Publication List

Prof. Dr. Gerhard HASZPRUNAR

Remarks: pdf-copies of many papers are freely available via Research Gate.

(1) SALVINI-PLAWEN, L. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 1982. On the affinities of Septibranchia (Bivalvia). Veliger 25: 83-85 (open access).

(2) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1983. Comparative analysis of the abdominal sense organs of Pteriomorpha (Bivalvia). J. Moll. Stud. 12A: 47-50 (open access)

(3) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1985a. The fine morphology of the osphradial sense organs of the . I. , Prosobranchia. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 307: 457-496.

(4) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1985b. The fine morphology of the osphradial sense organs of the Mollusca. II. Allogastropoda (Architectonicidae, Pyramidellidae). Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 307: 497-505.

(5) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1985c. The Heterobranchia - a new concept of the phylogeny of the higher Gastropoda. Z. zool. Syst. Evolut.forsch. 23: 15-37.

(6) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1985d. Zur Anatomie und systematischen Stellung der Architectonicidae (Mollusca, Allogastropoda). Zool. Scr. 14: 25-43.

(7) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1985e. On the anatomy and fine structure of a peculiar sense organ in Nucula (Bivalvia, Protobranchia). Veliger 28: 52-62 (open access).

(8) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1985f. On the anatomy and systematic position of the Mathildidae (Mollusca, Allogastropoda). Zool. Scr. 14: 201-213.

(9) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1985g. On the innervation of gastropod shell muscles. J. Moll. Stud. 51: 309-314 (open access).

(10) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1985h. The fine structure of the Abdominal Sense Organs of Pteriomorpha (Mollusca, Bivalvia). J. Moll. Stud. 51: 315-319 (open access).

(11) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1986a. Fine morphology of gastropod osphradia. Proc. 8th Int. Malac. Congress, Budapest 1983: 101-104.

(12) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1986b. Die klado-evolutionäre Klassifikation - Versuch einer Synthese. Z. zool. Syst. Evolut.forsch. 24: 89-109.

(13) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1986c. Feinmorphologische Untersuchungen an Sinnesstrukturen ursprünglicher Solenogastres (Mollusca). Zool. Anz. (Jena) 217: 345-362. HASZPRUNAR, G. 1987a. The fine morphology of the osphradial sense organs of the Mollusca. III. Placophora and Bivalvia. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 315: 37-61, 3 pls. ,

(15) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1987b. The fine morphology of the osphradial sense organs of the Mollusca. IV. Caudofoveata and Solenogastres. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 315: 63-73, 3 pls.

(16) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1987c. The anatomy of (Mollusca, Gastropoda). Zoomorphology 106: 269-278.

(17) SALVINI-PLAWEN, L. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 1987. The and the systematics of streptoneurous Gastropoda (Mollusca). J. Zool. Lond. A 211: 747-770.

(18) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1987d. The fine structure of the ctenidial sense organs (bursicles) of Vetigastropoda (Zeugobranchia, Trochoidea) and their functional and phylogenetic significance. J. Moll. Stud. 53(1): 46-51 (open access).

(19) McLEAN, J.H. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 1987. , a new family of cocculiniform from hydrothermal vents. Veliger 30: 196-205 (open access). ,

(20) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1987e. Anatomy and affinities of cocculinid limpets (Mollusca, Archaeogastropoda). Zool. Scr. 16: 305-324.

(21) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1988a. Anatomy and relationships of the bone-feeding limpets Cocculinella minutissima (Smith) and Osteopelta mirabilis Marshall (Archaeogastropoda). J. Moll. Stud. 54(1): 1-20 (open access).

(22) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1988b. Anatomy and affinities of pseudococculinid limpets (Mollusca, Archaeogastropoda). Zool. Scr. 17: 161-180.

(23) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1988c. Sukashitrochus sp., a scissurellid with heteropod-like locomotion (Mollusca, Archaeogastropoda). Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 90B: 367-371.

3 (24) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1988d. A preliminary phylogenetic analysis of the streptoneurous gastropods. In: Ponder, W.F. (ed.): Prosobranch Phylogeny. Malac. Rev. Suppl. 4: 7-16.

(25) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1988e. Comparative anatomy of cocculiniform gastropods and its bearing on archaeogastropod systematics. In: Ponder, W.F. (ed.): Prosobranch Phylogeny. Malac. Rev. Suppl. 4: 64-84. [pdf available on request]

(26) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1988f. On the origin and evolution of major gastropod groups, with special reference to the Streptoneura. J. Moll. Stud. 54(4): 367-441 (Habilitationsschrift) (open access).

(27) RIEGER, R.M.; GEHLEN, M.; HASZPRUNAR, G.; HOLMLUND, M.; LEGNITI, A.; SALVENMOSER, W. & TYLER, S. 1988. Laboratory cultures of marine Macrostomida (Turbellaria). Fortschr. Zool. 36: 523.

(28) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1989a. Die Torsion der Gastropoda - ein biomechanischer Prozeß? Z. zool. Syst. Evolut.forsch. 27: 1-7.

