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Evangelical Visitor (1887-1999) Brethren in Christ Church Archives


Evangelical Visitor- March 7, 1910. Vol. XXIV. No. 5.

George Detwiler

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Recommended Citation Detwiler, George, "Evangelical Visitor- March 7, 1910. Vol. XXIV. No. 5." (1910). Evangelical Visitor (1887-1999). 503.

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Messiah University is a Christian university of the liberal and applied arts and sciences. Our mission is to educate men and women toward maturity of intellect, character and Christian faith in preparation for lives of service, leadership and reconciliation in church and society. One University Ave. | Mechanicsburg PA 17055 7ir+h QVloll Bo P«11 nf iha Vnmir\aArra nf tVio I nrA r% c +Vio W-ltar "jr +Via Co-l Tor, •»,; The Earth Shall Be Full of the Knowledge of the Lord as the Water v

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses; but we will remember the namt jf the Lord our God."—Psa. 10:7.


Author. Mark, John Mark; to whom Elizabeth's psalm is the earliest ''Hos- TABLE OF CONTENTS. written, Gentile Christians; purpose to annah to the Son of David." prove Christ to be, Redeemer; proof given, Mary's psalm, both in tone and Ian- . EDITORIAL— His works. guage, belongs to the Old Dispensation— Author, Luke, physician; to whom writ­ The Magnificat. The Bible Conference, 2 ten Christians in general; purpose to prove Zacharias' psalm broader in scope and Costumes—H 3 Christ to be, Healer; proof given; His meaning than the former, linking the Old Special Mention, 2, 3,. 16 miracles. with the New—The Benedictus. Author, John, Apostle; to whom written, Simeon's psalm, pronounced in the 'POETRY— Christians in general; purpose to prove court of the Gentiles, exceeds the former Christ to be, Live Giver; proof given, His psalms in scope as it includes the world He Died at His Post, 6 words. in its plan of salvation. CONTRIBUTED-- . II. GENERAL OUTLINE. The culmination in the song of the angels "Glory to God in the highest " Idol Worship—Fred. Elliott, 6 1. AUTHOR—Luke, a native of Antioch, Zacharias 1:68-79. in Syria. Not a Jew in nationality. By Simeon 2 :28-32. Condition of Discipleship—Adda profession a physician. He was with W olgemuth, 7 Paul in much of his missionary work, and The circle of influence widens in each no doubt learned much from him of the hymn with the climax in "Glory to God in A Word of Warning—W. J. the highest.... (2:13, 14) by the angels. Myers, 7 life of Christ. C. THE VIRGIN MOTHER. Living Death—A. McG., 8 2. DATE—Probably about 63 A. D. Luke leads in recording the loving and Conversion—Fred. Hahn, 8 3. FOR WHOM WRITTEN—It is address­ varied ministries of women. Alone refers ed to Theophilus, but it is evident that A Mother's Concern, 9 to psalms of Anna, Elizabeth and Mary; Luke expected his Gospel to be read by to Susanna, Joanna and widow of Nain. Are We Saved by Works—P. /. Christians generally. (7:11-17; 8:13; 24:10.) Wiebe, 9 4. HISTORICAL OCCASION—At the time that there was needed a precise and satis­ First Adam—by creation. SELECTED— factory statement concerning the person Second Adam—by birth. and work of Christ as the Savior of men, Messianic motherhood the hope of cen­ They Were Filled With the Holy in order that Theophilus as well as other turies. Spirit (Continued), 10 converts to Christianity might be assured Nazareth—Netsar—a branch. (Isa. of the ground of their hope. 11 :i.) Angel—"Hail, _ Thou art highly" NEWS OF CHURCH ACTIVITY, 5. LEADING TOPIC—Those facts in the favored"—"The Lord is with thee." Mary ETC., 4, S, 12, 13 life of Christ which show that He is a —'"Behold the handmaid of ;" three Savior who had come from God, able and months stay with Elizabeth.—Disgrace— REPORTS OF FUNDS, 12 willing to save all who would accept Him. God intervenes, Joseph. Paying tribute in OBITUARY, ETC., '.K 16 6. CHIEF PURPOSE—To show that Jesus native city. To Jerusalem at 12. Christ had come to save men from their Filial relations—marriage at Cana—at sin, and that in doing this He must suffer grave. "Behold thy mother." "Behold thy The Gospel by St. Luke, death. His miracles recorded here are es­ son." Read Matt. I and 2; Luke 1 and pecially those of healing; the healing of 2; John I .-1-5. 2. Preparatory events to Christ's min­ I. GENERAL INTRODUCTION. diseases being symbolical of the healinqr of the soul from sin (heal 8, healed 17, heal­ istry. The New Testament—The new cove­ ing 2). nant. (Jer. 31 131, 32.) Record of the life A. The Voice in the Wilderness. (1:80; 7. SPECIAL TEACHING OF THE BOOK— 3:1-18.). of Jesus- Christ, His teaching and teach­ Jesus was the Son of God; He came to ing of His Apostles. save men from sin; all who would follow Luke alone records the birth scenes of .TheN'Wuth—The Life. (Jno. 14:6.) Him must be willing to suffer; the power John. The circumcision, the scenes attending it. Origin—27 books, 8 or 9 authors. Spe­ of the world cannot overcome the kingdom of Christ. (1:57-67.) cial occasion and distinct purpose for each John—The Grace of Jehovah—the gra­ book. About 50 years in making. Agree­ 8. GENERAL ANALYSIS. cious gift of God. ment, wonderful; adaption, remarkable; Part I. The Divine origin of Christ and A consecrated childhood. (1-80.) origin, supernatural. the events preparatory to His ministry ch. His wilderness life—probably 20-30 years. CANON.—44 to 100 in separate books and l-4:i3- His public appearance in Sabbatic year. letters. 100-140 Sub-Apostolic age. Prac­ Part II. His ministry in Galilee, ch. His audience—his .message, repent. tical missionary period. Apostolic writ­ 4:14-9:50. Christ asks baptism—His deference— ings collected and reverenced. 140-225, Part III. Departure from Galilee and sin offering—God's approval — John's Gnostic and heretical period. Spurious journey to Jerusalem, ch. 9:51-19:10. testimony (John 1:29); his doubts (7:19, writings introduced. 225-691, Sifting and Part IV. Events connected with His 20) ; his death; his geanology traced to uniting • period. Athanasius, Bishop of Adam. Alexandria in A. D. 367, decreed the 27 death, ch. 19:11-24:23. books, as we now have them, canonical. Part V. Appearance and ascension, ch. "He liveth long who liveth well; East and West agreed in council of A. D. 24 :24-53. All other life is short and vain: 691. 1. THE DIVINE ORIGIN OF CHRIST. He liveth longest who can tell A. The mute Priest—Zacharias. (Luke Of living most for heavenly gain." THE TEXT.—First written in separate 1 and 2.) B. THE TEMPTATION. (4:1-13). rolls of thin papyrus with no spacings be­ The Gentile Evangelist salutes the old tween words or paragraphs. Division into and heralds the new dispensation. Simeon, Jesus was tempted as Son of man. Our chapters in 13th century. Division into Anna, Zacharias. Elizabeth. Their life, privilege to be empowered by the Spirit verses 1551. Printing invented 1428. their environment. Hebraism' divine in as it is. 1. Circumstances of the temptation. DIVISIONS. origin. A good thing preparing for a bet­ ter. Empowered at baptism—became Jesus Historical—The four Gospels and Acts. Christ. Bodily subjection by fast of 40 Doctrinal—The Epistles. God's 400 years silence. Zacharias' prayer, lack of faith, sign given. Abra­ days. Moses and Elias each fast 40 days. Prophetic—The Book of Revelation. ham and Gideon wanted a sign. (Gen. 15; Satan given every advantage,—in choice Versions—Greek, original, Latin (382 by Judges 6:36-40.) of place, of time, of weapons and condi­ tions. Origin), Aramaic, Egyptian, Ethiopian, In John the Old meets and merges into Gothic, Armenian, Georgian (5th century), the New. The two dispensations are no 2. NATURE OF THE TEMPTATION. Slavonic, Arabic, Authorized English longer twain, but one; one Purpose, one Form of the tempter—not visible—as we are. (King James 1611), Revised 1881, Amer­ Plan, one Divine Thought and Divine Word. a. Son of God—stone to bread—had ican 1901. Translated into about 400 lan­ power—would have lost His humanity, guages and dialects. B. THE GOSPEL PSALMS. selfishness, the Will of God His meat. The Gospels: Author, Matthew, Pub­ Elizabeth (1:42-45); Mary (1:46-55 b. The Messiah—King,—but a king lican; to whom written, Jewish Christians;, T. C). without a retinue, without a throne. purpose to prove Christ to be, King; proof Sings of Jehovah—His holiness, His given, fulfilled prophecy. might, His mercy, His faithfulness. (Continued on page 11.) EVANGELICAL VISITOR. [March 7, 1910.

the flesh. Levity nor light-minded­ by what Bro. W. J. Myers brings to Evangelical Visitor ness were present to any degree. our notice elsewhere in this issue, and A Bi-Weekly Religious Journal There was a disposition to' employ it is incumbent on the church to feed For the exposition of true, practical piety and de­ the time in receiving benefit, in learn­ and instruct the lambs in such a way, voted to the spread of Evangelical truths ing of God's truth. and with such food as will prove con­ and the Unity of the church. Under the guidance of the Spirit, ducive to their growth, so that they Published in the interest of the church of the we believe, the brethren on whom may become established in the essen­ Brethren in Christ. rested the responsibility of carrying tial truths of Bible doctrine. SUBSCRIPTION {PER ¥«*» *I-0° out the program successfully, were \Six MONTHS, socts able to do so with marked success. Sunday-Schools, Take Notice. (Sample Copies Free.) Bro. S. R. Smith, who was charged To Foreign Countries, $1.25 a Year. We are now in the last month of by the Board of Managers of the the first quarter of this year. It is Editor. GEO. DETWILER, Harrisburg. Pa. prospective Messiah Bible School and time now to order the second quar­ Missionary Training Home, with or­ ASSOCIATES: ter's supplies. We hope to have the ganizing and carrying this effort ELDER W. O. BAKER, - - Louisville, Ohio patronage of all our schools, and also through, was helped of the Lord and S. R. SMITH, Harrisburg, Pa. hope that the literature furnished ENOS H. HESS, Lancaster, Pa. discharged his part of the work with under this arrangement may merit* ability and. wisdom, yet with meek­ GEORGE DETWILER, Office Manager. the patronage of all of our friends. ness. Bro. E. H. Hess, of Lancaster, There are some schools in the All communications and letters of business though not a novice at teaching, brotherhood that are closed during the should be addressed to Geo. Detwiler, found it a new field of endeavor. The Walnut and Summit Streets, Winter months, and so did not order Gospel by Luke was his subject, and Harrisburg, Penna. supplies for the first quarter. We are day after day he was enabled to lead hoping to hear from all such, and The Associate Editors shall be equally re­ the audience into the rich pastures of would thank all such if they would sponsible with the Editor Jor all articles that book; and while much precious that appear in the Evangelical send for order blanks. We would truth was presented much more had Visitor—Conference decision. like to send samples of the three to be passed over for lack of time. grades of quarterlies—Berean, Tim- lintered at the Postoffice at Harrisburg, Pa., as Bro. C. N. Hostetter, of Washing- second class mail matter. othean and Pauline—to many. Please tonboro, Pa., was enabled to instruct apply to this office or direct to the 'The date printed after your name on the learners in regard to the believer's Mennonite Publishing House, Scott- the label denotes the time to which you heavenly calling • as evolved in the dale, Pa., for samples. In sending di­ have paid. Keep it in the future. Epistle to the Ephesian church. rect to Scottdale for samples, ask for EDITORIAL. Bro. J. N. Martin, of Elizabeth- ours. town, led the seekers after truth into The Bible Conference. , some of the work of the Holy Spirit as Program of the Regular Ministerial found in the earlier chapters of the Meeting to Be Held on the Evening Time flies; it is ever on the wing. Acts of the Apostles, when Jerusalem Previous to General Conference of The event that was future yesterday was the center of activity, and Peter 1910. is in the past to-day. So the appoint­ the most prominent actor on the 1. How can the unity of the ed time for the first officially called stage. The remainder of this book, church be best secured and preserved? Bible Conference came, bringing with with Antioch in Syria as the point Rev. Eli M. Engle, Mt. Jay»«Pa. it to those who were ready to take ad­ from whence went forth the mission­ Elder C. C. Burkholder, '-Upland, vantage of its opportunity, rare bless­ aries into Gentile territory, and in Cal. ing, and is HOW in the past. The at­ which the apostle Paul for the most tendance, though not very large, was, part occupies the stage, was entrusted 2. What can be said in favor of after all, encouraging, considering to your editor, who, because of hav­ revival efforts? What definite in­ how much of prejudice there is ex- ing been unexpectedly called to Can­ struction should be given immediate­ istant unfavorable to things which are ada, and on his return was loaded ly to converts? regarded as new. Representatives with other duties that had to be at­ Elder M. G. Engle, Abilene, Kans. were present from the Dauphin and tended to, lacked the preparedness Rev. M. L. Hoffman, Abilene,. Lebanon district, the different dis­ without which such effort is apt to Kans. tricts of Lancaster county, the Cum­ fail to a large extent of what it was 3. What is the utility and mission berland county district, the North intended to accomplish. of the Church? Franklin district,, and New Guilford Thus has passed into history the Rev. Geo. Whisler, Buffalo, N. Y. district. church's first effort in this direction, Rev. Thomas Doner, Gormley, Ont. During the last week all the sessions a line of activity which a number of 4. The propriety of elders, min­ were held in the Messiah Orphanage sister denominations are finding to be isters,, evangelists and all missionaries school room, which at times, was of great utility for the spiritual conforming strictly to the rules, reg­ quite crowded. growth of their members. A Bible ulations and doctrines of the Church. The order of service—worship Term, or Conference, held once a Elder W. O. Baker, Louisville, O. Bible teaching, testimony, experience, year, ought to have its place in the Rev. Aaron Bechtel, Canton, O. praise and song—was maintained program of church activity of every 5. How should and could our min­ throughout the term, and, as far as district throughout the Brotherhood, istry be strengthened ? we were permitted to hear, those in and the sooner this is recognized and Elder John Stump, Napanee, Ind. attendance were unanimous in their the machinery set in motion, the bet­ Rev. Solomon Engle, Philadelphia, expressions of approval. They en­ ter. The time of the apostacy is upon Pa. joyed it, were benefitted, had a good us; heretical teaching is being almost Time allowed each speaker, 15 min­ time. However, not a good time after forced upon the people as will be seen utes. March 7, 1910.] EVANGELICAL VISITOR.

