www.denisecowleeditorial.com ABOUT THIS GUIDE

Have you ever opened a , looking forward to diving in and learning something new, but then been confused by a disorganised structure, stopped in your tracks by a stilted narrative or distracted by poor grammar and typos?

It's disappointing, isn't it? The book that you were so looking forward to has failed to live up to its promise.

Now that you're on the other side of the page as an , you want to do everything you can to make sure you live up to your readers' hopes for your book.

These structural and textual problems can be resolved by editing. But what sort of editing do you need?

Knowing what the different levels of editing involve, and where your strengths and weaknesses as a (and self-editor) lie, you can decide what you're happy to manage yourself and when you'd benefit from handing over to a professional editor.


Levels of Editing | Denise Cowle 02 THE TRADITIONAL PROCESS


Even when self-publishing, it's helpful to understand the traditional publishing process. developmental editor

Knowing the best order to do things will help you to navigate the copyeditor route to successful publication efficiently, without wasting time type setter and money. proofreader Jut as a publishing house wouldn't typeset a book before it had been PUBLISH -edited, neither should you, regardless of whether you're going it alone or getting professional help.

Mimicking this process will ensure you get your book into the best shape it can be, before you share it with the world.

Levels of Editing | Denise Cowle 03 DEVELOPMENTAL EDITING

You can expect T H E B I G P I C T U R E : S H A P I N G Y O U R An editorial report: W R I T I N G a summary of the editor's assessment This level of editing is also known with suggestions for as structural editing. how to improve

Your editor will help you with the overall structure and content of notes: your writing, making sure that the highlighting examples focus is right and there are no of the issues raised in gaps in the development of the the report and theme or narrative. showing how you can address them. Major changes can happen at this stage, so be prepared!

This is detailed, intensive work that takes time, so expect to pay in the order of several thousand pounds for a full-length book.

Levels of Editing | Denise Cowle 04 MANUSCRIPT CRITIQUE

B U D G E T - F R I E N D L Y You can expect E V A L U A T I O N An editorial report:

This is also known as a manuscript A summary of the evaluation, assessment or editor's assessment appraisal, and it can be an with suggestions for effective option when your budget how to improve. doesn't stretch to a full

developmental edit.

It addresses the same issues as a developmental edit, but without the developmental work on the manuscript, so you'll only get the editor's report.

The report can be anything from Be sure you are clear on five to twenty-five pages long, and what you will get for your so the level of analysis and detail money before you engage of suggestions will vary. your editor.

Levels of Editing | Denise Cowle 05 LINE EDITING

You can expect S M O O T H I N G O U T Y O U R W R I T I N G Improvements to: sentence structure This is the edit for you if your word choice writing is in good shape overall style but still rough around the edges. tone.

Here your editor will be focusing on the sense and flow of your Correction of: words. spelling punctuation Wordiness, repetition and stilted grammar. sentence structure make for a frustrating reading experience, so line editing will smooth out your writing and make sure the language style and tone are appropriate for your audience.

Levels of Editing | Denise Cowle 06 COPY-EDITING

You can expect C O R R E C T I O N A N D C O N S I S T E N C Y Correction of: The copy-editor removes any spelling distractions caused by errors or punctuation inconsistencies. grammar.

They correct spelling, punctuation Consistency applied and grammar and impose to: consistency. spelling

capitalisation They also prepare your manuscript for by hyphenation applying styles or coding and use of numbers removing anything that would disrupt the flow of your document To be provided with: into the design software. edited copy with corrections Some editors combine line-editing clean edited copy and copy-editing, so it's essential a style sheet you discuss your requirements with your editor.

Levels of Editing | Denise Cowle 07

T H E F I N A L P O L I S H You can expect

Proofreading is the last line of Textual check for defence before publication. typos residual errors It's the final quality control check and omissions to catch any remaining errors – errors either missed by previous rounds introduced in of editing or introduced during the typesetting and layout process. design process.

The proofreader also checks the Structural check of layout, headers, page numbers layout and cross references, and makes running headers sure any illustrations, figures and & footers tables are where they should be and correctly captioned and Cross checking of referenced. contents page

A professional proofreader will titles guarantee excellence, but not page numbers perfection; a few errors will always internal cross- slip through. references

Levels of Editing | Denise Cowle 08 ADDITIONAL OPTIONS

Other sources of S P E C I F I C H E L P feedback

In addition to the levels of editing ' groups outlined here, there are other Beta readers options for getting feedback on Sensitivity readers your writing. Fact checking

Legal review Some are free, others are specialised professional services.

You may opt for all or none of them, depending on your own experiences and the subject of your writing.

Every time you get feedback, no matter how hard it is to hear, you're a step closer to a well- produced book you can be proud of.

Levels of Editing | Denise Cowle 09 GET IN TOUCH

R E A D Y F O R E D I T I N G ?

If you'd like to discuss having your book edited, please drop me a line.

Tell me:

the subject of your book We can arrange a free approximate word discovery call to have a count chat about your plans and how you're publishing what level of editing you approximate need. publication date

[email protected]

Levels of Editing | Denise Cowle 10