Financial services Regional Policy Council European Works Councils EP agrees relaxed rules Svoboda: Cohesion policy is New directive boosts worker on e-money Page 4 everyone’s concern Page 6 power in big firms Page 10 EUROPOLITIcs

The European affairs daily Monday 27 April 2009 N° 3741 37th year

Focus Fisheries Debate on CFP reform The final lap? gets under way By Marianne Slegers By Anne Eckstein ticularly following the problems being With the final plenary session of the encountered by fishermen in north- current European Parliament quickly Although the discussion by the fisher- ern France. After the Council, Michel approaching, pressure is mounting on the ies ministers, meeting in Council in Lux- Barnier commented on this key issue EP and the Council to obtain a compro- embourg on 23 April, was relatively brief, and on the green paper’s suggestion of mise on the revision of the Working Time the debate on reform of the Common introducing individual quotas. Directive. An agreement must be reached Fisheries Policy (CFP) is already well He said he agrees with the principle before the last plenary, or else the revi- under way, between the off-the-cuff reac- of individualised and pooled quotas but sion falls. On 27 April, at 19:00, informal tions of French Agriculture and Fisheries is opposed to transferable quotas and three-way talks will start again at the EP’s Minister Michel Barnier (see Europoli- determined to keep management in the premises. These talks will be based on the tics 3740) and the proposals tabled by hands of the public authorities. European Commission’s ‘compromise Danish Minister Eva Kjer Hansen. The Eva Kjer Hansen submitted a working package’ of 23 April (see Europolitics two positions seem totally contradictory document to the Council proposing a 3740) and will feed into a ‘final’ concilia- – which suggests a lively debate ahead reform of which the first pillar would be tion round, scheduled for 22:00 that same – but according to both the Danish min- to switch from quotas based on volumes day. Whether this really is the last meet- ister and a senior official of DG MARE, landed (the present system) to quotas ing remains anyone’s guess. In the run-up they are not irreconcilable. based on real catches. to the plenary in Strasbourg in early May Barely 24 hours after its adoption by the This would make fishermen more the options are wide open, since the con- European Commission, the green paper accountable and oblige them to adapt ciliation process can be extended by two on reform of the CFP (3738) was pre- their investments, capacities and fishing weeks (officially, the conciliation proce- sented officially to the Council by Fisher- gear, she explained. It would also lead to dure ends on 28 April). While the sides ies Commissioner Joe Borg. The presen- a reduction in discards. Copenhagen has are busy bracing themselves for the last tation was not followed by a formal airing been using this system since 2007 and negotiation round, the Commissioner for of views, although some delegations has launched in this connection a pilot Employment, Vladimir Spidla, said, on insisted on commenting. The Czech EU project of camera surveillance aboard six 24 April, that he was “pleased to see that Presidency announced an initial detailed fishing vessels. both sides are now negotiating seriously”. debate at the next Council (25-26 May). This operational supervision matched He added that “We’re calling once again The document met with a “positive reac- with the obligation for fishermen to pro- on both the EP and the Council to show tion on the whole,” said a source close to vide precise catch data has demonstrated flexibility to make a final agreement pos- the Commission. As expected, the tough its worth, noted the Danish minister, who sible”. For five long years now, the EP and issues will be reform of the TACs (total distributed a study on the system to her the Council have proved unable to agree allowable catches) and quotas system, fellow ministers. on how to count on-call time (as work- capacity reduction and subsidies. She would like to bring the seven Baltic ing time or not) and whether or not and rim countries into the project to test it how EU companies should make use of QUOTAS A MAIN CONCERN on a larger scale. The second pillar of ‘opt-out’ contracts. The question of quotas is already the Danish proposal – also already being emerging as the main concern, par- applied by Danish (continued on page 5)

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Contents N° 3741 Top Stories

Financial services Regional Policy Council European Works Councils EP agrees relaxed rules Svoboda: Cohesion policy is New directive boosts worker on e-money Page 4 everyone’s concern Page 6 power in big firms Page 10

Financial services, banks, Social affairs In Brief insurance European Works Councils: Visa facilitation with Ukraine...... 13 Financial services: EP agrees New directive boosts worker Industrial new orders down...... 13 relaxed rules on e-money, new power in big firms...... 10 EIB loan in Wales...... 13 fees for direct debits ...... 4 Education: Students want greater EU election mission in Lebanon...... 13 cooperation with world of work...... 10 Latvian guarantee scheme authorised...... 13 Sectoral policies Banking JV cleared...... 13 Fisheries: Debate on CFP reform External relations gets under way...... 1 External Relations Council: People...... 14 Fisheries: MEPs approve rules Moldova, Belarus and Iran on agenda.....11 to control recreational fishing...... 5 EU/Somalia/Piracy: Council EU Agenda...... 16 Informal Regional Policy concerned about European Council: Svoboda: Cohesion fishermen’s safety...... 11 policy is everyone’s concern...... 6 External relations: Donors Agriculture: Denmark takes raise 165 mn euro for poor view of clearance of accounts...... 6 peacekeeping in Somalia ...... 12 Agriculture: Germany sets bad example on transparency of aid ...... 7 Ecodesign Directive: Parliament votes to include energy-related products...... 7 Copyright: Parliament extends perfomers’ rights to 70 years ...... 8 Consumers: ECJ finds Belgian commercial laws too strict...... 8 Transport: MEPs approve new rights for coach passengers...... 9

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Financial services EP agrees relaxed rules on e-money, new fees for direct debits

By Sarah Collins is based on a compromise endorsed by EU I hope [...] that doubtful regulators, banks ambassadors in Coreper, on 25 March. [...] and even the ECB will have become Two reports adopted by MEPs in Stras- E-money differs from regular electronic reconciled to the fact that this is a benefi- bourg, on 24 April, are to deregulate the transactions in that it is not held in an cial user-friendly service which holds no electronic money market and lower cross- account but pre-paid into physical instru- risks for the European economy”. border direct debit fees to national levels. ments like the Oyster card used on the The two reports - by EPP-ED deputy London Underground. Banks, and espe- Cross-border payments John Purvis on e-money and ALDE MEP cially the ECB, have traditionally been Under an agreement reached on cross- Margarita Starkeviciute on cross-border dubious about how to regulate e-money, border payments - based on a Commis- payments - aim to implement the Single but the Commission has more recently sion proposal (COD/2008/0194) released Euro Payments Area (SEPA), which was been keen to promote its use. It says that in on 13 October last year - direct debits will brought into force by the Payment Ser- 2007, there was only €1 billion of e-money now be subject to equal charges, meaning vices Directive in 2007. The deadline in circulation as opposed to €637 billion that EU citizens will pay the same fees for implementation of the directive is in cash, but predicts this figure could rise on domestic and cross-border euro trans- November this year. to €10 billion in 2012. actions. Credit card transactions, ATM Since January 2008, all credit transfers Financial institutions issuing e-money withdrawals and credit transfers were within the eurozone have been simplified will now only require initial capital of already covered under a previous regula- into a new instrument, the SEPA credit €350,000 to enter the market (compared tion (2560/2001). The move (passed by transfer, which aims to lower costs. Direct to €1 million previously), customers will 396 votes to two) was essential to meet a debits and credit and debit cards are to be able to redeem any e-money outstand- 1 November deadline for direct debits to follow, but deadlines are being hampered ing into cash (although they may be come under a new SEPA instrument. by a slowdown of the SEPA project, accord- charged for it) and capital requirements To help the industry, the Commission ing to the European Central Bank. It said for companies will stand at 2% of the will phase out statistical reporting require- in a November 2008 report that motivation total e-money they have in circulation. ments for payments under €50,000 and in the industry has been “fading away” and Because money converted to e-money will sets a temporary fallback fee of €0.088 to a “downbeat attitude” has emerged. now be considered a ‘float’ rather than a be paid between banks on direct debits (the deposit, institutions holding the floats multilateral interchange fee). The Euro- E-money will not be able to use the cash as credit pean Commission’s anti-trust services are Money stored in electronic form, such and will therefore not pose as much of a currently investigating both MasterCard as Proton, Paypal, electronic gift vouch- risk - either to consumers or the financial and Visa for charging excessive MIFs on ers and mobile phone top-ups, should be sector. According to Purvis, “All in all this credit card transactions. safeguarded after MEPs voted by 364 votes is a very cautious step forward. It is not per- There is also a requirement on member in favour to 30 against on John Purvis’s fect but compromises seldom are. It will states to set up a complaints and out-of- report. The result, which will amend the almost certainly have to be revisited in court redress system for breaches of the current e-money directive (2000/46/EC), three or four years’ time but by that time new rules. n Sold by subscription only © reproduction strictly prohibited in any language EUROPOLITICS N° 3741 Monday 27 April 2009 

Aquaculture CFP reform meaning private funds would have to be (continued from page 1) The debate was considerably less con- found. Some delegations also expressed crete on the Commission’s communica- concerns about the use of medicines fishermen – is the transferability of indi- tion on development of a competitive and the risks of diseases in fish farms vidual quotas. Transfers can involve not and sustainable European aquaculture (), the necessity of developing the only the buying and selling of quotas, but (3732). The Czech EU Presidency – concept of ‘green aquaculture’ (Nordic also trading by species between fisher- which noted that the question is one of countries) and the question of the feed- men in the same area, explains a Danish its priorities – hopes to have conclusions ing of fish (Germany, Britain): it is not expert. adopted at the June Council. really logical to fish three kilograms of Hansen does not take offence at Michel President Petr Gandalovic admitted, fish with low market value to produce Barnier’s categorical rejection of this however, that “there is a lot of work one kilogram of farmed fish, noted these aspect: quota management is an inter- ahead” to achieve that goal. Although delegations. nal matter for the member states, she there is consensus on the main points noted. It will not be a problem if France – competitiveness and sustainability - Shark action plan rejects transferable quotas. What is most the delegations brought up a number of In its only formal decision, the Coun- important is to switch from quotas based problems. On the protection of biodiver- cil adopted conclusions endorsing the on landings to quotas based on catches. sity, several delegations seek more coher- Community action plan for the conser- This position seems to please the Com- ence between environmental policies vation and management of sharks. The mission: the Danish proposal makes it and aquaculture. On the promotion and ministers approve of its general approach possible to address the problem of dis- marketing of aquaculture products, some and specific objectives and call on the cards, one of the main failures of the delegations warn against the dangers of Commission to ensure that the measures current CFP. As for management proper protectionism. They argue that it would adopted are simple, proportionate, cost- of the quota system, the Commission’s be better to require non-EU countries to effective and take account of the species green paper recommends decentralisa- meet the standards applied in the EU, found in each fishing area. n tion and a senior official commented notably sanitary standards. On financ- that it should be possible, if Paris ing, there is no Community fund avail- insists, to maintain the option of public able in the current budget (2007-2013) The document is available at management of quotas. for promotion actions at European level, > Search = 248701.

