The Anchor, Volume 60.10: February 12, 1948
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Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1948 The Anchor: 1940-1949 2-12-1948 The Anchor, Volume 60.10: February 12, 1948 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 60.10: February 12, 1948" (1948). The Anchor: 1948. Paper 3. Published in: The Anchor, Volume 60, Issue 10, February 12, 1948. Copyright © 1948 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1940-1949 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1948 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. College Bnchor Official Publication of the Students of Hope College at Holland, Michigan February 12,1948 Shoes Purchased For Sarospatik Dr.R. W. Lloyd Spearheads 925 pairs of good, usable wom- en's shoes were purchased not long ago for shipment to Sarospatak Religious Emphasis Week college in Hungary to assist that institution in their fight against Hope College will have as its Religious Emphasis Week the elements this winter and to aid speaker Dr. Ralph Waldo Lloyd. Dr. Lloyd will conduct them in their attempt to survive^ W.A.L. Schedules This statement was released re- services in the college chapel each morning the week of Feb. cently to an ANCHOR reporter i)y All-Girls' Party 16 through Feb. 20. His topics will include discussions on Rev. E. Oosterhaven, Hope college Christian beliefs, character, serv- Chaplain, The annual W.A.L. sponsored ice, courage and dedication. In ad- Rev. Oosterhaven said "We're All-Girls' party will be held to- dition to these services. Dr. Lloyd still continuing our efforts to aid morrow night at 8:00 P.M. in Car- will hold private conferences each afternoon. the college in Hungary, so we've negie Gymnasium. Upperclass been on the lookout for available This year's guest speaker is girls and faculty women wili come 1G—Old News 37-3 President of Maryville College, as the guests of the freshmen and clothing." He also said that the Maryville, Tennessee, and has held sophomores. Each couple will be shoes, which are mentioned above, this position since 1930. He was dressed in costume, and a prize will were purchased from a shoe dealer born on October fi, 1892, at Friends- be given for the funniest and the who "took an interest in our col- ville, Tennessee. After graduating most original pair. lege's project." from Maryville College in 1915, he The freshmen, under the direc- The shoes, some of which are not did post-graduate work at McCor- tion of Margaret Schoonveld and exactly the most up-to-date style, mick Theological Seminary in 1924 but are still wearable, were pur- Jean Adams, are in charge of the and obtained his LL.D. from Cen- m program. A skit, monologue, and chased at the price of three pairs tre College in 1940. musical numbers have been planned for a dollar. They have already Dr. Lloyd was ordained in the been packed, according to Rev. as part of the program. Presbyterian Church in the United Oosterhaven, and will soon be sent Mr. Clyde Geerlings will be in States in 1923 and he has served to Europe together with a few charge of the grand march. Marian as an interchange minister in hundred other garments. Schroeder and Bernice Nichols, as Great Britain, and on church depu- co-chairmen of the party, have ar- Some of the shoes have been tations in China, the Philippine "The Troubadourn" ranged for refreshments. placed on display in the Coffee Islands, and India. Kletz and Blue Key book store to A booth has been setup in Van On Tuesday evening at 7:15 all create student — faculty interest to Raalte Hall where any freshman students will be permitted to take Dr. Ralph Waldo Lloyd Celebrated Mixed Quartet procure funds for the payment of or sophomore may sign up to take part in an open forum and on the footwear. upperclassmen. Thursday- evening a "Question Box Hour" will be held giving all stu- Will Present Concert Dr. A. Leenhouts dents a chance to ask Dr. Lloyd questions. tions of the other members of his Writes Book The Troubadours, a celebrated Prayer meetings will be held ensemble. He is largely responsible Noted Composer, Pianist mixed quartet, wiH appear in con- Dr. A. Leenhouts, Hope's campus each afternoon at 4:00. These meet- for the versatility of the group. cert on Tuesday, Feb. 24th, at 8:15 doctor, has just finished his new ings will be under the direction of He has programmed material rang- p. m. in the Hope Memorial Chapel. book entitled. The Crest of the four of Hope's faculty: Miss Boyd, The members of this quartet