TO THE POINT American Pointer Club February 2016 April 2016 Part 1A We decided to put out a Part 1A Newsletter this month – ENJOY DEADLINE MAY 1st The complete video set purchased after the show is $100. Individual DVDs such as sweeps only or BOB only, agility only, etc is $20 each. Anyone wishing to purchase video sets or a particular dvd should send a check to APC at 1628 N Temperance Ave., Fresno, CA 93727 or pay via PayPal at and email their order to me at
[email protected]. Orders should be placed before May 1, 2016. Foreign purchases should include an additional $7 for international mailing fees. Rather than wait for Pointer Points to come out in June we are sending the write-up and results of the 2015 National Championship Field Trial to the membership now. The statistician reports for 2015 are published below. It is more cost effective to provide the detailed reports here. The top awards will receive a special feature in Pointer Points. Keep an eye out for this in the upcoming issue. 2015 Statistics Reports Refer to complete statistic reports on the Website for the point calculations for each venue. AGILITY STATISTICS – Chris Dewey submitted CONGRATULATIONS to all the Pointers, and their handlers, who competed in AKC Agility in 2015 !! Whether just starting out in Novice, or working on Double Q's toward a MACH or PACH title, it's wonderful to see so many Pointers competing in this fast paced sport ! The following compilation lists the accomplishments of each and every Pointer who has shown in the preceding year.