Customs. tinctive costume are God's true chil­ Church. Hymnal Notice. dren we cannot believe. In walking The principle of uniformity of the streets of our city the other day The second edition of the Church dress to mark those who lived a com­ we met a man whose costume was Hymnal is now ready for distribution. mon life was adopted even among the decidedly plain, but the cigar in his The Hymnal Committee has decided early monks of the Egyptian deserts. mouth and flush of his cheeks brand­ for the present to sell the cloth bind­ The character of the Eastern religious ed him as glutinous. A sect with ing, which was formerly sixty cents, costumes was usually, as far as can which I am familiar is very precise as at forty cents; freight charges or be determined from the vague de­ to the cut of dress but for fineness of postage not included except in orders scriptions of early writers, such as to goods it is hard to exceed them. Re­ exceeding fifty copies, the freight will express a spirit of penitence and dif­ cently a plainly dressed mother could be prepaid. There are two kinds of ferentiate their wearers from the gaily- not buy goods fine enough for her leather binding, black and red, with dressed worldlings. The early West­ daughter in one of the largest cloth­ gilt edge, which will have to sell for ern founders, St. Benedict and even ing stores in the city of Lancaster. $1.20 for the black and $1.40 for the St. Francis, prescribed the general If the pride is in the heart it will work red leather, postage or freight pre­ character, but not the exact shape and its way out somehow. paid. Orders for the West and cen­ color of the garments to be worn by tral points, should be addressed As we read of the caste system of their followers. Custom gradually, in either to M. L. Hoffman, Abilene, Eastern countries and the many a community life, crystalizes into a Kansas, or B. L. Brubaker, 6039 abuses resulting therefrom, we are rule, or law. "Custom makes law." Halstead street, Chicago, 111., and for made to exclaim, Let us make our­ the Eastern section, S. R. Smith, Har- The mixture of wool and flax was selves of no reputation; but be found risburg, Pa. forbidden the Israelites (Lev. 19:19; in the fashion of the common people. Deut. 22:11). The general object of But must we go across the ocean to Those ordering for shipment by the prohibition was to symbolize sim­ find the caste spirit? Insignias of freight or express should consider the plicity and purity. They were even rank or profession do often hinder in nearest point when ordering, since it in minute distinctions to be separate the free intercourse and helpfulness to would be inconsistent to send from from the heathen, and to remember those who are placed beneath us by- the West to Harrisburg for books to God as one who loves order. The virtue of our insignias. We must not be sent by freight or express when query may arise however whether the forget the words of the Savior that they can be had at Chicago or Abi­ above rules hold true for the present life is more than meat and the body lene. There are also English and dispensation of grace. Israel was a more than raiment. When the ex­ German, cloth and leather bound, chosen, distinct and separate people. pression becomes "pat" that he or she which are five cents per copy more In what sense does the state of the dresses plain rather than that he or than all English. spiritual Israelite differ at present? she has been born of the Spirit there These prices may have to be raised (I. Pet. 2:9.) is prima facie evidence that in the a few cents if the books should remain That the establishment of a costume mind of the observer, at least, the rai­ on hand sometime in order to cover or garb in dress as an insignia of ment is considered of prime import­ expenses; therefore, all who desire spiritual life does not always work out ance. Hymnals should take advantage of the for the best, we must admit. In so As the church expands its borders first offer. This is no money-making far as it is the real outgrowth of an and claims the world as its territory enterprise; the Hymnal Committee inward wrought change of the heart it will find, we are quite certain, that purposes to keep the accounts within from a worldly to a spiritual state, great care need be exercised lest our their own limits. from a proud to a humble spirit, it insignias retard the real work of places its votary on vantage ground bringing the light of life to those in ' On pages 1 and 11 we print an out­ in respect to the world's allurements. darkness. Paul became all things to line of the Gospel according to Luke If the costume adopted by an indi­ all men that he might by all means as used by Bro. E. H. Hess in his ex­ vidual is the result of environmental save some. The adaptation to cir­ position of that book at the recent influence only it may then be a mask cumstances with God's approval will Bible Conference. It was deemed and bring reproach upon the cause it bring us to the coveted goal; but we advisable to publish same in the claims to represent. Were a private must be extremely careful that Josh. VISITOR as quite a number expressed soldier to don the insignia of a gen­ 9:14 and Num. 33:55, 56, does not a desire to secure it in permanent eral the result of his leadership in bat­ become our sad experience. If we form. ' A small number will later be tle would likely be disaster; his ex­ would learn from the sects that gave issued in tract form and can be se­ perience not being in keeping with his up their insignias as the Methodists, cured by sending your orders to this insignia or profession. Presbyterians, United Brethren, etc., office at once. The cost will be only The wisdom of the adoption of a we must exercise great care and god­ nominal. Bro. Hostetter's outline of costume as an insignia of membership ly fear lest by the letting down of the Ephesians and others will follow. in a spiritual body is sometimes ques­ fortification against world-likeness in tioned. Would to God it were not dress a like fate befall us. A letter from Moretown Center, necessary. But when a line is not Will rules and regulations—man­ Mich, under date of February 23, in­ drawn the drift into extreme world- dates from General Conference— forms us of the continuation of the likeness is often so rapid as to cause laws; help in the solution of the prob­ meeting-, at that place, conducted by consternation in the minds of the lem? This will be considered in a Bro. Lafayette Shoalts.of Forks Road, truly humble. That, such only, that subsequent article. Ont. The brethren Walter Taylor adopt a peculiar costume of dress are H. and Henry Schneider of Mich., are God's children we would not venture assisting. Souls are turning to God, to assert, nor do we believe it. Again He cannot pray for himself who and the brethren and sisters are seek­ that all such who have adopted a dis­ prays only for himself. ing the deeper things of God. EVANGELICAL VISITOR. [March 7, 1910.

