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Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Research · April 2019 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11560.32008


1 author:

Danilo de Sousa Nhantumbo University of Maryland, College Park



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University of Maryland, College Park

Master’s in Translation and Localization Project Management Year 1

Course: COMM 762 The Rhetoric of Political Institutions

Student Name: Nhantumbo, Danilo de Sousa

UMD ID: 116352307

Date: 04/19/2019

Assignment: Thematic Reference Package

Operation Car Wash: A challenge

for translators

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Table of Contents Introduction ...... 3 Who’s Who Compendium ...... 5 Institutional Map ...... 9 Primary Sources ...... 13 Secondary Sources ...... 46 Glossary ...... 71 Webliography ...... 85

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators


As the people of Peru react in horror to the botched, yet successful suicide attempt of its former

President Alan García, many in Brazil must be wondering how much more Operation Car

Wash related information is still under wraps. Mr. García, is one of a great many South

American leaders, public officials and private sector actors alike, to have fallen foul of

Operation Car Wash investigations. This ongoing investigation focuses on corruption, bribery, pay-offs, manipulated attribution of government contracts, and perhaps most disturbingly, organized crime on a hitherto unknown scale in Brazil.

As a translator, conducting the research required to collate the primary and secondary sources has been an immense challenge. I found it rather difficult to find parallel reading in many cases, but compensated by finding similar texts in other publications that covered the same subject matter. This often helped me find equivalent terms that I could then insert into the glossary. In the end, I used the following types of source documents:

Primary: Press releases, indictments, a sentencing, a speech, websites.

Secondary: Academic journal articles, encyclopedia entries, infographics, an investigative journalism article, news media articles, an online legal term database, a plea agreement, a tv series, a Council on Foreign Relations Report, and the Brazilian Senate Report on Dilma

Rousseff’s Impeachment hearing.

Perhaps if I had picked a theme with institutions that operate in my language pair of English and Portuguese, this project would have been easier. If I had focused on just the firms,

Odebrecht and , and picked another 2 global companies from Brazil, the likelihood of finding more parallel texts would have risen. These companies, being global, have shareholders and interested third parties paying attention from all over the world. It is no surprise that their websites offer English versions of many of their Portuguese posts. Further, these companies had a third language option on their websites, Spanish. I assume this is due to the fact that Brazil is surrounded by Spanish speaking countries, in which these large

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Brazilian companies operate extensively. For shareholder relations and internal communication, it makes sense for such firms to take on a broader linguistic perspective.

However, all of the police reports, indictments and the sentencing were in Portuguese with no translation option available, as offered by Petrobras and Odebrecht. However, the subsequent press releases from Odebrecht and Petrobras contained plenty of the terminology displayed in the government documents, thus facilitating my understanding of the terms and insertion into the glossary. As much is it wasn’t a surprise to find this situation, considering the scale of this investigation, the Brazilian government should carefully consider having future documentation translated, which may aid future Department of Justice and Security and

Exchange Commission work with Brazilian firms.

From a professional perspective, this has been quite the revelatory project. Having spent months on this, I feel as if I have only scratched the surface of this investigation, which is ongoing and still shocking the world. I now understand the importance of understanding your subject matter in depth, to be able to translate the terminology from a holistic perspective, with all aspects of the investigation, not just the next word, being taken into account all times.

Discovering that there are vast amounts of legal and political documentation in both languages at my disposal, motivates me to continue to work with translations of this nature. For one it is an absorbing investigation on a human level, but secondly, as a translator, I have realized that the discovery of the true meaning and cognate of a given term in very specific legal context is as challenging as it is rewarding.

I selected this theme due its wide-reaching legal, corporate and geo-political scope, and because it is perhaps the biggest news story coming out of the Portuguese speaking world in some time. Over the course of my research however, I found something larger than a news story, or even a corruption scandal. I found a fascinating array of documents, that I organized chronologically, which helped me better understand how to map out my research and find

“parallels” in a somewhat unorthodox manner. It has been a lesson in resourcefulness, which will directly improve my service delivery’s turnaround time and quality.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Who’s Who Compendium

The Presidency - Palácio do Planalto

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Dilma Vana Rousseff loo-EES ee-NAH-see- JEEL-mah ROO-sehf oh LOO-lah day SEEL-vah 36th President of Brazil 35th President of Brazil

Michel Temer José Dirceu Mee-shell Te-mer joo-SAY DEER-say-oo 37th President of Brazil Chief of Staff of the Presidency

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Federal Public Prosecutor's Office - Ministério Público Federal

Sérgio Fernando Moro Rodrigo Janot Monteiro de Barros ser-GEE-oo fer-nan-DOO mo- rod-REE-goo ja-NO mon-tey- ROO ROO de ba-ROOZ Former Federal Judge of the 40th Prosecutor General of the Regional Federal Court of the 4th Republic Region

Erika Mialik Marena Deltan Martinazzo Dallagnol e-REE-ca MEE-a-lic ma-RE-na del-TAN mar-TEE-na-zoo da-la- Former NYOL Inspector Federal Prosecutor

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Petróleo Brasileiro S.A.

Paulo Roberto Costa Pedro José Barusco Filho Paw-LOO ro-ber-TOO Pe-DROO joo-SAY bar-OO- KOHS-tah scoo FEE-lli-OO Former Executive Former Executive

Renato de Sousa Duque Nestor Cervero Re-NAH-too de so-ZA DOO- Nes-TOR SER-ve-ro ce Former Executive Former Executive

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Odebrecht S.A.

Emilo Alves Odebrecht Marcelo Bahia Odebrecht Em-EE-lee-oo AL-ves ode-bre- mar-sel-OO ba-EE-ya ode-bre- CH CH Former Chairman of the Board Former Chief Exectuive Officer of Directors

Rogerio Araujo Cesar Rocha Ro-jer-EE-oo ara-OO-soo SE-sar ro-SHA Former Executive Former Executive

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Institutional Map

The Presidency - Palácio do Planalto Federal Public Prosecutor's Office -

Ministério Público Federal (MPF) - The Palácio do Planalto is the official

workplace of the President of Brazil; - the MPF is the Brazilian body of

- It is located in the national capital of independent public prosecutors at

Brasília; both the federal and state level;

- It was inaugurated on April 21, 1960, - It operates independently from the

and It has been the workplace of three branches of government;

every Brazilian president since - There are three levels of public

Juscelino Kubitschek; prosecutors, according to the

- the President of the Republic, is both jurisdiction of the courts before

the head of state and the head of which they perform their duties:

government of Brazil. The president - There are the federal prosecutors

leads the executive branch of the who bring cases before judges in

federal government and is the lower courts; the appellate federal

commander-in-chief of the Brazilian prosecutors, and the superior federal

Armed Forces; prosecutors.

- Jair Bolsonaro is the 38th and - The Prosecutor General heads the

current President. He was sworn in federal body and brings cases before

on 1 January 2019 following the 2018 the , which

presidential election; handles final judicial reviews and

- With regards to Operation Car Wash, criminal offenses committed by

the 3 Presidents who held office prior federal legislators, members of the

to Bolsonaro, were implicated in the cabinet, and the President of Brazil.

scandal.; - The main job of prosecutors in Brazil

is to uphold justice. As such, it is their

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

- , the 36th President, duty to bring criminal charges and

was impeached and removed from try criminal cases, but also to request

office; acquittal of charges if during a trial

- was plagued by they become convinced of a

accusations during his time in office, defendant's innocence. Prosecutors

making it impossible for him to run have the last word on whether

in 2018; criminal charges are filed, with the

- And finally, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, exception of those rare cases in

who had strong ties to the Odebrecht which Brazilian law permits civil

family, is currently in Prison for prosecution. In those cases, the

crimes related to the investigation. prosecutor acts as custos legis and

ensures that justice is indeed


- The MPT, especially Sergio Moro,

Daltan Dallagnol and Erika Marena,

took huge professional risks to

pursue the Car Wash investigation,

yet, their work has been regarded as

groundbreaking and crucial to the

betterment of Brazil.

Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. Odebrecht S.A.

- Commonly known as Petrobras, it is - Odebrecht S.A. is a Brazilian

a semi-public Brazilian conglomerate consisting of

multinational corporation in the diversified businesses in the fields of

petroleum industry headquartered in engineering, construction, chemicals

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and petrochemicals;

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

- Petrobras was created in 1953 under - The company was founded in 1944 in

the government of Brazilian Salvador, Bahia by Norberto

president Getúlio Vargas; Odebrecht, and currently operates

- It was given a legal monopoly in globally;

Brazil; - Odebrecht S.A. is a holding company

- In 2014, a Petrobras executive was for Construtora Norberto Odebrecht

arrested and having agreed to a plea S.A., the biggest engineering and

bargain, admitted that a small contracting company in Latin

number of top Petrobras officials America, and Braskem, the largest

colluded with an organized cartel of petrochemicals producer in Latin

16 companies to overcharge America;

Petrobras for construction and - Odebrecht has been central to the

service work in return for bribes and Operation Car Wash scandal. On 19

kickbacks. Petrobras officials pegged June 2015, Brazilian authorities

the total of all bribes at nearly $3 arrested the former CEO, Marcelo

billion. Odebrecht, in connection with their

- Both Dilma Rousseff, who promised ongoing probe into bribes paid to the

to cut corruption in her election Brazilian oil giant, Petrobras. On 7

campaign, and former Brazilian March 2016 he was sentenced to 19

president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva years and 4 months jail, for paying

served on the board of directors of over US$30 million in bribes to

Petrobras during the scandals and executives of Petrobras, in exchange

both were blamed, as well as the for contracts and influence.

president of the lower house, - Despite the release of the former

Eduardo Cunha. CEO, investigations and indictments

- In September of 2018, Petrobras continues to trouble Odebrecht, as

agreed to pay over US$ 850 million

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

for Foreign Corrupt Practices Act the full extent of theirs, and

(FCPA) violations, related to the Car Petrobras’ scheme, comes to light.

Wash scandal. - Odebrecht did however manage to

execute an agreement with the

Brazilian Federal Prosecution Office,

the U.S. Department of Justice and

the Swiss Office of the Attorney

General to resolve the investigation

into the group’s involvement in


Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Primary Sources

Doc. ID: DPF002 - 17 March 2014

Operação Lava Jato desarticula rede de lavagem de dinheiro em 7 estados

Curitiba/PR – A Polícia Federal deflagrou na manhã de hoje, (17/03) a Operação Lava Jato, para desarticular organizações criminosas que tinham como finalidade a lavagem de dinheiro em diversos estados da Federação.

De acordo com as informações fornecidas pelo Conselho de Controle de Atividades

Financeiras (COAF/MF) e obtidas pela Polícia Federal, os grupos investigados registraram comunicações de operações financeiras atípicas num montante que supera os 10 bilhões de reais.

A operação contou com a participação de aproximadamente 400 policiais federais que deram cumprimento a 81 mandados de busca e apreensão, 18 mandados de prisão preventiva, 10 mandados de prisão temporária e 19 mandados de condução coercitiva, em

17 cidades dos seguintes estados: PR (Curitiba, São José dos Pinhais, Londrina e Foz do

Iguaçu), SP(São Paulo, Mairiporã, Votuporanga, Vinhedo, Assis e Indaiatuba) DF(Brasília,

Águas Claras e Taguatinga Norte), RS(Porto Alegre), SC (Balneário Camboriú), RJ (Rio de

Janeiro), MT(Cuiabá). Os mandados forampri expedidos pela Justiça Federal no Estado do


São cumpridas também ordens de seqüestro de imóveis de alto padrão, além da apreensão de patrimônio adquirido por meio de práticas criminosas, e bloqueio de dezenas de contas e aplicações bancárias.

O grupo investigado além de envolver alguns dos principais personagens do mercado clandestino de câmbio no Brasil é responsável pela movimentação financeira e lavagem de ativos de diversas pessoas físicas e jurídicas envolvidas com crimes como o tráfico

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

internacional de drogas, corrupção de agentes públicos, sonegação fiscal, evasão de divisas, extração, contrabando de pedras preciosas, desvios de recursos públicos, dentre outros.

* A operação foi assim intitulada porque um dos grupos fazia uso de uma rede de lavanderias e postos de combustíveis para movimentar os valores oriundos de práticas criminosas.

Será concedida entrevista coletiva às 14h30 no auditório da Superintendência da Polícia

Federal no Paraná, localizada na Rua Sandália Monzón, 210, bairro Santa Cândida,


Doc ID: DPF005 - 11 June 2014

PF cumpre mandado de prisão de investigado na Operação Lava Jato

Curitiba/PR - A Polícia Federal realizou nesta tarde, 10/06, o cumprimento do mandado de prisão preventiva de Paulo Roberto da Costa.

Com o retorno das investigações da Operação Lava Jato para a 1ª Instância, decidido ontem pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal, os processos retornaram para a 13ª Vara Federal em

Curitiba/PR, assim, foi decretada a prisão preventiva de Paulo Roberto da Costa, cujo cumprimento pelos policiais federais se deu em sua residência, na cidade do Rio de


Doc. ID: PBR009 - 27 October 2014 Doc. ID: PBR010 - 27 October 2014

Internal steps taken by Petrobras in Providências Internas tomadas pela response to “Lava Jato Operation” Companhia relacionadas à “Operação Lava

Jato” Rio de Janeiro, October 27, 2014 – Petróleo

Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras, with regard to Rio de Janeiro, 27 de outubro de 2014 – news related to the investigation into “Lava Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras, diante

das notícias relacionadas às investigações

decorrentes da Operação Lava Jato, vem

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Jato Operation”, provides the following atualizar o mercado com as seguintes market update information: informações:

“Lava Jato Operation” is an investigation A “Operação Lava Jato” é uma investigação that is being conducted by the Brazilian que vem sendo realizada pela Polícia Federal

Federal Police. Within the scope of the cited brasileira. No âmbito da citada operação, um operation, a former Petrobras director, as ex-diretor da Petrobras, conjuntamente com well as other individuals, have been charged outras pessoas, já foi denunciado pelos with money laundering and organized crime. crimes de lavagem de dinheiro e organização

At the moment, investigations are underway criminosa. Neste momento, estão em curso on the practice of alleged crimes committed investigações sobre a prática de supostos against Petrobras. crimes em desfavor da Petrobras.

In consideration of this scenario, Petrobras Considerando esse cenário, a Petrobras has taken many steps designed to carefully tomou diversas medidas com a finalidade de examine the facts, most notably the apurar fatos, cabendo ressaltar as seguintes: following: - Constituiu Comissões Internas de

- Internal Investigative Committees have Apuração para averiguar indícios ou fatos been set up to examine evidence or facts contra a empresa, bem como subsidiar perpetrated against the company, as well as medidas administrativas e procedimentos to assist administrative measures and decorrentes; resulting procedures; - Requereu acesso aos autos da investigação

- Requested access to the records of the relacionada à Operação Lava Jato, incluindo investigation into “Lava Jato Operation”, os autos da ação por lavagem de dinheiro e including records for the money laundering organização criminosa, como forma de and criminal organization case, as a way to acompanhar de perto as investigações, o que

foi deferido pelo Poder Judiciário;

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

closely monitor the investigation, which was - Solicitou acesso ao conteúdo da “delação granted by the court; premiada” realizada pelo ex-Diretor Paulo

Roberto Costa, o que ainda não foi deferido - Requested access to the content of the pelo Poder Judiciário; “state’s evidence” turned in by former director Paulo Roberto Costa, which has not - Vem prestando esclarecimentos às yet been granted by the court; Autoridades (Polícia Federal, Ministério

Público Federal e Poder Judiciário), - Has been providing clarifications to inclusive informando as diligências já authorities (Brazilian Federal Police, realizadas no âmbito da Companhia; Brazilian Justice Department and Brazilian

Courts), including announcing measures - Solicitou esclarecimentos, para subsidiar carried out by the company; suas avaliações internas, às empresas

mencionadas na imprensa como tendo - Requested clarifications, as to assist its atividades sob investigação na “Operação internal inquiry, from companies cited in the Lava Jato”, especialmente após a media whose activities are under repercussão na mídia de informações a investigation by “Lava Jato Operation”, respeito da mencionada “delação premiada”. especially following reverberations in the media of information regarding the cited Especificadamente diante das denúncias de

“state’s evidence”. corrupção na Companhia efetuadas pelo ex-

Diretor de Abastecimento, Paulo Roberto Specifically with regard to the charges of Costa, e pelo Sr. , em corruption in the company made by former audiência na 13ª Vara Federal do Paraná em Downstream Director Paulo Roberto Costa, 08/10/2014, a Companhia, conforme and by Mr. Alberto Youssef, at a hearing held autorizado pelo Juiz da causa, teve acesso at the 13th Federal Court of Paraná on oficial ao inteiro teor dos depoimentos – que October 8, 2014, the judge hearing the case não se confundem com a íntegra dos granted Petrobras official access to the entire depoimentos prestados no âmbito da content of the testimonies. The material, in

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

turn, was used to assist the work of the chamada “delação premiada”, que ainda company’s Internal Investigative estão sob segredo de justiça – e tem utilizado

Committees. This must not be mistaken with tal material para subsidiar suas Comissões the testimony turned as “state’s evidence”, Internas de Apuração. which remains in camera. Em 24 e 25/10/2014 a Petrobras assinou

On 24th and 25th of October, Petrobras contratos com duas Empresas signed contracts with two independent Independentes Especializadas em investigation companies, a Brazilian and an Investigação, uma brasileira e outra

American, with the aim of examining the americana, com o objetivo de apurar a nature, extension and impacts of the actions natureza, extensão e impacto das ações que that might have been performed against the porventura tenham sido cometidas no

Company in the context of what have been contexto das alegações feitas pelo ex-diretor said by former Director Paulo Roberto Costa. Paulo Roberto Costa, bem como apurar fatos

These companies will also analyze correlated e circunstâncias correlatos que tenham facts and circumstances that might have impacto material sobre os negócios da material impact over the Company´s Companhia. business. Ao autorizar a contratação dessas empresas,

In authorizing the contraction of such a Diretoria Executiva cumpre seu dever de independent companies, Petrobras diligência e, além das normas regulatórias e

Executive Board complies with its diligence de auditoria aplicáveis pela CVM, considera duty and fulfils auditing and regulatory o contexto do Foreign Corrupt Practices Act requirements of the Brazilian Securities and ("FCPA") e da Seção 10A do Securities Act of

Exchange Commission (CVM). It also 1934 (Seção 10A), uma vez que a Petrobras é considers the context of the Foreign Corrupt registrada na Securities and Exchange

Practices Act (FCPA) and the Section 10A of Commission (SEC) dos EUA. the Securities Act of 1934 (Section 10A), as

Petrobras is a registered company in the

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Paralelamente ao avanço das investigações, in the United States. a Companhia já está trabalhando nas

medidas jurídicas adequadas para Parallel to the ongoing investigation, ressarcimento dos supostos recursos Petrobras is already working in the desviados e dos eventuais valores appropriate legal remedies to seek for the decorrentes de sobrepreços derivados das reimbursement of the alleged deviated empresas supostamente participantes do resources and of the amounts lost through cartel, conforme mencionado no the overprice of the companies that are depoimento do ex-diretor Paulo Roberto supposedly part of the cartel, as mentioned Costa, além dos danos causados à imagem da by former Director Paulo Roberto Costa Companhia. during his hearing. The company is also studying legal measures to be recompensed A Companhia reitera que vem by the damage to its image. acompanhando as investigações e

colaborando efetivamente com os trabalhos Petrobras reiterates that it has been das Autoridades Públicas, conforme monitoring the investigation and effectively reconhece o Poder Judiciário. Reitera, ainda, cooperating with the work being developed enfaticamente, que manterá seu empenho by the government authorities, as em continuar colaborando com as acknowledged by the court. Moreover, the autoridades para a elucidação dos fatos. company emphatically reiterates its commitment to continue to cooperate with A Petrobras reforça, por fim, que está sendo the authorities until all the facts have been oficialmente reconhecida pelas Autoridades clarified. Públicas como vítima nesse processo de

apuração. Lastly, Petrobras reaffirms that the relevant government authorities have officially acknowledged the Company as a victim in this investigative procedure.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Doc. ID: DPF009 - 14 January 2015

PF prende Nestor Cerveró e cumpre mandados no Rio

Curitiba/PR – A Polícia Federal cumpriu ontem, 13, cinco mandados referentes à Operação

Lava Jato, dentre os quais, a prisão preventiva de NESTOR CUNAT CERVERÓ, réu em uma das ações penais abertas em decorrência das investigações.

