flood Management - A Tool for Integrated percepatan pembangunan ekonomi kelautan dan perikanan di Maluku dapat diupayakan melalui penerapan kebijakan Flood Management. WMO/GWP Associated nasional dan daerah yang difokuskan pada fasilitasi yang dapat mendorong para pelaku ekonomi melakukan investasi- Programme on Flood Management. investasi di sektor kelautan dan perikanan. Di antara upaya tersebut, salah satunya adalah melalui peningkatan kapasitas pelabuhan-pelabuhan di Maluku dan menjadikannya pendorong ekonomi lokal melalui fungsi yang efektif sebagai simpul- simpul bagi kapal-kapal pengangkut komoditas dan produk, baik untuk pasar nasional maupun global. Penelitian ini juga meyimpulkan bahwa terkait hal itu, prasyarat yang harus diwujudkan oleh pemerintah adalah pemetaan yang lebih rinci untuk sumberdaya kelautan dan perikanan, yang didukung oleh sebuah payung hukum yang efektif.

Kata kunci: geo-maritim, kelautan dan perikanan, Maluku, pembangunan ekonomi, percepatan

1. Introduction 100 miles, with an exception (120 miles) of up to 3%. As Based on the UNCLOS (United Nations an archipelagic country composed of 80 % marine area Convention on the Law of the Sea) 1982, Indonesia is and 20% land area, Indonesia secures a great number categorized as an archipelagic state. The country meets advantages on one side, but also faces threat to the all UNCLOS’ criteria set for an archipelagic state, sovereignty and territory on the other side including that marine area coverage is not less than 50% To Indonesia, the marine areas are expected to and that distances between islands are not more than play important roles, including to be media to unite the nation, media of transport, media of defense and Atikah Nurhayati Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, security, media diplomacy maritime, and media for Agus Heri Purnomo economic development. Recognizing this, the country Socio-Economic Senior Researcher at the promoted a maritime state concept through Djoeanda Agency for Marine and Fisheries Research and Development Declaration on December 13, 1957. This declaration Correspondent email: [email protected] was then enacted by the Law No. 4/60 re. Bodies of

17666 GEOMARITIME-BASED MARINE Atikah Nurhayati and Agus Heri Purnomo Water and UNCLOS 1982. Geoffrey [2009] says that in order to be a maritime It is worth noting that the 1982 UNCLOS country with a power on the sea, four components III establishes a comprehensive framework for the should exist. These are: (1) a community that has the regulation and management of the ocean space. The preference of sea (maritime community), (2) maritime convention consists of 320 articles and nine annexes and resources, (3) geographical position, (4) political will. covers a broad spectrum of issues relating to regulation From geographical point of view, Smith [1986] suggests of , marine protection, and scientific research that this can be approached by assessment which and seabed. The salient features of the convention involves three aspects and these are (1) geographical are: (a) The drawing of base lines, (b) A 12 nautical knowledge structure, (2) the application of geography miles territorial sea, (c) Unimpeded transit passage in maritime management, and (3) relationship between through international straits, (d) An EEZ extending study fields, for example between international studies up to 200 nautical miles, (e) Continental shelf regime and marine environmental impacts. From geography and rights to manage living and non-living resources perspective, six components should exists in maritime of the continental shelf to a minimum of 200 nautical fulcrum. These are maritime history, maritime miles. Archipelagic baselines joining the outermost resources, maritime social-economy, maritime culture, points of the outermost islands and drying reefs of the geoliteration, and maritime global constellation. , and designate the waters within the baseline Indonesia to some extent already possesses basic as internal waters. The baseline is also the starting point components to be a maritime country. However, not all for measuring other claims such as EEZs of the potential has been explored. The development of Indonesia’s strategic geo-position is associated marine and fisheries for example, has not been tackled mainly with the fact that the country represents a busy seriously by the government or local governments crossroad that connects two continents, namely (provincial and district / city). Marine and fisheries and and two oceans, namely and development still faces a number of challenges such Indian Oceans. In addition, the strategic geo-position as IUU fishing, marine pollution, overexploitation, of Indonesia also is related with its geographical factors resource degradation, use conflicts and others. and the social and economic condition, all of which There are a number of approach in developing put Indonesia in an important position in the global fishery management. Marine management is that the environment. Such a situation makes Indonesia can relevant marine social organizations guide and restrict affect and be affected by the political and economic human marine development behavior by political, stabilities, both regionally and internationally. economic and public opinion means to protect marine Later, Indonesia’s maritime zones were then environment, coordinate balanced development costal established in accordance with international maritime and inland. Cuif [2003] then applies an approach that law. Territorial seas, contiguous zones, exclusive is meant to promote sustainable, stable and coordinate economic zones and continental shelves of Indonesia, implementations of human marine development activity if do not border with neighboring countries, were and finally realize the target of harmonious co-exist unilaterally set in accordance with existing regulations. between people and sea. Following such a philosophy, In the case of borders with neighboring countries, Huang and Shaw, 2004 adopted simultaneous equations they were established with neighboring countries in in their assessment of the EKC using time-series data accordance with international maritime law. from . The second method is referred to as a vector auto-regression (VAR) model, and was proposed by Sims And just recently, Indonesia introduced the so as a simplified form of dynamic structural equations and called Global Maritime Fulcrum (GMF). GMF focuses a simpler alternative. And, considering the broad range on five key areas, namely maritime culture, marine of aspect characterizing fishery management, Giddens resources, archipelagic connectivity, maritime diplomacy [2000] suggests that comprehensive and integrated and naval development. With GMF, Indonesia wants to approach should be applied, for example mention the take advantage of being an archipelagic state / country importance of integrating environment, ecology and to basically lead the global economy. The spirit of GMF sociology. certainly reflects Indonesia’s interests being the world’s largest archipelagic country which is, geo-strategically Maluku is a good representative of Indonesia located at the crossroads of major power interests. in the context mentioned above. This Province is an archipelagic province with almost unlimited marine Regarding vision of being a global maritime resources but where all advantages have not brought fulcrum, Hasjim Djalal [2014] proposes that a maritime significant positive impact to the people there. country is a country that can optimize the presence of Recognizing this, the paper aims at analyzing aspects ocean. Even a country with no ocean, as long as it can related to acceleration of marine and fisheries economic mobilizes assets including science and technology, to development based on the region’s maritime geo-profile control and utilize ocean resources, it is considered a in the province. maritime country.

