11 [VOLUME LXXXVI NUMBER 25 PASADENA, FRIDAY 26 APRIL 19851 New Frontiers by Ketan Shah Albert Hibbs, one of the stars The space station will not be a of the TACIT production of The spinning station, so osteoparosis, Madwoman of Chaillot, spoke the weakening of bones due to Wednesday on space projects that calcium loss, will be a problem. NASA has in mind for the next 15 The Soviet Union has provided years. medical data of their Cosmonaut 0> In the Y Noon Update,. Dr. who was in space for nine months, ~ Hibbs, a member of the technical and who consequently developed <3 staff of the Technology and Space brittle bones. Mickey Mouse ~ Program Development Group at beware! Mice will be sent for ex­ '" IPL, spoke in terms of three dif- periments in centrifuges at Ihg, Ig, ~ ferent time frames: near, mid- and 5g and 109. -§. long-term. In the long range, beyond 2000, I In the near term, that is, now, there are plans afoot for passenger

THE THIRD COMING OF ROBERT SCHEER: MONDAY IN WINNETT LOUNGE. TIMES REPORTER ROBERT SCHEER SPOKE IPL is operating the shuttle radar travel on the space shuttle, an set which enables scientists to com- asteroid rendezvous, a manned sta­ WITH STUDENTS ABOUT HIS RECENT TALKS AT CALTECH bine data gathered in a wide swath. tion on the moon, and a manned The result is as if a single giant flight to Mars. For the immediate radar had done the job. future, a flight to Saturn armed The most spectacular outcome, with a probe for Titan is a from a popular point of view, has .possibility. been the radar set's discovery of A lunar station could be a fuel river beds beneath the sands of factory if ice is found on the Moon. NSF Unloads Boffo Bux southern Sudan. Ifthere is no water, the production In the mid-term, NASA is of oxygen only would still be working on an imaging spec- desirable: oxygen comprises 50% Four Caltech faculty members, Caltech faculty members in 1983, and joined the Caltech trometer. The old Landsat could of moon rocks. This would be a twO of them also alumni, are designated as Presidential Young faculty this year. handle 4 different bandwidths of great help since a large percentage among the 200 scientists and Investigators are Scott D. Emr, Dr. Rosakis is applying ultra- light photography, while the new of the weight ofan Earth-launched engineers nationwide recently nam- assistant professor of biology; E. high speed photography to study Landsat can work with 12 chan- vehicle is fuel (nearly 80% for a ed by the U.S. Office of Science Sterl Phinney, assistant professor the development and spread of nels. An Earth orbiting system geosynchronous orbit). Space and Technology Policy as reci- oftheoretical astrophysics; Ares 1. potentially destructive cracks in could handle 256 channels. vehicles could have their fuel tanks pients of Presidential Young In- Rosakis, assistant professor of such materials as structural steels. There are also the radiometers topped offup in space, given such vestigator Awards for 1985. Each aeronautics and applied mechanics; These fissures have been that return weekly data on a factory. Unfortunately, the has been awarded a base grant of and W. Hugh Woodin, professor implicated in such disasters as the temperatures ofthe Earth's surface glamour oflunar projects has fad- $25,000 annually for the next five of mathematics. collapse of bridges, airline ac- and the moisture levels of soil. ed and the Congress isn't interested years to support his research. cidents, and damage to nuclear The topography experiment in funding them. The National Science Founda- Dr. Emr is working with yeast reactor cores. His experiments aim (Topex) project has had its budget A manned mission to Mars is tion will also extend additional as a model system to determine at aiding the design of large-scale put offuntil 1987. The Topex pro- attracting support. Many see it as funds of up to $37,500 annually to how protein molecules are targeted structures that are less vulnerable ject is to measure the current struc- an excellent opportunity for the match contributions from industry, and delivered to specific compart- to catastrophic failure. Dr. Rosakis tures of the oceans. USA and USSR to cooperate in the bringing the possible total award to ments in cells. Malfunctions in this earned his PhD at Brown Univer- Three orbiting platforms will be peaceful use of space. Both coun- $100,000 each year. delivery and transport system sity in 1982, the year he joined the needed for the imaging spec- tries can not only spread the costs, The awards "provide characterize a number of genetic Caltech faculty. trometer, radiometer, and Topex. but reap political dividends as well cooperative research support for disorders, including many affecting Dr. Woodin does research in No hard designs have been made (have they seen 2010 yet?) the nation's most outstanding and humans. Dr. Ernr received his PhD mathematicallogic and set theory, yet, but standard modules made for It would take 8-10 months each promising young science and from Harvard in 1981 and joined with an emphasis on the study of a space station will probably be way on an Earth-Mars trip, and the engineering faculty," according to the Caltech faculty in 1983. infinities and their application to used in order to economize. The space travelers would have to wait the NSF, which administers the Dr. Phinney is developing other branches of math. Dr. space station project is the biggest about 18 months for the Earth and awards. The program aids outstan- theories that examine black holes Woodin received his BS from one currently underway for NASA. Mars to realign for the return ding young PhD's who might as the power source ofquasars. He Caltech in 1977 and his PhD from It should be in "Interim Opera- journey. But Dr. Hibbs said that otherwise pursue non-teaching received his BS from Caltech in the University of California in tional Capability"-ready for NASA wasn't short of one-way 1985. volunteers.

