IV Plenary Meeting of Cardinal and Bishop Members 30-09-2017

The IV Plenary Meeting of the Cardinal and Bishop Members of the for the Promotion of the New Evangelization was held on September 27-29, 2017, in the Sala Bologna of the Apostolic Palace.

Following the opening prayer and greeting, Rino Fisichella, the President of the , outlined the activities held during the past two years and discussed the new competencies entrusted to the Pontifical Council by the Holy Father.

In particular, the President highlighted the event of grace which was for the entire world the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy (December 8, 2015-November 20, 2016). The work of the Dicastery focused largely upon the organization and the promotion of the Holy Year, while at the same time if worked to support initiatives involving the particular areas of competency of the Dicastery: promotion of the new evangelization and catechesis.

In addition to working towards the promotion of the Catechism of the Church, whose 25th Anniversary is being celebrated daily, the Pontifical Council is committed to the religious formation of the faithful and to assisting the catechetical offices of Episcopal Conferences.

At the conclusion of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, Francis entrusted the Dicastery with the responsibility of the World Apostolic Congress on Mercy (WACOM), and of the world, continental, and regional congresses that it organizes.

With the Sanctuarium in Ecclesia, , recognizing the particular role that Sanctuaries play in the evangelization of our time, has transferred the competencies for the

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The Dicastery is commited, on a number of diverse fronts, in providing its support for the pastoral initiatives in the local Churches in order that evangelization is effective and inspires the Christian community to a long-term pastoral plan that is able to meld constant commitment and planning.

During the Audience of the Holy Father, held in the Sala Clementina, with the Superiors, Members, Consultors, , and Collaborators of the Dicastery, the Pope highlighted that the enthusiasm generated by the experience of the Jubilee of Mercy must not be diluted or forgotten. The Pope reiterated that the Church has the great responsibility to continue forward, without ever stopping, in being an instrument of mercy; a commitment that becomes concrete and visible in the life-style of believers, lived out in the many that are inherent to each evangelizer.

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