NEWS OF CHURCH ACTIVITY ings will be, we will never know until the ton, of Mechanicsburg, Pa., who labored "Heavens have been rolled together as a with the brethren three weeks and who IN THE scroll." (Rev. 6:14.) And until all kin­ spoke the word with spirit and power, for HONE AND FOREIGN FIELDS dreds and tribes and peoples and tongues which the brethren felt very much en- shall be standing before God, in the great couarged. Seven souls made a start for Addresses of Missionaries. judgment day. (Rev. 20.) To the praise the kingdom and we hope they may con­ of God we can now say the church was tinue in this most important work. The Africa. encouraged, strengthened, and hence, last week a few evenings the home "built up," and four souls were made to brethren had charge, and the last four H. P. Steigerwald, Grace Steigerwald, Mary Heisey, Matoppo Mission, Bulawayo, say: "I will arise and go to my Father." evenings Elder J. D. Wingert, of Fayette- South Africa. "The paths of sin too long I've trod; ville, Pa., labored with the brethren, who Myron and Ada Taylor, Choma, N. W. now I'm going home." also spoke the word with power. Many Rhodesia, South Africa. Now we trust we may all continue to good resolutions were formed during these H. Frances Davidson, Port Shepstone, manifest the Spirit of the meek and lowely meetings, through such earnest preaching Natal, S. Africa. Savior, Jesus Christ, to a world that is of the word. We hope that the seed sown Harvey J. and Emma Frey, Elizabeth that has not manifested itself may have Engle, Mtshabezi Mission; Levi and Sallie dying in sin, and that the good work may Doner, Mapane Mission, Gwanda, Rho­ go on, and God may be honored and glori­ found good lodging and may spring up desia, South Africa. fied. Meetings closed on January 30, and bring fruit bountifully. The attend­ The following are not under the F. M. with a full house. H. M. ance and attention during these meetings B.: were very good and our prayer is that Jesse R. and Malinda Eyster, Moderfon- The special meetings conducted at Zion, God may reward these brethren for their tein P. O. (Intokozo Training School), labor. via Zurfontein, Transvaal, South Africa. Dickenson county, Kans., by Eld. J. R. Isaac O. and A. Alice Lehman, Box 116, Zook, to which reference was made in CLAYTON M. ENGLE. Fordsburg, Transvaal, South Africa. these notes in last issue, closed after hav­ India. ing continued four weeks. Bro. J. H. Wag- MASSTLLON, OHIO.—On January 12, a A. L. and Mrs. A. L. Musser, Maggie aman writes that Bro. Zook preached the series of meetings was commenced at the Landis, Sen Villa, Madhupur, E. I. R., Word in the power of the Spirit and eter­ Sippo church and continued for two India. nity alone can reveal its full results. There weeks. Eld. B. F. Hoover being engaged The following are not under the F. M. B.: were about thirty who took a definite stand to hold forth the word of life. D. W. and Mrs. D. W. Zook, Sripat, for salvation, and some for cleansing and Sister Jennie Hoover also came along Purunia, Bankura district, Bengal, India. sanctification. The most of those who and was here the entire time, save the Elmina Hoffman, Kedgaon, Poona Dist., sought the Lord were children aged from last evening. She led the singing which Ramabai Home, India. eight to sixteen. Jesus said, "Suffer the- was much appreciated, since we were not Mrs. Fannie Fuller, Gowalia, Tank Road, children to come unto me and forbid them Bombay, India. much acquainted with our new hymns. not for of such is the kingdom of heaven." We were also agreeably surprised the Central America. We quote from Bro. Wagaman's letter as first evening of the meeting to have Bros. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Cassel, Huehueten- follows: "I trust some of these young Fred and Asa Climenhaga, of Stevens- ango, Guatemala, C. A. souls- may hear the Master's call and like ville, Ont., step in to help us. They too Samuel, answer, 'Here am I, even though were here the entire time except four Our City Missions. it may mean to the uttermost parts of the days during which period they visited the earth.' Bro. and Sr. C. C. Burkholder Canton church. Their gift of song and Philadelphia, 3423 N. Second street, in were with us two evenings and their help earnest prayers and testimonies also helped charge of Srs. Eichelberger and Landis. was much appreciated. May God richly to add interest to the meetings. Buffalo, N. Y., Mission, 25 Hawley bless all of the VISITOR family, and may street, in charge of Brother George Whis- Bro. and Sr. Griffith, of Mansfield, were ler and Sister Effie Whisler. all pray that the Lord of the harvest may with us some five or six days and also Chicago Mission, 6039 Halstead St. In send more laborers into His harvest. Bro. earnestly helped in the work. Some of the charge of Sister. Sarah Bert, Bro. B. L. Zook has commenced meetings at Belle dear brethren and sisters of the Canton Brubaker and Sister Nancy Shirk. Springs church. May God bless his labors church also came to assist in the Lord's Des Moines, Iowa, Mission, 1226 W. nth there and may many precious souls be gar­ work. street. In charge of Eld. J. R. and Sister nered in. Anna Zook. The weather was unfavorable a good Toronto. Ont., Mission in charge of Yours in the Master's service, part of the time. The meetings were well D. W. Heise, Gormley, Ont. J. H. WAGAMAN. attended when the weather would permit. Jabbok Orphanage, Thomas, Okla., in Bro. Hoover labored earnestly and we charge of E. N. and Adella Engle, R. R. HOUGHTON MISSION, ONT.—A continued now feel that the responsibility rests with No. 3, Box 1. meeting was held at the Houghton Mis­ the unsaved of the community. No one sion, Ont., from January 24, to February was wrought upon sufficiently to step out Tjove Feasts. 17, 1910, by Bro. Girvin Bearss and his of a life of sin, but we trust that the seed wife. They came filled with the Spirit. sown will yet bring forth a bountiful P eimsylvania. The brother hewed to the line, denounc­ harvest. Antrim M. H., near Greencastle, May 25, ing sin and all its evils. There was good We live in an age when people are 26. R. R. station, Greencastle. Those interest and after the first week the house very indifferent as regards their soul's in­ coming by trolley from Greencastle or Chambersburg, leave the car at stop sixty. was filled nearly every evening. Over terest, but very zealous for the things of Cross Roads, date next issue. twenty sought the Lord, and a few sought this world. Just taking the opposite course . for a deeper work of grace in their hearts. of advice given in Matt. 6: 33. ENGLEWOOD, O.—According to former ar­ Some testified to God's saving grace in W. J. MYERS. rangements, the brethren and sisters of their hearts and, we trust, will press Fairview district, ten miles north of Day­ through till the Spirit answers to the blood THOMAS, OKLA.—"The Lord hath done ton, began a series of meetings, with our that they are born of God. great things for us whereof we are glad." esteemed Bro., Elder John A. Stump in After a week's meeting, Bro. Walter On February 6, in the evening we started charge, on January 16. Brethren and sis­ Winger, of Bertie, came to our aid and a series of meetings. The Lord was with ters from adjoining districts were also in was a great help to the meetings in way us in saving and sanctifying, and convict­ attendance during the meetings, for which of testimony, prayer and singing. May ing. On the second Sunday evening there we were very glad. We can truly say God bless and reward them all for their were twenty-three at the altar and others that all things, "Worked together for labors. at different times, but cannot give the good." The Spirit of the Lord was pres­ WM. VANNATTER. number. These ranged in age from chil­ ent in its meek and gentle manner operat­ Frogmore, Ont. dren of eight up to adult age and heads of ing upon the hearts of believers, to families. Some of these testified to being strengthen, to unify, and to encourage. It HUMMELSTOWN, PA.—A series of meet­ sanctified, a number testified to being was also present with the unconverted to ings was held in the church at Hummels­ saved, and some, sad to say, are drawing convict them of "sin and of a judgment to town, beginning January 23, and closed back, not being willing to go all the way. come." What all the fruit of these meet­ February 20, 1910, with Bro. John Charles- So we must commit them to God who March 7, igio.] EVANGELICAL VISITOR. knows the hearts of men and women. We and act worse than those do. I think the she reports good health and is having a are persuaded they made a start for the Lord can use me in these parts. Continue pleasant change. kingdom and God takes care of the num­ to pray for us. We who stayed by the work here have ber that got right. We need the prayers J. W. AND HARRIET HOOVER. been quite busy. We have just opened of the saints, that these lambs may be fed school this week, after four weeks' vaca­ The following letter from J. H. Riddell and kept. tion. At this time of writing our family to Bro. Hoover shows how his work in D. L. BOOK. numbers forty-three. The largest number that new country is appreciated by those yet of any time since the Mission was who are not of the same church. Mr. STAYNER, ONT.—The revival meetings started. I am sure there are some if not Riddell is principal of Alberta College, held on the sixth line Nottawasaga, Ont, all who read this will rejoice to know Edmonton. by the brethren, L. Shoalts of Forks that w'e have two girls staying here since Road, Ont., and L. S. Doner, of Gormley, EDMONTON, ALTA., Dec. 22, 1909.. the opening of school. There is shortage Ont., closed January 23, after which the Rev. Mr. Hoover, Belvedere, Alta. of food among the people. Some are same brethren commenced a series of showing it by their lean bodies. This has meetings on the second line. The word My dear Brother: brought at least one of the girls to us. was spoken with power and sin revealed Once more Christmas, with its memory Crops were short last year on account in its awfulness. Truly, the brethren and its inspiration, is at hand. Permit me, of incessant rains. We too, have had to cleared themselves and we trust believers as a brother and a fellow-laborer in the buy grain in order to be able to open have been benifitted thereby. The after­ kingdom of God, to send you most hearty school at the time appointed. Corn is noon cottage prayer-meetings were well Christmas greetings. In doing so I sin­ selling at five dollars a bag (200 lbs.) attended. The Holy Spirit was made man­ cerely pray that the God of Grace may Prospects for a good crop of corn are be­ ifest among us, warming the hearts of abundantly bless you in your work. fore us. Have had nice rains until a few the people and causing tears to flow. A Yours is a noble work. Sometimes, weeks ago; but we trust they are not over few of the unsaved made requests for under the strain of perplexity and the yet. prayer with tears. May the seed^ sown stress of difficulty, you will be inclined to We wish to thank those who so kindly have fallen on good soil and spring up forget the dignity and nobility of your call­ sent us things when the brethren came. and bring forth fruit unto life everlast­ ing. I pray you never to forget how great We have not found time to write to all ing. The meetings though very interest­ that work is to which God has called you yet, and we trust every one will excuse us, ing, were closed February 8, owing to ap­ and in which you have the assurance of Di­ for we have much to keep us busy. We pointments in other fields of labor. vine help. Remember always, that you stand are standing upon the promises of God, God bless the faithful brethren and before men as the interpreter to their especially these two: "As thy day, so shall give them souls for their labor. minds and hearts of the only things in thy strength be." "My grace is sufficient SARAH M. TAGGART. life that are really worth while. And, for thee." further, be well assured of this, that men Stayncr, Ont. The work is strenuous, but we would will never catch, the meaning of life in its not be anywhere else, but in God's will. Mission Work in Alberta, Canada. fullness if you, or some one commissioned . We trust we have your prayers for truly as you, fail to make these great abiding Dear brethren, greeting. I left my home the harvest is great and the laborers are factors of life known. The Christian min­ at Lunnford. in the Pembina valley on few. "Pray ye the Lord of the harvest istry is the only force in human society February 6, on horse back, for a sixteen- to send forth more laborers." whose sole function is to interpret the mile ride. My horse was young and fiery. best life to men. Your glorious calling is Both of us have had a slight touch of I went two miles on the ice up the river, to see that men become seized by the best fever since Christmas, but at the present and as I went to go up the bank the horse motive, fix their eyes on the best ideal and time of writing we are well. We were fell and partly rolled down the bank. I measure their lives by the best standard. not confined to bed, but realized fully the was thrown on the ice, but fortunately Others may teach, plan and legislate, you touch of fever. was not hurt much, only bruised some, alone deal only with motives, ideals and May all who read these few lines have a and my hip stiffened. I continued my standards. I pray you never to let any share in this work also, either by your journey to the first appointment, seven little issue beguile your thoughts from the prayer or in whatever way God points out miles, then on four miles further to a glorious work of seeing that every man to you. He has left us the care of His log home for dinner, and horse feed. In is moved by the impulse of love to God, vineyard, and there is something for each the afternoon at 2.30 I had another ser­ and fixes his ideal on the great end of one of us to do. vice five miles further north. There was life, "to serve God and man,", and to make We are appreciating our new house, and a good attendance at this service. The the life of Jesus the real standard of his enjoy the comforts of a comfortable place. meeting is held here every four weeks, and living. Love is the motive, service the We also thank the Lord for nice rain the house is generally filled, people coming ideal, Christ the standard. water which we are able to catch from our five and six miles with ox teams. They iron roof. 1 are anxious to hear the truth. I spent the To me Christmas stands for the advent May God bless you all and help you to night at the place where the meeting was of a new principle in life, the principle of remember your privileges toward Him and held. The Lord was with me in this love; for a new emphasis in living, service His work. We remain, meeting, permitting me to feel His pres­ to God and men. May God bless you, ence. Being a stranger to nearly all, I dear brother, in this new year. I trust you Your servants in the harvest field, looked to Jesus. Praise His name. He will see many men enter definitely the MYRON AND ADDA TAYLOR. was precious to me. The people seemed kingdom. Push the battle with all insist- Macha Mission, Chomo, So. Africa., Jan. all to enjoy the service and asked me to ance. We are all praying for you. Again 20, 1010. come every two weeks, which I think I wishing you the heartiest compliments of will if I can make the necessary arrange­ the season, I remain, An Africa Letter.

ments. I will necessarily have to drop Yours in Christ, P. O. Box, 116, FORDSBURG, one other appointment. I made eight J. H. RIDDELL. TRANSVAAL, visits on Monday, and returned home in SOUTH AFRICA. the evening. MACHA MISSION.—It is quite a while TO the readers of the VISITOR : "Blessed I could make use of many good tracts since we last wrote you, but we know you be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who and religious papers. So many homes have heard from this place through our only doeth wondrous things." (Psa. 72: with children have no books, and even dear brethren, who visited us. It seems 18.) It is in place to praise the Lord and some have no Bible. I was surprised when hardly necessary to say that we were glad to exalt His worthy name for all His a few weeks ago, at a service, I offered to to see them and have them with us, but mercies, and love upon the work He has give a Bible to any family that has none, it was such a short time. However, we given us to do and upon us also, giving to have our daughter tell me next day thank God they came to us in good cheer us the precious hope that we shall reap that the family where the meeting was and encouraged our hearts in the work. if we faint not. The many opportunities had none. I .had not known, and will At the time they left us, Sister David­ we have of sowing the precious seed con­ supply them with one. People out here son went south to Natal for a change and stantly reminds us of our great need in ne'ed salvation as much as they do in rest, for at least six months. Over two heathen lands. Some are more careless months of the time is already spent, and (Concluded on page 12.) EVANGELICAL VISITOR. [March 7, 1910.

OUR CONTRIBUTORS. establishes this fact, "We know that and stone." I admit a difference in we are of God," "We know Him that the form of the idol, but not in the He Died At His Post. is true," "We are in Him that is true," material. Silver and gold are popu­ Away from his home and the friends of "This is the true God and eternal lar idols to-day, and hundreds of his youth, life" R. V. The divine side of pro­ houses built of wood and stone are He hasted, the herald of mercy and truth; tection is provided for. "He that is the idols of those who possess them, For the love of his Lord and to seek for begotten of God, he (Christ) kecpeth or to perhaps put it another way, they the lost, Soon, alas was his fall—but he died at him, and the evil one toucheth him are idol temples. While some idols his post. not." are kept in privacy, others are useless except for public exhibition; such are The stranger's eyes wept, that in life's Two things are evident; first, that brightest bloom, the human will holds the key to the composed of silk, satin, lace and One gifted so highly should sink to the tomb; whole situation. Complete safety is feathers, chiefly feminine in gender; For in ardor he led in the van of the host, provided if "we abide in the secret of they change frequently in form, as­ And he fell like a soldier—he died at his post. the Most High." Beneath the shadow suming the most fantastic and grotes­ of His wings Satan cannot touch, que shapes imaginable. So historic He wept not himself that his warfare was is this form of idol and so popular done, much less, harm, the believer. Second­ The battle was fought, and the victo:y ly, there is an element of weakness in its worship that many are astounded won; to hear that they are idols at all, hav­ But he whispered to those whom his heart the "little children" somewhere. clung to most, Satan knows each one personally (di­ ing unconsdmisly served them all "Tell my brethren for me that I died at their life. my post." rectly or through his angels) and ex­ tends in their most pleasing and al­ Without hunting dictionary defini­ He asked not a stone to be sculptured with verse, luring forms, for acceptance and ad­ tions, an idol is anything that de­ He asked not that fame should his oration just that kind of "idol" that tracts from the worship of God, or in merits rehearse; But he asked as a boon, when he gave up appeals the strongest to their individ­ any way usurps or limits His place in the ghost, ual weakness and taste. To accept our affections. These selfsame idols That his brethren might know that he died at his post. means to some extent to turn our (some of them) in their proper place faces and steps outward' from our are blessings and are necessary to Victorious his fall—for he rose as he fell, With Jesus, his Master, in glory to safe retreat. Even then God tries to human comfort. Food, clothing, dwell; keep us from our folly, for: "Thou comfortable homes and money, when He has passed o'er the stream and reached shalt hear a word behind thee saying, the bright coast, properly used and thankfully receiv­ He fell like a martyr—he died at his this is the way, walk ye in it when you ed, are not to be despised. Yet it is post. turn to the right, or when ye turn to sadly true that each of these blessings And can we the words of his exit forget? the left." How good it would have and especially the last can be so per­ O; no, they are fresh in our memory been for us all if we had promptly verted in their use as to become idols. yet; An example so brilliant shall never be responded and said, "The love of money is a root of all lost. evil," R. V. Who ever heard a We will fall in the work—we will die at The dearest idol I have known, our post. sermon on covetousness ? Did you, The above lines were written by the Rev. Whate'er that idol be, reader? Ministers, did you ever William Hunter, on the death of Thomas Help me to tear it from Thy throne, Drummond, in the City of St. Louis, in preach one ? The love of money June, 1835, who was a missionary to And worship only Thee'' afflicts Christians as well as world- Missouri. His last words were: "All is well. Tell my brethren of the Pittsburg Sad indeed would it be for us, if ings and is more conspicious in them, Conference I died at my post." refusing the voice of warning, God . as it is out of harmony with the W. R. SMITH. Fredonia, Kans.i R. R., z. said of us, "Ephraim is joined to his Christian character. A plain, modest • » » idols, let him alone." As long as we garb, externally indicating that the For the EVANGELICAL VISITOR. keep true to God our weakness is wearer is "not seeking its bliss or fix­ Idol Worship. known to three parties only. God ing its hopes on a region like this,", knows all about it. We know a little only makes the discordant note more BY F. ELLIOTT. about, Satan knows the weakness is prominent by contrast. In such cases plainness like charity, only more liter­ "Little children keep (Guard R V) there and desires to develop and in­ ally, "Covers a multitude of sins." yourselves from idols." (1 John 5 : crease it. God's knowledge of it I have heard people testify that they 21.) This is a very short text, but it causes Him to provide protection and had these earthly things, " as if they is a potent admonition. As a parting give warning. Our own knowledge had them not," but oh, how little we word at the close of that glorious of it makes us guilty, if we fail to know our own hearts. As soon as epistle of the "Beloved disciple,'' it guard the vulnerable spot, and Satan's someone tries to take even a little stands out with a crisp conspicious- knowledge enables him to "draw a away from us, how it hurts and what ness that cannot fail to arrest atten­ bow at a venture," and so "pierce be­ sublime efforts are made to "hang tion. We all admit that while the tween the joints of the armor." on." epistles were addressed to certain Next, What are the idols? Trulv specified churches or individuals, yet "Their name is legion for they are People who regard as idols the their instructions and admonitions many." The variety of color, shape, "fads" recently noted in the VISITOR, apply with equal force to Christians in dimensions and material beggars all have never objected to the pictures all ages and places, till Jesus comes description. Some are immaterial, on five dollar bills. How easy we again. invisible, having neither form nor often find it to "tithe mint, anise and The parties addressed were not un- shape, such as love of honor, position, cumin, and forget the weightier mat­ regenerate sinners or unconverted being well thought'and spoken of, ters of the law." Fads like the above, church members, but God's own elect desire to rule over others, etc. Some come and go (and I am not defending children, born of water and of the preachers say, "People no longer wor­ them), but the love of money de­ Spirit. In the preceding verses he ship idols of silver and gold, wood scends from generation to generation. March 7, 1910.] EVANGELICAL VISITOR.

