
best games The Best Hack-And-Slash Games. Hack-and-slash titles are chaotic. They see hordes of demons despatched with OTT flourishes and excessive force, and oversized behemoth bosses executed with extreme prejudice. They’re super-stylised slash-fests of sword-swipes, bullet-ricochets, triple-flips, and -kills. They’re also some of the best games available for console and PC alike. Though to the outsider a hack-and-slash, or ‘H&S’, game looks like a button-mashing flurry of hope and explosions, they’re actually games that require great skill and can take an age to conquer. A true fan knows that H&S gaming is about the satisfaction earned from revisiting a title over and over, each time ramping up the difficulty in a never-ending struggle to squeeze every combo, armour set, and secret out of the title possible in an effort to truly master it. There’s no doubt that another appealing aspect of the genre is its compatibility with other game types, with open-world RPG, dungeon-crawler, , and action-adventure developers all finding the H&S format a welcome addition to their traditional and narrative frameworks. To help spread the good word of the hack-and-slash gaming genre, we’ve rounded up some of our favourite titles. Any one of our selection will have you slicing your way through enemy masses like a hot knife in no time. What are the best hack and slash games available for the Xbox One? Hack and slash games are probably my favorite genre of video games, yet there seems to be quite the shortage this generation of consoles. Here are some of the Hack and Slash games I've already played. Ryse : Super mediocre, didn't really enjoy it. D.M.C. Definitive Edition : Thoroughly loved this game. Super underrated. (BC) : Considered to be one of the best games in the genre and for good reason. I was a huge fan of the series, before it went to shit, but honestly anything in the genre that would wet my appetite would be welcome. DMC4, 1 and 2. Sadly there hasn't been a lot of new hack and slash games, most of them are remasters. in the case of the hack and slash battles the darksiders is nice but I think the game repetitive. DMC4 was a little disappointing for me. Darksiders 2 was decent. In your opinion is DS1 better? I feel like WB games like Mad Max, Shadow of Mordor and Batman Arkham Knight are all like hack and slash plus games. At their core the fighting is hack and slash, but there's a few more layers built on top of that. Why? I don't think most want to play just the hack and slash part, and people investing in these games need to make sure they make their money back, so they probably are too scared of losing their investment to allow a game to only appeal to a small fraction of all gamers that could be buying it. 11+ Best Like Games [2021 List] Thanks to the Souls series, a new genre of games has come to recognition. Do you like hitting the stuff before you? Or love high-risk combat? Then this is the right page for you. This genre initially originated in Japan. Its theme is based on the collection of souls. You have to drop out souls from demons or any sort of other opponents. Then collect these souls without dying yourself and gain points or currency. You can employ this earned currency to upgrade your weapons. The features of higher than average difficulty level, experience , and leveling up and up with increased difficulty are allure players. The story game line, , maps for guidance, and shortcuts add to its merits. The added feature of multiplayer integration would satiate your gang. It has combined elements such as RPG, advanced action, Metroidvania, hack and slash, and survival with a touch of horror. Hence a complete feast for gamers!! Do you want to backstab or sneak attack ? Want to exercise your gaming combat skills? Create your character? Or even challenge yourself? Then go on reading to discover the answer. Top Souls Like Games for PC You Can Play Right Now. 1. (series) and Kou Shibusawa developed it. Sony Interactive Entertainment published it. It has received an impressive 8/10 rating. Hence we have included it in our list. Essentially it is action role-playing. With a hack and slash combat background. Compatible with PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Windows. It can be played in both modes- single and multiplayer. Fiction lovers alert! The protagonist William, an Irish samurai , is guided by the player. Axes, swords, bombs are available for combat, and gold is the in-game currency beset with adventures. William has to fight with supernatural beings- yokai. Ideal for adventure lovers. 