Spain to Restore Church If Franco Wins
SPAIN TO RESTORE CHURCH IF FRANCO WINS Tht Register Has the Intematiosal News Service (W ire and H a il), the N. C. W. C. News Service (Including Radios and Cables), Its Own Special Service. Lomen Service of China, International Illustrated News, and N . C. W , C. Fietnre Service. Listening In PROPAGANDA CONCORDAT IS Local Local Burke's Peerage, Baronet Edition Edition age, and Knightage, published OF ATHEISTS TO BE MADE in London, has broken down a heavy aristocratic bar this THE year. It has asked a large number of outstanding Amer BEING SHOWN WITH VATICAN icans (of British, Scotch, Welsh, and Irish ancestry), Large Collection Illustrating Vicious Sub Truly Catholic Spkit Manifested Behind to submit biographical and ancestral data about them versive Literature Arranged by REGISTER(Name Registered in the U. S. Patent Office) Nationalists’ Line; Wide Support selves. These facts will be To Cause Is Given included in the Coronation Priest and Editor VOL. XIII. No. 44 DENVER, COLO., SUNDAY, OCT. 31, 1937 TWO CENTS Year Edition. More than New York.— The most complete collection of anti- Bilbao.— General Francisco Franco, who on his ac 1.000 years of genealogical God literature and propaganda ever assembled in the cession to supreme command of the Nationalist movement and heraldic history are to United States is being exhibited here by the Trinity league a year ago promised to work toward a concordat with be recorded, with the com Most Representative and will be sent to other places to prove the anti-religious ley, the American Mercury says in boosting him as a candidate for KCT the Vatican should his program succeed, declares in an plete family histories, and character of present-day subversive movements.
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