Confirmado o embarque do investigado em Londres com destino ao Brasil, Policiais

Federais cumpriram ordens de busca em três imóveis na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, além de um imóvel em Itaipava, todos vinculados a ele.

Nestor Cerveró foi preso na madrugada, por volta das 00:30 horas de hoje, no momento do seu desembarque no Aeroporto Internacional do Rio de Janeiro. Ele foi trazido pela manhã para a Superintendência da PF, onde será interrogado.

A PF monitorou as contas e aplicações financeiras do investigado e verificou que, recentemente, foram realizadas transações imobiliárias de forma subfaturada. Também foram observadas solicitações de resgate de aplicações financeiras com grande prejuízo pessoal.

Essas condutas indicavam a possibilidade concreta de Cerveró tentar se desfazer de seu patrimônio. O sucesso desses negócios frustraria o ressarcimento aos cofres públicos em eventual condenação.

No decorrer dos trabalhos, desenvolvidos em conjunto com o Ministério Público Federal, representou-se pelos mandados ao juízo de plantão. Todas as medidas foram cumpridas e farão parte de inquérito policial instaurado pela Polícia Federal para a adequada condução das investigações.

Doc. ID: DPF011 - 16 March 2015

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

PF deflagra 10ª fase da operação Lava Jato

Curitiba/PR – A Polícia Federal desencadeou hoje (16) mais uma fase da Operação Lava

Jato, intitulada “Que país é esse”.

Cerca de 40 policiais federais cumprem 18 mandados judiciais: dois de prisão preventiva, quatro de prisão temporária e 12 mandados de busca e apreensão. Os mandados estão sendo cumpridos nas cidades de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro.

Os presos são investigados pela prática dos seguintes crimes: associação criminosa, uso de documento falso, corrupção passiva e corrupção ativa, além de fraude em processo licitatório e lavagem de dinheiro.

Os presos serão trazidos para Curitiba/PR e permanecerão custodiados na

Superintendência da Polícia Federal a disposição da Justiça Federal de Curitiba/PR.

Doc. ID: DPF015 - 19 June 2015

PF deflagra a 14ª fase da operação Lava Jato em 4 Estados

Curitiba/PR – A Polícia Federal deflagrou nesta manhã (19) a 14ª Fase da Operação Lava

Jato – Operação Erga Omnes – expandindo os investigados nos crimes de formação de cartel, fraude a licitações, corrupção, desvio de verbas públicas e lavagem de dinheiro, entre outros, para duas grandes empreiteiras com grande atuação no mercado nacional e internacional, e contratantes regulares junto a Petrobrás.

Cerca de 220 policiais federais cumprem 59 mandados judiciais em quatro estados da

Federação – 38 mandados de busca e apreensão, 9 mandados de condução coercitiva, 8 mandados de prisão preventiva e 4 mandados de prisão temporária.

Os presos serão trazidos para a Superintendência da Polícia Federal em Curitiba/PR onde permanecerão à disposição da Justiça Federal.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Doc. ID: ODB001 - 22 June 2015

Odebrecht Communication - Operation Lava Jato

The Odebrecht Group, for respecting for its Clients, Partners, Investors, Financial

Institutions, Suppliers, Users of its Services, Friends and Team Members, hereby expresses its indignation at the arrest of five of its executives and the search and seizure warrants served last Friday (June 19) at some of our subsidiaries as part of the 14th stage of Operation

Lava Jato (“Car Wash”; a Brazilian corruption scandal involving alleged payoffs and the state-owned oil giant Petrobras).

The court order approving the arrest of our executives and the search and seizure warrants demonstrates that, since the beginning of Lava Jato over a year ago, the Federal Police have not presented, as alleged in the court order, any new evidence that justifies the forceful measures taken, which were completely unnecessary and for that very reason, illegal.

In fact, the only new evidence presented now reflects a clear misinterpretation of the facts:

- The “deposit” allegedly made by Odebrecht to the account of the company Canyon View

Assets S/A, given as one of the main justifications for issuing the arrest warrants, and extensively publicized in the press in the last few days as irrefutable proof of corruption, was not a deposit. Rather, it was an investment made by one of the Lava Jato defendants in bonds issued by an Odebrecht Group subsidiary and freely traded in the international market, which investment must be made using financial institutions without any control or involvement by Odebrecht.

- As for the email dated March 21, 2011, between our executives, which has also been widely publicized in the press as proof of illegal activity, we clarify as follows:

* The sequence of messages that preceded said email, included in the Police Report, but omitted from the court order, makes it clear that it involved a technical discussion between these executives regarding the preparation for a proposal for a contract to operate drill

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

ships, which is a contract between private parties that was in no way illegal. The isolated use of just one of these email messages eliminated the true context from this communication.

* The term “surcharge” used in this e-mail has nothing to do with overbilling, overcharging or any irregularity. It merely represents the contractual remuneration that

Odebrecht Oil & Gas as an operator of drill ships, proposed to Sete Brasil, and that involves the reimbursement of the cost of the operation and maintenance of the drill ships, which is added to the fixed remuneration. In other words, it was a translation of the well-known market term “cost plus fee.”

- As for the alleged link between Odebrecht and the companies of Mr. João Antônio Bernardi

Filho and Mrs. Christina Maria da Silva Jorge, we clarify that Mr. Bernardi Filho has not been a member of any Odebrecht Group company for over a decade, and that Mrs. da Silva

Jorge has never been a member of any Group subsidiary. Odebrecht does not have and has never had any relationship with the companies of these individuals.

The use of imprisonment to prevent repeat offences because the competent authorities had not barred Construtora Norberto Odebrecht from entering into contracts with the

Government, particularly regarding the most recent package of concessions that currently is just an announced statement of intent, is an affront to the most basic principles of the rule of law. So much so that the Brazilian Comptroller General, the Brazilian Attorney General and the Brazilian Minister of Justice have publicly affirmed that companies can only be barred from government contracts after they have been tried and convicted in compliance with due process of law.

Another affront to the rule of law is the presumption that knowledge of allegedly illegal facts by the companies’ senior management is enough to justify their imprisonment.

Furthermore, the statement in the court order that Odebrecht Group companies did not conduct an internal investigation of the alleged irregularities is completely untrue. All of our

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

companies have and apply a Code of Conduct and a Compliance System that are effective and widely publicized, completely aligned with Brazilian and international anti-corruption legislation. An example of this practice was Braskem´ publication of a Material Fact notice on April 2, 2015.

Regarding payments allegedly made by Constructora Internacional del Sur, Odebrecht reiterates that none of its subsidiaries have or have ever had any ties with or made any payment to that company.

Odebrecht denies having participated in any cartel. There are no cartels in the contracting process, which is controlled entirely by the client, as is the case with Petrobras, which has always set its own budgets and standards for technical-financial assessment and performance.

In addition, the Odebrecht Group never hindered the investigations in any way. To the contrary, its executives have always made themselves available to authorities to provide any clarifications. In fact, four of the five arrested executives had traveled to the headquarters of the Federal Police in Brasília and provided testimony in the course of the Lava Jato investigations conducted by the Superior Court of Justice and the Federal Supreme Court.

They have also furnished all requested documents and formally offered to testify before the

Federal Court in the State of Paraná – testimony that they were never invited to provide, but which certainly would have clarified all of the points raised.

Although we are deeply perplexed and indignant regarding what has occurred, we will not stop fighting. Our business model, based on principles of delegation and decentralization, ensures that our 15 business areas and over 100 subsidiaries, are fully and independently led by our executives and their teams, and will continue to operate normally to fulfill our obligations, as we have always done in a manner as has been recognized during our more than 70-year history, half of which includes international operations.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

This is our commitment to our Clients, Partners, Investors, Financial Institutions,

Suppliers, the Users of our Services and the Communities in the 21 countries where we operate. We maintain our strong conviction that our more than 160,000 Members will remain even more united by our corporate culture and by the bonds of trust that unite us, maintaining their pride to be part of the Odebrecht Group.

Finally, at this time, we express our unrestricted solidarity and support for the families of our executives who unjustly have lost their constitutional right to freedom. We will continue to work together in defense of our Team Members, and will continue to be even more available to the authorities, cooperating fully so that all of these issues are clarified quickly, convinced that the truth will come out and that justice will prevail, because we believe that the recent events resulted from misinformation and misinterpretation.

Doc. ID: ODB002 - 24 June 2015 Doc. ID: ODB003 - 24 June 2015

Note of clarification - 06/24/2015 Nota de esclarecimento - Matéria da revista

Época Odebrecht would like to clarify that there are false rumors circulating that its executives A Odebrecht esclarece que são falsos os have threatened authorities and public boatos de que seus executivos teriam officials, as well as the future of the Brazilian ameaçado autoridades e agentes públicos,

Republic, in response to the investigations of bem como a manutenção da República

Operation Lava Jato [“Car Wash”; a brasileira, como resposta às investigações da

Brazilian corruption scandal involving Operação Lava Jato. payoffs and the state-owned oil giant Não procede, por exemplo, a informação de Petrobras]. que o diretor-presidente da Odebrecht S.A,

It is untrue, for example, that the CEO of , teria relacionado o

Odebrecht SA, Marcelo Odebrecht, linked futuro “da República” com o mandado de the future “of the Republic” to the arrest

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

warrant issued against him, a warrant this prisão expedido contra ele, mandado este manifestly illegal. manifestamente ilegal.

Similarly, it is also a complete fiction that the Da mesma forma, também é fictícia a

Chairman of the Board of Directors of suposta ameaça atribuída ao presidente do

Odebrecht SA, Emílio Odebrecht, warned Conselho de Administração da Odebrecht that more cells would be required to hold S.A., Emílio Odebrecht, de que mais celas politicians whom he would denounce in seriam necessárias para comportar políticos

Brazil and abroad. que ele denunciaria no Brasil e no exterior.

The Odebrecht Group and its executives A Organização Odebrecht e seus executivos have never hindered the ongoing nunca colocaram qualquer tipo de obstáculo investigations in any way and have always às investigações em curso e sempre been available to the authorities to provide estiveram à disposição das autoridades para information. Odebrecht remains at the prestar esclarecimentos. A Odebrecht segue authorities' disposal to help ensure that à disposição das autoridades colaborando these matters are cleared up quickly, para que todas essas questões sejam convinced that the truth will come out and rapidamente esclarecidas, convicta de que a that justice will prevail. verdade virá à tona e que a justiça


Doc. ID: MPF002 - 16 October 2015

O MINISTÉRIO PÚBLICO FEDERAL, por seus Procuradores da República signatários, no exercício de suas atribuições constitucionais e legais, comparecem, respeitosamente, perante Vossa Excelência, com base no inquérito policial em epígrafe e com fundamento no art. 129, I, da Constituição Federal, para oferecer DENÚNCIA em face de:

MARCELO ODEBRECHT, MÁRCIO FARIA, ROGÉRIO ARAÚJO, CÉSAR ROCHA, na condição de administradores e diretores de empresas integrantes do Grupo ODEBRECHT,

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

bem como de consórcios de que suas empresas participaram, no contextodas atividades ilícitas desenvolvidas pela organização criminosa por eles integrada2, para facilitar a prática dos crime de cartel em âmbito nacional, previsto no art. 4º, II, “a” e “b”, da Lei 8.137/90, bem como de crimes contra as licitações, previsto no art. 90, da Lei 8.666/96, juntamente com administradores das demais empreiteiras cartelizadas…

Doc. ID: MPF001 - 08 March 2016

1.058. Marcelo Bahia Odebrecht

Para os crimes de corrupção ativa: Marcelo Bahia Odebrecht não tem antecedentes registrados no processo. Personalidade, culpabilidade, conduta social, motivos, comportamento da vítima são elementos neutros. Circunstâncias devem ser valoradas negativamente. A prática do crime corrupção envolveu o pagamento de R$ 108.809.565,00 e USD 35 milhões aos agentes da Petrobrás, um valor muito expressivo. Um único crime de corrupção envolveu pagamento de cerca de R$ 46.757.500,00 em propinas. Consequências também devem ser valoradas negativamente, pois o custo da propina foi repassado à

Petrobrás, através da cobrança de preço superior à estimativa, aliás propiciado pela corrupção, com o que a estatal ainda arcou com o prejuízo no valor equivalente. A corrupção com pagamento de propina de mais de uma centena de milhões de reais e tendo por consequência prejuízo equivalente aos cofres públicos merece reprovação especial.

Considerando duas vetoriais negativas, de especial reprovação, fixo, para o crime de corrupção ativa, pena de quatro anos e seis meses de reclusão.

Não há atenuantes ou agravantes a serem reconhecidas. Não entendo, como argumentou o

MPF, que o condenado dirigia a ação dos demais executivos, considerando pelo menos todo o cartel das empreiteiras e não apenas o Grupo Odebrecht.

Tendo o pagamento da vantagem indevida comprado a lealdade dos agentes da Petrobrás que deixaram de tomar qualquer providência contra o cartel e as fraudes à licitação, bem

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

como de trabalhar o melhor interesse da empresa frente o Grupo Odebrecht, aplico a causa de aumento do parágrafo único do art. 333 do CP, elevandoa para seis anos de reclusão. Fixo multa proporcional para a corrupção em cento e cinquenta dias multa.

Entre os onze crimes de corrupção, reconheço continuidade delitiva, unificando as penas com a majoração de 2/3, chegando elas a dez anos de reclusão e duzentos e cinquenta dias multa. Considerando a dimensão dos crimes e especialmente a capacidade econômica de

Marcelo Bahia Odebrecht, até recentemente Presidente do Grupo Odebrecht, fixo o dia multa em cinco salários mínimos vigentes ao tempo do último fato delitivo (08/2011).

Para os crimes de lavagem: Marcelo Bahia Odebrecht não tem antecedentes registrados no processo. Personalidade, culpabilidade, conduta social, motivos, comportamento da vítima são elementos neutros. Circunstâncias devem ser valoradas negativamente. A lavagem, no presente caso, envolveu especial sofisticação, com utilização de recursos em contas do

Grupo Odebrecht no exterior, abertura de contas secretas em nome de offshores no exterior, interposição fraudulenta de contas offshores entre as contas offshores do Grupo Odebrecht e as contas offshores dos agentes da Petrobrás. Tal grau de sofisticação não é inerente ao crime de lavagem e deve ser valorado negativamente a título de circunstâncias (a complexidade não é inerente ao crime de lavagem, conforme precedente do RHC

80.816/SP, Rel. Min. Sepúlveda Pertence, 1ª Turma do STF, un., j. 10/04/2001).

Consequências devem ser valoradas negativamente. A lavagem envolve a quantia substancial de USD 16.236.890,00 mais 1.925.100,00 francos suíços. Mesmo considerando as operações individualmente, os valores são elevados, tendo só uma delas envolvido transferência de USD 1.005.800,00. A lavagem de grande quantidade de dinheiro merece reprovação especial a título de consequências. Considerando duas vetoriais negativas, fixo, para o crime de lavagem de dinheiro, pena de quatro anos e seis meses de reclusão.

A operação de lavagem, tendo por antecedentes crimes de cartel e de ajuste fraudulento de licitações (art. 4º, I, da Lei nº 8.137/1990, e art. 90 da Lei nº 8.666/1993), tinha por

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finalidade propiciar o pagamento de vantagem indevida, ou seja, viabilizar a prática de crime de corrupção, devendo ser reconhecida a agravante do art. 61, II, "b", do CP. Observo que, nas circunstâncias do caso, ela não é inerente ao crime de lavagem, já que o dinheiro sujo, proveniente de outros crimes, serviu para executar crime de corrupção. Elevo a pena em seis meses, para cinco anos de reclusão.

Não há atenuantes.

Fixo multa proporcional para a lavagem em cem dias multa. Entre todos os crimes de lavagem, reconheço continuidade delitiva. Considerando a quantidade de crimes, cinquenta pelo menos, elevo a pena do crime mais grave em 2/3, chegando ela a oito anos e quatro meses de reclusão e cento e sessenta e seis dias multa.

Considerando a dimensão dos crimes e especialmente a capacidade econômica de Marcelo

Bahia Odebrecht, até recentemente Presidente do Grupo Odebrecht, fixo o dia multa em cinco salários mínimos vigentes ao tempo do último fato delitivo (08/2011).

Para o crime de associação criminosa: Marcelo Bahia Odebrecht não tem antecedentes registrados no processo. Personalidade, culpabilidade, conduta social, motivos, comportamento da vítima são elementos neutros. Considerando que não se trata de grupo criminoso complexo, ou seja, com estrutura rígida e hierarquizada, circunstâncias e consequências não devem ser valoradas negativamente. As demais vetoriais, culpabilidade, conduta social, motivos e comportamento das vítimas são neutras. Motivos de lucro são comuns às associações criminosas, não cabendo reprovação especial. Fixo pena no mínimo de um ano de reclusão.

Não há agravantes ou atenuantes, nem causas de aumento ou diminuição.

Entre os crimes de corrupção, de lavagem e de associação criminosa, há concurso material, motivo pelo qual as penas somadas chegam a dezenove anos e quatro meses de reclusão, que reputo definitivas para Marcelo Bahia Odebrecht. Quanto às multas deverão ser

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

convertidas em valor e somadas. Considerando as regras do art. 33 do Código Penal, fixo o regime fechado para o início de cumprimento da pena. A progressão de regime para o crime de corrupção fica, em princípio, condicionada à reparação do dano no termos do art. 33,

§4º, do CP.

Doc. ID: ODB004 - 01 December 2016 Doc. ID: ODB005 - 01 December 2016

Odebrecht Apologizes for its Mistakes Desculpe, a Odebrecht errou

Odebrecht acknowledges its participation in A Odebrecht reconhece que participou de illicit actions in its business activities. práticas impróprias em sua atividade

empresarial. It does not matter that we gave in to external pressure. Nor is it relevant that there are Não importa se cedemos a pressões behaviors that the private and public sectors externas. Tampouco se há vícios que must resist and correct in their relationships. precisam ser combatidos ou corrigidos no

relacionamento entre empresas privadas e o What matters is that we acknowledge our setor público. involvement. We were complicit and did not fight these practices, as we should have. O que mais importa é que reconhecemos

nosso envolvimento, fomos coniventes com This was a grave error. We violated our own tais práticas e não as combatemos como principles and transgressed against the deveríamos. values of honesty and ethics.

Foi um grande erro, uma violação dos nossos We will not let this happen again. próprios princípios, uma agressão a valores

Odebrecht apologizes, particularly for its consagrados de honestidade e ética. failure not to have acted sooner. Não admitiremos que isso se repita. Odebrecht’s ability to manage and execute that is recognized by our clients, the competency and commitment of our

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

professionals, and the quality of our Por isso, a Odebrecht pede desculpas, products and services should have been the inclusive por não ter tomado antes esta basis for avoiding these mistakes. iniciativa.

