September 27, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H11013 over their own nation. They want U.S. fact is,’’ he says, ‘‘the has (Ms. WATERS addressed the House. troops out. kept us from devoting assets we need Her remarks will appear hereafter in Real leadership in Iraq means bring- to fight terrorists worldwide, as evi- the Extensions of Remarks.) ing our troops home and offering hu- denced by the fact that Osama bin f manitarian assistance to the people of Laden is still on the loose and al Qaeda The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Iraq. We must join with the inter- has been able to rebuild. We need an ef- previous order of the House, the gen- national community to provide relief, fective strategy that takes the fight to tleman from California (Mr. DREIER) is reconstruction, and reconciliation. our real enemies abroad, and the best recognized for 5 minutes. This is the only way forward for Iraq. way to do that is to get our troops out (Mr. DREIER addressed the House. Force and occupation will not rebuild of the middle of the civil war in Iraq.’’ His remarks will appear hereafter in Iraq. It will not provide healthier com- Is Brandon Friedman a phony? the Extensions of Remarks.) munities. And most importantly, it Or Josh Gaines, who earned the Glob- f will not provide a peaceful future for al War on Terrorism Expeditionary the people of Iraq. Medal and the National Defense Serv- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Bring our troops home. Bring hope to ice Medal during his 2 years in Iraq, he previous order of the House, the gentle- our military families at home and the believes the war in Iraq was a mistake woman from New York (Mrs. MCCAR- Iraq families yearning for peace. from the beginning. Is he a phony? Or THY) is recognized for 5 minutes. retired General William Odom, the (Mrs. MCCARTHY of New York ad- f dressed the House. Her remarks will The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a head of the National Security Agency during the Reagan administration. His appear hereafter in the Extensions of previous order of the House, the gen- Remarks.) tleman from Indiana (Mr. BURTON) is advice: ‘‘The sensible policy is not to recognized for 5 minutes. stay the course in Iraq. It is rapid f (Mr. BURTON of Indiana addressed withdrawal, re-establishing strong re- PUBLICATION OF THE RULES OF the House. His remarks will appear lations with our allies in Europe, show- THE SELECT COMMITTEE TO IN- hereafter in the Extensions of Re- ing confidence in the U.N. Security VESTIGATE THE VOTING IRREG- marks.) Council, and trying to knit together a ULARITIES OF AUGUST 2, 2007, large coalition, including the major f 110TH CONGRESS states of Europe, Japan, South Korea, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a China and India to back a strategy for The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gen- stabilizing the area from the eastern previous order of the House, the gen- tleman from Oregon (Mr. DEFAZIO) is Mediterranean to Afghanistan to Paki- tleman from Massachusetts (Mr. recognized for 5 minutes. stan.’’ General Odom says: ‘‘Until the DELAHUNT) is recognized for 5 minutes. (Mr. DEFAZIO addressed the House. withdraws from Iraq and Mr. DELAHUNT. Mr. Speaker, in accord- His remarks will appear hereafter in admits its strategic error, no such coa- ance with clause 2(a) of rule XI of the Rules the Extensions of Remarks.) lition can be formed. Thus those fear of the House of Representatives, I respectfully f leaving a mess are actually helping submit the rules of the Select Committee to In- vestigate the Voting Irregularities of August 2, ’S ‘‘PHONY make things worse while preventing a 2007 for printing in the CONGRESSIONAL SOLDIER’’ COMMENT new strategic approach with some promise of success.’’ RECORD. The Select Committee adopted these The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Does Rush Limbaugh really want to rules by voice vote, a quorum being present, previous order of the House, the gentle- look General Odom in the eye and call at our organizational meeting on September woman from Illinois (Ms. SCHAKOWSKY) him a phony? I believe that we should 27, 2007. is recognized for 5 minutes. all pay attention to the views of Bran- RULES OF THE SELECT COMMITTEE TO INVES- Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Well, Rush don Friedman and Josh Gaines and TIGATE THE VOTING IRREGULARITIES OF AU- Limbaugh is at it again. Unable to de- GUST 2, 2007, 110TH CONGRESS, ADOPTED SEP- General Odom whose beliefs, like their TEMBER 27, 2007 fend an indefensible war in Iraq, he has military experience, are real. And Resolved, That the Rules of the Select Com- once again resorted to ‘‘sliming’’ the while we’re at it, let’s pay attention to messenger. In this case, unbelievably, mittee to Investigate the Voting Irregular- the 72 percent of American troops serv- ities of August 2, 2007 shall be as follows: Ex- the messengers he’s going after are the ing in Iraq who also think the U.S. brave men and women who have served cept as provided in paragraphs (1)—(4), rule should exit the country within the next XI and clause 2(c) of rule XIII of the Rules of their country in Iraq, Afghanistan, and year, and more than one in four who the House of Representatives shall be rules other wars. say the troops should leave imme- of the Select Committee. Men and women who serve in Iraq diately, according to the Zogby poll. I (1) Regular Meeting Days. If the House is differ from Rush Limbaugh in two crit- guess they’re all a bunch of phonies, in session, the Committee shall meet on the first Thursday of each month at 9 a.m. for ical ways. First, unlike Mr. Limbaugh, according to Rush Limbaugh. they actually served in the military. the consideration of any pending business. If Our military men and women deserve the House is not in session on that day and Second, unlike Mr. Limbaugh, they un- respect. Apparently, however, Mr. derstand that the war in Iraq is mak- the Committee has not met during such Limbaugh thinks they deserve to be month, the Committee shall meet at the ear- ing our country less safe and destroy- smeared and belittled unless they hap- liest practicable opportunity when the House ing the military. pen to agree with him. I understand is again in session. The Chairman may, at How dare Rush Limbaugh label any- why Rush Limbaugh cannot debate his discretion, cancel, delay, or defer any one who has served in the military as a this war on the merits, but bashing sol- meeting required under this section, after ‘‘phony soldier.’’ How dare he say that consultation with the Ranking Minority diers and veterans who disagree with Member. his views in Iraq, formed in the com- him is unpatriotic and un-American. fort of his radio studio, are legitimate, (2) Questioning Witnesses. The chairman, while the views of those whose opinions f with the concurrence of the ranking minor- ity member, may permit an equal number of were forged on the battlefield are not. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gen- majority and minority members to question Could Rush Limbaugh actually face a witness for a specified period that is equal soldiers who have risked their lives and tleman from Colorado (Mr. LAMBORN) is for each side and not longer than 30 minutes tell them that their beliefs don’t mat- recognized for 5 minutes. for each side at a time. The chairman and ter? (Mr. LAMBORN addressed the House. ranking minority member shall each deter- These are soldiers like Brandon His remarks will appear hereafter in mine how to allocate this time for their Friedman, a former rifle platoon leader the Extensions of Remarks.) members. in the Army’s f (3) Views. Supplemental, minority, or addi- tional views may be filed under rule XI and who fought in Afghanistan in 2002 and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a rule XIII of the Rules of the House of Rep- commanded troops in Iraq. He says, previous order of the House, the gentle- resentatives, and the time allowed for filing ‘‘The escalation of the war is failing woman from California (Ms. WATERS) is of such views shall be three calendar days, and now the mission must change. The recognized for 5 minutes. beginning on the day of notice, but excluding

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