(29) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1989b. New slit limpets (Scissurellacea and Fissurellacea) from hydrothermal vents. Part 2. Anatomy and relationships. Contr. Sci. Los Angeles County Museum 408: 1-17 (open access).

(30) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1989c. The anatomy of Melanodrymia aurantiaca Hickman, a coiled archaeogastropod from the East Pacific hydrothermal vents (Mollusca, Gastropoda). Acta Zool. (Stockholm) 70: 175-186.

(31) HASZPRUNAR, G. & HUBER, G. 1990. On the central nervous system of Smeagolidae and Rhodopidae, two families questionably allied with the Gymnomorpha (Gastropoda, Euthyneura). J. Zool. Lond. 220: 185-199.

(32) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1990a. Towards a phylogenetic system of Gastropoda. Part I: Traditional methodology - a reply. Malacologia 32: 195-202 (open access).

(33) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1990b. Systematik und Wahrscheinlichkeit - die klado-evolutionäre Synthese. Verh. Dtsch. Zool. Ges. 83: 506-507.

(34) HASZPRUNAR, G.; RIEGER, R.M. & SCHUCHERT, P. 1991. Extant "Problematica" within or near the Metazoa. In: Simonetta, A.M. & Conway Morris, S. (eds.): The Early Evolution of Metazoa and the Significance of Problematic Taxa. pp. 99-105. Oxford Univ. Press, Cambridge. [pdf available on request]

(35) RIEGER, R.M.; HASZPRUNAR, G. & SCHUCHERT, P. 1991. On the origin of the Bilateria: traditional views and recent alternative concepts. In: Simonetta, A.M. & Conway Morris, S. (eds.): The Early Evolution of Metazoa and the Significance of Problematic Taxa. pp. 107-112. Oxford Univ. Press, Cambridge. 4

(36) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1991. Die Cocculiniformia, eine wiederentdeckte und neubewertete Gruppe ursprünglicher Gastropoda. Verh. Dtsch. Zool. Ges. 84: 444-445.

(37) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1992a. The types of homology and their significance for evolutionary biology and phylogenetics. J. Evol. Biol. 5: 13-24.

(38) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1992b. The first molluscs - small . Boll. Zool. 59: 1-16.

(39) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1992c. Anatomy and relationships of the Choristellidae (Archaeogastropoda, ). Proc. 10th Int. Malac. Congr., Tübingen 1989: 509-510. ISSN: 1018-9092.

(40) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1992d. Preliminary anatomical data on a new neopilinid (Monoplacophora) from Antarctic waters. Proc.. 11th Int. Malac. Congr., Siena 1992: 307-308.

(41) KÜNZ, E. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 1992. Ultrastructural investigations on epidermal and subepidermal cell types of the Rhodopidae (Opisthobranchia). Proc. 11th Int. Malac. Congr., Siena 1992: 447-448.

(42) REINDL, S. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 1992. Ultrastructural investigations on the shell pores of fissurellid limpets (Archaeogastropoda). Proc. 11th Int. Malac. Congr., Siena 1992: 486-487.

(43) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1992e. How reliable are computer parsimony programs for systematics? An addition. Z. zool. Syst. Evolutionsforsch. 30: 244-248.

(44) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1992f. Ultrastructure of the osphradium of the Tertiary relict snail, Campanile symbolicum Iredale (Mollusca, Streptoneura). Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 337: 457- 469.

(45) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1992g. On the anatomy and relationships of the Choristellidae (Archaeogastropoda: Lepetelloidea). Veliger 35: 295-307 (open access).

(46) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1993a. Anatomische Untersuchungen an Micropilina arntzi Warén & Hain, 1992 (Mollusca, Monoplacophora) aus der Weddel-See (Antarktis). Verh. Dtsch. Zool. Ges. 86.1: 137.

(47) KÜNZ, E. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 1993. Ultrastruktur der Rhodopidae (Gastropoda, Opisthobranchia): funktionelle und systematische Implikationen. Verh. Dtsch. Zool. Ges. 86.1: 168.

(48) REINDL, S. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 1993. Ultrastrukturelle Untersuchungen von Schalenporen (Caeca) bei Fissurelliden (Mollusca, Archaeogastropoda). Verh. Dtsch. Zool. Ges. 86.1: 173. 5

(49) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1993b. The Archaeogastropoda: A clade, a grade or what else? Amer. Malac. Bull. 10: 165-177. [pdf available on request]

(50) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1994a. Evolution - eine Kontroverse. Gedanken und Eindrücke eines Biologen. In: HASZPRUNAR, G. & Schwager, R. (Hg.): Evolution - Eine Kontroverse. Interdisziplinäre Forschung, Band 2. pp. 147-150. Kulturverlag, Thaur-Wien-München.

(51) REINDL, S. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 1994. Light and electron microscopical investigations on shell pores (caeca) of fissurellid limpets (Mollusca, Archaeogastropoda). J. Zool. Lond. 233: 385-404.

(52) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1994b. Ursprung und Stabilität tierischer Baupläne. In: Wieser, W. (Hrsg.): Die Evolution der Evolutionstheorie. Von Darwin zur DNA. pp. 129-154. Spektrum Akad. Verlag, Heidelberg - Berlin - Oxford.