by Morgan Gopmk well herself but has gone out ofher Both as Blacker House PreSIdent III Caltech Nobellaureaie William bachelor of engineering physics Last week, on April 17th, over way to help others, as a teaching 1983/84 and as Chairman of the A. Fowler will receive the Sulli­ from Ohio State. He became a pro­ dinner a! the Athenaeum, Tammy assistant w~o drew recognition ~or IHC in 1984/85, Richard displayed vant Medal of Ohio State Univer­ fessor of physics in 1946 and in Choy, Richard Murray and Behzad her commItment and leadershIp, a remarkable ability to extract the sity, his alma mater, at the univer­ 1970 was named the first Institute Sadeghi were presented with this and informally by going out of her essence ofcontroversies and to lead sity's graduation ceremonies on Professor of Physics, the highest year's Noland Leadership Awards. way to help weaker students. She the way to workable compromises. May 24. The Sullivant Medal- ­ honor the Institute bestows upon its Each ofthem received a check for served on the Educational Policies Always open to new ideas and will­ the highest faculty or alumni award faculty. He became Institute Pro­ $1,500 (as well as a boxed pen and Committee and helped to produce ing to listen to unconventional opi­ at Ohio State-carries with it a fessor of Physics, Emeritus, in pencil set with which to endorse it). the TQFR. In Lloyd House, she nions, Richard's tenure as IHC $5,000 prize. 1982. The Noland. Leadership Awards was e~ected as a. member of the Chairman was characterized by Fowler, Institute Professor of His other achievements include are made available each year by the Athletic team dunng her freshman frank and fair open discussion. Physics, Emeritus, was co-winner membership in the National AmetekCorporation in honor ofits year, was chosen as a UCC, and Richard also served as one of the of the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physics Academy of Sciences, NASA's president, Mr. Robert L. Noland, is now House Secretary. Last sum- student members on the search for experimental and theoretical Apollo Achievement Award, and who graduated from Caltech in mer, while holding a SURF, she committee to find a new Dean of work which explained how the Eddington Medal of the Royal 1941. also served as a counselor for the Undergraduate Students. chemical elements form in stars. Astronomical Society, London. He As explained in an after dinner SSSSP program. In athletics, Tam­ Dr. Fowler has been at Caltech will also be awarded an honorary speecy by Ametek Vice President, my has excelled not simply through Behzad Sadeghi, a senior in since 1933, when he entered as a doctorate from Arizona State Al Schaff, these awards are intend- her performance and the example Mathematics, was chosen for the graduate student after receiving his University on May 17. ed to encourage and reward the she sets, but also in leading others Noland Leadership Award becuase development ofleadership qualities to fulfill their capabilities. The ofhis courageous leadership in re­ amongst the scientists and prime of this is her central role in examining student institutions and engineers who, they hope, will one establishing a Caltech Women's encouraging reform. In 1983/84, Conserve Daylight! day be heads of industry. Ametek Tennis Team. She demonstratqd Behzad provided the stimulus for wishes to recognize not only those her own ability and courage by let­ a campus-wide debate on "rota­ Daylight Savings Time starts Sunday at 2:00 am. Or is that 3:00 am? who take charge in leading others tering on the men's team, establish­ tion" and led to significant Anyway-you shift your clocks forward one hour then, so 2:00 am but also those who inspire and en- ed the need for a women's team by reforms. Behzad has been one of is 3:00 am. So, on Monday, what used to be a 1 o'clock class will courage others to fulfill their encouraging other potential team the leaders of a group of students be held (conceptually speaking) at noon. Or maybe it's 2 o'clock. ('The leadership potential. members to come forth and used who have continued to seek im­ Dukes' say it's 25 O'CLOCK...'-see page five.) This means you Tammy Choy, currently a her tact and quiet persuasiveness to provements in other areas of stu­ lose an hour, but it's OK, because it'll turn up again in October. Spring junior in Electrical Engineering, help obtain team recognition, dent life. He has also been an im­ back, fall forward, y'know? Or is it spring back, fall forward. earns this award for a range ofac- coaching and funding. portant contributor to student I hope you guys can all keep straight on this. I'm counting on you, complishments. She has shown her Richard Murray, a senior in publications and an active member 'cause I know I'm gonna be very confused in the fall. When we set intelligence, dedication and care Electrical Engineering, receives of the Caltech Y. our clocks the other direction. Whatever that is. for others in many spheres and in the Noland Leadership Award for Congratulations go to three so doing has inspired others to his outstanding contributions to the very deserving winners and sincere By the way ...NEUTRINOS HAVE MASS. For details ask the become more involved. In government and welfare of the thanks to Ametek Corporation for nearest particle physicist. academics, she has not only done undergraduate students at Caltech. making these awards possible. 2 TH E CALIFORNIA TECH FRI DAY 26 APRI L 1 985 lETTERS--