Fisheries MEPs approve rules to control recreational fishing

By Patrick Veillard tries. When such an effect on stocks is noted that that could harm relations between by an EU member state, which can be done member states. Greater control over recreational fish- two years after this regulation enters into MEPs confirmed the wide range of sanc- ing is the gist of the measures approved, tions provided for in the draft regulation on 22 April, by the European Parliament for breaching the CFP, in particular fines (consultation procedure) in revising the This measure will (from €5,000 to €300,000) and giving ‘pen- Common Fisheries Policy’s community put commercial and alty points’ to the ships and captains con- control system. MEPs backed rappor- recreational fishing on an cerned. In the most serious cases, the latter teur Raül Romeva I Rueda (Greens-EFA, would be excluded from receiving national Spain), whose report (see Europolitics equal footing public aid or Community subsidies from 3728) stresses that “it would be discrimina- the European Fisheries Fund. Repeat tory to subject commercial fisheries to strict offenders would also risk having their fish- controls and limits while largely exempting force, catches will be set against the state’s ing permits suspended or withdrawn, while non-commercial fisheries”. quotas. These checks on fishing are for a the points of those who did not commit Recreational fishing is defined as “non- stock subject to a multiannual plan, as well another offence would disappear after commercial fishing activities for recreation as fishing from a vessel (but not fishing with three years. Data registered electronically or sport and including, for instance, rec- rod and reel from shore). will as of now be kept for ten years, instead reational angling”. This measure will put As for checks on commercial fishing, of three, as was the case before for paper commercial and recreational fishing on an the Parliament settled on adding provi- records. equal footing, which can prove necessary as sions allowing the transfer of a member This new regulation, which must now recreational fishing can sometimes exploit state’s unused quotas. The initial plan gave be approved by the Council, will round off fish stocks. French and German recreational the Commission the power to refuse these the control system, which already includes fishers, for example, account for 5,000 and transfers if the quota had been exceeded as regulations on illegal, unreported and 5,200 tonnes, respectively, of catch per year, well as to reduce or even ban fishing by the unregulated (IUU) fishing and on fishing according to data collected by the two coun- member state concerned. MEPs believed authorisations. n

Sold by subscription only © reproduction strictly prohibited in any language  Monday 27 April 2009 N° 3741 EUROPOLITICS

Informal Regional Policy Council Svoboda: Cohesion policy is everyone’s concern

By Isabelle Smets cohesion policy can help the regions to governance are mentioned as an “asset,” tackle these issues, which concern the together with partnership and shared “No member state should be excluded entire EU. management. The President of the EU from the EU’s future cohesion policy, What will the eligibility thresholds be? Committee of the Regions, Luc Van den but assistance should be focused on the What treatment will be given to regions Brande, who was present in Mariánské regions most in need.” Cyril Svoboda, that move out of the ‘most in need’ Lázne, had argued to that effect. the Czech minister for regional develop- group? There are no answers at this stage, Simplification is also a central ment, noted that all the participants in although Regional Policy Commissioner demand. “Delivery mechanisms need the informal meeting of EU ministers in Danuta Hübner said transitional provi- a significant improvement towards real charge of regional policy, on 23 April in sions would be needed for regions that simplification,” states the final declara- Mariánské Lázne (Marienbad), agreed are promoted out of the convergence tion. It urges the Commission to step up on these principles. objective (ex-Objective 1). She also its work in this area for both the current They are stated clearly in a press stressed financial engineering mecha- and the next programming period (after release adopted at the conclusion of the nisms, ie support taking forms other 2013). ministers’ meting: “The ministers [...] than the classic types of aid provided by A question that comes up regularly, believe that the primary focus of the the Structural Funds. These “could be raised mainly by regional authorities, is cohesion policy should be put on the further developed,” said Hübner. “We whether or not a Council of ministers convergence of less prosperous areas. could make them available to other end in charge of regional policy should be The ministers share the opinion that the beneficiaries.” The final declaration set up (these ministers meet only infor- cohesion policy should be implemented echoes that view: “The ministers believe mally). Some delegations suggested this, across the whole EU territory.” that the cohesion policy should not rely said Svoboda, but “the idea may not The final declaration – which is a doc- exclusively on financial support in the be put into practice”. In other words, ument approved by all the ministerial form of grants, but should continue to although the debate exists, consensus is delegations and not a presidency’s dec- examine and use in practice other forms nowhere in sight. laration - should consequently reassure of financing”. The next informal meeting of minis- a number of regions that feared seeing ters in charge of regional policy is set for the competitiveness objective of the MULTILEVEL GOVERNANCE mid-December under the Swedish EU European Structural Funds called into Consensus also emerged on the view Presidency. According to State Secre- question (although those who agreed on that the core principles of present-day tary Jöran Hägglund, it will be in Kiruna the text are not those who will take deci- cohesion policy – multiannual program- (Swedish Lapland). n sions when the time comes). ming, follow-up and evaluation, partner- It also singles out the new challenges ship, additionality – are “essential also regions will have to take up in the for the next generation of the cohesion The ministers’ final declaration is future - globalisation, climate change, policy”. To the delight of the regional available at demographics, energy – and notes that authorities, subsidiarity and multilevel > Search = 248727

Agriculture Denmark takes poor view of clearance of accounts

By Luc Vernet has not contributed much to this increase, serving as a means of imposing penalties. according to the Danish memorandum, Denmark also wishes to speed up these The clearance of accounts under the which adds that the flat-rate corrections procedures so that member states can European Agricultural Fund has, in imposed on member states are now the learn sooner of possible weaknesses in the past few years, once again become a rule rather than the exception. their systems and remedy them without means of imposing penalties in the form The concentration of EU funds in the delay. At present, four to five years can of flat-rate corrections, even for minor Single Payment Scheme (SPS) creates go by between the European Commis- deficiencies with a zero or very low finan- an additional problem in that even a 2% sion’s audit and its final decision. Den- cial risk for the EU budget, regrets Den- correction, the lowest rate possible under mark, which calls for a revision of the mark in a memorandum submitted to the standard system used at present, can rates of these standard corrections, also the Agriculture Council, on 23 and 24 add up to very large amounts, continues asks whether there is a real financial risk April in Luxembourg. The total amount the Danish memorandum. This country for the Agricultural Fund with the SPS, of financial corrections rose from €221 would therefore like to see the clearance since the credits available to each state million in 2002 to €985 million in 2008. procedures return to their original aim are determined in the context of capped The Union’s enlargement to 27 countries of prevention and correction, rather than national budgets. n Sold by subscription only © reproduction strictly prohibited in any language EUROPOLITICS N° 3741 Monday 27 April 2009 

Agriculture Germany sets bad example on transparency of aid

By Luc Vernet giving as a reason a decision by the German the fundamental right to the protection of court. An administrative court in Wiesbaden [personal] data” and prohibited the circu- The European Commission threatened, (centre) has just sided with German farm- lation of information on agricultural aid in on 23 April, to start legal proceedings against ers, who contested this publication in the the regional State of Hesse, of which Wies- Germany if it refuses - as announced - to name of the protection of private data. The baden is the capital. This analysis has been publish the list of beneficiaries of EU agri- court ruled that it was a “serious attack on contested by the European Commission. n cultural subsidies in its territory by the end of the month. “Germany is obliged to imple- ment this legislation” on the transparency of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) pay- Berlin in favour of granting Berlin is therefore calling on the Euro- ments and if it does not comply “we will advance of funds pean Commission “to authorise single react accordingly,” warned the agriculture “Vis-à-vis market tensions, in particular payment advances for 2009 requests,” commissioner. “This could mean starting in the dairy sector but also for other pro- as permitted in the provisions of the infringement proceedings against Germany” ductions, such as cereals, EU farms are CAP. These advance payments would be before the EU Court of Justice, specified now finding themselves in a very difficult made “on the basis of information pro- Mariann Fischer Boel. “This is taxpayers’ situation, meaning that their liquidity is vided by applicants”. Once the checks money, so it is very important that people no longer assured. Hence the absolute on the eligibility criteria have been com- know where it is being spent,” in order need for measures to improve it. The pleted, a final payment will be granted that we can guarantee an informed debate advance payment of the single payment during the normal period established by about the future of the CAP, added the may play an important role in this,” con- the regulation, ie between 1 December commissioner. sidered Germany in a note on various 2009 and 30 June 2010. According to A day earlier, German Agriculture Minis- points discussed during the EU Council the German note, “this procedure would ter Ilse Aigner had announced her intention of Agriculture Ministers, on 24 April in allow advance payment, while avoiding to abandon - for the time being - publishing Luxembourg. the risk of overpayment”. the list of beneficiaries of CAP subsidies,

Ecodesign Directive Parliament votes to include energy-related products

By Dafydd ab Iago July 2008. However, despite Parliament’s but had to accept only a very limited recast first-reading agreement with the Council, of the directive without substantial changes. By 394 votes in favour and 13 against the Commission will only present a revised Csibi would have liked to have seen an with three abstentions, the European Par- working plan for the Ecodesign Directive “immediate” extension of the scope to all liament formally approved, on 24 April, in 2011 when the current plan draws to an products, except for means of transport for the extension of the scope of Framework end. Only from then will the extension of persons or goods. “An improved product Directive 2005/32/EC on ecodesign to the directive begin to affect energy-related design would avoid waste and provide con- include not just energy-using items, such products, such as shower heads, windows, sumers with more efficient, more reliable as hairdryers, computers, televisions and construction products and insulation and longer lasting products,” said Csibi. fridges, but also energy-related products. materials. However, the Commission is only set, The European Commission had proposed Rapporteur Magor Imre Csibi (ALDE, in 2012, to review the effectiveness of the the extension of the framework directive in Romania) had pushed to broaden the scope Ecodesign Directive, and may or may not decide that there is a need to further extend its scope to products that are not energy- Background for improvement are subject to mandatory related. Stephen Russell, secretary-general The Ecodesign framework directive does ecodesign requirements. The technical of ANEC, a European consumer associa- not introduce directly binding ecodesign measures for addressing specific products tion specialised in standardisation, regrets requirements for energy-using, or now also need to be preceded by a preparatory the fact that the EP finally accepted the energy-related, products, but defines the study, consultation, impact assessment Commission’s proposal. “This continues conditions and criteria for setting such and then a vote by member state experts in to favour energy efficiency over chemical requirements. Additionally, following Article the Ecodesign Regulatory Committee. This content or recycling potential,” said Russel. 15, only those products with a “signifi- is then followed by a three-month scrutiny “Ecodesign means designing a product cant” environmental impact, annual sales period, during which the European Parlia- taking into account its environmental of above 200,000 units, and clear potential ment can reject the proposed measure. impacts during the whole life cycle,” he added. n

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Copyright Parliament extends perfomers’ rights to 70 years

By Nathalie Vandystadt the necessity of strengthening and supple- particular performers who transferred menting performers’ rights and explicitly their rights in the 1960s and 1970s, and The European Parliament decided to states that the question of recognition of who consequently earn less than the go half-way, after concluding that the performers – particularly in terms of the following generations. extension of performers’ rights to 95 right to remuneration – must be studied For studio musicians, who most often years was too long. It opted instead, in its with regard to the digital sector. remain in the shadows, the EP favours a vote on 23 April in Strasbourg (co-deci- specific fund financed by producers’ con- sion), to increase the term of copyright Debate on web lies ahead tributions. The latter would be obliged protection to 70 years, from 50 at pres- The debate on online copyright is still to set aside, at least once a year, at least ent. Performers who are living longer in full swing at European level. “This is 20% of the revenues earned from the pro- but do not all live in the lap of luxury a measure in keeping with the action posed extension of copyright term. The will thus be placed on the same footing collecting societies that represent artists as authors and composers. The text will give “artists and producers would be charged with The Socialist and Conservative groups administering the annual supplementary agreed with rapporteur Brian Crowley more bargaining power remuneration. (Sovereignists, Ireland) to amend the when renegotiating their The Commission’s initial proposal European Commission’s proposal along contracts” seemed too favourable to record compa- those lines. The original text had prompted nies. The European Consumers Organi- doubts in the Council as to the relevance sation (BEUC) denounced its “errone- of the 95-year term, but many states needed in Europe to reinforce intellec- ous message to society, at a time when were willing to accept a more moderate tual property and the rights of all cre- reasonable rates and access conditions extension (see Europolitics 3651). ators and content providers, which rep- to legal and diversified content should In contast with what the sector was resent part of the development capacity be encouraged”. Here, too, to balance seeking, broadcast performers are not of an economy founded on culture and the score with artists, Parliament pre- included. This question will be reviewed knowledge,” commented Jacques Toubon vents the use of contract clauses that in an impact study by the Commission (EPP-ED, France), who took part in the establish deductions on the new rights by January 2010, with a view to possible negotiations. they will collect. According to Toubon, inclusion. According to Brian Crowley, the leg- the directive “will not as such lead to “We would have preferred 95 years and islation adopted will give “artists more higher prices for consumers”. the inclusion of broadcast performers, bargaining power when renegotiating The Council still has to adopt the text. but 70 years is better than 50,” reacted their contracts with companies”. The The Commission will have to report three the Association of European Performers member states will have to allow per- years after the legislation enters into force, Organisations, AEPO-ARTIS, contacted formers to renegotiate certain clauses then every four years, to ensure that the by Europolitics. It noted that the text of their contract before the term of extension of rights has indeed improved includes two key advances: it recognises copyright is extended. This concerns in the social situation of performers. n

Consumers ECJ finds Belgian commercial laws too strict

By Marianne Slegers prohibits a combined offer made by a vendor offering free breakdown services for a period to a consumer. The court has based its ver- of three weeks to consumers who are Total Member states may not adopt measures dict on Directive 2005/29/EC, which estab- Club cardholders with every purchase of at that are more restrictive than those defined lishes a general prohibition of unfair com- least 25 litres of fuel for a care. Flair, part of by Directive 2005/29/EC on unfair com- mercial practices that are likely to distort the Sanoma Magazines, introduced in one of its mercial practices - not even in cases when consumer’s economic behaviour. publications a voucher entitling the holder their aim is to ensure a higher level of con- The relevant laws in Belgium - albeit to a price reduction on products sold in vari- sumer protection. This conclusion follows with certain exceptions and without taking ous lingerie shops. The ECJ judged that “by from a verdict by the EU Court of Justice account of the specific circumstances - establishing a presumption of unlawfulness of in the cases VTB-VAB NV versus Total Bel- impose a general prohibition on combined combined offers, national legislation such as gium NV and Galatea BVBA versus Sanoma offers made by a vendor to a consumer. Total that at issue in the main proceedings does not Magazines Belgium NV, announced on 23 Belgium and Sanoma Magazines were both meet the requirements of the directive”. n April. According to the ECJ, Community law brought to national court because they were precludes national legislation which, without accused of “combining offers”. In the case of The ECJ ruling is available at taking account of the specific circumstances, Total, one of its shops in Belgium has been > Search = 248718 Sold by subscription only © reproduction strictly prohibited in any language EUROPOLITICS N° 3741 Monday 27 April 2009 