As an idol it takes first place in the God, and question His infinite wis­ ness, in watchings often, in hunger hearts of poor, fallen humanity. In dom. While it is impossible to avoid and thirst, in fastings often, in cold the wor!;i it causes more misery, having preferences let us "guard" and nakedness." No wonder he could privation and sorrow than war and ourselves from idols. say, "Follow me as I follow Christ." pestilence combined. We cannot We could add much more (and I He could indeed say that he endured grasp an undue portion without some even did, but on later thought hardness as a good soldier of Christ. one else suffering a loss. Men accu­ abridged it), but forbear. The writer In Hebrews 13:13 we read, "Let us mulate millions and still grasp for feels his own weakness and pleads go forth therefore unto him without more. As a result of their inordinate guilty on some lines noted, and prays the camp, bearing his reproach." It is greed hundreds are grinding out a for a privilege that we have and we will miserable existence. be blest here already and much more "A heart resigned, submissive, meek. in the world to come, for he that suf­ Spiritually, this same idol is hypno­ My great Redeemer's throne; tising and chloroforming the spiritual fers with Him shall reign with Him. Where only Christ is heard to speak, I wish to be a profitable servant. energies of many of God's own peo­ Where Jesus reigns alone." ple. As their interests in this world His words are that the unprofitable enlarge, their interests in the next "Little children, guard yourselves servant shall be cast out into outer grow more shadowy and narrow. O from idols." darkness; there shall be wailing and what a pity, the plant that sturdily Richmon Hill, Ont. gnashing of teeth." My prayer is grew and thrived in the storms of ad­ that God may use me in the little versity, is blighted by the sunshine of Condition of Discipleship. places in helping to build up His prosperity. kingdom and cause. I like that title, BY ADDA G. WOLGEMU.TH. "The Roll of the Faithful." Let me, in the closing part of this article point out a few idols that are "And he that taketh not his cross "Am I using talents to me now en­ very respectable and belong to the and followeth after me is not worthy trusted, church though not of it. of me." (Matt. 10:38.) Do I occupy until He comes; I will by God's help try and write Or will I at last filled with shame and THE CHURCH IDOL, OR SECTARIAN to His honor and glory for the EVAN­ with sorrozv SPIRIT. GELICAL VISITOR. We are command­ See biit wasted time when life is There is a proper love, esteem, and ed to communicate, and to do good done?" preference we should all have to our works we shall not forget. When we May we all be up and a doing that own church, or we have no business read over Jesus' words which He the Master can tell us with smiles of belonging to it. There is also a nar­ Himself spoke how weighty they are. approval, what we have done for row spirit of bigoted exclusiveness He spake these words as above those we did for Him. that thinks, if it does not say, "No quoted. In Matt. 16:24 it reads as doubt we are the people, and wisdom follows, "Then said Jesus unto His Yours for Him. shall perish with us." Our church is disciples, If any man will come after Mount Joy, Pa. right, all others are wrong. Can we me let him deny himself and take up not, while remaining true to our con­ his cross and follow me." How we A Word of Warning to Evangelical Visitor Readers. victions, say with the inspired Apostle can rejoice that Jesus has made the

Paul: "Grace be with all them that way so easy. Many look at it as BY W. J. MYERS. love our Lord Jesus Christ in sin­ being a hard way, but I praise God cerity." We read the history of the that He has made it the most easy Mr. Charles T. Russell, now of Reformation and see how these men thing in the world to follow Him— Brooklyn, N. Y., the author of Mil- whom God raised up differed, and the self-denial way—as Jesus says in lenial Dawn (6 volumes) and editor differed honestly, in their convictions Luke 14:27. "And whosoever doth of Zion's Watch Tower, is using a on the sacrament and some other not bear his cross and come after me new way to entrap unsuspecting points, yet in the fundamental doc­ cannot be my disciple." This is a Christians. In the hope that none of trine of "Justification by faith" they part of a Christian's duty and when our dear people be deceived by this were one, and no doubt were saved. we are not willing to do this we shun new method, I write these few words Can we not then, instead of despising the yoke and shrink from disciple­ of warning. He is now having his other's belief, simply believe they are ship. It is not enough that we rejoice sermons published in the weekly as honest as we, and to their "own in this salvation, but we must also newspapers. During the last year he Master shall stand or fall," then while live it out, as Paul did. He shows us has bought space in over four hun­ loyal to our own church, it will not the self-denial life he lived. Hear dred papers and is still buying others be an idol. what he says: "In stripes above meas­ as fast as he can find men to publish Then, there is the ministerial idol. ure, in prisons more frequent, in his sermons. And what shall I say about it? If I deaths oft. Of the Jews five times re­ This deceptive teaching comes as or you idolize one of God's servants ceived I forty stripes save one. Thrice an angel of light. As a rule whatever and unduly depreciate another, if we was I beaten with rods, once was I comes into the home will be read by wilfully place one in danger of spirit­ stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a some member of the family. Were ual exaltation, and in doing so cause night and a day I have been in the he orthodox in his teaching there the utter discouragement of another, deep, in journeying often, in perils would probably be no harm done, but what are we? Simply this, God has of waters, in perils of robbers, in since his teachings are so unscriptural distributed gifts and talents severally perils by my own countrymen, in we ought to draw a line and bar all to whom He will, to some He gives perils by the heathen, in perils in the papers from our homes that publish five, others two, or one. Whatever city, in perils in the wilderness, in the same, and further, advise the pub­ they have, God gave it to them. In perils in the sea, in perils among false lisher why his paper is not wanted. doing as above stated we dishonor brethren; in weariness and painful- For the benefit of those who do not EVANGELICAL VISITOR. [March 7, 1910. know his teachings I will say that he a higher specie of animal than the that shall never be forgotten. When believes and teaches the following: beasts that had been formed from the we experience the same (as Nicode­ 1. Man is not a free moral agent. same ground and after the same man­ mus heard the Saviour say), that, 2. That man with but few excep­ ner. Man being thus formed, with "the wind bloweth where 'it listeth tions is not now responsible and that physical life coursing through his and thou hearest the sound thereof, he will have an opportunity to repent veins, God breathed into "his" nos­ but can'st not tell whence it cometh during the millennial age. trils, not into a clay image, but into or whither it goeth, so is everyone 3. That man has no immortal soul. the nostrils of this newly created that is born of the Spirit." 4. That there will be no eternal man. God breathed the breath of lives When the people came to John punishment for the wicked. In other and man became a living soul. Man (Pharisees and Sadducees) to be words, there is no hell. -was made through this completion of baptized, he said unto them, "O gen­ 5. Last but not least, he has dis­ his creation, of a higher type of life eration of vipers, who hath warned covered that • Christ was not a com­ than he possessed before God thus you to flee from the wrath to come? plete sacrifice for mankind, but that breathed into his nostrils. The work Bring forth therefore fruits meet for the church (a little flock who is to of creation being now completed, he repentance and think not to say with­ help enlighten the world during the was after the image of God, a spirit­ in yourselves, we have Abraham to millennium) will constitute the re­ ual being. But Adam's fall shows our father, etc." But God is just the mainder of the sin offering, both parts how man lost this image, how the di­ same to-day: when we come to Him of which sacrifice are required to sat­ vine life ceased to manifest itself; it through Jesus, we must bring the isfy divine justice and to bring salva­ was "dead," and so we hear Jesus fruits—give evidence that we want to tion to the world. Certainly you say telling Nicodemus, "Ye must be born be of His true children, looking to we do not want to accept such teach­ again," or, from above; we hear Him Him like did the bitten children of ings but many others have also said telling His followers to let the "dead" Isreal at the brazen serpent, willing to the same thing and yet fell into the bury their own dead. And then we allow His Holy Spirit to rule over error and made shipwreck. A man remember His again breathing upon us; and coming in this way, giving with the intelligence of the one in man, even as He breathed upon Adam Him no less than all the heart. God's question can make his doctrine look at the creation, and this time He peace will flow upon you like a river, plausible and unless we are upon our says, "Receive ye the Holy Spirit." your mouth will be full of His praise, guard we too may be deceived. As The teachings of Jesus truly show and your heart willing to lay down a final advice would say let him and that men are dead even whilst they your life for His sake who brought his doctrine severely alone. live, and in order to serve God, have you ont of darkness into His marve­ to become a new creation. lous light. Then we have the experi­ For the EVANGELICAL VISITOR. Jam., ipio. ence of old things passing away and "Iiiving Death." all things becoming new; the things For the EVANGELICAL VISITOR. we once loved we now hate and the BY A. MCG. Conversion. things we once hated we now love. Jesus said, "Follow me; and leave BY FRED HAHN. The enjoyments we enjoyed in our the dead to bury their own dead." unconverted state become sinful to us, (Matt. 8:22.) When reading in this paper this but God's enjoyments, such as gath­ When we commence to study the afternoon, I felt impressed to write ering in His name and hearing of His New Testament with reference to a few lines, and help along the good wonderful works, etc., became the de­ "Life and Death," we are brought cause of God. By the keeping power light of our heart. face to face with the fact that living of God, I still feel to hold up His How thankful all of us are who people may yet be dead. Jesus here precious name, and will try by the have been redeemed as God says, not declares that such is the case. A man guidance of His Holy Spirit to give by corruptible things such as silver who has lost the Spirit life of God, is a few of my thoughts on the subject, or gold, but by the precious blood of dead even whilst his body is alive. In Conversion. Jesus, as a lamb without blemish and Genesis we see the seed-thought, in God says that we are often to look without spot. the New Testament its fruition; in back to our conversion, or beginning, When thinking of God's love to­ the Old Testament only partial light, and if we abide by what we have ward us by sending His only Son in­ but in the New, life, and life "more seen and heard in our beginning, we to . this sinful world to suffer and abundant" is brought to light. In shall abide with the Father, and with die, even the death of the cross, how creation God formed the beasts out the Son. I can praise Him this after­ thankful we who have been redeemed of the ground; the beasts being thus noon that He strove mightily with me through that blood should be. It cer­ formed received no second work of convicting me of sin, of righteousness, tainly was not anything that we could formation; they were but beasts and and of a judgment to come, and do to save us, but alone what Christ had no higher than the animal nature. showed me the way I should go, giv­ had done. But of man it is said, "And the Lord ing me a yielding mind that I am When we think of God's precious God formed man out of the dust of blessed with the privilege of looking promises in His word how earnest we the ground;" exactly as God had back where Jesus lifted me out of should be. It truly is worth striving formed beasts, who went from His the mire, and set my feet on solid for, and lay aside every weight, and presence when they were thus form­ rock wherein I could sing praises to the sin which does so easily beset us, ed. He "also" formed man. It was Him. run the race with patience, and con­ not a lump of clay, a model of man, Conversion is not merely joining sider Him who bore such contradic­ that was thus formed; it was not a some church or denomination (as tion of sinners against Himself lest lump of clay without life or person­ many people think), but all of us who we become weary and faint in our ality that stood before God, but man have experienced it know different. It mind for we have not yet resisted un­ was formed, living, breathing man; is one of the parts of a Christian life to blood striving against sin. March 7, 1910.] EVANGELICAL VISITOR.