Odebrecht has learned from these mistakes Com a capacidade de gestão e entrega da and is evolving. Odebrecht, reconhecida pelos clientes, a

competência e comprometimento dos We are committed, with great conviction, to nossos profissionais e a qualidade dos reform. nossos produtos e serviços, definitivamente,

COMMITMENT TO THE FUTURE não precisávamos ter cometido esses

We have implemented the Odebrecht desvios.

Commitment to Act with Ethics, Integrity A Odebrecht aprendeu várias lições com os and Transparency. All Odebrecht seus erros. E está evoluindo. businesses, without exception, will practice Estamos comprometidos, por convicção, a this commitment, with conviction and virar essa página. responsibility.

COMPROMISSO COM O FUTURO We will not be complacent.

O Compromisso Odebrecht para uma This Commitment is proof of our atuação Ética, Íntegra e Transparente já está determination to change: em vigor e será praticado de forma natural,

01. Fight and show zero tolerance for convicta, responsável e irrestrita em todas as corruption in all its forms, including empresas da Odebrecht, sem exceções nem extortion and bribery. flexibilizações.

02. Say no firmly and determinedly to Não seremos complacentes. business opportunities that conflict with this Este Compromisso é uma demonstração da commitment. nossa determinação de mudança:

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

03. Adopt principles firmly grounded on 1. Combater e não tolerar a corrupção em ethics, integrity and transparency in quaisquer de suas formas, inclusive extorsão relations with public and private agents. e suborno.

04. Never rely on cultural or customary 2. Dizer não, com firmeza e determinação, a market conditions as a justification for illicit oportunidades de negócio que conflitem com actions. este Compromisso.

05. Ensure transparency in information 3. Adotar princípios éticos, íntegros e about Odebrecht, which should be accurate, transparentes no relacionamento com comprehensive and accessible and published agentes públicos e privados. on a regular basis. 4. Jamais invocar condições culturais ou

06. Be aware that misconduct, whether by usuais do mercado como justificativa para action or omission or disregard is harmful to ações indevidas. society, breaks laws and destroys the image 5. Assegurar transparência nas informações and reputation of the Odebrecht Group as a sobre a Odebrecht, que devem ser precisas, whole. abrangentes e acessíveis e divulgadas de

07. Ensure that Odebrecht practices the forma regular.

Compliance System throughout the 6. Ter consciência de que desvios de Businesses’ value chain, always up to date conduta, sejam por ação, omissão ou with the best benchmarks. complacência, agridem a sociedade, ferem as

08. Individually and collectively contribute leis e destroem a imagem e a reputação de to necessary changes in the markets and toda a Odebrecht. settings where misconduct may be induced. 7. Garantir na Odebrecht, e em toda a cadeia

09. Incorporate into Members’ Action de valor dos Negócios, a prática do Sistema

Programs evaluations of performance when de Conformidade, sempre atualizado com as following the Compliance System. melhores referências.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

10. Have the conviction that this 8. Contribuir individual e coletivamente commitment will keep us on the path of para mudanças necessárias nos mercados e

Survival, Growth and Perpetuity. nos ambientes onde possa haver indução a

desvios de conduta. Society now demands higher standards in the relationships between the government 9. Incorporar nos Programas de Ação dos and private sector. Integrantes avaliação de desempenho no

cumprimento do Sistema de Conformidade. We wish to participate in this societal initiative, together with other sectors, and 10.Ter convicção de que este Compromisso change the practices that prevailed in past nos manterá no rumo da Sobrevivência, do public-private relations. Crescimento e da Perpetuidade.

We support those that call for structural A sociedade quer elevar a qualidade das changes to ensure that the government and relações entre o poder público e as empresas private sector comply with strict ethical and privadas. democratic standards. Nós queremos participar dessa ação, junto

This is our Commitment to the future. com outros setores, e mudar as práticas até

então vigentes na relação público-privada, This is our path to earn back your trust. que são de conhecimento generalizado.

Apoiamos os que defendem mudanças

estruturantes que levem governos e

empresas a seguir, rigorosamente, padrões

éticos e democráticos.

É o nosso Compromisso com o futuro.

É o caminho que escolhemos para voltar a

merecer a sua confiança.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Doc. ID: ODB006 - 01 December 2016 Doc. ID: ODB007 - 01 December 2016

Odebrecht Board of Directors approves Conselho de Administração da Odebrecht

Compliance Policy aprova Política sobre Conformidade

The Board of Directors of Odebrecht S.A. O Conselho de Administração da Odebrecht approved the Compliance Policy, which will S.A. aprovou a Política sobre Conformidade, be implemented in all of the Group’s que será implementada em todos os

Businesses. Based on best global practices, Negócios do Grupo. Baseada nas melhores the Policy provides guidelines for the práticas mundiais, a Política tem o propósito conduct and internal and external relations de orientar o comportamento e as relações of team members, regardless of their internas e externas dos integrantes, hierarchical level. independentemente do nível hierárquico.

The policy marks yet another milestone in Trata-se de mais um marco na trajetória this journey by the group that began in iniciada pela empresa em março de 2016,

March 2016 with the publication of the com a divulgação do “Compromisso com o

"Commitment to Brazil," in which Brasil”, no qual a Odebrecht se propôs a

Odebrecht undertook to enhance its aperfeiçoar seu modelo de Governança e de

Governance and Compliance models. The Conformidade. A Política foi construída

Policy was developed internally through internamente, com intenso diálogo, intense dialogue that began in a seminar in começando com um seminário, em julho, no

July in which 170 of the group’s leaders qual estavam presentes 170 líderes do grupo. participated. The event led to the drafting of Desse evento resultaram os dez princípios the ten basic principles of the Odebrecht básicos do Compromisso Odebrecht para

Commitment to Act with Ethics, Integrity uma atuação Ética, Íntegra e Transparente, and Transparency, which is already in force que já está em vigor em todas as empresas, at all of the group’s companies and was incorporados aos Planos de 2017. “A atuação incorporated into the 2017 Plans. "Conduct ética, íntegra e transparente é fundamental

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firmly grounded in ethics, integrity and para gerarmos resultados tangíveis e transparency is critical for enabling our intangíveis nos nossos Negócios”, afirma

Businesses to generate tangible and Emílio Odebrecht, presidente do CA da intangible results," said Emílio Odebrecht, Odebrecht S.A.

Chairman of the Board of Odebrecht S.A. A política, que em cada Negócio receberá as

The policy, which will be adapted and adaptações e complementos para respeitar complemented at each Business to respect as especificidades de cada um, contém the specific characteristics of each, contains orientações para os integrantes no dia-a-dia guidelines for team members to follow in de seu trabalho. O foco é a prevenção, e o their day-to-day work routines. The policy principal esforço na sua implantação será o focuses on prevention and its treinamento e a conscientização das pessoas. implementation will include training Se algum desvio acontecer, a Política fornece programs and campaigns to raise awareness. todos os mecanismos para detectá-lo

In the event of any violations, the Policy rapidamente e adotar, sempre que provides all of the mechanisms required for necessário, as medidas corretivas e até quickly detect and adopting, whenever disciplinares, também previstas. necessary, the established corrective or As orientações seguem os mais elevados disciplinary measures. padrões internacionais nessa área. “A

The guidelines are based on the highest política é um robusto guia para a conduta international standards in the field. "The ética, íntegra e transparente. Nosso principal policy is a robust guide for conduct based on esforço será pela conscientização e ethics, integrity and transparency. Our main treinamento das pessoas, uma vez que o foco effort will be to raise awareness and train é preventivo e de alcançar a convicção de people, given the focus on prevention and cada um e de todos”, afirma Sergio Foguel, ensuring the conviction of each team coordenador do Comitê de Conformidade da member," said Sergio Foguel, coordinator of Odebrecht S.A.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

the Compliance Committee at Odebrecht


Doc. ID: ODB008 - 21 December 2016 Doc. ID: ODB009 - 21 December 2016

Odebrecht signs agreement with authorities Odebrecht assina acordo com autoridades in Brazil, United States and Switzerland do Brasil, Estados Unidos e Suíça

Odebrecht S.A. announced today (21) the A Odebrecht S.A. anuncia hoje (21/12) a execution of an agreement with the Brazilian assinatura de acordo com o Ministério

Federal Prosecution Office, the U.S. Público Federal do Brasil, com o

Department of Justice and the Swiss Office Departamento de Justiça dos Estados of the Attorney General to resolve the Unidos e com a Procuradoria-Geral da Suíça investigation into the group’s involvement in para resolução da investigação sobre a wrongdoings to benefit companies in its participação da empresa na realização de economic group. atos ilícitos praticados em benefício das

empresas pertencentes ao grupo econômico. Under the agreement, the group’s holding company agreed to reveal wrongdoings Como parte do acordo, a holding do grupo unveiled by the internal investigation concordou em revelar fatos ilícitos apurados conducted in Brazil and abroad involving em investigação interna, praticados no various instances of power, and to plead Brasil e exterior em diversas esferas do guilty to violating applicable Brazilian and poder, e assume sua responsabilidade pela

Swiss laws and, more specifically, the U.S. violação das legislações brasileira e suíça

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). aplicáveis e, mais especificamente, da lei

Odebrecht S.A. will pay a fine in the amount norte-americana anticorrupção (Foreign of R$3.828 billion to authorities in Brazil, Corrupt Practices Act - FCPA). A Odebrecht the United States and Switzerland. The S.A. pagará uma multa no valor de R$ 3,828

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

amount will be paid over 23 years and the bilhões às autoridades do Brasil, Estados sum of the installments will be adjusted by Unidos e Suíça. O valor será pago ao longo the variation in the SELIC interest rate. The de 23 anos e a soma das parcelas será amount of the fine will draw on resources reajustada de acordo com a taxa SELIC. O from a combination of previously planned pagamento da multa será viabilizado por divestitures and cash generation from meio de uma combinação de vendas de continuing operations. In calculating the ativos já planejadas anteriormente e de fine, authorities took into consideration the geração de caixa das operações continuadas.

Company’s full cooperation with the Ao calcular a multa, as autoridades levaram investigation and the extensive remedial em consideração a plena cooperação com as measures taken to address Odebrecht’s past investigações e as amplas medidas de compliance failures. remediação adotadas pela Odebrecht para

corrigir eventuais falhas de conformidade. As Odebrecht has previously acknowledged, it deeply regrets its role in the conduct giving Conforme já declarado anteriormente, a rise to this resolution and apologizes for Odebrecht se arrepende profundamente da violating its own principles of honesty and sua participação nas condutas que levaram a ethics. The group reaffirms that it will este acordo e pede desculpas por violar os continue to cooperate with the authorities seus próprios princípios de honestidade e and to adopt the appropriate and necessary ética. A empresa reafirma que permanecerá measures to enhance its commitment to cooperando com as autoridades e adotará as ethical business practices and transparency medidas adequadas e necessárias para in its actions. Among other things that the continuamente aprimorar seu compromisso group has done to move forward in a positive com práticas empresariais éticas e de and productive manner is instituting promoção da transparência em todas as suas significant compliance reforms, which ações. Dentre as inciativas adotadas pela include major increases in the personnel and empresa para avançar positiva e budget devoted to compliance. Odebrecht produtivamente nesta direção está a

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

also has agreed to engage an external and implementação de amplas reformas da área independent compliance monitor for a de conformidade, que incluem um aumento period up to three years, during which it will substancial na equipe e orçamento da área. continue to enhance its compliance system, A Odebrecht concordou ainda em submeter- in accordance with the terms of the se a um monitor externo e independente por agreement, and to expand the extensive um período de até três anos, durante o qual remedial steps that authorities acknowledge a Odebrecht seguirá aprimorando o seu the group already has taken. sistema de conformidade, nos temos

mínimos assumidos nos acordos, além de In addition, Odebrecht has created the aprofundar as amplas medidas de Odebrecht Commitment to Act with Ethics, remediação já adotadas pela Odebrecht e Integrity and Transparency, which will be reconhecidas pelas autoridades signatárias. implemented immediately across all

Odebrecht businesses. This Commitment Adicionalmente, a empresa criou o will become a core principle embraced by all Compromisso Odebrecht para uma Atuação

Odebrecht Team Members and will guide Ética, Íntegra e Transparente, a ser every aspect of the group’s future. implementado imediatamente em todos os

negócios da Organização. O Compromisso Odebrecht is grateful for the opportunity to torna-se um princípio-chave a ser adotado put this painful episode behind it. The group por todos os Integrantes da Odebrecht, and its Team members will not forget the orientando todos os aspectos do futuro da lessons learned through this experience, empresa. which will serve as constant reminders of what is expected as it works to earn back the A Odebrecht agradece a oportunidade de public’s trust. Odebrecht is eager to turn its virar a página e superar esse doloroso attention back to developing and operating episódio. A empresa e os seus Integrantes projects that work to better communities in não se esquecerão das lições aprendidas por

meio desta experiência, que servirão como

um lembrete constante do que se espera da

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Brazil and abroad and to create value for its Odebrecht na busca pela recuperação da clients. confiança pública. A empresa está ansiosa

por poder dedicar novamente a sua atenção

ao desenvolvimento e operação de projetos

que melhorem as comunidades onde opera,

no Brasil e no exterior, criando sempre valor

para os seus clientes.

Doc. ID: PDP001 - 07 April 2018 Doc. ID: PDP002 - 07 April 2018

E com essa crença, companheiros, de cabeça And with this belief, comrades, holding my erguida, como eu tô falando com vocês, que head up high, like I am here speaking to you, eu quero chegar lá e dizer ao delegado: estou I want to get there and tell the chief police

à disposição. officer: I am here at your disposal.

E a história, daqui a alguns dias, vai provar And History, in a few days, will prove those que quem cometeu crime foi o delegado que who committed a crime were the chief officer me acusou, foi o juiz que me julgou e foi o who accused me, the judge who tried me,

Ministério Público que foi leviano comigo. and the Prosecution, who treated me as a

light matter. Por isso, companheiros, eu não tenho lugar no meu coração pra todo mundo, mas eu For this reason, comrades, my heart doesn’t quero que vocês saibam que se tem uma have enough room for everyone, but I want coisa que eu aprendi a gostar neste mundo é you to know that, if there is something I grew da minha relação com o povo. to like in this world, that’s my relationship

with the people. Quando eu pego na mão de um de vocês, quando eu abraço um de vocês, quando eu When I hold your hand, when I hug one of beijo um de vocês… porque agora eu beijo you… And now I kiss men and women alike, homem e mulher igualzinho… Quando eu everyone’s the same… When I kiss one of

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

beijo um de vocês, eu não tô beijando com you, it’s not with a hidden agenda. I am segundas intenções, eu tô beijando porque, kissing you because when I was president, I quando eu era presidente, eu dizia: used to say:

"Eu vou voltar pra onde eu vim". ‘I am going back to where I came from.’

E eu sei quem são meus amigos eternos e And I know who my friends are for eternity quem são os eventuais. Os de gravatinha, and who is here only on occasion. The white- que iam atrás de mim, agora desapareceram. collar ones, who would come to me all the

E quem está comigo são aqueles time, are now gone. And the comrades who companheiros que eram meus amigos antes are here with me are those who were my de eu ser presidente da República. É aquele friends before I became president. That que comia rabada no Zelão, que comia friend who used to eat rabada [oxtail stew] at frango com polenta no Demarchi, é aquele Zelão, who used to eat chicken and polenta que tomava caldo de mocotó no Zelão, esses [boiled cornmeal] at Demarchi [a continuam sendo nossos amigos. São os que neighbourhood in São Bernardo do Campo], têm coragem de invadir terreno pra fazer who used to eat caldo de mocotó [cow foot casa, são aqueles que têm coragem de fazer soup] at Zelão, they are still our friends. They uma greve contra a previdência, são aqueles have the courage to occupy a land plot to que ocupam no campo pra fazer uma build their houses, they are the ones with the fazenda produtiva, são aqueles que, na courage to stage a strike against the social verdade, precisam do Estado. security [reform], they are the ones

occupying lands to start a productive farm, Companheiros, eu vou dizer uma coisa pra they are the ones who actually need the vocês: Vocês vão perceber que eu vou sair State. desta maior, mais forte, mais verdadeiro, e inocente, porque eu quero provar que eles é Comrades, let me tell you something: you que cometeram um crime, um crime político shall see that I will get out of this greater, de perseguir um homem que tem 50 anos de stronger, more real, and innocent, because I

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história política, e por isso eu sou muito want to prove they are the ones who grato. committed a crime, a political crime by

persecuting a man who has a 50-year history Eu não tenho como pagar a gratidão, o in politics, and I am very grateful for that. carinho e o respeito que vocês têm dedicado a mim nesses anos todos. E quero dizer a I cannot repay the gratitude, the vocês, Guilherme e Manuela, a vocês dois, appreciation, and the respect you have been que para mim é motivo de orgulho pertencer giving me throughout all these years. And I a uma geração, que está no final dela, ver want to tell you, Guilherme, Manuela, both nascer dois jovens disputando o direito de of you, I am proud to belong to a generation ser presidente da República neste país. Por that is almost over, but to see two young isso, grande abraço, e podem ficar certos: people fight for their right to become esse pescoço aqui não baixa, minha mãe já president of this country. So, I salute you, fez o pescoço curto pra ele não baixar, e não and rest assured: this neck will not look vai baixar, porque eu vou sair de lá de cabeça down. My mom made a short neck so it does erguida e de peito estufado, porque eu vou not look down, and it won’t, because I will provar a minha inocência. leave [prison] with my head held high, and

my chest out, because I will prove my Um abraço companheiros, obrigado, mas innocence. muito obrigado, pelo que vocês me ajudaram, um beijo, querido, muito Thank you, comrades, thank you so much for obrigado!" all you have done for me. Thank you very

much, my friends!"

