COVER STORY | 23 The Business Times | Friday, January 2, 2015 TheTHEATRE finest plays in 50 years Singapore theatre has struggled against the odds to find and assert its own voice. BY HELMI YUSOF N especially the past three dec- ades, local theatre has grown from strength to strength, with Imore professional theatre com- panies now putting on top-notch productions that easily ri- val the once-technically superior im- ported musicals that used to domi- nate our stage. Despite the spectre of censorship Drying Salted Fish by Cheong Soo Pieng (above), Lim Mu Hue’s woodcut art (below, right) and Kumari Nahappan’s Nutmeg at ION and the lack of strong, original Orchard (bottom) are eloquent examples of the works of Singapore scripts, local theatre has successfully artists pushing the art envelope through the decades. FILE PHOTOS pushed on to find and assert its voice. Here are 10 plays which, among others, broke major ground in VISUAL ART the telling of our stories: When Smiles Are Done (1966) Works that captured By Goh Poh Seng Goh, along with Lim Chor Pee (Mimi the imagination Fan), was Singapore’s first local play- wright. When Smiles Are Done centres on family life in Queenstown and is By Cheah Ui-Hoon one of the earliest attempts to repre- The first blockbuster in
[email protected] sent Singlish on stage. Goh spent a the local theatre history, PAINTINGS and three-dimensional year and a half “hanging around pub- Michael Chiang’s Army art in the form of sculptures are a lic places with a tape recorder and lis- Daze (above), a big part of Singapore’s history tening to how people spoke”.