Ecosystems and Resources of the Massachusetts Coast

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Ecosystems and Resources of the Massachusetts Coast ECOSYSTEMS AND RESOURCES, OF THE MASSACHUSETTS COAST .....-_-- .. •. / '- .. ~, \ '.' . - ..... INSTITUTE FOR MAN -,-...,,~,.. :-- .AND ENVIRONMENT - ...........:r"l -;.- / -,-.--"-,, T"'- - 2 24 TABLE OF CONENTS Acknowledgements Introduction 3 We wish to thank the following persons and organizations who generously provided their I The Geology of the Massachusetts Coast 5 time and facilities to help us prepare this document. First to our scientific advisory The Glacial Influence 5 panel, Professors Charles Cole, Dayton Carritt, The Dynamic Coastline 6 Craig Edwards, Paul Godfrey and James Nature's Stabilizers 10 Parrish, of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, we offer appreciation for their critical II The living Systems of the Coast 11 and patient review of our manuscript. We also The Ecosystem 11 extend our gratitude to the staff of the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Ecosystem Management 12 Program, Executive Office of Environmental Salt Marsh 13 Affairs, for their assistance. Others who Eelgrass Beds 16 provided help are: John Dennis, Nantucket; Sand Dunes 17 Ralph Goodno and Thomas Quink, Cooperative Sand Beaches 20 Extension Service; Dr. James Baird, Tidal Flats 23 Massachusetts Audubon; Allen Look, Nor­ thampton; Clifford Kaye, U.S. Geological Rocky Shores 24 Survey; Dr. Phillip Stanton, Framingham State Composite Ecosystems 26 College; and Dr. Joseph Hartshorn, University Salt Ponds 26 of Massachusetts. Barrier Beaches-Islands 28 Thanks are due also to the Metropolitan Estuaries 29 District Commission and Massachusetts Inventory Maps of Mass. Coast 34 Division of Forests and Parks for providing us boat trips in Boston Harbor; and Carlozzi, Sinton and Vilkitis, Inc. for the use of their four III Coastal Resources and Their Cultural Uses 44 wheel drive vehicle. The Physical Resources 44 Finally we offer our special appreciation to The Biological Resources 48 the Institute for Man and Environment, par­ • ticularly to Helen Swartz for editorial review; to IV Planning and Research for Coastal Zone Management 59 Judith Epstein and Ann Dressler for typing and forbearance; and to Sally Klingener for all manner of administrative maneuvers necessary Glossary 60 to the completion of our efforts. list of Species in Text 63 ECOSYSTEMS AND RESOURCES OF THE MASSACHUSETTS COAST Written by: Carl Carlozzi Kathryn King William F. Newbold Jr. Illustrations and Layout: William F. Newbold Jr. Naus.t bam" b.ach and Chatham Harbor looking South Courtosy Army Corps of Engin."s. NE Division ThiS publication was made possible with a grant from the Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program, Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, Boston, Mass. 1975 I THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT STATE HOUSE BOSTON 02133 MICHAEL S DUKAKIS GOVERNOR Dear Citizen, Massachusetts has long been a national leader in the protection and enhancement of its coastal resources and ecosystems. Local ordinances concerned with wetlands began in the early 1960's. Sensitive to local needs, the 'state Legislature passed a series of landmark laws which became a model for the rest of the nation: The Jones Act-The Coastal Wetlands Protection Act (1963), the Hatch Act-The Inland Wetlands Protection Act (1965), The Coastal Wetlands Restriction Act (1965), The Inland Coastal Wetlands Restrictions Act (1968), and the Wetlands Protection Law (1972) with amendments (1974), established Massachusetts once more as a forerunner in state environmental legislation. The pioneering of a system of local Conservation Commissions, the establishment of ocean sanctuaries off our shores, and the creation of an Energy Facilities Siting Council further support a recognition of the importance of our coastal environments. Massachusetts' foresight must continue in the future. This administration's development of a Coastal Zone Management program for its coastal areas along with the development of a local-based comprehensive growth policy for the entire state will help us to meet this goal. Through the development of long-term plans and management, we will be better able to balance the needs for future growth and development with enhancement and protection values. However, building towards the future requires much more than state governmental insight and hard work. It demands an informed and involved citizenry. I urge you to join in our efforts. The Massachusetts coast abounds in natural resources which support varied commercial, recreation and aesthetic needs. Deciding on how these resources should be used in the future requires your participation. This publication discusses all the natural and many man-made systems making up • t Massachusetts coastline, their importance as