'faulty Warnsof methods' in pursuingChristian unity

True nature llpisco[)al stressedby hearl \/isits Altcr with Popc

\/,\'l'lCr\N (il'l'Y-lIis I,lolincss I'upt: ,ltrltn XXllt rnet rvith Dishop Ar'{htrr [). [.ichlcnbcr.,lcr, prcsirl. ittg bisltoll ol the Plotcstant Bpis- copal ('lrrrlt,lr in thc l nitcrl States, in arr hrslolic 35-nrinutc audicnco lirsl'l'il(,s(ln)'. 'l'hc nrct:ting, rlcsclillotl as nn "utrollicilrl" c(,urtcs,v call, rvas lllc lilst such :rtrriicncc cvrr gluntctl lr pt'esitlirrg lipiscopal llislrolr. It follorvtrl a srrnilar autlitncc gItrlltr'(l last l)cccmbcr to I)r'. (lcolflerl' lJishr:r'. thcn Alclrbislrop of Canterhur'.v and lDrrru(.1' problt.rtr Can'I agrcc ht,:rrl ol thc Cllrrch o[ Ilngland, (iI,' THE VATICAN CITY tlaily, A [,] i:E stt/f ltICI,: {-lsscn alolc Ilonlnno. r'cportad lhe vi-qit of llislrop Liclrtcnbclgel turr:rirtothc ()ll in r florrt llag0 stof.s arrtl statcd llcligiorr "errlrli;llll' ir,',,?etlls.cKr:iJ',i:tJl:ll]li',#li"tY,"",l;l:i:.ouo" llttt l'opr,lolrn u'rtl- lB0 utcnrltcrs of lhe ilIolc thntt rrinrcd hilr rn(l (,ntoftainod lrinr in hiolnlcltla--.ltc-rc for tltc annttal Ilo|c is u/hat $rc (li(l. \\tc allorvorl tha lll0ctl'ic Coul- al'l'ablc t:onvelsation. " Widowed jlisltops-wct'c grandmother'rucetinil ol thc 11.S, l)ll)ios ol ltxliana to buy sl)acc in thc pagcs of this ncrvs- 'l'hc r,isilinA pl'cscn{. piu)cr to l)r'escnt thciI sirlc o[ a colll.ro\'orsv tvilh l'ufal elcc- anclsclrtxrls ;llclltc. arr er.ect silvcr'-lrlilt'rl tnan ol (il. \r'orc his tric co-opclativcs. Oncc rr nrontlr, I'rlr nrany months llre (:alif. "in\rttst,or-orvn0(1" Sr\N'l'A ll;\ltliAlt.'\. lorl cpiscopirl lolres rlrrlirrll tlrc colnpilnics, :ls thcy likc to t:llI l.hcnrsclvcs, 'l'he liiglrt tlrirrkcls u,lro havc rlcrotcrl rrrcrl ing. l lc rvas accompanicd have llrcscntcrl thcir cilsc to thc lcirrlcls of Clitcliorr lirrrr' to slrrrl.ting lclillion b.r' l)t'. l,attt'iston L. Sr:aif e, l,:lpis- Iolforvs unique calling I'ot'cefully itnrl couvincingly, 1'cals rtt Autrlican socir:t1, confcss irr colral bislrop of WcsL Nerv Yolk, antl (llillrit'tl l'ltr'lps i\lorcltouse, All tltc fnt'ttrs irt lntliana, tlrcv algtrerl, can no\\' hilvc tltcit' fittal rcl,r)r't tlref at c sttttrtporl b.t'tlrc issrrc ol lcligrorr Nerv Yor'lc [,ipiscopal la5, leatlcr. elcctlicity: 99.5ti of tltcut rlo lrin'c it. \Vlry shoulcl co-opcra- 'l'lrc gloulr ;tltrl s(:hor)ls. u'as cscoltcd into thc tive clecllic colnpanics be subsirlizerl lly the lrederal gor. '.,; privaie liblirr'-v lly llsgr, t'oliiliotts ('nlnlrlulril\', \v0t'e clnmcut n'ith lorv-itrtol'cst.loa!ts lo brrilrl a plant lhat. .lohn lVilloh|1ntls. scc|cta|y of ARCHBISHOP Alter' fit'st cnllctl lx)\\'cl' tltilcr'-ttt:itit, lol llt's. \\'ini- u,oukl only duplic:rtc cxisting elcctric facilitics? thc Vatican C'orrncil's seclctaliate lttctttion lo lhc cstcettt irt rvhiclt tlt'cl Srrllir iln. il lll('nlhcr fol Chlistian l-:nit1. IIsgr'. Igino ol I'opc .loltn is ltcltl by llotlt Catlt- ('r'oss 1'ltc ltig utilit.y yrcoplc scctrtcd to bc trtaliirrg scn.sc rvil.lr (.larrlinala. ol Norr' \'ork, An IIolr' Plirrslr, lrrrlilnlP- clics antl rtott-Catltolics. IIe thcn "r'irtttc tltcir at'gutncnt--if you took u,itlr ir gl'iliu of salt th;.ri:'cmo- atluclrc 0f trrc Vaticln Sr.cIc- olts, plaisctl tlre I'o1le's of "'lltc tiort:rl tt'inrttrings alloul the loirrr to co-ops being rr tlrleat, ttr tarialc ol S{ale, sclvcrl as intcr'. nurgnarrirnilr'" nrrrl stltod: (lt'ltttiln,r,iirr'r' t,l r'irtlrt :llt(l :l ilrc sulvival lhc clcctlic clinrnx tr[ ]tis ltoJrrrs antl asltirn' of' lxrsine.ss alt(l evct'y otlrcr irr- l) fctc f. \t'itlrrrt. Jl t:. Srriiir lrir lr:rs lrt'cn tions is rluite cr'idcntly tlre cott- vcstor-o\vucrl brrsircss antl irrtlrrstly ilt thc lJnil.crl Slale.s. \\'illlout llilrrh (rl)lr,-illi(rlls lrri' '['lris I ISHOP l,iclrtrnbclge r statcrl localiou o[ a ficnclnl eouncil of ( s{aterrrr.nt is nuirle in thc lalcr' tn a ii('\is conft:rent:c tlliitt) J irr'\ Ii sct'rrrt,rl onlr' I[' lltc ltrrul co-opcrativcs walllLr(l lrr buy sDace ir"rour' "stlt{r}l('}tl lltat St'pnlatc rluartn's arc plovulcd tlrc Clrut'clt." Iinill B{,;)urio of plirr- "sJrol;r' ltirltll irl irrt lrr.i iil rit'r ult. lllol tr t0 ilns\vcf thd Dlcct|ic ('onrllanics oi' Irittiarra, that llis Ilolittcss l't'Jislterlll' of ftrr'.\lls. Sullivnn in the honrt-, ilapcl' ciplcs' iirntrtr;tt'izing llrr, t'oltr:lrr. \illllnlli'r' trjrl rrr :rr,i tltr' [,ittlt' troukl be firtc u,ith us. t\lctrrrrrlrilc it lookctl likc u lintrncirrl Irrs tlcr'p lnl{'r'{'st irr tlra trnitv ol' Shc cuntlucts hel spilitual t:ror'- sl()rts ot llre strtrll trtarlc ln, llrl ('ltt'tstilrtt Sistt'ts in lllr'rr' :\poslolltt' oI llro itll 1ito1ilt, anrl oI his stlugglc that n'us nollc ol orlr L)usinoss. (-'('nt(,r' cist's in plivn{c. at icasi urrtil The Oblates do nol ehango lot' llre Slurll' trf l)crrio- r\:lttl I'rrot', iilt it('li\ ll,V sho h:ts 'fhe tlt'silc tu ltt'lp clt,atc an atn)os. thol'o ;rre lrldilional Ohlirtcs. r\t clatic institutions lrtlc. Ctl]r).rO(l l!l' .ll) r'in s. fheir nrmes when lhey ioin the plrt,r'c ol clrali{1' :rrrrl trtrrlctstarirl- .\ il'haf's horv inuoccnt \\'c $'cl'e. J'lrlt's lrorv ignorant n'c (lcrttel llrnt tinre thet' u'ill livc a com- ronrrnunily. They retain lheir is an rilf.shoot of thc I,'untl "ll 1\rtll'c. ing lnronl all rnt'n." IIe adrlc