17868 Province is an archipelagic province with almost of respondent’s answer. The value of this unlimited marine resources but where all correlation was then compated with the critical advantages have not brought significant positive value at the significance level of 0.05 and 0.01. The impact to the people there. Recognizing this, the GEOMARITIME-BASED MARINE Atikah Nurhayati and Agus Heri Purnomo Indonesian Journal of Geography, Vol.formula 49, No. is 2,the December Pearson 2017Product : 17 7Moment: - 185 paper aims at analyzing aspects related to Water and UNCLOS 1982. Geoffrey [2009] says that in order to be a maritime 2. Theacceleration Methods of marine and fisheries economic This analysis was used by correlating the item development based on the region’s maritime geo- It is worth noting that the 1982 UNCLOS country with a power on the sea, four components profileThe inmethod the pro vince.used in this research is descriptive score with total score. Total score is the sum of all item. should exist. These are: (1) a community that has the Validity was presented in a coefficient, namely validity III establishes a comprehensive framework for the quantitative research with survey method. The survey, preference of sea (maritime community), (2) maritime 2. The Methods Remarkscoefficient.: Error test on the research measurement regulation and management of the ocean space. The intended to map and identify field data and information, X = Valiable score convention consists of 320 articles and nine annexes and resources, (3) geographical position, (4) political will. was designedThe method to usedconform in this the research research is descriptiveobjectives and Y =was Total based of variable on a score formula of r ≥ 0,30 [Azwar 2009]. A covers a broad spectrum of issues relating to regulation From geographical point of view, Smith [1986] suggests done quantitativein the location research covered with bysurve they study. method. The n =statement number of respondentis valid if validity coefficient> 0,300 [Kaplan that this can be approached by assessment which survey, intended to map and identify field data and dan Saccuzo 1991]. of navigation, marine protection, and scientific research The data used in this study are primary and involves three aspects and these are (1) geographical information, was designed to conform the research This analysis was used by correlating the and seabed. The salient features of the convention secondary data. The methods used in collecting data Furthermore, reliability test is meant to determine knowledge structure, (2) the application of geography objectives and done in the location covered by the item score with total score. Total score is the sum are: (a) The drawing of base lines, (b) A 12 nautical was interviewstudy. with respondents that were drawn of alla questionnaire item. Validity was that presented can be in considered a coefficient, as an indicator in maritime management, and (3) relationship between miles territorial sea, (c) Unimpeded transit passage through the purposiveThe data used sampling in this andstudy snowball are primary sampling namelyof the validity variable. coefficient. A questionnaire Error test ison considered the reliable and secondary data. The methods used in collecting through international straits, (d) An EEZ extending study fields, for example between international studies researchif the measurement answer of awas respondent based on a isformula consisten. of r The Alpha is techniques.data was interview with respondents that were up to 200 nautical miles, (e) Continental shelf regime and marine environmental impacts. From geography ≥ 0,30used [Azwarwhen the2009] score. A isstatement in the scale is valid forms if (e.g., 1-4, 1-5) drawnFollowing through the thes nowballpurposive sampling sampling technique,and and rights to manage living and non-living resources perspective, six components should exists in maritime validityor range coefficient scores > (e.g., 0,300 0-20, [Kaplan 0-50). dan Saccuzo informationsnowball we sampling secured technique at the initials. step of our research of the continental shelf to a minimum of 200 nautical fulcrum. These are maritime history, maritime Following the snowball sampling 1991]. was used to develop questions for the next respondent. miles. Archipelagic baselines joining the outermost resources, maritime social-economy, maritime culture, technique, information we secured at the initial step This ofwas our iterated research until was theused information to develop questions was sufficient for for Furthermore,The formula reliability of Alpha test (Cronbach’s) is meant to is points of the outermost islands and drying reefs of the geoliteration, and maritime global constellation. analysis.the Figurenext respondent 1 shows. theThis snowball was iterated sampling until the process determine a questionnaire that can be considered as archipelago, and designate the waters within the baseline Indonesia to some extent already possesses basic diagrammaticallyinformation was. sufficient for analysis. Figure 1 an indicator of the variable. A questionnaire is as internal waters. The baseline is also the starting point components to be a maritime country. However, not all shows the snowball sampling process considered reliable if the answer of a respondent is diagrammatically. for measuring other claims such as EEZs of the potential has been explored. The development of consisten. The Alpha is used when the score is in

