'10. Date: November 18, 2019

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Jain Studios Campus, Scindia Villa, Ring Road, Sarojini Nagar. New Deihi - 110 023 Fax : 011-2587110465. E-mail :[email protected] CIN : L921990L1991PL0042511 Www, 2019 WWW ifihfiufiifil fifiafimfiwfifififimfiw LI JHTITTI'IET '7 simmafiéamfimmfilzm WfiWfiWWWW Maw 13m 12W2019:mmwmmn—amawa Wwwwwm‘fimafiwfinfifimam wmxfififiwwmmfifiaflmimw fifiwafiwmfiwmé1fi§mwfié¥flmafi mmmmafifiwafiiwmwfiafiw W,W,Vfiwmfiwwwfiafifiwmfifirwfi #fiwfiwmfifwsfiuwfiafitafwmfiww fifiQWfimfiwwa-flmwmwfifim wmfiwflmfifiqfiéfifiafifimfiififi§afimfii§ §1quamfiwfiwfif‘méfifififiwwm fimafififimfiafififififiwfififi§wfizm §1ww$ww$mwmfifi§fifififiwfiafi waifafifiwfiafiwwfiafimagmfimwuaw wwmfiwmfiwfimé1fiwww wwWafiwfiWWfififiwfifl§1w fimfiqfiwméfifimmmafifimfi Wmafifiwfiwumwméwwfimw mmmm§1wmmw$mwmam WmmfimWWB-fifiwafiwfimwfi mfi§1mmmawmfigagwmw éwfrzmfiafifif‘afiwfiafifigqafiwwwmw W W a??? Wfifiwfifivfi W 371%? firms mafimafiwwvfimfifiafimfimmfim WWfimmW§1WWWfiW §Wfim$wfi§1wmfi$m #WfiWfiwwamm%1§-1Wfiw WmWafifiwWfiwwwfiwWaé Wmfim,fiwwfiwwafimwwfiw §13fi$a¥afi1fia§1fimfifiwfiwg§§afimfififi mizmmmmaww%%1mwww WWfimfié1WWfififififiWB-TW WwwfimwfiwfiwfiWmmfifiv—fiw mé1ww, wfifiéfifivfizmwafisfififi WWfiWwfiwamé1WE-wfififi? Wmfiwwwfiwfifiwfiwfiwm§3fifi wmwnmmamemeaW%am mfimffififififimfifiwfiwfiéfi§1wfi Wthfifiwwfiwfifiafimwfiwm§1 Wwwfiifiqfifimwmmw1m I fiéfifififififiwfifiwufiwfifiawiWWWmfiawfivafiafiWfiamgfil WWWW$W$WWW§améufi mhmmmmwwfimmm afimfififimfigfi:w3fimmmfiwfiafi ?IWWWB-fimfifimwfifififimw mfiafimmwwmuafiéwfififiafl W1mwwmfimafiwwwmafiwu fi§1fifléfimfi§fimfiwfiwufiduafi$m fimwfifimwfifiwafifiwé1 memsfirwm mmmmtfiw alama‘rfémflwwfi’r 511m 20031333111181 afiafi m, 12m Iwwwmfiwésmérfimfia WanWflaw ma; W WWWWW mmmwwafiém WWEIWWWfifiHfijflgwfiflw fiéfzfifinfimlafifimfi (Wm)§§%fiafiafi§a§fifi Wmélwfiafiw WMWWWWWWWWWWWI Wwwfiéfifiwfiwm fifim Haw firm 3* %‘1 ‘ fiww’fififim WW%WfiWWWW@fi Mgmfifiafimwi f—om Wfiwzooafiafiafiéélwafié mafizfimfimwfiwfi Mmmmfiafi amfiw nggmflmgmmwwfimmg $9M$WWMW§ Wmfi'gqmfifiwwfififlfi mmmwfig'fiwafiz‘afim mommmwwfimmmwfiw fifizfiwfimfi‘fifiafiw waamiaawfimmfiw awwwafimfi'fiéfifiafil Wagam§fimqfim$gaamam afiiéfifififlfiwfiwfiwmm mlfiafim’wwmmm ’fsaafk V&fifisoow mfimmmlwfim,mgmw §1Wafimfivé,fimwa Ww‘fiafifilémafi flaw Wmfigafiw mimfiwfiwwwwfilfiwfimm zooafia’mfiéél With} stzafiwfi’ wmwa‘ Wfimmmfifil afi?mwmw|fiafimfimfimm ‘fiwuwfiwéafizm mafia afi‘mfi fifiafifimfimwfififimw Wfifiqa‘gfiufiwwmm‘wwml Wfiiwm§fimfi WWW w (1W1 fifiéw z afifiwufiwfirfitfiafimafi fifiafifiamofiwgmwwfimqimw wmwzfizfiwfiafimwwwmmfia mfiwmfiwfiwwmemeI wmmmw mwfiaww wwwm%fifimfiamfiwfiam mmfiéfimfimfimafiwmw fiafiaéfiwmfifiafifiafiwmwvml

Wfifiwfifiwfiflmw,wwmwafiafi wfiamwfimfiwmwmfifiwm wfiwmmfimmwmw NAME CHANGE W Wwfififimflmwwfim PUBLIC NOTICE 1, smvgn SHIRINBANUAIJMIVAN 1%1 wwéza‘lmw,a?éafifi,mw Ba 0 hlvwrll 10 Ill cunusmsd MIN w DAHMED SAVED ves1dsm 01 H afiofioafiofiozgfizqfiwwwmfiafimqfi BallwallLa SloLm Sh. Luk Ram NO-169/198, LANE N06, GHAF- RIO WZ- I133. Nlilrpur Rand. FAR MANZIL, JAMIA NAGAH, WOWWWWWWWWWW Plllm Pm—z NM Dalhl-110045I OKHLA, DELHI-HOOZS nave hm brok-n all my "13000. Ind enanged my name 10 SHIREEN W$W,WW$WSWWWI€I SAVED 1012111 Mme puvpose 1, MADHURI PAWAH W/o m1wa—mamwwfim 1433mm RANK- NK/w NAME- m1 of fumlly me 1:. PAWAH ASHOK PRAKESH myI willkindnotonusbe mpflllllbhunndd dusdl forumthelr:yy F1es1d1ng a1 VPO-VADOLI NILESH- 112111 fiwwfimwfifi mm In pan: 111nm WAR TEH- KARAD DIST- 51mm; pemn deals wflh munsn'IIIdoso 1MH1— 415115 Have one m, UWIWWfiéwafiéfiWW It h'fll her aunt BMri name 1mm MADHURI PAWAH To {fififiwafizfiwwfigwm%fi MADHJRIASHOK PAWAH 101211 SID Llh Sh.Lek Ram Mme purposes