under the aegis of Harvesting the Sun Italy a publication of the Italian Society for Horticultural Science Harvesting the Sun Italy Edited by Stefania De Pascale, Paolo Inglese and Massimo Tagliavini a publication of the Italian Society for Horticultural Science Copyright © 2018 - Italian Society for Horticultural Science (Società di Ortoflorofrutticoltura Italiana - SOI) ISBN: 978-88-940276-5-5 All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright owners, Italian Society for Horticultural Science (Società di Ortoflorofrutticoltura Italiana - SOI). Editors Stefania De Pascale, Paolo Inglese and Massimo Tagliavini Design and Layout Francesca Massimi Publisher Italian Society for Horticultural Science - (Società di Ortoflorofrutticoltura Italiana - SOI) Viale delle Idee, 30 - 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (Firenze) e-mail:
[email protected] website: http://www.soihs.it Harvesting the Sun Italy has been published in agreement with ISHS, that is the publisher of the book named Harvesting the Sun (2012, ISBN 978 90 6605 704 3). Harvesting the Sun Italy is not a translation Harvesting the Sun, but includes original chapters that represent a picture of the Italian horticulture. A web version of this publication is available at www.soihs.it . Printed in Italy - January 2018 Contents FOREWORD V PREFACE VII CHAPTER ONE - The Fruit Industry 1 S.Sansavini, D. Neri, F. Famiani, O. Silvestroni, L. Catalano, M. Tagliavini Fruit Consumption and Import-Export 2 Fruit Production and Environmental Aspects 2 Crop Management 3 The Main Crops 4 The Nursery System 11 CHAPTER TWO - The Vegetable and Ornamental Plant Industry 13 C. Nicoletto, G. Colla, P. Sambo, D.