Nine issues late. Look, I'm sorry. Thanks for electing me. Dh I) "We're going out of business, so it doesn't matter. " To the Editor: Charles Barrett replies: It is truly Committee? Charles Barrett's "Ars distressing to me to have been so 2) Skiing is good, but Citizen Kane is better. Amore" column oflast week while misunderstood as to be interpreted 3) Look, we're desperate. Submit anything; if I don't ostensibly extolling "honesty, as intolerant. My comment that To the Editor: fairness, and having an open "moral restraint's primary reward like it I'll tRfQU' it 8M- burn it. Two requests have been mind, " strays from these noble is a smug sense of superiority" 4) Art is good-very good-but it's boring. I'd rather brought before the IHC recently: ideals in a series of rationalizations goes on to say that that is "small dance. (Or: Fuck art-let's dance.) 1) Blacker and Dabney re­ to which I wish to reply. compensation for the imposed quested that the IHC allow Jeff For instance, in seeking to hypocrisy ofsaying one thing and 5) Don't complain to me. I don't read the paper Lester, a Darb, to play Interhouse legitimize being gay, he cites the feeling another"-Mr. Ashcroft either. and Discobolus sports for Blacker fact that homosexuality "isn't has equated "moral restraint" with in spite of his absence from new," and "has been pursued for heterosexuality, when in fact 6) Burn this right now.-If'When I go back on these Blacker's eligibility list. To play generations. " The fact ofthe mat­ morality-based prohibitions (for­ principles, no one will catch me. for a house, a player must be on ter is that many things "have been nication, promiscuity, and adultery 7) No articles on necrophilia. that house's eligibility list; in the pursued for generations," and they for a few) are aimed at case ofthis term, by April 5th. Jeff are not all necessarily good ideas heterosexuals. 8 ) Who wants to be Sports Editor? was 5 days late. (e.g. wife beating, murder). Later, The self-honesty advocated in 2) Fleming requested that a he cites the fact that homosexual last week's "Ars Amore" is in 9) Jim DeWitt does not exist. Discobolus challenge from Dabney experiences are commonplace, but making your own decisions on con­ I 0) "There is no exercise of the intellect which is not, be considered valud. Discobolus again this type of fact has no bear­ duct and behavior rather thatn in the final analysis, useless."-Jorge Luis Borges, challenges must be made in writing ing on whether or not they are a blindly following those that are dic­ by 6 pm of the appropriate Mon­ good thing. At another point, he tated to you. For some, it is "Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote" day. The challenge of interest here blithely mentions that being gay is acknowledging sexual orientation; 1 1) Dorky dorky dorky dorky ...no, forget that. was made orally and thirteen "unarguably a matter ofbeing, not for others it is deciding whether or minutes late. of choice. " This is simply not the not you are interested in premarital The IHC decided that it was in case. The matter is very arguable, sex. Specifics are unimportant, so the spirit ofthe rules and the com­ and not at all the cut-and-dried long as all are allowed to make petition that Jeff Lester be allow­ issue he imagines it to be. their choice. ed to play for Blacker, in spite of These things are minor points, With respect to the first part of missing the eligibility by five days. though, and had these been my on­ Mr. Ashcroft's letter, of course The same IHC, however, decided ly objections to his article, I would things are not automatically that thirteen minutes late is un­ not have written this letter. After "good" just because they have a forgivable and the Dabney all, I recognize the fact that a per­ long history; again, missing from challenge to Fleming is invalid? son's decision as to whether or not his quotation of the original Pretty fucked, eh? to be gay is a deeply personal sentence is the key. word Very disappointed, thing, and will probably not be "hypocritical. " The comment he -Frank K Kragh decided one way or the other by draws from does not deign to make l.he Inside World Fleming another's skillful dialectic. a valuejudgment, but rather refers P.S.-I submit this letter alone. It Charles Barrett states that to society's lessening hypocrisy. Blacker: I'm sick and tired of my Inside Worlds never being printed, so I'm not even go­ ing to bother writing one this week. So there. NYAAAA! does not necessarily reflect the "moral restraint's primary reward Besides, wife-beating and murder -Cynthia Dingleberries views of Flems in general, is a smug sense of superiority," don't involve mutual consent. although I suspect it does. and with that sweeping statement Asfar as "rationalizations" to Fleming House: A two week recap due to editorial editing: We beat the Blacker-Dabney, Lloyd, and Page basketball teams in interhouse. Both Ricketts and Ruddock were beaten in exhibits exactly the self-righteous "legitimize" (I) being gay are con­ Discobolus, sealing it once and for all. Animal meal, here we come! disdain that he condemns in others. cerned, those do not sound like the Good luck 10 the future parachutists of America. Remember, when in doubt, whip it out! He seems tobe unable to accept the words of a self-professed -AI Fansome The Sound of fact that some people may actually "tolerant" individual. Ruddock House: want to be straight, and that a Basketball is my favorite sport I like the way they dribble up and down the court One Hand Writing heterosexual can feel good about Just like I'm the king on the microphone himself without being preoccupied So is Dr. J and Moses Malone To the Editor: by his "superiority." Charles Bar­ THE CALIFORNIA TECH I like slam dunks and takin . it to the hoop I like the pick and roll I take issue with Charles Bar­ rett should not expect tolerance and Volume LXXXVI Number 25 I like the give and go rett's contention that