2. Jedi: Fallen Order. It was developed by and published by . It is essentially an action-adventure . The game is supported by Stadia, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Windows. It has a satisfiable IMDb rating of 8.6/10; hence we included it too. Non-fictional lovers alert! The plot is set in the Star Wars Universe . It is a sequel to Star War 3- Revenge of the Sith. The Jedi become prey to the Galactic Empire. His hunt is carried out in the entire galaxy by two queries. Its style of playing is based on Metroidvania . It has combat and puzzles. Users control Jedi who have access to the Lightsaber and the Force. The player can upgrade and unlock abilities through the skill tree. 3. Salt and Sanctuary. It was developed and published by Ska Studios . Has received a satisfactory IMDb rating of 7.6/10. Hence we have picked this for you. The game is supported on macOS, Xbox One, Linux, Switch, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, and Windows. It is essentially a 2D action video game . It is equipped with the feature of role-playing. Hence you can choose your favorite and go on playing. The Souls series heavily influenced it. You can choose over 600 items. Its style of playing is based on Metroidvania . Magic and ranged strikes can be employed. It can be played in single and multiplayer mode. 4. (series) It was Developed by Deck13Interactive . published it. It has received a satisfactory rating of 6.3/10. Hence displayed before you. Challenge lovers alert! Essentially a role-playing action video. Compatible with Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. It is one of the most challenging games ever. Get your hands on your favorite character and play on. The player is supposed to use an exoskeleton . This is employed to combat the enemies. Dismemberment is possible in bullet time style—a single- player game. 5. Remnant: From the Ashes. This is one of the best souls like games . It was developed by Gunfire Games and published by Entertainment. It has received a good IMDb rating of 7.2/10. Hence a top pick for you. The game is supported by Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Windows . It is a role-playing . It also has the added feature of a third-person shooter. Hence alongside melee weapons, you can have two guns, one main weapon, and one sidearm . Rifles, shotguns, machine guns, and many other added features like attaching mods also add to the alluring effect. You are supposed to follow the set story, along with defeating your enemies— single and multiplayer mode available. 6. Ashen. It was developed and published by A44. It has received an IMDb rating of 7.1/10. We hope it satiates your game-playing quench. It is compatible with Xbox One, , PlayStation 4, and Windows. Essentially it is a role-playing action game. S o choose your avatar and play hard . The plot is set in a sunless world. The protagonist is in search of a home. Combat is within world monsters . It involves open-world navigation, sometimes cooperation or competition with other players. This follows - style for combat playing. It is highly recommended. 7. . Cold Symmetry developed it. Playstack published it. It has received an IMBd rating of 7.1/10 . Hence present on our list. The game is supported by Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, and Windows. Essentially an action role video playing game. It has its focus placed on tumult combat. But it is a third-person game. Hence you can control one of the many ‘shell’ characters. All have varied playstyles. The single-player mode is the only available option. Hence, it has received a positive response and even got nominated for Best Debut Game at 2020 , hence highly recommended. 8. Darksiders 3. Gunfire Games developed it. They are published by THQ Nordic. It has received a 6.7/10 IMDb rating . Hence one of the tops picks for you. It is essentially an action role-playing video game . This is a sequel to Darksiders 2 but significantly deviates from the prior’s gameplay background. It utilizes Metroidvania games’ elements. It even has perks from the Souls series. Fury is the female protagonist of the game. You control her to recapture Seven Deadly Sins. Hence a terrific combination of action and . Go on using a variety of tumult and magical arms to gain currency and upgrade Fury’s abilities. 9. Code Vein. It was developed by Bandai Namco Studios and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. It has received a sufficient IMDb rating of 7.1/10. Hence positioned here. Essentially an action-role-playing game. So choose your favorite character and play hard. compatible with Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The game is an open-world action game. The setting is done in an anti-utopian, post annihilation. Played from a third-person perspective. Revenants have to fight with the monsters. Has received a positive response from the audience hence highly recommended. 10. . Interactive and CI Games developed it. Bandai Namco Games published it. It has received a sufficient IMDB rating of 6/10. Hence you can have a look at this. Compatible with Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One . It even has an android version. You can play it on mobile phones. Then one to one swipe combats is available. Players control Harkyn. You can travel through large environments battling the demonic forces. You have access to melee weapons. Ideal for quest and adventure lovers. 