"lt ,*aft -atan 'l'lrc rnrrst be rladc t:lcal to otrl Ilc rlelt,lrrlutl sut:lt civil t'igltts six-nronth pcliotl is follorvctl tlenrorrstlations as thc sit.ins and It1' a rnoLc iltlcnsitc ot'r.rratatiott selrat'ated blcthlcn thai ulrri:,', to btr gonuinc, rnust bc unitl' of faith, h'ccrlonr t'irlcs trt th

In this conneclion h: remembered a caplrin "e "LATER who would ray lhat soldier musf lerrn lo I WAS prurnotctl to cor.por.al," sairl "nrerel.r'bor.ause rlend cven wilhout legs." thc Pope, onc u'ho ltas norrnal health and intelligence must becourc a cor.por.al attel six nronths."

r\ftcl a tinrc, he conlinuccl. he tvas a cantli. A pliest.consultant anc a Yol. datc fo| prourotiOn to tlrc r.auli ol untcel ph)'sician rvill be availallle scl'gcallt. llc at the clinic, s,hich rvill saitl his eliatrirnirtlon Iol pr.onrotion rvcnt,'just bc held " onc night rveckly at each of five so'so. Catholic hospitals in the Buffalo "Yhey rsked lo give at'ea. me lhe order lor r plrloon lo rtlrck," recalled fhe Pope,,,l who I'ricsts of thc rlioccse u'ill be hr

llrildings lrouse n ate eultural heritage o( man- wastc and trsgedy of illiteracy, By NORMA K' HERZFELO otlrr-r stnlllet' .the dt:lt'gntes' kintl, and it can pronote regard crlnfol'cnce hlll lntl prejuilice and ignorance. lt can, f iccri, lor learning, for rCience, Ior of as it has done so wcll in thc past, trlaunt to cateli tlto ttrost ton' litcruture and the arts. help remove lhc bar.rio's which Ir,nll)or':ll'I'spirrl ot tlte ar'ls, tlrt It can preate coneern for the separate men antl erriitrres, rruililinr ivas dusi(ttorl hI' thUta It:rttling :tt't:ltitecls. Atltct'ica's i\lnlcel lllctrer'. Irt'ilnctr's llct'rtlrrtl Zelrlfuss rrrtl ltitly's I'icr'I,rrigi 'l'hr)J .":tth other, Rfe tnndc fot' Nt t'vi, rlith ilrt'il st1'lt'nrrtl ltlr\'4, desh rrrtrst inlsfnil' irrtrl ologttnct', Itelrirlrl thc rx' lN THE PA$T lrrrilrlitlgs hnlc rluisilell -ir:tt't'tl sl cattrolcs itLlttg l ionul ctlnfclcttct' lrr.cn left to tht'lli{rreit's trf tlte ililfiiltllilllllllllllllllll!!llrllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll rlonots. Ona ttation ruighl tlonate n llltlrBl of Itrttsclrr- 1'l,is i.t lltr'f,ttlrllr ctrrf lrt.rl for lhis t'trt()k ()li lrortntl tt't:tttliitttl stntlrping ottt thr: crtic/c rrt (t.sr'l'rasl'al)0flirl0 nttotltet' ltittiolt nrlcrtroftotrrll {i0e}ralas rt' i t lr uitr.nloilgr,t's, 'l'ltc rlrrrtrttu fot' iltltt cl'nnn,y s liarrrJr,'rrrtrfet s irr lltuopc. nright hlortzr' rt rubt'ella'sl anLrler-s, n,. lr key lest of man's in.qcuuity rn npplf ing lris tecltni- ASPHAI.T cal tools at tlre light time $nd place anrl in tlrt' riglrt {ashioi-r to DRIVEWAYS popttla" kcolr lrlrrtlut'lion alrtrnd of w. i " o. trol\Es tr()n gfowllt. RUG CLEANERS ot low * 20C rq. tt" Ilcsirlcs cncourtgilrg gcnernl in. 4440 N. XEYSIONE lt.6.i504 NOTHINGDOWN tclnationul scicntific cooperatiott Up lo 5 YrIi lo Fry anrl !lrc inrplovenrcttt o[ scienct: . SONDED ' INSURED traclrinl.t, liNlqs(l()'s u atu rs I Churchrnd SchoolPlrygrounds rcicnces inclrulcs thc rnd ParkingLolr I)r'o!.{r'aru cslablishrncnt o{ an intelnntionel SCHAFER conrprttatiort ct'trtct' in Itome Ior CONSTRUCTION CO. studl' oI elcctlorrics and infolma- FL 6.9708 Alro Concreir Drivcwayr IESTJITBIIOTITERS Serve Christ lly Playcr, Dedication of thcir Clet'ical, Technir:irl. iud ot.her abilitics at hotue antl in the fu'eign ntissions.

F'or flca booklet about the life autl new train- ing progrum, \\'rite

Brothcr W. R. Haas, S.J, Wesl Baden College Werl Baden Springr, lndiana HAPPYTHANKSGIVING our best tor a bountiful one lhh bright toune lcdt will bc oblc lo conlinu. hrr rfudicr nl s univstrily brcoura rhr putr hrr boby'ritting rorningr ond porf of hrr qllowoncr Into Ambulance hrr Cdtit fcdrrol rovlogr o<

WILL YOU HELP HIM?*This Alricrn child ir lypicrl of lhousrndr o( nredy youngslers thc world ovor who will benefit from lho rnnurl Bishops'Thanksgiving Clolhing Colleclion lo be trken up in In All prrirhes ol lhe Unifed Stales November l9 io 26. Wearrbla used fntlianu , , , No Finer, No Greahr Dirplry clolhing, rhoes, blankets and olher bedding supplier ale especirlly of Qurlity Planos lnd Orgrnr Under Onr Roof. needed for lhe millionr of dostitule frmilier.