mde afldavn dated wufizfifiufimwwwéfimm€m€fimfi RIO WZ-1135. Nallrpur Rold, 11/11/2019 betmemanypumcodn 500Wfiafi6a€1ta1€la€fimfiafimafizfiafifi€l Falarll Parl-Z. NW DIIhi-110045 Whimfimwfimfimmmfiafi LOST a FOUND fiafififiwafivfi€lwfiwiwummfiw I! 15 nomad 101 We mlolmanon Name ghange mm my Ov1g1na1 e1ass 10m pass- Mé‘fiwafiwwfiwafi?fiflfiwfiafifiw 1 5mm Kumar S/o Amar mg Cemlume F1011 No 2111312, malwfimfiwwwg WWW Bahadur Shanna 121/0 A65 Gai passmg year 2019 1ssued by WWWéfiF—Ifiwwmmmfilmmafi N012 1 Pm‘a Sonia Vhar cesg nae been 1051 11 msnam Sabhapur Nonh Easl Delhi Fogaa1- V111age Fa1enpm B111ocn Wwwmfiafiéfiwmmfifiafi 110094 havemanged name mmemfimwmaaWfizm 1mm snaieen Kumano mash Fandabad 41 8814949873 Wfiwfilmfifimfiafimafififiwfi Shanna1oral1umre purposes fififlfifiwfififiwwfifiafisfiwafiwafiwfi Wéfimlfifiiwfiwafifififiéwafiéfi Public Nofice WWWmmma,mfimwmfiagafiz All members of General 1, 1mm Shanna m; Jagdsh La1 Punnc are hereby Informed WWfigfifmmfiWfiWfifiw snanna n/o A4101, Tne v1as mm my clients namely M51 mlmmfiwfifiwwfiwafiafifim Akashnsem Malg DLF Pnase-z, Gumgmm 1 Han/anap- 122012 have Sangeeta Yadav W/o Sn Wwfiéfiwfia‘rwwfiwfifiafim changed mynamenUnn1a D9111 w1o Davlnder Slngh Yadav and fiWWmWIWWWWW K2011Devsharma 101211 purposes She Davlnder Slngh Yadav 5/0 Late Banwan Lal both R/o B- fiwfiWWIWfimwfiwufizfimw 12.1.1211 mm 31m n11» Kumx smgn menn... Dlncbr mmmmmfimmfiwwm 355, Han Nagar, New Delhi- 64, have severed all men eco- mfifiMImfimfifiafiaozwwW name and social relanonempe é'fiwfimfifiéfilé'fiafizmmwafiufiz vnm their son namely Prince mfififiqfiufifiwwmfiwfiéflfimw€1 Yadav and his wife Megha WfiWWWWWMWfi Yadav and dlsowned them mmmfiflfimufifim from men movable or Immov- 12 ml fimrm @1711 WI w M @Wfififmfiwfiw mewwmw afi/wfiwwfimfi‘fi able assestse My clients w111 LWfimfi/‘gwmmfiffi Wimwwfimm Wfiwfimmwfififi W W a m figfi mmwwfiym not be responsible for their WWW:W Wmfimfiéfififiwflfiéfi W%fifiafimfifim afififixfiwfiafiafiafifizm Wafiwmmww WWW‘ '@$Wfi conduct 1n any manners 1n near mmre Any one dealing W,1zaw1mfiwm$fiqwafi mfifififimwfifimm$ fifi’égFfiwfigfiafixfiw fifiFtwwfiWmWa xfima‘mafiwitwwfié fifilWfigfiéfith vnm mem w111 he 31 his own WW(W)WW§WW®W&§W Wmmzowafifiw: zoosafiw 126, 135G138$ afiwwmufiafifiafi fififiv’ufiwwéfiafifinfifig wmwfififififififfil costs and risk Wifiafiifiafiifiamfiwfiaafififiafimi W i 913% Fifi W 371 WWfififiawfi$ meafimwm mmwwafifi WET“ xgnfifisfifififiwm Pradeep K1 Murna. mfiwmfiwqfimmgmfiwfi WWMWmWW WFfimMfiWzowfir W afi @ afi W1 fififiw‘mmfi‘fifi EWJO19§W§1H1W$W (Advocate) §IWW$W§WG éfimfifimfififiwfififia WgfimWFfi fififia Wm? ?tm w :3 W1 ?%1'111 31m: w W Che 607,W1W1ng (FF): wfiwmmfiafi€1fifimmafim T15 Hazan Courts. %WWwwwmagm%lafifimfi wwfiwwwmfifimw WfiWWFfiWEW, WWfifiufifiagFfiw 11131 (fifififln‘fiw afixfiWFtwmmagfifi 315W, fiwg 251 1% E171 3? sWfiafiwafiFfifimw ?méaafiififi' mama WWWE‘WI W WIWfiWfiEfiW§ DelhI-110054 Wfiwwfiéfifitafiafifigafizgfiafiafi Wfimammmam, RW‘é‘I fiéfi i 113' w m 1o MWWWFtW wafimafiwgfiw fifiwfigmmfiafi fifiwmwfifiw WW firm film W WE‘WIWWW ?flwmfifirmwwwa @1me fimfiamafimfifi nm/mmwmenm ifififi$malfi afiwfimmmafi mmwafiwwfiaa WWWWWGW mfimmawlw fifigwmmfil Wwfiwfia ,Wfimwm ?flwfl'fifififinwfiw mm W ‘1? arm? 3W Wfi§lfimwwq§imm§lamfiwfié mmmfimww Www’mgw wwmfiéfiwfiafimmlafifimmfi m??xzafiwfimfiw, WGWWFfiWW figméfitfiqfiw 2019 #1 913m Fifi W 371 wwmwfiwmm BOOK YOUR ADVERTISEMENT wan 131111321 174/1444 WWWWEfiWW$WW,W WWW%IWW éfiafififixfisofiafiafiafifi: WWWWW®§ fiifwfimfiwwafi WfiWfiWW, W 3% 3? mm W m wwwmagam€lmafimafiw 24x7 W(W),wmfi WE! afixfiw afi 11711133 3? Wammmufiafi WWW1 Wm WWWE‘TWIWWW WW, £3 flaw? 115357 W, fiafiwfimfiwafimw WW$W$WTTW§Wé¥Tfimi mwa (mew W 100 m afi @ ?”1 W1 R.N.l. No. fi§lfiyfiiafi§l$flémfifififiafimim m w), w, W, 11w, Wwwmmm Call -01141509689, 011-23315814 UP-HlN/2007l21472 Wafiwmafiql afiw,figfifimfi,fi Wmfimwzsm win : 0114150753123315314 fiasa W : 9312252300 Onrporate (mice: Call on our Number 5. 131nmmnnn 2.1m Mug 1T0. BOOKYOLTR ASSIFIEDS (Ill —415()9689 11 mm New mlnirnnonz E - mil addm : ADVERTISEMENT TODAY (111—23315814- 1111.1111111 .111. 11 1111111111111 111 qpmrxku®g1nu1l.cmn Website: wwwmumpnnkun

