An Infrageneric Classification of <I>Syzygium</I> (<I>Myrtaceae</I>)

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An Infrageneric Classification of <I>Syzygium</I> (<I>Myrtaceae</I>) Blumea 55, 2010: 94–99 RESEARCH ARTICLE doi:10.3767/000651910X499303 An infrageneric classification of Syzygium (Myrtaceae) L.A. Craven1, E. Biffin 1,2 Key words Abstract An infrageneric classification of Syzygium based upon evolutionary relationships as inferred from analyses of nuclear and plastid DNA sequence data, and supported by morphological evidence, is presented. Six subgenera Acmena and seven sections are recognised. An identification key is provided and names proposed for two species newly Acmenosperma transferred to Syzygium. classification molecular systematics Published on 16 April 2010 Myrtaceae Piliocalyx Syzygium INTRODUCTION foreseeable future. Yet there are many rewarding and worthy floristic and other scientific projects that await attention and are Syzygium Gaertn. is a large genus of Myrtaceae, occurring from feasible in the shorter time frame that is a feature of the current Africa eastwards to the Hawaiian Islands and from India and research philosophies of short-sighted institutions. southern China southwards to southeastern Australia and New One impediment to undertaking studies of natural groups of Zealand. In terms of species richness, the genus is centred in species of Syzygium, as opposed to floristic studies per se, Malesia but in terms of its basic evolutionary diversity it appears has been the lack of a framework or context within which a set to be centred in the Melanesian-Australian region. Its taxonomic of species can be the focus of specialised research. Below is history has been detailed in Schmid (1972), Craven (2001) and proposed an infrageneric classification based upon phylogenies Parnell et al. (2007) and will not be further elaborated here. derived from analyses of molecular sequence data. The relative Relative to its fellow genera in Malesian Myrtaceae, there is relationships of the supraspecific taxa recognised are depicted more than a little truth in the statement that Syzygium is a in Fig. 1. Harrington & Gadek (2004) used sequence data from ‘Cinderella’ genus, being at best neglected by systematists. the nuclear ITS and ETS regions and Biffin et al. (2006, In press) The seeming lack of nonvariable characters that may serve to used sequence data from the chloroplast matK and ndhF genes break the group into smaller, more easily managed units for and rpl16 intron in their investigations into the relationships of detailed study is one reason that has been advanced to ex- species and genera within the complex. These researchers plain the unwillingness of researchers to undertake studies on found that the evolutionary relationships of the lineages re- Syzygium. Perhaps the long-standing confusion with the New covered by analyses of the nuclear and chloroplast data were World-centred, speciose genus Eugenia L. has also contributed. not congruent with contemporary taxonomic groups. Given Additionally, it seems that the large number of species in the the extent of homoplasy in morphological characters and the Syzygium complex has created an impression that the genus difficulty in circumscribing genera, Craven (2001) and Craven is difficult. Certainly, the relatively small number of publications et al. (2006) concluded that Syzygium is better circumscribed on Syzygium and its closer generic segregates is indicative of broadly with the various segregate genera merged with it. Based a lack of attention by botanists. A search of the Kew Record upon the results of Biffin et al. (2006, In press), a system of of Taxonomic Literature database (Anonymous 2007) pulled classification for Syzygium is proposed below; this is supported out c. 100 publications (an idiosyncracy of the database is by morphological evidence as far as this is possible given that that sometimes an article is listed more than once but this oc- much of the genus still remains to have its critical morphologi- curs across the database and we have not attempted to weed cal features recorded. With this caveat in mind, we believe that out the duplicate records). Given that Syzygium s.l. probably to present a classification now will benefit research in that the comprises somewhere between 1 200 and 1 500 species this is subgeneric and sectional concepts can be tested with other, disappointing, especially when contrasted with Rhododendron especially molecular, datasets. In Fig. 1, there are several L. (Ericaceae) which has, depending upon one’s species con- instances in which species are associated with a named clade cepts, between 600 to 1 000 species; a search of Rhododen- but for which there is not strong support for their being included dron in the Kew Record database came up with c. 960 articles in that clade, e.g., S. ingens is associated with the S. acumina- involving this genus. In their concluding remarks, Parnell et al. tissimum-S. smithii clade and S. hedraiophyllum is associated (2007) drew attention to some of the positives from researching with the S. mulgraveanum-S. unipunctatum-S. floribundum such a diverse and widespread taxon as Syzygium. Due to its clade. The morphological features of the relevant species, how- size, it is unlikely that the genus will be monographed in the ever, group them strongly with their associated clades and ac- cordingly we place these species in the indicated sections and/or 1 Australian National Herbarium, CPBR, CSIRO Plant Industry, GPO Box subgenera. Several clades are monospecific as far as is known, 1600, Canberra, ACT 2601, Australia; e.g., the Australian S. glenum, S. monimioides and S. gus- corresponding author e-mail: [email protected]. 