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best for the over-alt Eootl oi iht: iiaiion antl the free world, letrders, including President Kennedy, are to be believed at giiiliiillilifiiiiilitiiliiiiiliiliniillllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllr Also, rvc agl'ee thcrc is nothing wrollg, Per ie, in nuclcar all, rve have right now an adequate supply of nuclear thet'e can be very lntlch wr'ong t'massive cxt)losivcs,-but rvc think \\rcrrpons, whether for retaliation" or the more rviih their al)plication to intet'national relationships. = Cornrrrerrt liurited neerls of military action on the battlefield: that we in lherc odiiorlrl columns rep' Althotrgh the gcnelal's spcech was vcty catcfttlly rvot'rl- hirvc no immediate military or scientific need for testinq. The opinions rxprelted jt ,,abso- C'thollc ett. indicatert n cleat teniletlcy oll his palt to favor the Frrr'lherrnore,in his opinion, the resumption would bc vlowpoint-nol nocorrarily THE resenl I Catholic I'csulnption of nttclear tcsts. Indc.cd, tr sttperficitrl rctltlel of lutely belorv the sense of common dignity which the United rditoru lo rcrve public viewpoinl. They are offorfr ol lhc Ihe ncrvspaper repol't tnight easily reccivo alt, imptessiott States Government and its citizens shoulC llave." Nrllon' opinion wilhln the Church rnd wllhin lhe he actualiy}ecomincttdcd thcir rcs-ttmption; and thijs he did Impatient citizens, who advocate immediate action for not (lo, iusi the salncr wt: might rvotrder about rvhal prc- r'final over Communism and so oi'!, are very vocal cisely the speech indicated, in vierv of tltc fttct that it rvas .victory" irr rrrging our resumption of nuclear tests, Before they Porver prcrblerrr previously dlertretl by the Adrttittistratiott, trv arry lrartler than thcy do to persuatle the President to abcedt- (Continuerl fronr Pagc l) Anothcr opiniorr on nucle€lr testing colres from Am- theit'viervs, they might ask themselves a few questions. to irsking qltcstlotrs: bassudot .Jnmes .I. Wadsrvoltlt, (Saturday Review, Novctn- lhc parts that sct us Is the immediatc resumption so really necessary, either "agricttltttre bcr 1B). I\'Ir. Wadsrvorth wits fot' tlo ycttt's thc U.S. reltt'e- socictl' scientifically or militarily?'Would it do'anything ll all to lu Itt an cxpantling inrlttstrial scntfltive at thc Getteva negotifltions scekillg a tl'eaty to collvince the Russians-lnore than thev are alreadv con. sltottkl reccivc spccial hclp." orrtlaw lluclcal' tcsts. IIe rvas tltett appointcd bv I'rcsitletrt vincert-that rve are a pcople not t0 be frifled with? bo we l,liscnltolcr as hcad of ottr dclegation to lhe tjnitctl Nittions. insttre that nrorc t'ctttltr to t'ttt'al livittg leally necd to provc our prcsent or strength right 2. To )'orttlt IIe is noq'plcsiclcnt of li'rccdom llousc anrl of thc lrcacc Dol,elltial trtlth0ritics shoultl see to it rrorv,to ourselvus or to anyonc else? Ii, as has been rvidel.y rlfter fiuishing scltool, ptrblic Resealch lnstittrtc. ::iiiJt atlcqttittclV dcvclltt.c,tl^itt cluirrrecl, thc Russirrns have lost good rvill L.r.iiiirii 1iut,tic s.l:i,i.'.'s at'c by their nucleai "R go0(l ot tllose (Continuerl page g) ruiii alc;rs" aild that there bc stlDplv IIc alguerl that, if successive statcnerlts l:y national on hi'c ftrrrtishctl ;i:;,ii,.i.'ii*.aoa"io' iiiili'i"ii'at fartrt'itottrcs lincs"' liiro'oiiitippcrl to bc l'll!l on ltlodt'I'll O BOX lV'elconte falbut O STRAY LEAVES "irgricttltllre QUESTION .3. Sittce income flott's itr nrorc slotlly'ltttl is exttosccl to gt:catt'l' risk's irt tltc llroccss ot I)l'o(ll'lctloll'-' l rlctc- it is ilifficult to gct capital for inc-rcrse ol illcollle. A frank c\'0lve(l rot [atrnct's" Cirl has a question iirr.,'i;:i':;;".lin.:i"i'irrstitutio.s cii'tlit lrtrlic.r' be ,ici..rtit aiid' l.''c t'r:calr'tl s'hich rvill .prot'itlc cipit"f-toi ilgri.ctlltul'c at a suitable rate of ittlcLcst'" "It per' of 4. is desirable that indrtsll'ics and serviees trriniriS to the prr\srlrYillioll, pl'occssing artrl lt'itttspot'talion oi feliri lltr Cstnblis5ctl ip firltll ilt'cils," illl(l :lls(] l)ro([lLitS ,,In oiher in,iustrits. this \\'ay fitnu f:tmilits catt sttllltltl- iirelt lheil incprlc ip tire sal10 ellvil'olu'pcnt ip rt'ltich tltey live aud \\'ol'k." "it 5. r\ncl to britrg abottt thesc itllltt'ovelllclrts is csscn' lirl lhnt thcy (irrrrii fatuilies) fortn-a flo.r'ishing s.\'stcln of co-opol'r1tive.satttl professional ol'gilllizati0lls, It clitl rtot takc long to learn flottt fat'trt cNPerts Utilt lhis papul lcltt'hing Is fiit' frotlr ivor]' lotvcr thaulizittg. ;\tttl rvircri tqrort stgc iliiticc we bcgan to.stucly the ntlitl clcctric co-Opcl.illivcriror.trncnl \\'c caitlc to tht: co'clrtsiott lltat hclc elt's tt'ct'e \t'fls'lh0 l)lll)nl lcllchlllfl Nlf0ll(lv iU)l)li0(1. 0ttt' oDLln{'(1.\\'t' sltrt' lltc stt'ttggltt llt'ttt'octt tllc lllvt'stol'-o\vllL)(t aird thc co-optrllivc t'k'ctliC'cottlpill)ics itr a ttctv ligltt' o This is \\.hirt \ve tliscovct'ctl: f)nl"v tn'c.nty-six ycars ago, ill 191]5,nirte otlt 0I ten fartus in thc [,r.S. u'r're uilhortt cicctric power. irt that ycal' tht: .I,'otltrt'al (ittvt:tuttteut orgattizerl the iluraI lilcctlilication r\dttrirristratiotr to loittt moncy at rr:drtcetl itttelest rirtes to :rny ckctric comprlny rrilling to servc rufal areas. It lvas hoiretl that r'xisting po\\'cr compallie.s $otllil apply for IIIiA lorins. IJttt lhtt' \\'el'e n0t interested. A special collllrtittcc "tltt't'c of thc ulility intlustrl' r'epolted to tlte liUA that nre vcfy {e'il falurs i'cquiling clcctlicit5' lor tttttjor fartrr pul'poses that are n0t now sefvc(l," What the utilit.l' irtrlustry l'eally lltcallt \\'its that cvt\n n'ith lorv ittterest fiuauciug tltct'e u'as llo proiit itt scn'icittg lul'al in'rlas, $'hcl'c there were only {otu'possiblc coltsultlcrs on thc avcrrgc fol eaclt nrilc of line as agilillst an trvcrage of serrelitl hundrrtl a lnilc in the citics. So, lhe go sign was given to the Arnericnn fanncr 1o organi?,e uon{)folrt co-opclative rrlecttic col}rpiluies. With Iorv irttercst ltrttus frottt JlLlA, co-ollcratives coutraete(l lor elcctric powcr &t $'holesalc prices flom existjug utility cotu- panicrs, btrilt lines anrl distributing ccnters, and sold nlral Anlerica ou the co.operative idea. in e few years they ac- cornplishc(t \\hrlt the utility corilpanics considered impos- eible. ifotlay gTrb of rural Amcrica is electrilied. Ilere in Indiana the mral co-operatives are knorvn as B,Il\l(l'.s, lluliil Iilcetlic i\lenrl:ersliip Corporations. ilhr:re are 43 ol thcnr, chartcrerl by the State of Intliana, scrving 'I'hcsc cotnnlents0n Walkcr caso ovrlr .l70,000 nu'al hontes, falrns and busirlcsscs. thc silcncrilg (r{ a lecttlre Itl:lll(l's l)ay all State and local taxes, including the Statc indivi

O FANITLI' CI,TNIC . VHAT OF THE DAY t ontroversvis healthy Fiueyears ,f rnisery J Bv REV. JoHN DORAN tlrc tration than thc pursuit of har- to go ahearl anrl atl:rcli a position lltt'il honeynrotrtt, atltl By JOHN L, THOMAS, 5.J. rvt.n rltttittg nton)." hich hc thinks is bad for Ircolrtq lylys lravc 'evr,r. r.carl a tlrrr llro rr'sullittg tt'rtsiott nntl tlistrtrst cannt't,,agrce lrodv politic' copy rrf l{nrily l'ost,tifr riifi or:i.il heartily. grlouide tro ltatrlllty clintalc fot' 'l'lrt'r'e.,,,1 .rnore 'fo alc th's* l'ho ser: the lib. r-'xclrrtle tlris

School Pr:izcs I-DAY OT\1,)1! liood City ..