New Delhi, Wednesday, 13 November, 2019 IIElIII I II'I'IIEIIS THE SIKH TIMES

KanBiosys introduces accelerated straw incorporation Ops on to rescue incapacitated solution to stubble burning and building soil carbon birds at Sambhar lake W boundary ofthe lake is 15 km in length and the Sambhar (Raj), Nov 12 : Operations were teams have covered 3 km so far, the sources W luting the rivers and ground water causing severe can make their field ready for the next crop. New Delhi, 12th November 2019: KanBiosys, health issues and algal blooms. The bans Apart from solving the above mentioned issues, carried out to rescue the migratory birds that said. Locals have claimed the number of dead a specialized agri—biotech company working in imposed by governments don't act as a feasible the product increases organic matter in soil, were found incapacitated at the Sambhar Salt birds could be as high as 5,000. They said oper- the field of plant nufiifion and pest management, option due to unavailability of adequate easy tech- enhances water holding capacity of the soil, Lake in Rajasthan, days afler thousands of ations are also underwayto rescue the incapac- has launched Speed Kompost, an Eco-fiiendly nology to reuse stubble so as to vitalize the makes the usage of fertilizer efficient and them were found dead around the water body, itated birds The number of affected bird product that tackles the problem of stubble burn- fields." She also emphasized that rather than improves the soil microbial activity.With the officials said on Tuesday. A team consisting of species increased to 28 from the eaflier report- ing. The product, accredited by various research imposing ban on stubble burning the govern- launch of the innovative product, Kanbiosys is Chief Conservator of Forest Arun Prasad, ed number of 10, the sources said The affect- Divisional Forest Officer Kavita Singh and a ed bird species were Pallas's Gull, Pied Avocet, institutes and accreditation bodies, does not pose ‘11I ‘ ,1“. exploring strategic relationships to make it a pan- any risk to the environment and helps in enhanc- India practice. Highlighting the needs of Speed panel of doctors from the State Disease Ruff, Common Red Shanks, Marsh Sandpiper, ing the soil quality and agricultural yield. Speed Kompost, she further said, "It is the right time Diagnostic Centre also visited the spot for Wood Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Lesser examination they said Sources said that since Sand Plover, little Ringed Plover, Kenfish Kompost is microbial formulation which consists that India should embrace products which not of a unique stabilized blend of cellulose degrad- only help in enhancing the yields but are also Monday, 2,338 dead birds werefound by forest Plover, Common Coot, Green Beeeater, Black ing, starch degrading, protein degrading bacteria environment friendly Due to excessive use of teams combing the area, however, the official winged Kite, Ruddy Shelduck, Black—winged and fungi. These microbes when added to the chemicals and water and scanty use of organic toll stood at 1,500. While the cause of death is Stilt, Temmink's Sfint, Gadwalls Black/brown raw compo st heap, germinate to produce hyphae manures, a significant downfall