
I. Government Documents

U.S. Congress: Acts, Reports, and Summaries

United States (Congress). 1891–1990. Congressional Record. United States (Congress). 1990. The Immigration Act of 1990. United States (Congress). 1989. “The Immigration Act of 1989 (Symposium).” Congressional Digest 68 (October): 225–56. ———. (Congress). 1986. Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986: S 1200; PL 99–603. (6 November). ———. (Congress). 1986. “Should Congress Enact Senate-Passed Immigration Reform Legislation?” Congressional Digest 65 (March): 69–96. ———. (Congress). 1983. “Should Congress Enact the Pending ‘Immigration Reform and Control Act’? (Symposium).” Congressional Digest 62 (August/September): 195–224. ———. (Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy). 1980. U.S. Immigration Policy and the National Interest. Washington, DC: GPO. ———. (Congress). 1980. Refugee Act of 1980: PL 96–212; 94 Stat. 102. ———. (Senate). 1979. US Immigration Law and Policy, 1952–1979. Report at the Request of the Committee on the Judiciary for Formulation of the Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy. 96th C, 1st S. ———. 1979. Naturalization Laws. Washington, DC: GPO. ———. (Congress). 1978. Act of October 5, 1978: PL 95–412; 92 Stat. 907. (Com- bined hemispheric quotas into worldwide quota.) ———. (Congress). 1976. Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments of 1976: PL 94–571; 90 Stat. 2703. (Extended preference system to Western Hemi- sphere.) ———. (House of Representatives). 1965. Amending the Immigration and Nation- ality Act and for Other Purposes. Report 745 (6 August). 89th C, 1st S. ———. (Senate). 1965. Amending the Immigration and Nationality Act and for Other Purposes. Report 748. (15 September) 89th C, 1st S. ———. (Congress). Immigration Act of 1965: PL 89–236; 79 Stat. 911. ———. (Congress). 1953. US President’s Commission on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Whom We Shall Welcome? (1 January). ———. (Congress). 1952. Immigration and Nationality Act—Message from the President of the United States. H Doc 520. (25 June).

339 340 Bibliography

———. (Congress). 1952. Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (McCarran- Walter): PL 414; 66 Stat. 163. ———. (Senate). 1952. S 2842 (Humphrey) 82d C, 2d S, secs 201, 203. ———. (Senate). 1950. The Immigration and Naturalization Systems of the United States. S R 1515. (20 April). ———. (Congress). 1948. 62 Stat. 635. (Endanger safety.) ———. (Congress). 1947. Message from the President of the United States. H Doc 382 (7 July). ———. (Congress). 1946. 60 Stat. 416. (Philippines reallowed.) ———. (Congress). 1943. 57 Stat. 70 (29 April). ———. (Congress). 1943. 22 Stat 58. (Repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.) ———. (Congress). 1940. 54 Stat. 673. (Anyone ever a member.) ———. (Congress). 1924. Immigration Act of 1924: PL 139; 43 Stat. 153. (Gentle- man’s Agreement: none not naturalizable allowed to immigrate.) ———. (House of Representatives). 1924. Correspondence with Executive Depart- ments. 68th C, 1st S. (17 April). ———. (Congress). 1924. 43 Stat. 253. (Made American Indians citizens.) ———. (Congress). 1921. Quota Act of 1921: 42 Stat. 5. ———. (Congress). 1920. 41 Stat. 1008. (Subversives.) ———. (Congress). 1918. 40 Stat. 1012. (Subversives Exclusion.) ———. (Congress). 1917. Immigration Act of 1917: 39 Stat. 874. (Barred Zone, sec. 3; Bracero program, chap. 29.) ———. (Congress). 1917. Deportation of Certain Aliens. HR 127. 65th C, 1st S. (4 August). ———. (Congress). 1916. Immigration of Aliens into the United States. HR 95. (January). 64th C, 1st S. ———. (Congress). 1907. 34 Stat. 898. (Chinese Exclusion Act extended to Japan- ese.) ———. (Congress). 1903. 32 Stat. 1213. (Excluded anarchists.) ———. (Congress). 1902. 32 Stat. 176. (Chinese exclusion permanent.) ———. (Congress). 1892. 27 Stat. 25. (Chinese exclusion extended.) ———. (Congress). 1888. 25 Stat. 476. (Chinese reentry abrogated.) ———. (Congress). 1882. Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882: 22 Stat. 58. (6 May). (Excluded Chinese and contract laborers.) ———. (Congress). 1882. 22 Stat. 214, ch. 376. (Public charge, lunatic, idiot.) ———. (Congress). 1875. 18 Stat. 477 pt. 3. (3 March). (Convicts, prostitutes.) ———. (Congress). 1798. 1 Stat. 570. (25 June). (“Dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States.”)