CYO CADET FOOTBALL LEAGUE ScecinaFestival GrinsteinerFuneral Home Finrl Divirlon Strndingr Ertablirhcd l85l Divirion l: St. Andt'erv 7'0; Lil.- llc !'lorvcr 5.1'l; St. Alark 5-1.1; dEOn,G[ ]1. GRtHSTflNtt i_: fiAROID D. UNGIR St. Alicharl 2.4-l; St. Larvrcnce swt;;1),g#19 lllhor.2.t37/t york t60t lort Nrw lt. 2-4-1; St. Joan of Arc 2-4-1; Cltt'ist the King 2-5; Iloly Nanle 0"6-t. Division 2: St. Philip Ncri 6-0.t; S{. Christopher 6-1; St. Pius X 5-2; Iloly Spirit 4-3; St. Cathcrinc 3.+; PrimeRoast Beef and Premium POULAN CHAIN SAW Our Latly of L,ourdes 2-5; St. I'at- A light wcight lugger rick l-5't; St. Itoeh 0-7, Bed for larmers and Dinners Division 3; Immaculate I{ealt RoastTurkey timber.men 'l'r'inity 7-0: IIoly 6-1; St. IJerna- 'Til Cloring I5 ymrs'of prtwen Sewing l2 {Noon) dettc 5-2; Cathedlal 3.4; St. r\n- r€rvice. t Models 'l'houras 75c thony 3.,1; Sl. 2.S; Sacretl Adults Children Dealer Inquiries CHARACTERin rn inslitulion. . $1.50 Inyited lleart 2-s; St. ,loseph (Shelbyville) 0-7. Means high ideals applied , . , Divirion tl: St, l\[onicn 7-0i Nlount Carmel 5-2: St, Sinron li.2; Grancl Prrze... .$1000 St. I\Iatt.herv .1.3; Iloly Angcls 3.,1; Willingners lo do more St. James 2.5; St. Ann 2.5: St. fhan iurt duty. I.uke 0-7. 2ndPrize . . . 3rdPrite . .. $100 (Notc: Sl. Anrh'erv, St. Plrilip ON THIS BASIS_ $250 [IllOBItHEAI Nct'i, Inrnraculate Ilealt, anrl St. BUDGETPAYMENT PLAN Itlonica rvon rlivision titles.) Our desire is fo be of 4thPritl . ,. $100 5thPrize . .. $100 "Our lhe greatert rsrvicc. Oil lleat, Can't Be Beat" TITIEUNAN StevensMortuary Seer:ina lligh School l5th at Emerron Coal & Oil Corp. JotrPH t, $rvtxl GAMES- Door Prires Every 30 Minutes- GAMES "Kecp b'ttl| Scrufcc', Jurt Of, Kcrrlor!lvd, on l6rh I{I' 6-0125


DTS]VEY'SI,A:I'EST O BOOKS OF THE TIOT'fi A film for dog-lovers Turgid Caldwell novel

ing, pullctl-up-by-the-bootstraps John's prayer tnovies can bd B. D. B. THEALL, O.S.8. St, for the Coming JAMES ARNoLD Ierv t:ttt't'ertt By type of l,orrng Anrelican nrale of the l.ord, fronr tho Apocalypse. sttt'rivett l)y etef.\'olle in lhe Jatu- 'fhc gats naurerl I'onr Sheklon. It nray well be, horvever, that pclsectltetl tlog'ltt'ro ily, antl ol tht'sc' tltnny alo blroll' "lloblt.v"' qrrickll' evcfi lhe readcr familiar with bctter tt'eiltulclrt lllln thc oltl oi coruic stl'ip stattll'0. It becorncs appal'cnt "(ire1 these in their lJiblical contcxt has uconlr. ittul kitls irr h'iilt's lurnest :tttd n'cll-nladc, is lvot'tlt thlt a stot'1'-book trtarriage sttch never thought of thrir use in itotiLrr." \\'nlf ltisttcl''s tlt'$'t'st trtcnding-plor-itlctl only llttr as tlris rvill be rlifficull- indecd. Lecont private pra):ef, live-c]rirractel' th'attta' Ilut {hen sicu'r't' adtlrit'es th)gs and is tvill- Yet it docs conre off, and the t'est is ltorv l,'rour early nlovie (ltlgs .l!'c ing to ltale tlrat n

llc hopeti t iortal

s stt'ifle folecd rrherer.er irr the In Chimb.rlc, rnolhcr Peru' 'l'he to be found. vien porl, rhc rnd olhcrs of lhe a uselul basis Peace Corps unil visiled a one- thesc practiccs, leacher clemenlary school for iu eurployurent girlr whilc it wes in ression. 'Iticlt has been meot neod' the ILO for the Choote lho club to Your

-r\ draft con- Ycu RecetYt Deposil EverY tot OolY ting Cl'ect lar dis" Oriter Weeh 25 De1osils

.$1,00. ..$25'oo $2.00. '.$50'00 loptetl $1'oo ' '$1oo'oo Con- $10.00. ' $250'00 t $20,00. .'$500'00 , a

\- llerrrberl:olc \\i_t_t------]---t,to' r-l--ta-Gt------oj- - - -- r- i------THE CRITERION,NOVEMBER T7, 196T PAGE NINE ItttilililililililMlilillilililililililiiiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlltllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Can't agrce ITur:lear tests Festivals, dinners clot social calendar

(Oontittttcd ft'tttn Pltgc l) (Continucd from page 4) highal loalning, tltc t'cpot't said testiug, horv tlo we expect to gain by doiug the same thing? rrc Tacker "al)otrt" nonc olrjcctcd to tcaclting lcligiun ilt the uppor-ltiglt attd Our rvhole political philosophy entails a reliance on collcge level, t)ersuasion alld r'ca,son rather than on forceful domination. 'l'ho big stunrbling block fttt' the Unlike the Russians, our positions of laadership in the rvorltl gfoup in studying pat'ochinl is molc filnrly bascd on illl acceptance of the rightness of schools. thc rcpolt saitl, \vos what we tlo than it is on the material and military force "rvhetltcr pat'ochial ctlttcation is \vc call pl'oducc. We rvatrt peace; real peace in the world, a goorl tlrirrg frl'Atuct'icatt so- " llot thc uneasv incrtia of cxhattstion that characterized the cict 1'. 'rhe gont'r'al llgunrcnt ovcr lhis intelval betrvban lVorld Whrs I and II. In common with qucstion. it coulinucd, ltns bccn cvery other civilizerl nation, we want to halt the suicidal "irrtcrtsifictl of latc l)cciluse so international arms-racc spiral rvhich thrcatens that peacc. rnany Ilorttan Cltltolic spokcsnten Wm.Weber & Sons possiblc, " (lrrrt rtot only llontrn Ualholics) It is rvith special knorvletlge not available to Puruey orc of Fine .llleats' hlvc rnn intrrinorl thlt pat'ochittl orrlirrary eitizens cither for or against nuclear testing, that Beech Grove, Indiana schools lravc a ligltt itl .ittsticc lo thc Presitlent may decitlc a rcsumption is absolutely neces- sT 7.1391 :r shrlu in {hr pulrlic fttrrds sary. \\re onl.y hopc his decision rvlll not be in any way Breaded Fish Portions For !'ish !'ries allottctl to t'durrtion. csltecially rluc lo rlistal