has been record- yet to be ascertained, the team ruled out the headed Gull, Gull-Billed Tern, Greater or cells. The various microbes, which digest the ed in the water table. Apart from this, the soil possibility of bird flu (H5N1) and noted the Flamingo, Lesser Whistling duck, Creak, plant waste, present in Speed Kompost help in quality is degrading and production is also declin- birds showed symptoms of paralysis leading to Silverbill, Knob-billed duck, Mallard, recycling of crop residues and wastes effectively ing significantly The stubble burning further death. "Paralysis before death is a symptom of Ferruginous Duck, Northern Shoveler, along with soil reclamation hence resulting in destroys the carbon content balance in the soil. toxicity in the water. The deaths could also be Common Teal, and Northern Pintail enhanced soil quality. Apart from this, the usage Thus, in a country like India, Speed Kompost due to overconsumpfion of salt. However, we'll Thousands of migratory birds were found be able to confirm the exact reason once we dead on Sunday around Sambhar Lake, the of the product also ensures a significant increase Mr Rnw‘mr UWWI 111 comes in handy for improving the soil carbon by in the nutrition value of the soil. Mrs. incorporating crop residues efficiently" She said have the results," Prasad told PTI after consult- country's largest inland saltwater lake near “235,1 ing with a team of doctors. ”We are ruling out Jaipur, sending shock waves among locals and SandeepaKanitkar, MD, KanBiosys, said, "From that as the government is focused to double the bird flu, there is no secretion in the birds no authorities. Volunteers of a local NGO, Wildlife the last four years, we have been working in ment should create awareness among the farm- farmers' income. This will come through improv- Punjab and Haryana to stop the rice stubble ers so that they can leverage on the available ing the productivity by increasing the input effi- laceration either. Also, bird flu usually affects Creatures Organisation, along with a few vet- burning. The stubble burning not only pollutes technology. Taking all the factors into account, ciency. Government should acknowledge tech- 80 per cent ofthe bird population and becomes erinary doctors rescued some strugglingbirds the environment causing health hazards but also 'Speed Kompost' addresses many issues. The nology developed by KanBiosys and develop a an epidemic, which is not the case here," he that were not able to move. "We have adminis strips the soil off valuable carbon. The soil loses easy, cost effective, and standardized on-farm mechanism to encourage farmers to use it. The added The sources said that forest teams tered medicine to reduce stress, and antihista- its nufiifion value, becomes barren and unpro- process of the unique formulation/technology company aims to help the farmers maximize were combing the boundary of the lake and mines, and antibiotics for now in case there's ductive gradually which makes the land hard and allows farmers to incorporate rice stubble in 15 to yields efficiently and at the same time reduce since Monday, they had found 2,338 dead an infection viral or bacterial" Ashok Rao, a vet- thus water runs of with the fertilizers further pol- 20 days after harvesting. With this, the farmers toxic residues in the food. birds in the area who were later buried. The erinary doctor, said.