Doc. ID: PBR001 - 27 September 2018 Doc. ID: PBR002 - 27 September 2018

Petrobras Reaches Coordinated Resolutions Fato Relevante - Petrobras fecha acordos with Authorities in the United States and com autoridades nos Estados Unidos e

mantém 80% do valor no Brasil

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Agreement to Remit Bulk of Associated Rio de Janeiro, 27 de setembro de 2018 –

Payments to Brazil Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras informa

que fechou acordos para encerramento das Rio de Janeiro, September 27, 2018 – investigações do Departamento de Justiça Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras (“DOJ”) e da Securities & Exchange announces that it has reached coordinated Commission (“SEC”), nos Estados Unidos, resolutions of investigations by the U.S. relacionados aos controles internos, Department of Justice (“DOJ”) and the U.S. registros contábeis e demonstrações Securities and Exchange Commission financeiras da companhia, durante o período (“SEC”) related to the company’s internal de 2003 a 2012. A Petrobras também controls, books and records, and financial celebrará acordo com o Ministério Público statements during the period from 2003 to Federal (“MPF”), uma vez que os fatos 2012. Petrobras also will enter into an subjacentes foram desvendados por meio de agreement with the Brazilian Federal investigações conduzidas pelas autoridades Prosecutor´s Office, Ministério Público brasileiras no âmbito da Operação Lava Federal (“MPF”), as the underlying facts Jato. Isso permitirá que 80% dos valores were uncovered in the investigation by the acordados com a SEC e com o DOJ possam Brazilian authorities in Operation Car Wash ser investidos no Brasil. (“Lava Jato”), enabling 80 percent of the associated payments to be invested in Brazil. Os acordos encerram completamente as

investigações das autoridades norte- The separate agreements fully resolve the americanas. Segundo seus termos, a investigations of U.S. authorities. Under the Petrobras pagará nos Estados Unidos US$ agreements, Petrobras will pay US$85.3 85,3 milhões ao DOJ e US$ 85,3 milhões à million to the DOJ and the same amount of SEC. Adicionalmente, os acordos US$85.3 million to the SEC. The agreements reconhecem a destinação de US$ 682,6 also credit Petrobras’s remittance of milhões às autoridades brasileiras, a serem US$682.6 million (80 percent of the depositados pela Petrobras em um fundo resolution amount) to the Brazilian

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authorities to be deposited by Petrobras into especial e utilizados conforme instrumento a special fund and used according to a que será assinado com o MPF. consent agreement that will be signed with Ao longo da Operação Lava Jato, as the MPF. autoridades brasileiras, incluindo o

Through Operation Car Wash, Brazilian Supremo Tribunal Federal, reconheceram authorities, including the Brazilian Supreme que alguns ex-executivos da companhia e

Court, have affirmed that certain former outros envolvidos participaram de um

Petrobras executives and others engaged in esquema de corrupção que prejudicou e a corrupt scheme that harmed and caused causou severos danos financeiros à severe financial loss to Petrobras. Petrobras Petrobras. A companhia já recuperou mais has already recovered more than R$2.5 de R$ 2,5 bilhões a título de ressarcimento billion in restitution in Brazil and will no Brasil e continuará tomando as medidas continue to pursue available legal remedies cabíveis contra todos que lhe causaram from all culpable companies and individuals. graves prejuízos. Pelo acordo, o DOJ

Under these agreements, DOJ also também reconhece a situação de vítima da recognizes Petrobras’s status as a victim of Petrobras deste esquema de corrupção e a the embezzlement scheme and the SEC SEC reconhece a atuação da companhia recognizes the company’s status as an como assistente de acusação em mais de 50

Assistant to the Prosecutor in more than 50 ações penais no Brasil. criminal proceedings in Brazil. Os instrumentos que amparam o

The agreements that constitute this encerramento das investigações são os resolution are as follows: seguintes:

• A non-prosecution agreement with the (i) Non-Prosecution Agreement

DOJ under which Petrobras accepts assinado com o DOJ, no qual a Petrobras se responsibility under U.S. criminal law for responsabiliza pelos atos de certos ex- the acts of certain former Petrobras executivos e diretores que causaram

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executives and officers that gave rise to violações às disposições legais sobre violations of books and records and internal registros contábeis e controles internos de controls provisions under Title 15 of the acordo com a legislação penal norte-

United States Code, section 78m. None of americana (“Title 15 of the United States those individuals remain employed by or Code, section 78 m”). Estes indivíduos já há associated with the company. The anos não integram os quadros da agreement acknowledges that, in addition to companhia. O acordo também afirma que, the misconduct described by the DOJ, the além dos malfeitos descritos pelo DOJ, a company was victimized by an companhia foi vítima de um esquema de embezzlement scheme that included the corrupção que envolveu ex-executivos e ex- participation of former executives and diretores. officers of Petrobras. (ii) Acordo com a SEC para encerrar as

• An agreement with the SEC resolving alegações de que esses mesmos ex- allegations that those same former executivos cometeram violações do executives committed violations of certain Securities Act of 1933, bem como das provisions of the Securities Act of 1933, as previsões sobre registros contábeis, well as of the books and records and internal controles internos e arquivamento de controls and false filings provisions of the informações falsas previstos no Securities

Securities Exchange Act of 1934. These Exchange Act of 1934. Essas supostas alleged violations, none of which require a violações, que não exigem atos intencionais, finding of intent, resulted in misstatements resultaram em distorções e omissões nos and omissions in filings made with the SEC registros feitos junto à SEC e em documentos and in documents relating to a global public relativos à oferta pública global de ações em offering of equity securities in 2010. The SEC 2010. O acordo com a SEC limita o agreement limits the company’s admissions reconhecimento da companhia quanto aos to those facts related to the DOJ agreement. fatos constantes do acordo com o DOJ.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

• A consent agreement to be signed with the (iii) Acordo a ser assinado com o MPF, sem

MPF without attribution of liability to the atribuição de culpa ou dolo à companhia, company under Brazilian law. The conforme a legislação brasileira, por meio do agreement provides that US$682.6 million qual US$ 682,6 milhões serão depositados will be deposited by Petrobras into a special pela Petrobras em um fundo especial no fund in Brazil to be used in strict accordance Brasil. Este valor será utilizado estritamente with the terms and conditions of the consent segundo os termos e condições do acordo a agreement, including for various social and ser celebrado, incluindo destinação para educational programs to promote vários programas sociais e educacionais transparency, citizenship and compliance in visando à promoção da transparência, the public sector. cidadania e conformidade no setor público.

The resolution is in Petrobras’s best interest Os acordos atendem aos melhores and that of its shareholders. It puts an end to interesses da Petrobras e de seus acionistas the uncertainties, risks, burdens and costs of e põem fim a incertezas, ônus e custos potential prosecution and protracted associados a potenciais litígios nos Estados litigation in the United States. Unidos.

The SEC also recognized that the payments A SEC também concordou que os

Petrobras already made under its previously pagamentos feitos pela companhia na ação announced settlement of a securities class coletiva dos Estados Unidos (“class action”) action lawsuit in the United States will be serão considerados como créditos para fazer credited to satisfy the payment of US$933.4 frente ao montante de US$ 933,4 milhões million. As a result, Petrobras will not make previstos no acordo anunciado hoje, não any additional payment to the SEC beyond havendo, portanto, necessidade de the US$85.3 million referenced above. desembolso adicional para a SEC, além dos

US$ 85,3 milhões mencionados acima. The SEC and DOJ agreements also both recognize Petrobras’s compliance program,

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

internal control and anti-corruption Por fim, os acordos com o DOJ e a SEC procedure enhancements. As part of its reconhecem as evoluções no programa de agreement with the DOJ, Petrobras has conformidade, controles internos e agreed to continue to evaluate and enhance procedimentos anticorrupção da Petrobras. these initiatives. A companhia concordou em continuar

avaliando e aprimorando essas medidas. The company will recognize a provision of

US$853.2 million, or an estimated R$3.6 A companhia irá reconhecer, como provisão billion, including taxes, in its financial dos acordos, o valor de US$ 853,2 milhões, statements for the third quarter of 2018. estimado em R$ 3,6 bilhões, incluindo

tributos, nas demonstrações financeiras do

3o trimestre de 2018.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Secondary Sources

Doc ID: BLO001 - 08 May 2015

Marcelo Odebrecht, who succeeded his father, Emílio, in 2008, tells the story in an interview at Odebrecht’s São Paulo headquarters. “He said, ‘Emílio, this is one of the politicians with the brightest future in Brazil. It’s worth knowing him,’” Marcelo says. “Since then, we have always had interaction with Lula.”

Odebrecht poured money into political campaigns, including Lula’s, mirroring a practice by all the major builders. The builders being investigated in the Petrobras scandal legally contributed 344 million reais to political parties in 2014, an election year. About half went to the three parties implicated in the scandal, according to Brazilian election records. The share of Odebrecht and its subsidiaries was 88 million reais, most to the three parties.

Marcelo Odebrecht says his company has contributed to about 150 members of congress.

“If you believe in a guy who’s going to be important and can support you in congress, you have to support him,” he says. “If you are someone who contributes to someone, at the least he’s going to give you a meeting and listen.’’

After Lula won the presidency in 2002, in the biggest landslide ever in Brazil, Odebrecht grew rapidly. Lula and his Workers’ Party promised a revolution that would take Brazil to the next level, with bold public works projects at the center of his plans. Odebrecht was awarded some of the biggest contracts.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Early on, Lula introduced Marcelo to Rousseff, who was then energy minister. “We interacted with her a lot,” Marcelo says. “We’ve always had a relationship of trust.”

Lula had foreign policy goals as well; he talked of transforming Brazil into a sort of superpower for the developing world. That meant new business for Brazilian construction companies in places such as Cuba and Ecuador, funded with subsidized financing from

BNDES. Under Lula and then Rousseff, Odebrecht projects outside Brazil were showered with 5.5 billion reais of BNDES financing from 2009 to 2014, more than any other Brazilian company except for the aircraft maker Embraer.

Odebrecht has not been charged in connection with Operation Carwash; neither has any individual employed by the company. “Odebrecht never participated in cartels, whether in contracts with Petrobras or any other government or private client,” the company said in a statement to Bloomberg. Nevertheless, the company is being investigated, with other builders, in at least three criminal and regulatory probes. In November, Moro ordered federal agents to search the homes and offices of two Odebrecht executives. The searches did not result in charges being filed.

One of those executives was Márcio Faria. According to sworn testimony in Moro’s court by

Youssef, the convicted money launderer, Faria negotiated with Costa a 20-million-real payoff for 4.5 billion reais in Petrobras refinery contracts the company won in December

2009. Youssef said the bribe was funneled to politicians.

Faria, now a director of an Odebrecht industrial engineering division, referred questions to

Odebrecht. Faria didn’t do anything illegal in business dealings with Petrobras, Odebrecht said in a written statement. “Odebrecht denies making any payments or deposits into

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

supposed accounts of any executive or ex-executive,” the company said, referring to


Doc ID: ACJ001 - 10 December 2015

Comunicação e gestão de crises: uma análise Communication and crisis management: do gerenciamento da Petrobras durante a an analysis of Petrobras management during Operação Lava Jato* Lava Jato Operation Resumo Abstract Este estudo objetiva identificar erros e acertos da Petrobras na comunicação This study aims to identify successes and durante a crise provocada pela Operação failures in Petrobras communication during

Lava Jato. Para tanto, escolheu-se o período the crisis caused by the start of Operação

12 a 15 de dezembro de 2014, em que a Lava Jato, which reported a grand scheme of imprensa divulgou denúncias nas quais a corruption involving the company. então presidente da estatal, Maria das Therefore, we chose the period between 12

Graças Foster, teria conhecimento do desvio and 15 December 2014, in which the press de milhões de reais em diretorias da published allegations that the president of organização. Analisaram-se 30 matérias the company, Maria das Graças Foster, know publicadas nos portais G1 e UOL. As about million deviation schemes in conclusões foram comparadas com as organizational boards. This research informações divulgadas no Blog Fatos e analyzed the contents of 30 subjects,

Dados, da Petrobras. Dessa forma, mediu-se published in the journalistic sites G1 and o quanto o conteúdo e as informações UOL, which were compared with the divulgadas pela estatal influenciaram a information published in the Blog Dados e cobertura da imprensa. Também objetivou- Fatos (Petrobras). This way, could be se identificar se a comunicação da empresa possible measure how much the information seguiu preceitos de autores sobre published by the institution influenced, in

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

gerenciamento de crises. O resultado revelou some way, in press coverage. The que, no período analisado, as ações de methodology of this study also aimed to comunicação da Petrobras, por meio do blog, identify if the company’s communication foram ineficientes para amenizar a crise. followed precepts of several authors on crisis

Palavras-chave: Crise. Comunicação. Blog management in organizations. The result

Fatos e Dados. Operação Lava Jato. was that, in the analyzed period, Petrobras

Corrupção. communication activities through the blog

were inefficient. Keywords: Crisis.

Communication. Blog Fatos e Dados. Lava

Jato Operation. Corruption.

Doc ID: REU002 - 08 March 2016

Former Odebrecht CEO sentenced in Brazil kickback case

RIO DE JANEIRO (Reuters) - Marcelo Odebrecht, the former chief executive of Latin

America’s largest construction company, was sentenced on Tuesday to 19 years in prison for his role in an escalating corruption scandal rattling the government of President Dilma


Odebrecht, who until his arrest last June ran his family’s engineering conglomerate

Odebrecht SA [ODBES.UL], was convicted of bribery, money laundering and organized crime.

The conviction for Odebrecht, the 47-year-old grandson of the company’s founder, drew more attention to a news report that he could follow other recently convicted executives in striking a plea bargain to ease his punishment.

Odebrecht’s defense lawyer Nabor Bulhoes called the conviction “a grave judicial error” in a statement vowing to appeal the judgment.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Odebrecht is considered a pivotal figure because of his close ties to current and former political leaders, including Rousseff’s predecessor and mentor, former President Luiz Inacio

Lula da Silva.

Police took Lula into custody for questioning on Friday, in a stunning turning point for the two-year old corruption case, which stems from a vast bribery scheme at state-run oil company Petroleo Brasileiro SA (PETR4.SA), or Petrobras.

Lula’s brief detention sent shockwaves through the capital and sparked clashes between protesters for and against the former president, who remains one of Brazil’s most popular politicians. Investigators said there was evidence of Lula taking illicit payments and favors from Odebrecht and other builders, which he has denied.

The snowballing investigation has already jailed former aides and allies of the unpopular

President Rousseff, who is struggling to pull Brazil out of a deep recession as she fights an impeachment process on unrelated grounds.

Rousseff chaired the board of Petrobras during the Lula administration, when prosecutors say the company was bled for billions of dollars in rigged contracts and kickbacks to executives, politicians and parties in the ruling coalition.

Rousseff has denied any knowledge of the scheme, and prosecutors running the case in the southern city of Curitiba say she is not a target of their investigation.


According to the verdict by Sergio Moro, the federal judge in Curitiba spearheading the investigation, Odebrecht formed a “cartel” with other companies through which they systematically rigged bidding on Petrobras projects since 2006.

“The contractors, united in something that they called a ‘club’, previously agreed among themselves who would be the winners of the Petrobras contracts, manipulating the prices

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presented during bidding,” Moro wrote. “They were able to, with no real competition, be contracted at the highest possible price.”

Officials at Odebrecht headquarters in the city of Salvador didn’t respond to calls for comment. A spokeswoman at the company’s Sao Paulo office declined to comment.

Earlier on Tuesday, newspaper O Globo reported that Marcelo Odebrecht and the convicted former CEO of another engineering group in the Petrobras case, Leo Pinheiro of OAS

Empreendimentos SA [OAS.UL], could agree to plea bargains with prosecutors, citing a source close to one of the executives.

A spokeswoman for Odebrecht, citing his lawyers, said Marcelo Odebrecht has not opted for a plea bargain deal. “He is, as he has always been, available to give the authorities all due clarification.” Spokeswomen for OAS did not respond to requests for comment.

In testimony before a congressional probe in September, Odebrecht dismissed the possibility of a plea deal.

The third-generation scion of the powerful Odebrecht family told lawmakers he had inherited morals that would not let him collaborate with prosecutors.

He said if one of his children had done something wrong, “I’d maybe have more of a problem with the one who snitched than the one who did it.”

Doc ID: SEN001 - 31 October 2016

Ministro – Agradeço a V. Exª. Agora, passamos à votação do quesito, quele quesito que está no painel eletrônico, salvo destaque assinalado em verde. A

Presidência esclarece, peço a atenção de todos, em relação à votação do quesito. O voto “sim” aprova a condenação, ou seja, a perda do cargo da Senhora Presidente da República. Aqueles que votam “não” votam pela absolvição e consequente arquivamento da denúncia contra a

Senhora Presidente da República. A Presidência esclarece ainda que, nos termos do art. 52,

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

parágrafo único, da Constituição Federal, para aprovação do quesito, é necessário o voto

“sim” de dois terços da composição do Senado Federal para condenar a acusada pelos crimes

à perda do cargo. Aqueles que votam “não” rejeitam, insisto, o texto do quesito.

As Srªs Senadoras e os Srs. Senadores já podem votar. (Procede-se à votação) Podemos abrir a votação. (Tumulto no recinto) Vamos reiniciar os trabalhos, por gentileza. Tomem os seus lugares, por favor. (Procede-se à apuração)

Proclamo o resultado: 81 Senadores votaram. Não houve nenhuma abstenção. Votaram SIM

61 Senadores; votaram NÃO 20 Senadores.

Ministro Ricardo Lewandowski – Vamos encerrar a votação, e eu já concederei a palavra a

V. Exª. Já temos 81 votantes. Podemos abrir a votação. Está encerrada a votação. (Soa a campainha)

Lerei a sentença. Queria dizer a V. Exªs que oPresidente, após a formulação do destaque, preparou dois modelos de sentença.A sentença é longa, incorpora o relatório. A parte da fundamentação compreende os argumentos da Acusação e da Defesa. Lerei apenas a parte dispositiva. Ao encerrar a leitura, convido, como é determinação legal, todas as Senadoras e Senadores a assinarem a sentença que ficará aqui, sobre a mesa.

Passo à leitura. O Senado Federal entendeu que a Senhora Presidente da República Dilma

Vana Rousseff cometeu os crimes de responsabilidade, consistentes em contratar operações de crédito com instituição financeira controlada pela União e editar decretos de crédito suplementar sem autorização do Congresso Nacional, previstos no art. 85, inciso VI, e art.

167, inciso V, da Constituição Federal, bem como no art. 10, itens 4, 6 e 7, e art. 11, itens 2 e

3, da Lei nº 1.079, de 10 abril de 1950, por 61 votos, havendo sido registrados 20 votos contrários e nenhuma abstenção, ficando assim a acusada condenada à perda do cargo de

Presidente da República Federativa do Brasil. Em votação subsequente, o Senado Federal decidiu afastar a pena de inabilitação para o exercício de cargo público, em virtude de não

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

se ter obtido nesta votação dois terços dos votos constitucionalmente previstos, tendo-se verificado 42 votos favoráveis à aplicação da pena, 36 contrários e 3 abstenções. Esta sentença, lavrada nos autos do processo, constará e resolução do Senado Federal, será assinada – a sentença – por mim e pelos Srs. Senadores que funcionaram como juízes, transcrita na ata da sessão e, dentro desta, publicada no Diário Oficial da União, no Diário do Congresso Nacional, segundo o art. 35 da Lei nº 1.079, e no Diário do Senado Federal.

Tal decisão encerra formalmente o processo de impeachment instaurado contra a

Presidente da República no Senado Federal, no dia 12 de maio de 2016. Façam-se as comunicações ao Excelentíssimo Senhor Presidente da República em exercício, os Exmos

Srs. Presidentes da Câmara dos Deputados, do Senado Federal e à Exma Srª Vice-Presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal, 31 de agosto de 2016. Assino a sentença. (Palmas) (Tumulto no recinto) Srªs Senadoras, Srs. Senadores, passo à leitura da resolução assinada pelo Exmo

Sr. Presidente do Senado Federal: Faço saber que o Senado Federal julgou, nos termos do art. 86, in fine, da Constituição Federal, e eu, , Presidente, promulgo a seguinte resolução: Resolução nº 35, de 2016. O Senado Federal resolve: Art. 1º É julgada procedente a denúncia por crime de responsabilidade previsto nos art. 85, inciso VI, e art.

167, inciso V, da Constituição Federal; art. 10, incisos IV, VI e VII, e art. 11, itens 2 e 3, da

Lei nº 1.079, de 10 de abril e 1950; Art. 2º Em consequência do disposto no artigo anterior,

é imposta à Srª Dilma Vana Rousseff, nos termos do art. 52, parágrafo único, da

Constituição Federal, a sanção de perda do cargo de Presidente da República, sem prejuízo das demais sanções judiciais cabíveis, nos termos da sentença lavrada nos autos da

Denúncia nº 1, de 2016, que passa a fazer parte desta Resolução. Esta Resolução entra em vigor na data de sua publicação. Senado Federal, 31 de agosto de 2016. Senador Renan

Calheiros, Presidente do Senado Federal.

Peço às Srªs Senadoras e aos Srs. Senadores que assinem a sentença. Está encerrada esta sessão de julgamento.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Doc ID: DOJ001 - 21 December 2016

Odebrecht And Braskem Plead Guilty And Agree To Pay At Least $3.5 Billion In Global

Criminal Penalties To Resolve Largest Foreign Bribery Case In History

BROOKLYN, N.Y. – Odebrecht S.A. (Odebrecht), a global construction conglomerate based in Brazil, and Braskem S.A. (Braskem), a Brazilian petrochemical company, pleaded guilty today and agreed to pay a combined total penalty of at least $3.5 billion to resolve charges with authorities in the United States, Brazil and Switzerland arising out of their schemes to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes to government officials around the world.