XMAS IREES, ANYONE?-Il an..' clrrtlclt grottps rvould like nn espr'ciallv gourl rltal ott Cltristtttlts lrees*ecilar and pines-contact (('otttittttctl llill volk. 31113 I':. llichir{an St., Inrliannpolis ( i\l11 7'51't'1). }lc catr ft'ottt p:tr:c I ) Nc*'nrarrn'Iothcrs t604 'l't'ttttcssce. pt'ovidc tlccs by tlrc truckload ftont slitutcs n rnirlrte of utti{t' fol the West rt nhly," 'l'lrr. lunr:hcorr Morris 5t. THIS lS YOUR LIFE-Prrlshiontt's of Sl. Michrel'r prrish, lllarl- courrcil's inttrtttliltt |ttt- llltn posc, fortl. look tltc oppot'tttttity of their pnslot's (?) lrirthrlay to ptttscttt suirl tlrc :\r'clthisltttp, is ttot 'l'lr. NovEMBER lt o "lo Nt'*u*rtt lltrthc's' ('ltrb .f "'l'his ret'ontly. Frther Eernrrd put lnlo cffoct sonr(! Ilr'r'\'lolls. lrinr rvith r stttpt'isc is ltrtrl lifc" skit Our Lrdy of Greenwood Social ll nello{i:ttctl Ilrrtllr Irriver.sit]., lprliirllpolis. Gerdon rr'fls lut'etl to l rttt'etittg of tlrc pat'ish's St. Anne Altttf llositl'J" il!ll('r"tl(}l}l c{)tt(t(}t'fl- ME 8-1388 rvill lrolrl lunchcon nrcctirrg irt (;::10p.nr. thc school hall. "cttrrcnt inq a plorllaltl ()f unil.v r'rrlclctl a ul in Socitty, sullposr,rllv to hoRr t pant'l tliscttssiotr of evt'nts info rvith tlre rlisrdi'rtt cltttlthts," l:l llooll :rI lhe Iinir:lrts of Colunr- lutl cdut-ationnl ploblcms of ottr scltool." When lre nrltit'etl ntot'r. ''to lrus lrull, Ii. T'hotnpsott Iloarl. hrrt clrriil' bt folc thc rvolkl 5lt lhfln l0t) nl thc nttctittg he letlll'tltotrght tlttr scltttol hatl H-oly Angelr' Sociel llcgins aI l)et's{)ns the tnlc nrt aninll of unll)'." lustlf. vlctor 1,. (ioosscns rlill - {i::}0 lhe scltool attdi- r.tirrcaturiral problenrs. r\nyryal', the sul'pl'ise parly btgan--cotuplcte pr.cstint filtrrs of lris trip through l}.nr. in rlilh tlro appcrfilncc of his prlcnts, Mr. and Mrr. Albcrl Gerdon the I[oly l,artrl. tot'ittltl, 28lh atr

AS FOR EMPLOYIdENT, llsqr'. "{inlcss Lallt eonlinucrl: oppor'- HEALTH tunitits itlc opcttert on a rvitlc itfi[ ]E scale lor lhe irrl- n-.on to lcalizc Salon,D'or fillrnlnt of tlr('lll(!llts unrl alrrli- (iurl tics rvith rr'hich ettrkrrvetl 3 2102 North Mericlian lhe,:. . fnrstllrlion attd rlis. illusiortrrtt'rtt tvill br, l cr)nllllrlll 'r crlllt nlorl il \'. "'l'lrt' orrlv lost frrr cnrplol'ntcnt lhru in ottl corrtrlrl' slrr;ulrl lx' llrt' rtni- lhfi,,hPOWER vct'sal ,\ rnct'iclrt tosls oI rtlrility antl intcilr'it1'," hr: saitl. ISorvlt s (Continrred flonr paile .1) ffi papal aiiocutions of u,iticir ihe with protei*pocked (y| $TlsTX.|- trtost of Popt' )a\ fcccnl \r'ls llrilt wA s-9208 .Iohn XXIII to Italian .iout'nalists GOLDEN ahottl a nronllr ago. DRNK-eiinilZG0LD\ llvcnings by APpointment It nrislrt llc inlclcsting Io cr- GUERNSE'A-S arnino thc extcnt u) *hich tlrc ".' ttolion of financial succcss as a M!-LK r., r MoDtFtEDMILK ploot ol light ncss ui policy has t pclnrcalttl Catholic iout'nalistrr; thc cxtcut to rvhich cditols nury Thur:sdaySpccial "tlrc riglrtlrrlll' scr.li lorve-st corrt- U-,)mX nrott tlertonrtnator"' in ot'tlet' to N ffi*1'..fi;*::,f 9 Days to Prepare Dinner? AJE\- doy,r row cotorie dierer :ltlract tllo lar'.gest possilllt. r'ent[- e r'sltip; lhc cxtent, cvt'n, to rvlticlt Ycs, that's u,hat it takes to propel'ly llrcpafe wolxlcf ful cict'tnau :,.';*";:"ilii"i,,o-Jl tlrr, 1-rloiits ot a llublicatiort nray our fJf".,J.$fff'B:":11; llc allocatcrl to strllpolt tlrc tnrs. 'iilillr*tins siotts anrl ollrcr irnpcccabl.r' com- so,den jects SAUERBRATEN *'u";::"';i#:'J:ilI nrenrlalllc plo of the kitttl brrt color ond delicious srnoolL Youngsf ers onA oariil at thc cxpcnsc of tht'gt.ncIal ServedWith nesr of Gurnzgold osl-uJes olike, love thot ,mooii rlualitl' of the sanrc plrl)lication. German Polaloe Pancake and Apple Sauce you of koditionol Golden Golden Guernsey Ro"oJ- rl . T) /17. A'ra carre .":ff n{l;,*tl,'1L",':"".'i:lHt"ti"rlx;'":r}i; r atllltv L iltuc 55C :'#'il?:j,:ij"?'{$t J :::ln*'*LLjltgjl (Continucrl flonr page 5) OPEN THANKSGIVINGDAY arc both obligcd to tlo all tltat *l.;;;ffin{"i1* &iii:::igJ'li:r;:i yort rcasonablv cart to fintl a n,r rhe hno,rmirk monJj workablc soltrt ion. fijlrill[i5ttfnoqoced Filc urtsttceosstttl 1'cals shottld 't sr r'tzrl cAFETERLA 7'2234 cAtL FoR nift rtrakt'it clcal that sonrctlting is HE$IBITZ'S :T1;|!!- H.ME t irdicallv rllong rvith l ottt' r'cln- D*v*>fu t ronslrips. If husband t'e- otuu*L,mL'- I'orrr parking on lot of Atlas Super Markel Itrses to cool)crate in scoking Plenty of Free rnnilrrffi quffilifi c0nrr,ptcnl hclp, 1ou nra5' as $'cll pl:rn ftrr il pcrnlall('lll sepat'ltion. 5373(ottEGE (1. 5-0058 v/' ,Y_7/. Yott lt'r' not llo\r, liring lts Cht'ts to 8 7 DaYs a Week til. sporrsrs, so rlhl'coiiiitrrrc tltc OPEN 6:30 a.m. P.m. drsglacclul perlolmance?


