Colorado Springs Rado Springs Census Was 4,049; in Boul­ San De%Elopment

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Colorado Springs Rado Springs Census Was 4,049; in Boul­ San De%Elopment THE T h u rs d a y , M a rc h 21, 1968 Census Predicts Strain on Schools A younjf Catholic population will be Operation Soul Search,” as Census ties are 19 year.s old or younger. Statis­ A large population of pre-school age CCD religion classes; and that fe’ making increasingly heavy demands on Management labeled the tics also disclosed substantial numbers of children was reported. In Denver, the 60 per cent of the Catholic chi’ n the archdiocesan school system in the head count conducted bv nearly 15 000 Catholics are members of family units count was 29,679 — meaning, the report tending non-Catholic sch(K)ls v ^ immediate future, according to results of volunteers Nov. 12. Counted 242.092 with incomes totaling at or below $.‘1,000 said, "that during each of the next five rolled in CCD programs at their ^ the census conducted in three population Catholics in the three areas — 207,297 in annually, and that more than 25 per cent years there will be nearly 6,000 Catholic centers last fall. metropolitan Denver. 26.282 in the Colo­ of the family incomes were reported to be children per year who will be eligible for Census Management noted in its re­ Census Management. Inc., of Washing­ rado Springs area, and 8.513 at Boulder. below $5,000 a year. registration in first grade elementary port that Archbishop James V. Casey de­ ton published its final report this week of The total compared to 261.944 counted in Little more than 2.5 per cent of Catho­ Hch(K)l. , cided the census was necessary to gather the census taken in the Denver, Colorado all 33 counties of the archdiocese in the lic children attend (’atholic .schools. The The total of pre-schoolers in the Colo­ information vital to planning archdioce­ Springs, and Boulder areas. The 104-page federal census in 1960. percentage was lower in Colorado Springs rado Springs census was 4,049; in Boul­ san de%elopment. Primarily aimed at report includes parish-by-parish break­ and Boulder — but parents of significant­ der. 1.479. helping priests in their pastoral work, the downs in each questionnaire category, PERHAPS THE MOST startling sta­ ly greater percentages "intend" to .send THE REPORT ALSO disclosed fewer information provides valuable basic and area-wide summaries for each of the tistics in the rejKirt showed more than their pre-school children to Catholic than half the Catholic children attending three communities. half the Catholics in all three communi- schools. non-Catholic high schools were attending iTurn t<i Pago 2) Prelate ' Nuns Rally Receives To Cause Priests’ O f IH M s Priorities In Dispute New York - One of Archbishop Ter­ ence Cooke’s first welcomes to his New (National Register Special) York Archdiocese was the presentation of Los Angeles — As the Sisters of the a "Memorandum of Priorities” — a docu­ Immaculate Heart of Mary prepared to ment that called for one of the most petition Pope Paul VI to overrule both sweeping programs of reform in the Cardinal James McIntyre and Sacred American Church. Congregation for Religious Prefect Cardi­ Prepared by elected members of the nal Ildebrando Antoniutti. the spirit of former 55enate of Priests in the Arch­ the IHM community ran high, with a diocese of New York, the memorandum surprising note of and good Can You Help? follows a three-month survey of arch­ will. diocesan clergy and is meant to "encour­ "We’re not expecting any kind of a A little girl, oldest of a family of age this growing sense of initiative and statement that says (‘iih(*r of the Cardi­ eight children, abandoned by their responsibility, develop programs of renew­ nals was wrong." said IHM college vice father, stands at the window o f her al, (and) ensure responsible collaboration presuient Sister .Mary .Mark Zeyen. "All home in a very poor district of Bogo­ in the mission of the Church.” we want is a clarincaliim of the state­ ta, Colombia. She is typical o f those One observer called Archbishop ment from Rome and [x.*rmission to con­ who benefit from the U.S. Bishop’s Cooke’s reaction to the memorandum duct experimentation within the commu­ Overseas Aid Fund. "more than anything we could ask for at nity as we originally outlined it." this early stage of the game.” The new Sister Marks comments followed the New York prelate met with 11 members recent rulings of the Sacred Congregation Official of the "Interim Advisory Committee” to for Religious that would .severely re.