U.S. Attorney Robert L. Capers of the Eastern District of New York, Deputy Assistant

Attorney General Sung-Hee Suh of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division, Assistant

Director Stephen Richardson of the FBI’s Criminal Investigative Division and Assistant

Director in Charge William F. Sweeney of the FBI’s New York Field Office made the announcement.

"These resolutions are the result of an extraordinary multinational effort to identify, investigate and prosecute a highly complex and long-lasting corruption scheme that resulted in the payment by the defendant companies of close to a billion dollars in bribes to officials at all levels of government in many countries," said U.S. Attorney Capers. "In an attempt to conceal their crimes, the defendants used the global financial system – including the banking system in the United States – to disguise the source and disbursement of the bribe payments by passing funds through a series of shell companies. The message sent by this prosecution is that the United States, working with its law enforcement partners abroad, will not hesitate to hold responsible those corporations and individuals who seek to enrich themselves through the corruption of the legitimate functions of government, no matter how sophisticated the scheme."

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

"Odebrecht and Braskem used a hidden but fully functioning Odebrecht business unit—a

‘Department of Bribery,’ so to speak—that systematically paid hundreds of millions of dollars to corrupt government officials in countries on three continents," said Deputy

Assistant Attorney General Suh. "Such brazen wrongdoing calls for a strong response from law enforcement, and through a strong effort with our colleagues in Brazil and Switzerland, we have seen just that. I hope that today’s action will serve as a model for future efforts."

"This case illustrates the importance of our partnerships and the dedicated personnel who work to bring to justice those who are motivated by greed and act in their own best interest," said FBI Assistant Director Richardson. "The FBI will not stand by idly while corrupt individuals threaten a fair and competitive economic system or fuel criminal enterprises.

Our commitment to work alongside our foreign partners to root out corruption across the globe is unwavering and we thank our Brazilian and Swiss partners for their tireless work in this effort."

"No matter what the reason, when foreign officials receive bribes, they threaten our national security and the international free market system in which we trade," said FBI Assistant

Director in Charge Sweeney. "Just because they’re out of our sight, doesn’t mean they’re beyond our reach. The FBI will use all available resources to put an end to this type of corrupt behavior."

Odebrecht pleaded guilty to a one-count criminal information filed today by the Criminal

Division’s Fraud Section and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the U.S. District Court for the

Eastern District of New York, charging the company with conspiracy to violate the anti- bribery provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). Odebrecht agreed that the appropriate criminal fine is $4.5 billion, subject to further analysis of the company’s ability to pay the total global penalties. In related proceedings, Odebrecht also settled with the

Ministerio Publico Federal in Brazil and the Office of the Attorney General in Switzerland.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Under the plea agreement, the United States will credit the amount that Odebrecht pays to

Brazil and Switzerland over the full term of their respective agreements, with the United

States and Switzerland receiving 10 percent each of the principal of the total criminal fine and Brazil receiving the remaining 80 percent. The fine is subject to an inability to pay analysis to be completed by the Department of Justice and Brazilian authorities on or before

March 31, 2017, because Odebrecht has represented it is only able to pay approximately $2.6 billion over the course of the respective agreements. Sentencing has been scheduled for

April 17, 2017.

Braskem, whose American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) are publicly traded on the New York

Stock Exchange, separately pleaded guilty to a one-count criminal information filed in the

Eastern District of New York charging it with conspiracy to violate the anti-bribery provisions of the FCPA. Braskem agreed to pay a total criminal penalty of $632 million.

Sentencing has been scheduled for January 2017. In related proceedings, Braskem also settled with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Ministerio Publico

Federal in Brazil and the Office of the Attorney General in Switzerland. Under the terms of its resolution with the SEC, Braskem agreed to a total of $325 million in disgorgement of profits. Braskem agreed to pay Brazilian authorities 70 percent of the total criminal penalty and agreed to pay the Swiss authorities 15 percent. The department has agreed to credit the criminal penalties paid to Brazilian and Swiss authorities as part of its agreement with the company. The United States will receive $94.8 million, an amount equal to 15 percent of the total criminal fines paid by Braskem.

Under their respective plea agreements, Odebrecht and Braskem are required to continue their cooperation with law enforcement, including in connection with the investigations and prosecutions of individuals responsible for the criminal conduct. Odebrecht and Braskem also agreed to adopt enhanced compliance procedures and to retain independent

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

compliance monitors for three years. The cases are assigned to U.S. District Judge Raymond

J. Dearie of the Eastern District of New York.

The combined total amount of United States, Brazilian and Swiss criminal and regulatory penalties paid by Braskem will be approximately $957 million. The combined total amount of penalties imposed against Odebrecht will be at least $2.6 billion and up to $4.5 billion.

With a combined total of at least $3.5 billion, today’s resolutions with Odebrecht and

Braskem are the largest-ever global foreign bribery resolution.

The Bribery Schemes

According to its admissions, Odebrecht engaged in a massive and unparalleled bribery and bid-rigging scheme for more than a decade, beginning as early as 2001. During that time,

Odebrecht paid approximately $788 million in bribes to government officials, their representatives and political parties in a number of countries in order to win business in those countries. The criminal conduct was directed by the highest levels of the company, with the bribes paid through a complex network of shell companies, off-book transactions and off-shore bank accounts.

As part of the scheme, Odebrecht and its co-conspirators created and funded an elaborate, secret financial structure within the company that operated to account for and disburse bribe payments to foreign government officials and political parties. By 2006, the development and operation of this secret financial structure had evolved such that

Odebrecht established the "Division of Structured Operations," which effectively functioned as a stand-alone bribe department within Odebrecht and its related entities. Until approximately 2009, the head of the Division of Structured Operations reported to the highest levels within Odebrecht, including to obtain authorization to approve bribe payments. After 2009, this responsibility was delegated to certain company business leaders in Brazil and the other jurisdictions. To conceal its activities, the Division of Structured

Operations utilized an entirely separate and off-book communications system, which

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

allowed members of the Division of Structured Operations to communicate with one another and with outside financial operators and other co-conspirators about the bribes via secure emails and instant messages, using codenames and passwords.

The Division of Structured Operations managed the "shadow" budget for the Odebrecht bribery operation via a separate computer system that was used to request and process bribe payments as well as to generate and populate spreadsheets that tracked and internally accounted for the shadow budget. These funds for the company’s sophisticated bribery operation were generated by the Odebrecht Finance Department through a variety of methods, as well as by certain Odebrecht subsidiaries, including Braskem. The funds were then funneled by the Division of Structured Operations to a series of off-shore entities that were not included on Odebrecht’s balance sheet as related entities. The Division of

Structured Operations then directed the disbursement of the funds from the off-shore entities to the bribe recipient, through the use of wire transfers through one or more of the off-shore entities, as well as through cash payments both inside and outside Brazil, which were sometimes delivered using packages or suitcases left at predetermined locations.

Odebrecht, its employees and agents took a number of steps while in the United States to further the scheme. For instance, in 2014 and 2015, while located in Miami, two Odebrecht employees engaged in conduct related to certain projects in furtherance of the scheme, including meetings with other co-conspirators to plan actions to be taken in connection with the Division of Structured Operations, the movement of criminal proceeds and other criminal conduct. In addition, some of the off-shore entities used by the Division of

Structured Operations to hold and disburse unrecorded funds were established, owned and/or operated by individuals located in the United States. In all, this conduct resulted in corrupt payments and/or profits totaling approximately $3.336 billion.

Braskem also admitted to engaging in a wide-ranging bribery scheme and acknowledged the pervasiveness of its conduct. Between 2006 and 2014, Braskem paid approximately $250

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

million into Odebrecht’s secret, off-book bribe payment system. Using the Odebrecht system, Braskem authorized the payment of bribes to politicians and political parties in

Brazil, as well as to an official at Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras (Petrobras), the state- controlled oil company of Brazil. In exchange, Braskem received various benefits, including: preferential rates from Petrobras for the purchase of raw materials used by the company; contracts with Petrobras; and favorable legislation and government programs that reduced the company’s tax liabilities in Brazil. This conduct resulted in corrupt payments and/or profits totaling approximately $465 million.

The Corporate Resolutions

The department reached these resolutions with Odebrecht and Braskem based on a number of factors, including: the failure to voluntarily disclose the conduct that triggered the investigation; the nature and seriousness of the offense, which spanned many years, involved the highest levels of the companies, occurred in multiple countries and involved sophisticated schemes to bribe high-level government officials; the lack of an effective compliance and ethics program at the time of the conduct; and credit for each company’s respective cooperation. The companies also engaged in remedial measures, including terminating and disciplining individuals who participated in the misconduct, adopting heightened controls and anti-corruption compliance protocols and significantly increasing the resources devoted to compliance.

The criminal penalty for Odebrecht reflects a 25 percent reduction off the bottom of the U.S.

Sentencing Guidelines fine range because of Odebrecht’s full cooperation with the government’s investigation, while the criminal penalty for Braskem reflects a 15 percent reduction off the bottom of the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines as a result of its partial cooperation.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Odebrecht has represented its ability to pay a maximum of $2.6 billion of the total fine amount. The department and Brazilian authorities are engaged in further analysis regarding the company’s claimed inability to pay, which will be completed on or before March 31, 2017.

* * *

The case is being prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Alixandra Smith and Julia Nestor of the Business and Securities Fraud Section of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern

District of New York, and FCPA Chief Dan Kahn and Trial Attorneys Christopher Cestaro,

Sarah Edwards, David Fuhr, Kevin R. Gingras, Lorinda Laryea and David Last of the

Criminal Division’s Fraud Section. The FBI’s International Corruption squad in New York investigated this case.

The Criminal Division’s Office of International Affairs also provided substantial assistance.

The SEC and the Ministerio Publico Federal in Brazil the Departamento de Polícia Federal and the Office of the Attorney General in Switzerland provided significant cooperation.

Doc ID: GLO003 - 12 April 2017

Marcelo Odebrecht diz a Moro que conta 'Amigo', referente a Lula, começou com R$ 40 milhões

SÃO PAULO - O empresário Marcelo Odebrecht afirmou que a subconta "Amigo", que contabilizava os recursos que seriam usados pelo ex-presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, foi criada em 2010 com um saldo de R$ 40 milhões. Segundo ele, o acerto foi feito com

Antonio Palocci, ex-ministro da Fazenda, que era o contato do PT com o Grupo Odebrecht desde gestões anteriores, de Emílio Odebrecht e de Pedro Novis, que antecederam Marcelo no comando.


Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Marcelo Odebrecht confirmou que houve pedido de dinheiro para a compra de um terreno para uma nova sede do Instituto Lula. Segundo ele, o pedido partiu de Paulo Okamoto, presidente do Instituto Lula, ou do pecuarista José Carlos Bumlai. Segundo ele, foi comprado um imóvel, mas que acabou não sendo usado pelo instituto e o valor correspondente, de R$ 12,4 milhões, foi creditado novamente na conta de propina do PT.

Doc ID REU003- 13 April 2017: Doc ID REU004 - 13 April 2017:

Temer comandou reunião que acertou Brazil's Temer calls $40 million Odebrecht propina de US$ 40 milhões da Odebrecht, bribe accusation 'a lie' diz delator Brazil’s President Michel Temer denied on

O presidente Michel Temer comandou uma Thursday that he hosted a meeting in 2010 reunião com a Odebrecht na qual foi where an executive of engineering firm acertado pagamento de propina de US$ 40 Odebrecht SA [ODBES.UL] was asked to milhões (cerca de R$ 125 milhões na cotação arrange an illegal payment of $40 million to atual) ao PMDB em 2010, quando era his political party. candidato a vice-presidente da República, The graft accusation, which Temer afirmou um dos delatores da empreiteira em dismissed as “a lie,” was made in plea depoimento no âmbito da operação Lava bargain testimony by Marcio Faria da Silva, Jato. a former vice president of the industrial arm

Segundo o delator Márcio Faria da Silva, o of scandal-plagued Odebrecht. encontro aconteceu no escritório político de Though potentially damaging to his Temer em São Paulo, e o valor se referia ao credibility, and efforts to shore up Latin percentual de 5% de um contrato da America’s biggest economy, Faria’s Odebrecht com a Petrobras. allegation does not threaten Temer’s hold on

"Totalmente vantagem indevida, porque era power. As president, he has temporary um percentual em cima de um contrato",

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

disse Faria no depoimento, quando immunity for anything that occurred before perguntado se havia ficado claro na reunião he took office last year. que o repasse era relativo a pagamento de The accusation was made public on propina. Wednesday as part of a rash of plea bargain

Além de Temer, também participaram da deals by 77 Odebrecht executives caught up reunião os ex-deputados in a massive corruption scheme.

(PMDB-RJ) e Faria said he met with Temer in 2010 in his (PMDB-RN), de acordo com o depoimento Sao Paulo legal office, together with former do delator, que foi divulgado pelo STF lower house speaker Eduardo Cunha and (Supremo Tribunal Federal) na quarta-feira Congressman Henrique Eduardo Alves, all após a retirada do sigilo sobre as delações da members of the Brazilian Democratic Odebrecht. Movement Party (PMDB).

Em nota oficial, a Secretaria de At the meeting, the payment was requested Comunicação da Presidência da República as a 5 percent levy on a contract Odebrecht informou que Temer jamais tratou de was seeking from state oil company Petroleo valores com Márcio Faria e que nunca houve Brasileiro SA’s for the maintenance of assets encontro entre eles com a presença do ex- in nine countries, Faria said. deputado Henrique Eduardo Alves.

Reconheceu, no entanto, uma reunião em Temer confirmed in a video statement

2010 na qual Faria foi acompanhado de posted on social media that he took part in a

Eduardo Cunha. meeting with a company executive in 2010 but there was no talk of an illegal donation. "A conversa, rápida e superficial, não versou sobre valores ou contratos na Petrobras. E “It is a lie that in that meeting I heard any isso já foi esclarecido anteriormente, quando reference to money or any shady dealings da divulgação dessa suposta reunião. between the company and politicians,” the president said.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

O presidente contesta de forma categórica Earlier on Thursday, Temer’s office qualquer envolvimento de seu nome em confirmed in a separate statement he met negócios escusos. Nunca atuou em defesa de with Faria in 2010 in the presence of Cunha interesses particulares na Petrobras, nem for a “quick and superficial” meeting, but defendeu pagamento de valores indevidos a denied that Alves participated. terceiros", disse a nota. Representatives for Alves and Cunha, who is

Temer também foi citado na delação de in prison pending trial on other charges,

Marcelo Odebrecht, ex-presidente da could not be reached for comment.

Odebrecht, que classificou como um "shake The testimony by Faria was among dozens of hands" o jantar no Palácio do Jaburu que plea bargain testimonies released by teve com o então vice-presidente em maio de Supreme Court Justice Luiz . 2014, no qual foi acertado uma contribuição no valor de R$ 10 milhões da empreiteira Based on the testimony, Fachin ordered para o PMDB. investigations into nearly 100 politicians as part of the Operation Car War probe into As declarações de Marcelo Odebrecht e billions of dollars in bribes and illegal Márcio Faria da Silva fazem parte da íntegra kickbacks on contracts with state companies, dos vídeos dos depoimentos prestados pelos particularly Petrobras. executivos da Odebrecht divulgados pelo gabinete do ministro Edson Fachin, após a In his testimony, Faria alleged that, while abertura de 76 inquéritos contra autoridades Temer did not speak about any figures, no STF. Apenas dois dos inquéritos tiveram Cunha made it clear that a payment was seu sigilo mantido. expected.

O presidente Michel Temer não será “He explained that we were seeking a investigado no momento por esses casos contract with Petrobras. A commitment that porque, de acordo com o procurador-geral it would be signed would require a very

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

da República, Rodrigo Janot, o presidente important contribution to the party,” Faria tem imunidade temporária e não pode ser said, adding it was clear that a bribe was investigado por fatos anteriores ao mandato. being sought.

Once the contract was won, the payment was

made in cash in Brazil and to foreign bank

accounts, Faria said. He said the PMDB took

4 percent of the value of the contract, leaving

1 percent for the left-leaning Workers Party

of then-President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

Odebrecht’s former Chief Executive Marcelo

Odebrecht, currently jailed for his part in the

Car Wash scheme, said in a separate plea

bargain deal that he had made available $40

million to Lula. He said the payment was

negotiated via a minister, not with Lula


Doc ID: ACJ004 - 21 December 2017





Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

RESUMO: O artigo procura entender o ABSTRACT: The article seeks to understand governo Dilma Rousseff e o Golpe de 2016 the Dilma Rousseff government and the levando em consideração o poder estrutural 2016 coup, considering the structural power do capital financeiro e as contradições of the financial capital and the inerentes aos modelos de crescimento contradictions inherent to the models of econômico e coalizão política observados economic growth and political coalition desde o governo Lula. Argumenta-se que o observed since the Lula administration. It is projeto econômico do governo Rousseff argued that the Rousseff government’s procurava superar algumas destas economic project sought to overcome some contradições. O governo, contudo, não foi of these contradictions. The government, capaz de realizar nem as reformas however, was unable to carry out either the institucionais nem as repactuações políticas institutional reforms or the political changes necessárias para o sucesso de seu projeto, necessary for the success of its project, in the em contexto de desaceleração cíclica e context of an economic slowdown and the aguçamento da concorrência internacional e sharpening of international competition and dos conflitos sociais no Brasil. A política social conflicts in Brazil. The economic econômica é avaliada desde a austeridade de policy is evaluated from the austerity of 2011

2011 até a de 2015, passando pela chamada to that of 2015, passing through the so-

Nova Matriz Econômica e seu desmonte called New Economic Matrix and its gradual gradual em 2013. Analisa-se as origens da dismantling in 2013. The origins of the unificação da burguesia em torno a um bourgeoisie’s unification around a neoliberal programa neoliberal em 2016, assim como a program in 2016 are analyzed, as well as the relação entre a revolta das camadas médias e relationship between the middle-class revolt o ataque político-judicial resultante no and the political-judicial attack resulting on

Golpe de 2016. the 2016 coup.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Dilma Rousseff; KEYWORDS: Dilma Rousseff; Lulism; 2016

Lulismo; golpe de 2016; Operação Lava- Coup; Car-Wash Operation; new economic

Jato; nova matriz econômica. matrix.

Doc ID: ACJ003 - 01 July 2018

This essay describes the Brazilian anticorruption operation known as Operação Lava Jato

(“Operation Car Wash”), its findings, and its results based on cases tried up to March 2018.

Told from the perspective of the federal judge of the Thirteenth Federal Criminal Court of

Curitiba, in whose court most of the Lava Jato cases have been prosecuted, this massive criminal case offers lessons that may be useful to other anticorruption efforts. Preventing systemic corruption is a challenge, but it is a necessary step for the improvement of democracy.

What began as an investigation of an isolated instance of corruption within a Brazilian oil company expanded into an immense anticorruption operation known as Operação Lava

Jato (“Operation Car Wash”). This investigative operation has penetrated deep within

Brazil's government and corporate elite to root out systemic state-sanctioned corruption. Its criminal cases also appear to be instating new legal norms for how corruption cases are handled in Brazil, giving citizens hope that Lava Jato's impact will be felt far into the future.

How Brazilian prosecutors and courts dealt with this immense anti-corruption effort may provide important lessons for the battle against systemic corruption both in Brazil and elsewhere. This essay provides a comprehensive account of Lava Jato and its significance for Brazil going forward.

