Handbuch Slingsby T21 - BGA 782 A.P.4309A, VaCI, Par/.r, SUI, A.L,7,,'May Section·. 1 PILOTS.'.... CONTROLS AND' EQUIPMENT LIs"�' 'OF CONTENTS' Po;o, Para Introduction I ,Instrument!l' 5, Flying' controls, i Seats 7 harness Lift spoiler c:o�trol '3 Flying 9 Tow release control 4 Horizntt,'ba;' 10 TLLUsntATlUN Ft, F/ying cont'o/s 'and instruments 1 A'H\ INDICATOR ] SPEEO' 8 OTTFUR. HOOK OUJCX-R�teAsl! T'UR�N:'ANO I�DleATOR" CONTROL '2 'SLIP' eOBn-sLATER; VAR10'ME'l'ER', ,FLYING iiMlTATfONS"DAl'A-'CARD ,3 . ' 9 4 ALn"fl;' T!!R 10' HOR,zoN DAR.s· ;'. BAi",1Uti:�STOWAG1:!. OTTPUR HOOK. RBLBA52 5 - if ..... ..< ·CONTROL PILOT HeAD ANO URl 6 sPot'CEi.... LeVE�' 12 VENT ASSeMBLY �FOR :,VO:T2R ,7 SWITCH fTl!.\' 2 13 TRAP F1yin'g controls I\�O ';�ments P.S.II . Seite 1 von 35 Handbuch Slingsby T21 - BGA 782 . r J 't!o'duct1oli ��el? ts.rs b,��,Iij, ip. �.fi g;\ 1f.� -;:T, be;:tu rn�a n d:s} I P t.Jt·'C· ···. .'",., · · �is' . t to · a. :11��JCato�IS ,?pcrated �lectncaUy, tbe' power �l ;J�.:rhiS�s7ct!On i.n end:�d:· .�ser,,:e::.a3 se era location of all cocKpit ;bbLDg 8upphed ....by;dry.;batteries stowed in a : n l gUlde,to,tbe si�� � co'ri (fO\S a":d inst��rp en�l.:.. �<?g�th.e�: wH,h ,.tbe �o�ke�,o9�t��:;p�rt, ,of the' inst��ment , 'panel; co�t oned, " switch;" osIt rone � melhod of.operatlcg the controls where' this It,lS r bya p d . "is mo d :is not abvious.. ·: The layout of the:cockoit ,alongsid�: lhe�.instrumeut, which ve - " Idown:for' {OFI:� :8Dd in t u is iIIuslr3 ted in fig, 1. up'for me ' The s r . 'rnent' is"intended for instructio'n' and inter­ FLYING CONTROLS rmittentius�: Hi. bliod flying",and "'under'these ' . "'. ('�; , . ; , ... �; . �coodi'ioas::t)le·:power supply iudequatdor . .: The has side-by;slde sea io 2 . glider t 'g for in: �several montllS, use" 'structor and pupil. The main tlying'cdD'trols t.\¥hic�· con n ti nal r i ·. " r are· v� . o :in ope at ori �a � �6. ;;,Tbe:iun:i�"e.n"d;slip·inaic'a'tor 'is'1e'ss' sensi-, duphcated;.subsldlary t ls, ' f the'lift : n con ro or ti e � d" es hig :, a es:'.' : . V � 8. tgi� � ber r, t of �turn :tban spoiler aDd tow lea ,' are ctntraliscd}.vithin . re se t o a , :.: ��A.n � l�,I?�t.rum�rit : �t,teCt,::t()';pow ,ered easy. bOlh the instructor andpi.ip .� ·ir .· reach 'of � 8Ircraft:¥.the;calibratlOO'IS as :follows:....:;;;:. ,:.. ·SPOILER'CONTROL· :'Rate';?l it{pointer·� movement .. /r':!:jn. rrom ' LIFT - : , " • • ..I11' · " , . ; • · •.••• , . ... .' .j�:';zero Y�'4 50":d eg:' 'oer"m i nu ' ,. ' · e t e:'.�.;r�;;\� :,,:��!' ',' ;3:��;The. 1�ft .. poi . con ol �, is � � Dtrally . s Jer tr ' . ' a d ID . f ,' cockpit:?:, is' t ..1"T.gO\le'lllent':.,'} i, m''''':,; fro m , .pl ce �the Hoor o ·. the . it ��� e,�'��(jiOint�r � ', :���'Zero)1 per ·moved aft to open tbe spoilers: The control ..1jl7o.�deg�� minute, �.�:\" ::��-{��M::, : . :spring-loa·de4.nnd .inUSt".DC': held ',in <the e.���·�te�;(i.f#it t 'ftop;'is jeiicli�d"::'2,250 n n ' ��' ' i i �ired .ope .. position';,·iit:'maY' be� r�tai ed �'-deg,'.' per: rg,l Qut.e;?