Arkeologisk Förundersökning Ny 2008-1

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Arkeologisk Förundersökning Ny 2008-1 Rapport 2009:34 Baseline study (Settlement historical and archaeological) PELLIVUOMA A baseline study for an EIA for Pellivuoma mining projects. Pajala parish and municipally Province of Västerbotten, County of Norrbotten. Norrbottens museum Carita Eskeröd Frida Palmbo Olof Östlund Dnr 068-2009 NORRBOTTENS MUSEUM DNR 068-2009 Technical information County Administrative Board’s - Register Number: County Museum of Norrbotten’s 068-2009 Register Number: Assigner/financier: Hifab Inc / Northland Resources Inc Ancient remains number: Newly registered: Raä 335 and Raä 336, Junosuando parish. Raä 1270, Raä 1271 and Raä 1273, Pajala parish. Known remains in the vicinity: Raä 62:1, Raä 63:1, Raä 64:1, Raä 65:1- 3, Raä 66:1, Raä 67:1, Raä 72:1, Raä 75:1-2, Raä 78:1, Raä 81:1, Raä 82:1, Raä 83:1-2, Raä 84:1, Raä 85:1, Raä 87:1-2, Raä 88:1-2, Raä 89:1, Raä 90:1, Raä 91:1, Raä 92:1, Raä 93:1, Raä 94:1, Raä 96:1-3, Raä 100:2, Raä 372:1, Raä 376:1, Raä 377:1-5, Pajala parish. Type of ancient remains: Newly registered: Carving, medieval/historical time (1), Tar pile (2), Reindeer enclosure (2) Known remains in the vicinity: Tar piles, crofter-settlement remain, house foundations (historical time), settlement (without visible remain, i.e. prehistoric settlement), settlement pits, hearth, trapping pits, natural object/object with tradition (false rune stone), mine shaft, quarry, sum- mer grave, site for find without context. Place for mill. Municipality: Pajala Parish: Junosuando, Pajala Province: Västerbotten County: Norrbotten Type of assignment: Baseline study, archaeological and settlement historical Dating: The newly registered remains are all from the 19th century and on- wards, but the reindeer enclosure Hosiokangas has according to tradi- tion a lineage back to the 18th century. The first homesteads in the vil- lage of Käymäjärvi were founded in the 1860’s and 1870’s. The earlier known remains from the area around Käymäjärvi and in the vicinity of Pellivuoma dates back to the Stone age and onwards to present day. Type of object: All newly found remains will be classified as ”other cultural-historical remains”. Field days and duration: 4 days (11-14 August 2009), (75 hours; 32 x 2 persons + 11 x 1 person) Time for writing report: 5 work days, (112 work hours divided on 3 persons) Managing of finds: - Project leader: Olof Östlund Responsible for report: Olof Östlund Writer of report: Carita Eskeröd, Frida Palmbo and Olof Östlund Field personnel: Olof Östlund (archaeologist and project leader), Frida Palmbo (archae- ologist and assist. project leader) and Carita Eskeröd (settlement anti- quarian) Referens group: Lars Backman (archaeologist, County Museum of Norrbotten), Carina Bennerhag (archaeologist, County Museum of Norrbotten) and Jennie Sjöholm, (settlement antiquarian, County Museum of Norrbotten) Under consultants: - Area of investigation: Surveyed areas during the field work corresponds to about 3,7 km2. Height above sea level: About 170-260 metres above sea level Economic map: 28M 7a, 28M 7b, 28M 7c. 28M 8a, 28M 8b, 28M 8c, 28M 9 b, 28M9c, 28M 9d, (Economic map, the Swedish Surveying Office’s digital map- ping) Documentation material: All originals, in this case written notes and digital photos, are kept at the County Museum of Norrbotten’s corresponding (acts-, picture-) archive. This applies to analogue as well as digital material. 1 NORRBOTTENS MUSEUM DNR 068-2009 Photo Acc number 2009:92:01-32, 2009:001-184, (216 pictures) Ap- pendix 2 Digital documentation material: The digital basic data for decision exists in shape format in RT90 2,5 gon W. It’s stored at the museum’s servers. Back-up-copies are created daily by the County Council’s personnel on all material that is stored on server. In the meantime recommendations for long term storage of digi- tal archaeological material are awaited from the Swedish National Heri- tage Board (SNHB). Digital software: Microsoft Office (XP), ArcPad 7.0.1, ArcGIS 9.2-9.3, Adobe PhotoShop Elements 4.0, FieldGIS, Archaeological finds: No finds were recovered. Photo: Digital, Acc nr 2009:92:01-32, 2009:001-184, appendix 2 Drawings: - Photographs on front page: Upper picture: The village of Käymäjärvi. Canal in the mire towards Ylijoki. View towards the north eastern part of the village. Acc number 2009:108:123, © County Museum of Norrbotten, Carita Eskeröd. Lower picture: Place for the Pellivuoma deposit. Acc number 2009:92:09 © County Museum of Norrbotten, Olof Östlund 2 NORRBOTTENS MUSEUM DNR 068-2009 Report Baseline study (archaeological and settlement historical) Pellivuoma and Käymäjärvi with their immediate vicinity Pajala parish and municipality Province of Västerbotten County of Norrbotten Table of Contents Technical information...................................................................................1 Report ........................................................................ 3 Table of Contents..........................................................................................3 Introduction ...................................................................................................5 Background.....................................................................................................5 Summary........................................................................................................5 Aim .................................................................................................................6 Direction.........................................................................................................6 Prerequisites of the Area .............................................................................7 Topography and natural landscape ................................................................7 History and ancient remains environment ......................................................8 Ancient conditions..........................................................................................8 Previously known ancient remains .................................................................9 Research history ...........................................................................................10 Starting points of the baseline study........................................................11 Method and execution...................................................................................11 Results .........................................................................................................12 Settlement environment ................................................................................12 Archaeology ..................................................................................................13 Newly registered remains .............................................................................13 An assessment of the areas archaeological potential ....................................17 Characteristics of the present settlement history in the area of inquiry ......................................................................................................................18 Road network................................................................................................18 Agricultural landscape...................................................................................19 Settlement pattern.........................................................................................20 Scattered settlement......................................................................................21 Gathered settlement ......................................................................................22 Historical retrospect ...................................................................................25 Historical breaking points within the area of inquiry......................................28 The establishment of village structure in Käymäjärvi ..................................28 Ore deposits ..................................................................................................30 The effects of the industrialism ....................................................................30 Cultural-historical interpretation and recommendations .......................32 Archaeology ..................................................................................................32 Commentaries around the remains ...............................................................32 3 NORRBOTTENS MUSEUM DNR 068-2009 Settlement (historical time) ...........................................................................35 Road network................................................................................................36 Agricultural landscape..................................................................................36 Settlement pattern.........................................................................................37 Repherenses................................................................................................38 Archive ..........................................................................................................39 Internet..........................................................................................................39 Maps .............................................................................................................39 Appendixes..................................................................................................40 4 NORRBOTTENS MUSEUM DNR 068-2009 Introduction Background
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