It is important to note from the beginning that Lava Jato is not a single criminal case but several, in which federal prosecutors have decided to pursue separate charges against many

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

defendants. So far, more than sixty criminal cases have been brought against about 289 defendants in Brazilian federal courts.1 About thirty-three of those cases have already been tried, resulting in convictions of bribery and money laundering for about 157 people. The reflections I offer in this essay are based on the cases that have been tried at the time of writing. I do not analyze or comment upon cases that have yet to be tried or that are awaiting sentences.

At the core of the Lava Jato cases are crimes connected to contracts with Petroleo Brasileiro s/a (Petrobras). Petrobras is a semipublic, majority state-owned Brazilian company engaged primarily in oil and gas exploration, refining, and transportation. It is Brazil's largest company and one of the world's major oil and gas companies. It was founded in 1953 to explore Brazilian oil and gas fields with the goal of transforming Brazil into a self-sufficient producer of petroleum products.

As the cases already tried reveal, multiple bribes were paid in contracts between Petrobras and its suppliers; these bribes were used for the criminal enrichment of Petrobras executives and politicians, as well as to finance electoral campaigns. Before describing what prompted the investigation and how it unfolded, however, it is important to provide some context, including some details concerning Brazilian criminal justice.2

White -collar crimes like bribery and money laundering represent a challenge for law- enforcement agencies all over the world. They are often difficult to discover, to prove, and to punish. Such crimes are usually committed in secret, by powerful people, and with some degree of sophistication. And police, prosecutors, and the judiciary are often not well prepared for the investigation, prosecution, and judgment of these highly sophisticated

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

crimes. Sometimes powerful defendants also exploit the gaps in the criminal law and of the judicial system to prevent effective accountability.

Doc ID: CFR001 - 07 November 2018

What is Lava Jato?

Federal prosecutors led by Judge Sergio Moro launched Lava Jato in March 2014, after the

Finance Ministry’s intelligence unit discovered unusual bank transactions involving the state-owned oil company Petrobras. They suspected that Petrobras was accepting bribes from firms, including the construction giant Odebrecht, in exchange for contracts.

Executives from both Petrobras and Odebrecht, including the latter’s former chief executive,

Marcelo Odebrecht, were sentenced to jail time. In April 2017, a U.S. federal court ordered

Odebrecht to pay $2.6 billion in fines to authorities in Brazil, Switzerland, and the United

States. The company had previously admitted to paying out hundreds of millions of dollars in bribes to officials in twelve countries. Facing financial losses that stem in part from the probe, the two companies have laid off more than one hundred thousand employees.

According to the public prosecutor’s office, by October 2018 Lava Jato had resulted in more than two hundred convictions for crimes including corruption, abuse of the international financial system, drug trafficking, and money laundering. More than a dozen other corporations and multiple foreign leaders have also been implicated in Lava Jato, including former Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, and former Peruvian President .

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. The former president (2003–2011) was sentenced by Judge Moro in July 2017 to nine and a half years in prison for corruption and money laundering. Lula, who also faces charges in several other corruption cases, lost appeals and had his prison sentence extended to twelve years in early 2018. His loss of these appeals effectively barred

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

him from running for political office, although his party subsequently named him as its presidential candidate in the 2018 election. Lula ended his presidential bid in September and endorsed former Sao Paulo Mayor Fernando Haddad, who lost to Bolsonaro in a runoff.

The federal prosecutor’s office has referred to Lula as the mastermind behind the entire corruption scheme targeted by Lava Jato, and some officials from his administration are serving prison sentences for related crimes. He is often described as a mentor to his successor, Dilma Rousseff, who was his chief of staff from 2005 to 2010.

Dilma Rousseff. In office since 2011, President Rousseff was impeached and then removed from office in 2016, during her second term, after being charged with manipulating the federal budget to conceal the size of the country’s deficit. Prosecutors never brought charges related to the Petrobras scandal against Rousseff, though she was the company’s chairwoman from 2003 to 2010. A separate case, which was brought by the opposition, sought to annul Rousseff and Temer’s 2014 election victory over allegations of illegal campaign donations, but was unsuccessful.

Michel Temer. Rousseff’s one-time running mate and vice president took office in August

2016, after Rousseff was impeached. His name did not appear on Fachin’s list, but he has since been charged with taking bribes. JBS chair Joesley Batista handed over to investigators secretly recorded audio that purports to show Temer authorizing hush money for Eduardo Cunha, a former speaker of Congress’s lower house. Like Rousseff and Lula,

Temer has denied the allegations against him.

Eduardo Cunha. Cunha was charged in October 2016 with accepting bribes worth $40 million and attempting to obstruct investigations into his activities. In March 2017, he was

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

sentenced to more than fifteen years in prison for corruption, tax evasion, and money laundering. Cunha faces additional criminal charges as well.

Doc ID: ACJ005 - 28 February 2019

It’s Not Collusion Unless You Get Caught: The Case of ‘Operation Car Wash’ and Unearthing of a Cartel


In this article, we present findings from the Brazilian Federal Police’s on-going investigation referred to as ‘Operation Car Wash’, which led to an accusation of collusive bidding being presented to a cartel that comprised of sixteen construction contractors. While plea bargains from several contractors within the cartel have materialized, additional evidence needs to be provided by the investigations officials to ensure the adequate application of justice. In this article, we provide is scientific evidence that can be used by the Brazilian criminal courts to demonstrate the presence of collusive bidding. The contributions of this article are twofold: (1) a robust and reliable econometric model to prove the presence of collusive bidding is implemented, which meets the basic criteria defined by the judicial system for scientific evidence; and (2) the negative economic impact of collusive bid rigging is quantified, which was much higher than the percentage admitted by those involved in their leniency agreements.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators


English Português

Operation Car Wash Operação Lava Jato

Through Operation Car Wash, Brazilian Curitiba/PR – A Polícia Federal deflagrou na authorities, including the Brazilian Supreme manhã de hoje, (17/03) a Operação Lava

Court, have affirmed that certain former Jato, para desarticular organizações

Petrobras executives and others engaged in criminosas que tinham como finalidade a a corrupt scheme that harmed and caused lavagem de dinheiro em diversos estados da severe financial loss to Petrobras. Federação.

Doc. ID: PBR001 - 27 September 2018 Doc. ID: DPF002 - 17 March 2014

English Português money laundering lavagem de dinheiro

Within the scope of the cited operation, a No âmbito da citada operação, um ex-diretor former Petrobras director, as well as other da Petrobras, conjuntamente com outras individuals, have been charged with money pessoas, já foi denunciado pelos crimes de laundering and organized crime. At the lavagem de dinheiro e organização moment, investigations are underway on the criminosa. Neste momento, estão em curso practice of alleged crimes committed against investigações sobre a prática de supostos

Petrobras. crimes em desfavor da Petrobras.

Doc. ID: PBR009 - 27 October 2014 Doc. ID: PBR010 - 27 October 2014

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

English Português

Brazilian Federal Police Polícia Federal brasileira

“Lava Jato Operation” is an investigation A “Operação Lava Jato” é uma investigação that is being conducted by the Brazilian que vem sendo realizada pela Polícia Federal

Federal Police. brasileira.

Doc. ID: PBR009 - 27 October 2014 Doc. ID: PBR010 - 27 October 2014

English Português search and seizure warrants mandados de busca e apreensão

The court order approving the arrest of our Cerca de 40 policiais federais cumprem 18 executives and the search and seizure mandados judiciais: dois de prisão warrants demonstrates that, since the preventiva, quatro de prisão temporária e 12 beginning of Lava Jato over a year ago, the mandados de busca e apreensão. Os

Federal Police have not presented, as alleged mandados estão sendo cumpridos nas in the court order, any new evidence that cidades de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro. justifies the forceful measures taken, which were completely unnecessary and for that very reason, illegal.

Doc. ID: ODB001 - 22 June 2015 Doc. ID: DPF011 - 16 March 2015

English Português

Internal steps Providências Internas

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Internal steps taken by Petrobras in Providências Internas tomadas pela response to “Lava Jato Operation” Companhia relacionadas à “Operação Lava


Doc. ID: PBR009 - 27 October 2014 Doc. ID: PBR010 - 27 October 2014

English Português the investigation as investigações

Requested access to the records of the Requereu acesso aos autos da investigação investigation into “Lava Jato Operation”, relacionada à Operação Lava Jato, incluindo including records for the money laundering os autos da ação por lavagem de dinheiro e and criminal organization case, as a way to organização criminosa, como forma de closely monitor the investigation, which acompanhar de perto as investigações, o was granted by the court; que foi deferido pelo Poder Judiciário;

Doc. ID: PBR009 - 27 October 2014 Doc. ID: PBR010 - 27 October 2014

English Português

“state’s evidence” “delação premiada”

- Requested access to the content of the Solicitou acesso ao conteúdo da “delação

“state’s evidence” turned in by former premiada” realizada pelo ex-Diretor Paulo director Paulo Roberto Costa, Roberto Costa,

Doc. ID: PBR009 - 27 October 2014 Doc. ID: PBR010 - 27 October 2014

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

English Português granted deferido which has not yet been granted by the o que ainda não foi deferido pelo Poder court; Judiciário;

Doc. ID: PBR009 - 27 October 2014 Doc. ID: PBR010 - 27 October 2014

English Português

Brazilian Justice Department Ministério Público Federal

Has been providing clarifications to Vem prestando esclarecimentos às authorities (Brazilian Federal Police, Autoridades (Polícia Federal, Ministério

Brazilian Justice Department and Público Federal e Poder Judiciário),

Brazilian Courts), including announcing inclusive informando as diligências já measures carried out by the company; realizadas no âmbito da Companhia;

Doc. ID: PBR009 - 27 October 2014 Doc. ID: PBR010 - 27 October 2014

English Português appropriate legal remedies medidas jurídicas adequadas

Parallel to the ongoing investigation, Paralelamente ao avanço das investigações,

Petrobras is already working in the a Companhia já está trabalhando nas appropriate legal remedies to seek for medidas jurídicas adequadas para the reimbursement of the alleged deviated ressarcimento dos supostos recursos resources and of the amounts lost through desviados e dos eventuais valores

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

the overprice of the companies that are decorrentes de sobrepreços derivados das supposedly part of the cartel, as mentioned empresas supostamente participantes do by former Director Paulo Roberto Costa cartel, conforme mencionado no during his hearing. The company is also depoimento do ex-diretor Paulo Roberto studying legal measures to be recompensed Costa, além dos danos causados à imagem da by the damage to its image. Companhia.

Doc. ID: PBR009 - 27 October 2014 Doc. ID: PBR010 - 27 October 2014

English Português victim vítima

Lastly, Petrobras reaffirms that the relevant A Petrobras reforça, por fim, que está sendo government authorities have officially oficialmente reconhecida pelas Autoridades acknowledged the Company as a victim in Públicas como vítima nesse processo de this investigative procedure. apuração.

Doc. ID: PBR009 - 27 October 2014 Doc. ID: PBR010 - 27 October 2014

English Português organized crime organização criminosa

Within the scope of the cited operation, a No âmbito da citada operação, um ex-diretor former Petrobras director, as well as other da Petrobras, conjuntamente com outras individuals, have been charged with money pessoas, já foi denunciado pelos crimes de laundering and organized crime. At the lavagem de dinheiro e organização moment, investigations are underway on the criminosa. Neste momento, estão em curso

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

practice of alleged crimes committed against investigações sobre a prática de supostos

Petrobras. crimes em desfavor da Petrobras.

Doc. ID: PBR009 - 27 October 2014 Doc. ID: PBR010 - 27 October 2014

English Português charge denunciado

Within the scope of the cited operation, a No âmbito da citada operação, um ex-diretor former Petrobras director, as well as other da Petrobras, conjuntamente com outras individuals, have been charged with money pessoas, já foi denunciado pelos crimes de laundering and organized crime. lavagem de dinheiro e organização


Doc. ID: PBR009 - 27 October 2014 Doc. ID: PBR010 - 27 October 2014

English Português investigative procedure processo de apuração

Lastly, Petrobras reaffirms that the relevant A Petrobras reforça, por fim, que está sendo government authorities have officially oficialmente reconhecida pelas Autoridades acknowledged the Company as a victim in Públicas como vítima nesse processo de this investigative procedure. apuração.

Doc. ID: PBR009 - 27 October 2014 Doc. ID: PBR010 - 27 October 2014

English Português

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

justice justiça

Odebrecht remains at the authorities' A Odebrecht segue à disposição das disposal to help ensure that these matters autoridades colaborando para que todas are cleared up quickly, convinced that the essas questões sejam rapidamente truth will come out and that justice will esclarecidas, convicta de que a verdade virá prevail. à tona e que a justiça prevalecerá.

Doc. ID: ODB002 Doc. ID: ODB003

English Português authorities autoridades

Odebrecht would like to clarify that there are A Odebrecht esclarece que são falsos os false rumors circulating that its executives boatos de que seus executivos teriam have threatened authorities and public ameaçado autoridades e agentes públicos officials,

Doc. ID: ODB002 - 24 June 2015 Doc. ID: ODB003 - 24 June 2015

English Português public officials agentes públicos

Odebrecht would like to clarify that there are A Odebrecht esclarece que são falsos os false rumors circulating that its executives boatos de que seus executivos teriam have threatened authorities and public ameaçado autoridades e agentes públicos officials,

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Doc. ID: ODB002 - 24 June 2015 Doc. ID: ODB003 - 24 June 2015

English Português arrest warrant mandado de prisão

It is untrue, for example, that the CEO of Não procede, por exemplo, a informação de

Odebrecht SA, Marcelo Odebrecht, linked que o diretor-presidente da Odebrecht S.A, the future “of the Republic” to the arrest Marcelo Odebrecht, teria relacionado o warrant issued against him, a warrant this futuro “da República” com o mandado de manifestly illegal. prisão expedido contra ele, mandado este

manifestamente ilegal.

Doc. ID: ODB002 - 24 June 2015 Doc. ID: ODB003 - 24 June 2015

English Português

Board of Directors Conselho de Administração

Similarly, it is also a complete fiction that the Da mesma forma, também é fictícia a

Chairman of the Board of Directors of suposta ameaça atribuída ao presidente do

Odebrecht SA, Emílio Odebrecht, warned Conselho de Administração da that more cells would be required to hold Odebrecht S.A., Emílio Odebrecht, de que politicians whom he would denounce in mais celas seriam necessárias para

Brazil and abroad. comportar políticos que ele denunciaria no

Brasil e no exterior.

Doc. ID: ODB002 - 24 June 2015 Doc. ID: ODB003 - 24 June 2015

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

English Português illicit actions práticas impróprias

Odebrecht acknowledges its participation in A Odebrecht reconhece que participou de illicit actions in its business activities. práticas impróprias em sua atividade


Doc. ID: ODB004 - 01 December 2016 Doc. ID: ODB005 - 01 December 2016

English Português complicit coniventes

What matters is that we acknowledge our O que mais importa é que reconhecemos involvement. We were complicit and did nosso envolvimento, fomos coniventes not fight these practices, as we should have. com tais práticas e não as combatemos como


Doc. ID: ODB004 - 01 December 2016 Doc. ID: ODB005 - 01 December 2016

English Português

Ethics, Integrity and Transparency Ética, Íntegra e Transparente

We have implemented the Odebrecht O Compromisso Odebrecht para uma

Commitment to Act with Ethics, Integrity atuação Ética, Íntegra e Transparente já and Transparency. All Odebrecht está em vigor e será praticado de forma businesses, without exception, will practice natural, convicta, responsável e irrestrita em

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

this commitment, with conviction and todas as empresas da Odebrecht, sem responsibility. exceções nem flexibilizações.

Doc. ID: ODB004 - 01 December 2016 Doc. ID: ODB005 - 01 December 2016

English Português corruption corrupção

01. Fight and show zero tolerance for 1. Combater e não tolerar a corrupção em corruption in all its forms, including quaisquer de suas formas, inclusive extorsão extortion and bribery. e suborno.

Doc. ID: ODB004 - 01 December 2016 Doc. ID: ODB005 - 01 December 2016

English Português

Commitment Compromisso

This is our Commitment to the future. É o nosso Compromisso com o futuro.

Doc. ID: ODB004 - 01 December 2016 Doc. ID: ODB005 - 01 December 2016

English Português

Compliance Policy Política sobre Conformidade

The Board of Directors of Odebrecht S.A. O Conselho de Administração da Odebrecht approved the Compliance Policy, which S.A. aprovou a Política sobre

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

will be implemented in all of the Group’s Conformidade, que será implementada

Businesses. em todos os Negócios do Grupo.

Doc. ID: ODB006 - 01 December 2016 Doc. ID: ODB007 - 01 December 2016

English Português agreement acordo

Odebrecht S.A. announced today (21) the A Odebrecht S.A. anuncia hoje (21/12) a execution of an agreement with the assinatura de acordo com o Ministério

Brazilian Federal Prosecution Office, the Público Federal do Brasil, com o

U.S. Department of Justice and the Swiss Departamento de Justiça dos Estados

Office of the Attorney General to resolve the Unidos e com a Procuradoria-Geral da Suíça investigation into the group’s involvement in para resolução da investigação sobre a wrongdoings to benefit companies in its participação da empresa na realização de economic group. atos ilícitos praticados em benefício das

empresas pertencentes ao grupo econômico.

Doc. ID: ODB008 - 21 December 2016 Doc. ID: ODB009 - 21 December 2016

English Português divestitures vendas de ativos

The amount of the fine will draw on O pagamento da multa será viabilizado por resources from a combination of previously meio de uma combinação de vendas de

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

planned divestitures and cash generation ativos já planejadas anteriormente e de from continuing operations. geração de caixa das operações continuadas.

Doc. ID: ODB008 - 21 December 2016 Doc. ID: ODB009 - 21 December 2016

English Português wrongdoings fatos ilícitos

Under the agreement, the group’s holding Como parte do acordo, a holding do grupo company agreed to reveal wrongdoings concordou em revelar fatos ilícitos unveiled by the internal investigation apurados em investigação interna, conducted in Brazil and abroad involving praticados no Brasil e exterior em diversas various instances of power, and to plead esferas do poder, e assume sua guilty to violating applicable Brazilian and responsabilidade pela violação das

Swiss laws and, more specifically, the U.S. legislações brasileira e suíça aplicáveis e,

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). mais especificamente, da lei norte-

americana anticorrupção (Foreign Corrupt

Practices Act - FCPA).

Doc. ID: ODB008 - 21 December 2016 Doc. ID: ODB009 - 21 December 2016

English Português fine multa

Odebrecht S.A. will pay a fine in the amount A Odebrecht S.A. pagará uma multa no of R$3.828 billion to authorities in Brazil, valor de R$ 3,828 bilhões às autoridades do the United States and Switzerland. Brasil, Estados Unidos e Suíça.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Doc. ID: ODB008 - 21 December 2016 Doc. ID: ODB009 - 21 December 2016

English Português extensive remedial measures amplas medidas de remediação

In calculating the fine, authorities took into Ao calcular a multa, as autoridades levaram consideration the Company’s full em consideração a plena cooperação com as cooperation with the investigation and the investigações e as amplas medidas de extensive remedial measures taken to remediação adotadas pela Odebrecht para address Odebrecht’s past compliance corrigir eventuais falhas de conformidade. failures.

Doc. ID: ODB008 - 21 December 2016 Doc. ID: ODB009 - 21 December 2016

English Português litigation litígios

The resolution is in Petrobras’s best interest Os acordos atendem aos melhores interesses and that of its shareholders. It puts an end to da Petrobras e de seus acionistas e põem fim the uncertainties, risks, burdens and costs of a incertezas, ônus e custos associados a potential prosecution and protracted potenciais litígios nos Estados Unidos. litigation in the United States.