� ,!u.;:the fully open.' positioo':-when the�glider' c s e . �s,lp,a�ked 'iby. ", uSing' th ;' af ty harness :i.as SEATS· · " lire,�au o­ ' r�taIQlng"�s[raps::: Thc::spollers t � rUce lind , , " " " '·. ;. �� r: 6 b �e . $. e ls ir?�rs�' T matically ck n the clos d si i �? }1� �� y � a � ' ' Io ed i e 'po t on 16 • seat ;' bearers t n plywooamcopslructlon:!.;t"The'j prevent i n. in � ' them " floa g .night: are:;�§lot�ed��n;to:, . the fuselage. frame" behind f.'�h�!se�t0:n� ;:-i st :� Q!t�"tbe �Tu.� �.I�gc:, fra me . TOW:nELEASE;:CONIROti . ' . :lmm,.d. (ii1�ly�.;;i.lfron ';:�.to .;\\:�IC�\ they}. re ' strap 4. : Ott"rurtow is, m u : sccured�ov,\:a�leathe r " '·.!:'"�they 'are:' not The rele�se' b';'�k o �t�d . ' radjustabl " ,h "�.. " in the nose�of the fuselage forward· of the � froot s kid. l ' lt is operated by' a; cab le ' terminating'\ in a" yellow- ainted kn b�' � 8:'�.Me7iiJ�a-Qs"!are� fittid�:a'tftlie; hack' 'of p { o / the:se" ats'; t�accominBaate lo ' p aced immediately bel ' ihe pi ts Mk.15 �enlrally, l . ow ·.th� w c s : , b a �k typ. � r n t s �. e t' ute are IOstrument panel; the knob must be 'pulled ; �.iP �� u � ; b a:-: pa a h -: (are. closed''::oyjpl ywood , sharply e,l as tow cable,:� not �.w9"':ni:.ttletPa:ns' - . to r e e the A' trans� ' , ," . ck: rests; ' . parent plastic panel is .fitted in the Boor of :! ba ( the Cockpit, immediately above [he'release ',hook, enabling the' pilots.to see the tow cable : attachment in flight. 'WARNING. 'f! ' , .;,: It is �ssentjQl'tb!]ftbe1 tow coble}Mltted :i . , , ,HorlioQbii � !. 'Wllh 11 cDble. releQs�·"rinti (Ref. ..N . '.1.l;'rV", . · o � . 1 , � , on;th aft ';;.1-: 26EY /41) both for wm�h !10.!,�'A·�ho'rizon:!bar;JI'fitled e face . launching oDd" :0:(�!ramel1""i�p.rovjded for each seal, posi­ �',:'; ? " ero-tow, . The use of nny other type or' . · tl,on, ;�!�e;.bn.. � s are, manually ,ad s ed :":r-: rmg mny cause jamming and failure of ju t for , ' , " :' lhe : aircraft,' is ::'in' ,,:1 the release -. :",' " �:" 11, ' , heJghtp:, �Y.li.ile rigging :' position 'and th"e pilot sitting in the attitude : INSTRUMENTS·' ;'he normally s.dopt(when' flying,�',;:rhe'pilot ' �� will, indicate" whenl the'� bar;, is:"rset in .,lhe. ' · (: ; �.5':" Thljn�ir,u�ent' pa tj.eJ" ca;ric5;.the . p s t i n, l ck d: insrru �. o i o he reauire{il to ,be , o e Seite 2 von 35 Handbuch Slingsby T21 - BGA 782 �,P,4309A,. Vol,'i, Parr 1, Sur:-\ :A.L.10, StPl, 70 T.T"T ·OF.:CONTENTS Para: "6 ?�,��q4fic�!�: :t��.���igAi;��.:9·�� ' -,., posirfori. !,D efin{t/r?!!Of'£rr!J�r:f '!J! l!!}v. ilY �W;�g.hl�lWJi�ati�s 'r..' ,:,C.:G: d'!tu'i�i'�{ .c..a!�u'a!;�f!7I.. of.CIG�: PR!lt(012, S , , ," C.G:. li,�i" /" ' ' ·MoiJijic.,ipn( 10 i , . , , Introduction' ·tiiomC'Dti of aU' irems",placed, fonvard of the . Thtp�sc of this chaprer is d�cribe C.G·;·"iiatwn:·poin( 8.re··�egative;�·aod .of. those 1 • ... ro' place� aft of the arc positive.' the melhod of··calculating the, 'poSiUC,il of .the C,G:d.1rumPOint ccoue of gravity 9f-tbe gli�er; whe.o'loaded for fligh!. ).b Defini�on of c,cntr� of· g 3:�itY.