Manish Suresh Kumar moves to pre-quarters with upset win Kindness drives Bengal woman raise bank loan, sell gold Pune, Nov 12 Indian youngster Manish Sureshkumar knocked out 16th seed Japanese Rio W has increased to 400 since about last one year. There are serve food to the street dogs and sometimes her son Noguchi to move to the pre-quarterfinals while Kalyani (WB), Nov 12 : Driven by compassion three salaried workers to prepare and distribute food to Ashutosh joins her. When they reach venues, the dogs of Siddarth Rawat got the better of local favourite Arjun towards street dogs, a woman in West Bengal‘s Nadia dis- the street dogs at various places in the Kalyani town on those locality rush to gather the food. The Toto driver, a Kadhe at the KPIT MSLTA Challenger, here on trict has taken nearly Rs four lakh bank loan to provide whom she spends Rs 10,000 a month. There is a trained staff of Nilanjana said,"The dogs are now familiar with Tuesday. On a day when 11 Indians were in action, the food and medicines to around 400 stray canines. She person who checks and provide medicines to the dogs the system and timely wait for us on the spots." The Toto wiry 20-year-old from , ranked as low as 748, spends about Rs 40,000 a month on the paraih dogs. She and train them twice a week. She said "I purchased only driver and the lady first places a few plastic pots along the beat the 408th ranked Noguchi 6-3 7-6(4) in a one hour has also sold her gold ornaments worth about Rs 2 lakh one dog, that is Jui, and the rest are collected from road sides. Then puts chicken and rice. They also pour 36 minutes. Manish took the first set rather easily but to bear the cost of taking care of the abandoned canines. streets or given by known persons. But all of them are water separately. The street dogs are accustomed to the Noguchi raced to a 4—2 lead in the second set but the The woman displaying this rare love and passion towards dear to me." The food served daily is no ordinary items routine. Sitting in their home Nilanjana Biswas young Indian clawed his way back to close the match the street dogs is Nilanjana Biswas, a housewife living in but chicken and rice. Drinking water is provided too. said,"Earlier we were in a rented home at B-15 area in by clinching the tie-breaker. Manish played strongly in Kalyani B-11 area in the Nadia district. Biswas has been While there is a pucca kitchen with refrigerator and a Kalyani. There were two street dogs in the neighbor- the tie break and hit two great forehand winners to seal carrying the charitable act braving opposition at home store for fuel (wood) to prepare food for the dogs at hood. Than the female dog delivered five puppies. And the win, ensuring himself seven ATP points. Qualifier and protest from the neighbours, who resent gathering of home, the workers prepare rice and chicken to serve the thus began the journey". Being a patient of high sugar and former national champion Dalwinder Singh proved dogs in front of their dwelling. Her husband Bhabotosh animals in the lunch. After completion of cooking, a male and suffering from heart ailment, she worries about the strong for compatriot Kunal Anand, winning 6-3 6-4 Biswas, an Industrialist, also does not like it but her son worker puts the foods in big pots and load it into an E- future of these hapless dogs. She said,"I had approached while Kaza Vinayak Sharma who made it to the main Ashutosh Biswas, a student of class five, extends helping Rickshaw. The Toto driver is a staff of Nilanjana Biswas. the authority of Kalyani Municipality to ponder over the draw as an Alternate rode his luck to conquer qualifier hands to mother in the pursuit. Her daughter, a college Another worker, a lady, boards the Toto. The two roams issue of street dogs so that they can be rehabilitated. But Tejas Chaukulkar 7-6 (1) 6-7 (5) 6—4 in the longest match student, also cooperates with her. What started five years around in Kalyani town everyday stopping at different got no response. I would be happy, If the Municipality of the day lasting 2 hours and 16 minutes. Rawat played back with a few stray dogs, the count of the benficiaries spots. She herself travels to some places on her scooty to does something for the street dogs in future. solid to oust 6-2 3-6 6-3 in one hour 40 minutes. Both players matched each other but a shoulder issue hurt Kadhe's chances. 