Indonesia’s strategic geo-position is associated marine and fisheries for example, has not been tackled the scale forms (e.g., 1-4, 1-5) or range scores (e.g.,Remark: 0-20, 0-50). mainly with the fact that the country represents a busy seriously by the government or local governments A (provincial and district / city). Marine and fisheries crossroad that connects two continents, namely Asia r The formula of Alpha= instrument (Cronbach’s) reliability is and Australia and two oceans, namely Pacific Ocean and development still faces a number of challenges such 11 Indian Oceans. In addition, the strategic geo-position as IUU fishing, marine pollution, overexploitation, resource degradation, use conflicts and others. B First Sample C = number of question item variant of Indonesia also is related with its geographical factors and the social and economic condition, all of which There are a number of approach in developing k = number of question item put Indonesia in an important position in the global fishery management. Marine management is that the Remark: r 11 = instrument reliability environment. Such a situation makes Indonesia can relevant marine social organizations guide and restrict Second Sample = number of question= number item variant of total variant affect and be affected by the political and economic human marine development behavior by political, k = number of question item stabilities, both regionally and internationally. economic and public opinion means to protect marine = number of total variant Later, Indonesia’s maritime zones were then environment, coordinate balanced development costal D E F G H I The indicator of reliability measurement are established in accordance with international maritime and inland. Cuif [2003] then applies an approach that The indicator of reliability measurement categorized as follows: law. Territorial seas, contiguous zones, exclusive is meant to promote sustainable, stable and coordinate are categorized as follows: implementations of human marine development activity 1. if the calculated alpha or r equals 0.8-1.0, the economic zones and continental shelves of Indonesia, Third Sample reliability1. ifis goodthe . calculated alpha or r equals 0.8-1.0, the and finally realize the target of harmonious co-exist J K if do not border with neighboring countries, were 2. if the calculatedreliability alpha is good.or r equals 0.6-0.799, unilaterally set in accordance with existing regulations. between people and sea. Following such a philosophy, reliability is acceptable. 3. if2. the calculatedif the calculatedalpha or r is lessalpha than or 0.6 ,r equals 0.6-0.799, In the case of borders with neighboring countries, Huang and Shaw, 2004 adopted simultaneous equations Fig 11 in their assessment of the EKC using time-series data Snowball Sampling Method reliability reliabilityis not good is[Sekaran acceptable. 2000]. they were established with neighboring countries in Snowball Sampling Method These respondents represent local accordance with international maritime law. from Taiwan. The second method is referred to as a vector To improve validity of data, validity tests gove3.rnment if theand calculated community alphainstitutions or r is angless other than 0.6, reliability auto-regression (VAR) model, and was proposed by Sims relevant stakeholders namely, academia, and the And just recently, Indonesia introduced the so wereTo improve also performed. validity This of was data, done validity following tests the were is not good [Sekaran 2000]. as a simplified form of dynamic structural equations and procedure directed by Sugiyono [2004]. From this private sector. The analysis tool used is SWOT. called Global Maritime Fulcrum (GMF). GMF focuses also performed. This was done following the procedure Following the SWOT approach, a number of a simpler alternative. And, considering the broad range test, instrument accuracy was measured, Vaidity on five key areas, namely maritime culture, marine directed by Sugiyono [2004]. From this test, instrument internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and of aspect characterizing fishery management, Giddens was calculated by correlating each of variable score These respondents represent local government resources, archipelagic connectivity, maritime diplomacy external factors (opportunities and threats) were [2000] suggests that comprehensive and integrated accuracy was measured, Vaidity was calculated by and community institutions ang other relevant and naval development. With GMF, Indonesia wants to approach should be applied, for example mention the correlating each of variable score of respondent’s answer. stakeholders namely, academia, and the private sector. take advantage of being an archipelagic state / country importance of integrating environment, ecology and The value of this correlation was then compated with The analysis tool used is SWOT. to basically lead the global economy. The spirit of GMF sociology. the critical value at the significance level of 0.05 and Following the SWOT approach, a number of certainly reflects Indonesia’s interests being the world’s 0.01. The formula is the Pearson Product Moment: internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) and external largest archipelagic country which is, geo-strategically Maluku is a good representative of Indonesia factors (opportunities and threats) were identified. located at the crossroads of major power interests. in the context mentioned above. This Province is an archipelagic province with almost unlimited marine Based on value measurement of strengths, weaknesses, Regarding vision of being a global maritime resources but where all advantages have not brought opportunities and threats, an analysis was performed fulcrum, Hasjim Djalal [2014] proposes that a maritime significant positive impact to the people there. to determine strategies [Saaty, 1987]. Applying SWOT country is a country that can optimize the presence of Recognizing this, the paper aims at analyzing aspects Remarks: analysis, four kinds of strategies were identified: (1) S-O ocean. Even a country with no ocean, as long as it can related to acceleration of marine and fisheries economic strategies, i.e., those that seek opportunities and take mobilizes assets including science and technology, to X = Valiable score development based on the region’s maritime geo-profile maximum advantage of the strength points; (2) W-O control and utilize ocean resources, it is considered a Y = Total of variable score in the province. strategies, i.e., those applied to overcome weaknesses, so maritime country. n = number of respondent that opportunities could be benefited; (3) S-T strategies,

