'. F1yin'g Controls I\ O '; Ments
Handbuch Slingsby T21 - BGA 782 A.P.4309A, VaCI, Par/.r, SUI, A.L,7,,'May Section·. 1 PILOTS.'.... CONTROLS AND' EQUIPMENT LIs"�' 'OF CONTENTS' Po;o, Para Introduction I ,Instrument!l' 5, Flying' controls, i Seats 7 harness Lift spoiler c:o�trol '3 Flying 9 Tow release control 4 Horizntt,'ba;' 10 TLLUsntATlUN Ft, F/ying cont'o/s 'and instruments 1 A'H\ INDICATOR ] SPEEO' 8 OTTFUR. HOOK OUJCX-R�teAsl! T'UR�N:'ANO I�DleATOR" CONTROL '2 'SLIP' eOBn-sLATER; VAR10'ME'l'ER', ,FLYING iiMlTATfONS"DAl'A-'CARD ,3 . ' 9 4 ALn"fl;' T!!R 10' HOR,zoN DAR.s· ;'. BAi",1Uti:�STOWAG1:!. OTTPUR HOOK. RBLBA52 5 - if ..... ..< ·CONTROL PILOT HeAD ANO URl 6 sPot'CEi.... LeVE�' 12 VENT ASSeMBLY �FOR :,VO:T2R ,7 SWITCH fTl!.\' 2 13 TRAP F1yin'g controls I\�O ';�ments P.S.II . Seite 1 von 35 Handbuch Slingsby T21 - BGA 782 . r J 't!o'duct1oli ��el? ts.rs b,��,Iij, ip. �.fi g;\ 1f.� -;:T, be;:tu rn�a n d:s} I P t.Jt·'C· ···. .'",., · · �is' . t to · a. :11��JCato�IS ,?pcrated �lectncaUy, tbe' power �l ;J�.:rhiS�s7ct!On i.n end:�d:· .�ser,,:e::.a3 se era location of all cocKpit ;bbLDg 8upphed ....by;dry.;batteries stowed in a : n l gUlde,to,tbe si�� � co'ri (fO\S a":d inst��rp en�l.:.. �<?g�th.e�: wH,h ,.tbe �o�ke�,o9�t��:;p�rt, ,of the' inst��ment , 'panel; co�t oned, " switch;" osIt rone � melhod of.operatlcg the controls where' this It,lS r bya p d .
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