being gay is understanding from the rest ofthe Friday 26 April 1985 'Cause it's basketball with Mr. Kurtis Blow "unarguably a matter ofbeing, not world unless he too is willing to of choice." I believe it is both. show it. What must be understood Published weekly except during Basketball has always been my thing examination and vacation periods by the I like Magic. Bird. and Bernard King What we are and what we do are by all parties is that tolerance for Associated Students of the California And number thirty three, my man Kareem separate, albeit related, things. If a person, and respect for his right In the center of my starting team Institute ofTechnology, Inc. The opinions Drew, Dave Werntz, and C. R. C. a person feels homosexual urges to express himself should not at all expressed herein are strictly those of the Now these players could never be beat but does not act on them, is this be dictated by approval or disap­ authors and do not necessarily reflect those Isaiah, and Poo Poo too, just give 'em the ball of the editor. And then you chalk up two person gay? If I feel the urge to proval of his opinios whether they write but I don't, am I an author? be political, religious, or sexual. Letters and announcements are welcome. Dantley and Rudhe are on the scene All contributions should include the And Brian Porter is really mean -Steve Kator -Peter Ashcroft Bill Russell didn't take no junk author's name and phone number and the And Jim Helgren got a monster dunk 105-24 Blacker House intended date of publication. The editor reserves the right to abridge letters, so I get the ball and then I go and play please keep them concise. like the superstars in the N. B. A. Turn in copy to the Tech office mailbox, The forwards, the centers, and all the guards The Caltech Y Fly-by room 107 Winnett. The deadline for copy The ones you see on the bubblegum cards is Wednesday at 5 p.m.; for Me and homeboy would go one on one 'Cause playin' the game is a lot offun announcements, Tuesday at 5 p.m. Late Sit by the TV and watch 'em all copy may not be printed unless previous 'Cause Ruddock House is rappin' basketball Friday...April 26 arrangements have been made with the Unnnhuh! Noon Concert with Inca. editor. They're playin' basketball We love that basketball. .. Editor in Chief Matt Rowe To the hoop y'all! Tonight, the absolutely, positively last Philharmonic trip -Kurtis and Adrienne of the season. Barber, Bartok, Dvorak. 8:30 PM. Entertainment Editor John Fourkas Y-Car leaves at 7:45. Features Editor Peter Alfke Editor: Just a reminder ...entries for "Inside World" are due Wednesday evening at 10:00 Photo Editor Ron Gidseg pm. I can't guarantee that we'll be able to print them if you turn them in later than that. All the entries for this week and last week were late, but I'm a nice guy. Just don't do it again. Saturday...April 27 Announcements Editor Hisaho Sonoda -Buckaroo ~ Who? Take me out to the ball game... The Dodgers play the Ears Editor Diana Foss Padres at 7:05 PM. Y-Car leaves around 6: 10. Next game­ Reporters Charles Barrett, May 11, 1:05 PM, against Pittsburgh. Hopefully, we'll Diana Foss, Ketan Shah, Hisaho Sonoda Photographers Chris Meisl, have more tickets. Behzad Sadeghi, S. U. Wong, Min Su Yun VVednesday ... ~ay 1 The Inside World Bob Bolender THEASCITMOVIE Noon Update- Ken Libbrecht, Asst. Prof. of (Ricketts), Jim Bell (Blacker), Ken Astrophysics, will tell you everything you want to know Needham (Dabney), Ravi Subramanian TONIGHT at 7:30 and 10:00 (Lloyd), Chris Mihos (Ruddock), Warren but were afraid to ask about "Solar Oscillations." Gada (Page), Ed Zanelli (Fleming) I. Winnett Clubroom Bring a friend and some lunch. Production Nick Smith

~ay Saturday... 4 Business Managers Jed Lengyel The Great Rich man, poor man, beggarman,. .. Come see a David Goldreich 2 PM matinee performance of The Beggar's Opera at the Circulation Staff Chris Dean Embassy Theater in Lo.s Angeles. Tickets are just $8. Y­ Paul Gillespie Train Robbery Car leaves at 1: 15 PM. Sign up by Wednesday, May 1. The offices of the California Tech are located in Winnett ~ay Center on the Caltech campus. Sunday... 5 Editor: Room 107 356-6153 Undergrads! Midterms getting you down? Sign up in your Business Manager: Room 107 356-6154 house by Wednesday, May 1, to go to Disneyland! Tickets Production: Room 115 356-6153 The California Tech, Winnett Center, Next Week - Pauline at the Beach are $8 and are good for all day. Caltech 107-51, Pasadena, CA 91125 Printed by News-Type Service, Glendale, California. in Baxter Lecture Hall Subscriptions should be dir~ted to the attention of the Any comments, questions, or ideas? circulation manager. $lASCIT members $1.50 all others Come into the Y or call us at 356-6163 $6.00 per year (three terms) $100.00 per life ISSN 0008-1582 THE CALIFORNIA TECH FRIDAY 26 APRIL 19853 I ENTERTAINMENT I ing when the band comes back home to L.A. ~UCKAROO RtVltW~ As for the music: Once, a few years ago, Lone A HIGHLY IRREGULAR COLUMN BY MATT ROWE Justice was a country band: some of the best songs on Lone Justice bluesy like all harmonica is, that feature drawled vocals, twangy Lone Justice comes to an end before it really guitars, and a two-four beat. But gets anywhere. With all the power others sound like Motown, of Maria McKee's voice, of Ryan Springsteen, , the The exact spot at which Lone Hedgecock's guitar, of songs like Velvet Underground, Tom Pet­ Justice changes from a merely very "East of Eden" and "Working ty .... Actually, that last one isn't good to a great one is about Late," Lone Justice can knock you too surprising: Petty and his halfway through the last song, dead. Bw M.'Kee's tiny harmonica guitarist, , co-wrote "You Are the Light." Maria