(53) HASZPRUNAR, G.; SCHAEFER, K.; WARÉN, A. & HAIN, S. 1995. Bacterial symbionts in the epidermis of an Antarctic neopilinid (Mollusca, Monoplacophora). Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London B 347: 181-185.

(54) HASZPRUNAR, G.; SALVINI-PLAWEN, L.v.; RIEGER, R.M. 1995. Larval planktotrophy - A primitive trait in the Bilateria? Acta Zool. Stockholm 76: 141-154.

(55) HEALY, J.M.; SCHAEFER, K. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 1995. Spermatozoa and spermatogenesis in a monoplacophoran mollusc, Laevipilina antarctica: ultrastructure and comparison with other Mollusca. Mar. Biol. 122: 53-65.

(56) REINDL, S.; SALVENMOSER, W. & HASZPRUNAR G. 1995. Fine structural and immunocytochemical investigations on caeca of Argyrotheca cordata and Argyrotheca cuneata (Brachiopoda, Terebratulida). J. submicrosc. Cytol. Pathol. 27: 543-556.

(57) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1995a.The Mollusca: coelomate turbellarians or mesenchymate annelids? In: Taylor, J.D. (ed.): Origin and Evolutionary Radiation of the Mollusca. pp. 1-28. Oxford University Press, Oxford "1996". [pdf available on request]

(58) REINDL, S. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 1995. Shell pores (caeca, aesthetes) of Mollusca: a case of polyphyly. In: Taylor, J.D. (ed.): Origin and Evolutionary Radiation of the Mollusca. Pp. 115- 118. Oxford University Press, Oxford "1996". [pdf available on request]

(59) ANGERER, G. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 1995. Anatomy and affinities of lepetid limpets (Patellogastropoda = Docoglossa). In: Taylor, J.D. (ed.): Origin and Evolutionary Radiation of the Mollusca. Pp. 171-175. Oxford University Press, Oxford "1996".

(60) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1995b. On the evolution of larval development in the Gastropoda, with special reference to larval planktotrophy. Notiziario C.I.S.M.A. 16 (“1994"): 5-13.

6 (61) REINDL, S. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 1996. Fine structure of caeca and mantle of arcoid and limopsoid bivalves (Mollusca, Pteriomorpha). Veliger 39: 101-116 (open access).

(62) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1996a. The molluscan rhogocyte (pore-cell, Blasenzelle, cellule nucale), and its significance for ideas on nephridial evolution. J. Moll. Stud. 62: 185-211 (open access).

(63) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1996b. Mesozoa. In: Westheide, W. & RIEGER, R.M. (Hrsg.): Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie. Pp. 125-129. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart - Jena.

(64) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1996c. Plathelminthes and Plathelminthomorpha - paraphyletic groups. J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. 34: 41-48.

(65) HASZPRUNAR, G. & McLEAN, J.H. 1996. Anatomy and systematics of bathyphytophilid limpets from the northeastern Pacific (Mollusca, Archaeogastropoda). Zool. Scr. 25: 35-49.

(66) Van den BIGGELAAR, J.A.M. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 1996. Cleavage patterns in the Gastropoda: an evolutionary approach. Evolution 50: 1520-1540.

(67) HASZPRUNAR, G. & KÜNZ, E. 1996. Ultrastructure and systematic significance of the epidermis and haemocoel of Rhodope (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia, Doridoidea?). J. Submicrosc. Cytol. Pathol. 28: 485-497. [pdf available on request]

(68) HASZPRUNAR, G. & SCHAEFER, K. 1997a. Monoplacophora. In: Harrison, F.W. & Kohn, A.J. (eds.): Microscopic Anatomy of Invertebrates. Vol. 6B: Mollusca III. Pp. 415-457. Wiley- Liss, New York. [pdf available on request]

(69) REINDL, S.; SALVENMOSER, W. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 1997. Fine structural and immunocytochemical studies on the eyeless aesthetes of Leptochiton algesirensis, with comparison to Leptochiton cancellatus (Mollusca, Polyplacophora). J. Submicrosc. Cytol. Pathol. 29: 135-151.

(70) SCHAEFER, K. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 1997a. Anatomy of Laevipilina antarctica, a monoplacophoran limpet (Mollusca) from Antarctic waters. Acta Zool. (Stockholm) 77: 295-314.

(71) HASZPRUNAR, G. & SCHAEFER, K. 1997b. Anatomy and phylogenetic significance of Micropilina arntzi (Mollusca, Monoplacophora, Micropilinidae fam. nov.). Acta Zool. (Stockholm) 77: 315-334.

