TRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARA {Children of the Heavenly Father)

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TRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARA {Children of the Heavenly Father) TRYGGARE KAN INGEN VARA {Children of the Heavenly Father) Traditional Swedish Melody Carolyne V. Sandell-Berg English Tr. Ernst W. Olson Children of the Heav'nly Father Tryggare kan ingen vara, Safely in His bosom gather An Guds lilla barnaskara, Nestling bird nor star in Heaven Stjarnan ej pa himla fastet, Such a refuge e'er was given. Fageln ej i kanda nastet. God his own doth tend and nourish Herren sina trogna vardar In His Kingdom they will flourish; Uti Sions helga gardar, From all evil things He spares them, Over dem Han sig for barmar, In His mighty arms He bears them. Bar dem uppa fadersarmar. Neither life nor death shall ever Ingen nod och ingen kycka, From the Lord His children sever Skall utur Hans hand dem rycka, Unto them His grace He showeth, Han var van for andra vanner, And their sorrows all He knoweth. Sina barns bekymmer kanner. Though He giveth and He taketh, Se Han raknar haren alia, God His children ne'er forsaketh; Som fran deras hovud falla, His the loving purpose solely, Han oss foder och oss klader, To preserve them pure and holy. Under sorgen Harm oss glader. In 1858, shortly before Karolina Wilhelmina Sandell-Berg (known as Lina Sandell) (1832-1903) wrote the lyrics to this poem, she and her father, the Rev. Jonas Sandell, were on a boat trip across Lake Vattern to Goteborg when he fell overboard and drowned before her eyes. She was twenty-six years of age. The lyrics of this beloved hymn reflect this tragedy. A prolific author, she wrote six hundred fifty hymns in all. The hymn was arranged by Oskar Ahnfelt (1813-1882) after a well-known Swedish melody. Ahnfeld composed or arranged all of the songs of Lina Sandell, and traveled throughout Scandinavia singing her hymns, accompanying himself with a ten-string guitar. The extraordinarily popular Jenny Lind, the "Swedish Nightingale," especially loved her songs and sang them in her concerts in Scandinavia, Europe and America. "Children of the Heavenly Father" was translated by Ernst W. Olson (1870-1958), editor of the Augustana Book Concern in Chicago, for the Hymnal and Order of Service of 1925. He was also a member of the Joint Commission on a Common Hymnal which published the Service Book and Hymnal in 1958. The King of Sweden made Olson a knight of the Royal Order of Vasa in 1948. -Ernst F. Tonsing, Ph.D., 25 October 2009 .
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