11. Demon’s Souls. From Software developed it. Namco Bandai Games published it. It has received an impressive IMDb rating of 8.8/10. Hence it is rightly one of the best games. They are supported by PlayStation 3 . Essentially a role-playing action game. The plot revolves around the protagonist being brought to Boletaria to kill its fallen king Allant. Even to pacify the Old One. Nexus is the hub of five worlds from where you’re favorite. It supports both single and multiplayer. The online multiplayer provides you with a player vs. a player feature . It is highly recommended! Eleggible’s Recommendation. Now you must be wondering that games are laid out , and you know how and which games are there for you. But do you know which game best suits you? Let me help you out with that. The Souls games are not that simple to comprehend and play skillfully with a few trials. They have increased their difficulty level. Hence we recommend you to level up from easy ( relatively) to hardest souls game. You can start with Dark Souls 1 and increase your abilities to Ashen, Nioh, Salt, or Sanctuary to Dark Souls 3 . If you are going after an OS- oriented approach, We have already mentioned the compatibility with different OS. For Android users out there, you can go for Lords Of The Fallen. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) What Is The Easiest Souls-Like Game? Dark Souls 1 is comparatively easiest to play. Ideal for beginners. What To Play After Dark Souls? After Dark Souls, you can go for Ashen, Nioh, or Salt and Sanctuary. Which Is The Best Dark Souls Game To Start With? Dark Souls 1 is comparatively easiest to play—ideal for beginners. Which Is The Hardest Souls Game? Bloodborne: The Old Hunters is considered to be the hardest souls like games. There is a spike in difficulty level. Eleggible’s Final Words. What do you think about the best souls like games given in the above list? Best hack and slash xbox one games. I think locked the franchise in a big chest, and buried on a hole. Honestly. But in a future, if by any means, Capcom decide to remake the entire Series (Classic, X and Zero), would you guys like the Zero and ZX saga to be like Devil May Cry or Jedi Fallen Order? The Classic ones and X i would love to stay the way they are (except X7, for the love of ), with some new things that i can't think of right now. But the Zero games, in my head, would be perfect in Hack'n Slash. We already have a close range weapon (that is my favorite, btw) others weapons that enhance mobilty, kinda of a feeling and tons of bosses that could be adapted easly to a more open and bigger stages. I really hope to see Mega Man in the RE Engine someday. Not with a realistic feel (i don't wanna to see the pores of the nose of Dr. Light), but with those awesome light and particles effects. [iOS] [​Soul of Sword] [$0.99 -> Free] [Great oldschool 2D Action RPG game. Means classic hack'n'slash platformer fun.] [NES] [Side to side] Dark Fantasy hack n slash. Genre: Dark fantasy side scrolling hack and slash. Graphics: 2d pixel. Notable characters: Knight (similar to the dark souls Knight class) with a 2H sword. Notable Gameplay: Side scrolling/back and forth hack and slash. Other: The maps looked really scary (for a kid) and the knight had to maneuver on a platforming 2d plane that went back and forth. The levels did not transition. Felt like a way more primitive Ghost n Goblins game. [XBOX] [2001-2005] Medieval fantasy hack n' slash. Platform(s): Xbox but not necessarily exclusive, could've been on other consoles/pc. Genre: 3rd person hack n' slash I think you'd call it. Not like /Bayonetta hack n' slash more grounded and slower like Dark Souls but no rpg elements or only lite if any. I only played a demo. The camera was pretty close over the shoulder like the new God of War. Estimated year of release: I would've still been at school so somewhere between 01-05. Graphics/art style: Realistic, dark medieval art style. The demo I played was at night in rain IIRC. Notable characters: I only played a demo and I don't remeber the premise of the story or any cutscenes. The I'm fairly certain was male, solid looking. The only enemy type I remeber fighting was a sort of goblin/orc type creature, smaller than the player charater, sometimes possibly armed with a crossbow other times with a . Notable gameplay mechanics: Slow, grounded hack n' slash combat with swords/axes/crossbows/shields. I don't recall there being any magic element. Other details: I played this on a demo disc most likely from Official Xbox Magazine Australia. I have a feeling the title started with "G" and was only one word, 2 or 3 syllables, though I could be wrong. I thought it was one of the Gauntlet games but I've checked them out and it doesn't look familiar. I feel like it was new IP and never had any sequels, it must not have been too well reviewed either but again could be wrong. I feel like the demo was during the opening of the game. You were in a medieval town or castle under attack at night. It was raining I believe. Buildings were on fire, I remember traversing a wooden building partially on fire and collapsed and fighting an enemy in there. You might've come out of that building into the garden of a stone church.