solo is enough to make you cry. "Ways To Be Wicked" (the first McKee is an impassioned singer, Avid readers of "Buckaroo single). The Heartbreakers' and this song should do more to Reviews" may remember that I keyboardist, , establish Lone Justice's reputation reviewed Lone Justice in concert at tinkles all the ivories (or plastics, than entire by Prince or the Palomino in December. I don't as it were) on the album; and Jim­ Eurythmics do to establish theirs. want to dwell on their success my Iovine, longtime Petty pro­ But at the song's strongest story-I'm reviewing the album ducer, twiddles the knobs. But moment-when the key has just here, after all-but Robert from Maria McKee's top-of-her­ shifted up, and the first-time Hilburn's cover story for the L.A. lungs cry at the album's start, the listener begins to sing along: Times' Sunday Calendar (7 April) listener knows that this is a Lone You are the light is highly recommended. I've seen Justice album, and that no one else In my dark world the band live several times now­ could do these songs. You are the fire enough to know that a concert is as "east ofEden," that first song, That will always burn good or better than the perfor­ sounds like a pep cheer, alternating -just then, the vocals stop. McKee mances on Lone Justice. Right between McKee and a chorus: is credited with lead vocal, guitar now, they're opening shows for "Should I go north?/No!/Should I LONE JUSTICE (L TO Rl: VOCALIST MARIA McKEE. GUITARIST RYAN HEDGECOCK. and harmonica, but this is one of 's American tour; after that, go south?/No! ... "The band final­ BASSIST , AND DRUMMER only two instances ofthe last: a few some European dates are planned. ly agrees to go east, and sprints off seconds of reluctant almost filler, I'll be sure to give plenty of warn- into the land of rock 'n' roll. "After the Flood"-which sounds concert cover versions center on like Maria McKee and the E Street the sixties-perhaps Creedence is Band-shows Lone Justice to be the next major influence ("Ways more than worthy ofattention from To Be Wicked" already hints at it)? the resurgent interest in American or psychedelia? or cajun music? Serving Caltech & music. Before anyone has a chance (The album's cover recalls the to shuffle them into a category, Rolling Stones' December's however, the band slinks into Children, for whatever that's JPL since 1938 "Don't Toss Us Away," a ballad worth.) Live highlights like "The written by McKee's brother, Train Song," "Cactus Rose," formerly of the group Love: "Grapes of Wrath," and a song "Don't toss us away/It just ain't wrote for the band, right/To let love die/Without a "Little Boy," don't even appear on fight/I still love you/I want you to Lone Justice. (Rumor has it the Pasadena's only complete source of stay/So, darling, please/Don't toss album will be followed by an EP ART, DRAFTING, CHART-MAKING. us away." in the fall, so don't despair.) Maria Side Two struts in as full-blown McKee's voice cannot be improv­ and LAYOUT supplies. Motown. "Sweet, Sweet Baby ed upon, and the rest of the band (I'm Falling)" is distinguished are solid musicians. Guitarist from Supremes only by better pro­ Hedgecock and bassist Etzioni duction and a guitar solo. "Wait wrote some of the best tracks on Now open Thursday evenings until 9. 'Til We Get Home" also displays the album-who knows where their Lone Justice's R&B influences, interests may take Lone Justice while "Pass It On" adapts the next? If Lone Justice gets the melody from Talking Heads' recognition it deserves, they'll be "Heaven" to a blues ballad. "You all over America before long. If o Are the Light" rounds out the not-well, then there ain't no album's ten songs and seals the justice. (Sorry.) band's reputation. ;«PAS GAAPHICS In short: Lone Justice is a great And yet ... album, and Lone Justice is a great 1292 East Colorado Blvd., Pasadena CA 91106 And yet, at that, Lone Justice band. "Should I go north?" you " is still a growing band. When Gef­ might ask-well, I don't really care (213) 681-0615 Colt.ch Stud.n' OJ_n' (818) 793-4-ART fen first signed them, they played much what direction you go, but I ; but R&B is a major suggest you stop at a record store direction of Lone Justice. Their on the way. Buy Caltech Cards Buy Caltech Cards and save 200/0 £Alll£I1~S aDld save 200/0 I3lJl<(J11< £()~II~I~IAl TO ALL CALTECH STUDENTS AND FACULTY: Have your BREAKFAST with us 6:30-11:00. Ham, bacon, or sausage, 3 eggs, country potatoes, and zuchini bread for only $1.99 with Caltech ID, Monday thtu Friday. SPECIALTIES: SHISH-KABOB, SHAORMA, SOUVLAKI-STEAK HOMEMADE PASTRIES: BAKLAVA, BURMA, AND NAPOLEONS good food at reasonable prices refills on soft drinks at all times seconds on salad bar For the Entire Month of April A free root beer float to all Freshmen and Sophomores Faculty, Grad Students, A_ttend! B. c.: On Lake Avenue Mondays and Tuesdays are Beer Days. Half price on beer. Ih Block North of California 4 TH E CALIFORNIA TECH FRI DAY 26 APRI L 1985 I--BLOOM COUNTY 31-----__~ by ISerke Breathed mE IlUST HRP sfTTZ£V.. .. WHO 15 THIIT; KUILl Y, d· I 1HE HUMRN CHROS WlIS 8ilT BEHINIl 1HIIT MYS!fRIWS R ME:MOKY.. RNIl sm~. HIP MI1SK'?? :!Ai~JJIT~~f!JlOvs IINIl MSHIONII8~E WReSTUNIJ 011/ Mr? 1S 1 FAN5 EVERYWHERE WERE HOW fT. .. Para e fl5KINIJ ONi.Y ONE 1HINIJ,.. ft(f~ill