's Markos Kalovelonis Cold wave conditions outhit 6-2 6-4 while Tunisian Aziz Dougaz stopped a late comeback from up and com- continue in Himachal The Sikh Times Classified ing Adil Kalyanpur 6-3, 7-6 (3). Shimla, Nov 12 : Cold

wave continued its grip in Earthquake of 4.5 magnitude most parts of Himachal NAME CHANGE

Pradesh on Tuesday with JAINSTUDIOS LIMITED l, SAIYED SHlFthBANU ALIMIYAN PUBLIC NOTICE shakes parts of Uttarakhand tribal district Lahaul and CIN- L92199DL1991PLUJ42611, Enail 1D: [email protected] W /O AHMED SAYED resident of H REGD.OFF.:SC1NDIA VILLA SAROJINI NAGAR RING ROAD NEW DELH1110023 Be it known to all concerned that l, Spiti reeling under the E(TRACI OF STANDALONE UNA'U'DITED FINANCIAL REULTS FORTHE QUARTER AND HALF YEAR ENDED ON Banwari Lal S/o Late Sh. Lok Ram NO-169/198, LANE NO-6, GHAF- 30TH SEPTEMBER 2019 Dehradun, Nov 12 : A medium-intensity earthquake Rlo WZ-113B, Nasirpur Road, FAFt MANZIL, JAMIA NAGAFt, sub-zero temperature, the (Rs. III Lacs) shook parts of Uttarakhand on Tuesday morning, the Palam Part—2, New Delhi-110045 OKHLA, DELHl-110025 have meteorological depart- S. PARTICULARS anermtded Six Months Elded Year ended have broken all my relations and State Emergency Operation Centre here said. The at changed my name to SHIREEN ment said. The cold wave debarred my son Ravi Chauhan quake measuring 4.5 jolted Pithoragarh, Almora, SAYED for all future purpose. conditions prevailed in 30.09 2019 30.C6.2019 30.09.2018 30.09.2019 30.09.2018 31 03.2019 and his wife Neelam from all my Champawat and Bageshwar districts at 7.30 am. It was (Un-mldjled) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) Wn-audil-ad) (Audihed) movable & immovable properties the state and the mini- l, MADHUFtI PAWAFt W/O epicentred near Raura-Nachni in Pithoragarh district 1. 75131 meeme fmm epeehehs 082 , 223 1072 1072 due to their harsh, humiliating mum temperature at 2. Napmfiuaess) furthepenod attitude and threatening me and 14831430H FtANK- NK/MT NAME- and was at a depth of 10 km, the SEOC said. The (hefere Tax, Exceptmnal antifur (42 55) (44.37) (52 25) (37 52) (95.32) (294.25) many places ranged from Bamanflinary items) rest of family members. PAWAFt ASHOK PFtAKESH 3. Net FmfllJ(Luss) fur the I will not be responsible for their Residing at VPO-VADOLI NILESH- tremors were felt in Munsyari, Pangal, Thal, Nachni, perms: before Tax, (afler four to 10 degrees Excepuehei and/Ur any kind of acts and deeds done by WAFt TEH- KAFtAD DlST-SATAFtA Askot and Dharchula in Pithorogarh district and also Bmaunfinaxy items) items (42 55) (44.37) (52 25) (37 52) (95.32) (294.25) them in past and future. If any Celsius, Shimla MeT ehexer itfin Exhaurdmaxy (MH)— 415115 I have changed my parts of Almora, Champawat, and Bageshwar district. mans) person deals with them shall do so Centre Director 4. Net Pmfit 7(Luss) fur the at his / her cost and risk. name from MADHUFtl PAWAFt To However, there was no report of any damage to life and pennd 3113 tax (aner MADHUFtI ASHOK PAWAFt for all Manmohan Singh said. Exceptmhai and/Ur Ema Banwari Lal property, the SEOC said quoting Pithoragarh District m 1mg) (42 55) (44 37) (52 25) (37 52) (95 32) (119 54) future purposes vide affidavit dated The minimum tempera- S/o Late Sh. Lok Ram Magistate VK Jogdande. 5. T9151 Cemprehehsive R/o WZ-113B, Nasirpur Road, 11/11/2019 before notary public Delhi Income for the penuti ture in tourist places [c Drnpr‘lmng Profit (Less) Palam Part-2, fur the pew“! (flat Lax) and (42 55) (44 37) (52 25) (37 52) (95 32) (119 54) New Delhi-110045