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identified. Based on value measurement of van be optimized. Supporting the Defensive strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, an Strategy (Quadrant IV): This is the most analysis was performed to determine strategies unfavorable situation, where both threats and [Saaty, 1987]. Applying SWOT analysis, four weakness exist. For this situation, a defensive kinds of strategies were identified: (1) S-O strategy is the most appropriate one strategies, i.e., those that seek opportunities and take maximum advantage of the strength points; (2) W-O strategies, i.e., those applied to overcome weaknesses, so that opportunities could be 3. Result and Discussion GEOMARITIME-BASED MARINE Atikah Nurhayati and Agus Heri Purnomo benefited; (3) S-T strategies, i.e., those that are a. Geo-maritime setting of Maluku as associated usedi.e., those such that that are theyused suchcould that minimize they could risk minimize taking where bothwith threats marine and weakness and fishery exist. development For this situation, fromrisk taking threats; from (4) threats; W-T strategies,(4) W-T strategies, which are which totally are a defensive strategyMaluku is the province most appropriate with the one capital city of defensivetotally defensive strategies, strategies, wherein wherein damage damagess duedue toto Ambon, is astronomically located between 2 ° 30 '- weaknesses against against threats threatsfrom external from environment external 8 ° 30' latitude and 124 ° 00 '- 135 ° 30' E (Figure 3. Result and Discussion environmentare minimized. are minimized. 2.1). Maluku province is geographically bounded a. Geo-maritimeby North settingMaluku of Malukuand Seram as associated Sea in thewith north, on marinethe andeast fishery by thedevelopment province of , southeast Maluku province with the capital city of Ambon, Opportunity and in the west and the is astronomicallyDemocratic located Republic between of 2 ° 30 ‘- 8 °Leste, 30’ latitude Australia, and 124Indonesia ° 00 ‘- 135 Ocean ° 30’ E and(Figure Arafura 2.1). MalukuSea in the province south Quadrant III Quadrant I is geographicallyThe bounded total byarea North of Maluku646,295 and km2 Seram region is Sea in composedthe north, onof the eastterritorial by the watersprovince and of thePapua, land area southeastwhich Sulawesi is formed and Central of 1,412 Sulawesi islands in the(the west analysis, weakness Strengh and the2005). Democratic Maluku Republic province of Timor has a Leste, dominant Australia, condition Indonesiaterritorial Ocean watersand Arafura about Sea 90%. in the Co southmparison between Thethe areatotal areaof land of 646,295 and sea km2 area region is 1:is composed9. The largest Quadran t II Quadrant IV of the territorialisland is watersthe island and the of land Seram area which (18 625is formed km2) and of 1,412Buru islands Island (the (9,000analysis, km2), 2005). Yamdena Maluku province (5,085 km2) has a dominant condition territorial waters about 90%. Threaths and Island (3624 km2). Maluku province is Comparisonvery open between access the toarea interact of land with and seathe areasurroundin is g 1: 9. The largest island is the island of Seram (18 625 provinces, even very open to international trade Figure 2.SWOT Quadrant km2) and Island (9,000 km2), Yamdena (5,085 Figure 2.SWOT Quadrant lanes, considering its existence as a liaison trade km2) and Wetar Island (3624 km2). Maluku province between North and South.Climate in the Maluku Supporting the Aggressive Strategy (Quadrant is very open access to interact with the surrounding Supporting the Aggressive Strategy islands are tropical climate and monsoon climate, 1): This relates to a very favorable situation, meaning provinces,because even thevery are opena is tosurrounded international by tradevast lanes,seas. Thus, (Quadrantthat the opportunity 1): This andrelates strength to aare very there. favorable In this considering its existence as a liaison trade between situation, meaning that the opportunity and strength the climate is strongly influenced by a vast ocean. case, the strategy to be implemented is to support a North Malukuand South.Climate region recognizes in the Maluku two seasonsislands arenamely: arepolicy there. of aggressive In this growth case, (Growth the Orientedstrategy Strategy to be). tropical climate and monsoon climate, because the area implemented is to support a policy of aggressive season west or north and south or east punctuated Supporting the Diversification Strategy (Quadrant II): is surroundedby two bykinds vast seas.of transitionThus, the climatewhich isis strongly the second growthIn this condition,(Growth Orienteda variety Softrategy threats). exists,Supporting however the influenced by a vast ocean. Maluku region recognizes Diversification Strategy (Quadrant II): In this transition season. West monsoon in the Moluccas internally there are considerable strengths. The two seasonslasted namely:from December season west to March, or north while and Aprilsouth is the condition,strategy relevant a variety to this conditionof threats is toexists, use strength however to or easttransition punctuated to bythe two southeast kinds of of transition the season. which Season internallyoptimize long there term are opportunity considerable by implementing strengths. Thethe is the southeastsecond transition apply anseason. average West ofmonsoon 6 months in the starting strategydiversification relevant strategy. to this Supportingcondition isthe to Turnuse strength Around Moluccas lasted from December to March, while April from the month of May and ends in October. The toStrategy optimize (Quadrant long term III): opportuniIn this case,ty byopportunities implementing are is the transition to the southeast of the season. Season transition to the west season is in November. thea lot, diversification however there isstrategy a significant. Supporting weakness. the For Turn this southeast apply an average of 6 months starting from Seasonal conditions are not homogenous in the Asituation,round theStrategy appropriate (Quadrant strategy III):is to handleIn this problems case, the month of May and ends in October. The transition sense that every season prevailing in the area. opportunitiesrelated to the existing are aweakness lot, however such that opportunitiesthere is a to the west season is in November. Seasonal conditions significantvan be optimized. weakness Supporting. For thethis Defensive situation, Strategy the are not homogenous in the sense that every season appropriate(Quadrant IV): strategy This isis the to handlemost unfavorable problems situation, related prevailing in the area. to the existing weakness such that opportunities

