Ecosystems and Resources of the Massachusetts Coast
ECOSYSTEMS AND RESOURCES, OF THE MASSACHUSETTS COAST .....-_-- .. •. / '- .. ~, \ '.' . - ..... INSTITUTE FOR MAN -,-...,,~,.. :-- .AND ENVIRONMENT - ...........:r"l -;.- / -,-.--"-,, T"'- - 2 24 TABLE OF CONENTS Acknowledgements Introduction 3 We wish to thank the following persons and organizations who generously provided their I The Geology of the Massachusetts Coast 5 time and facilities to help us prepare this document. First to our scientific advisory The Glacial Influence 5 panel, Professors Charles Cole, Dayton Carritt, The Dynamic Coastline 6 Craig Edwards, Paul Godfrey and James Nature's Stabilizers 10 Parrish, of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, we offer appreciation for their critical II The living Systems of the Coast 11 and patient review of our manuscript. We also The Ecosystem 11 extend our gratitude to the staff of the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Ecosystem Management 12 Program, Executive Office of Environmental Salt Marsh 13 Affairs, for their assistance. Others who Eelgrass Beds 16 provided help are: John Dennis, Nantucket; Sand Dunes 17 Ralph Goodno and Thomas Quink, Cooperative Sand Beaches 20 Extension Service; Dr. James Baird, Tidal Flats 23 Massachusetts Audubon; Allen Look, Nor thampton; Clifford Kaye, U.S. Geological Rocky Shores 24 Survey; Dr. Phillip Stanton, Framingham State Composite Ecosystems 26 College; and Dr. Joseph Hartshorn, University Salt Ponds 26 of Massachusetts. Barrier Beaches-Islands 28 Thanks are due also to the Metropolitan Estuaries 29 District Commission and Massachusetts Inventory Maps of Mass. Coast 34 Division of Forests and Parks for providing us boat trips in Boston Harbor; and Carlozzi, Sinton and Vilkitis, Inc. for the use of their four III Coastal Resources and Their Cultural Uses 44 wheel drive vehicle.
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