· p!lsf��� . " � 2. The: positi�n: of Ll�e: C�:Dtrc' ·or. gravi,�:.i�: dcli..oed ,by itS-: distance/"�easured " puallel:',to, . the fuselage d:arum lioe . fn1:�"a· referc;'nc� po�� rd"errcd [0 as' the'. e.G. ?af4m:poinh(ppr�,·.:A)) s the: po itioo Qf ,\'w'ltich is.;ar�itrarily:seleq:edt,�y. the m3Jlufacrurers. Thc,dislince is'.refcrred�·t'i as. !.he arm oC-.the:;C.G\ it:1'w be:.CaJcu1:it�d from the foUowing' expression:· :Ta�e, and . �elgb.t C.G:: , "," . " . ' � . .' t :. 6.,�;;Yhe, we ,wei�( 'of th� glider is 5981b'J Total'mome.ot. ,. '. , ·its·C.G . is 40·90 Of tbe ,.t."f1. _ ' f C G'· , I . iD:·aft ' C.G. datum and ., J"l.l1l.l 0 " � , i.' " . , ,ils is 24,458 Ib: io. 'positive. .. �; ·Tot.al.wcie:ht " moment ' Weight limitations " . T a..r�'·��·���t ;t-'SUD(�fload mom�DLS ' _ �':� i.: <rbe fo·llowi.ng \�eighC lim.iutions apply:­ ' Tare. loa� pennissiblt: all-up' weigb.t 1,050 lb . �.-. �ig�c : .7, s� ��r .weig�ts' ,�',: ;��� . 'Wirho"j.nO$e ballOJtweight .:: Ma.'<iffium·pccmissible lo,d: 450 lb. 3.�:'The 'moment of' any item o{ load is···tti� permissible'I�,d': 2301b: pro irs \veigh[ in pounds, and :'�um . duct of iLSmo�cDl N',.26EEIJ64) . � ballast•• " arm, wh.ich is the discance in inches from ,the ! Wilh, nOle weight (Re]. pecmissible o 340 lb. C,G. :datum point, measured parallel �o:·,th.e Maximum l ad fuselage' d,Hum' line.:, The. moment �.' �.I?� pem\issible I�,d . 14.1b. 'MinimUm� '. -- . .. I iR'ES.TR·}.CT·:ED Seite 3 von 35 Handbuch Slingsby T21 - BGA 782 ' T.he:itiiovisiori,of the: C.G. is: beyond mc" a�:'i' iD. afc of.daniicCUt p'ri·ive.r;li.riUt':oC30.5 cait­ be. i:ori-cc;�d·by. 6ni.og·.thc� 40 Ib: b�UaSl weight. � in,the s{,Oy7'.lge 00 the aosc of the aircraft; this �ovcs"�c:.position.of.the C.G.·fo�aid lO e) position 'within the C.G. limits, as shp�.in the ':, . , ; " .: foUowibg ' ;' ; . ;: ;. ' .; . Ca1cuJations :� . ::.> ' . ' . ' . ' • " . , , , ': I ' , �"":.' ' , : , . :, • � . : :: � • ,' �::: ;·fi::·:.;:'-��/'::'::<; :�: .:�:;:" : ::;i:.:; ; : �,;'! ' WtJght " .,Ann·· · . � Moment .. Tare weight ' ;�.:. :.:.: ;'� .:-�:.':" : . ' . :. (Ib.)�· :.::." ::: (lo.)·· .. ' (�b. aod moment. 98 ::;;;:;j;j:'9� : · ' . :�.; . in.) , i ; : .: :j ��I458' ��r..�:.'\rl�� . .. ' .... '.' ,�::,\: Pilot :'180 . ',':::, 1.25 . ,,' , .,225 .' � . :" ' ...,'" .. ," .. �: ...- ' 'Pupil 180 "'::" 1.25 .;; ' 225 AJI-up<we ighc , ) (';-" . , . : � . '.::'�. ,'. .... • Parachutes (2) 40 . .:' 12.00 : ' 480, :: and moment· ... : ;'(without• baUast) 798 " , 31.23 . .. :24,923 .\,::' .... ' . .. '. I... - All-up weight . - Ballast in nose 40 47.00• • :.,''' IJ880 . .t .,. - . ' and moment . } 98 '� -::.���.. , ' ' . • , . :\'; .. "��'.� '." ,�1�' , : . ; AlI-�j;·�;ght'.:.; . , and moment·' . " :' . · , :�\ ;:. ...' ;:1� . \'::i · :�� ., ballast) 838 . ,.. (with . ..:. '. 23,043 · [i:·::�Y;:}:i. <:' . �.�; .: ,. ·� · r '. '" . ,.: {\ ' , \!:: '� '''� , .::.oJ;:.. .: �;J. Mom ' .:.: 3043": . •• • 2 . �s!· :' . eD t ,1 I.
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