facets of the environment, and e ways in which they are used and altered by man. It has been prepared as a guide for all Hassachusetts citizens to use in order to better enjoy and under-­ I/)tand th,eir unique heritage. / ;lincerJPlY, flfAtU{ JI; Michael S. Dukaki / 2 ( INTRODUCTION Roll on, thou deep and dark blue ocean--roll! Ten thousand fleets sweep over thee in vain; Man marks the earth with ruin-- his control Stops with the shore. Lord Byron Childe Harold's Pilgrimage canto IV, st. 179 The words of Lord Byron may have rung true nearly 160 years ago, but today they fallon more knowing ears. Man's domain stretches far out to sea and to the greatest depths of the oceans. Man's unknowing destruction has affected the seas and fragile shoreline. The very wealth, beauty, and resources that convinced man to settle by the sea, work by the sea, and seek solace by the sea are threatened today. Congress recognized the extent of this danger to our coastal areas when it passed the Coastal Zone Management (CZM) Act of 1972. 3 r The CZM Act of 1972 provides federal complex environment on earth, the coastal management in the face of competing and ever assistance to coastal states in a voluntary ecosystem. increasing demands upon the land and water program of comprehensive land and water use The commitment of the Massachusetts CZM resources of coastal states. In this light, management. Every coastal state in the nation Program to active public participation includes Congress realized the need for man's future eligible for federal CZM funds has established a developing educational resources for the activities to respect the fragile and vulnerable CZM program. The Massachusetts Office of public. A better scientif~c understanding of the nature of coastal areas, and the need to halt Coastal Zone Management is in the Executive complexities of Massachusetts' coastal unknowing destruction. Office of Environmental Affairs. ecosystems will help in establishing the critical A better scientific understanding of the We have much to protect and develop in needs of the coastal zone, and in better un­ complexities of Massachusetts' coastal Massachusetts. The history and fate of the derstanding man's environmental impacts. This ecosystems will help in establishing the critical Commonwealth is intricately tied to the sea. publication attempts. to reach that "better needs of the coastal zone, and in better un­ From the arrival of the earliest European understanding", by laying out clearly, con­ derstanding man's environmental impacts. settlers, our natural harbors, productive cisely, graphically, and in lay language ac­ structively and with foresight to plan for the fisheries, and maritime trading routes have curate information on Massachusetts' coastal future economic, social, and environmental provided man with food, housing, and a means ecology. needs of the Commonwealth. of commercial support. The forces of nature that create our coastal The remainder of this publication has been Ports developed and settlements grew along systems are dynamic. They reach beyond the divided into four main sections. The first two the shore. Today some 40 percent of the state's boundaries of towns, regions, and states. parts present an overview of the natural forces population lives in the 87 communities along Activities in one community can have r!'lper­ and ecosystems respectively that form the the shore. Almost half of all the construction cussions many miles away. It is incumbent productive basis for coastal resources. The development in the state occurs in our coastal upon us, then, as participants in planning and next part describes man's use of coastal cities and towns. management, to recognize the common in­ resources and the environmental consequences Our coastal areas support commerce, in­ terlocking relationships of natural systems, to of man's activities. Finally, the report analyzes dustry, transportation, housing, recreation, think broadly in terms of resource important broad coastal ecosystems and their commercial fishing, and tourism. The coastal management, and to consider the regional resource wealth, complexity, and en­ areas are rich in history and tradition, and meet impacts of our decisions, vironmental health. This last section considers many of our vital aesthetic needs. However, Man has not been wholly aware of the im­ needs for future scientific research and in­ these land and water uses often conflict, and pacts of his past activities. We are still learning formation tied to the management of we have come to realize in recent years that the about the delicate ecology of the land and sea Massachusetts' wealth of coastal resources. myriad of uses that take advantage of the interaction. wealth of our coastal resources often wreak In passing the CZM Act, Congress havoc on the most productive, sensitive, and recognized
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