

Dating the origin of Hans-Dieter Suesa,1

The strata of the lower portion of the Ischigualasto Formation In 1834, the salt-mining expert Friedrich von Alberti of the Agua de la Peña in the Ischigualasto–Villa applied the name “Trias” to a succession of sedimentary Unión Basin of northwestern Argentina have yielded rocks in Germany, which (from oldest to youngest) are the skeletal remains representing the two major clades of (“colored sandstone”), (“clam dinosaurs, Saurischia and Ornithischia, including mul- ”), and (derived from a word for the tiple taxa referable to each of the two major saurischian characteristic marls of this unit) (1). The Buntsandstein and subclades, sauropodomorphs and theropods, and Keuper each comprise predominantly continental sili- a nondinosaurian dinosauriform (7). This unexpected ciclastic strata, whereas the Muschelkalk is made up of diversity indicates that the origin and initial evolutionary carbonates and deposited in a shallow epi- radiation of dinosaurs clearly predated the deposition of continental sea. Alberti’s threefold rock succession more the Ischigualasto Formation. The Agua de la Peña Group or less corresponds to the standard division of the also encompasses several other Triassic-age continental Triassic into Lower, Middle, and Upper Triassic . deposits, one of which, the Chañares Formation, has yielded a diverse assemblage of tetrapods including a variety of closely related to dinosaurs Marsicano et al. postulate that dinosaurs gradually () (8). The latter are small-bodied forms diversified at middle to high paleolatitudes. with long, slender hindlimbs suitable for cursorial locomo- tion and comprise Marasuchus (formerly “Lagosuchus”), Pseudolagosuchus,andLewisuchus (9). The Chañares Later researchers used of marine invertebrates Formation was dated as (), but this to correlate carbonate units exposed along the northern age was based on faunal comparisons and its low position and southern flanks of the European with the Triassic in the Agua de la Peña succession. Its faunal assemblage strata in the . Starting in the late 19th became the quintessential example of a Middle Triassic century, geologists, mostly working in the Austrian Alps, vertebrate community from Gondwana (8). established the global standard marine stages of the Triassic Period (from oldest to youngest): Scythian, Temporal Framework for Dinosaurian Origin , Ladinian, , , and (2). The Now, Marsicano et al. (10) report high-precision chemical Scythian was later further divided into the and abrasion thermal ionization mass spectrometry U–Pb zir- stages. con ages for the Chañares Formation, which indicate Correlating continental and marine strata is always a much younger, early Carnian age (234–236 Ma) for this fraught with issues, and absolute age controls are unit—some 5–10 million younger than previously essential for this purpose. In recent decades, improved assumed. Their samples bracketed the main -bearing – methods of radiometric dating, especially uranium lead interval of the Chañares Formation. Marsicano et al. use – (U Pb) dating of detrital zircons, have led to the de- these new dates to argue that the transition from the velopment of an increasingly robust chronostratigraphic dinosauromorphs in the Chañares assemblage to the di- framework for the Triassic (3). verse dinosaurian community of the Ischigualasto Forma- – The Triassic Period (252 201 Ma before present) tion assemblage occurred rapidly within the intervening represents a critical time interval in the history of life (4). 5 million years. They also point out that there is otherwise Many of the dominant present-day groups of animals and little difference in faunal composition between the two (toalesserextent)plantsortheir close relatives first assemblages, both of which are dominated numerically by appeared in the fossil record during this period. One of nonmammalian synapsids ( and ). these groups is the –bird clade of archosaurian This suggests that the initial appearance of dinosaurs reptiles. The oldest undisputed dinosaurs are known from was not linked to profound changes in the composition the early , about 231 Ma (5, 6). Late Carnian of these ecosystems. Marsicano et al. postulate that

aDepartment of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560 Author contributions: H.-D.S. performed research and wrote the paper. The author declares no conflict of interest. See companion article on page 509. 1Email: [email protected].

480–481 | PNAS | January 19, 2016 | vol. 113 | no. 3 www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1523058113 Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021 dinosaurs gradually diversified at middle to high paleolatitudes, less coeval with the latter. McKay et al. (14) cautioned that U–Pb a view consistent with a recent study by Whiteside et al. (11) that zircon data from tuffs from the Karoo Basin should not be inter- argued for a considerably delayed rise to dominance of dinosaurs at preted as actual depositional ages but must be understood in tropical paleolatitudes. Based on the currently available in- terms of the magmatic history of their volcanic source. Weighted formation, dinosaurs did not become dominant in many ecological U–Pb data from the Puesto Viejo Group range from about 260 to roles in continental ecosystems until after the end-Triassic extinction about 230 Ma, although there is general agreement that the “ ” event (12). Thus, the Age of Dinosaurs really commenced at the Puesto Viejo volcanism took place between 241 and 230 Ma (14). beginning of the Period. Thus, just like the biostratigraphic evidence requires careful re- Although the new results are intriguing, their geographic assessment, additional high-precision U–Pb dates and other means generality and the temporal framework require much additional of nonbiostratigraphic age determination are needed for allegedly research. We still know little about Middle and early Late Triassic Middle and early Late Triassic continental tetrapod assemblages tetrapod assemblages across Pangea, especially at lower paleo- across Pangea to permit rigorous testing of hypotheses about latitudes, and it is premature to make broad generalizations from faunal history and heterogeneity in time and space. two data points in a single geographic region. Furthermore, age Recent decades have witnessed a revolution in our understanding assessments for most known Triassic tetrapod assemblages are of the diversification of the two principal evolutionary lineages of dated based solely on faunal comparisons. As Marsicano et al. archosaurian reptiles, the crocodile line (Pseudosuchia) and the di- reiterate, such dates require independent verification by nosaur–bird line (Ornithodira) (15). Current data suggest that these nonbiostratigraphic means of stratigraphic correlation. As an ex- two lineages had already diverged from each other at the beginning ample, they cite a study by Ottone et al. (13) that found an early of the Triassic or perhaps even during the latest . Thus, we Carnian age for the Puesto Viejo Group in Argentina. The latter could expect early occurrences of dinosauriforms, and perhaps has long been dated as early Middle Triassic (Anisian) based on the presence of nonmammalian shared with the even dinosaurs, although none of the numerous reports of pre-Late Assemblage Zone of the Karoo Basin in . Triassic dinosaurs so far has withstood critical scrutiny. The Manda Marsicano et al. use this work along with their new data to suggest beds of , long considered early Middle Triassic in age, have that many or all of the Middle Triassic tetrapod assemblages from yielded skeletal remains of an undisputed dinosauriform (Asilisaurus) Gondwana might actually be much younger, early Late Triassic in (16) and an enigmatic taxon, , which is known only from age. This conflicts with traditional views about the evolutionary a fragment of a remarkably dinosaur-like humerus and some ver- history of continental tetrapods at the beginning of the Mesozoic tebrae (17). Precise temporal calibration of the Manda beds and Era and thus would have major implications for the interpretation correlative units elsewhere is critical for testing whether dinosaurs of the latter. The tetrapods from the Cynognathus Zone Assem- and their closest relatives have a long but as yet largely unrecorded blage of South Africa represent more basal members of their re- history or, as suggested by Marsicano et al. (10), dinosaurs ap- spective lineages (e.g., ) than those from the peared and rapidly diversified at middle to high paleolatitudes in Chañares Formation, and it seems unlikely that they are more or Gondwana at the beginning of the Late Triassic.

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Sues PNAS | January 19, 2016 | vol. 113 | no. 3 | 481 Downloaded by guest on September 30, 2021