Manali, Kufri, Dalhousie Militant killed in encounter Other Cempreheneme Name Change Income (aflef tax)] and Shimla was 4.8, 9.2, 5. Eqwly Share Capital 2359 47 2359 47 2359 47 2359 47 2359 47 2359 47 I, Shailesh Kumar S/o Amar l, Urmila Sharma D/o Jagdish Lal in J&K's Ganderbal 9.5 and 10.4 degrees 7. Resmes(ext:1ud1ng Sharma Ft/o A-801, The Vilas Bahadur Shanna R/O A-85 Gali Revaluanm Reserve as 399 35 343.99 357.35 399 35 357 35 337.37 Celsius, respectively, he shewn inthe 9 eiehee Sheet Akashneem Marg DLF Phase-2, No—12, 1 Pusta, Sonia \fihar, Srinagar, Nov 12 : A militant was killed and an Army Ufprevmus Br) Gurugram ( Haryana)- 122002, have Sabhapur, North East, Delhi- said. Lahaul and Spiti‘s 3. Earnings Fer Share soldier injured in an encounter between the ultras and (nfRs 571$meth changed my name to Urmila Devi W/o 110094 have changed my name administrative centre cmhnulng and discontinued from Shailesh Kumar to Shailesh the security forces in Jammu and Kashmir‘s Ganderbal epemuehs) Kapil Dev Sharma for all purposes. Keylong continued to be Shanna for all future purposes. district on Tuesday, police said. Security forces Bamc (9.15) (9.15) (9.13) (9.31) (9.34) (971) Diluted the coldest place in the (9 15) (9 15) (9 13) (931) (D 34) (971) launched a cordon-and-search operation in Kulan area Public Notice state at minus 2.2 degrees All members of General Public of the central Kashmir district in the morning following 1 The ehave results are en attract ofthe 913311591 format of Standalme Unauthted Financial Results for the Quarter and Halfyw Ended On Celsius, Singh said. The 39" Seplernber 2919 filed With the Stuck Exehehges under Reguiehen 33 9f the 55131 (Ltstmg and Other Disclosure Requirements) are hereby informed that my inputs about the presence of militants. During the Regulatmns, 2915 The 7511 format of the Standalnne Unaudited Finanmal Results 15 avaflahle 9n the Steek Esmhenges Website 1 e How minimum temperature in (www.nsandianmg www.hsemeheeem) and eh the c umpehy's Web Elle (www.1e1hstuehe 511.11.129m.) clients namely Ms. Sangeeta search, the hiding militants fired upon the security Prevmus Yars/ Quanmy figmes have been regmupetifrmnangeti, Wherever neeeswy another tribal district The results fur the quaner ended SEptETnhET 39,2919 are m Cemphenee vvllh 15.11331 AEEDunhng StandardsflND-AS) as nuhfied by the Yadav W/o Sh. Davinder forces, who retaliated, according to an officer. A mili- Mmehy querpmate Affairs Singh Yadav and Sh. Kinnaur's Kalpa was 3.7 The aheve result were remewed hy the Audit Cummmee and were appmved and taken an retard hy the Board 5r Directm's at 11.5 tant was killed during the gunfight. An army soldier meetinghelti on 12 11 2019 Davinder Singh Yadav S/o to place degrees Celsius, he said. The aheve unaudited financial results is subjecttu linnled review I'Epun. furnished hy the slatumry auditors Late Banwari Lal both Ft/o B-

was also injured and rushed to a medical facility for pmbmm The Standalune statement 57 Cash F1ew fur the half year ended September 39, 2919 as reported 1n these Emanuel result has been appmved by the Board ufDireCturs 355, Hari Nagar, New Delhi- treatment, the officer said. The identity and group affil- The MeT Centre has pre- 0n BehalfofThe Board ofDirtectors Jain Studios LiInited 64, have severed all their eco- iation of the slain militant is yet to be ascertained. The dicted rain and snowfall in Plee-New Delhi Sdl- nomic and social relationships an Ad? operation is on and further details are awaited, the offi- middle and high hills of Dale-121h November, 2019 Dilip Kumar Singh Whole Time Director with their son namely Prince cer added. the state till Saturday. DIN: 02960503 Yadav and his wife Megha