(72) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1997a. Ultrastructure of the pseudo-protonephridium of the enigmatic opisthobranch, Rhodope transtrosa (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia). J. Submicrosc. Cytol. Pathol. 29: 371-378. [pdf available on request]

7 (73) SCHAEFER, K. & HASZPRUNAR, G.1997b. Organisation and fine structure of the mantle of Laevipilina antarctica (Mollusca, Monoplacophora). Zool. Anz. 236: 13-23. [pdf available on request]

(74) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1997b. The significance of Palaearctic operculate taxa for the phylogeny of Gastropoda. In: Falkner G. (Ed.): Contributions to Palaearctic Malacology. Heldia 4, Sonderheft 5: 42-43. [pdf available on request]

(75) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1998a. Superorder Cocculiniformia. In: Beesley, P.L.; Ross, G.J.B. & Wells, A. (Eds.): Mollusca: The Southern Synthesis. Fauna of Australia Vol. 5B: Pp. 653-664. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne. [pdf available on request]

(76) HASZPRUNAR G. 1998b. Marine : Thoughts on the subjects and their investigators. In: Barthlott, W. & Winiger, M. (Eds.): Biodiversity - a Challenge for Developmental Research and Policy. Pp. 43-52. Springer Verlag, Berlin. [pdf available on request]

(77) HASZPRUNAR, G. 1998c. Parsimony analysis as a specific kind of homology estimation, and the implications for character weighting. Molec. Phylog. Evol. 9: 333-339.

(78) WANNINGER, A.; RUTHENSTEINER, B.; LOBENWEIN, S.; SALVENMOSER, W.; DICTUS, W.J.A.G. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 1999. Development of the musculature in the limpet Patella (Mollusca, Patellogastropoda). Dev., Genes & Evol. 209(4): 226-238.

(79) WANNINGER, A.; RUTHENSTEINER, B.; DICTUS, W.J.A.G. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 1999. The development of the musculature in the limpet Patella with implications on its role in the process of ontogenetic torsion. Invertebr. Reprod. & Dev. 36(1-3): 211-215.

(80) HASZPRUNAR, G. & RUTHENSTEINER, B. 2000. Microanatomy and ultrastructure of the protonephridial system in the larva of the limpet, Patella vulgata L. (Mollusca, Patellogastropoda). J. Submicrosc. Cytol. Pathol. 32(1): 59-67. [pdf available on request]

(81) WANNINGER, A.; RUTHENSTEINER, B. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2000. Torsion in Patella caerulea (Mollusca, Patellogastropoda): ontogenetic process, timing, and mechanisms. Invertebr. Biol. 119(2): 177-187.

(82) FAHRNER, A. & HASZPRUNAR G. 2000. Microanatomy and ultrastructure of the excretory system of pelagic opisthobranch Gastropoda (Gymnosomata and Thecosomata). J. Submicrosc. Cytol. Pathol. 32(2):185-194. [pdf available on request]

(83) HASZPRUNAR, G. & WANNINGER, A. 2000. Molluscan muscle systems in development and evolution. J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. 38(3): 157-163.

8 (84) HASZPRUNAR, G. 2000. Is the Aplacophora monophyletic? A cladistic point of view. Amer. Malac. Bull. 15(2): 115-130.

(85) RUTHENSTEINER, B.; WANNINGER, A. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2001. The protonephridial system of the tusk shell, Antalis entalis (Mollusca, Scaphopoda). Zoomorphology 121(1): 19-26.

(86) KÜNZ, E. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2001. Comparative ultrastructure of cephalic tentacles of primitive gastropod clades: Patellogastropoda, Neritaemorphi, and Vetigastropoda. Zool. Anz. 140(2): 137-165.

(87) WANNINGER, A. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2001. The role of engrailed in larval development and shell formation of the tusk-shell, Antalis entalis (Mollusca, Scaphopoda). Evol. & Dev. 3(5): 312-321.

(88) HASZPRUNAR, G. 2001. Mollusca. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Macmillan Reference Ltd. Hampshire.

(89) FAHRNER, A. & HASZPRUNAR G. 2001. Anatomy and ultrastructure of the excretory system of a heart-bearing and a heart-less sacoglossan gastropod (Opisthobranchia, Sacoglossa). Zoomorphology 121(2): 85-93.

(90) WANNINGER, A. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2002a. Chiton myogenesis: perspectives for the development of larval and adult muscle systems in molluscs. J. Morphol. 252(2): 103-113.

(91) HASZPRUNAR, G.; FRIEDRICH, S.; WANNINGER, A. & RUTHENSTEINER, B. 2002. Fine structure and immunocytochemistry of a new chemosensory system in the chiton larva (Mollusca: Polyplacophora). J. Morphol. 252(2): 210-218.

(92) FAHRNER, A. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2002a. Anatomy, ultrastructure, and systematic significance of the excretory system and mantle cavity of an acochlidian gastropod (Opisthobranchia). J. Moll. Stud. 68(1): 87-94 (open access).

(93) FRIEDRICH, S.; WANNINGER, A.; BRÜCKNER, M. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2002. Neurogenesis in the mossy chiton, Mopalia muscosa (Gould) (Polyplacophora): evidence versus molluscan metamerism. J. Morphol. 253(2): 109-117.

(94) FAHRNER, A. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2002b. Ultrastructure of the renopericardial complex in Hypselodoris tricolor (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia). Zoomorphology 122(3): 183-194.

(95) WANNINGER, A. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2002b. Muscle development in Antalis entalis Mollusca, Scaphopoda) and its significance for scaphopod relationships. J. Morphol. 254(1): 53- 64.