Figure. 3 Maluku Island


identified. Based on value measurement of van be optimized. Supporting the Defensive strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, an Strategy (Quadrant IV): This is the most analysis was performed to determine strategies unfavorable situation, where both threats and [Saaty, 1987]. Applying SWOT analysis, four weakness exist. For this situation, a defensive kinds of strategies were identified: (1) S-O strategy is the most appropriate one strategies, i.e., those that seek opportunities and take maximum advantage of the strength points; (2) W-O strategies, i.e., those applied to overcome weaknesses, so that opportunities could be 3. Result and Discussion GEOMARITIME-BASED MARINE Atikah Nurhayati and Agus Heri Purnomo Indonesian Journal of Geography, Vol. 49, No. 2, December 2017 : 177 - 185 benefited; (3) S-T strategies, i.e., those that are a. Geo-maritime setting of Maluku as associated usedi.e., those such that that are theyused suchcould that minimize they could risk minimize taking where bothwith threats marine and weakness and fishery exist. development For this situation, The ecosystem very important role in Maluku province; (2) Euthynnus affinis this fish is one fromrisk taking threats; from (4) threats; W-T strategies,(4) W-T strategies, which are which totally are a defensive strategyMaluku is the province most appropriate with the one capital city of supporting the balance of coastal ecosystem, its function type of pelagic fish the important economic value: (3) defensivetotally defensive strategies, strategies, wherein wherein damage damagess duedue toto Ambon, is astronomically located between 2 ° 30 '- as a barrier coastal erosion, as well as spawning habitat, Rastrelliger spp. This fish is a small pelagic fish swim in weaknesses against against threats threatsfrom external from environment external 8 ° 30' latitude and 124 ° 00 '- 135 ° 30' E (Figure enlargement and feeding grounds wide variety of marine groups and is one of economic fish important 3. Result and Discussion environmentare minimized. are minimized. 2.1). Maluku province is geographically bounded life. Development of mariculture and tourism businesses The fact that there are many islands that can a. Geo-maritime setting of Maluku as associated with by and in the north, on in the surrounding area will impact on the mangrove function as paths for national and international marine and fishery development the east by the province of Papua, southeast forests of mangrove forest destruction, resulting in transport (S3) 0.30 Good connectivity between regions Maluku province with the capital city of Ambon, loss of coastal protection and / habitat for marine life Opportunity Sulawesi and Central Sulawesi in the west and the in Indonesia will be able to facilitate the movement of is astronomicallyDemocratic located Republic between of 2 Timor° 30 ‘- 8 °Leste, 30’ latitude Australia, in coastal. Sea-based resources are being exploited to people, goods, services and capital. Marine Growth and 124Indonesia ° 00 ‘- 135 Ocean ° 30’ E and(Figure Arafura 2.1). MalukuSea in the province south meet the ever-growing demand. As a matter of fact, Centers Development Primary (S5) 0.30, the potential Quadrant III Quadrant I is geographicallyThe bounded total byarea North of Maluku646,295 and km2 Seram region is the seas have become the last reservoir of resources. for marine tourism 0.30; Energy and mineral mining the Sea in composedthe north, onof the eastterritorial by the watersprovince and of thePapua, land area Sea based resources can be divided into at least four seabed has a high economic value (S1) 0.30. Indonesia southeastwhich Sulawesi is formed and Central of 1,412 Sulawesi islands in the(the west analysis, categories: (a) Hydrocarbon like oil and gas. (b) Food must continue to provide the data, textual and geospatial weakness Strengh and the2005). Democratic Maluku Republic province of Timor has a Leste, dominant Australia, condition (fish, plankton, salt, seaweed).(c) Metals (manganese, either in the form of geological maps, oceanographic, Indonesiaterritorial Ocean watersand Arafura about Sea 90%. in the Co southmparison between copper, gold, coal, tin, etc). (d) Other resources (sand, hydrographic and biodiversity, as well as on the content Thethe areatotal areaof land of 646,295 and sea km2 area region is 1:is composed9. The largest gravel, calcium and poly-metallic sulphides). of the contents wealth of the homeland in the waters Quadran t II Quadrant IV of the territorialisland is watersthe island and the of land Seram area which (18 625is formed km2) and of Indonesia, especially at sea in Indonesia. In the of 1,412Buru islands Island (the (9,000analysis, km2), 2005). Yamdena Maluku province (5,085 km2) b. Validity and Reliability Tests mean time, Table 1 shows the values of weight, ranking has a dominant condition territorial waters about 90%. and the respective scores of opportunities and threats Threaths and Wetar Island (3624 km2). Maluku province is From the total of 20 items of external and internal Comparison between the area of land and sea area is factors. very open access to interact with the surrounding factors in the SWOT Analysis, the value of validity 1: 9. The largest island is the island of Seram (18 625 provinces, even very open to international trade coefficient is >0.300. Referring to Kaplan and Saccuzo It is shown in Table 2 that the highest score among Figure 2.SWOT Quadrant km2) and Buru Island (9,000 km2), Yamdena (5,085 Figure 2.SWOT Quadrant lanes, considering its existence as a liaison trade [1991], this means that the factors are valid and can be other opportunity factors is the score of Geostrategic km2) and Wetar Island (3624 km2). Maluku province between North and South.Climate in the Maluku proceeded for further analysis. position which has three Indonesian archipelagic Supporting the Aggressive Strategy (Quadrant is veryis openlands accessare tropical to interact climate with andthe monsoonsurrounding climate, sea lanes (O1) 0.48, the Indonesian archipelago Supporting the Aggressive Strategy Meanwhile, from the same total 20 items, it was 1): This relates to a very favorable situation, meaning provinces,because even thevery are opena is tosurrounded international by tradevast lanes,seas. Thus, with geostrategic position that has three Indonesian (Quadrant 1): This relates to a very favorable found that α value is 0.812, which is greater than 0.6. that the opportunity and strength are there. In this consideringthe cl imateits existence is strongly as a influencliaison tradeed by betweena vast ocean . archipelagic sea lanes (ALKI) and five regions choke situation, meaning that the opportunity and strength Referring to Malhotra [2007], this means that the case, the strategy to be implemented is to support a North and South.Climate in the are points (the Strait of , Singapore Straits, the are there. In this case, the strategy to be Maluku region recognizes two seasons namely: factors are reliable. policy of aggressive growth (Growth Oriented Strategy). tropicalseason climate west and ormonsoon north andclimate, south because or east the punctuated area Strait of Sunda, Lombok Strait, and Strait Ombai-Wetar) implementedSupporting the is Diversification to support a Strategypolicy of(Quadrant aggressive II): is surrounded by vast seas. Thus, the climate is strongly growth (Growth Oriented Strategy). Supporting the by two kinds of transition which is the second which also must respect the freedom of sailing requires In this condition, a variety of threats exists, however influencedtransition by a season.vast ocean. West Maluku monsoon region in recognizes the Moluccas c. SWOT Analysis the support system strong defense and security Diversificationinternally there Strategyare considerable (Quadrant strengths. II): In Thethis two seasons namely: season west or north and south lasted from December to March, while April is the As suggested in the background, geomaritime- Various forms and nature of the threat may occur condition,strategy relevant a variety to this conditionof threats is toexists, use strength however to or east punctuated by two kinds of transition which transition to the southeast of the season. Season based marine and fishery economic development in at sea, such as various shipping lines that can be passed internallyoptimize long there term are opportunity considerable by implementing strengths. Thethe is the second transition season. West monsoon in the southeast apply an average of 6 months starting maluku islands, the analysis was carried out accordingly. nuclear submarine foreign, are vulnerable to acts of strategydiversification relevant strategy. to this Supportingcondition isthe to Turnuse strength Around Moluccas lasted from December to March, while April from the month of May and ends in October. The In SWOT analysis, the following Streghts, Weakness, armed violence at sea, arms smuggling, slavery at sea, toStrategy optimize (Quadrant long term III): opportuniIn this case,ty byopportunities implementing are is the transition to the southeast of the season. Season transition to the west season is in November. Opportunity, Threat factors were identified during the smuggling, human trafficking, destruction of marine thea lot, diversification however there isstrategy a significant. Supporting weakness. the For Turn this southeast apply an average of 6 months starting from Seasonal conditions are not homogenous in the field work. Strength factors were: Energy and mineral resources, theft underwater cultural heritage, and theft Asituation,round theStrategy appropriate (Quadrant strategy III):is to handleIn this problems case, the month of May and ends in October. The transition sense that every season prevailing in the area. mining the seabed, has a very high economic value of marine resources. Hence the doctrine of defense opportunitiesrelated to the existing are aweakness lot, however such that opportunitiesthere is a to the west season is in November. Seasonal conditions (S1), the potential of fishery resources (S2), islands and security “Minimum Essential Force” should be significantvan be optimized. weakness Supporting. For thethis Defensive situation, Strategy the are not homogenous in the sense that every season which is a path national and international transport developed, so we need a doctrine and posture of defense appropriate(Quadrant IV): strategy This isis the to handlemost unfavorable problems situation, related prevailing in the area. to the existing weakness such that opportunities (S3), the potential for marine tourism (S4), marine and security in accordance with an area of sovereignty growth centers development primary (S5). Weakness and sovereign rights of Indonesia. factors were: human resources remains low (W1); low Security challenges of traditional and non- investment in the fisheries and marine sector (W2); lack traditional small islands, outermost and isolated, of conservation (W3); conflict of interest (W4); natural Indonesian maritime economy not only from the resource management (W5). Table 1 shows the values wealth of natural resources and non-biodiversity, but of weight, ranking and the respective scores of these also should develop in the field of port logistics services strength and weakness factors. commercial ships and yachts, marine tourism. authority It is shown in Table 1 that the highest score to the Provincial Government for managing maritime among other strength factors is the score of The resources and small islands and outermost within existence of marine tourism economic potential (S4) a radius of 12 nautical miles and the rights of county 0.52, the abundance of fishery resources potential (S2) and city to get for marine products in the territory of 0.48, the potential of fishery resources, production of 4 Nautical Miles and measurably involvement of local economically important fish in the pelagic fish group government and communities in the area of maritime dominated species of fish, namely: (1) Katsuwonus surveillance. It needs special attention in the design pelamis or Skipjack tuna this fish is one large pelagic of central and local government relations with the fish species that have economic value is important. community and the government in relation to the Figure. 3 Maluku Island Area deployment of skipjack in almost all waters design of national and regional institutions.