are ing from madrigals to contempo Tenders Evening Concert Hill. This book portrays the life of the German Department; Dr. rary musical comedy, with opera, can Tarantella," a film produced the young American soprano, Hilda On February 16, Hope College of a country doctor and tells many Zsiros, guest professor from Hun- both grand and light and folk in collaboration with Mary Ellen Morse; John De Merchant, bari- will have as a guest on Campus, of Dr. Leenhouts' own experiences gary; Dr. Van Saun, of the Philos- songs in between. Bute, has been shown at the Mu- tone, and founder-director of the Edwin Gerschefski, noted composer in medicine. The Crest of the Hill ophy Department; Dr. Dykstra, The program to be presented by seum of Modern Art in New York quartet; the new French-Canadian and pianist. He will present a con- is being published by- Lindemuth Professor of Greek. tenor, Leopold Simoneau, and fi- this group is as follows: City. cert for the student body on Mon- and Denny, Inc., of Holland, and All day Tuesday, the 17th, Hope nally Vienna-born opera star, Su- I. Widely Studied Lirbriilipder Waltier (Opus 52» Brahms day evening, Feb. 1G. is expected to be released to the win be host to four visiting stu- zanne Sten. The artist's exceptional musical Morse. Sten. Simoneau. De Merchant Dean of College public in May. 1 dents from Kalamazoo College. II. talent was recognized in his under- Wide Reputation Edwin Gerschefski, dean of the These students will take part in II mio tesora from ' Iton Giovanni" graduato diys at Yale University Miss Stcn's great reputation Converse College School of Music, t e var ous Moxart when he was awarded the Francis s\£ tt ix ^ ' meetings scheduled for rests securely on her brilliant per- Leopold Simoneau has appeared as pianist and com- that day- and later in the year four Osborne Kellogg prize in composi- ri\e Of Hope r acuity formances with the Chicago and La ci da rem la mano from "Don poser in London and New York. Ho e tion and became the first recipient To Attend Conference | P students win take part San Francisco opera companies, Giovanni" - Mozart He has also broadcast frequently- Hilda Morse and John De Merchant -v r-. i ,„ . , 4 c the program of Religious Empha- over the major radio networks and of the Charles H. Ditson fellowship On February 13 and 14, five . ^ f ~ „ over the air, and on the concert Adieux l-Wet from "Jeanne D'Arc" «. , ,, „ - sis week at Kalamazoo College, has performed as soloist with a for study abroad. Gerschefsgi grad- members of the Hope College fac- „ , stage. She is known as one of the Tochaikovsky . A, , , Religious Emphasis Week at Suzanne Sten number of symphony orchestras. uated from Yale in 1931, a Phi ulty will attend the annual confer- ... j u u *u greatest interpreters of "Carmen" ^ . i. Hop e is sponsorer d each year by the Ai nostri monti from "II Trovatore" Beta Kappa with both Bachelor of ence on Higher Education to be . v ,,7 . mi. now to be heard. With the Trou- Gerschefski is a composer of , ... .. vY.M.C.A. and \ .W.C.A. The morn- Verdi Philosophy and Bachelor of Music held at the University of Michigan, . * u- u n n ^ badours quartet. Miss Sten appears widely recognized ability. His . „ . " ing sen-ices at which Dr. Lloyd Suzanne Sten and Leopold Simoneau degrees. He then went to England Ann Arbor4 . Hope faculty members ... i -n l j in both solo and ensemble roles. 0 my. look the way they eye us works have been played by the ta t t will speak will be under the direc- to study at the Tobias Matthay who will attend are Dean John W. .. Hilda Morse, soprano, had her from "Martha" - Flotow Columbia Symphony Orchestra un- „ „ . , ^ . ,r tion of the officers of these organ- Pianoforte School where he dis- m own program over the Columbia Morse. Sten, Simoneau, De Merchant der Howard Barlou, the Bridgeport Hollenbach, Dr. Teums Vergeer, . tinguished himself by winning a Dr. Clarence De Graaf, Mr. Albert lzalons- .... • u i u Broadcasting System for more than INTERMISSION Symphony, the New Haven Sym- „ j w /-. L*. ir Music will be furnished by scholarship, a silver medal, and by H. Timmer, and Mr. Garrett Van- » • i . • three years. She also performed III. phony, and the United States Navy . t. u r Hope's Musical organizations, becoming the first American to wtth the Philadelphia Symphony as American Saira (based on American Band. His "Streamline" was per- der Borgh. The theme of the con-1 receive the school diplomo for both ference this year will be "Educa- sotoist under Eugene Ormandy.