9 (96) WANNINGER, A. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2003. The development of the serotonergic and FMRF- amidergic nervous system in Antalis entalis (Mollusca, Scaphopoda). Zoomorphology 122(2): 77-85 (open access).

(97) STRONG, E.E.; HARASEWYCH, M.G. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2003. Phylogeny of the (Mollusca: Gastropoda) and a reevaluation of the status of the . Invertebr. Biol. 122(2): 114-125.

(98) HASZPRUNAR, G. & MILLER, M.A. 2003a. DNA-Taxonomie: Neuordnung der Artenvielfalt durch DNA-Diagnostik? In: Daumer K. (Hrsg.): Fäden des Lebens. 50 Jahre DNA-Doppelhelix. Auf der Spur der Gene. Pp. 191-196. VdBiol, München.

(99) HASZPRUNAR, G. & MILLER, M.A. 2003b. DNA-Taxonomie statt Borstenzählen oder Blütenzupfen? BIOforum 11/2003: 724-726. [pdf available on request]

(100) LINDBERG, D.R.; PONDER, W.F. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2004. The Mollusca: Relationships and patterns from their first half billion years. Pp. 252-278 in: Cracraft, J. & Donoghue, M.J. (Eds.): Assembling the Tree of Life. Oxford Univ. Press, New York. ISBN 0-19-517234-5. [pdf available on request]

(101) HASZPRUNAR, G. 2004. Neues zur Phylogenie der Insekten. Nachrichtenblatt der bayerischen Entomologen 53(3/4): 78-80.

(102) HASZPRUNAR, G. 2005. Ursprung und Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Mollusken. In: Das Meer im Zimmer: Von Tintenschnecken und Muscheltieren. [ISBN 3-200-00371-5] Landesmuseum Johanneum Graz pp. 143-149. [pdf available on request]

(103) HASZPRUNAR, G. & HEß, M. 2005. A new Rhodope (Gastropoda: Nudibranchia?) from the Roscoff area (Bretagne), with a review of Rhodope species. Spixiana 28(3): 193-197 (open access).

(104) NEUSSER, T.; HEß, M.; HASZPRUNAR, G. & SCHRÖDL, M. 2006. Computerbased 3- dimensional reconstruction of the anatomy of Microhedyle remanei (Marcus, 1953), an interstitial acochlidian gastropod from Bermuda. J. Morphol. 267(2): 231-247.

(105) RIEGER, R.M. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2006. Bilateria. In: Westheide, W. & Rieger, R.M. (Eds.) Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie. 2nd Ed. Elsevier Verlag: pp. 183-202.

(106) HASZPRUNAR, G. & GÖTTING, K.-J. 2006. Mollusca. In: Westheide, W. & Rieger, R.M. (Eds.) Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie. 2nd Ed. Elsevier Verlag: pp. 305-362.

(107) HASZPRUNAR, G. 2006. Mesozoa. In: Westheide, W. & Rieger, R.M. (Eds.) Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie. 2nd Ed. Elsevier Verlag: pp. 893-897.

10 (108) NEUSSER, T.; HEß, M.; HASZPRUNAR, G. & SCHRÖDL, M. 2007. Sperm ultrastructure of Microhedyle remanei, an interstitial acochlidian gastropod with dermal fertilization. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 87(3): 747-754.

(109) NIELSEN, C.; HASZPRUNAR, G.; RUTHENSTEINER, B. & WANNINGER, A. 2007. Early development of the aplacophoran mollusc Chaetoderma. Acta Zool. (Stockh.) 88(3): 231-247.

(110) SHIGENO, S.; SASAKI, T.& HASZPRUNAR, G. 2007. Central nervous system of Chaetoderma japonicum (Caudofoveata, Aplacophora): Implications for diversified ganglionic plans in early molluscan evolution. Biol. Bull. 213(2): 122-134.

(111) WANNINGER, A.; FUCHS, J.; HASZPRUNAR, G. 2007. The anatomy of the serotonergic nervous system of an entoproct creeping-type larva and its phylogenetic implications. Invertebr. Biol. 126(3): 268-278.

(112) HASZPRUNAR, G.; SCHANDER, C. & HALANYCH, K.M. 2008. Relationships of the higher molluscan taxa: In: Ponder, W.F. & Lindberg, D.R. (Eds.). Towards a Phylogeny of Mollusca. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley. pp. 19-32.

(113) HASZPRUNAR, G. 2008. Monoplacophora (Tryblidia). In: Ponder, W.F. & Lindberg, D.R. (Eds.). Towards a Phylogeny of Mollusca. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley, pp. 97-104.

(114) HASZPRUNAR, G. & WANNINGER, A. 2008. Fine structure of the creeping larva of Loxosomella murmanica: additional evidence for a clade of Kamptozoa (Entoprocta) and Mollusca. Acta Zool (Stockh.) 89(2): 137-148.

(115) ALTNÖDER, A.; HASZPRUNAR, G. 2008. Larval morphology of the brooding clam Lasaea adansonii (Gmelin, 1791) (Bivalvia, Heterodonta, Galeommatoidea). J. Morphol. 269(6): 762- 774.