U.S. Congress: Hearings

———. (Senate). 1965. Subcommittee on Immigration and Naturalization, Com- mittee on the Judiciary. Immigration: Hearings. 89th C, 1st S. (Sam Ervin on non-Europeans’ lack of contribution to the U.S.). Bibliography 341

———. (Congress). 1952. Hearings before the President’s Commission on Immigra- tion and Naturalization. 82d C, 2d S. ———. (Congress). 1951. Subcommittees of the Committees on the Judiciary. Revisions of Immigration, Naturalization and Nationality Laws: Joint Hear- ings. 82d C, 1st S. (Anti-Asian). ———. (Senate). 1945. Committee on Appropriations. Foreign Aid Appropriation Bill 1950 and 1951. ———. (House of Representatives). 1948. Subcommittee on Immigration and Naturalization of the House Committee on the Judiciary. Hearings on HR 5004. (19, 21 April; serial 18). (No sense in lists of excludables.) ———. (House of Representatives). 1946. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. To Deny Admission to the United States of Certain Aliens and to Reduce Immigration Quotas., parts 1 and 2. 79th C, 2d S. (21 February). ———. (House of Representatives). 1945. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Study of the Problems Relating to Immigration and Deportation and Other Matters, parts 1 through 6. 79th C, 1st S. (6 August). ———. (House of Representatives). 1945. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Acts. 78th C, 1st S. (19 May to 3 June). ———. (House of Representatives). 1945. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. To Grant a Quota to Eastern Hemisphere Indians and to Make Them Racially Eligible for Naturalization. 79th C, 1st S. ( 7–14 March). ———. (House of Representatives). 1945. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Study of Immigration and Naturalization Laws and Procedures. 79th C, 1st S. (9 May–5 June). ———. (House of Representatives). 1945. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Study of Immigration and Naturalization Laws and Problems. 79th C, 1st S., parts 1 and 2 (24 April–2 May). ———. (Senate). 1945. Committee on Immigration. To Permit All People from India Residing in the United States to be Naturalized. 79th C, 1st S. (26 April). ———. (House of Representatives). 1943. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Repeal of the Chinese Exclusion Acts: Hearings. 78th C, 1st S. (19 May). ———. (House of Representatives). 1941. Subcommittee on Immigration and Naturalization, Committee on the Judiciary. Permitting Admission of 400,000 Displaced Persons into the United States: Hearings. 80th C, 1st S. ———. (House of Representatives). 1940. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. To Revise and Codify the Nationality Laws of the United States into a Comprehensive Nationality Code. 76th C, 1st S. (17 January–5 June). ———. (House of Representatives). 1939. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Admission of German Refugee Children. 76th C, 1st S. (24 May). ———. (House of Representatives). 1935. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Deportation of Aliens. 74th C, 1st S. (9 April). ———. (House of Representatives). 1932. Committee on Immigration and Natu- 342 Bibliography

ralization. To Exclude and Expel Alien Fascists and Communists. 74th C, 1st S. (3 April). ———. (House of Representatives). 1932. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Exclusion and Expulsion of Communists. 72st C, 1st S. (revised) (23 February–15 March). ———. (House of Representatives). 1932. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Suspension for Two Years of General Immigration Into the United States. 71st C, 3d S. (15 December). ———. (House of Representatives). 1930. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Exclusion of Immigration from the Philippine Islands. 71st C, 2d S. (10 April). ———. (House of Representatives). 1930. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Immigration from Countries of the Western Hemisphere, 71st C, 2d S. (14 March) ———. (House of Representatives). 1930. Subcommittee of Committee on Immi- gration and Naturalization. Naturalization. 71st C, 2d S. (26 February). ———. (House of Representatives). 1930. Subcommittee of Committee on Immi- gration and Naturalization. Proposed Amendments to the Immigration Act of 1924. 71st C, 2d S. (27 January). ———. (House of Representatives). 1930. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Quota Preferences for Certain Immigrants. 71st C, 2d S. (21 Janu- ary). ———. (House of Representatives). 1930. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. National Origins Provision of Immigration Law. 70th C, 2d S. (4–13 February) ———. (House of Representatives). 1928. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Amendments to the Immigration Act of 1924. 70th C, 1st S. (27 March). ———. (Senate). 1929. Committee on Immigration. National Origins Provisions of Immigration Law. 70th C, 2d S. (4–13 February). ———. (Senate). 1928. Committee on Immigration. National Origins Provisions of Immigration Law. 70th C, 1st S. (15 March). ———. (House of Representatives). 1928. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. The Eugenical Aspects of Deportation. (21 February). ———. (House of Representatives). 1928. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Immigration from Countries of the Western Hemisphere. 70th C, 1st S. (21 February). ———. (House of Representatives). 1927. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. National Origins Provision, Immigration Act of 1924. 69th C, 2d S. (18 January). ———. (Senate). 1924. Committee on Immigration. Selective Immigration Legis- lation. 68th C, 1st S. (February 13). ———. (House of Representatives). 1924. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Restriction of Immigration. 68th C, 1st S. (14 January–12 Febru- ary). Bibliography 343