{rltttttilltilutmuilullnnllullnFARMER'S VIEW llulllnnuunmuululnmn'g ticability oI neglcct and eruelty. === -fl- You rvill oftcn {ind tlrc truly com. passlonatc lltan or rvonran was the =-:J Pilv lhc fl(.r'rD = child rvho took carc of animals, la"t-l*ris h plerns I\lark anothcr advantage for C--", By DANA C. JENNINGS Christian country living. 'fV 'Tlra lf the villain in r n'cstcm Fcstival' beat his horse ts o'rrelly as hrr CONTRIBUTORS rlkssivirr$ llcats lIl CRlltltllld.will c.rrt rtp [.hc hero rvlrat a cly .. [tl ol trriri rnd orgcitrctlqn!t GorrerporrtanltIn0 othart (!clc- about cruclty to anirnals tlttr na- tlho irrr rapq.l.d newt for lttrl. --'l'\votll! ti{)lh rrriltuul httttrccont ittg lhc aurtrnt lttul, Cj\NNlal,'l'().\. tiort rvottld laisc! Yct Iht.loflowing oeftonr tohmittld ttonr 0tlle r o[ficcr's l'c srrt our fu iirii tttt'kc.r'srvill Itt' ttttlrlrlctl lts ptizcs llt'llo(l ro('olll ll'. woel. (]illcil]' childran dorvn itr front of tlrc tcl' to lrrck5 rvittnt'ts ltt tltt'itttttttill alt' llls. lJcxl [)e,litco, 'I'lranksgivinil cvision to s'atclt trtcn antl worncn l''cslivll st'ltrtlttlt'tl n:iti. r'it'c lllosi(l{)rlti r\!iss llat'y lreing shot, hangctl. knifed, slalr- ('ltrrrch otl Strtt St'lrrrltr', t'ittt:inttati, socl'ctitr)'; rrt St. Ilichttcl's pe(1, gougctl, 'l'lrc Cont'oy, Jt'., sluggctl, clubbcrl, rlitl', Novt'trtbot' lti. fe slir ltl Iurtl llls. \\'illi:rnt (:tn('illnirlr. bcatctt, hurnctl, th'aggctl by rviltl \\'ill b0gill aI li p'nt. itt tltt' 1t;rttsll lt'r'itstil(ll. hot'scs, ctc, :r

EACH ASSEMBLY llrgan rvitlr S. W. Cor.6rh qnd Ohio C'9576 att otrtltnc ol tlrc rlutstions on the a;lcrtla fol that, palticulal nrcct.- '['lrcn rng. llrc sccrclitly gener.al, Weslern Aulo r\r'clrbisholl [,clir:lc J.'clici, r.ead TelfCily Federal llrc pro.iecl or hriel subrnittcd by Associste Store a pirltrerrlal plol)alill.ol.) corrtttris- "Evcrylhing 'lhc $. & L.Assn, For Thc Au!o" sron. presirlcnt of the prep- TELL CITY & CANNELTON n latory cortrtnission rvlroso plo j- 60? ltgln Ph. Kl.7'!636 cct ha<[ bccn lt'arl thcn illustlatcrl anrl explainctl lhc r,ar.ious clc- n:cnts o{ the plo,lecl. Attcr this TE[t CITY FISCHER'S <'ante tlre (luestiolls, tliscussiorr antl [inaI r'ote. NATIONAI BANK

elO Moln tl, Il. 7.23rt

PeoplesBuilding ilc givcs you DAUBY'5 factual ntarkcting in(ormation et tllc bilsi3 for your advcrtising invest- ['roiects ale apltr.ototl b1'a trvo- 'nrenls. IIc rvalks into evcry Al]C-nrembcr publication'e officc an


Assumption Holy Angels * * lmmaculate Heart rk Little Flower St, Francis * ART'S DRUGS Brownts Service Stn tion DAVIS GROCT:RYCO. LE0t{'sTv AA'I'HUB J. ilEUNtEn st, l!lo $. lldl!lllNo {lrouerl6t. Uarl|, trtrlitr .L V€FAtrbl6r [,ron Ilorvllnrl t'Yrrur REXALL Druggirttt Srlrtt('.. r\crntsoritr. {;rl Gucronleed Servlta ^dfl\ ll!hery Ooodr gt. llosd sarYlc; 25th it tltntto. g& LL &all.r It-':.]'-U \tash. rt0l c0lr,E0!l i,vlr. r)&, fll0l 4612 tdrt lenlh Slroel iltsUlltf t r.r:, to lt) r),m. ? dorr rt. t-t6Ii -Prercriptiona- \# ,,nl,X,Tl''** {.Ifrtttts x3t Al}I'Y slll)lr -E Holy Cross ,l2llir trlnsl lt)llt !il. * St. Joan of Arc * *- Cathedral * Clerlcnc Skillmsn, Otvnar Woddells Standard l,ttw atEAXY l:tos .r|' l'nn!' ',/, let !l. Fu Servicc I .,AMtJ DAVID fi100rt, llolv Irirrily llrlatlh '{ltl|' ( ll0vcilrher (hurclr ttrt Uou.. 1630 A. N$rr,r toa|t hurElr, O. ferretcry. lftrl1'Arrgels slalt.s(:ar'{l S'rrvivorsr wile Poarl; rlourtlrler, f,4rs^ David llarish l)urt}' ME i.08{i rrVesl (ovinl, sloREY'S FOOD SttoPs Weber, falrl ; nrolher- Mri. {,'otiin, l,Ub, a (t.t lvrtD l,1drv Iyor\ l'4ori'p. l]r',ri /rlbaly; hrollrils, ,lUN|J"Uf Lady of Lourdes * 1.4,;ore, tl/,j!lrinqlor\, Arcryday ind t,Pl.'ur. tr'oodl iu(rloi * I tyorr., l).L., Rol;rrrt l-{., l,l,)r Alb,,'ry; 1i.tfrr, ilr;. kl\taat I'Df,!lhlq I!rlce. Idvrrrd Grllcrr., llcir,irrsorr, Ky.;',iri, llcli.ta lii. Kellv, fier 5L $93J1 rlN" d'i6il A lba rrv. DIRKTSMARKE'T Holy Name * ITRRTIIAUIT I CfCIUA GABl,t, 0/. !t. J,,",reir"; ii,r'rrrr, llovfrrber ii. Sl. Lldry r frr!clcry, l,ldr slrall, lll. rltf,f, DEIJVEIiT [frowrrsl]urg cliu,,.,i rL t.s0r0 5ttr, f, tYr|h. [l 1 AtINA llUl.l,lAH, il{i, ii. tlenr,,li,.r's llovflrLrr L St J'iscDh t,eD rtlarV. 'ur. \ivors: hrolher, lr,rr!l tlr,lnr,rr, Crl*lqr(1.villp; Couple kt nmrk lrrlerr, Mrr, (h,rrle; Trovrbrrdqn, lildranapolr:; Mi55 icrtrorlo llulrrtdrr, Ierrc llnule. WOLMANDRUGS, INC. Siluer Jultilee FEENEY'sTAVERN