Oh, that God, through His Holy A Mother's Concern. where love and reverence predomi­ Spirit would bring many out from nate, "where children come whose sin into the light of the Gospel. Out I have been watching our "Young beings are the result of a spiritual here in this great northwest there are People's Page" -in the VISITOR and conspiracy planned in the star cham­ many living out of Christ, and true notice a reticence which I wish would ber of intelligence and love—love so believers have many golden oppor­ not exist. I can see where they are sure of its own worth and divinity, tunities of spreading the glad tidings missing a great help that which would that it longs for perpetuation in an­ and sowing the good seed. be a "stepping-stone," to progress in other soul." Such homes are an in­ the Christian life and experience if Remember us in your prayers that spiration and, we believe, are in ac­ they would come up to the help of the cord with our Father's plan. we may be bright and shining lights Editor or rather, accept his proposi­ to those around us; that souls may tion as several have done—write be saved, for the harvest truly is For the EVANGELICAL VISITOR. about subjects they have studied, or Are We Saved by Works? great, but the labourers few. Many even testify to their own Christian ex­ sheaves are scattered on the plain. perience. I have found even the lat­ BY P. J. WUIBE. Conversion is the grandest change ter "written out" a help. That unto man can come, While in meditation I was thinking "By grace are ye saved, through While in his sorrow and his sin; about the "cause," and I wondered, is faith; and that not of yourselves; it For Jesus showed the way it because we do not show' personal is the gift of God." (Epresians 2:8.) To guide him through this world. interest in our young people as we Aus Gnaden zvird der Mensch gerecht, To bear the heavy load; should? Will you allow me to state Aus Gnaden nur allein; To feed him with the. bread of life, my conclusion? I believe that not Des Menschen Thun ist viel zu While on this narrow road. only this subject, but many • existing schlecht Conversion, it was hard to compre­ evils are the result of a lack of com­ Vor Gott gerecht zu sein. radeship and confidence between the hend Ever since "Man's first disobedi­ old and the young, in the church, and By Nicodemus who did come ence" has he been trying to get back in the home. In conversation with To Jesus in the midst of night , to God by the works of his own hands, parents I have often been amazed to And wondering of the same and has utterly failed. Man seemed learn how reticent they are towards What he should do to get to heaven; to realize that there was something their children on the subject of their He knew he was not right not right between him and his God, salvation. Some have even told me To enter through those pearly gates, and he tried to do something to be re­ they cannot talk freely with them be­ Where there is never night. stored into favor and fellowship with cause they pity them. To me it is the God. Cain tried to appease the anger But Jesus through His tender love, great theme about which we should be of God by bringing of the fruit of the Told Nicodemus thus: open-hearted in the family circle. Let ground as an offering unto the Lord. That he must be born again, it be the table topic, at family worship, (Gen. 4:3.) He walked in "The way Or heaven he would miss; or at any and all times that we can that seemeth right unto a man, but He offers us His Holy Spirit, become familiar with each other's the end thereof are the ways of And breaks the silvery cord views, conflicts and victories. death." (Prov. 14:12.) Of earth's cold pilgrimage below, Then, too, there is a lack of confi­ Abel, on the other hand, seemed to As promised in His word. dence prevalent between parents and realize that "Without shedding of children morally. Whether the chil­ Our God is just the same to-day, blood there is no remission of sins," dren are saved or unsaved, there is His own true word proclaims, therefore he offered the firstlings information which they should re­ That if His face We wish to see, of his flock. "And the Lord had re­ ceive from parents only, and yet We must be born again; spect unto Abel and to his offering." parents because of pity (?) will His promise is eternal life (Gen. 4:4.) All along the ages peo­ screen them and let them go on and To all who will obey; ple have been trying to be saved by on, and even take upon themselves the Thus we will follow all the way works, and many are still trying it. marriage vow, in ignorance which, to Until we reach the endless day. Martin Luther tried to get rest for his me, seems nothing short of cruelty, soul by climbing the stairs of the and the result, thank God! not always, I believe it is necessary to say a few Lateran on his hands and knees, until but often, is a "house" where two words on this subject. If we believe this scripture flashed into his mind: people live, where tyranny and sub­ that we shall wear a covering in the "The just shall live by faith." If man mission exist, where offspring is often services of our own church to honor could do anything whereby he could accidental, and where true love and and please God, then let us remember be restored into favor and fellowship reverence are not known. My heart that we have the same God wherever with God, it would have been needless bleeds for the parties of such a union we are. Then let us show our rela­ for Christ to shed His blood for us. (?) and children who are thus tion to Him in other churches, just How many of us have struggled and "shorn" of their "birthright." Fortu­ as we do in our home church, and labored, trying to get right with God ? nate, indeed, are they if they will ever among our own people. We see some And after all our laboring and agoniz­ know love in its purity. sisters who wear the covering in our ing we had to believe like the poet own church only. My dear sisters, On the other hand when parents says: put on your white prayer head-cover­ throw aside the veil of "mystery" and "It is not thy tears of repentance and ing and show your colors. exercise open-heartedness wisely with prayers, Read I Cor. 11, especially the sixth their children, there is a chance that But the blood that atones for the verse. A Christian is a Christian Paul's teaching in Ephesians 5 133 will soul." always and everywhere or he is no be more fully understood, and will re­ Christian at all.—Sel. by —• sult in establishing more true "homes" Do you base your salvation on what 10 EVANGELICAL VISITOR [March 7, 1910. you have done, or on what Christ has They Were Filled With the Holy Spirit. tation—whether God is going to done for you ? "And as Moses lifted (Continued from last issue.) sweep the people with a mighty temp­ up the serpent in the wilderness, even est, or rouse them by an earthquake, so must the Son of man be lifted up; One girl prayed -like this: "Oh, or speak to them in a still, small voice. that whosoever believeth in him Father, we thank Thee for what Thou That is His affair. I am simply an should not perish, but have eternal hast done outside the border" (i.

The Gospel toy St. Luke. E. THE ANOINTING OF THE FEET. (7:36- 2. The Divine love of order and ar­ 50.) rangement. (Continued from page 1.) Character of Pharisees—exclusive. 3. The Divine concern for little things. Ceremonial cleanness. The fragments are gathered up. His hospitality — Eastern, 'etiquette — Read Matt. 14 and 15; Mark 6, 7 and 8; Ambition. To be a sovereign not a Luke 9 and 17. Savior. A world kingdom, not a heavenly washing feet; uninvited guests.—The wo­ kingdom. A coronation, not a crucifixion. man—a sinner, her tears. The anointing, 4. CHRIST'S JOURNEY TO JERUSALEM. "Worship the Lord thy God." her personality. (John 8:1.) A. THE TRANSFIGURATION. (Luke 9:28- c. The Divine Son—Prove it. He shall Christ's condescension. 36.) give Insubordination, not faith. Pre­ Simon's misgivings. His exclusiveness—her service. The culminating point in Christ's life. sumption not trusting. Not to tempt the Peter, James and John the inner circle. Lord. His abasement—her peace. The lesson it teaches. Christ's standard—Heart purity. Physical, intellectual and spiritual life, 1. The way open to Adam before the covered by the temptations. (Gen. 3:6; I. F. THE PARABLE OF THE SOWER. fall—Innocence holiness, glory. Christ John 2:16.) Jesus leaves Capernaum and travels could have chosen by virtue of merit to C. THE GOSPEL OF THE JUBILEE. (4:18, through Galilee. (8:1-18.) enter heaven at this time. He chose to die, 19; Lev. 25 ch.) Multitudes follow Jesus. with and for man, rather than to live and reign without man. Sabbatic year. (Isa. 61:1.) His first Many learners but not all doers of His visit to Nazareth. (4:16.) Matt, and Mark word. Compare Christ as transfigured by the record a later visit. (Matt. 13:54-58; Mary Seed by roadside. synopsists and exalted as seen by John. 6:1-6.) Mechanical not vital contact. (Matt. 17:2; Mark 9:3; Luke 9:29; Rev. The critics, insincere, selfish. 1:13-17-) CHRIST'S INAUGURAL ADDRESS. Seed on the rock. 2. The place of death in the life of man. Gospel of love, light and liberty. Believers—superficial, external, unre- Death—Earth's Exodus—Heaven's Gen­ Read Matt. 3 and 4; Mark 3 and 4; liant. They substitute emotion for con­ esis. Luke 3 and 4; John 1:6-25. viction, feeling for faith. Moses—law; Elijah—prophets; Christ— 3. CHRIST'S MINISTRY IN GALILEE. Seed among the thorns. Gospel. Humanness of the two celestials. A. A SABBATH IN GALILEE. Believers who allow cares, riches and pleasures crowd out the good. Celestials and terrestials meet and Christ's divine power made manifest in Seed on the good ground. merge. relieving suffering, need and pain. The fruitful life, obedient, faithful, trust­ 3. Shows the place of death in the life Water to wine, first miracle—In home at ing. of Jesus. Only subject spoken of. Cana—Mother. (John 2:1-11.) His mother's call, his answer. (18: The central thought of heaven. (I. Cor. First miracle of healing in synagogue— 19-21.) 2:7.) unclean spirit. Temporal and spiritual The central hope of earth. (I. Pet. 2:24.) center of life—evil spirits. (4:41.) Read Matt. 8:5-13; chap. 11 and 12; Mark 4:1-34; Luke 7 and 8 chap. The cloud; the voice. (9:34-35.) 'Christ breaks traditional law of Sabbath. Teaches with authority in synagogue of G. THE KINGDOM OF GOD. (9:57-62; B. THE GOOD SAMARITAN. (10:25-37.) Capernaum. "From thence goes to Beth- 17:20, 21.) Recorded only by Luke. saida with James and John to Peter's Sin and salvation the focal points of The scribe—his questions. home. (Jobn 1:44.) Christ's teaching. Who is my neighbor? Heals Peter's mother-in-law. (Mark The kingdom of God or Heaven—Mis­ The parable. Priest—Levite. 1:3i.) conception of. Christ shows the insufficiency of hu­ Fevers of body—fevers of spirit. Dream of Hebraism. man ordination and scholastic authority as prerequisites to right living. Brings in­ B. The calling of the Four. (Luke 5-) Apostles' views. Kingdom of nature reveals God. creased hatred and opposition leading to Matthew and Mark place the healing of The spiritual kingdom higher. Calvary. the demoniac and Peter's mother-in-law Christ's peculiar possession. Teaches human brotherhood and Self- after the call. sacrifice. The first mention of Peter, Andrew, Christ the way into—the door. (John James and John. Not the real call to ser­ 10.) C. THE Two SISTERS. (Luke 10:38-42.) vice. Christ the Supreme Ruler. (1. Peter Martha—Love in Action. The inquisitive multitude follow Him. 3:i5-) Mary—Love at rest. The draught of fishes shows. Poor in spirit—rich in the kingdom. Martha irritated; over anxious in serv­ 1. Peter's quick obedience. Pharisee and publican. ing. Kingdom is within you. (17:21; Ro. 2. Supremacy of Christ. Seek first the kingdom. (12:31.) 14:17.) Jesus loved, pitied and chided Martha. Better at fishing than the experts. Development in Kingdom—Grain of Loved and commended Mary. The experts worship the Master. mustard seed and leaven in meal. Read Mat. 16 and 17; Mark 9; Luke 3. The seal to the higher purpose for H. THE MIRACLE OF HEALING. 9 and 10; John 7 to 10. the expert's life. Become fishers of men. Luke mentions 14 cases of healing as D. LOST AND FOUND. (Luke 15.) Left all to follow Him. follows: Christ breaks with the rules of . Heb­ Should we do likewise? Typical cases of healing: Man possess­ raism in making salvation free for all ed of an unclean demon. (4:35.) classes. C. CONCERNING PRAYER. Peter's wife mother. (4:39.) Looking upward a human instinct. The lost sheep—wealth. Leper, 5:13.) The lost coin—honor and character. • Heaven a far-off place to the Ancients. Paralytic. (5 :i8.) Father—a living, loving and heavenly Ten coins worn as frontlets by Eastern Withered hand. (6:6-10.) women on public occasions to represent Father—children. (11:13.) Centurian's servant. (7:1-10.) marriage vow—our wedding ring. GENUINE AND COUNTERFEIT PRAYER. (18: Demoniac. (8:27-36.) The lost Son,—friendship, love. 10-11.) Woman with an issue. (8:43-48.) Came to himself first then to the father. The Lord's prayer a model. Boy possessed with a demon. (9:37-42.) The father's readiness to receive him. 1. General in scope. Man with dumb demon. (11:14-15.) The elder son—Hebraism. 2. Particular and personal. Physical Woman with an infirmity. (13:11-13.) The lessons of the parable. and spiritual needs. Man with dropsy. (14-2.) 1. The Divine grief for sin. The ten lepers. (17:11-19.) Persistency in prayer. (11:9.) 2. The sad state of the sinner. The blind Bartimaeus. (i8:35"43-) 3. God's willingness and eagerness to Neighbor wanting bread. (11:8.) Others healed: (4:40; 5:T5; 6:19; 7:21.) Unjust judge. (18-1.) save. Christ's lack of method and inter­ 4. Heaven's interest in man's salvation. Jesus' example: mediaries. Clay and waters "of Siloam 1. His prayer at baptism. (3:21.) merely tests of faith. E. THE ETHICS OF THE GOSPEL. 2. Choosing His disciples. (6:12.) Completeness of the cures. Christ lived a present, real, earnest but 3. The Transfiguration. (9:28-31.) fugitive life. a. Heaven by translation—solitary. THE LAW OF CHRIST'S HEALING POWER. To Jesus conduct was the outward and b. Heaven via cross—humanity's re­ 1. "Need, sometimes coupled with a re­ visible expression of some inner invisible demption. quest,—Christ's perfect knowledge of life. force. The two central forces were—character 4. Gethsemane. 2. Compassion on part of Jesus. 3. Attest to the power of Jesus. and circumstances. Prayer for Peter. (22:31.) Conduct is character in motion. Read Matt. 4:12-25; Mark 1:14-45; Luke I. THE MIRACLE OF THE LOAVES. (9: LOVE—CHRIST'S CENTRAL LAW. (10:27.) 4-5:16; John 4:43-54. 1-17.) Judge not—appreciate rather than de­ D. THE FAITH OF THE CENTURIAN. (7: The close of the Galilean ministry. preciate. I-IO.) Sending forth the Apostles in pairs,— Humility, the cardinal virtue. Leads to without material provision. heart of kingdom: The Jewish elders intercede for Centur- Jesus and twelve leave by boat for True use of wealth. (6:38.) ian's servant—faithful and dear. Bethsaida. Possess it—not us. The Centurian—a man of rank. Multitude follow by land route. His faith and sympathy. Jesus feeds 5,000 with 5 loaves and 2 F. THE ESCHATOLOGY OF THE GOSPEL. Had built a synagogue. fishes. 1. The grave is not the end of life. Jesus' reserved response to the request. Centurian's second message. LESSONS OF THE MIRACLE. His humility, his faith. 1. Shows the Divine pity. (Concluded on page 16.) 12 F.VAXGELICAL VISITOR. [March 7, 1910.