Doc. ID: PBR001 - 27 September 2018 Doc. ID: PBR002 - 27 September 2018

English Português

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Comrades Companheiros

Comrades, let me tell you something: you Companheiros, eu vou dizer uma coisa pra shall see that I will get out of this greater, vocês: Vocês vão perceber que eu vou sair stronger, more real, and innocent, because I desta maior, mais forte, mais verdadeiro, e want to prove they are the ones who inocente, porque eu quero provar que eles é committed a crime, a political crime by que cometeram um crime, um crime político persecuting a man who has a 50-year history de perseguir um homem que tem 50 anos de in politics, and I am very grateful for that. história política, e por isso eu sou muito


Doc. ID: PDP001 - 07 April 2018 Doc. ID: PDP002 - 07 April 2018

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators


Primary sources:

Doc. ID Reference Entity Author Date Type Lang. Relevance


DPF002 http://www Departa Departam 17 March Press PT Phase 1 - Launch mento de ento de 2014 Release of Car Wash

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia investigation - 81

cias/2014/0 Federal Federal mandados de

3/operacao- busca e

lava-jato- apreensão, 18

desarticula- mandados de

rede-de- prisão preventiva,

lavagem- 10 mandados de

de- prisão temporária

dinheiro- e 19 mandados de

em-7- condução

estados coercitiva, em 17


DPF004 http://www Departa Departam 11 April Press PT Phase 3 - 23 mento de ento de 2014 Release further warrants

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia

cias/2014/0 Federal Federal





Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators





DPF005 http://www Departa Departam 11 June Press PT Phase 4 - The first mento de ento de 2014 Release Petrobras head

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia rolls. PAULO

cias/2014/0 Federal Federal ROBERTO DA

6/policia- COSTA, Director

federal- of Refining and

cumpre- Supply arrested.







DPF006 http://www Departa Departam 22 August Press PT Phase 6 - 12 mento de ento de 2014 Release further warrants

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia related to PAULO

cias/2014/0 Federal Federal ROBERTO DA

8/pf- COSTA and his

deflagra- family’s business

sexta- interests


Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators



PBR009 http://www Petróleo Petróleo 27 Press EN First response

.investidorp Brasileiro Brasileiro October Release from Petrobras - S.A. S.A. 2014 Internal steps taken by

ess- Petrobras in

releases/int response to “Lava

ernal-steps- Jato Operation”






PBR010 http://www Petróleo Petróleo 27 Press PT First response

.investidorp Brasileiro Brasileiro October Release from Petrobras - S.A. S.A. 2014 Internal steps taken by

municados- Petrobras in

e-fatos- response to “Lava

relevantes/ Jato Operation”







Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators




DPF007 http://www Departa Departam 14 Press PT Phase 7 - mento de ento de November Release Operação Juízo

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia 2014 Final - A pivotal

cias/2014/1 Federal Federal point in the

1/pf- investigation

prende-27- when proof of

e-bloqueia- Petrobras'

mais-de- dealings with

meio-bi-na- Camargo Correia

7a-Phase- (another

da- construction

operacao- firm) came to

lava-jato light. 85 new

warrants issued.

DPF009 http://www Departa Departam 14 Press PT Phase 8 - Pre-trial mento de ento de January Release detention of

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia 2015 Nestor Cervero,

cias/2015/0 Federal Federal former Petrobras

1/pf- International Ops

prende- Director.




Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators



DPF010 http://www Departa Departam 05 Press PT Phase 9 - mento de ento de February Release Operação My

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia 2015 Way - 62 further

cias/2015/0 Federal Federal warrants.

2/pf- Deepening

deflagra- investigations

nona- into Petrobras.




DPF011 http://www Departa Departam 16 March Press PT Phase 10 - mento de ento de 2015 Release Operação Que

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia país é esse? - 18

cias/2015/0 Federal Federal further warrants.

3/pf- Including a

deflagra- former

10a-Phase- PETROBRAS

da- Director.



DPF012 http://www Departa Departam 10 April Press PT Phase 11 - 32 mento de ento de 2015 Release further warrants.

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia First mention of

cias/2015/0 Federal Federal political

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

4/pf- involvement as

deflagra-a- the scope of the

11a-Phase- investigation

da- detains former

operacao- federal deputies.

lava-jato- Further links to

2013-201ca- Petrobras.


DPF013 http://www Departa Departam 15 April Press PT Phase 12 - mento de ento de 2015 Release Further arrests of

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia political figures

cias/2015/0 Federal Federal tied to fraudelent

4/pf- contracts with

deflagra-a- PETROBRAS.





DPF014 http://www Departa Departam 21 May Press PT Phase 13 - 6 mento de ento de 2015 Release Further warrants

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia due issued to

cias/2015/0 Federal Federal developments in

5/pf- the investigation.

deflagra- Some detainees

13a-Phase- turned states

da- witness and

began to

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

operacao- collaborate with

lava-jato the MPF.

DPF015 http://www Departa Departam 19 June Press PT Phase 14 - mento de ento de 2015 Release Operação Erga

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia Omnes - Huge

cias/2015/0 Federal Federal moment.

6/pf- Odebrecht CEO

deflagra-a- Marcelo

14a-Phase- Odebrecht

da- arrested along

operacao- with other

lava-jato- executives of the

em-4- company Marco

estados Farias and

Rogerio Araujo.

59 warrants


ODB001 https://ww Grupo Grupo 22 June Press EN Expression of

w.odebrecht Odebrech Odebrecht 2015 Release indignation at

.com/en/co t arrests made in

mmunicatio phase 14 of Lava

n/releases/ Jato Op. Very

odebrecht- defensive and a

communica lot of denial of

tion- any wrong doing.


Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

operation- Odebrecht

lava-jato arrested.

ODB002 https://ww Grupo Grupo 24 June Press EN Note of

w.odebrecht Odebrech Odebrecht 2015 Release clarification after

.com/en/co t June 22 press

mmunicatio release.





ODB003 https://ww Grupo Grupo 24 June Press PT Note of

w.odebrecht Odebrech Odebrecht 2015 Release clarification after

.com/pt- t June 22 press

br/comunic release.








DPF016 http://www Departa Departam 02 July Press PT Phase 15 - mento de ento de 2015 Release Operação

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia Conexão Mônaco

cias/2015/0 Federal Federal - Focused again

7/pf- on PETROBRAS

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

deflagra- contracts. 5 new

15a-fase-da- warrants issued.





DPF017 http://www Departa Departam 03 August Press PT Phase 17 - mento de ento de 2015 Release Operação

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia Pixuleco - 40

cias/2015/0 Federal Federal warrants issued,

8/pf- including the

deflagra-a- pretrial detention

17a-fase-da- of a former

operacao- government

lava-jato- minister.



DPF018 http://www Departa Departam 13 August Press PT Phase 18 - mento de ento de 2015 Release Operação

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia Pixuleco 2 - 11

cias/2015/0 Federal Federal further warrants

8/pf- issued.






Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators



DPF019 http://www Departa Departam 21 Press PT Phase 19 - mento de ento de Septembe Release Operação

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia r 2015 Nessum Dorma -

cias/2015/0 Federal Federal continuation of

9/pf- phases 15, 16, and

deflagra-a- 17. Evidence of

19a-fase-da- fees payment for

operacao- contracts with

lava-jato- state owned

nessum- companies was

dorma revealed.

MPF002 http://www Ministéri Ministério 16 Indictmen PT Official o Público Público October t indictment of key

/para-o- Federal Federal 2015 Odebrecht and

cidadao/cas Petrobras

o-lava- directors,

jato/atuaca including

o-na-1a- Marcelo

instancia/p Odebrecht,

arana/denu Renato Duque

ncias-do- and Pedro

mpf/docum Barusco



Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

DPF020 http://www Departa Departam 16 Press PT Phase 20 - mento de ento de November Release Operação

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia 2015 Corrosão - a

cias/2015/1 Federal Federal further 18

1/pf- warrants issued.








DPF021 http://www Departa Departam 24 Press PT Phase 21 - mento de ento de November Release Operação Passe

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia 2015 Livre -

cias/2015/1 Federal Federal investigation

1/pf- onto the complex

deflagra-a- financial

21a-fase-da- engineering used

lava-jato- by the accused to

operacao- pay off civil

passe-livre servants and


directors. 32

further warrants


Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

DPF023 http://www Departa Departam 27 Press PT Phase 22 - mento de ento de January Release Operação Triplo

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia 2016 X - Investigation

cias/2016/0 Federal Federal into a criminal

1/pf- structure with

deflagra-a- offshore

22a-fase- companies and

da-lava- accounts, created

jato-triplo-x to hide


related to


warrants issued.

DPF024 http://www Departa Departam 22 Press PT Phase 23 - mento de ento de February Release Operação Acarajé

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia 2016 - Focused on the

cias/2016/0 Federal Federal enforcement of

2/pf- provisional

deflagra- remedies of the

23a-fase- detained. 51

da-lava- further warrants

jato-acaraje issued.

DPF025 http://www Departa Departam 04 March Press PT Phase 24 - mento de ento de 2016 Release Operação

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia Aletheia -

cias/2016/0 Federal Federal Investigated

3/pf- contractor

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

deflagra- payoffs and

24a-fasa- concealment of

da- assets. 44 further

operacao- warrants issued.



MPF001 http://www Ministéri Ministério 08 March Sentencin PT Official o Público Público 2016 g sentencing of 9

/para-o- Federal Federal key players in the

cidadao/cas scandal. Marcelo

o-lava- Odebrecht, Paulo

jato/atuaca Roberto Costa

o-na-1a- and others are

instancia/d included. They

enuncias- lost and were

do- convicted.







DPF026 http://www Departa Departam 21 March Press PT Phase 25 - mento de ento de 2016 Release Operação

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia Polimento - First

cias/2016/0 Federal Federal international

3/pf- phase. Included

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

deflagra- the arrest of a

25a-fase- Portuguese-

da- Brazilian male,

operacao- who was on the

lava-jato- run since July

em- 2015 and is said

portugal?se to be responsible

archterm=l for paying bribes

ava+jato to former

directors of


DPF027 http://www Departa Departam 22 March Press PT Phase 26 - mento de ento de 2016 Release Operação Xepa -

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia Discovery of

cias/2016/0 Federal Federal parallel

3/policia- accounting

federal- system in one of

deflagra-a- the accused

26a-fase- companies,

da- created for paying

operacao- off civil servants.




DPF028 http://www Departa Departam 01 April Press PT Phase 27 - mento de ento de 2016 Release Operação


Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

cias/2016/0 Polícia Polícia Carbono 14 - 12

4/pf- Federal Federal further warrants.








DPF029 http://www Departa Departam 12 April Press PT Phase 28 - mento de ento de 2016 Release Operação Vitória

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia de Pirro -21

cias/2016/0 Federal Federal further warrants.












Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

DPF030 http://www Departa Departam 23 May Press PT Phase 29 - Scope mento de ento de 2016 Release enlarges to all

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia crimes related to

cias/2016/0 Federal Federal PETROBRAS and

5/pf- investigates any

deflagra- conspiracy,

29a-fase- money

da- laundering,

operacao- corruption

lava-jato- (solicitation or

operacao- offering of bribes

repescagem by a public

officer). 9 further


DPF031 http://www Departa Departam 24 May Press PT Phase 30 - mento de ento de 2016 Release Operação Vício -

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia This phase, which

cias/2016/0 Federal Federal included the

5/policia- participation of

federal- the Federal Tax

deflagra-a- Authority,

30a-fase- investigated

da- corruption

operacao- schemes and

lava-jato- money

2013- laundering

arising from

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

operacao- PETROBRAS

vicio contracts. 39

further warrants


DPF032 http://www Departa Departam 04 July Press PT Phase 31 - mento de ento de 2016 Release Operação Abismo

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia - investigated

cias/2016/0 Federal Federal fraud in bidding

7/pf- processes and

deflagra- payments of

31a-fase-da- bribes to

operacao- Petrobras

lava-jato- employees.



DPF033 http://www Departa Departam 07 July Press PT Phase 32 - mento de ento de 2016 Release Operação Caça-

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia Fantasmas -

cias/2016/0 Federal Federal investigated a

7/policia- Panamanian

federal- financial

deflagra-a- institution and

32a-fase- investigating

da- crimes against

operacao- the National

lava-jato- Financial System,

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

2013- money

operacao- laundering and

caca- transnational

fantasmas criminal

organizations. 17

further warrants.

DPF034 http://www Departa Departam 02 August Press PT Phase 33 - mento de ento de 2016 Release Operação Resta

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia Um - investigated

cias/2016/0 Federal Federal the participation

8/pf- of Construtora

deflagra-a- Queiroz Galvão in

33a-fase- the so-called

da-lava- "cartel of the

jato-2013- contractors", a

operacao- group of

resta-um companies that


themselves with

the objective of

executing works

contracted by

Petrobras. 32

further warrants.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

DPF035 http://www Departa Departam 22 Press PT Phase 34 - mento de ento de Septembe Release Operação

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia r 2016 Arquivo X -

cias/2016/0 Federal Federal investigated

9/pf- Petrobras bidding

deflagra-a- processs for the

34a-fase- construction of

da- two offshore oil

operacao- exploration

lava-jato platforms. 50

further warrants


DPF036 http://www Departa Departam 26 Press PT Phase 35 - mento de ento de Septembe Release Operação Omertà

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia r 2016 - They

cias/2016/0 Federal Federal investigated

9/pf- evidence of a

investiga- criminal

ex- relationship of a

ministro- former

da-casa- President's Chief

civil-e-da- of Staff and a

fazenda Finance Minister

with the

leadership of the

Brazil's main

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

contractor. 45

more warrants.

DPF037 http://www Departa Departam 10 Press PT Phase 36 - mento de ento de November Release Operação Dragão

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia 2016 - Further

cias/2016/1 Federal Federal investigations

1/pf- into which

deflagra-a- companies were

36a-fase- involved in illegal

da-lava-jato activity, and

which financial

institutions were

responsible for

moving the funds,

related to illegal

payments to


executives and


DPF038 http://www Departa Departam 17 Press PT Phase 37 - mento de ento de November Release Operação

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia 2016 Descobridor -

cias/2016/1 Federal Federal Investigated

1/pf- irregularities

deflagra- projects such as

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

37a-fase- Comperj,

da- Manguinhos

operacao- complex and

lava-jato- Maracanã

operacao- stadium

descobridor refurbishment.

ODB004 https://ww Grupo Grupo 01 Press EN Odebrecht

w.odebrecht Odebrech Odebrecht December Release Apologizes for its

.com/en/co t 2016 Mistakes






ODB005 https://ww Grupo Grupo 01 Press PT Odebrecht

w.odebrecht Odebrech Odebrecht December Release Apologizes for its

.com/pt- t 2016 Mistakes







Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

MPF003 http://www Ministéri Ministério 14 Indictmen PT Official o Público Público December t indictment of key

/para-o- Federal Federal 2016 Lula allies,

cidadao/cas Odebrecht and

o-lava- Petrobras

jato/atuaca directors,

o-na-1a- including

instancia/d Marcelo

enuncias- Odebrecht,

do-mpf- Renato Duque

1/document and Pedro

os/denunci Barusco, as well

alula_odebr as key public

echt.pdf/vie servants such as

w Antonio Palocci

ODB006 https://ww Grupo Grupo 20 Press EN Odebrecht Board

w.odebrecht Odebrech Odebrecht December Release of Directors

.com/en/co t 2016 approves

mmunicatio Compliance

n/releases/ Policy







Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

ODB007 https://ww Grupo Grupo 20 Press PT Odebrecht Board

w.odebrecht Odebrech Odebrecht December Release of Directors

.com/pt- t 2016 approves

br/comunic Compliance

acao/releas Policy











ODB008 https://ww Grupo Grupo 21 Press EN Odebrecht signs

w.odebrecht Odebrech Odebrecht December Release agreement with

.com/en/co t 2016 authorities in

mmunicatio Brazil, United

n/releases/ States and

odebrecht- Switzerland






Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators



ODB009 https://ww Grupo Grupo 21 Press PT Odebrecht signs

w.odebrecht Odebrech Odebrecht December Release agreement with

.com/pt- t 2016 authorities in

br/comunic Brazil, United

acao/releas States and

es/odebrec Switzerland









DPF040 http://www Departa Departam 23 Press PT Phase 38 - mento de ento de February Release Operação

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia 2017 Blackout -

cias/2017/0 Federal Federal Further

2/pf- investigations

deflagra- into payments

38a-fase- made to

da- Petrobras

operacao- directors. 7 new

lava-jato warrants.

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

DPF041 http://www Departa Departam 04 May Press PT Phase 40 - mento de ento de 2017 Release Operação Asfixia

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia - Further

cias/2017/0 Federal Federal warrants issued

5/pf- to investigate

deflagra-a- illegal fund

40-fase-da- transfer from

operacao- contractors to

lava-jato Petrobras staff,

due to evidence

found in


contracts. 25 new


DPF042 http://www Departa Departam 26 May Press PT Phase 41 - mento de ento de 2017 Release Operação Poço

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia Seco -further

cias/2017/0 Federal Federal investigations in


deflagra-41- dealings offshore,

fase-da- specifically

operacao- Benin. 13 new

lava-jato warrants.

DPF043 http://www Departa Departam 27 July Press PT Phase 42 - mento de ento de 2017 Release Operação Cobra -

gencia/noti Investigations

cias/2017/0 into former

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

7/pf- Polícia Polícia Presidente of the

deflagra- Federal Federal BANK OF

42-fase-da- BRAZIL and

operacao- PETROBRAS and

lava-jato his associates,

due to corruption,


laundering and

other crimes. 14

more warrants.

DPF044 http://www Departa Departam 18 August Press PT Phase 43 and 44 - mento de ento de 2017 Release Operação Sem

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia Fronteiras e

cias/2017/0 Federal Federal Operação Abate -

8/pf- both related to

deflagra- Petrobras. 43

duas-fases- related to

simultaneas offshore

-da-lava- payments. 44

jato-no-rj- related to a

e-em- former FEDERAL

sp?searchte DEPUTY

rm=sem+fr involved in the

onteiras scheme. 46 new


Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

DPF045 http://www Departa Departam 23 August Press PT Phase 45 - mento de ento de 2017 Release Operação Abate

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia II - Further

cias/2017/0 Federal Federal investigations

8/pf- into Petrobras

deflagra-a- and payment to

45a-fase- public officers. 4

da- new warrants.






DPF046 http://www Departa Departam 20 Press PT Phase 46 - mento de ento de October Release Investigation into

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia 2017 PETROBRAS

cias/2017/1 Federal Federal exuctives

0/pf- favouring

cumpre- ODEBRECHT in

mandados- bidding

em- processes, for

investigacao offshore payoffs.

-contra- 10 new warrants.




Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

DPF047 http://www Departa Departam 21 Press PT Phase 47 - mento de ento de November Release Operação Sothis -

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia 2017 Investigations

cias/2017/1 Federal Federal into illegal

1/pf- transfer made to a

deflagra-a- TRANSPETRO

47a-fase- employee as a pay

da- off.

operacao- TRANSPETRO is

lava- a subsidiary of

jato?searcht Petrobras. 14 new

erm=sothis warrants.

DPF049 http://www Departa Departam 22 Press PT Phase 48 - mento de ento de February Release Operação

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia 2018 Integração -

cias/2018/0 Federal Federal Investigation into

2/pf- bidding process

deflagra- for federal

48a-fase- roadworks in

da- Paraná. Part of

operacao- the Anel Da

lava-jato- Integração. 57

operacao- new warrants.




Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators



DPF050 http://www Departa Departam 09 March Press PT Phase 49 - mento de ento de 2018 Release Operação Buona

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia Fortuna -

cias/2018/0 Federal Federal Investigation into

3/pf- bidding provess

deflagra-a- for Hidroelectric

49a-fase- Dam in Pará

da- state. 9 new

operacao- warrants issued.







DPF051 http://www Departa Departam 23 March Press PT Phase 50 - mento de ento de 2018 Release Operação Sothis

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia II - Further

cias/2018/0 Federal Federal investigations

3/policia- into

federal- TRANSPETRO. 3

deflagra-a- new warrants.



Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators








ODB010 https://ww Grupo Grupo 03 April Press EN After the release

w.odebrecht Odebrech Odebrecht 2018 Release of Marcelo

.com/en/co t Odebrecht, this

mmunicatio press release

n/releases/ aimed to calm

press- shareholders over

release- impending

04032018 corportate


ODB011 https://ww Grupo Grupo 03 April Press PT After the release

w.odebrecht Odebrech Odebrecht 2018 Release of Marcelo

.com/pt- t Odebrecht, this

br/comunic press release

acao/releas aimed to calm

es/comunic shareholders over

ado- impending

03042018 corportate


Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

PDP001 https://ww Palácio Luiz 07 April Speech PT President Lula's

w.brasildefa do Inácio 2018 speech prior to Planalto Lula da heading to prison

018/04/07/ Silva for financial

leia-a- crimes associated

integra-do- with Lava Jato.

discurso- (Portuguese)





PDP002 https://ww Palácio Luiz 07 April Speech EN President Lula's

w.brasildefa do Inácio 2018 speech prior to Planalto Lula da heading to prison

018/04/07/ Silva for financial

read-lulas- crimes associated

historical- with Lava Jato.

speech-in- (English)





DPF060 http://www Departa Departam 08 May Press PT Phase 51 - mento de ento de 2018 Release Operação Dejà Vu

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia - Continued

cias/2018/0 Federal Federal investigations in

5/pf- corruption,

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

deflagra-a- conspiracy, fraud,

51a-fase-da- money

operacao- laundering, inter

lava-jato- alia. 23 new

2013- warrants.






DPF001 http://www Departa Departam 05 June Press PT Update list of mento de ento de 2018 Release arrests, warrants,

mprensa/la Polícia Polícia items ceased, and

va- Federal Federal investigations





PBR003 http://www Petróleo Petróleo 25 June Press EN Final Approval of

.investidorp Brasileiro Brasileiro 2018 Release the Agreement to S.A. S.A. Settle the Class Action in the

ess- United States





Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators




PBR004 http://www Petróleo Petróleo 25 June Press PT Final Approval of

.investidorp Brasileiro Brasileiro 2018 Release the Agreement to S.A. S.A. Settle the Class Action in the

municados- United States














PBR005 http://www Petróleo Petróleo 03 July Press EN Second

.investidorp Brasileiro Brasileiro 2018 Release Installment of the S.A. S.A. Class Action Agreement in the

ess- United States -

releases/sec The company

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

ond- reiterates that the

installment- agreement does

class- not constitute

action- admission of guilt

agreement- or irregular

united- conduct by

states Petrobras,

recognized by the


authorities as a

victim of the facts

revealed by

Operation Car


PBR006 http://www Petróleo Petróleo 03 July Press PT Second

.investidorp Brasileiro Brasileiro 2018 Release Installment of the S.A. S.A. Class Action Agreement in the

municados- United States -

e-fatos- The company

relevantes/s reiterates that the

egunda- agreement does

parcela-do- not constitute

acordo-da- admission of guilt

class- or irregular

action-nos- conduct by


Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

estados- recognized by the

unidos Brazilian

authorities as a

victim of the facts

revealed by

Operation Car


PBR007 http://www Petróleo Petróleo 28 August Press EN Reimbursement

.investidorp Brasileiro Brasileiro 2018 Release to Petrobras as a S.A. S.A. result of Operation Car

ess- Wash







PBR008 http://www Petróleo Petróleo 28 August Press PT Reimbursement

.investidorp Brasileiro Brasileiro 2018 Release to Petrobras as a S.A. S.A. result of Operation Car

municados- Wash





Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators








DPF053 http://www Departa Departam 11 Press PT Phase 53 - mento de ento de Septembe Release Operação Piloto -

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia r 2018 Investigated

cias/2018/0 Federal Federal corruption

9/policia- between public

federal- and private

deflagra-a- sector. 36 new

53a-fase- warrants.




PBR001 http://www Petróleo Petróleo 27 Press EN Petrobras

.investidorp Brasileiro Brasileiro Septembe Release Reaches S.A. S.A. r 2018 Coordinated Resolutions with

ess- Authorities in the

releases/pet United States and

robras- Agreement to

reaches- Remit Bulk of

coordinated Associated

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

- Payments to

resolutions- Brazil






PBR002 http://www Petróleo Petróleo 27 Press PT Petrobras

.investidorp Brasileiro Brasileiro Septembe Release Reaches S.A. S.A. r 2018 Coordinated Resolutions with

municados- Authorities in the

e-fatos- United States and

relevantes/f Agreement to

ato- Remit Bulk of

relevante- Associated

petrobras- Payments to

fecha- Brazil










Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

DPF054 http://www Departa Departam 23 Press PT Phase 56 - mento de ento de November Release Operação Sem

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia 2018 Fundos - Further

cias/2018/1 Federal Federal investigations

1/pf- into corruption,

deflagra-a- pension fund

56a-fase- fraud, money

da- laundering and

operacao- organized crime.

lava-jato 90 new warrants.

DPF055 http://www Departa Departam 05 Press PT Phase 57 - mento de ento de December Release Operação Sem

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia 2018 Limites - Pivotal

cias/2018/1 Federal Federal Moment.

2/pf- PETROBRAS is

deflagra-a- seen as a victim to

57a-fase- acts perpetrated

da- by individuals.

operacao- Investigations

lava-jato into crimial

schemes inside


MPF004 http://www Ministéri Ministério 21 Press PT Details on further o Público Público December Release indictments for

/pr/sala-de- Federal Federal 2018 Marcelo

imprensa/n Odebrecht and

oticias- other key

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

pr/forca- Odebrecht and

tarefa-lava- Petrobras staff,

jato- related to the

denuncia- construction of

42-pessoas- Petrobras' HQ in

envolvidas- Salvador, known

em- as Torre Pituba.








DPF053 http://www Departa Departam 19 Press PT Phase 60 - mento de ento de February Release Investigation

gencia/noti Polícia Polícia 2019 honing in on

cias/2019/0 Federal Federal Odebrecht, and

2/pf- how they

deflagra- structured the

60a-fase- payment system

da- between the

operacao- various

lava-jato- contractors.




Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators



DPF003 http://www Departa Departam Website PT 2014 Press mento de ento de Releases - Phases

mprensa/la Polícia Polícia 1 to 7

va- Federal Federal








DPF008 http://www Departa Departam Press PT 2015 Press mento de ento de Release Releases - Phases

mprensa/la Polícia Polícia 8 to 21

va- Federal Federal








Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

DPF022 http://www Departa Departam Website PT 2016 Press mento de ento de Releases - Phases

mprensa/la Polícia Polícia 22 to 37

va- Federal Federal








DPF039 http://www Departa Departam Website PT 2017 Press mento de ento de Releases - Phases

mprensa/la Polícia Polícia 38 to 47

va- Federal Federal








DPF048 http://www Departa Departam Website PT 2018 Press mento de ento de Releases - Phases

mprensa/la Polícia Polícia 48 to 52

va- Federal Federal


Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators








MPF005 http://www Ministéri Ministério Website PT Official o Público Público government

/grandes- Federal Federal website for the

casos/caso- investigation


Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

Secondary sources:

Doc. ID Reference Entity Author(s) Date Type Lang. Relevance


WEB001 https://we Web José 16 March Press EN At the

b.archive.or Archive Enrique 2012 Release Organization’s

g/web/201 Barreiro Annual

203161638 General

02/http:// Meeting,

www.odebr Marcelo

echtonline. Odebrecht underscores

terias/028 the

01- importance of

02900/281 TEO as the

8/?lang=pt pioneer


greatest legacy

BLO001 https://ww Bloomberg Michael 08 May News EN Detailed

w.bloomber Smith, 2015 article timeline of Sabrina investigation

s/features/ Valle, and events.

2015-05- Blake

08/brazil- Schmidt




Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators





ACJ001 https://ww Universitas Danilo 10 Academic PT and EN "This study

w.publicaco . Almeida December Journal aims to

es.uniceub. Arquitetura Silva, 2015 Article identify

br/arqcom/ e Luiz successes and

article/dow Comunicaç Claudio failures in

nload/3486 ão Social - Ferreira Petrobras

/2819 v. 12, n. 2, p. communicatio

9-17, n during the

jul./dez. crisis caused

2015 by the start of

Operação Lava

Jato, which

reported a

grand scheme

of corruption

involving the


REU002 https://ww Reuters Pedro 08 March News EN Sentencing

w.reuters.c Fonseca 2016 article and conviction

om/article/ of Marcelo

us-brazil- Odebrecht


Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators




REU006 https://ww Reuters Pedro 26 News EN Antonio

w.reuters.c Fonseca September article Palocci

om/article/ 2016 arrested due to

us-brazil- Petrobras

corruption/ kickbacks.











Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

SEN001 https://ww Senado Eric 31 October Senate PT Extremely

w12.senado Federal William 2016 Report on detailed 668- Kimura, Impeachme page report on

cias/arquiv Lanna nt hearing the

os/2016/10 Daniele impeachment

/13/veja- Santos of the former

aqui-o- Wanderlei, President.

livro-em- Claudia

formato- Lemos

pdf Arantes,






Costa da


Marisa Reis




Rolo de





Bahia de

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators





Quésia de



DOJ001 https://ww United United 21 Press EN Odebrecht

w.justice.go States States December Release And Braskem

v/usao- Departmen Departmen 2016 Plead Guilty

edny/pr/od t of Justice t of Justice and Agree To

ebrecht- Pay At Least

and- $3.5 Billion In

braskem- Global

plead- Criminal

guilty-and- Penalties To

agree-pay- Resolve

least-35- Largest

billion- Foreign

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

global- Bribery Case

criminal In History

DOJ003 https://ww United United 21 Plea EN Plea

w.justice.go States States December Agreement agreement

v/opa/pres Departmen Departmen 2016 berween USA

s- t of Justice t of Justice and Odebrecht




GLO003 https://ogl O Globo Cleide 12 April News PT Marcelo Carvalho, 2017 article Odebrecht

om/brasil/ Gustavo admits to

audio- Schmitt Sergio Moro

marcelo- and the MPF

odebrecht- that Lula was

diz-moro- involved, and

que-conta- names other

amigo- key political

referente- figures




Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators



REU004 https://ww Reuters Lisandra 13 April News EN Michel Temer

w.reuters.c Paraguassu 2017 article denies

om/article/ , Pedro Odebrecht

us-brazil- Fonseca bribe

corruption/ accusations.











REU003 https://noti Reuters Pedro 13 April News PT Michel Temer Fonseca 2017 article accused of

/brasil/tem being involved

er- in Odebrecht

comandou- schemes by

reuniao- Márcio Faria

que- da Silva,

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

acertou- former VP at

propina-de- Odebrecht







GLO001 https://ogl O Globo Dimitrius 19 News PT Release of Dantas December article Marcelo

om/brasil/ 2017 Odbrecht from

marcelo- prison to

chega- house arrest








REU001 https://ww Reuters Pedro 19 News EN Release of

w.reuters.c Fonseca, December article Marcelo

om/article/ Eduardo 2017 Odbrecht from

us-brazil- Simoes and prison to

corruption- Jake Spring house arrest



Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators









ACJ004 http://ww Revista de Pedro 21 Academic PT and EN The article Economia Paulo December Journal seeks to

pdf/rec/v21 Contempor Zahluth 2017 Article understand

n2/1415- ânea, Rev. Bastos the Dilma

9848-rec- Econ. Rousseff

21-02- Contemp., government

e172129.pdf núm. esp., and

2017: the 2016 coup,

elocation - considering

e172129, p. the structural

1-63 power of the


capital and the


inherent to the

models of


growth and


Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators


observed since

the Lula



NET001 https://ww Netflix Elena 23 March Television PT Fictional re- Soarez, 2018 series telling of the

m/title/801 Sofia early stages of

20485 Maldonado the


Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

ACJ003 https://ww Daedalus: Sérgio 01 July Academic PT and EN "This essay

w- proceeding Fernando 2018 Journal describes the

mitpressjou s of the Moro Article Brazilian

rnals- American anticorruption

org.proxy- Academy of operation

um.researc Arts and known as

hport.umd. Sciences Operação Lava

edu/doi/10. Jato

1162/daed_ (“Operation

a_00508 Car Wash”), its

findings, and

its results

based on cases

tried up to

March 2018.

Told from the

perspective of

the federal

judge of the




Court of

Curitiba, in

whose court

most of the

Lava Jato

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

cases have



this massive

criminal case

offers lessons

that may be

useful to other



DOJ002 https://ww United United 27 Press EN Petróleo

w.justice.go States States September Release Brasileiro S.A.

v/opa/pr/p Departmen Departmen 2018 – Petrobras

etr-leo- t of Justice t of Justice Agrees to Pay

brasileiro- More Than

sa- $850 Million

petrobras- for FCPA

agrees-pay- Violations



Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators



ACJ002 http://ww Entrepalavr Izabel 29 Academic PT and EN Analyzes Lava

w.entrepala as: Revista Larissa September Journal Jato in de Lucena 2018 Article relation to

revista/ind Linguística SILVA; thematic

ex.php/Rev do Fábio strategies used

ista/article/ Departame Fernandes the newspaper

download/1 nto de TORRES; Folha de São

205/543 Letras Carlla Paulo, which

Vernáculas Gabriella were

da Ferreira published

Universida BRASIL between May

de Federal 2016 and June

do Ceará - 2017

v. 8 (esp.),


set. 2018

CFR001 https://ww Council on Claire 07 Council on EN Federal Foreign Felter and November Foreign investigators

ackgrounde Relations Rocio Cara 2018 Relations in Brazil have

r/brazils- Labrador Report uncovered

corruption- corruption at

fallout the highest

levels of the

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators


and in the




WIK011 https://pt. Wikipedia Wikipedia 27 Encycloped PT List of

wikipedia.o November ia entry Odebrecht

rg/wiki/Op 2018 Executives

era%C3%A arrested in

7%C3%A3o Phase 14.



WIK003 https://en. Wikipedia Wikipedia 29 January Encycloped EN Detailed

wikipedia.o 2019 ia entry timeline on

rg/wiki/Im impeachment

peachment proposals for

_proposals Michel Temer




WIK004 https://pt. Wikipedia Wikipedia 04 Encycloped PT Detailed

wikipedia.o February ia entry timeline on

rg/wiki/Pe 2019 impeachment

didos_de_i proposals for

mpeachme Michel Temer

Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators



ISC001 https://ww InSight Camilo 20 Investigativ EN Major

w.insightcri Crime Carranza, February e Odebrecht Seth 2019 journalism Corruption

ws/analysis Robbins article Cases and

/major- and Chris Investigations

latam- Dalby in 2019






WIK013 https://en. Wikipedia Wikipedia 20 Encycloped EN Details on the

wikipedia.o February ia entry history of the

rg/wiki/Pal 2019 palace




WIK005 https://en. Wikipedia Wikipedia 26 Encycloped EN Detailed

wikipedia.o February ia entry timeline on

rg/wiki/Im 2019 impeachment

peachment of Dilma

_of_Dilma Rouseff


Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

ACJ005 https://ww Journal of Regis 28 Academic EN "In this article,

w.researchg Antitrust Signor, February Journal we present Enforceme Peter E. D. 2019 Article findings from

lication/33 nt Love, João the Brazilian

1340142_It José B. C. Federal

%27s_Not_ Vallim, Police’s on-

Collusion_ Alexandre going

Unless_Yo B. Raupp investigation

u_Get_Cau and referred to as

ght_The_C Oluwole ‘Operation Car

ase_of_%2 Olatunji Wash’, which

7Operation led to an

_Car_Was accusation of

h%27_and collusive

_Unearthin bidding being

g_of_a_Ca presented to a

rtel cartel that

comprised of




WIK016 https://en. Wikipedia Wikipedia 21 March Encycloped EN Basic info on

wikipedia.o 2019 ia entry Petrobras




Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

WIK001 https://pt. Wikipedia Wikipedia 27 March Encycloped PT Timeline of

wikipedia.o 2019 ia entry investigations

rg/wiki/Pro into former

cessos_e_i President

nvestiga%C Lula.







WIK009 https://pt. Wikipedia Wikipedia 30 March Encycloped PT Detailed list of

wikipedia.o 2019 ia entry individuals

rg/wiki/Lis convicted in

ta_de_pess due to the

oas_conde investigation.






WIK007 https://en. Wikipedia Wikipedia 01 April Encycloped EN Detailed

wikipedia.o 2019 ia entry timeline on the

rg/wiki/Op investigation.



Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

WIK008 https://pt. Wikipedia Wikipedia 01 April Encycloped PT Detailed

wikipedia.o 2019 ia entry timeline on the

rg/wiki/Op investigation.




WIK015 https://en. Wikipedia Wikipedia 01 April Encycloped EN Basic info on

wikipedia.o 2019 ia entry the role of the

rg/wiki/Pu MPF





WIK006 https://pt. Wikipedia Wikipedia 08 April Encycloped PT Detailed

wikipedia.o 2019 ia entry timeline on

rg/wiki/Im impeachment

peachment of Dilma

_de_Dilma Rouseff


Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

WIK010 https://pt. Wikipedia Wikipedia 08 April Encycloped PT Detailed list of

wikipedia.o 2019 ia entry individuals

rg/wiki/Lis including

ta_de_pess convicted and

oas_envolv acquitted,

idas_na_O defendants to

pera%C3% be tried,

A7%C3%A3 denounced

o_Lava_Jat and indicted to

o be accepted or

not as


those not

respected and

filed or

rejected, and


with an

inquiry not yet


WIK002 https://pt. Wikipedia Wikipedia 09 April Encycloped PT Timeline of

wikipedia.o 2019 ia entry investigations

rg/wiki/Del into former

a%C3%A7 Odebrecht.




Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators





WIK012 https://pt. Wikipedia Wikipedia 09 April Encycloped PT Odebrecht

wikipedia.o 2019 ia entry Indictments

rg/wiki/Del during the

a%C3%A7 investigation









WIK014 https://en. Wikipedia Wikipedia 15 April Encycloped EN Basic info on

wikipedia.o 2019 ia entry the role of the

rg/wiki/Pre President in

sident_of_ Brazil


WIK017 https://en. Wikipedia Wikipedia 17 April Encycloped EN Basic info on

wikipedia.o 2019 ia entry Odebrecht



Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

MAR001 https://driv Dicionário Dicionário Continually Online PT to EN Provided solid Marcílio Marcílio Updated Legal Term resource for

m/open?id Database finding legal

=0B6hP1n6 terminology in

unGZRajdS both

c1ZiUGpHb languages.


MAR002 https://driv Dicionário Dicionário Continually Online EN to PR Provided solid Marcílio Marcílio Updated Legal Term resource for

m/open?id Database finding legal

=0B6hP1n6 terminology in

unGZRczR both

4QUItX2pZ languages.


GLO001 https://info O Globo O Globo Continually Infographic PT Updated and

graficos.ogl Updated Website detailed timeline of all

om/brasil/t phases of the

odas-as- investigation.






Operation Car Wash: A challenge for translators

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