Here To Servo You lr!lnqlor'r Ptr\nrlptroI Cfltl. Sti[! t)LllVliRY Iht Vrit B.ti ,n qg.tlllf Crri:ciiit, iiditl, V!qtldbins.'Cho:c! !i.rls rExAco ru[t oll "l'a'r LES & GAR\"S l'ry Oilr' lott;rll/t'd licr{lt'. lrvington Coal & lce Co, R tcfifn0[D I BtllIHA M EtSIlt0, ltl, 5!. r,,jr(w r t llu!{ lr, tiov 9. Srrrvrvorr: d ruqi,t,rrr, 5rr, Irt H:cl,dr,l l.1rt!r, \1. 0,jirnr(1, Oir!o; llr. firl iiriliy frrrill.tf,ji "fi(Ferl5 In (rrorlnQ lor!, FOI)rrl J., Rr{.h- lliir St?lei" THE PIXIE Beauly Salon leo2 (olh!. lfA 3'ttl4 Asl About Orr MdLel ,(,4c0ou0hall Opt rJ ttf 0wn?t L Flower Jury l:lshqr, fildria ittle inn] {,oy ' Iriloiv, o * Christthe King * ReulEstute rrtlrr rromr{rw rril r.:'ll'._ i* St,- Luke * (ilr,crtruoorl St. Jude ffii#ii,#1l'.*i'''..T".",::",l}"|"*lttIiffi%*..i^j.i'':"iJ.i"it'l.ili"|*St,Luke*A.&B,UPHOt.srtRlNG i" 1lur:islr Villa.rr'ruag€ FooctFood Mdrf Mdrl j VETERAN CLEANERSCLFANEFS l39rf F loth St, FL &?41!l ' tf:{tlirrtrtcsttttt"ttnt',1,,, l:::::::::-::-:l: REALESTAII, ' "-'."-.r-,oou I cenamlcs BY MARVELLA IllE frriESltotri')s n'r,] i -= sr:ltr:drtles rrtissiott INSURANCI 010 flslt.ftr.ottiltvLRY I , -ilil"lllll lll".". . !rloo e. iosil'st. vr d'3r31 RENTS, rr0A0 xrFpr[ ;x nolv Sttlrll f l_ _. . .. " ! "crrENWARr"SuPtufs {i lll,ll:lNW0Ol}, lrtd. -- 1,'atht'r ThomasA, WelchCo. Clralk's S. \\'lriltt, (-l.S,l'., tt'ill Soil lnland lldg. &ll, t'{lllta corrrlrrct n rrrission al Our Larly of tlrc (ilcertrvoorl [][tttt'clt, beliitt ning on Sundal', Novcurbcr ?ti, ;:il::::i]::i 'l'lrc "t-iili i@D--Hi"l:-::"'*'-,t :*"':**,..1 filsl rvct'k uill lrc fot'tlontcn. BUYINGor SELIING )$ti ,ffi "'i'*ir" tlrtr suconrl rvt'r'k fot' ntctt. l)rn'ing q St. PiusX -i*:iii*j'*,:"- Irlob . . li llrc rnissiorr lhr'trr ltll htt it sllr:t:iitl l*al ,.,..".''',,'..-....;]:.-....''.".15Li|\!l|lt.l&ll|.|ffYB|cYcti.l_L.rlY|efilLtr:i"'l " '1""rJ: r\ | rr'i lt (tper : ::1,*l:,.""" i /:.J0 a.rn...l n.nr.--{,loicd \Ycdnr}sd,rv P .":::::f:^.*.l*l r':rt'll trrotlltttg ]litss. itttrl sll't it'r's cAtI :{rii"?fifti'l'ir'"{"d-".'"%':i"rr.'.r't?3? t. tlichlgrn Sl. [t i6.(,ll?: | '1 ,ili,',;_itji,fri:i,i*,:,,r"":,;;1' xl 7::i{) t ach Ir'flrin{. cousistit11{ ; r1^{liii,--''il'*l JOSTPH lf, KcyrronqMearn" u", tr*",i5 r)f it (llr(,slioll lrox lt't'irttl, sttHllorl ARGUIT rrt{AKt.JtRvl(L -- l\10I01{ fullf.tlf (lrrllurlics irtul ltcrrotlii'tion. atul lnqulro - nort-(lallrrilir.s of tlrt: (iLttctttt'ourl rboul osz ,*LTI.'Xj., "=-;;;;".--t-:::--.i=r'ji":!i in'r,it iu(! itrt'ilerl. home lrodt- ,.li'i:,::,T: ,\ftcl lris olililrllrorr. l"lthcr in plon. ;::,it{,:;,,'.,'"i-ir@ ;,. 'l'r'ailer' rcosH. shrrtrtrrrrr 0r. ft. 9.8255 LAUGHNER'5 \Yhitc ryas assii:nlrl lo tltc i '", 6.r'l ll i 'lclurcsstc 'l'cxas. k:.,,(t,.'1|l5F,.Al!J.li|;'...j,,'^,^:l,t|t.:sl;|ttl,||t,\silcAFETER|A] irt attrl AMERICAN ' CAFETERIA 'I Ilissiorrs rrirtr'rrrrrc'r .,.,.-^ rr rnrh rL/'000?rt f OUOZ I l,atot' hc cotrtlueictl tnissic,ns ;rl t tlolyAngelsHolyAngels *i illr^u',0u"'ot* ESTATESCO. PATRONIZETHE | :_ :-:'::'ll:_:::"-__-"':-- - __:"r;.--_.-"-i I tlr .- | ;\il l,irlce birscs lrotlt in tlte U.S, j- "- - ' 5420 N. Collcgt Ct. l-9.10, ADVERTIZERS irJxv, TRoY AVENUE -, . - I lll LAucHNErilS-'. sreen-rNi ;rrtrlirr,firlltt. ffiiIsDrrRoYaVENUE'.o*o,,.LBEAUTYsALoNl|;.^,"JJ,?l,.:*T.TF*.,*ilBRAUN & SCIIO'IT i IBP^( D-X :CARoUSELBEAUTY sALoNlll RESTAURATr l\'lARKl-'r ",i,i,^l"l;lti'iHX.*"i'Li}ilr*', Ft'c'tts'tili rnu''natr.'h I\''ARKF-'' g0l rr..''',, il llt{ s. roth sr. r'r,r\,.r.6.{udii@{,.rudi @- E. rroyTroy Ave. ,ttt" ill ,,oooo"GooD i 19.1..:.. i. sproAurrno rN rNrN6 :}li-i,::;;:"rnrr ur.r^cHrNoI li ;HilFooD IJ:iEVERY DAY" Il * F.inc lVlcnts * r t'DrANip.r.r\J, rHD. t ' eirsrlir!'*,rti ,ri)dv.fotarlre, i sr 4.rJ00B i,"tjll:i';11":-,t';,i:: ill r",l",i ,1,:4'fl'.ltl.,T."lrl"r. il -, | \=- ....."-- : :::.-Jj::i,:-; :: :.. ;:t