by John Fourkas football? Eat TV dinners? Read the -D~.'·"~····l~- -- - -~ff~ . Stranger Than Paradise paper? These rather unexciting ac­ ------Directed by Jim Jarmusch tivities can make up a complete life ---d~-- ~~~ Can a young Hungarian im­ style, and it's really no surprise that migrant find happiness in the characters in Stranger Thar. Cleveland? Can her cousin, an idle Paradise live this way ...or is it~ I'M IY'KIIIP New Yorker, escape boredom? What happens when you reall) I ... I HAVO 7l£m~ 50Me OfF 17) 1H6 ~AT /K),. NO, Does anybody really care? For the need to escape this lifestyle, even W'WISlWT HlbH·1F:CH ';rJi/ CIlN'T answer to these questions and many if only for a little bit? This is the Nt:W5... fNPI/Srnll1~ I'flI1K /rIEIIN ... more, see Jim Jarmsusch's I IN TIl[ SKY. theme that Stranger Than Paradise I Stranger Than Paradise at the pursues. Rialto Theatre this week. It is a trip By all rights, this should not be you will not regret. a wonderful movie ...and yet it is. Stranger Than Paradise is pro­ Everything is done just right. The bably best described by the phrase movie is shot on grainy, black-and­ "refreshingly different." It is a white film which perfectly accen­ study of boredom, ofrelease, and tuates the characters' drab lives. ofthe American lifestyle. What do The camera work is all done from you do when you are bored? Watch continued on page 5 1 WHAT PIP YOU MfflN, I ''MrH''.?.. PROFESSORS, END THE PAPER CHASE WITH PROFESSOR PUBUSHING AT KlNKO'S

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Baseball ROBERT WILSON •PHILIP GLASS • from page 7 score was 2-19. Others playing for personal glory included Brandon JONATHAN DEMME •HEINER MULLER · Mymodes, who was 2-4 at the plate, and Kurt Schwartz, who doubled. DAVID HOCKNEY On Tuesday the Beavers were less sportsmanlike. In fact, they LOCATION: Wadsworth Theater, Veterans Administration were out of control. In the top of TWO MAJOR EVENTS Center, West Los Angeles the first they didn't allow Pomona ROBERT WILSON: INTERMEDIA ART: ADMISSION: STUDENTS-$20 each event; tickets sold to score, and had the audacity to SEMINAL AMERICAN THE ERA OF only at the door (full-time student ID required) score themselves in the bottom of Series-$95 Single Event-$55 the first to take a 1-0 lead. Repen­ ARTIST (Fine Arts 825) INTERDISCIPLINARY ting this shameful start, the Beavers Saturday, May 11, COLLABORATION allowed Pomona to score eight runs 10 am to 5:30 pm (Art 851.22) in the next three innings to take a IN PERFORMANCE- Participate in an introduction Sunday, May 12, 1-8 deficit. In the bottom of the to Wilson (Einstein on the ROBERT WILSON'S NEW WORK IN PROGRESS fourth, senior Ed Casey (who 9:30 am to 4:30 pm Beach and the CIVIL warS). 5 pm Reception EXPLORING KING LEAR, Presentation of the Work should know better by now) smash­ Illustrated lectures and dis­ ed a triple into deep left, and then Explore new forms of inter­ A PRODUCTION in Progress cussions with Robert Wilson, disciplinary art with today's WORKSHOP-Wilson's Saturday, May 18, 8 pm to top it off he score to decrease the composer Philip Glass, Beaver deficit to 2-8. Pomona's innovators in music, film, first step in developing Sunday, May 19, 2 and 8 pm playwright Heiner M'uller spirit was broken, and they only painting, and theater­ a new work. and artistic director Robert ADMISSION: $20 managed three more runs to make Philip Glass, Robert Stearns. Michael Hackett, Open Rehearsals LOCATION: Stage 1, the final score 2-11. Casey was Wilson, Jonathan Demme, Friday, May 10, 8 pm completely out of control on the professional director and and David Hockney. John Metromedia Square, UCLA faculty member, Friday, May 17, 8 pm Hollywood, Sunset Blvd. day, going 2-2 at the plate, and Rockwell, The New York ADMISSION: $10 scoring a run. moderates. Times music critic, at Wilton Place The Beavers' last home game For complete details, call moderates. (limited seating) ofthe season is this Saturday. This (213) 825-9064. For complete details, call Charge on VISA or MasterCard by calling (213) 825-9971 or is your last chance to see Tech in (213) 206-8503. 825-9981, weekdays from 8 am to 5 pm. action! Don't miss it! _ TH E CALIFORNIA TECH FRI DAY 26 APRI L 1985 5 ~-ENTERTAINMENT J !~Pb~y~h~~~~~'~ie, ~cstasy • ~enty-Five O'CWck double-'peed-baekwanls tape ef- leed! l- ~. The Dukes of Stratosphear fects. Yes, XTC: those deter- ).. Virgin Records minedly quirky ex-new-wave pop from page 4 cousin is coming in from Budapest "'The Dukes' say it's heroes who brought you such drop- tripods (as opposed to booms) so to move in with his aunt in time it's time to visit the planet down-dead classics as "Making that one gets a view of everything Cleveland. His aunt is sick, smile it's time the love bomb Plans for Nigel," "Generals and from a single spot; the camera, like however, and he is forced to take was dropped ...it's time to eat Majors," and "Senses Working the characters, is too lethargic to care ofhis cousin for ten days. The music it's time to kiss the Overtime." XTC, who now do unnecessary "work". The cuts 's abject terror at the thought sun it's time to drown yourself pseudonymously don peace-signs often take up to three seconds, with of the disruption of his daily in SOUNDGASM and it's time to and Nehru jackets and show us a simple gray screen in between routine serves to amuse the au- dance thorugh the mirror. 