Transport MEPs approve new rights for coach passengers

By Isabelle Smets the ticket (the Commission first proposed external circumstances that the company compensation amounting to the full price “could not avoid”. Just like air, rail and sea passengers, of the ticket). This compensation will As for other means of transport, the pro- people travelling by bus or coach will soon posal being examined also provides for spe- have new rights relating to cancellations cial – and free - assistance for passengers or long delays. On 23 April in Strasbourg, The rules will apply even with reduced mobility. They cannot be the European Parliament’s plenary session if the bus or coach leaves refused boarding because of their disabil- dealt with that very issue (first reading, on time but has a long ity, except for security reasons. Companies co-decision procedure), which was at the are also obliged to provide special training heart of a proposal for a regulation pre- delay during the journey for their staff, and member states will have sented by the European Commission in (technical failure, to designate bus and coach stations where December 2008 (COM(2008)817). The for example) assistance will be provided for people with report that the MEPs adopted by a very disabilities or reduced mobility. The list of large majority (drafted by Gabriele Alber- stations will be published on the internet tini, EPP-ED, Italy, and adopted by 557 also be due, but without reimbursement, and will guarantee “access to services in in favour, 30 against and 23 abstentions) if passengers accept the replacement most geographical areas”. allows passengers whose journeys are can- solution put forward by the companies. These new rights will mainly apply to celled, overbooked or delayed by more In this context, a delay refers to the long-distance or international services. than two hours to be reimbursed for their planned arrival time. The rules will there- An amendment allows member states to ticket, unless they accept alternative trans- fore apply even if the bus or coach leaves exclude urban, suburban and regional port services. If the bus or coach company on time but has a long delay during the services from the scope of the text. MEPs does not offer them alternative transport, journey (technical failure, for example). thought that these services had very spe- in addition to being reimbursed passen- However, the transport company will not cific characteristics (no advance reserva- gers will also benefit from compensation be liable if the delay or the cancellation tion, use of daily, weekly, monthly and amounting to half of the initial price of is due to the fault of a passenger or due to annual tickets, many stops). n

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European Works Councils New directive boosts worker power in big firms

By Marianne Slegers of labour representation. The revision aims ate” measures. However, under the final to increase the presence of EWCs across the agreement, sanctions have to be “effective, Workers’ representatives at European level Union. appropriate and dissuasive,” as per another will from now on be better informed and This is “particularly important” in the PES amendment (3658). The new directive consulted in case of “international changes” “current economic climate,” said the Euro- introduces a definition for ‘information’ and so they can play their full role in anticipating pean Commission. Within a few weeks, the “clarifies” the meaning of ‘consultation’. It and managing these changes. The Council new directive will be published in the EU’s says that if the structure of a company or adopted, on 23 April, a revised directive on Official Journal and it will enter into force 20 group of companies changes significantly European works councils (EWCs) follow- days later. Member states have two years to (due to a merger, acquisition or division, for ing a first-reading agreement with the Euro- implement the new rules at national level. example), the arrangements of the existing pean Parliament in December 2008. The An informal compromise concluded European works council must be adapted. EWCs will now be “strengthened to better by the European Parliament, the Council Furthermore, the competence and inform and consult workers during restruc- and the Commission on 4 December 2008 scope of action of an EWC is limited to turing”. Under the new directive, transna- cleared the way for the document’s first-read- ‘transnational’ matters. Topics are consid- tional information and consultation rights of ing adoption. The EP plenary agreed to this ered to be transnational if they concern workers should be “effective to improve legal informal deal, on 16 December. Vladimir the entire undertaking or group or at least certainty,” for example during mergers and Spidla, the commissioner for employment two member states. These include matters takeovers. These works councils should also and social affairs, said back then that he which, regardless of the number of member “clarify” the link between the different levels was “delighted” by the “rapid” agreement states involved, are of importance for the between the Parliament and the Council. European workforce in terms of the scope of The new directive does not prescribe their potential effect or which involve trans- Background a threshold of 50 workers as a minimum fers or activities between member states. Today, there are an estimated 820 requirement for creating special negotiat- In addition, EWCs’ agreements must EWCs in the EU, representing 14.5 ing bodies (as a first step toward constituting enable information and consultation links million workers at transnational level. EWCs). The aim here is to avoid discrimi- between national and European employee However, EWCs have so far been set nating against the smaller member states, representation bodies. In absence of such up only in 36% of companies falling which would have difficulty reaching this arrangements, the member states must within the scope of the directive. The threshold. The amendment to this effect ensure that the information and consultation new directive (and also the current was submitted by the Socialist group (PES) process duly takes place in both the EWCs directive) covers all companies with in the EP (see Europolitics 3658). and the national employee representation at least 1,000 employees within the The nex text offers a “clearer” definition bodies. Lastly, “in so far as this is necessary” European Economic Area (EEA) and at for sanctions in case of non-compliance for the exercise of their representative duties least 150 employees in each of at least or breach of obligations. The Commis- in an international environment, the mem- two member states. sion originally proposed that in such cases bers of EWCs are entitled to receive training the member states should take “appropri- without loss of wages. n

Education Students want greater cooperation with world of work

By Eric van Puyvelde enterprises as part of a study programme. education, costs of higher education, Lifelong learning should also be higher education institutions and their Access to higher education should be encouraged. study programmes, purposes of higher facilitated and cooperation strengthened Moreover, more students want to study education, quality and transparency of between universities and enterprises. abroad and a majority want additional higher education institutions, studying These are two of the priorities of Euro- information about the quality of higher abroad and cooperation between uni- pean students, according to the results education institutions in order to inform versities and businesses and plans after of a Eurobarometer survey published on their study choices. graduation. The figures are available in 22 April by the European Commission. The survey was carried out in Febru- a memo published in parallel and in the A large majority agree that it is impor- ary among students from 31 European summary of the survey. n tant for higher education institutions to countries - all EU member states plus foster innovation and an entrepreneurial Croatia, Iceland, Norway and Turkey. mindset among students and staff, and The findings echo the opinions of aca- The main results of the survey are that there should be the possibility to demic staff, who were surveyed two years available at undertake work placements in private ago. The results cover access to higher > Search = 248695 Sold by subscription only © reproduction strictly prohibited in any language EUROPOLITICS N° 3741 Monday 27 April 2009 11

External Relations Council Moldova, Belarus and Iran on agenda

By Fabrice Randoux the same time hoping that its President, of Six (United States, Germany, China, Alexander Lukashenko, often termed the France, Britain and Russia) wanted to Sending an EU mission to Moldova, “last dictator in Europe,” would send a resume talks – frozen since September where the opposition continues to contest representative so as not to spoil the family - on 8 April in order to convince Iran the Communists’ electoral victory and photo. Czech President Václav Klaus has to suspend its nuclear programme. Iran denounce human rights abuses, will be already let it be known that he “will not responded favourably to this demand one of the main topics at the meeting of shake hands with Mr Lukashenko”. The by the large powers, while at the same EU foreign affairs ministers, on 27 April in latter is offended by the European attitude. time confirming that it would continue Luxembourg. Czech Prime Minister Mirek “If you want Belarus to be present and not its nuclear activities. Iran is continu- Topolánek said he favoured such a mission, Lukashenko, say so openly. You don’t have ing with its uranium enrichment pro- as did the Commissioner for External Rela- to do so rudely,” he said before the Belarus gramme despite five UN Security Coun- tions, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, though she parliament. cil resolutions, including three involving said that “the terms of reference” needed to sanctions, demanding it be suspended. be discussed (see Europolitics 3740). CROATIA AND BURMA An EU-Egypt Association Council The situation is all the more sensitive as The ministers will also debate the dif- meeting will take place on 27 April on the Moldovan President, Vladimir Voronin, ficult economic and political situation the margins of the ministers’ meeting. along with five other leaders from ex-Soviet in Ukraine and the blocking of Croatia’s The following day there will be a troika republics (Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, accession talks by Slovenia, and they will meeting with the African Union as well Armenia and Azerbaijan), is due to take renew the economic sanctions against as a Permanent Partnership Council part in the summit, on 7 May in Prague, the Burmese (Myanmar) government with Russia. Russia will be represented launching the Eastern Partnership, which for one year (3740). In their conclu- by its Foreign Affairs Minister, Sergei is aimed at strengthening ties between these sions, they will invite Iran to “seize the Lavrov, and that will definitely be an countries and the EU. Another thorny issue opportunity” created by the new Ameri- opportunity to come back to Moldova in preparing for this summit is Belarus. The can policy to reach a negotiated solu- and the Eastern Partnership, of which EU officially invited the country, while at tion on the nuclear issue. The Group Russia takes a dim view. n

EU/Somalia/Piracy Council concerned about European fishermen’s safety

By Anne Eckstein while the Gulf of Aden and the northern ment of cooperation to combat piracy Indian Ocean are not the only danger- more effectively and protect fleets in the In the three days between 21 and 24 ous areas, they are the greatest source of area. March, there were at least ten attacks concern for the moment. “We encour- In terms of competences, Joe Borg by pirates south of Somalia, around age skippers to take all necessary pre- noted that this issue concerns the 500 miles from Dar-es-Salaam in the cautions, including registering with the second pillar, in other words that it is Seychelles exclusive economic zone Maritime Security Centre for the Horn the responsibility of the member states and northwest of Madagascar. These of Africa (MSCHOA), managed by the (and not the European Commission) to are areas where Community fishermen EUNAVFOR Atalanta operation,” he manage it within the framework of the operate regularly, which is why Spain said. “We are going to see what can Common Foreign and Security Policy has already decided to step up protec- be done to ensure fishermen’s safety (CFSP). tion of its tuna fishing fleet. Its delega- and protection in these areas,” he had He will therefore contact External tion also raised the matter of the safety commented the day before, as he pre- Relations Commissioner Benita Fer- of the fishing fleet at the Council of sented the green paper on reform of the rero-Waldner to voice the Fisheries Fisheries Ministers, in Luxembourg on Common Fisheries Policy. He neverthe- Council’s concerns, to suggest an exten- 23 April. less added that “we do not yet have fish- sion of Operation Atalanta and to ask Madrid called for “appropriate” mea- eries agreements with Somalia or with her to submit the matter to the Council’s sures to be taken quickly to protect the the neighbouring countries”. competent configurations. interests of Community fleets (commer- The commissioner confirmed that The Commission has declared that it cial and fishing) operating in the region, he would be in the Seychelles and in “is unaware” of any illegal fishing activi- for example, an extension of the scope of Australia in May. Piracy is not the main ties by EU vessels in Somali waters, Operation Atalanta. reason for the trip but he plans to take contrary to what Somali officials claim. Commissioner Joe Borg (fisheries and advantage of the opportunity to discuss “If evidence is provided, we will open maritime affairs) said that fishermen’s with the local authorities the nature and an investigation,” noted César Deben, safety is essential for the EU and that, origin of the problems and the develop- director for fisheries policy. n

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External relations Donors raise 165 mn euro for peacekeeping in Somalia