Nativity * (Htf . - . An lnexpensive Wont Ad I R(ll SCHOOI"H0ME ftflAINTEIUANCE I l- McKEANDDRUGsro*r Does c Btq loU I t'nr'lslr s,lol.lrtrrf ()otrtcr" )Det'--Lonlnril,-opprnsracrrrrr* CALL ME. 5-{531 _' - .- tir'rf:r\',.I Iontr.rctors SupplierS Electricians Carpenters I I ,,,,t'',,,,",1r,)\s. sr(;li nr)o]r 6tthtih!r.f1t-';:ll1l.ll{]S,f0Y!i,ll.\l,l,ll,.\ltK0Altl,sl€-- Flumbers Plasrerers- Painrers- Fencing I lliil-Hl,1i;:i,llll,ni'J;"'t'"''1T..''il;l)l a.r.hku.sndsonr ll:ll c6orrctr.r& Mirrorca l* St Ar" *i- :ii*'-:f:i:,.-l*',-llfiitiift')'msllxlr;#:,q;" ",",*i';l | **""** I "",1:,iifi:,""I */ffi;illT'trU:.W ":.t+*:u*;i.i$;;" f li=,*iT r,-''.^*iil;j:.{'l,*... | I l,=ii":'i'".,;iri;r,"ainihir:rell--wn.s_rsaallil:HJ.tifit"nd |AcmeWa||papers,tn.'|'|:'':::|w"i..a"rt-co.|i*st.Bern|dette*iffi " '""'l'"'' "'lj ^ | aluil,i{uMsrDrNG H_l__ snrwr .i#i.ii'i'fl' li cirri.Hnra*.,o a #rilis,,pnrvl-- ,-..-.,o .. /r---*-_-1,,"r,r*l-.F,lli:ii il li,il'iffi1il;:" il,1-::.::i:1",^:: 1",^."::Ti::l:""11::1,,.,ll'"iJ,l I ir==-;;==:-* r.u,.il.o,,tr0,4,,,.,r chde",-,bnr"s"il. l- ' .t non 'l -- - ( S llonct I /alrt--r ^r r.llt l! st. Rita * ,a \ a,'."1':".1,I ll IIAPIT|ILUAfllUL GLASSULAID ll nars cotN-opLAUNDRv * st, pt lt',pru";: St.Philip Neri * l* iU \_t\ Erl.a ll st(ti.l tl*- I n||Gt||rl|U l$.| lltnd,anaputir'.tr.rt'::lc",l'9q..91:t-olt ii,rorii,,',s,,1,',,,,00",,0,u,,@iry COMMUNITYLAUNDRY o (ifa ?.r.a cCIhlPAllY,uufilpAny, ttc,lllu, :]li'i?$u.T,,i1:,#ll,' [ I il ll I Mt. i qfft_;h ,,,..'oipi'irLc'r'r)r'(ro nes'r/'c' 6'3s"', - l6th .nd Mdrtirdrlc 7'1250 PEERTESSI i I ll .I Sloresro," FronlrFr5nr-r ll,,or,*0,',t''ii,uil,l'?;,1,"';"- HARIcLEANERS ll J$R[}AIU i Our DroPOff iclvicc 5rvcr Ysu MoneY rnd tl6a HEATING & COOLING o f urnilure lopr C"ra".n"r" ;ph;i.;;; St. Patrick !fAstl ..fJR I E0 -f0I 0ED ,1.""i;*frFiioFurnirureIops|lGo|denRuleUpholsteryl*Sr.Parrick*l* -.----- 8c Par Pound ME 6.3431 o Window Glosr Gn.g[Rt r,1ooRt | Home 24 flr. Ita

Honrc tluihter l,l lFC :rcrvrnorr lll li .::;:;iT;;.';-:f.;l:. t: (!tBG i

Palntr r Rootlns SllpFllcs a Sldlnc Plywood a Server l\le Draln ,,,1t'l','.11.' St. Thomas * r ttle LEADEDGLASS /ffi * Doon O lnsulalion Btrfird STAINED ,@ Brtck tor llvFre Need GLASS ..ll;,1i,111.. -=-*l 1 soUTllt:AS'l'EIIN lloldfciitd Sretlol Deliqnt Mcdr dllh EvERLY lil fls'r'p.

,rft SCHEDULE Auto Upholrtcrlng rnd Cory.dibh Spcculutiort again forr floYaniat l9 rlies Iir$-Wholerah and R.trll*Mufi lcrr -3 Itdi'ltiol(l St, Susanl,r-forlirnr,rlion D.ril. l)r0\'incinl, l$E. 8.9142 ME. E.967t Msrlirsvill!, St. Marlin-Confirnlrtion-7r30 D,ll.

Novrnhcr ?l u {touf, I te'uJ carclittals Indianapolis. tloly Spirit-(onlitrndlion-7r30 p nl, orr .lulf ilO; tlnr(linill Nicola Can- )lovonber 26 ali. Clatul l'cnitentiary of tlrc lr{JirnftDolis, St, lhcrc\c aorner5loilc Elcs- li{ r)l l'l -- ll s t tttttrtt tltllLr tll ('hulclt rvlro tlictl r\rrgtrst 3, and !i[.r 2 D,nr. lrrrliariapolis, Sl, Andriw-Confirnraliofl-,1 Ii(illli' il*llltl, ;l11{l (r\ ttt'\()l}t' \\'llo (lanlinal Arch- ,lozef van Iloe.y, D.lll. lloiv St't' t'lttst'l1 ts ru ltlr'ltt's tltc bishop o{ illcchelcn, I}elgittnr, lvho Novrmbcr ?8 "\\'lto qur'\sitl! g:rtttt': S1. Michael-Cotl{irnlatio[-7:30 Irllrl irr,: llll tlit'tl Attgttst {i, 6reeof;tld, (';rltltit:tls D,rl. \\'ill tlrr' \r'u lie."' THE RUMOR ntct'chants at'e NoYrmbr It llrrt tlrr' t tlttl,Il \ ;tl o olllJ' I'tl' gt'trttps of ln.iidndnoliS, 51. Mich,rcl-Conlirrllali0rl- spccrrlatiltg abottt tltt'ce p.tn. lilrrl:. llll(i lt\ \tl('ll ltit\ {' ll(l ll)t)l t) 7:30 Vlticart atlntinistra- fulr.tlillr'(t I luttl t';ltt l)r) Si\ oll l() l)r't'lilt('s-thc countly antl abloatl, wts on atl iive staff, prrp:tl tliplotltats and illilillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll GARY DAVIS' t,rirlr'ltlt.ri rltri'is{'i. l'llitl)ill('l}, official vrsit to St, (laorgc's Col- tltt' lrt'ittls ol tlittcosr:s rvlrich, eilher MUSICMAKERS illll\ ()ll(' llliltl l\tl{r\\ s lr.ltt'lltct' lcgc in Santiago \vlrcn lre wAs STORES h.r' itnprtltattct' ot' tt'lttlilion, can bc I lrIr'r' rr tll lrt' lt llr'\' ('rltlslstllfl t{) I'rrysl's arc aslretl stliekr:n. llt: dirrrl (n-ov. lil) in lsoutlrern Inditnd,s Iar9.st] tvith a PidnOS .tirsic l0:l.ufieni!-"Orqdnl ('ilr ltc t'rpt'ctctl to bc ltonorcd -- . niilli(' rlrtrirl.. rt lt.'lt tt lt'tll Clinica Sanla i\Ialia in Sanliago (ol.UMBUt (rtrtrrt-Di ea rrlittll. 24!8 t.986i lrllrl irrrrl ulrrr trtll lrt' t'lt'tltlttl. nltcr trvo inlcstinaI opcratious, Nn YtRlt0N 33 l. 5rh $r u.11gol'l'. sl)cctlli{' for rtorr-{lrrtholics l'lr:r1 r. I lrs I ii'littls: llrrl)a .lollt'l Irr llrc lirttt't' the rcpol't siritl, llt,' It(rns ('on('{'r'il l \\'o tltc:lllt'i(ts, one \\lll. .\tlrl lrtllll I'rttltilI (lhio, (iclrttitn) in llelgiuttt. Il'l'RlilCtl'l','l'hc Nclhcllantls* A natir.e of l"rernont, Ira. s1,r'.,1.: lil: ilirlrrl. lilr''ltlr'\s('s c:lll in ;ttttl ottt' Docp{- tlre l i\lclrling set.r'crl as plcsi