18070 18171 GEOMARITIME-BASED MARINE Atikah Nurhayati and Agus Heri Purnomo National marine policy should also refer to the economy; (4) management of integrated and transparent; six basic principles, namely (1) the insights of the (5) participation; and (6) equality and equity. archipelago; (2) sustainable development; (3) The blue

Table 1. Matrix of Internal Factor Strategy Analysis Internal Factors Weight Ranking Score Streghts 1. The existence of high economic potential that can be derived from 0.07 3 0.21 energy and seabed mineral mining (S1) 2. The abundance of fishery resources potential (S2) 0.12 4 0.48 3. The fact that there are many islands that can function as paths for 0.10 3 0.30 national and international transport (S3) 4. The existence of marine tourism economic potential (S4) 0.13 4 0.52

5. The presence of the Marine Growth Development Centers (Primary S5) 0.10 3 0.30

Weakness 1.55

1. Human Resources remains low (W1) 0.12 3 0.36

2. Investment in the fisheries and marine sector is low (W2) 0.11 4 0.44

3. Effective conservation is lacking (W3) 0.09 3 0.27

4. Conflict of interest remains undergoing (W4) 0.07 3 0.21 5. Natural resource management is not optimal (W5) 0.09 3 0.27 Total Internal Factor 1 3.36

Development in the Maluku Island capitalize very large development capital. However the complexity marine resources as a complement and mutually of the maritime sector into a characteristic and the fact reinforce each other synergistically. Ocean becoming that must be faced by the stakeholders (stakeholders).