2 Division of Botany & Zoology, Australian National University, Canberra, tavioides clades, and these are given sectional recognition due ACT 0200, Australia. to their divergent morphologies. © 2010 Nationaal Herbarium Nederland You are free to share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work, under the following conditions: Attribution: You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). Non-commercial: You may not use this work for commercial purposes. No derivative works: You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work, which can be found at Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author’s moral rights. L.A. Craven & E. Biffin: An infrageneric classification of Syzygium 95 S. amplifolium * S. gracilipes S. aromaticum * S. brackenridgei S. purpureum S. sandwicense S. seemannianum S. sexangulatum S. sp. SumatraBC140 S. austrocaledonicum * S. laxeracemosum S. macilwraithianum * S. malaccense S. ngyonense S. sayeri * S. aqueum S. buettnerianum S. puberulum S. samarangense S. tierneyanum S. bungadinnia * S. moorei S. pseudofastigiatum S. branderhorstii S. nervosum S. cordatum * S. guineense S. masukuense subg. Syzygium S. pondoense S. cumini S. jambos S. muelleri S. racemosum * S. sp. SulawesiBCJ92 S. pycnanthum S. decussatum * S. seemannii S. seemannii S. auriculatum * S. lateritiflorum S. tenuiflorum S. bamagense * S. cormiflorum S. erythrocalyx S. sp. SulawesiBCJ8 S. sp. SulawesiBCJ90 S. acre S. angophoroides S. australe S. crebrinerve S. fibrosum S. oleosum S. paniculatum S. sp. (Pilio. bullatus) * S. viriosum * S. concinnum sect. Piliocalyx S. sp. (Pilio. francii) s S. divaricatum u * S. graveolens sect. Agaricoides * S. mackinnonianum b g. * S. acuminatissimum S. smithii sect. Acmena S. ingens A c * S. mulgraveanum * S. unipunctatum sect. Waterhousea m S. floribundum * S. hedraiophyllum e n S. glenum sect. Glenum a S. monimioides sect. Monimioides * S. gustavioides sect. Gustavioides S. buxifolium * S. tetrapterum * S. zeylanicum * S. francisii subg. Sequestratum S. luehmannii S. wilsonii S. arboreum * * S. kuebiniense S. multipetalum * S. fullagarii S. maire subg. Perikion * S. apodophyllum * S. corynanthum * S. claviflorum S. canicortex S. anisatum subg. Anetholea S. wesa subg. Wesa Tristania nerifolia * Thaleropia queenslandica Metrosideros nervulosa * * Backhousia myrtifolia Choricarpia subargentea Outgroups Osbornia octodonta Eugenia uniflora Pimenta racemosa Fig. 1 Cladistic relationships of the subgenera and sections of Syzygium. The cladogram is a strict consensus tree of 1 000 most parsimonious trees found in analysis of a combined chloroplast dataset (matK, ndhF and rpl16). Bold branches represent those receiving 90 % or greater bootstrap support, and asterisks indicate branches with Bayesian posterior probability of 95 % or greater. Based on Biffin et al. (In press). 96 Blumea – Volume 55 / 1, 2010 Future revisionary and floristic researchers are encouraged Miq. (1850) 17. — Type: Jambosa vulgaris DC., nom. illeg. (Eugenia jambos to collect and publish information on some important char- L., Jambosa jambos (L.) Millsp., Syzygium jambos (L.) Alston). acters that currently are largely neglected. Such characters Myrthoides Wolf (1776) 73 (see Ross (1966) 159). — Type: Myrtus caryo- phyllata L. (Syzygium caryophyllatum (L.) Alston). as the presence-absence of numerous fibre bundles in the Malidra Raf. (1838) 107. — Cerocarpus Hassk. (1842) 36, nom. illeg. — Jam- hypanthium wall, the position of the placenta, the orientation bosa sect. Cerocarpus Blume (1850) 102. — Type: Malidra aquea (Burm.f.) and arrangement of the ovules on the placenta, the
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    PUBLISHED VERSION Carpenter, Raymond John; Read, Jennifer; Jaffre, Tanguy. Reproductive traits of tropical rain-forest trees in New Caledonia, Journal of Tropical Ecology, 2003; 19 (4):351-365. Copyright © 2003 Cambridge University Press PERMISSIONS The right to post the definitive version of the contribution as published at Cambridge Journals Online (in PDF or HTML form) in the Institutional Repository of the institution in which they worked at the time the paper was first submitted, or (for appropriate journals) in PubMed Central or UK PubMed Central, no sooner than one year after first publication of the paper in the journal, subject to file availability and provided the posting includes a prominent statement of the full bibliographical details, a copyright notice in the name of the copyright holder (Cambridge University Press or the sponsoring Society, as appropriate), and a link to the online edition of the journal at Cambridge Journals Online. Inclusion of this definitive version after one year in Institutional Repositories outside of the institution in which the contributor worked at the time the paper was first submitted will be subject to the additional permission of Cambridge University Press (not to be unreasonably withheld). 2nd May 2011 Journal of Tropical Ecology (2003) 19:351–365. Copyright 2003 Cambridge University Press DOI:10.1017/S0266467403003407 Printed in the United Kingdom Reproductive traits of tropical rain-forest trees in New Caledonia Raymond J. Carpenter*1, Jennifer Read* and Tanguy Jaffre´ † *School of Biological Sciences, P.O.
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