(116) BÄUMLER, N.; HASZPRUNAR, G. & RUTHENSTEINER, B. 2008. 3D interactive microanatomy of Omalogyra atomus (Philippi, 1841) (Gastropoda, Heterobranchia, Omalogyridae). In: Geiger, D. & Ruthensteiner, B. (Eds.): Micromolluscs: Methodological Challenges – Exiting Results. Zoosymposia 1: 108-116 (open access).

(117) KUNZE, T.; BRÜCKNER, M.; BECK, F.; HEß, M. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2008. Skeneimorph gastropods in Neomphalida and Vetigastropoda - a preliminary report. In: Geiger, D. & Ruthensteiner, B. (Eds.): Micromolluscs: Methodological Challenges – Exiting Results. Zoosymposia 1: 119-131 (open access).

(118) JÖRGER, K.; NEUSSER, T.; HASZPRUNAR, G. & SCHRÖDL, M. 2008. Undersized and under- estimated: 3D-visualization of the Mediterranean interstitial gastropod Pontohedyle milaschwitchii (Kowalevski, 1901). Org. Divers. Evol. 8(3): 194-214. 11

(119) HEß, M.; BECK, F., GENSLER, H.; KANO, Y.; KIEL, S. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2008. Micro- anatomy, shell structure and molecular phylogeny of Leptogyra, Xyleptogyra and Leptogyropsis (Gastropoda, Neomphalida, Melanodrymiidae) from sunken wood. J. Moll. Stud. 74(4): 383-401 (open access).

(120) HASZPRUNAR, G. 2009. Barcoding Fauna Bavarica - eine Chance für die Entomologie. Nachrichtenblatt der bayerischen Entomologen 58(1/2): 45-47 (open access).

(121) NITZ, B.; HEIM, R.; SCHNEPPAT, U.E.; HYMAN, I.; HASZPRUNAR, G. 2009. Towards a new standard in slug species descriptions: the case of Limax sarnensis Heim & Nitz n. sp. (Pulmonata: Limacidae) from the Western Central Alps. J. Moll. Stud. 75(3): 279-294 (open access).

(122) HASZPRUNAR, G. 2010. Darwin und die Art - Freund oder Feind? Nachrichtenblatt der bayerischen Entomologen 59(1/2): 44-46. [pdf available on request]

(123) HEIM, R.; NITZ, B.; SCHNEPPAT, U.E.; HYMAN, I.; HASZPRUNAR, G. 2010. Der Sarner Schnegel Limax sarnensis Heim & Nitz 2009 (Pulmonata: Limacidae). Die Entdeckung einer neuen Nacktschneckenart in der Schweiz und Nordwest-Italien. In: Naturforschung in Obwalden und Nidwalden, Sammelband. NAGON Band 4: 8-21. ISBN 3-9521401-4-7. [pdf available on request]

(124) NITZ, B.; FALKNER, G. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2010. Inferring multiple Corsican Limax (Pulmonata: Limacidae) radiations: a combined approach using morphology and molecules. In: Glaubrecht, M. (Ed): Evolution in Action - Adaptive Radiation, Speciation, and the Origin of Biodiversity. Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, pp. 405-435.

(125) RUTHENSTEINER, B.R.; SCHRÖPFL, V. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2010. Anatomy and affinities of Micropilina minuta Warén, 1989 (Monoplacophora, Micropilinidae). J. Moll. Stud. 76(4): 323- 332 (open access).

(126) BRENZINGER, B.; NEUSSER, T.P.; GLAUBRECHT, M.; HASZPRUNAR, G.; SCHRÖDL, M. 2010. Redescription and 3-dimensional reconstruction of the limnic acochlidian gastropod Strubellia paradoxa (Strubell, 1892) from Ambon, Indonesia. J. Nat. Hist. 45(3): 183-209.

(127) HARTMANN, H.; HEß, M.& HASZPRUNAR, G. 2011. Interactive 3D-anatomy and affinities of (Gastropoda, Cocculinoidea), deep-sea limpets feeding on decaying cephalopod beaks. J. Morphol. 272(3): 259-279.

(128) HAUSMANN, A.; HASZPRUNAR, G. & HEBERT, P.D.N. 2011. DNA Barcoding the geo-metrid fauna of Bavaria (Lepidoptera): Successes, surprises, and questions. PLoS ONE 6(2): e17134 (9 pp.). 12

(129) HASZPRUNAR, G.; KOLLER, K. 2011. Barcoding Fauna Bavarica - eine Chance für die deutsche Malakologie. In: Richling, I. (Ed.): Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte in der Malakologie. Mitt. Dtsch. Malakozool. Ges. 84: 25-27 . [pdf available on request]

(130) HAUSMANN, A.; BALKE, M.; HENDRICH, L.; SCHMIDT, S.; SEGERER, A.H. & HASZ-RUNAR, G. 2011. 5 Fakten zum DNA-Barcoding aus der 2-jährigen Praxis des Fauna-Bavarica-Projektes (BFB). Nachrichtenblatt der bayerischen Entomologen 60: 43-45. [pdf available on request]

(131) GEMEINHOLZER, B.; DRÖGE, G.; ZETSCHKE, H.; HASZPRUNAR, G.; KLENK, H.-P.; BERENDSOHN, W. & WÄGELE, J.-W. 2011. The DNA Bank Network: the start from a German initiative. Biopreservation and Biobanking 9(1): 51-55.