By Nicolas Gros-Verheyde and Floriane Pellegrin “Piracy is a real business,” noted Ki-moon and Javier Solana remained Jean Ping. “The Somalis are victims of very cautious about such an eventuality. The international donors’ confer- unscrupulous businessmen. Helping “This is a matter that has to be discussed ence for Somalia, held in Brussels on the government will make it possible by the Security Council at the right 23 April, reached its target of US$213 to tackle the roots of the problem. […] time,” said the UN secretary-general. million or €165 million, pledged by the Sheikh Sharif [the Somali president] That view was confirmed by the Union’s international community to support the has the legitimacy and legality required high representative for the Common African Union’s peacekeeping mission because he was elected by the Somali Foreign and Security Policy, who was in Somalia (AMISOM) and the creation people”. Louis Michel shares this slightly more prolix. “A decision will be of a Somali police force. approach. “The current government has taken when the time comes. It is true that The amount pledged is one third of real assets and can be successful where the government of Somalia wishes to set what was initially sought by the United earlier governments failed. Somalia up a reconciliation mechanism. Doing Nations (see separate article on fisheries has a credible government for the first so will depend on everyone’s behaviour.” problem). time,” he said. The country’s President, The Somali President, Sheikh Sharif, Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed, a moder- refused to answer the question. Major EU financial contribution ate Islamist, expressed his “gratitude for The UN’s terrorist lists, used by the More than half this amount will the international community’s assistance EU, include: the Islamist movement come from the EU. Development and and attention” and his determination to Al-Itihaad Al-Islamiya – considered by Humanitarian Aid Commissioner Louis make his country a “haven of peace on the United States as having ties to Al- Michel announced that €72 million land and at sea”. Qaida – and two of its leaders, Hassan would be released out of the EU budget: Dahir Aweys, from the Hawiyé clan, and €60 million for AMISOM and €12 mil- Removal from terrorist list? Hassan Abdullah Hersi Al-Turki, from lion for the police force (a year’s training The question of removing certain the Ogaden clan. and salaries for the 10,000 Somali police Somali Islamists from the terrorist list The latter is particularly suspected officers). (Al-Qaida, Taliban) applicable in the of being involved in attacks against On top of that amount will come Union was not officially discussed at the US embassies in Nairobi and Dar another €15 million from the EU this conference. However, a number of es Salaam in August 1998. Two other member states (Spain €6 million, Italy officials are well aware that the matter people active in Somalia are on the list: €4 mn, Netherlands €1.4 mn, Belgium is bound to come up in the drive to sta- Somali national Ali Ahmed Nur Jim’ale €500,000). The European Commission bilise the Somali regime and launch a and Comorian-Kenyan Fazul Abdullah will also provide support of €18 million national reconciliation process. Mohammed, who was assumed to be for Somalia out of the 10th European The main Islamist opposition leader, dead in 2007 but is still alive. n Development Fund (EDF) for rule of Sheikh Aweys, who had sought refuge law and €48 million in humanitarian aid in Eritrea, has just returned to Somalia (financed by ECHO). where he gave a press conference before The Arab League pledged US$18 mil- his supporters in Mogadishu, the capital. Absence of Czech EU lion over a six-month period, to be paid He makes the withdrawal of AMISOM a Presidency directly to the government of Somalia condition for inter-Somali dialogue. His Although all the international institu- for its security forces (military and law removal from the terrorist list is also a tions (UN, EU and Arab League) were enforcement). Several countries also condition for the resumption of dia- represented at the final press confer- announced aid in kind. France will logue, said an expert. ence at the highest level, the Czech train 500 Somali military troops in Dji- Speaking to journalists after the con- EU Presidency was absent. The EU bouti. Egypt plans to send 10,000 police ference, Louis Michel observed that was represented by CFSP High Repre- uniforms. “the question of the removal from the sentative Javier Solana and by Com- terrorist list of certain Somali figures missioner Louis Michel. Can this be Support for government who carry political weight in the coun- taken as a prefiguration of the Lisbon UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, try will have to be addressed”. It would Treaty? The Czech representative, European Commission President José come with a trade-off, explained the Deputy Foreign Minister Jan Kohout, Manuel Barroso, CFSP High Represen- commissioner, being conditional upon in charge of cooperation and humani- tative Javier Solana and African Union a commitment to reinforce rule of law tarian aid, spoke only at the donors’ Commission President Jean Ping all in Somalia. conference. He is being mentioned stressed the importance of a stable gov- “We should be ready to make a gesture as the future foreign minister in the ernment in Somalia for restoring peace if that can help strengthen the country’s transitional Czech government (see to the region and facilitating the fight stability.” Europolitics 3740) against piracy. Questioned by Europolitics, both Ban Sold by subscription only © reproduction strictly prohibited in any language EUROPOLITICS N° 3741 Monday 27 April 2009 13

In Brief

Visa facilitation with Ukraine EIB loan in Wales Latvian guarantee scheme Despite the EU’s visa facilitation The European Investment Bank (EIB) authorised agreement with Ukraine (among other is lending GBP75 million to Finance The European Commission authorised, Eastern European countries, except Wales plc to provide risk capital to on 23 April, a Latvian scheme allowing Russia), which entered into force in small and medium-sized enterprises the granting to entreprises of subsidised January 2008, Ukrainians regularly in Wales under the EU’s JEREMIE guarantees for initial investment and complain that they are the target of (Joint European Resources for Micro working capital loans concluded by 31 humiliating bureaucracy in European to Medium Enterprises) initiative. The December 2009. It meets the conditions consulates. Ukrainian President Viktor initiative combines EIB finance from of the Commission’s temporary Yushchenko, however, declared himself other sources, including the European framework for state aid measures to opposed to the restoration of a visa regime Commission under the European support access to finance during the crisis for European Union countries, an idea Regional Development Fund to because it is limited in time (two years), mentioned by his administration, which encourage effective investment in small respects the relevant thresholds and criticised these reciprocity problems businesses in the EU’s least developed applies only to companies that were not anticipated by the agreement. “We must regions. in difficulty on 1 July 2008 (ie before the not enter into conflict [...] engage in credit crunch). retaliation because this will only harm EU election mission in Lebanon us,” declared the head of state during The EU will be sending an election Banking JV cleared a press conference, on 22 April. “I am observation mission to Lebanon for The European Commission granted convinced that the stay in Ukraine the legislative elections on 7 June. clearance, on 22 April, to the acquisition of tourists, diplomats and European The mission will consist of around 90 of joint control of Raiffeisen Banca politicians will bring more money to the observers led by Spanish MEP José pentru Locuinte S.A. (RBL, Romania), country than consular payments from Ignacio Salafranca (EPP). The mission’s a newly created company constituting a the Foreign Affairs Ministry,” he added. core group, made up of the chief observer joint venture, by Raiffeisen Bausparkasse (NVA) and six experts, arrived in Lebanon, on 18 G.m.b.H (Austria), Bausparkasse April. Thirty long-term observers will be Schwäbisch Hall A.G. (Germany) and Industrial new orders down deployed to assess the campaign period Raiffeisen Bank S.A. (RBR, Romania). In the EU, industrial new orders declined and pre-election preparations around RBL will operate a saving and lending by 1.4% in February 2009, after dropping the country. Approximately 50 short- business for housing purposes in by 3.5% in January. Compared with term observers, along with a delegation Romania. February 2008, they decreased by 33.3%, of MEPs, will be deployed during the indicated Eurostat, on 23 April. In election period to observe voting, ballot February 2009, compared with January counting and the tabulation of results. 2009, total manufacturing working on The Union has made available some €4.7 orders rose in seven member states and million from the European Instrument fell in twelve. The highest increases were for Democracy and Human Rights to registered in Romania (+8.7%), Lithuania finance the mission. (+6.3%) and France (+4.8%), and the largest decreases in Latvia (-28.7%), Bulgaria (-11.9%) and Hungary (-5.2%).

Sold by subscription only © reproduction strictly prohibited in any language 14 Monday 27 April 2009 N° 3741 EUROPOLITICS

To announce your appointments on these People pages, contact: [email protected]

Lucian Sârb/Euronews Jean Todt/eSafetyAware The Executive Board of Euronews Jean Todt, the former CEO of Ferrari, was S.A appointed, on 15 April, Romanian elected, on 20 April, as the new president journalist Lucian Sârb (41) as the of eSafetyAware, a Brussels-based non-profit channel’s new director of news and international organisation that promotes programmes. With 15 years’ experience in intelligent vehicle safety technologies. Jean journalism, Lucian Sârb will take over, on Todt will lead the campaign to promote 4 May, as head of the editorial department consumer awareness of e-safety technologies and the 350 staff journalists comprising the eight language like electronic stability control (ESC). “Reducing road accidents teams of Euronews. Sârb began working for TVR (Televiziunea needs to be a key priority for Europe,” Todt said. Româna), the Romanian public broadcaster in 1994.

P. Taverne, T. de Saint Maurice/Commission The European Commission decided upon several appointments in April. Philippe Taverne has been appointed, as of 1 June, to the position of deputy director-general and chief accounting officer of the Commission and the European Development Fund at DG Budget. Thierry de Saint Maurice, currently director of the External Service Directorate at DG External Relations, has been appointed head of delegation in the Ivory Coast. Sold by subscription only © reproduction strictly prohibited in any language EUROPOLITICS

Dossiers and Special Editions

DOSSIERS „ Customs Union: 3594, 12/09/08 „ EU Court of auditors turns 30: 3394, 17/10/07 „ Citizens’ access to law and justice in Europe: 3598, „ EU-Russia summit: 3400, 25/10/07 18/09/08 „ EU-Africa summit: 3428, 6/12/07 „ Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy: 3604, „ Kosovo: 3452 and 3453, 21 and 22/01/08 26/09/08 „ Energy-climate change pakage: 3455, 24/01/08 „ Pact on immigration and asylum: 3617, 15/10/08 „ VAT package: 3469, 13/01/08 „ Enlargement report: 3632, 5/11/08 „ EU-NATO: 3509, 14/04/08 „ Regions and migration: 3645, 26/11/08 „ EU-Japan: 3515, 22/04/08 „ Poznan conference: 3649, 2/12/08 „ EUBAM Moldova-Ukraine Mission: 3516, 23/04/08 „ ESDP Mission in Georgia: 3664, 23/12/08 „ EU Chad-CAR Mission: 3517, 24/04/08 „ EU-US – Barack Obama: Chances and challenges: „ EU-US – Climate change: 3524, 7/05/08 3674, 19/01/09 „ Return directive: 3531, 19/05/08 „ The crisis: A test for Europe: 3699, 23/02/09 „ Brazilian beef breeders planning full return to EU markets:  „ Water, a global challenge : 3712, 12/03/09  3532, 20/05/08 „ European Parliament’s priorities in run-up to elections: „ Remuneration of directors: 3536, 26/05/08 3709, 09/03/09 „ EU-Bosnia-Herzegovina – EESC at 50: 3538, „ Solana: 3717, 19/03/09 28/05/08 „ Airbus A400M: 3722, 26/03/09 „ REACH: 3540, 30/05/08 „ Irish referendum: 3548, 11/06/08 SPECIAL EDITIONS „ Territorial cooperation: 3552, 17/06/08 „ French EU Presidency: New horizons: 3562, 01/07/08 „ Back to Nice: 3554, 19/06/08 „ European Parliament of Enterprises: supplement, „ Galileo: 3557, 24/06/08 14/10/08 „ Lamassoure report on citizens’ Europe: 3559, 26/06/08 „ European Parliament turns 50 – Anniversary special: „ Small Business Act: 3561, 30/06/08 3494, 19/03/08 „ Security and defence strategy: 3563, 2/07/08 „ Slovenian EU Presidency: 3441, 04/01/08 „ Cyprus reunification process: 3569, 10/07/08 „ Europe facing climate change: 3423, 30/11/07 „ Energy liberalisation: 3576, 21/07/08 „ Lisbon Treaty: Here is what changes: 3407, 07/11/07 „ Telecoms package: 3579, 25/07/08 „ Tomorrow’s Europe: 1957-2007 - What’s next?: 3270, „ Community Fisheries Control Agency: 3580, 28/07/08 19/03/07 16 Monday 27 April 2009 N° 3741 EUROPOLITICS

