Riding and Handling Qualities of Light Aircraft
NASACONTRACTOR REPORT N COPY: RETURN YO AFWL (DOUL) KBWTEAND AFB, N. MI. RIDINGAND HANDLING QUALITIESOF LIGHT AIRCRAFT - A REVIEW AND ANALYSIS by Frederick 0. Smetum, Delbert C. Summey, und W. Dondld Johnson Prepared by C AR O LINA STATE UNIVERSITYNORTH STATE CAROLINA ,, Raleigh, N. C. 27607 for LalzgleyResearch Center NATIONALAERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION WASHINGTON,D. C. MARCH 1972 TECH LIBRARY KAFB, NM 1. Report No. AccessionGovernment 2. No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. - NASA CR - 1975 4. Title and7 5. Report Date RIDING AND HANDLING QUALIII?ES OF LIGHT AIRCRAFT - A REVIEW March 1972 AND ANALYSIS "- 7. Author(s1 Organization 0. Performing Report No. Frederick 0. Eknetana, Delbert C. flunmey, andW. Donald Johnson None 10.Work Unit No. 9. MamingOrganization Name and Address 736-05-10-01-00 North Carolina State University at Raleigh Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 11.Contract or Grant No. Raleigh, North, Carolina 27607 NASL-9603 13. Type of Report andPeriod Covered 12. SponsoringAgency Name and Address Contractor Report National Aeronautics and Space Administration Washington, DC 20546 14. SponsoringAgency Code I 15. SupplementaryNotes 16. Abstract Design procedures and supporting data necessary for configuring light aircraft to obtain desired responsesto pilot commands and gusts are presented. The procedures employ specializations of modern military and jet .transport practice where these provide an improvement over earlier practice. General criteria for riding and handling qualities are discussed in terms of the airframe dynamics. Methods available in the literature for calculating the coefficients required for a linearized analysis of the airframe dynamics are reviewed in detail. The review also treats the relation of spin and stallto airframe geometry.
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