BladeRunner`s “Fallout PnP Weapons Analysis”

This is a “work on mistakes”. Fallout weapons system has A LOT of them. Let`s try to find them! So listen up! This document is a pure scientific/realistic point of view. ☺This IS NOT MY POINT OF VIEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ☺ As the basis of this work a took facts discovered by yPArAH – Commander of Russian Enclave Base ( ). Thank her for those materials! Without them this work was impossible. As for me - I can be contacted at [email protected]. My ICQ # is 78234152. And once more: I DON`T GIVE A F@#$ ABOUT ALL OF THIS FACTS. Fallout Universe is Fallout Universe. This is cool World. Let`s live it.

Part 1: Small

1. Desert Eagle

Actually DE was designed as large- sport pistol. But Hollywood hot-shots presented it as all-trades pistol. There are 3 modifications of DE: . a) For .357 caliber ammo. 9 shots. This is a light-weight version of Eagle. You saw it in the “Matrix”. b) For .44 caliber ammo. 8 shots. c) For .50 AE ammo. 7 shots. YEAH BABY! This one has a real devastating power! Heavy American version. So that`s it. No 10 shots magazine. I`ve heard, that Chris Taylor has one at home.

2. .223 pistol

A copy of 2019 Detective Special for “Blade runner” movie. It cant be so powerful! Caliber is to small.

3. “Scorpio” VZ61

It has 15-shots magazine. Not 20. Caliber – 7.65mm is very rare and widespread among Czech weapons.

4. Combat It`s a compilation of Spas-15, Benelli, Saiga and some other . 5. .223 Sniper Stupid joke. There is NO sniper rifle, that could fire with an M16A2 ammo. It`s to weak!!! You need at least .308 or .300 caliber for it. Only really stupid human will transform .308 rifle to .223. This ammo even can`t pierce some types of light vests! This rifle is a ravings of a madman.

6. H&K P90c

It`s not H&K! It`s FN P90 (Fabrique Nationale Project of 1990). Ammo is not 9mm. It was designed for special 5,7 mm ammo.

7. H&K MP-9 10mm SMG 10mm ammo was designed for pistols ONLY (like Colt “Delta Elite”). This SMG appearance was copied from H&K MP5K.


a) This shotgun can`t use .12 gauge ammo. There is a special one – 18.5mm. b) There is no burst mode! NOONE can hold this toy bursting – it kicks your shoulder like minigun!

9. BB You gotta be kidding! To kill a man with this toy you`ll have to aim his eye or as Taurus from R.E.B. said “throw a bag of BB`s to his head from 10 meters height”.

10. HK G11 G11 can`t fire burst more than 3 shots. Ammo will explode. There is no G11E.

11. XL70E3

Looks ve-e-e-ery familiar to British L85 A1. It has 30 shots mag. Of 5.56 ammo

12. AK-112 Grrr… It`s a scoffing on AK. No such a 5mm ammo. Extended to 100 shots magazine is nonsense – it`s not an assault rifle, it`s a fucking ! (It is possible, but it will be very uncomfortable to use it).

13. Gauss Rifle/Pistol It`s impossible TODAY. I hope that it will be possible in the future. You`ll need a little nuclear power plant to start it. Actually this were used by American fleet cruisers. They was not so effective. Also you`ll need to replace barrel every 5 shots. Nothing can hold such overloads. 14. Pipe rifle Shit happens… ☺

15. Needler AND YOU KEEP CALLING THIS THING A WEAPON??? If the needle will fly more than for three meters this will be miracle.

16. 14mm pistol Yeah, right. The biggest caliber (for pistols) is .50 AE (it`s 12.7 mm). It`s not usual .50, what is used for Barret or Browning M2, it`s a “pistol size”. 14mm ammo for pistols is almost technically impossible. You`ll need at least 12 STR to shoot it and 12 LUCK (or ammo will explode ☺).

Part 2: Big Guns

1. Minigun(s)

*SOB* It`s hard to say it, but this is impossible… You`ll need at least FIVE hard truck engine accumulators to make it roll. When Arnie whiped out everything with this stuff in ‘Terminator” and “Predator” there was a special cable, that fed M134 Minigun (or Gatling weapon) with a huge battery. This guns are mount-only. They were used to replace on (in Vietnam). There is no such miracles. At least for now. Sorry. And one more thing: M134 uses 7,62, not 5mm.