EU Agenda Week from 27 April to 3 May

Monday 27 April • Public access to European Parliament, delegation will monitor the elections in the Council and Commission documents - capital, Quito. Presentation of the opinion of the EP Legal MEPs will take part in the press conference European Service and proposals by the rapporteur of the EU election monitoring mission, led to the Plenary, Discussion with the EDPS by Portuguese MEP Jose Ribeiro e Castro Parliament and Nikiforos Diamandouros (European (EPP-ED). This will take place in the The President’s diary Ombudsman) in the presence of the Swisshotel, Quito. Vilnius, Lithuania Council Presidency and the Commission The other members of the EP delegation n 19:45: Meeting with Arunas Valinskas, • European Refugee Fund for the period led by Renate Weber (ALDE, RO) are Speaker of the Seimas 2008-2013 (amendment of Decision No Agustín Díaz De Mera García Consuegra n 20:30: Meeting with Andrius Kubilius, 573/2007/EC) (COD) - Vote on report by (EPP-ED, ES), Fernando Fernandez Prime Minister of Lithuania Bárbara Dührkop Dührkop (PES, ES) Martin (EPP-ED, ES), Robert Evans (PES, • Establishment of a European Asylum UK), Emilio Menendez Del Valle (PES, Parliamentary committees Support Office (COD) - Vote on report by ES) and Vicente Miguel Garcés Ramón Committee on Development Jean Lambert (Greens/EFA, UK) (PES, ES). 15:45 - 18:30, Brussels, ASP 5G3 • Minimum standards for the reception Contact: Thomas Dudrap: (32-2) 28 • Grounding the Africa-EU partnership of asylum seekers (recast version) (COD) 44524 (BXL), (33-3) 881 77015 (STR), in mutual benefit - Presentation by Prof. - Vote on report by Antonio Masip Hidalgo (32) 498.983.284, foreign-press@europarl. Paul Collier, Director of the Centre for the (PES, ES) Study of African Economies - University of • Establishment of ‘Eurodac’ for the Oxford comparison of fingerprints (recast version) Moldova: amid concern at human • Parliament’s right of scrutiny on the (COD) - Nicolae Vlad Popa (EPP-ED, RO) rights violations Development Cooperation Instrument • Application for international protection 26-29, April, Chisinau, Moldova - Discussion - Possibly, adoption of a motion lodged in one of the Member States by a The allegations of human rights violations for a resolution third-country national or a stateless person that followed the publication of results of (recast version) (COD) - Vote on report by the elections of 5 April in Moldova will be Committee on Budgets Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert (ALDE, NL) the main focus of concern for a delegation 15:00 - 18:30, Brussels, JAN 4Q1 of four MEPs, led by Marianne Mikko • Interinstitutional Agreement of 17 Delegations (PES, EE), who visit Moldova from 26 to May 2006 on the multiannual financial EP delegation to observe 29 April on a fact-finding mission. framework (amendment) - Vote on report presidential elections in Ecuador In Chisinau, MEPs will visit police stations by Reimer Böge (EPP-ED, DE) 23-28 April, Ecuador and prison number 13 (Tuesday 28th). • Amending budget 4/2009: Energy projects A delegation of seven MEPs, led by Renate NGOs on the ground have denounced to aid economic recovery - Vote on report Weber (ALDE, RO), travels to Ecuador human rights violations and the inhumane by Jutta HAUG (PES, DE) to monitor the presidential electoins on detention conditions of demonstrators. Amending budget 5/2009: budgeting the Sunday. Before the elections MEPs will The delegation’s programme includes surplus from the implementation of the meet several of the presidential candidates. meetings with the Civic Coalition for Free budget year 2008 - Vote on report by Jutta The presidential candidates will include and Fair Elections known as “Coalition Haug (PES, DE) Diego Delgado Jara, of the Movimiento 2009”, the Anti-Torture Alliance, the de Integración y Transformación social Soros Foundation, the Moldovan branch Committee on the Internal Market (MITS – Lista 151) and Carlos González, of Amnesty International, the National and Consumer Protection of the Movimiento Independiente Justo y Council for the Prevention of Torture and 15:00 - 18:30, Brussels, PHS 3C050 Solidario (MIJS – Lista 40). MEPs are also the UN human rights adviser (Monday scheduled to meet Fernando Cordero, a 27th). Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice candidate to be Member of Parliament for MEPs will also have meetings with the and Home Affairs the Movimiento Alianza País (Lista 35) and Moldovan authorities. Talks may also be 15:00 - 18:30, Brussels, JAN 6Q2 current speaker of the National Assembly. take place with the President of Moldova, • FRONTEX: state of play and future On Sunday 26 April, Ms Weber and Mr the Speaker of Parliament, the Prime - Presentation by Ilkka Laitinen, Executive Evans will observe the vote in the town Minister and some ministers (Tuesday 28th). Director of Frontex of Guayaquil; the other members of the Marianne Ikko is chair of the EP Sold by subscription only © reproduction strictly prohibited in any language EUROPOLITICS N° 3741 Monday 27 April 2009 17

Delegation for relations with Moldova. partnerships. A. EUPAN: Human Resources Working Other members of the delegation are Contact: Jana Zacios, Tel. +420 974 832 Group Marie-Anne Isler-Béguin (Greens/EFA, 472, E-mail: [email protected] B. EUPAN: Conference on Social FR), Marian-Jean Marinescu (EPP-ED, Dialogue RO) and Cristian Busoi (ALDE, RO). Meeting of the Committee on Herbal 26-30 April, Prague Contact: Thomas Dudrap: (32-2) 28 Medicinal Products 44524 (BXL), (33-3) 881 77015 (STR), 27-28 April, Prague (32) 498.983.284, foreign-press@europarl. Meeting of Budget and Economic European Committees Chairpersons 27-28 April, Prague Commission Travel and visits Council of Meeting of Working Group C n Mr José Manuel Durão Barroso in Underground Water Athens: meets with Mr Konstandinos Ministers 27-28 April, Prague Karamanlis, Greek Prime Minister; General Affairs and External participates in the conference on Relations Council (GAERC) Meeting of Budget and Economic Biodiversity protection – beyond 2010 27-28 April, Luxembourg Committees Chairpersons n Mr Siim Kallas in Tallinn, Estonia: 27-28 April, delivers a speech at the European Safety and Health at Work in Europe Executive Policing Conference (Reval in the 21st Century Association Council EU - Egypt Hotel Olümpia); delivers a speech at the Prague 27-28 April, Luxembourg Architecture Conference “State as our The international conference on Home” (Kumu Art Museum) occupational safety and health (OSH) Conference “Researchers in Europe n Ms Viviane Reding in Tallinn (27-28): issues will focus on the fulfilment of the without Barriers” participates in the ministerial conference Community strategy 2007-2012 on health 27-29 April, Prague on critical information infrastructure and safety at work. The conference will focus on the protection (27). Attends the signature of the Contact: Jana Ríhová, Tel.: •420 221 922 research climate and the attractiveness Memorandum of Understanding on eCall 249, GSM: •420 725 761 147, E-mail: jana. of the European Research Area (ERA), by the Governement of Estonia, meets Mr [email protected] on creating a better environment for Juhan Parts, Minister of Economic Afffairs researchers in Europe, on fostering young and Communication of Estonia and meets Conference & Workshop ‘Maritime talents for research and their engagement in the EU Affairs Committee of the Estonian Clusters in Landlocked Countries’ ERA and on developing research skills and Parliament (28) Prague an entrepreneurial mindset among young n Mr Stavros Dimas participates in A future The issue is very simple and yet, today, of researchers. vision for Biodiversity Conference (27-28, crucial importance: how can landlocked Athens) EU Member States like the Czech n Mrs Danuta Hübner receives Mr Henri Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Austria or Forum on Social Policy and Emmanuelli, President of the Landes Luxembourg contribute as subcontractors Migration in the European Union General Council to the innovative development of the 27-30 April, Prague n Ms Danuta Hübner receives Mr Ulrich maritime industry in Europe, thus Organiser of the Event: Caritas Czech Schroder, CEO of KfW Bankengruppe promoting growth and employment at Republic n Ms Danuta Hübner in the UK (27-28): national as well as European level? Contact: Ing. Mgr. Oldrich Haicman, visits the East Midlands Development Contact: David Chmelík, Office of the Caritas Czech Republic Agency (27). Visits Environment Government of the Czech Republic [email protected] Technology Centre project, and meets - [email protected], tel.: 224 00 regional partners of East Midlands 2520, mobile: 725 818 416 Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Development Agency; visits BioCity products project; visits CURVE, Leicester Ministerial Conference “Building 26-28 April, Brno (Czech Republic) Performing Arts Centre (28) Migration Partnerships” n Mr Joe Borg in the Czech Republic: 27-28 April, Prague Informal CMD(v) meeting speech at the Conference and Workshop The ambition of the Ministerial 26-28 April, Brno (Czech Republic) on Maritime Clusters in Landlocked Conference is, through joint Countries (Prague); visit to aquaculture preparatory activities, to elaborate a EUFASA Conference (European plants (Trebon, Southern Bohemia) new set of conclusions and ministerial Union Foreign Affairs Spouses’ n Mr Ján Figel’ attends the European recommendations which will enable the Associations) Bicycle Tour (In front of the EP Building) participating states to qualitatively improve 26 to 28 April, Prague n Mr Ján Figel’ participates in the joint relations towards genuine migration AmCham conference and press conference

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on Creativity and Innovation (Sofitel) n Mr Vladimír Spidla in Prague (27-28): Tuesday 28 April attends an employment workshop on Economic and “Maintaining employment, creating jobs and promoting mobility” – Preparation of Social Committee European Employment Summit in May; gives a press Lisbon, Portugal conference at the conference on Health n Joint conference with the Portuguese Parliament and Safety (27). Gives a keynote speech at ESC , the European Council and the The President’s diary the European Patent Forum and Patinnova EESC on the subject : “ Social cohesion Vilnius, Lithuania 2009 and hands over awards at a gala dinner and human rights” n 10:15 - Meeting with Valdas Adamkus, (28) President of Lithuania n Ms Meglena Kuneva in Portugal (27-29): 27-28 April, Croatia n 12:00 - Baltic Citizen’s Forum delivers an opening speech at a seminar n CCMI hearing: how the current on Financial Services and Consumer financial crisis is affecting industrial sectors Warsaw, Poland Interests organised by DECO; participates of Central and Eastern Europe’s transition n 16:15-17:15: Speech at the opening of in a Second life’s event together with Ms economie the EPP-ED Group Study Days Paula Casaca, MEP; meets Mr Rui Vilar, President of the Gulbenkian Foundation; 27-28 April, Istanbul (Turkey) Parliamentary committees meets Mr Vitor Constancio, President of n 26th meeting of the EU-Turkey Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs the Bank of Portugal; meets representatives Consultative Committee (JCC) 18:00 - 19:00, Brussels, ASP 5G2 of MAPiNET (Civil Movement against Discussion with Jan Kohout, Deputy online Piracy); meets representatives 27-28 April, Athens (Greece) Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech of the Consumer organization AMD n Participation of Mr. Ribbe to the Republic and acting President-in-Office of (27, Lisbon). Meets Mr Carlos Manuel conférence on “Biodiversity Protection ¬ Council on the results of the Results of the Martins Do Vale Cesar, President of the Beyond 2010” GAERC meeting of 27-28 April 2009 Azores Islands; delivers a speech at a conference “Challenges and opportunities Brussels, at the EESC Delegations in telecommunications, e-commerce and n 13th SDO Meeting EP delegation to observe consumer protection in Autonomous presidential elections in Ecuador region of Azores”; visits the tea plantation 23-28 April, Ecuador “Gorreana” (28, Azores Islands). Delivers a More info on Monday 27 April closing speech at the European Consumer Conferences and Organisation (BEUC) Assembly (29, Moldova: amid concern at human Lisbon) seminars rights violations, MEPs n Mr Leonard Orban in Spain (27-28): visits 27 April, Brussels, 12:30-18:15 26-29, April, Chisinau, Moldova the Ikastola San Fermin; with the Mayoress n EU Seminar: The Regulatory More info on Monday 27 April of , Ms Yolanda Barcina; meeting Challenges Facing the ICT, Financial with the Navarra Government and with the Services and New Energies Sectors Regional Minister of Education at Navarra FUNDRAISER Government Mr Carlos Pérez-Nievas; with Subject: The objective of the three Council of Ms Elena Torres Miranda, President of the workshops attended by prominent Parliament of Navarra and meeting with European Commission and European Ministers the EP Cultural Education Committee; Parliament officials, is to provide an General Affairs and External visit to the Public and outlook on the core regulatory challenges Relations Council (GAERC) meeting with Mr Julio Lafuente, Chancellor facing the ICT, financial services and new 27-28 April, Luxembourg of the Public University of Navarra, with energies sectors, whilst enjoying the unique Mr Jesus Mª Pintor, Vice-chancellor opportunity to meet key policy-officials. Informal Meeting of Transport of Education; meeting to the Centro Organisers: Ihmisten Eurooppa ry (The Ministers Javier Zulaica Laoz, President of Centro People´s Europe) and hosted by MEP Sirpa 28-30 April, Litomerice, Czech Republic UNESCO of Navarra /UNESCONA; visit Pietikainen On the agenda of the informal meeting to the Euskarabidea/Navarra institute of the Contact: Shradha Bhatnagar: will be the issue of “Intelligent Transport euskera organisation of the Government, •32.484.739.022,sirpa.pietikainen- Systems” (ITS). Among other issues, the competent in linguistic policy and meeting [email protected] Ministers will discuss obstacles impeding with Mr Ángel Gómez Montoro, Chancellor Venue: Microsoft Executive Briefing Center mass implementation of intelligent of Navarra University (27). Meeting with Mr for European Innovation transport systems in road transport. Carlos Pérez-Nievas and participation in the Avenue des Nerviens 85 - 1040 Brussels Road Show EP Campaign (28) Sold by subscription only © reproduction strictly prohibited in any language EUROPOLITICS N° 3741 Monday 27 April 2009 19