PUBLISHERS' NOTICE. NEWS OF CHURCH ACTIVITY. REPORTS OF FUNDS. (Concluded from page 5.) To SUBSCRIBERS :—1. Our terms are cash Foreign Mission Funds. in advance. 2. When writing to have your address Him, because apart from being in vital Report for January and February, 1910.. changed, be sure to give both old and new touch with God the work is a great fail­ address. ure ; but we are looking unto Jesus, and RECEIPTS—GENERAL FUND. A fiiend of Missions, $100; Bethel Kans. 3. The date on the printed label will in Him we know no defeat. Blessed be show to subscribers when their subscrip­ S. S. (Special for Harvey J. Freys), tion expires. His holy name! $11.30; Rose Bank district, Kar.s., $58.30; Carland Mission. Michigan S. S., $16.50; 4. If you do not receive the VISITOR Our weekly day for prayer and waiting within ten days from date of issue, write upon God was much blessed by the pres­ Upland, Cal., Brethren S. S., $50; Jacob Lautenslager, Salona, Pa., $5 ; Frank Long, us at once and we will send the number ence of Sister H. Francis Davidson, who called for. Salona, Pa., $10; Sr. Jacob N. Engle an! spent one week with us on her way to family, Kans., $50; A. J. Snively, Hop-, To THE POOR.—who are unable to pay Natal. A goodly number of missionaries Kans., $10; A. b:other and sister. Canton, we send the paper free on the recommen­ and others were in attendance and the Ohio, $7; Manor District, Pa., $32; Pleas­ dation of others or upon their individual ant Hill, Kans., S. S., $10.10; Rapho dis­ power of God rested upon the service requests. Individual requests must be re­ trict. Pa., $27; South Franklin, Pa., $27.50; newed every six months as a matter of throughout. All seemed to be greatly A. R. Eshelman, N. Mexico, $10; Lizzie G. good faith. blessed as there was a desire to have God's Lenhait, Kans., $20; A. Gragy, Iowa, $10; To CORRESPONDENTS :—I. Articles for glory only in all things. In the afternoon Belle Springs, Kans., S. S., $25.08; Sarah publication should be written on one side Sr. Davidson told of her and Sr. Adda McTaggart, Out. (special), $4. To be of the paper only. Write all business let­ equally divided to the four Mission stations ters on separate sheets. Engle's adventurous penetration into the in South Africa. Total, $493.78. 2. Communications without the author's regions beyond the Zambezi River to plant name will receive no recognition. the banner of the glorious gospel of Christ DISBURSEMENTS. 3. Communications for the VISITOR among the homes of Africa's benighted Special for Matoppo from Abilene, should be sent in at least ten days before ones, God giving them such visible results Kans., S. S., $43 65 date of issue. H. P. Steigerwald, for Matopo in such a very short time, souls having Send money by Post-office Money Order. Mission, 243 85 Registered Letter, or Bank Draft, to G. been won for Christ. Glory be to His H. F. Davidson, trip to coast for Detwiler, Walnut and Summit, Harrisburg, dear name! -We wish our sister every rest, £30, i45 33 Pa. Canadian Currency is discounted blessing in her undertakings for God and Myron Taylor, for Macha Mission, with us. £5<* 243 86 lost ones, also that her much impaired Amos L. Musser, for India Mis­ health may speedily be regained and that sion, £50, 243 85 Harrisburg, Pa. March 7, 1910. she shall have many, years of usefulness Harvey J. Frey, Vacation trip ex­ if Christ shall yet tarry. God blessed our. penses, £50, '. 243 86 Special from Bethel S. S., Kans., fellowship in prayer during her short stay Tracts. for Bro. Freys 11 30 with us. Levi Doner for Matopo Mission, ^50, 243 65 What we Believe and Why We Believe We had been looking forward with It, per hundred, 20c. pleasure to the time when Bros. Engle and Total, $1,420 37 An Interesting Conversation, per hun­ Sheets would be with us and on December dred, 15c. Rescue Home and Girls' Schools Fund. 24 they, in company with Bro. and Sr. Points for Serious Consideration, per H. J. Frey and family, arrived to be with RECEIPTS. hundred, 12c. Chestnut Grove, Ohio S. S., $20 co us over Christmas. We had very precious We Would See Jesus, per hundred, 15c. P. M. CLIMENHAGA, Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is seasons together. On Christmas day they Stevensmlle, Ont. Treasurer. at Hand, per hundred, 15c. took part in the preaching of the Word • » • Death Eternal, per hundred, 12c. and on the Sunday following when the Philadelphia Mission. Scriptural Head Veiling, per hundred, ordinance of baptism was observed, ten $1-25. having taken the solemn step. On Sunday Report for February, 1910. Retribution, per hundred, 15c. it being rainy, we did not have the best Prayer, per hundred, 15c. Balance on hand, $24 81 opportunity to introduce our visitors to the The Worm That Never Dies, per hun­ RECEIPTS. dred, 15c. compound services, as we generally hold A. Martin, $5; Elizabethtown, Pa., $4; Scripture Text Envelopes, per hundred, them in the open where all who desire can Cash, $2; a brother, Mt. Joy, Pa., $1; con­ 20c. come and listen to the gospel, yet we had tribution box, $8.59; Charles Stover Motto paper, per hundred sheets, 20c, very good meetings indoors. The brethren (board), $20. Total, $65.40. EXPENSES. postage prepaid. took part in these meetings and we inter- ' Groceries, etc., $30.62; gas meter and Orders for the above tracts, paper and preted for them into the native language. envelopes should be addressed EVANGELICAL light, $6.50; poor and Mission, $9.25; coal, VISITOR, Harrisburg, Pa. Tracts are free It is good to hear others speak as there is $14. Total, $60.41. to mission workers. , much pressure on one to be constantly Balance on hand, $4 99 Send for circular of THE SCOFIELD coming in touch with heathendom. We OTHER DONATIONS. REFERENCE BIBLE. are glad for the inspiration the Lord gives Lancaster, sewing machine; Sr. Lizzie us along the way. On January 5, Bros. Moyer, Souderton, Pa., 1 comfort. OUR BIBLE OFFER Engle and Sheets left for Natal, Bro. and H. B. BURKHOLDER AND WIFE. 3423 N. Second St Sr. Frey remaining for another week. The- We are able to offer our subscribers a The report also says that oil cloth, or good COMBINATION BIBLE with the Lord bless them as they labor for Him in its equivalent, is needed for the kitchen EVANGELICAL VISITOR at a small cost. For their respective fields and may the cause of floor and bath room, and carpet for the up­ $3.25 (INDEX FIFTY CENTS EXTRA) we will Missions be much blessed, is our earnest stairs .hall. EDITOR. send the Bible prepaid to any address in • » • the United States or Canada, and the prayer. The needs are great and there is EVANGELICAL VISITOR for one year This no need as great as that of a real' getting Messiah Orphanage. offer holds good for renewals as well as down into the knowledge of the will or new subscribers. Report for February, 1910. mind of God for the work. What hinders A Very Full Concordance, containing God from giving a mighty outpouring of RECEIPTS. over 40,000 References; History and Sum­ J. S. Foltz, Lebanon, Pa., $2; cash, mary of the Books of the Bible; Historical, His Spirit everywhere until there will be $12.24; Anna Myers, Mercersburg, Pa., Chronological Tables; New Subject index no room for shallow work, but a mighty $2; S. H. Wingert, Chambersburg, Pa., to the Bible; a Dictionary of Scripture tide of convictions will, be felt in every $1; Emma Brubaker, Mechanicsburg, Pa., proper Names, with their Pronunciation place and in every heart. $1; Frances Heisey, Machanicsburg, Pa., and meaning; Tablets of Miracles, Para­ $1; Adda Hess, Lancaster, Pa., $1; David bles, etc. Stout, Middletown, Pa., '$1; Sr. Charles The binding is Extra French Seal, Di­ May there be a willingness to respond Baker, Batteau, Ont., $2; a friend, Hershey, vinity Circuit, Round Corners, Red under to God in this, on the part of everyone Pa., $5; S. L. Groff, Hummelstown, Pa., Gold Edges, Flexible Back, LEATHER until spontaneously the truth shall have its $2; Fairland, Pa., $2; Philena Dambaugh, E. Petersburg, Pa., $1; Anna Hursh, Mans­ LINED. glorious effect on hearts. field, O. (school fund), $2; David Stoner, Address EVANGELICAL VISITOR, Truly yours in Jesus, Lenark, 111., $1; Jos. C. Myers, Green- Walnut and Summit Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. ISAAC AND ALICE LEHMAN. castle, Pa. (school fund), $10; a sister, March 7, 1910.] EVANGELICAL VISITOR. 13