Figure 4. Capture Fisheries of Maluku Island Source: Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Padjadjaran University

18272 GEOMARITIME-BASED MARINE Atikah Nurhayati and Agus Heri Purnomo Indonesian Journal of Geography, Vol. 49, No. 2, December 2017 : 177 - 185 National marine policy should also refer to the economy; (4) management of integrated and transparent; The development strategy of the Maluku Islands all stakeholders both communities, governments, and six basic principles, namely (1) the insights of the (5) participation; and (6) equality and equity. Geomartime more focused on marine and fisheries businesses in order to accelerate the development of archipelago; (2) sustainable development; (3) The blue sector in the short term is known as a sector that could marine and fisheries sector in the province of Maluku. have an impact on production activities from other Developning maritime connectivity to eliminate social Table 1. Matrix of Internal Factor Strategy Analysis sectors (Output Multiplier / OM) and the improvement and economic inequalities and to perform various Internal Factors Weight Ranking Score of people’s income (Income Multiplier / IM). It adds interest both among local governments by the central to the belief that the marine and fisheries sector can government such as governance, security, trade, Streghts support the economy of the province of Maluku. Efforts education, health, and communication. are needed to solve these problems is the involvement of 1. The existence of high economic potential that can be derived from 0.07 3 0.21 energy and seabed mineral mining (S1) Table 2. Matrix of External Factor Strategy Analysis 2. The abundance of fishery resources potential (S2) 0.12 4 0.48 External factors Weight Ranking Score 3. The fact that there are many islands that can function as paths for 0.10 3 0.30 national and international transport (S3) Opportunities The existence of good geostrategic position, where Indonesia has three 4. The existence of marine tourism economic potential (S4) 0.13 4 0.52 0.12 4 0.48 archipelagic sea lanes (ALKI) (O1) 5. The presence of the Marine Growth Development Centers (Primary S5) 0.10 3 0.30 The existence of authority given to the Provincial Government for Weakness 1.55 managing maritime resources and small and outer..most islands within a 0.11 3 0.33 radius of 12 nautical miles (O2) 1. Human Resources remains low (W1) 0.12 3 0.36 The acquisition and utilization of marine science and technology through 0.12 3 0.36 2. Investment in the fisheries and marine sector is low (W2) 0.11 4 0.44 higher education to increase research and development capacity (O3)

3. Effective conservation is lacking (W3) 0.09 3 0.27 The existence of economic value potential from marine tourism (O4) 0.08 3 0.24

4. Conflict of interest remains undergoing (W4) 0.07 3 0.21 The establishment of Maluku as a National Fish Barn (O5) 0.07 4 0.28

5. Natural resource management is not optimal (W5) 0.09 3 0.27 Threat Total Internal Factor 1 3.36 The development of potential and function of small islands group as a 0.11 4 0.44 driver of economic activity (T1)

Human trafficking (T2) 0.11 2 0.22 Development in the Maluku Island capitalize very large development capital. However the complexity marine resources as a complement and mutually of the maritime sector into a characteristic and the fact Underwater cultural heritage and marine resources vandalism (T3) 0.08 3 0.24 reinforce each other synergistically. Ocean becoming that must be faced by the stakeholders (stakeholders). Shipping lines may be crossed foreign nuclear submarine (T4) 0.10 2 0.20

Threats that damage fisheries resources (T5) 0.10 3 0.30

Total External Factors 1 4.93 4.93

Based onon the the SWOT SWOT analysis analysis of the ofinformation the information obtained Geomaritime-Based Marine obtained Geomaritime-Based Marine and Fishery Opportunity and EconomicFishery EconomicDevelopment Development in Maluku inIslands Maluku are at Islandsquadrant are at 1qua Supportingdrant 1 Supporting the Aggressive the Aggressive Strategy. An Strategy.aggressive An strategyaggressive accordingly strategy should accordingly be carried Quadrant I shouldthe beoptimization carried the ofoptimization fisheries and of fisheries marine resources,and marineincluding resources, the marine includin tourismg the marineand trade tourism paths and trade paths weakness Strengh

Threaths Figure 4. Capture Fisheries of Maluku Island Source: Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Padjadjaran University FigFigureure 5. 5.QuadrantQuadrant SWOTSWOT Analysis Analysis

18272 Streghts (S) 18373 Weakness (W)

Internal  The existence of high economic  Human Resources remains low potential that can be derived  Investment in the fisheries and from energy and seabed mineral marine sector is low mining  Effective conservation is lacking  The abundance of fishery  Conflict of interest remains resources potential undergoing  The fact that there are many  Natural resource management is islands that can function as not optimal paths for national and international transport  The existence of marine tourism economic potential Eksternal  The presence of the Marine Growth Development Centers Opportunities (O)

 The existence of good geostrategic position, where S-O Strategy: Strategi W-O Indonesia has three archipelagic sea lanes  Taking advantages including the  Taking care of and mitigating  The existence of authority given world’s strategic trade routes, the impact of low human to the Provincial Government for the existence of provincial resources, resource degradation, managing maritime resources authority, to create maximum and conflict of interests such and small and outermost islands values from exploitation of all that resource exploitation can be within a radius of 12 nautical available resources made optimal miles

 The acquisition and utilization of marine science and technology

through higher education to increase research and

development capacity  The existence of economic value potential from marine tourism  The establishment of Maluku as a National Fish Barn Threat (T) Strategi S- T

GEOMARITIME-BASED MARINE Atikah Nurhayati and Agus Heri Purnomo

Streghts (S) Weakness (W) Internal The existence of high economic Human Resources remains low potential that can be derived from Investment in the fisheries and energy and seabed mineral mining marine sector is low The abundance of fishery resources Effective conservation is lacking potential Conflict of interest remains The fact that there are many undergoing islands that can function as paths Natural resource management is Eksternal for national and international not optimal transport The existence of marine tourism economic potential The presence of the Marine Growth Development Centers

Opportunities (O) The existence of good geostrategic position, where Indonesia has three archipelagic sea lanes The existence of authority given S-O Strategy: Strategi W-O to the Provincial Government for Taking advantages including the Taking care of and mitigating the managing maritime resources and world’s strategic trade routes, the impact of low human resources, small and outermost islands within existence of provincial authority, resource degradation, and a radius of 12 nautical miles to create maximum values from conflict of interests such that The acquisition and utilization of exploitation of all available resource exploitation can be marine science and technology resources made optimal through higher education to increase research and development capacity The existence of economic value potential from marine tourism The establishment of Maluku as a National Fish Barn

Threat (T) The development of potential and Strategi W-T function of small islands group as a Strategi S- T driver of economic activity Mitigating the impact of all Taking advantage of the abundance weakness including low human Human trafficking resources to optimize long term resources, resource degradation, Underwater cultural heritage and opportunities by implementing the and conflict of interests such marine resources vandalism steps that can minimize internal that resource exploitation can be Shipping lines may be crossed problems such as vandalism, and made optimal and and internal foreign nuclear submarine resource degradation problems such as vandalism and Threats that damage fisheries resource degradation to keep resources future opportunities open.