'The what would have happened had the shots, creating a slow, uncaring dience while catching its attention. Dukes' declare it's 25 group been around during the Sum- pace for the movie (as again the After this point, Stranger Than a'CLOCK. " mer of Love. characters live their lives). The plot Paradise never lets go. What we have here is not just The journey to the center of the takes its own sweet time in This is not to say that one some overlooked psychedelic disc begins with the title track, Love Explodes," with its suitably developing (in fact, it could easily should go to see Stranger Than classic from 1967, recently found echoily reminiscent of the Stones Hendrix-ized guitar riff and fast be fully summarized in two Paradise with great expectations. in someone's garage nextto albums ("Paint it Black"), early Moody rhythm propelling the song, then sentences). The very essence of It is outwardly a simple and char- by Vanilla Fudge and the Thir- Blues, and sixties garage bands. If falling to bits gloriously at the end. Stranger Than Paradise is the on­ ming movie, and is enjoyable as teenth Floor Elevators, lovingly you'd told the band in 1977 that With "What in the World?" we ly thing left for the viewer to pay such. The humor is not "gut- remixed and rereleased in its they'd ever be putting organ solos begin to encounter serious Beatles attention to-the subtle ironies of wrenching," it is more of the original garish Peter Max-esque like the one here into their albums, influence. Lyrically similar to alazy existence. These ironies are "charming" school. It may take a cover by neohippies at Virgin you'd have been hit over the head "The Year 2525, " it fills the ears played out to their fullest extent, while for the true wonder of the Records. Initial appearance to the with a copy of Never Mind the with an acid-soaked haze, replete and never cease to amuse the movie to sink in (if ever); contrary, this is not the Dukes' Bollocks. "Bike Ride to the with backwards drums, guitars and viewer. nonetheless, the film is guaranteed masterpiece, brimming over with Moon" is one ofthose effortlessly horns; weird tape gurgles and chir­ Stranger Than Paradise, for no to please, and is well worth the fuzztone guitars, cheesy Farfisa perfect pop songs, a song which rups; even the occasional readily tangible reason, captivates time off from work. Stranger Than organ, vocal harmonies and wouldn't seem out of place on scratching. The song never the viewer from the first scene. An Paradise plays from April 26 to double-speed-backwards tape ef- either an XTC, Monkees, or (ear­ disintegrates into spaciness, airplane lands, and we are brought May 2, every night at 7:30 and fects. No, this is XTC's latest ly) Pink Floyd record, a song with however: the aural lysergia is in­ into the dingy apartment of a lazy 9:25, with matinees on Saturday masterpiece, brimming over with lyrics as silly as any Syd Barrett tegrated as skilfully as in Sergeant youth in New York. The youth's and Sunday at 1:45, 3:40 and 5:35. fuzztone guitars, cheesy Farfisa ever wrote. Even better is "My Pepper into a pop melody (two or three melodies, actually, all brilliantly memorable). "Your Gold Dress;; shoves us into the garage with a fuzz-tone riff of "In-a-Gadda-Da-Vida" propor­ tions, a riff so dumb you can't help but love it. Along the way we get chiming and/or squealing guitars, Beatles-like vocal harmonies, a complete change of melody in the chorus (which, by the way, goes "Vibrations coming my way when you're floating on by/In your gold dress/Vibrations come into play when you're filling the sky/With your gold dress" to the accompani­ ment of bouncy piano), a really pretty chiming guitar solo, and two (count 'em) fake endings, until the whole thing flanges upwards out to infinity, ending on the same high piano note that ended "Getting Bet­ ter," and fades into "The Mole from the Ministry." "The Mole" begins with chirping birds, tinkly piano, and weird nursery-rhyme­ like lyrics, jumping into a chorus which is definitely a homage to "I Am the Walrus." The chorus is eerily amazing in the same way the song "Valotte" is, for its uncan­ ny Beatleness, even down to some high, wordless singing near the end ofthe song. At the end come all of the sound-effects and voices from the ends of both "I Am the Walrus" and "A Day in the Life" collapsing on top of each other ...then the record ends and you flip it over to hear the whole thing again. What is one to make of this sheer anachronism in a world of HUsker Dii, Spandau Ballet, and Twisted Sister? Are XTC attemp­ EveryTIcalculatorcomeswith ting to cash in on the rapidly grow­ ing sixties-revivalism movement which has brought us Rain Parade one extranumber. and Strawberry Switchblade? Is this a joke album like The Rutles? No: this record is far too much a labor of love, and (more impor­ 1-800-TI-CARES tantly) too good to be considered crass or a joke. I hope I've manag­ When you buy a Texas operations, or service questions, Ofcourse, there's just one ed to convey that all the songs on Instruments calculator you call us Monday thru Friday catch. It has to be a Texas this album (EP actually) are don't just buy a calculator, you between 9 am and 4 pm CST; Instruments calculator. But superb; I consider this to be XTC's buy Texas Instruments' com­ and we'll be glad to help. then, if you're as smart as we best album since English Settlement mitment to quality. If your calculator needs think you are, why wouldn't or Black Sea. Think of it as a fu­ sion ofthe best ofXTC and the best It's a commitment backed repairing, we'll direct you to it be? of sixties pop music. by a fully developed service one ofour 46 conveniently The conclusion: if you like network that includes the located service centers for an XTC or any of their songs, if you above toll-free number you can immediate exchange. Under TEXAS love Sergeant Pepper-era Beatles call from anyplace in the or the Monkees or just 1967 in warranty, it's free. If there's no INSTRUMENTS general, then 1 suggest you get to United States. center near you, we'll do it all Creating useful products a finer record store (namely Poo­ Ifyou have any applications, by mail. and services for you. Bah or Moby Disc) and purchase this album (look in the import sec­ tion). If nothing else, it's worth Copyright © 1985 Texas Instruments Incorporated. buying just for the cover ... 6THE CALIFORNIA TECH FRI DAY 26 APRI L 1 985 ...