2. LSW

Again – it`s a L85 with a loooong barrel. Also it looks familiar to Russian SVN-98 sniper rifle.

3. M-60 M-60 is M60! Except one thing – M60 does never had the “barrel brakes”.

4. Rocket launcher It uses a rocket? It shoots? It explodes? Than it`s rocket launcher. That`s it.


NONSENSE. Can you imagine a “sniper machinegun” ? NO! It will never be so accurate! For same efect you can add a sniper scope to RPK-74 or to Avenger Minigun. Bozar was copied from M82A1 Barret, the best American sniper rifle. Barret uses 12.7mm ammo. Good rifle!

6. Browning M2 and M2HB. It`s Jason`s mistake. Browning M2 and M2HB is the same gun! Part 3: Energy weapons

1. Laser weapons. Yes, yes, there are laser weapons… But their size… As yParaH said “it will be a train with three wagons”: 1) Control room 2) Battery 3) Laser And three more facts: 1) Laser shoots by one straight beam ONLY. 2) There are only two types of laser which have red beam color. And they can`t hurt a human. 3) Solar scorcher will reload at least five hours.

2. Plasma weapons Plasma is a fourth condition of the substance. To reach it you`ll need at least 10 000 000 degrees heat! To hold this substance you`ll need very strong magnetic field. To get this m-field you`ll need more than one MFC. And when the plasma clot will leave plasma rifle it will disappear. No m-field – no clot. Is that enough?

3. Impulse weapons. You gotta be kidding! Just listen this stuff: “The weapons based on the effect of electronic impulse”. On normal language it mean “This gun will shoot lighting”. How`s that sounds? NOSENSE!!! To generate an electric impulse similar to lighting you`ll need more than one… nuclear power plant ! And if even this lighting will leave the barrel of your rifle it will strike you, not your foe! You`re much closer ☺! Such as nature!

Part 4: Ammunition

JHP bullets (J-Hollow Point. When I wrote “No Comments” in my “Ammo list” I meant that there is no need to tell you what is this.) I can say that this ammo IS A FULL S@#T against good vest. Metal armor should be good. Effect will be similar to punch.

AP bullets (Armor Piercing) Ammo specialized on piercing your armor (and you too).

FMJ (Full Metal Jacketed) Most widespread. This ammo is more effective for undefended targets – sometimes it can`t pass through armor.

And now – to the main part!

5mm No such ammo in nature! We know 5.56 (.223) and 5.45.

7.62mm For FN-FAL, M60 etc. BUT, as I said before, not for AK-47.

10mm Rare enough. Used in Colt pistols (Delta Elite etc.). Analog - .40 and .41. There is no 10mm AP ,

12 gauge That`s ok. No questions. Except 12 gauge EMP. How can you charge those shells for EMP ?

14mm No such thing. This ammo is almost technically impossible.

.44 Magnum There is no “clean” .44 FMJ.

.45 There are two types of .45 – for pistols and for automatic weapons. They are not compatible.

2mm Nope. Such small ammo launched from such rifle as M72 will pass through your body with almost no injuries (that will be micro-injuries). An some more words about gauss-rifle possible effect: there will be small hole from one side, THA FUCKIN` BLOODLY MESS inside, and a small hole outside (not always). It won`t hatch your body to parts.

4.7mm caseless Not for burst mode – high chance of explosion.

9mm This is 9mm Parabellum. Err… There is one very unpleasant fact… There are two types of 9mm Parabellum ammo: for pistols and for SMG. Well, they aren`t compatible. Sorry.

SEC and MFC This is future…

That`s all. Waiting for comments and threats ☺!

P.S. I`ve re-made my Macedonian style of shooting perk! It`s more simple and useful now!

Macedonian (John Woo, Max Payne, whatever…) style of shooting-2. Ranks:3 Requirements: Level 6, AG>7, Small Guns more than 100%. You have studied an ancient art of two-handed synchronous fire. If you`ll take two equal pistols (not ), you`ll be able to make non-targeted shots from every hand. Double single shot is 6 AP, and double burst is 7 AP. Just subtract this numbers from your final Chance to Hit: Level 1 Single: -20% B: -30% Level 2 Single: -15% B: -20% Level 3 Single: NO B: -10%