Meeting of the Political and Meeting of Budget and Economic n Mr Louis Michel participates in the Security Committee (PSC) Committees Chairpersons European Union – African Union Troika Brussels 27 -28 April, Prague (Luxembourg) n Mr José Manuel Durão Barroso receives EU -Troika - US Justice and Home Meeting of Working Group C Mr Ilham Aliyev, President of Azerbaijian + Affairs Ministerial Meeting Underground Water VIP corner Prague 27-28 April, Prague n Mr Antonio Tajani in Warsaw, Poland The meeting will deal with issues such (28-30): participates in the international as the fight against terrorism, visa policy Meeting of Budget and Economic visitors programme organised by the and border protection and, last but not Committees Chairpersons Centre of European Studies (28). Takes least, one of the priorities of the Czech 27-28 April, part in the Congress of the European Presidency – child protection. People’s Party (30) Association Council EU - Egypt n Mrs Viviane Reding in Warsaw (28-30): Stabilisation and Association 27-28 April, Luxembourg participates in the First Plenary Session Council EU - Croatia of the EPP Congress; meets Ms Anna Luxembourg Conference “Researchers in Europe Strezynska, President of UKE (Office of without Barriers” Electronic Communications) (30) GBE (Green Budget Europe) Steering 27 -29 April, Prague n Mr Joaquín Almunia at the hearing Commitee Meeting More info on Monday 27 April before the Committee on the “Toledo 28-29 April, Prague Pact’ at the Spanish Parliament (Madrid) Forum on Social Policy and n Mr Joe Borg visits the European Conference ‘Mineral Resources for Migration in the European Union Seafood 2009 Exhibition (Heysel) Europe’ 27-30 April, Prague n Mr Janez Potocnik participates in the 28-29 April, Prague Organiser of the Event: Caritas Czech Conference “Researchers in Europe Including the ministerial meeting - Mineral Republic without Barriers”, organized by the Czech Resource Forum. Contact: Ing. Mgr. Oldrich Haicman, Presidency (Prague) Contact: Mgr. Milena Sandová - sandova@ Caritas Czech Republic - sekretariat@ n Mr Ján Figel’ participates in the 2009, Ministerial Conference - Bologna Process (28-29, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve) Informal Meeting of Directors Committee for Veterinary Medicinal n Mr Olli Rehn in Berlin: meeting with General for Sport products Mr Frank Walter Steinmeier, Foreign 28-29 April, Prague 26-28 April, Brno (Czech Republic) Minister of Germany; delivers a keynote speech at Conference on “5 Jahre Gala Evening: European Inventor of Informal CMD(v) meeting erweitere EU” the Year 26-28 April, Brno (Czech Republic) n Mrs Mariann Fischer Boel receives the 28-30 April, Prague Rural Affairs and Agriculture Committee Organiser: European Commission and the EUFASA Conference (European of the Scottish parliament European Patent Office Union Foreign Affairs Spouses’ n Mr Andris Piebalgs delivers a speech at Contact: Ing. Josef Dvornák, Industrial Associations) the conference “Seeking for a common Property Office - [email protected] 26-28 April, Prague resolution for energy security” (Istanbul)

European Patent Forum A. EUPAN: Human Resources Working 28-30 April, Prague Group Organiser: European Commission and the B. EUPAN: Conference on Social Court of Justice European Patent Office Dialogue Grand Chamber Contact: Ing. Josef Dvornák, Industrial 26-30 April, Prague 9:30 Property Office - [email protected] n Judgement C-420/07 Apostolides. Area of Freedom, Security and Justice. Ministerial Conference “Building Interpretation of Article 10(1) of Protocol Migration Partnerships” European No 10 to the Act of Accession of Cyprus 27-28 April, Prague and of Articles 22, 34(1) and (2) and 35(1) More info on Monday 27 April Commission of Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001 Travel and visits of 22 December 2000 on jurisdiction Meeting of the Committee on Herbal n Mr Jacques Barrot in Prague: participates and the recognition and enforcement of Medicinal Products in the Ministerial Conference “Building judgments in civil and commercial matters 27-28 April, Prague Migration Partnerships”; participates in the (OJ 2001 L 12, p. 1) - Suspension of the Ministerial Troika Meeting on Justice and application of the acquis communautaire Home Affairs in those areas in which the Government

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does not exercise effective control - n 11:15: Meeting with Bogdan Recognition and enforcement by the court Borusewicz, Marshall of the Senate of another Member State of a decision Committee of the n 13:00: EPP Political Bureau given by a Cypriot court sitting in the n 14:00: Meeting with Lech Kaczyński, area of effective control and relating to Region President of Poland (time tbc) land situated outside that area. Advocate n 17th meeting of the RELEX n 17:00: EPP Congress General: Kokott. Commission (Commission for External Relations and Decentralised Other events n Judgement C-518/06 Commission v Cooperation) Workshop on Palestine 2009: how Italy. Freedom to provide services. Failure Location: at the Committee building, 101 to break the vicious circle? to fulfil obligations - Infringement of Arts rue Belliard, 1040 Brussels (room JDE 9:00-16:00, Brussels, ASP 5E2 43 and 49 EC - Infringement of Arts 6, 50), 15:30-17:30 Humanitarian and legal issues as well as 9, 29 and 39 of Council Directive 92/49/ political issues regarding the future of the EEC of 18 June 1992 on the coordination Palestinian territories will be debated by of laws, regulations and administrative MEPs from the Delegation for relations provisions relating to direct insurance Conferences and with the Palestinian Legislative Council other than life assurance and amending in a Workshop entitled “Palestine 2009: Directives 73/239/EEC and 88/357/EEC seminars how to break the vicious circle?” (third non-life insurance Directive) (OJ 28-30 April, Prague The panel humanitarian/legal issues will 1992 L 228, p. 1) - Calculation of insurance n European Inventor of the Year 2009 be moderated by Proinsias de Rossa, Vice- premiums - Obligations imposed on European Patent Forum + PATINNOVA Chairman of the Delegation for relations insurers whose head office is in another 2009 with the PLC. Member State. Advocate General : Mazák. Subject: The patent conference asks the Guests include John Ging, Director of question: “Intellectual Property (IP) in UNWRA, the UN Agency for Palestinian n Hearing C-58/08 Vodafone and Others. rapidly developing industries - does it Refugees. Hossam Zaki, Ambassador Law governing the institutions. Validity stimulate innovation?” It will examine and Spokesman of the Egyptian Foreign of Regulation (EC) No 717/2007 of the the impact of the continuing digital Minister; Richard Howitt ,Vice-Chair of European Parliament and of the Council revolution on the industrial property the EP Subcommittee on Human Rights; of 27 June 2007 on roaming on public system, especially the protection of Raji Sourani , The Arab league of States; mobile telephone networks within the innovation through patents. David Nichols, Amnesty International; Community and amending Directive 28 April 2009: European Inventor of the Gerard Horton, Defence Children 2002/21/EC (OJ 2007 L 171, p. 32) - Legal Year 2009 Award Gala / Prague Castle. international; Aladdin Jaradat, Addameer; basis - Validity of Articles 4, 2(a) and 6(3) of The President of the Czech Republic, Dr Daud Abdullah, The palestinian the directive, imposing a maximum charges Vaclav Klaus, EU Commissioner Return Center; Daniel Machover, for roaming calls, in light of the principles Vladimir Spidla and EPO President Attorney-London; Dr Arafat Shoukry, of proportionality and subsidiarity. Alison Brimelow will present the coveted European campaign to end the siege of European Inventor of the Year award in Gaza. four categories. The afternoon panel will look at political Organisers: The European Commission questions will be chaired by Luisa Economic and and the European Patent Office (EPO) Morgantini, EP Vice-president and For further details please see http://www. member of the DPLC. Social Committee A representative from the league of Arab Brussels, at the EESC de.html States will take part in this panel along n Extraordinary meeting of the Bureau Venue: Hilton Hotel Prague with Leila Chahid, General Delegate with the participation of M. Felipe of Palestine, Véronique de Keyser and Gonzales Marquez ¬ Wise men Group on Annemie Neyts, members of the EP the Future of Europe. Wednesday 29 April Working Group on Middle East, Baroness Lindsay Northover from the House of Brussels, at the EESC Lords and Yves Aubin de la Messuzière, n 8th meeting of the Labour Market European Former French Ambassador. Observatory of the Specialised Section Contact: Thomas Dudrap: (32-2) 28 for “Employment, Social Affairs and Parliament 44524 (BXL), (33-3) 881 77015 (STR), Citizenship”(SOC) The President’s diary (32) 498.983.284, foreign-press@europarl. Warsaw, Poland Bnro, Czech Republic n 8:30: Meeting with Donald Tusk, n Public hearing on “Towards a rail Prime Minister of Poland network giving priority to freight” n 10:00: Panel discussion “European Foreign Relations: the Challenges Ahead” Sold by subscription only © reproduction strictly prohibited in any language EUROPOLITICS N° 3741 Monday 27 April 2009 21

European Patent Office Mrs Margot Wallström receive Mr José Contact: Ing. Josef Dvornák, Industrial Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Spanish Prime Council of Property Office - [email protected] Minister n Mr José Manuel Durão Barroso Ministers European Patent Forum participates in the EPP 2009 European Informal Meeting of Transport 28 -30 April, Prague Elections Congress (29-30, Warsaw) Ministers Organiser: European Commission and the n Mr Jacques Barrot participates in the 28-30 April, Litomerice - Czech European Patent Office 50th anniversary of the Ecole Nationale de Republic Contact: Ing. Josef Dvornák, Industrial la Magistrature (Bordeaux) Property Office - [email protected] n Mr Stavros Dimas receives Mr Richard Meeting of the Coreper I Brown, Chief Executive of Eurostar Brussels Conference “Researchers in Europe n Closing remarks by Mr Joaquin Almunia without Barriers” at the EU-China Macroeconomic Dialogue Meeting of the Coreper II 27 -29 April, Prague (Brussels) Brussels More info on Monday 27 April n Mr Olli Rehn receives Mr Branko Crvenkovski, President of the former EU-Gulf Cooperation Council Forum on Social Policy and Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia + Press Ministerial Meeting Migration in the European Union point Oman, Muscat 27-30 April, Prague n Mr Louis Michel participates in the Organiser of the Event: Caritas Czech International Summit “Outlook Africa: ICT Brokerage Event 2009 Republic Investing in Africa’s Growth and Health” 29-30 April, Brno, Czech Republic Contact: Ing. Mgr. Oldrich Haicman, (Bruxelles) Caritas Czech Republic - sekretariat@ n Speech of Mrs Mariann Fischer Boel Meeting of Directors of Archives of at the Conference “Polish Rural Areas the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of and Agriculture: Five years since Poland’s the EU and European Institutions A. EUPAN: Human Resources Working Accession to the European Union” (Warsaw, 29-30 April, Prague Group Poland) B. EUPAN: Conference on Social n Mr Andris Piebalgs delivers a speech at Meeting of the Homeopathic Dialogue the Energy Efficiency Global Forum (Paris) Medicinal Products Working Group 26-30 April, Prague 29-30 April, Prague

Meeting of National Drug Court of Justice Coordinators followed by a European Grand Chamber Conference of National Experts on 9:30 Methamphetamine Commission n Hearing C-246/07 Commission v Sweden. 29-30 April, Prague Weekly meeting External relations. Failure of a Member Brussels, 9:00 State to fulfil its obligations - Breach of GBE (Green Budget Europe) Steering On the agenda: Articles 10 and 300(1) EC - Unilateral Commitee Meeting • EU Preliminary Draft Budget for 2010 proposal to add a substance, perfluorooctane 28-29 April, Prague • Communication “Facing the sulphate, to Annex A to the Stockholm consequences of an ageing EU population” Convention on persistent organic pollutants. Conference ‘Mineral Resources for • Communication on retail investment Europe’ products 28-29 April, Prague • Directive establishing regulatory Including the ministerial meeting - Mineral standards for hedge funds, private equity Court of first Resource Forum. and other systematically important market Contact: Mgr. Milena Sandová - sandova@ players instance, • Recommendation on remuneration in the First Chamber financial services sector 15:00 Informal Meeting of Directors • Recommendation on remuneration of n Hearing T-446/07 Royal Appliance General for Sport directors International v OHMI - BSH Bosch und 28-29 April, Prague Siemens Hausgeräte (Centrixx). Intellectual Travel and visits property. Community trade mark - Action Gala Evening: European Inventor of n Mrs Benita Ferrero-Waldner participates brought by the applicant for the word mark the Year in the EU-GCC Ministerial meeting ‘Centrixx’ in respect of goods in Class 7 for 28-30 April, Prague (Muscat, Oman) annulment of Decision R 572/2006-4 of Organiser: European Commission and the n Mr José Manuel Durão Barroso and the Fourth Board of Appeal of the Office

