Fin3litint Romde
. fin3litint The romde, Pubilshed every Saturday by WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY,Front, Pine and ll:Neyste!a Ste. N. William B. DAavr, Preses tc;ii Jacob SeibertJr.,ti VIT fi paresnyt.. VOL. 88. MARCH 6 1909. NO. 2.280. G. Dana, Tress. CLEARINGS-FOR FEBRUARY,FOR FOUR YEARS AND FOR WEEK ENDING FEBRUARY 27 27. February. Two Months. Week ending February Clearings at- Inc. or Inc. or Inc. or 1906. 1909. 1908. Dec. 1909. 1908. Dec. 1909. 1908. Dec. 1907. $ $ $ $ $ s $ +10.7 15,772.005,019 11,646a,305,785 +15.4 1,699,836,747 1,225,513,981 +18.7 1,987,464.012'2,206,686,226 New York 6,887,705,324 4,896,030,828 114.844,016 -3.4 171,105,124 471,952,935 429,480,956 +9.9 1,046,423,498 957,316,583 +9.3 110,904,922 169,739,740 Philadelphia -3.5 331,995,894 356,348,511 -6.6 39,233.229 44,931,577 -12.7 64,168,847 58.348.048 Pittsburgh 151,158,514 156,596,303 22,054,098 22,726,282 -3.0 35,654,575 30,633,696 Baltimore 101,829,064 90,142,290 +13.0 227,822,700 204,299.022 +11.5 -0.3 72,584,452 67,121,469 +8.1 7,286,678 6,749,525 +8.0 7,653,186 7,916,317 Buffalo 31,931,617 32,034.158 5,625,691 4.837,407 +16.3 6.073.577 6.105,235 Washington 24,601,765 20.297,572 +21.2 52,420,393 43,061,632 +21.7 18,697.337 +6.1 43,673,463 40,007,290 +9.2 4,585,200 4,912,935 -6.7 8,474,45.
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