Ars Amore by Charles Barrett- There is no doubt that some lascivious feelings" by reducing pornography presents women in a those it portrays, pictorially or derogatory and demeaning manner. descriptively, to their sensual or It is also safe to say that the adver­ sexual attributes. True, it is their tising potential of sex has resulted good looks and not their per­ in some truly tasteless and even of­ sonalities that are being presented. fensive ad copy. To attack the lat­ If it is this factor that is demean­ Pornography ter problem by legislation would be ing, then clothing catalogs are guil­ a waste of time and money in a ty of the same offense. Or is it on­ free-market system, since offen­ ly exploitive ifthe models have no ding the public does not make for clothes on? Uto be sexually arous­ good customer relations. Con­ ing is to be exploited, then an awful troversy is one thing, but outrage lot 0 fus are trying very hard to be is bad for business. exploited. As far as a legalistic approach There are moral considerations and Censorship to the demeaning portrayal of to pornography, and no one should women in pornography is concern­ have to be exposed to it against ed, there is no way around the need their will. Because ofexisting laws for specifics. The civil-rights­ and regulations, minors and The line separating por­ without inconveniencing or offen­ The plan proved hopelessly im­ violation approach has its merits, uninterested adults are protected nography from art is a thin one, ding others in any way. practicable; no set of criteria for but those who try to use it to do from its imposition for the most often difficult to discern and fre­ Another modern development determining exactly what was ac­ away with pornography in general part. Any transgressions that do oc­ quently subject to interpretation. in the question ofpornography and ceptable and what was not could be are using the wrong argument. A cur would probably not cease even As with most questions involving its appropriateness is the recent arrived at without being hopeless­ large amount of pornography por­ if pornography were made illegal. sex, public opinion on just what movement claiming that por­ ly vague. A municipal ordinance trays women as equal partners (or As for whether or not it is "good" constitutes pornography is a nography's demeaning portrayal of proposed recently in a Midwestern even being the ones in control); gay or "bad", that is a personal deci­ dynamic thing. Literally, it is women violates their civil rights. city, using the civil rights ap­ porn, by its very nature, precludes sion that any adult should be trusted defined as "written or graphic This argument was used recently proach, came up against the same sexism entirely. Clearly, not all to make for himself or herself. representation designed to excite by a student group at Cal State dilemma ofimprecise definition. It pornography violates women's For questions, comments or lascivious feelings, " but for prac­ Northridge in their unsuccessful at­ was eventually abandoned when it civil rights, and doing away with suggestions about Ars Amore, con­ tical purposes a workable legal tempt to have the campus was pointed out that, as written, it that which does would leave much tact Charles Barrett (1-59 by code iii elusive. bookstore pull adult magazines defined several paintings by old pornography unaffected. mail, 578-8593 by phone), or in such as Playboy and Penthouse off masters in the local museum as il­ Undeniably, pornography care of The California Tech, In the United States, respon­ the shelf. legal pornography. achieves its goal of "exciting 107-51. sibility for censorship has for the most part passed from the state to the citizenry, with the free market acting in a self-regulatory manner. The entertainment industry is self­ policing; motion pictures are rated by a uniform code for the benefit of moviegoers, and radio and television gauge public sensibilities through the ratings. Obscenity and fall language are not permitted over public airwaves, nor is it allowed where it would be an imposition on the public at large. Otherwise, as long as minors are not involved, almost anything goes. Communities have a say where pornographic bookstores and theaters are allowerd through zon­ ing, although it is usually the clientele of such establishments, and not the wares, that worry the civic-minded.

Gone are the days where books are banned from sale outright (as still occurs in Great Britain), although school libraries in the Bible-belt are more and more fre­ quently coming under the scrutiny ofzealous school board members. Hemingway, Lawrence, and even Twain, among others, have made it on certain groups' hit lists. Modern society brings some new aspects to the question ofpor­ nography. On the technological front, the advent of home videos has expanded the pornographic movie market by orders uf magnitude. No longer is it necessary to go out to a theater to see an X-rated film; they can now be viewed in the privacy of one's home, purchased outright or rented.

In the early '70's, Deep Throat was a middle- and upper-middle­ class phenomenon, drawing a sur­ prising cross-section of America out to see what all the fuss was about. Suddenly even "respec­ table" people could be seen at an Assoon as you get a job,30u could The Card can help you begin to X-rated movie without much com­ get the American Express® Card. establish your credit history. And, for ment, and tidy, well-appointed Ifyou're a semor, all you need is business, the Card is invaluable for adult theaters were built to cater to to accept a $10,000 career-orientedjob. travel and restaurants. As well as shop- the new market segment. By the That's it. No strings. No gimmicks. (And ping for yourself. time the novelty wore off, home even if you don't have ajob right now, Of course, the American Express video had come along and the in­ don't worry. This offer is still good up to Card is recognized around the world. dustry had really started to boom. 12 months after you graduate.) Why is So you are too. Mail-order and off-the-shelf, American Express making it easier for So call1-80Q-528-4800 and ask to VHS or Beta, sexually explicit you to g~t the Card right now? r ~-...... /-.... ~ ! have a Special Student Applica- video is available to satisfy the Well, simply stated, we be- ri'~/~i I tion sent to you. Or look for one diverse tastes of the expanding lieve in your future. And as you lii//iii/.,. on campus. market. The ability to view at go up the ladder, we can help- Jltf/.i i~.Oph./i : The American Express Card. It.• II 8M home, and even to order through m a lot ofways.·····'//_L&~,.;..,~"'"'~,....~""==O=,~.. ii/ Don't leave school without it. the mail, allows those who wish to view pornographic films to do so © 1985 American Expteso; Travel Related Services Company, Inc. TH E CALIFORNIA TECH FRIDAY 26 APRIL 19857 [------sPORTS------j Beaver Baseball Vh ...Consistent by Doug Oute Pomona to score, and after five in­ The Baseball Beavers suc­ nings it was 2-14. In the sixth and cessfully cemented their position in seventh innings, however, greed the SCIAC league standings last swept through the Beaver batting week. In a great show of sport­ order, and Tech scored six runs. smanship, Caltech selflessly The final score was 8-14, as Tech sacrificed itself and allowed overcame temptation to hold onto Pomona to win three games last the loss. Notably unable to control week, insuring that Pomona will themselves were Kurt Schwartz, ~ not finish last in the league. who had two RBI's, and Gino ~ In the first game of Saturday's Thomas, who scored two runs. .s doubleheader, the Beavers got In the second game the Beavers ~ behind early and tenaciously held hung together well as a team, scor- ~ their score down through three in­ ing no runs for the first five inn- :g nings, carrying a 0-9 deficit into ings, and building up a 0-12 deficit. f the fourth inning. In the top of the In the top of the sixth, however, fourth, however, the Beavers could Jim Hamrick got greedy and POLE VAULTER DAVE "TIGER" GALLUP CLEARS 12 FEET 6 INCHES WITH EASE AT THE CALTECH INVITATIONAL TRACK MEET hold back no longer, and scored homered over the left field wall. two runs. Kurt Schwartz indulged Despite this tacky outburst, the himself by hitting a homerun to Beavers kept their composure and W k1St C I d dead center field to highlight the increased their deficit. The final ee y par s a en ar rally. Caltech continued to allow continued on page 4

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