Elizabethtown, Pa., $10; Levi Hershey, to some business in view of our going will take the way of crucifixion, it will be Elizabethtown, Pa., $5. South and our sailing. Wednesday morn­ telling in their lives. D. M. BOOK, Sec. and Treas. ing we left here for Durban, from where Bros. Johnston and Wm. Worcester, Hummelstown, Pa. we expect to sail. The ride through the from Johannesburg, have been here labor­ Transvaal and Natal was a pleasant one, ing in the meetings for several weeks. Subscription Credits. the former being a nice rolling country We left Beulah Mission Tuesday morning with very little of natural tree growth; by boat, making the trip in two hours, From February 16 to March 3. some farming is done, but not on very Bro. Swanson and wife and Miss Sheldon scientific principles. As we came to the S. E- Brehm, Mary E. Engle, S. D. Barn- accompanying us to Umkomaas, where we hart, Michael Hodel, Wm. Zimmerman, border line of Natal the country was more took train to Umzumbi, to visit the Fair- John L. Engle, Harry Engle, M. C. Hart- rolling, and coming farther toward the view (Free Methodist) Mission, in charge zell, Frank H. Shultz, Jonas B. Kreider, coats we passed through some very hilly Mrs. S. Smith, J. M. Eshelman, Mrs. Eva of Elder Kessel, who was formerly from Gingras, Mrs. Iva Hickerson, D. A. Deemy, country. The hills with their beautiful O'sbourn county, Kansas. Also met Rev. M. L. Hoffman, Rolla L. Wenger, Danl. planted groves and dotted here and there Broadhead, and family who just returned Sippling, A. Carmichael, Mary Yingst, Levi with little homes, gave us some beautiful from a two years' furlough to America, Herr, S. L. Herr, A. B. Lehman, D. W. scenery. After a ride of twenty-eight hours Nye, S. B. Wingert, Mrs. S. H. Lenhart, prior to which he was in charge of this Lizzy Tracy, Loyd Myers, Jno. Ehlers, around hills and curves, through little Mission. Miss Grace Allen also from Anna Smith, Wm. Vanatter, J. P. Kern, valleys, across little streams, we arrived Kansas is in charge of a girl's school in VV. J. Myers, Ezra Mohler, Sarah Fisher, at the sea coast town of Durban, at 1.30 connection with this work. We were very E. S. Engle, Anna Zimmerman, Fannie p. m. We immediately went to the post- Seachrist, Wm. Steinbraker, Henry Stein- kindly entertained for the night by Bro. braker, S. Ditson, Frances Driver, D. L. office, also to the steamship office to ar­ and Sister Woods, who are in charge of Book, Jesse Book, Fanny Hershey (and range for our passage and learned that the the farm end of this Mission. The Lord benevolent), Jacob T. Harnish, Delia day of sailing was postponed for two days Jones, J. S. Lehman (and benevolent), bless them for their kindness and hospi­ Peter Fike, Lizzie Current, Ezra Wolge- later, from the 13th to the 15th. Upon in­ tality shared with us. muth, Mrs. Tobias Martin, Lydia Otewalt, quiry about trains we saw that we could Next day we went ten miles further Walter E. Bohen, Levi Stoner, Lizzie go North the same day to the Inanda Girl's Kreider, Elizabeth Hostetter, Jacob K. School in charge of Mrs. Edwards. This south to Port Shepstone, where Sister Kreider, H. B. Baum, J. C. Dick, A. S. Davidson is taking a furlough and rest; Kauffman, Ella B. Wenger. Mission was started by Daniel Lindley in 1848, under the auspices of the American not finding her at home, having gone out Mission Board. Mrs. Edwards is now to the country for some days, we went to To Africa and India. eighty years old, and came here from Bro. Porter's for the night. We were Ohio in 1868. Her maiden name was Mary kindly received and entertained for the DURBAN, NATAL, Kelly. She taught school at West Milton, night and enjoyed their spirituality and SOUTH AFRICA, a term at the schoolhouse west of the old Christian fellowship. Next morning, in­ Jan. is, 1910. West Branch Quaker church, also at Troy, tending to go up the river to find Sister Greetings to all. "Go ye into all the where she was married in 1856 to a fellow- Davidson, we went down to secure a boat world and preach the gospel to every teacher, Wm. N. Edwards, who died in to take us up, bu' failing to make satis­ cieature;" "and lo, I am with you alway, 1867, and in the following year came to factory arrangements, we dropped our eyen unto the end of the world." This is Africa and took charge of the school at plans and strolled down the beach for both a command and a promise. How this Mission then consisting of nineteen several hours, took a bath in the Indian many there are who would like to share girls. The work has grown in these years. Ocean, enjoying much the dashing of the in the promise without taking part in the There are a number of large buildings on waves over us. On our return, walking up command. But some one says, "I do take the grounds and are now in their third the street, whom did we meet but Sister part in the command with my means and school building, and are accommodating Davidson, who had just returned from her my prayers." This may be true, but it is one hundred and thirty girls, and would country visit from up the river; so we possible that you are hiding behind these take in more if they could accommodate acknowledged the guidance of our Father to evade the real issue, or the first and them. Mrs. Edwards is still quite supple in changing our plans; in accordance with actual responsibility of going forth. If you and active, for one of her age, and looks are hiding behind any of the above, when after the farm and work in general. His precious word and promise. "In all the Lord is asking more of you, it is an thy ways acknowledge Him; and he shall evidence that your consecration, either has We also met Eld. Stephen Pixley, who direct thy paths." We thus spent the not been completed or else you have came to this Mission in 1873. He is a afternoon and night with her and were drawn back and God in his word has said, man of considerable experience in Mission glad to be privileged to have a short visit "Now if any man draw back my soul shall work and is now over eighty years old, together before leaving Africa's shores. have no pleasure in him." Jesus said, "Lift having been in the Mission field for forty- We find here a pleasant tropical sea coast up your eyes and behold the fields are four years. It being their vacation we did climate, with some fruits in season the white already to harvest." What better not have much opportunity to see much of year round. and greater work can any one be engaged the school work. Our time being limited, in than that which will be to the uplifting we did not have as much time here as Friday morning we were astir a little of deep-fallen and sin-stained humanity? could no doubt have been profitably made earlier than usual, to take the train to Where are our young soldiers of the cross use of. We returned to Durban and took Durban, reaching our destination a little who are really consecrated to God, and the train to Umkomaas, where we were after 12 o'clock, and were again informed will say': "Here am I, send me; send met by Bro. Swanson, whose wife is a of another delay in our sailing until Sun­ me." Not for the notoriety of being daughter of N. G. Hershey, of Kansas, day morning, the 16th. We had a few called a missionary (that is deep-seated and grew up in our home community. business matters to attend to, after which pride), but because of the burden of the From the railroad station we were taken in we went to our boarding place, where we lost of earth. The plea of those in the a rowboat up the river about seven miles. found good accommodations and meals. field is not so much more means, as more It took us four hours and a half to make The weather here on the east coast of workers. May the Holy Spirit send these the' trip. There is no wagon road through Africa at present is cloudy, misty, and fre­ truths home to hearts and make them the hills to this place, hence the necessity quently good showers, and vegetation fruitful in raising up more workers. of going by boat. We arrived at Beulah green and growing. With so much of in­ • Our last mail for the VISITOR left Bro. Mission at 10 o'clock at night. Some of formation as to our whereabouts and Eysters on the 3rd. Bro. Lehmans came the saints are gathered here in special doings, we send this one forth, expecting up in the morning, after which we all services of prayer for the deepening of the a longer interval between this and our went out to' a grove some little distance, mission work, and for the training and next, as our sailing from this port to where we had a little service in prayer, preparation of native workers to go out Bombay will require about three weeks, song, reading from the Word. and testi­ into the work, with power to fearlessly and will not mail my next before landing, mony, after which we had our dinner, carry the gospel to their own people, and the Lord willing. May you continue to which had been prepared and taken with to deal with heathenism as it really is. meet us at the throne of grace, the blood us. We returned home about 4 o'clock Truly we believe if these native workers bought mercy seat. and arranged to return with Bro. Lehmans will let the truths find way to their hearts, Yours and His, the same evening. Next day we attended as they have been placed before them, and JACOB N. ENGLE AND JOHN M. SHEETS. 14 EV ANGELICAL VISITOR. [March 7, 1910.

An Aged Brother's Letter. reminded of what the Apostle James privileges, yet to be sheltered behind says about laying on hands and the LOUISVILLE, ONT., Feb. 15, 1910. the cross is glorious. This morning I thought I would anointing of the Lord. I said to the Dear readers, during these fifty odd Lord, "anything at all. I will go the write a little to the VISITOR family. years I have realized that I am God's Psalm 146:3 occurs to me. "Put not whole way just so Thy will shall be child, yet my trials have been keen at your trust in princes, nor in the son done. But there's no one around here times, and in this last move especially. of man, in whom there is no help;" to do that kind of work as far as I We came here and on these plains but have faith in God, for He is the know now." But my prayer was to built a house and small stable and had One that can help in time of need. God that he should reveal it to me. a well drilled, garden fenced and also I'm willing to go the whole way, and When we left Kansas, leaving all a fence around a twenty-acre lot built, the Lord took my will for the deed. our friends and neighbors behind and spending all the time, and my health From that day I got better. So I came to Canada, our new home, I was no better than when I came here. must say, to the honor and praise of not well. . My appetite began to fail, They say the Winter has been the se­ God, that I am well, both body and and I became weaker from day to verest for many years. So I have no soul now. day. I then thought about death. I relief yet. There have been many thought we are here and have a good Now, dearly beloved friends, let us more trials than if we had remained home and man is well cared for. Then have faith in God. He's all in all. I in our own homeland. We bought a I thought about my own record, and can truly say I have more faith in pair of small horses to farm with, and asked God whether it was good yet, God than I ever had before. I would now one laid down and died; now we whether my pass would reach on the say with the poet, "Let us trust and have no team to work with. So it other shore. I found my way clear; obey," for our time is only short here, goes; we all have our trials, yet we then I said, "Lord if it's Thy will to and sooner or later we have to ap­ need, like Job, hold on to our integ­ take me home, why, I'm willing to pear before that great judgment day, rity and to our God who has prom­ die," and from that time I commenced that we may have our robes washed in ised if we abide under that covenant to get better. Oh, dearly beloved the blood of the Lamb. Let us all He will never forsake us. Will all brother and sister, let us have faith stand out for the true faith in God. the readers of the EVANGELICAL in God. Ihave experienced that in We are all well now. VISITOR pray for us ? We surely need my own time already that when all Yours truly, your prayers in these severe tests. hope was- out then God was near. DANIEL B. CRESSMAN. JOHN H. MYERS. A few weeks later we had some Louisville, Ont. Victoria, Texas. Feb. 20, igio. snow and rain, and it became very A Texas Letter. icy. I fell on my back and was hurt A Des Moines Letter. quite badly right across the kidneys "Now the God of peace that and I suffered much pain for a while. brought again from the dead our Dear readers: I wish to write a In about ten days after that it pained Lord Jesus, that Great Shepherd of brief letter for the benefit of those to me worse. Pains were so severe that the sheep, through the blood of the whom I haven't been able to write I was almost helpless with rheuma­ everlasting covenant make you per­ since I left Thomas, Oklahoma. My tism, but I still put my trust in the fect in every good work to do His husband left home several weeks be­ Lord' that He would help me, and it will working in you that which is fore I did and was helping Brother got better. well-pleasing in His sight through David Eyster in a meeting at Rose- One Friday there was a Methodist Jesus Christ to whom be glory for­ bank, Kans., where I met him on No­ minister and another one from Chat­ ever and forever. Amen." (Heb. vember 22. It was not ah easy task ham came and paid us a short visit. 13:20, 21.) for me to leave the work and the poor The minister wanted to know how I After some delay of time we come children whom I had learned to love was getting along. I told him I was again feeling that we are of the as my own dear children; especially pretty well crippled up with rheuma­ household of faith and are under the poor little Eva, who was such a help­ tism. He said I looked happy, and everlasting covenant which God made less little creature. It seemed more why should we not be if we get Christ first with the Hebrew church, and than I was able to do, but I felt that within us. Then the other one com­ now again in this dispensation, the my duty was to be with my husband menced to talk. He is a clerk in the church age, where in we as children more than to remain with these chil­ store. He wanted to know if I had born into the family relation are one dren. So I asked the Lord to give used any medicine. He was talking common Brotherhood. Though sep­ me grace and He did. But I wanted on quite a while. I could not say any­ arated by hills and valleys yet it is the to see little Eva buried before I left thing for some time to him. After he same God who "So loved the world and although she took very sick a few was done talking and praising up his that He gave his only begotten Son weeks before I was expecting to medicine, I told him that I had not that whosoever believeth on Him leave, and I thought the Lord would used any medicine for twelve or should not perish but have everlast­ surely take her, but she got better thirteen years, and I had no faith in ing life." Believing on the Son has again, and I left her as best I could it. Then he said he was on that line the promise of everlasting life. Oh and the Lord wonderfully helped me. too. If God would not add His bless­ what joy it does afford us in that He At times I felt as though I must have ing the medicine would not do me any gives us the assurance that we are her in my arms, yet I felt the Lord good. Then on Saturday and Sunday His children. Though we may have would soon take her to Himself. She I got worse again. On Monday I trials and dark seasons yet He says, lived nine weeks after I left, and how came before God, and it came to me, "Fear not my child, I am with you." the Lord did answer my prayer. She that one has got faith, and the other Oh that everlasting covenant not to was sick only a short time, taking has got works. But show me your be broken! Oh the peace of God, sick on Tuesday night and fell asleep faith without works and I will show how glorious! Though we may be en Wednesday morning, and without you my faith with works. I was then separated from loved ones and church a struggle they said. Oh, how I thank March 7, 1910.] EVANGELICAL VISITOR. 15 the dear Lord for answering our man get grandly saved, and he seems more for me to enjoy I want it as I prayers. I can now think of her as so to be true to God. So here and there feel we can't get two near to God. I much nearer to me than in Oklahoma. are a few who will confess their sins find the nearer I live to God the bet­ I feel she is so much better off with and take the way. ter I have it. I often have to repeat Jems. How good the Lord is to take Well, we find plenty open doors and the verse: some of these little friendless, home­ plenty of work, so I trust we shall "Oh Lord, help me to live, less waifs to His own dear self. I have your prayers so we may know While here on earth I stay; know everybody who knew her feels what to do and where the Lord would That I the crown of Life receive, very glad to hear of her death, for use us. I am glad to know that as we When done with life's dark day." we realize it was gain to her and a walk in the light and keep open to the Your sister in the Lord, 1 dief to me and to those who are in voice of God He will lead us, and the Home at present. Surely I feel keep us where we can be a blessing to LYDIA SHEFFER. they did all for her they could, and the world in some way at least if we Stayner, Ont. >.-. e appreciate their kindness to us in keep where we are willing to work • • • Notice re Philadelphia Mission. that they wired us of her death, and with our hands, no matter what that wrote us a letter telling us all about may mean to us. The path that is To whom this may concern, Greet­ her sickness and death and funeral. I mine at the present is contrary to ing: know the Lord will bless Bro. -and Sr. what I should choose, but I said, yes, Whereas, Brother and Sister Henry Engle. Don't forget to pray for them to the whole will of God, so I keep B. Burkholder, who had lately been the victory and joy in my soul and in the work for I know some of what in charge of the Philadelphia Mission, it means. I wish to say, Amen, to the say, "Thy will be done." Only so I by appointment of the General Execu­ whole will of God. I know He knows know that I am keeping true to Him. tive Board, and who on account of all the changes that are before me and May the Lord bless all our friends domestic conditions were compelled I know there is grace in store for far and near. I remain yours for the to retire to their home in Franklin every test and trial. Bless His dear helping of humanity. county; and name. ANNA B. EISENHOWER. Whereas, General Conference is in If it were not for Jesus I don't My Experience. the near future when permanent pro­ know what I would do in these days, visions can be made for an overseer but when I feel lonesome or home­ As this is my first effort to write for the Philadelphia Mission; sick I just look to Him who has for the EVANGELICAL VISITOR, I trust Resolved, That Sisters Sarah promised to be a help and friend in God will give me grace to tell a little Eichelberger and Susannah Landis be every time and in every place. So of my experience. I was but young and are hereby appointed and author­ this morning finds us in Des Moines. when I gave my heart to the Lord. ized to take charge of the Philadel­ After we left Rosebank we were at The first time I felt the drawings of phia Mission work until the conven­ Belle Springs a few days and at New- His Spirit I yielded and I have never ing of General Conference of 1910; bern and at Abilene a few days, and been sorry as-it has been the joy of and, in prayer-meetings, so we got to see my life. I was so happy I thought Resolved, That all donations in­ a number of the dear ones whom we nothing would be too hard for me to tended for the Philadelphia Mission, had not seen for many years. We do, but as I went on in life I found whether goods or money, shall be ad­ then arranged our things and came to at time I was not so willing to do dressed to the Brethren in Christ Des Moines, where we expect to re­ what the Lord wanted me to do, and Mission, 3423 N. Second street, main till Bro. Zook returns from Kan­ so I lost many a blessing for which I Philadelphia, Pa., care of Sisters sas. We are staying with Sister Zook have been sorry many a time. My Eichelberger and Landis; and, and helping her what we can, and failure in obedience was mostly when Whereas, the Mission work under helping in the meetings and Sunday- the Lord wanted me to speak to some the supervision of Brother and Sister school. They say the school is in­ one about their salvation. Not that I Burkholder and co-laborers, Charles creasing, and we hope and pray the did not want to do it, but I felt my Stover and his wife, Cora, and others, Lord will use us here in some way. weakness, and Satan made me believe was progressing admirably, all condi­ there was no use of me saying any­ tions considered; "Oh the good we all may do, thing and so I would let it go by. While the days are going by." Resolved, That pending General Then afterwards I felt I had dis­ Conference, the Executive Board on We find some good people every­ obeyed. Then I have been disobedient behalf of the Brotherhood at large, where we go. I never saw so many in not confessing and speaking for feels to tender a heartfelt vote of old people tend church as do in this Him when I had the opportunity. I thanks for their labors and the spirit city, and I do enjoy hearing their have often felt I should write for the of love manifested in connection with testimony and prayers. But oh, the VISITOR but put it off as I thought I the work at the Philadelphia Mission. wickedness around us every day, as could not write like some one else. we go down town and see men and But of late I have felt more the need Do you ever stop to think of the women go to and fro! I wonder of serving my blessed Master who load your pastor bears? If he is a sometimes whether they ever stop to has done so much for me. Especially true shepherd he feels not the hurt think about God. I enjoy once in a this Winter since Brother Shoalts was and load and sorrow of one sheep while to hear some one pray through here holding meetings I have been alone, but of every member of his to where they strike victory. The greatly encouraged to do more for flock. Sorrow comes to your fireside other Sunday afternoon we were in my dear Lord. I consecrated myself but once in years; but in a church a.meeting where a lady was seeking anew to Him and promised I would some heart is bleeding every day, and God and would not give up. So God be more faithful than ever before and with that heart your pastor is sym­ took her strength all away and she did do more what the Lord wants me to pathizing, and you yourself know that confess her sins. We saw a young do. I just said if there is anything he alone sympathizes who feels. 16 EVANGELICAL VISITOR. [March :;•'(.