Reviewed swot analysis can be seen several more porous than land and air borders. its own network threatsTrafficking and Smuggling The sea is the main of human intelligence and transnational organization medium for the illegal movement of people and [Karsten,2011]. Threats that damage fisheries resources, goods because larger shipments can be carried, covert so it should be done fishery and marine resources transhipment is possible at sea and maritime borders are conservation to promote sustainable development.

18474 GEOMARITIME-BASED MARINE Atikah Nurhayati and Agus Heri Purnomo Indonesian Journal of Geography, Vol. 49, No. 2, December 2017 : 177 - 185 Conclusions Gwalema, Susan Rugano. (2011). Impacts of Streghts (S) Weakness (W) Through a swot analysis can be concluded that urban development pressure on coastal local Internal The existence of high economic Human Resources remains low the accelerated development of marine and fisheries communities in Tanzania. Indonesian Journal of potential that can be derived from Investment in the fisheries and economy in Maluku can be done through an aggressive Geography. Vol. 43, No. 2, December 2011 (123 energy and seabed mineral mining marine sector is low strategy either through local and national policies - 141). The abundance of fishery resources Effective conservation is lacking focused on facilitating economic actors candidate in Widianto Arief and Michiel Damen (2014). potential making massive investments in marine and fisheries Determination of Coastal Belt in the Disaster Conflict of interest remains sector. Among other things, this should be done by Prone Area: A case study in the Coastal area The fact that there are many undergoing islands that can function as paths increasing the capacity of the Maluku sea ports and of Bantul , Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Natural resource management is Eksternal for national and international directs them to become transmiters local economy, Indonesian Journal of Geography Vol. 46, No.2, not optimal transport through more effective function as a relationship for December 2014 (125 – 137). ships carrying commodities and products to national The existence of marine tourism Qu Qunzhen and Qongjiang Xu. (2013). and international markets. This study found that in economic potential on Marine Management Under the View line with the pre-requisites that must be filed by the Marine Eco-civilitation. Metereological and The presence of the Marine Growth government is the detailed zoning of marine and fishery Environmental Research. 2013, 4(12) : 31-32, 38. Development Centers resources.

Opportunities (O) References The existence of good geostrategic Badan Informasi Geospasial (2015). Strategi position, where Indonesia has three Mewujudkan Indonesia Sebagai Poros Maritim archipelagic sea lanes Dunia dalam Perspektif Geografi. (in Bahasa The existence of authority given S-O Strategy: Strategi W-O Indonesia). to the Provincial Government for Taking advantages including the Taking care of and mitigating the Cuif Wangqs,(2003). Sociological Interpretations managing maritime resources and world’s strategic trade routes, the impact of low human resources, marine management . Journal of Ocean small and outermost islands within existence of provincial authority, resource degradation, and Unoversity of China (Social Science) . a radius of 12 nautical miles to create maximum values from conflict of interests such that Djalal, Hasjim. (2014). Negara Maritim dan/atau The acquisition and utilization of exploitation of all available resource exploitation can be Negara Kepulauan? 7 November 2014. http:// marine science and technology resources made optimal news.metrotvnews. om/read/2014/11/07/315756/ through higher education to negara-maritim-dan-atau-negara-kepulauan. increase research and development html. (in Bahasa Indonesia). capacity Gidden, (2000).Consequence of moderenity. Tianh The existence of economic value (translator) Nanjing.Yilin Press.2000. United potential from marine tourism Nations, The Law OfThe Sea (LOS) (New York: The establishment of Maluku as a UN, 1983), p.192. National Fish Barn Hu, D.; Xu, K.P.; Yang, J.X.; Liu, T.X. (2004). Economic development and environmental quality: Progress Threat (T) on the environmental Kuznets curve. Acta Ecol. The development of potential and Strategi W-T Sinica, 24, 1259-1266 function of small islands group as a Strategi S- T Karsten von Hoesslin, (2011). Smuggling in South driver of economic activity Mitigating the impact of all Taking advantage of the abundance weakness including low human : Dynamically fluid, Strategic Insights 31 Human trafficking resources to optimize long term resources, resource degradation, (March 2011): 17–23. Underwater cultural heritage and opportunities by implementing the and conflict of interests such Saaty, R. W., (1987). The analytic hierarchy process marine resources vandalism steps that can minimize internal that resource exploitation can be and SWOT analysis- what it is and how it is used. Shipping lines may be crossed problems such as vandalism, and made optimal and and internal Math. Model 9, 161 – 178 p.192. foreign nuclear submarine resource degradation problems such as vandalism and Smith, Hance D. (1986). The Geography of the Sea. Threats that damage fisheries resource degradation to keep Geography, Vol. 71(4), 320-324. future opportunities open. resources Till, Geoffrey (2009). Seapower: A Guide for the Twenty-First Century. Third Edition. London: Routledge Reviewed swot analysis can be seen several more porous than land and air borders. its own network United Nations (1982). United Nations Convention on threatsTrafficking and Smuggling The sea is the main of human intelligence and transnational organization the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982, http:// medium for the illegal movement of people and [Karsten,2011]. Threats that damage fisheries resources, www.un.org/Depts/los/convention_agreements/ goods because larger shipments can be carried, covert so it should be done fishery and marine resources convention_overview_convention.htm transhipment is possible at sea and maritime borders are conservation to promote sustainable development.

18474 18575