-itrict hear reports of the memo’s background. the order s program for a renewal of reli­ He assured the group that he would con­ gious life. Catholic Bishops’ sider carefully their proposals, which in­ Sister Mark, a part-time concert pian­ clude: ist. admits that the attempt to restruc­ • Establishment of a pastoral council ture the community was made "without for the archdiocese which would include legalistic rigor” and that the confronta­ Overseas Aid Fund lay representation: tion with law — canon and otherwise — • Establishment of a research and A Big Day for Mom ha'» caused a flurry of activity among the Dear Family in Christ: planning office, a "central element in pol­ In honor of the feast of St. Joseph, the mother of the first infant born community’s members. Each year a collection is held on Lae- icy-formation and decision-making in the at St. Joseph’s hospital, Denver, March 19. was presented with a special "What helps most is the spirit of unity tare Sunday in all the parishes of the archdiocese;” gift. Recipient was Mrs. William L. Cunningham, holding tiny Mark Steven, among the Sisters,” she says, "as well as United States for the Catholic Bsihops’ • Full and understandable financial born at 12:40 a.m. Presenting the gift are, left to right, Mrs. Frances Wal­ the public opinion that comes in the Overseas Aid Fund, upon which its global statements” on archdiocesan as well as lace, Sister Ann Perpetua, assistant administrator: and Mrs. Mary Gibbons. mail. charity so basically depends. This year parish levels; "Most letters are highly supportive, the collection will be taken next Sunday, • A special office to advise the Arch­ hut there have been a few that are pretty March 24. bishop on clerical personnel matters-; negative — and a few that were down­ In 1968, Catholic Relief Services will • A voice for priests in the nomina­ right obscene,” says the 45-year-old Sis­ complete its twenty-fifth program year. In tion of Auxiliary Bishops and other key Police-Community ter. an IHM nun for 26 year-i. this time, our Catholic relief program has archdiocesan officials; While many American Sisler-< are be­ become the largest single voluntary aid • Formation of a "centralized depart­ coming discouraged enough with restric­ organization in history. As you know, it ment of urban afTairs dealing with racial tions to leave their communities. Sister Mary Mark reflects an IH.M feeling that works in cooperation with governmental justice, housing, and related social prob­ Relations Plan Set groups: and. during the past quarter cen­ lems.” "We owe it to other communities, to the A "Cooperative Endeavor program” for public heiiring will be held at a later laity, and to the whole Church to stay tury, it has made available for the relief date on the resolution. "We really didn’t expect to get any­ strengthening police-community relations within the structure and try to work out of the world’s poor more than 8V4 million has been worked out by a 14-member The pliin recognizes "that there is ur­ this process of renewal. tons of supplies valued in excess of $1% where with the request,” said one mem­ ber of the Senate, "but we felt it neces­ committee headed by Head Start Coordi­ gent need to continually improve citizen- "We’ve got to avoid trying something billion dollars. nator Wendell Peters and approved by police relationships” and that "there is .sensational,” she adds, explaining that Certainly this agency of charity has sary at least to ask — to get our ’foot in the door’ for the next time around.” the chief of police, George Seaton and continuing need for responsive communi­ "we're trying very hard — really — to he justified the support which you have Howard Phillips, manager of safety. cation between citizens and the police” resjxmsible about this development within given it. As far as the Archbishop’s acceptance of the memorandum, it is felt that what Sponsoring the resolution’s introduction and that citizen participation "in an advi­ religious life.” Another American Sister, Mundelein Our I.«ord said: "I have compassion on is important is what the Archbishop does to city council is Fire, Police, and Excise sory capacity, can be most helpful.” the multitudes” as He sensed the hunger (111.I college president Mary Ann Ida. with it. committee chairman Paul Hentzell; a A "Cooperative Endeavor committee” of the people following Him; and then will be composed of one resident repre­ feels that the decision of the Congrega­ His compassion took the form of action. sentative appointed by each member of tion to clamp down on the IHM commu­ The hungry people of the world will not the city council from his own district and nity "can be very discouraging to all be content to hear us say: 'T have com­ women’s communities, especially Interfaith Group Funds the manager of safety, the chief of police passion.” They need to taste the bread they (the Sisters' have entered into their and the division chief of community rela­ reorganizalional meetings with a lot of which will be multiplied by your gifts tions.
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