———. (House of Representatives). 1924. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Europe as an Emigrant-Exporting Continent and the United States as an Immigrant-Receiving Nation. 68th C, 1st S. (8 March). ———. (House of Representatives). 1922. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Analysis of America’s Modern Melting Pot. 67th C, 3d S. (21 November). ———. (House of Representatives). 1919. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Percentage Plans for Restriction of Immigration. 68th C, 1st S. (12 June–25 September). ———. (House of Representatives). 1916. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Immigration of Aliens into the United States. HR 95. 64th C, 1st S. parts 1 and 2. ———. (House of Representatives). 1916. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Restriction of Immigration. 64th C, 1st S. (20 January). ———. (House of Representatives). 1915. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Entrance of Chinese Aliens into the United States. 63d C, 3d S. (7 January). ———. (House of Representatives). 1914. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Hindu Immigration, parts 1 through 3. 63d C, 2d S. (13 February). ———. (House of Representatives). 1913. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Restriction of Immigration. 63d C, 2d S. (6 December). ———. (House of Representatives). 1912. Committee on Immigration and Natu- ralization. Further Restriction of Immigration. 62d C, 2d S. (2 February).

U.S. Government Departments

United States. Constitution of the United States of America. Amendment 14. (A. 1, sec. 8, cl. 4) 1858. ———. (Department of Justice). Administrative Decisions under Immigration and Nationality Laws. Washington, DC: GPO. ———. (Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service). (Peri- odical). Statistical Yearbook of the Immigration and Naturalization Service and Annual Report. Washington, DC: Department of Justice. Previously INS Annual Report, and Bureau of Immigration Annual Report. ———. Commission for the Study of International Migration and Cooperative Economic Development 1987–1990. Unauthorized Migration: Addressing the Root Causes (14 March 1989). ———. (Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Service). 1987. Immigration and Naturalization Service Resource Guide for Congressional Staffs. ———. (General Accounting Of‹ce). 1988. Immigration: The Future Flow of Legal Immigration to the US. (January). ———. (General Accounting Of‹ce). 1982. Information on the Enforcement of 344 Bibliography

Laws Regarding Employment of Aliens in Selected Countries (31 August). Washington, DC: GPO. ———. (Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy). US Immigration Policy and the National Interest (30 April). ———. (Commission on Civil Rights). 1980. The Tarnished Door: Civil Rights Issues in Immigration. Washington, DC: GPO. ———. (National Security Council). 1953. Psychological Value of Escapees from the Soviet Orbit. Security memorandum (26 March).

U.S. Supreme Court

United States (Supreme Court). 1982. Plyler vs. Doe: 102 S Ct. 2382. (Unconstitu- tional to limit free education to U.S. citizens.) ———. (Supreme Court). 1952. Harisades vs. Shaughnessy: 342 US 580. (Right of exclusion from sovereignty; Congress’s right to make uniform naturalization rules.) ———. (Supreme Court). 1950. Knauff vs. Shaughnessy: 338 US 537. (Plenary exclusion.) ———. (Supreme Court). 1922. Ozawa vs. US: 260 US 178. (Japanese ineligible for naturalization.) ———. (Supreme Court). 1904. US vs. Sing Tuck: 194 US 161. (Habeas corpus dissent.) ———. (Supreme Court). 1904. Turner vs. Williams: 194 US 279. (Permissible to ban based on beliefs and opinions.) Bridges vs. Wixon: 326 US 135 (1945) concurring. ———. (Supreme Court). 1893. Fong Yue Ting vs. US: 149 US 711. ———. (Supreme Court). 1891. Nishimura Ekiu vs. US: 142 US 651. ———. (Supreme Court). 1889. Chae Chan Ping vs. US: 130 US 581. (Chinese exclusion constitutional.) ———. (Supreme Court). 1875. Henderson v. Mayor of the City of New York: 92 US 259. (Foreign commerce.) ———. (Supreme Court). 1857. Scott vs. Sandford: 19 how. (US) 393. (Dred Scott: Negroes are not citizens.) ———. (Supreme Court). 1849. Smith v. Turner: 48 US 282. (Foreign commerce.) United States Democratic Party. 1984. “Immigration: Democratic Platform 1984.” Congressional Digest 63 (October): 250+. United States Republican Party. 1984. “Immigration: Republican Platform 1984.” Congressional Digest 63 (October): 249+.

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