(132) BÄUMLER, N.; HASZPRUNAR, G. & RUTHENSTEINER, B.R. 2011. Development of the excretory system in a polyplacophoran. I: Protonephridium. J. Morphol. 272(8): 972-986.

(133) HASZPRUNAR, G.; SPEIMAN, E.; HAWE, A. & HEß, M. 2011. Interactive 3D-anatomy and affinities of the Hyalogyrinidae, basal Heterobranchia (Gastropoda) with a rhipidoglossate radula. Org. Div. Evol. 11(3): 201-236, 4 Suppl. 3D-figures.

(134) HASZPRUNAR, G. 2011. Species delimination - not “only descriptive”. Org. Div. & Evol. 11(3): 249-252.

(135) HAUSMANN, A.; HASZPRUNAR, G.; SEGERER, A.H.; SPEIDEL, W.; BEHOUNEK, G.; HEBERT, P.D.N. 2011. Now DNA-barcoded: the butterflies and larger moths of Germany (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera, Macroheterocera). Spixiana 34(1): 47-58 + S1 (25 pp) + S2 (28 pp) (open access) ,

(136) WÄGELE, H.; KLUSSMANN-KOLB, A.; KUHLMANN, M.; HASZPRUNAR, G.; LINDBERG, D.; KOCH, A.; WÄGELE, J.-W. 2011 The taxonomist - an endangered race. A practical proposal for its survival. Frontiers in Zoology 8(25): 7 pp. (open access).

(137) HASZPRUNAR, G. & WANNINGER, A. 2012. Primer: Mollusca. Current Biology 22(13): R510-514.

(138) BÄUMLER, N.; HASZPRUNAR, G. & RUTHENSTEINER, B.R. 2012. Development of the excretory system in a polyplacophoran mollusc: stages in metanephridial system development. Frontiers in Zoology 9(23): 16 pp. (open access).

(139) WÄGELE, J.-W.; ASTRIN, J.J.; BALKE, M.; HAUSMANN, A.; KROGMANN, L.; HENDRICH, L.; PIETSCH, S.; RAUPACH, M.; SCHMIDT S.; SEGERER, A. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2012. (“2011") Taxonomie am Scheideweg? Studia Dipterologia 18(1/2): 105-117. (open access).

13 (140) HASZPRUNAR, G. & RUTHENSTEINER, B.R. 2013. Monoplacophora (Tryblidia) - some unanswered questions. Amer. Malac. Bull. 31(1): 189-194.

(141) BRENZINGER, B.; HASZPRUNAR, G. & SCHRÖDL, M. 2013. At the limits of a successful bauplan – 3D microanatomy and evolution of Helminthope (Mollusca: Heterobranchia, Rhodopemorpha), the most worm-like gastropod. Frontiers in Zoology 10(37): 26 pp. (open access)

(142) HAWE, A.; HEß, M. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2013. 3D-reconstruction of the anatomy of the ovoviviparous (?) freshwater gastropod Borysthenia naticina (Menke, 1845) (Ecto-branchia: Valvatidae). J. Moll. Stud. 79(3): 191-204 (open access).

(143) RIEGER, R.M. (†), HASZPRUNAR, G. & HOBMAYER, B. 2013. Bilateria. pp. 164-179. In: Westheide, W. & Rieger, G. (Eds.) Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie. 3rd Ed. Spektrum Akad. Verlag.

(144) SALVINI-PLAWEN, L.V. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2013. Mollusca. pp. 293-356. In: Westheide, W. & Rieger, G. (Eds.) Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie. 3rd Ed. Spektrum Akad. Verlag.

(145) HASZPRUNAR, G. 2013a. Mesozoa. pp. 805-811. In: Westheide, W. & Rieger, G. (Eds.) Lehrbuch der Speziellen Zoologie. 3rd Ed. Spektrum Akad. Verlag.

(146) HASZPRUNAR, G. 2013b. Insektenlarven - ein unbekannter Kontinent will entdeckt werden! Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen 62(3/4): 97-99. [pdf available on request]

(147) HASZPRUNAR, G.; GRAF, L. & HEß, M. 2014. 3D-anatomy of the big-headed limpet Kaiparapelta (Vetigastropoda: Lepetelloidea). J. Moll. Stud. 80(1): 84-98.

(148) HASZPRUNAR, G. 2014. A nomenclator of extant and taxa of the Valvatidae (Gastropoda: Ectobranchia). ZooKeys 377: 1-172 (open access).

(149) HAWE, A. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2014. 3D-microanatomy and histology of the hydrothermal vent gastropod Lurifax vitreus Warén & Bouchet, 2001 (Heterobranchia: Orbitestellidae) and comparisons with Ectobranchia. Org. Div. & Evol 14(1): 43-55, suppl. (3D-figure).