Yadav and disowned them from their movable or immov- Call 10 drown, two go missing in LOST & FOUND able assests. My clients will not Elections to 14 urban local bodies conclude in Karnataka be responsible for their con- 011-41509689 It is notified tor the information Bihar 0n Kartik Purnima that my Original class 10th pass- duct in any manners in near 011-23315814 CORRESPONDENT Election Commission said. As Katee], BJP MIA Ved Vyas ing Certificate Roll No. 2111812, future. Any one dealing with them will be at his own costs Patna, Nov 12 : At least 10 people, including three Bengaluru, Nov 12 many as 1,587 candidates, Karnath and Congress veter- passing year 2019 issued by girls, drowned in Bihar in separate incidents and two oth- Barring a few incidents of including 386 from Congress, an Shamanur Shiva CBSE has been lost. # Dishant and risk. THE SIKH TIMES Pradeep K. Murria, ers went missing on Tuesday when they had gone to take skirmishes involving B]P and 363 from BJP and 233 of shankarappa are among the Fogaat- Village Fatehpur Billoch Faridabad # 8814949873 (Advocate) a dip in the river on the occasion of Kartik Purnima. Congress workers, elections JD(S), contested the polls. prominent people who exer- Ch. 607, W. Wing (FF); Edited, Printed, Published According to the disaster management department, three to the 14 Urban Local Bodies There were 475 independent cised his franchise in Tts Hazari Courts, Owned by Stmmt Babbar Delhi-110054 persons each drowned in Nawada and Nalanda, while one in Kanataka were held peace- candidates, the sources Mangaluru. N - 31, Dr. Mukherjee Nagar each died in Sitamarhi, Aurangabad, West Champaran fully on Tuesday, officials added. The counting of votes Delhi-110009 and Saran. In Nalanda district, three minor girls drowned said. The local bodies that will take place on November Printed at Qaumi Patrika Printing while taking bath in Sakn' river near Ghosarwa village. went to polls are two major 14. There was a face-off Press, A—4/A—144, Tronica City The deceased have been identified as Anshu Kuman' (17), municipal corporations of between the BJP and (Loni), Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh) BOOK YOUR ADVERTISEMENT Corporate Office: Sonam Kuman' (15) - both siblings - and another Pn'ti Mangaluru and Davangere Congress supporters at 5, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, Kuman' (17), a police officer said. Their bodies were and six city municipal coun- Kanakapura but police inter- Press Area, 110, New Delhi fished out by NDRF personnel and sent to sadar hospital cils, three town municipal vened and diffused the situa- Editor—in—Chief councils and three town tion. A similar incident was for autopsy, the officer said. In Nawada, two 18—year-old Gurcharan Singh 1321be Panchayats in seven disfiicts. reported in Mangaluru women were among the three who met their watery grave 24x7 Mob : 9654077232, 9971359517 These ULBs comprised 418 where also security personnel near a sun temple in Kauwakol police station area, near Website :www.thesikhtimes.in Ghosarwa village. Two persons also went missing in wards where till 3 pm, 55.27 brought the situation under Email : [email protected] Baghmati river, Sitamarhi district, Deputy Superintendent per cent polling was regis- control, police said. BJP state Call -01141509689, 011-23315814 of Police Veer Dhirendra Kumar said. tered, sources in the State president Nalin Kumar RNI No. DELENG/2008/25465

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