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for Harmonisation in the Internal Market Import Matthiesen v OHMI (α). (OHIM), of 29 May 2007, annulling the (OHIM) of 3 October 2007 annulling Intellectual property. Community decision of the Opposition Division partly the decision of the Opposition Division trade mark - Annulment of Decision R refusing the application for registration which rejected the opposition filed by the 808/2006-4 of the Fourth Board of Appeal of the word mark ‘ALFONSO’ for goods proprietor of the national word mark ‘sensixx’ of the Office for Harmonisation in the in Classes 30, 32 and 33, in opposition in respect of goods in Class 7. Internal Market (OHIM) of 30 November proceedings brought by the applicant. 2006 dismissing the appeal against the Second Chamber Examiner’s decision refusing registration of 9:30 the figurative mark ‘α’ for goods in Class 33 n Judgement T-81/08 Enercon v OHMI Economic and (E-Ship). Intellectual property. Community n Hearing T-240/08 Procter & Gamble v trade mark - Annulment of Decision R OHMI - Laboratorios Alcala Farma (oli). Social Committee 319/2007-1 of the First Board of Appeal of Intellectual property. Community trade Brussels, at the EESC the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal mark - Action for annulment brought n 5th meeting of Lisbon Strategy Market (OHIM) of 4 December 2007 by the holder of the Community word Observatory with the participation of dismissing the appeal against the examiner’s mark ‘OLAY’ for goods in Classes 3 and the national ESCs of the EU and in the decision refusing registration of the word 5, against Decision R 1481/2007-2 of the presence of Mrs Maria João Rodrigues, mark ‘E-ship’ for goods and services in Second Board of Appeal of the Office for Professor at the Institute for European classes 7, 9, 12 and 39. Harmonisation in the Internal Market Studies, Université Libre de Bruxelles (Trade Marks and Designs) (OHIM) of 2 and special advisor to the European Fourth Chamber April 2008 dismissing the action brought Commission 9:30 against the decision of the Opposition n Judgement T-430/07 Bodegas Division dismissing the opposition Montebello v OHMI - Montebello proceedings brought by the applicant (MONTEBELLO RHUM AGRICOLE). against the application for registration of Committee of the Intellectual property. Community trade the figurative mark ‘oli’ for goods in Classes mark - Action brought by the proprietor of 3 and 5. Region the national word mark ‘MONTEBELLO’ n 18th meeting of the ECOS Commission for goods in Class 33 for annulment of 11:00 (Commission for Economic and Social Decision R 223/2007-2 of the Second Board n Hearing T-366/07 Procter & Gamble policy) of Appeal of the Office for Harmonisation v OHMI - Prestige Cosmetics (P&G Location: at the Committee building, 101 in the Internal Market (OHIM) of 7 PRESTIGE BEAUTE). Intellectual rue Belliard, 1040 Brussels (room JDE 52), September 2007 annulling the decision property. Community trade mark - Action from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. of the Opposition Division rejecting the brought by the applicant for the word mark application for registration of a coloured “P&G PRESTIGE BEAUTE” for, inter figurative mark containing figurative alia, goods in Class 3 against Decision R elements (representation of a parchment on 681/2006-2 of the Second Board of Appeal Conferences and which is printed a picture of an old sailing of the Office for Harmonisation in the boat at sea viewed from behind palm trees) Internal Market (OHIM) of 19 July 2007, seminars and the word elements ‘MONTEBELLO dismissing the appeal against the decision 29 April, Brussels RHUM AGRICOLE’ for goods in Class 33 of the Opposition Division refusing in n ERGEG workshop on the 10-year gas in the context of the opposition brought by part registration of the said trade mark in network development plan the applicant. the opposition proceedings brought by the Subject: This European Energy Regulators’ proprietor of the national figurative marks stakeholder workshop examines stakeholder Fifth Chamber “prestige” for goods in Class 3. reactions to ERGEG’s recommendations 9:30 on the 10-year gas network development n Hearing T-258/06 Germany v Seventh Chamber plan. This follows on from the public Commission. Company law. Annulment 9:30 consultation issued by ERGEG on 25 of the Commission’s interpretative n Hearing T-291/07 VIñedos y Bodegas March 2009. communication of 23 June 2006 on the Príncipe Alfonso de Hohenlohe v OHMI Contact: Registration only by 20 April with Community law applicable to contract - Byass (ALFONSO). Intellectual property. [email protected] awards not or not fully subject to the Community trade mark - Action for Venue: From 14:30 to 16:30 at Hotel Silken provisions of the public procurement annulment brought by the holder of Berlaymont, Brussels directives (OJ 2006 C 179, p. 2) Community and national word marks ‘PRÍNCIPE ALFONSO’, for goods in 29 -30 April, Brussels Sixth Chamber Class 33, of the decision R 1110/2006-2 of n Outlook Africa: investing in Africa’s 9:30 the Second Board of Appeal of the Office growth and health n Judgement T-23/07 Borco-Marken- for Harmonisation in the Internal Market Subject: Development Policy Forum (DPF) Sold by subscription only © reproduction strictly prohibited in any language EUROPOLITICS N° 3741 Monday 27 April 2009 23

Roundtable Committee on Constitutional ICT Brokerage Event 2009 Wednesday, April 29: Can We Protect Affairs 29 -30 April, Brno, Czech Republic Africa from the Economic Crisis? 09:00-12:30, Brussels, PHS 3C50 Thursday, April 30: Session I: Fine-Tuning • The Balance Sheet of the Legislature Meeting of Directors of Archives of the EU-Africa Trade and Investment - Discussion with Margot Wallström, Vice Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the EU and Session II: Getting Africa’s Infrastructure President of the European Commission, European Institutions Right responsible for Constitutional Affairs 29-30 April, Prague Session III: Report Card on Overcoming • Democracy in Europe - Discussion with Africa’s Healthcare Challenges Professor Dimitris Tsatsos, former MEP Meeting of the Homeopathic Organisers: Friends of Europe Medicinal Products Working Group Contact: +32 (0)2 738 7595 or ringaile. Committee on Women’s Rights and 29-30 April, Prague [email protected] Gender Equality Venue: Bibliothèque Solvay, Brussels 09:00-11:00, Bruxelles, ASP 3G2 Meeting of National Drug • The role of women in Turkey in social, Coordinators followed by a economic and political life (See Public Conference of National Experts on Hearings) Methamphetamine Thursday 30 April 29-30 April, Prague Committee on Petitions 15:00-18:30, Brussels, ASP 3G3 Gala Evening: European Inventor of European the Year Public hearings 28-30 April, Prague Parliament Women in Turkey Organiser: European Commission and the Parliamentary committees 09:00-11:00, Brussels, ASP 3G2 European Patent Office Committee on International Trade The Women’s Rights committee is Contact: Ing. Josef Dvornák, Industrial 9:00-11:30, Brussels, ASP 5G3 organising a public hearing on “The role Property Office - [email protected] • State of Play of ongoing International of women in Turkey in social, economic Trade Negotiations - Discussion with and political life”. Among the participants: European Patent Forum Catherine Ashton, Commissioner for Trade Nimet Cubukçu, State Minister of 28-30 April, Prague Women’s and Children’s Affairs, Yakin Organiser: European Commission and the Committee on Fisheries Ertürk, UN Special Rapporteur on European Patent Office 09:00-12:30, Brussels, PHS 1A2 Violence Women and Professor at the Contact: Ing. Josef Dvornák, Industrial • Presentation by Fokion Fotiadis, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Property Office - [email protected] Director-General DG MARE, of the Yessim Arat, Professor of Political Science Communication from the Commission of 8 and International Relations, Bogaziçi Forum on Social Policy and April 2009 on a strategy for the sustainable University, Istanbul, Nebahat Akkoç, Migration in the European Union development of aquaculture and the Green President of KA-MER and Emine Bozkurt 27 -30 April, Prague Paper of 21 April 2009 on the reform of the (PES, NL), EP rapporteur on Women’s Organiser of the Event: Caritas Czech CFP rights in Turkey. The meeting will be Republic chaired by Anna Záborská (EPP-ED, SK). Contact: Ing. Mgr. Oldrich Haicman, Committee on Legal Affairs Contact: Nora Chaal: (32-2) 28 31151 Caritas Czech Republic - sekretariat@ 09:30-12:30, Brussels, PHS 7C050 (BXL), (32) 498.983.402, femm-press@ • Request for defence of the immunity of Aldo Patriciello (EPP-ED, IT) (IMM) - Vote A. EUPAN: Human Resources Working on report by Aloyzas Sakalas (PES, LT) Group • Request for the defence of the immunity B. EUPAN: Conference on Social of Umberto Bossi (IMM) - Vote on report Dialogue by Klaus-Heiner Lehne (EPP-ED, DE) Council of 26-30 April, Prague • Presentation of a study by Karel Van Hulle, Internal Market and Services, Ministers European Commission: “Compensation Meeting of the Political and of victims of cross-border road traffic Security Committee (PSC) European accidents in the EU: Comparison of Brussels national practices, analysis of problems and Commission evaluation of options for improving the Informal Meeting of Transport Travel and visits position of cross-border victims” Ministers n Mrs Margot Wallström participates in • Discussion with Wubbo de Boer, 28-30 April, Litomerice - Czech exchange of views with the members of the President of the Office for Harmonization Republic EP Constitutional Affairs Committee in the Internal Market n Ms Catherine Ashton addresses the

