Final Environmental Impact Statement and Section 4(f) Evaluation Appendices K–P Federal Aviation SEPTEMBER 2016 Administration APPENDIX K CULTURAL RESOURCES TECHNICAL REPORT Note: The Section 508 amendment of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 requires that the information in federal documents be accessible to individuals with disabilities. The FAA has made every effort to ensure that the information in the Draft Angoon Airport Environmental Impact Statement is accessible. However, this appendix is not fully compliant with Section 508, and readers with disabilities are encouraged to contact Leslie Grey at (907) 271-5453 or
[email protected] if they would like access to the information. CULTURAL RESOURCES TECHNICAL REPORT FOR THE AREA OF POTENTIAL EFFECTS FOR AIRPORT 12A WITH ACCESS 12A (PREFERRED ALTERNATIVE) ANGOON AIRPORT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT ANGOON, ALASKA Prepared for Federal Aviation Administration Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities Prepared by Certus Environmental Solutions and SWCA Environmental Consultants SWCA Cultural Resources Report No. 13-494 SWCA Project No. 24650 October 2015 PUBLIC VERSION – INFORMATION PROTECTED BY FEDERAL LAW HAS BEEN REDACTED Privileged Information – Not for Public Release Angoon Airport EIS Cultural Resources Technical Report for the Area of Potential Effects for Airport 12a with Access 12a (Preferred Alternative) v2 October 2015 Contents 1.0 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................................