The Gospel by St. Luke. EDITORIAL NOTES. be with Christ. Funeral services were held at the Zions Children church at (Concluded from Page II.) Elizabethtown, February 15, conducted by We have ere this requested corre­ the home brethren. Text, Rev. 14:13. In­ Life on earth a fragment of a vaster spondents to write with pen and ink terment in Risser's cemetery. whole. Our life to continue amid the invisible when writing for publication, and also and eternal. KAUFFMAN. — Sister Mary Landes to not crowd the writing as if paper Kauffman died at the home of her 2. The after life will be changed. (20: were scarce. Some forget and we in daughter, Mrs. H. W. Buttorff, at New 27.) Cumberland, Pa., December 22, 1910, from Marriage, birth and death will be ob­ this way remind them again. But the effects of a fractured hip. Funeral solete terms. while some don't use a common lead services were held at the Buttorff house, The movements of body governed by December 25, Bro. Jonathan Wert officiat­ different laws. Moses and Elias. pencil they use an indelible pencil pos­ ing. Text, Rev. 2:10. Interment in Mount 3. Character determines destiny. sibly thinking it to be a good substi­ Olivet cemetery. She was in her eighty- Things do not make life. (12:15-22.) first year, had her home for the past two Our destiny the harvest of our earthly tute for ink. But to the compositor years with her daughter, Mrs. John F. deeds. the indellible writing is less welcome Rupp, of Shiremanstown. Her husband, Lesson of house builders. (6:47.) Bro. Martin M. Kauffman, died there Lesson of the talents. (19:12.) than that written with the ordinary August 31, just three months and three Lesson of rich man and Lazarus. (16: lead pencil. We. request again, if weeks previous, in his eighty-fourth year. I9-3I-) Both were the last of their respective Each seeks his own level. possible, use pen and ink, and a little families. The survivors are Mrs. Rupp, Heaven would be hell to the unregen- better paper than the cheapest school Mrs. Buttorff and four grand-children, a erate. son having died October 25, 1892. No second chance. (Lu. 12:46; Matt. writing tablet. 12:32; Lu. 19:27; 13 :28; 16:26; Rev. 22: 11.) BOWERS.—Bro. Joseph Bowers, of 5- CLOSING SCENES IN CHRIST'S LIFE, Private word from Belle Springs, Hope, Kans., died February 12, 1910, aged (Lu. 20-23.) 83 years, 4 months and 15 days. He was Kans., informs us of the success that born in the Wood-Cock Valley, Hunting­ A. The watch in Gethsemane. (Lu. 22: is attending the special meetings now ton county, Pa., September 27, 1826. He 39-54-) was the next youngest of a family of five, Chiist's life practically free from sorrow. in progress there in which Eld. J. R. and is survived by one, an older brother, He possessed soul rest amid calumny and Zook is used of the Lord. A number Daniel Bowers, of Polo, 111. He married indignities of enemies. Mary Stoner near Martinsburg, Pa., Feb­ The transfiguration, the culminating of young persons—children—have ruary II, 1847, and lived a married life point—Gethsemane, its antipode. taken a definite stand for the Lord, sixty-one years, his wife passing away Christ amazed and sore troubled. (Mk. April, 1908. To this union were born six 14:33-36; Mt. 25:38.) and the prospects were that more children. The three youngest died during Peter, James and John watching. would do so yet. childhood and infancy. The surviving are, The cup. 11 Cor. 5:21; Is. 53:4, 5.) Henry Bowers and Mrs. A. J. Snively, of The bloody sweat. Hope, Kans., and Mrs. S. R. Wolfe, of The dregs of sin, a taste of the second Bro. J. G. Cassel, who with his Lewistown, 111. He also leaves ten grand- death—Hell. and seven great-grandchildren. He was family, has resided at San Marcos, converted and united with the Brethren in B. The Passion. (22:47-23 chap.) Guatamala, C. A., informs us that Christ church during young manhood, and Previous attempts to slay Christ. was ordained to the ministry about the Herod at Nazareth. they are now removed to Huehueten- year 1866. He, with his family, moved to Christ daily in the temple. ango, Guatamala, C. A. Where they near Canton, Ohio, in 1852, from there to Judas' part—arrest at night. Illinois, in 1869, and in 1883 they again 30 pieces of silver, price of an ordinary will continue to be engaged in mission moved to Hope, Kans., where they lived slave—Hail, Master. work. until death. Six years ago they went to Jesus knew of their coming—Could have live with their daughter, Mrs. A. J. evaded the band of soldiers. Snively. Bro. Snively cared for them the Malcheus or—Legion of Angels. remainder of their lives. Funeral took The midnight trial. Peter, Ex. H. P. MARRIAGES. place February 15, at Belle Springs, M. H., Annas. (Jno. 18:13.) Caiaphas. (H. P. being conducted by the brethren, S. Wing- 18:24.) erd and J. W. Books. Text, Phil. 1:21. False witnesses. HATELY—CLARKE. — On February Interment in adjoining cemetery. "Art thou then the Son of God?" 12, 1910, Bro. J. W. Hoover, officiating, '•'Ye say that I am." Samuel William Hately, of Puddle River, Going before Pilate next day. Alberta, Canada, and Miss Nellie Elizabeth Clarke, of the same place, were united in LEHMAN.—Sr. Barbara H., wife of Charge changed from blasphemy to se­ Bro. Jacob S. Lehman, was born near dition. marriage at the home of the bride's parents. Greenvillage, Franklin county, Pa., Novem­ Pilate sends Jesus to Herod. ber 4, 1844, and died at the home of Bro. Jesus remains mute. C. O. Lehman, near Mastersonville, Lan­ Herod becomes incensed and sends the MOORE—SIDER.—On February 16, caster county, Pa., February 17. 1910, of Prophet-King back to Pilate. 1910, at the home of Bro. and Sr. John La-Grippe, aged 65 years, 3 months and 13 Pilate's attempt at release. Sider, Winger, Ont., parents of the bride, davs. To this union were born nine chil­ On to Calvary. there occurred the marriage of Bro. Jesse dren. Those who survive her are C. O., The two malifactors. Moore and Sr. Lydia Sider, Bro. Lafayette of near Mastersonville, Lancaster county, The closing scenes. Shoalts, officiating. Pa.; Joseph O., of Carlisle, Cumberland • To mother, "Behold thy Son," etc. county, Pa.; Leah O. Myers, of Austell, C. THE FIRST LORD'S DAY. (LU. 24.) Georgia, who preceded her to the spirit The blasted hopes of the Apostles. OBITUARIES. world June 25, 1909; Jacob O., of Johan­ nesburg, South Africa; David O., and The women rested on the Sabbath. Amos O., of Harrisburg, Pa.; Isaac O., Spices for embalming prove no thought MORTALETT.—On January 20, 1910, of Fordsburg, Transvaal, South Africa: of a resurrection. there occurred the death of Elizabeth, only Abraham O., of East Atlanta, Georgia, Early at the tomb. (Jno. 20:1.) child of Mr. and Mrs. Mortalett, at their and the youngest son, an infant, preceded A/ngelic visitation. home near the Pembina river, Alberta, her to the spirit world. There are also In human form and heavenly dress. Canada, where Mr. Mortalett is engaged in twenty-four grand-children. In the Sum­ Their message. "He is not here, he has the saw-milling business. The funeral ser­ mer of 1909, deceased moved, with her risen." vice was conducted by Bro. J. W. Hoover, companion, to the home of the oldest son, The women tell the disciples. at the home of the parents. Interment C. O. Lehman, near Mastersonville, Lan­ Peter and John visit the sepulcher. was made on the bank of the Pembina caster county, Pa. Two brothers survive Two on way to Emmaus. her: Elder Martin H. Oberholser, of near Meets the disciples in the evening. Culberston, Franklin county, Pa., and HEISEY.—Sister Lizzie, wife of Bro. Christian H. Oberholser, of near Green- Jacob Heisey, of near Florin, Pa., died village, Franklin county, Pa. The sister What God's Perfection Does.—Scientists, united with the church in her young years, tell us that when a drop of water, accord­ February 12, 1910, aged 26 years, 2 months and 25 days. She is survived by her hus­ and she with her husband for many years ing to popular language, falls on an exceed­ helped to fill the office as deacon in North ingly hot stove, it never really touches the band. An infant child aged sixteen days followed its mother to the spirit world, Franklin, Air-Hill district. On February stove, but rests on a thin cushion of hot 16, she gave out the German hymn, "In air. The heat overcomes the law of gravity February 21. She is also survived by her parents, Bro. Aaron Hoffman and wife, dem du lebest lebe, so. Das du Kanst and holds the water away until it evapo­ seilig sterben." Funeral services were rates. When God's love is a flame on the of near Elizabethtown and two sisters. The deceased was converted and united with held in the Cross Roads church, conducted altar of the heart, temptation may come, by Bros. Daniel Wolgemuth, Jacob N. but it cannot touch us; for "greater is he the church several years ago, and left a bright evidence of her acceptance with Martin, and Abraham Z. Hess. Interment that is in you than he that is in the in adjoining cemetery. Text, John 16:33. world."—Selected. Christ, expressing her desire to depart and