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Committee on International Trade (INTA) T-30/05 Prym and Prym Consumer v n Judgement C-531/07 Fachverband (EP) Commission, in which the Court fixed der Buch- und Medienwirtschaft. Free n Mr Andris Piebalgs takes part in the EU the amount of the fine imposed on the movement of goods. Reference for a – Russia Permanent Partnership Council applicants by Article 2 of Commission preliminary ruling - Oberster Gerichtshof meeting (Moscow) Decision C(2004) 4221 final of 26 October (Austria) - Interpretation of Articles 3(1) n Mr Louis Michel participates in the 2004 relating to a procedure for the EC, 10 EC, 28 EC, 30 EC, 81 EC and European Union’s Political and Security application of Article 81 EC (Case COMP/ 151 EC - National legislation requiring Committee (PSC) (Brussels) F-1/38.338-PO/Needles) at EUR 27 million importers of German language books to fix n Mrs Mariann Fischer Boel receives - Agreement, decision or concerted practice a retail sales price which cannot be lower representatives of the European Milk Board in the market for haberdashery (needles). than that fixed for the country of origin. n Mrs Mariann Fischer Boel receives Advocate General: Mengozzi. Advocate General: Trstenjak. Mr Robert Guicherd, President, and a delegation of CIUS (Committee of n Opinion C-103/08 Gottwald. Principles of n Opinion C-301/07 PAGO International. Industrial Users of Sugar) Community law. Reference for a preliminary Intellectual property. Interpretation of n Mrs Benita Ferrero-Waldner visits Qatar ruling - Unabhängiger Verwaltungssenat Article 9(1)(c) of Council Regulation (EC) (30-01) des Landes Vorarlberg (Austria) - No 40/94 of 20 December 1993 on the n Mr Vladimír Špidla attends the Interpretation of Article 12 of the EC Treaty Community trade mark (OJ 1994 L 11, p. vernissage of Czech art exhibition (BERL) - Discrimination on grounds of nationality 1) - Rights of the proprietor of a trade mark n Ms Meglena Kuneva delivers a speech - National legislation under which a toll disc having a reputation in the Community “Consumers in recession” at a conference made available free of charge to disabled - Trade mark having a reputation only in hosted by the European Policy Centre persons is granted only to persons resident one Member State - Protection of the trade (Brussels) or ordinarily resident in national territory. mark in the whole of the Community n Mrs Androulla Vassiliou in the United Advocate General: Mazák. or only in one Member State. Advocate States (30-01): has bilateral meetings with General: Sharpston. Congress people and Senators; meets US n Hearing C-247/08 Gaz de France Trade Representative (USTR) Ambassador - Berliner Investissement. Free movement Fourth Chamber Ron Kirk; attends working dinner at the of capital. Reference for a preliminary 9:30 residence of the Head of EU’s Delegation ruling - Finanzgericht Köln (Germany) n Judgement Joined Cases C-393/07, in the USA, Mr John Bruton (30). Attends - Interpretation of Articles 43 EC, 48 EC, C-9/08 Italy v Parliament. Law governing lunch conference with Chief Executive 56(1) EC and 58(1)(a) and (3) EC, and the institutions. Application for annulment Officer of American Association for retired Article 2(a) and paragraph (f) of the Annex of Decision P6_TA-PROV(2007)0209 of people (AARD), Mr Barry RAND; meets to Council Directive 90/435/EEC of 23 July the European Parliament of 24 May 2007 Mr Tom Vilsack, Secretary of the US 1990 on the common system of taxation concerning the verification of Beniamino Department of Agriculture (USDA) applicable in the case of parent companies Donnici’s credentials [2007/2121/(REG)], and subsidiaries of different Member notified on 28 May 2007 - Members of States (OJ 1990 L 225, p. 6) - Concept of the European Parliament - Verification of ‘company of a Member State’ - Refusal, credentials - Appointment of a Member Court of Justice in the Member State of the subsidiary, to due to the withdrawal of candidates. First Chamber grant an exemption from withholding tax to Advocate General: Poiares Maduro. 9:30 a parent company taking the legal form of n Judgement C-494/06 P Commission v a ‘société par actions simplifiée’ in French n Judgement C-497/06 P CAS Succhi di Italy and Wam. State aid. Appeal against law, since that form of company does not, at Frutta v Commission. External relations. the judgment of the Court of First Instance the material time, appear on the list in the Appeal against the judgment of the Court (Second Chamber) of 6 September 2006 annex to the directive. of First Instance (Second Chamber) Italian Republic and Wam v Commission delivered on 13 September 2006 in Case (Joined Cases T-304/04 and T-316/04) Second Chamber T-226/01 CAS Succhi di Frutta SpA v whereby the Court annulled Commission 9:30 Commission, whereby the Court dismissed Decision 2006/177/EC of 19 May 2004 on n Judgement C-75/08 Mellor. Environment an application for compensation for the State aid No C 4/2003 (ex NN 102/2002) and consumers. Interpretation of Article damage allegedly caused by Commission implemented by Italy for Wam SpA (OJ 4 of Council Directive 85/337/EEC of 27 Decisions C (96) 1916 of 22 July 1996 2006 L 63, p. 11). Advocate General: June 1985 on the assessment of the effects and C (96) 2208 of 6 September 1996, Sharpston. of certain public and private projects on adopted in the context of Commission the environment (OJ 1985 L 175, p. 40) Regulation (EC) No 228/96 of 7 February n Opinion C-534/07 P Prym and Prym - Obligation to make available to the public 1996 on the supply of fruit juice and fruit Consumer v Commission. Competition. reasons for a decision not to subject a jams intended for the people of Armenia APPEAL brought against the judgment project falling within the classes listed in and Azerbaijan (OJ 1996 L 30, p. 18). of the Court of First Instance (Second Annex II to the directive to an assessment. Advocate General : Trstenjak. Chamber) of 12 September 2007 in Case Advocate General: Kokott. Sold by subscription only © reproduction strictly prohibited in any language EUROPOLITICS N° 3741 Monday 27 April 2009 25

n Hearing C-101/08 Audiolux and Others. Appeal against the order of the Court of Approximation of laws. Reference for a First Instance (Second Chamber) of 29 preliminary ruling - Cour de cassation August 2007 in Case T-186/05 SELEX Court of first (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) - Sistemi Integrati SpA v Commission, by Interpretation of (1) Articles 20 and 42 of which the Court of First Instance dismissed instance the Second Council Directive 77/91/EEC as in part manifestly inadmissible and Fifth Chamber of 13 December 1976 on coordination in part manifestly without foundation in 15:00 of safeguards which, for the protection of law the claim for damages for the loss n Hearing T-386/07 Peek & Cloppenburg the interests of members and others, are purportedly suffered by the appellant as v OHMI - Redfil (Agile). Intellectual required by Member States of companies ... a result of the Commission’s decision property. Community trade mark - Action in respect of the formation of public limited of 12 February 2004 rejecting the for annulment by the proprietor of the liability companies and the maintenance appellant’s complaint relating to an alleged Community and national word marks and alteration of their capital, with a view infringement by Eurocontrol of the EC ‘Aygill’s’, for goods in Classes 3, 6, 8, 9, to making such safeguards equivalent Treaty provisions on competition. 11, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27 and (OJ 1977 L 26, p. 1), (2) the Commission 28, of Decision R 1324/2006 2, of 26 July Recommendation of 25 July 1977 Eighth Chamber 2007 of the Second Board of Appeal of the concerning a European code of conduct 9:30 Office for Harmonisation in the Internal relating to transactions in transferable n Judgement C-256/08 Commission Market (OHIM), annulling the Opposition securities (OJ 1977 L 212 p. 37), (3) Council v United Kingdom. Area of Freedom, Division’s decision refusing, in opposition Directive 79/279/EEC of 5 March 1979 Security and Justice. Failure of a Member proceedings brought by the applicant, coordinating the conditions for the admission State to fulfil obligations - Failure to adopt, registration of the figurative trade mark of securities to official stock exchange listing within the prescribed period, the provisions ‘Agile’ for goods in Classes 18, 25 and 28. (OJ 1979 L 66, p. 21) and (4) Article 3(1)(a) necessary to comply with Council Directive of Directive 2004/25/EC of 21 April 2004 2004/83/EC of 29 April 2004 on minimum Seventh Chamber on takeover bids (OJ 2004 L 142, p. 12) - Is standards for the qualification and status of 9:30 there, in Community law, a general principle third country nationals or stateless persons n Hearing T-341/07 Sison v Council. of the equality of shareholders? - If so, what as refugees or as persons who otherwise Common foreign and security policy. is the scope ratione materiae and ratione need international protection and the First, an application for annulment in temporis of that principle? content of the protection granted (OJ 2004 part of Council Decision of 28 June 2007 L 304, p. 12). Advocate General: Bot. implementing Article 2(3) of Regulation Fifth Chamber (EC) No 2580/2001 on specific restrictive 9:30 n Judgement C-132/08 Lidl Magyarország. measures directed against certain persons n Judgement C-27/08 BIOS Free movement of capital. Reference for and entities with a view to combating Naturprodukte. Approximation of laws. a preliminary ruling - Fővarosi Bíróság terrorism and repealing Decisions Reference for a preliminary ruling - - Interpretation of Article 30 EC, of 2006/379/EC and 2006/1008/EC (OJ 2007 Bundesverwaltungsgericht (Germany) Article 8 of Directive 1999/5/EC of the L 169, p. 58) and, second, an application - Interpretation of Article 1(2) of Directive European Parliament and of the Council for damages to obtain compensation for the 2001/83/EC of the European Parliament of 9 March 1999 on radio equipment and damage allegedly suffered by the applicant and of the Council of 6 November 2001 on telecommunications terminal equipment as a result of the adoption of the contested the Community code relating to medicinal and the mutual recognition of their decision. products for human use (OJ 2001 L 311, p. conformity (OJ 1999 L 91, p. 10) and 67), as amended by Directive 2004/27/EC of of Articles 2(e) and (f), 6(1) and 8(2) of Eighth Chamber the European Parliament and of the Council Directive 2001/95/EC of the European 9:30 of 31 March 2004 amending Directive Parliament and of the Council of 3 n Judgement T-281/06 Spain v Commission. 2001/83/EC on the Community code December 2001 on general product safety Agriculture. Partial annulment of relating to medicinal products for human (OJ 2002 L 11, p. 4) - National legislation Commission Decision 2006/554/EC of use (OJ 2004 L 136, p. 34) - Definition of requiring importers of radio equipment 27 July 2006 excluding from Community medicinal product - Product containing using frequency bands whose use is not financing certain expenditure incurred a substance having a therapeutic effect in harmonised throughout the Community by the Member States under under the high doses, while capable of being harmful and bearing the CE mark to issue a Guarantee Section of the European in lower doses, like the dose recommended declaration of conformity in accordance Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund by the manufacturer - Incense extract with the provisions of national law, even if (EAGGF) (notified under document number (Boswellia). Advocate General: Trstenjak. the equipment at issue is accompanied by C(2006) 3331) in so far as it excludes certain a declaration of conformity issued by the expenditure incurred by Spain. Sixth Chamber producer established ion another Member 9:30 State. Advocate General: Sharpston. n Judgement T-12/03 Itochu v n Hearing C-481/07 P SELEX Sistemi Commission. Competition. Integrati v Commission. Competition. The text is not available in English

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n Judgement T-13/03 Nintendo and panels of the conference with a number of Nintendo of Europe v Commission. high-level speakers will focus on themes Competition. Cancellation or, in the Economic and such as the role of the EU enlargement in alternative, reduction of the fine imposed the unification of Europe, the restoration on the applicants by Article 3 of the Social Committee of democracy in Europe after the fall of Commission’s decision of 30 October Brussels, at the EESC the Iron Curtain, the importance of civil 2002 relating to a proceeding pursuant to n Participation of Mr Sarró at a Conference society and democratic values for the Article 81 of the EC Treaty (COMP/35.587 on fisheries agreements with third countries, functioning of democracies, and preserving PO Video Games, COMP/35.706 PO organised by the LDRAC (NAT) the memory of the past. Nintendo Distribution and COMP/36.321 Organisers: DG for Education and Culture Omega - Nintendo doc. C(2002) 4072) DG for Enlargement Czech Presidency of concerning a complex of agreements and the European Union NGO Opona, o.p.s concerted practices on the market for Conferences and Nintendo consoles and cartridges for video games compatible with the Nintendo seminars console designed to limit parallel exports of 30 April, Brussels European those consoles and cartridges. n RUR@CT, European Regions for Rural Innovation: proposals for the territorial Commission n Judgement T-18/03 CD-Contact Data v cohesion Travel and visits Commission. Competition. Annulment of Subject: Gathering 50 European Regions n Mr Ján Figel’ and Mr Olli Rehn the Commission’s decision of 30 October from 15 Member States whose aim is the participate in the High-level conference on 2002 relating to a proceeding pursuant to operational transfer of good practices for the the occasion of the Fifth anniversary of the Article 81 of the EC Treaty (COMP/35.587 rural innovation, RUR@CT will present its 2004 enlargement “ From the fall of the PO Video Games, COMP/35.706 PO strategic proposals for the territorial cohesion, Iron Curtain in 1989 to the Enlargement Nintendo Distribution and COMP/36.321 and its tools for the transfer of good practices. of the European Union in 2004 – the Role Omega - Nintendo Omega - Nintendo Organiser: RUR@CT of Civil Society and the Idea of Europe in doc. C(2002) 4072) concerning a complex Further Information: Democratic Transformation in Central and of agreements and concerted practices Venue: Representation of the Free State of Eastern Europe” (Prague) on the market for Nintendo consoles and Bavaria, Rue Wiertz 77, Brussels, 11:00-12:30 cartridges for video games compatible with the Nintendo console designed to 30 April, Brussels Saturday 2 May limit parallel exports of those consoles and n RUR@CT ‘sharing to make progress cartridges together ‘ Subject: « Partnership forum » for the European n Hearing Joined Cases T-5/08, T-6/08, launching of the first transfers of good T-7/08 Nestlé v OHMI - Master Beverage practices and the presentation of RUR@CT Commission Industries (Golden Eagle). Intellectual tools Travel and visits property. Community trade mark - Action Organisers: RUR@CT n Mrs Meglena Kuneva and Mrs Viviane for annulment brought by the proprietor Further Information: Reding participate in the presentation of of the international verbal mark ‘Red Cup’ Venue: Antenne interrégionale Auvergne the new eYOU Guide (Sofia, Bulgaria) and the national verbal mark ‘Gold Blend’, Centre Limousin, Rue de la loi 67, Brussels, and of Community, international and from 14:00-18:00. national figurative marks representing a Sunday 3 May cup for, inter alia, coffee, against Decision R 563/2006-2 of the Second Board of Friday 1 May Appeal of the Office for Harmonisation in Council of the Internal Market (OHIM) of 1 October 2007 dismissing the appeal brought Council of Ministers Ministers against the decision of the Opposition From the Fall of the Iron Curtain Informal Meeting of Ministers for Division rejecting the opposition lodged in 1989 to the Enlargemet of the Competitiveness by the applicant against registration of the European Union in 2004 3-5 May, Prague figurative mark ‘Golden Eagle’ for goods in Prague class 30 The conference will look back on the events of 1989 and highlight their impact on the European integration process. Different Sold by subscription only © reproduction strictly prohibited in any language YOUR VIEWS CAN SHAPE EUROPE! HAVE YOUR SAY