(150) HASZPRUNAR, G. & SPIES, M. 2014. An integrative approach of the crown-of-thorns starfish species group (Asteroidea: Acanthaster): A review of names and comparison to recent molecular data. Zootaxa 3841(2): 271-284 (open access).

(151) HAWE, A.; PAROLL, C. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2014a. Interactive 3D-anatomy and affinities of the hot-vent gastropod Xylodiscula analoga Warén & Bouchet, 2001 (Ectobranchia) J. Moll. Stud. 80(3): 315-325. 14

(152) HAWE, A.; GENSLER, H. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2014b. True bacteriocytes in the mantle cavity of Lurifax vitreus Warén & Bouchet, 2001 (Orbitestellidae), the first case among heterobranch Gastropoda. J. Moll. Stud. 80(3): 337-340.

(153) JÖRGER, K.M.; STOSCHEK, T.; MIGOTTO, A.E.; HASZPRUNAR, G. & NEUSSER, T.M. 2014. 3D-microanatomy of the mesopsammic Pseudovermis salamandrops Marcus, 1953 from Brazil (Gastropoda, Nudibranchia). Marine Biodiversity 44(3): 327-341.

(154) MORINIÈRE, J.; HENDRICH, L.; HAUSMANN, A.; HEBERT, P.D.N.; HASZPRUNAR, G.; GRUPPE, A. 2014. Barcoding Fauna Bavarica: 78% of the Neuropterida Fauna barcoded! PLoS ONE 9(10): e109719 (8 pp.) , plus Supplements; at BOLD: .

(155) JUDGE, J. & HASZPRUNAR, G. 2014. The anatomy of sierrai (Vetigastropoda, Lepetelloidea): implications for reproduction, feeding, and symbiosis in lepetellid limpets. Invertebr. Biol. 133(4): 324-339.

(156) WILD, E.; WOLLESEN, T.; HASZPRUNAR, G. & HEß, M. 2015. Comparative 3D-micro- anatomy and histology of the eyes and central nervous systems in coleoid cephalopod hatchlings. Org. Div. & Evol. 15(1): 37-64.

(157) STRUCK T.H.; HAUG, C.; HASZPRUNAR, G.; PRPIC, N.M.; HAUG, J.T. 2015. Enalikter aphson is more likely an annelid than an arthropod: A comment to Siveter et al. (2014). Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 282: 20140946 (3 pp.)

(158) RHODIN, A.G.J.; KAISER, H.; VAN DIJK, P.P.; WÜSTER, W.; O´SHEA, M.; ARCHER, M.; AULIVA, M.; BOITANI, L.; BOUR, R.; CLAUSNITZER, V.; CONTRERAS-MACBEATH, T.; CROTHER, B.I.; DAZA, J.M.; DRISCOLL, C.A.; FLORES-VILLELA, O.; FRAZIER, J.; FRITZ, U.; GARDNER, A.L.; GASCON, C.; GEORGES, A.; GLAW, F.; GRAZZIOTIN, F.G.; GROVES, C.P.; HASZPRUNAR, G.; HAVAŠ, P.; HOFFMANN, M.; HOOGMOED, M.S.; HORNE, B.D.; IVERSON, J.B.; JÄCH, M.; JENKINS, C.L.; JENKINS, K.B.; KIESTER, A.R.; KEOGH, J.S.; LACHER, T.E:JR.; LOVICH, J.E.; LUISELLI, J.; MAHLER, D.L.; MALLON, D.; MAST, R.; MCDIARMID, R.W.; MEASEY, J.; MITTERMAIER, R.A.; MOLUR, S.; MOSBRUGGER, V.; MURPHY, R.W.; NAISH, D.; NIEKISCH, M.; OTA, H.; PARHAM, J.F.; PARR, M.J.; PILCHER, N.J.; PINE, R.H.; RYLANDS, A.B.; SANDERSON, J.G.; SAVAGE, J.M.; SCHLEIP, W.; SCROCCHI, G.J.; SHAFFER, H.B.; SMITH, E.N.; SPRACKLAND, E.R.; STUART, S.N.; VETTER, H.; VITT, L.J.; WALLER, T.; WEBB, G.; WILSON, E.O.; ZAHER, H.; THOMAS, S. 2015. Comment on Spracklandus Hoser, 2009 (Reptilia, Serpentes, Elapidae): request for confirmation of the availability of the generic name and for the nomenclatural validation of the journal in which it was published (Case 3601; BZN 70: 234–237; 71: 30–38; 133-135). Bull. Zool. Nomenclature 72(1): 65-78.

(159) HENDRICH, L.; MORINIÈRE, J.; HASZPRUNAR, G.; HEBERT, P.D.N.; HAUSMANN, A. & KÖHLER, F. 2015. A comprehensive DNA barcode database for Central European beetles: Adding more than 3,500 identified species to BOLD. Molec. Ecol. Res. (online first) . 15

(160) SCHMIDT, S.; SCHMID-EGGER, C.; MORINIÈRE, J.; HASZPRUNAR, G.; HEBERT, P.D.N. 2015. DNA barcoding largely supports 250 years of classical : Identifications for Central European bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea partim). Molec. Ecol. Res. (Online first). .

Latest update: 10th April, 2015